Sweden position paper


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Country : Kingdom of SwedenCommittee : European UnionTopic Area : EUROZONE AND FINANCIAL SYSTEMIC CRISIS IN EUROPEDelegates : Lutfitasiwi

In 2009, 7 years after the euro introduction in 2002, Greece declared that its country has debt up to 300 billion euro, the highest in modern history. The crisis is spreading to Italy, Spain, Ireland and Portugal. The Kingdom of Sweden recognizes the efforts that have been made by the Union, includes bailout. Since the bailout it’s not enough to solve the debt, those countries is now being faced with the dilemma whether or not they will stricter the austerity policy, results to more strikes and riot from the society or not cut the spending, which results to financial collapse because other European governments may not have enough money to bail these countries out.

Even though Sweden is not in the eurozone, given the highly integrated economy of our union, Sweden cannot be an exception during this time of hardship. Not to mention, 50% of Sweden incomes are come from foreign trade.


Kingdom of Sweden believes the lack of discipline of several countries in ruling fiscal policies. Beside governments, it was private sector who were taking out loans results to unprecedented lows interest rates in southern European countries

Current Policy

Even though Kingdom of Sweden not into eurozone because 80% of its people disagree with euro, Kingdom of Sweden expresses its willingness to join the effort of the recovery of the eurozone.

Kingdom of Sweden agreed with European Financial Stability Facility establishment in 9 may 2010. Sweden also pledges $10bn to IMF bailout fund. In 9 December 2011, Sweden has agreed to signed the Fiscal Stability Treaty, a treaty that able to coordinate the Union’s fiscal budget


Sweden had faced economy crisis in 1990, yet, Sweden had succeed to bounce back its debt less than 40% of its GDP. With those experiences, Sweden doesn’t believe in more austerity policy and believes that EU should take these solutions into account:

(-) Kingdom of Sweden is supporting the ratification on Fiscal Treaty, believing that supervision towards countries fiscal budget in the integrated economy is necessary

(-)Conduct bank capitalization; Finance Minister of Sweden, Anders Borg said giving the fund this flexibility would increase the euro zone's credibility and it’ll prevent bank system from failing. The fund can come either from ECB or ESM. The same strategy was used when Sweden handled its finance crisis in 1990.

Country : Kingdom of SwedenCommittee : European UnionTopic Area : EUROZONE AND FINANCIAL SYSTEMIC CRISIS IN EUROPEDelegates : Lutfitasiwi

(-)Introduce new tax policy: What Sweden done in the 1990 crisis is shaking up of the tax system which led to lower rates of income tax for workers, but broadened the tax base with the aim of making it fairer and more efficient; It also done by France by introduced two new higher tax rate, implement a new financial transaction tax and increase capital gains taxes on banks.

(-)Labor-Market Reform: The high unemployment rate has caused country like Spain to have less productivity results to soaring borrowing cost. Countries should have necessary labor supply-side measures include the reform of tax and benefit systems to increase incentives to work.