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Survey Writing

The Art of Asking

12/12/2010 Report Writing 2


Understand the purpose of a survey

Explain considerations in writing a survey

Give examples of survey formats

12/12/2010 Report Writing 3

Definition of a Survey

A survey is a structured interview of a target audience.



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Interview Vs. Questionnaire

InterviewTime consuming

Harder to measure

More expensive

Able to target a more rounded audience


Easily analyzed


More opinionated tend to respond more

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Purpose of a Survey

A survey obtains objective information from a target audience about:





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Designing a Survey

Determine the purpose of the survey

Determine the target audience

Determine the how to administer

Determine how to tabulate

Determine the meaning of the results

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The Purpose

Why bother?

How are the results to be used?

Is there another way to obtain the same information?

What is being measured?

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The Audience

Who needs to take the survey?Demographics

How is the survey administered?

How is the target audience encouraged to participate?

What reading level does the survey need to be written to?

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The Administration





When does it stop?

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The Tabulation

How are the results tabulated?

Is a statistical analysis required?

Is there sufficient data to measure?

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The Results

How will the results be used?

Who gets the results?

What happens to the raw data?

Can recommendations be made?

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Types of Questions—Open Ended

Any answer is fineWhat is your opinion of the movie?

Provides a range of responses

Difficult to quantify

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Types of Questions–Closed Ended

Limited choiceYes no no opinionStrongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree___ 2 hours ____ 4 hours

Restricts the input of the survey takerEasier to tabulate

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Question Basics

Include demographic questions if importantMale Female

Keep questions short

Use neutral questionsSince this product is so effective,

would you use it daily,

twice a day or

more often

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Question Basics – Only One

Measure one thing per questionEverest is a good school with good teachers?

Yes No

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Question Basics – No Negatives

Avoid negative questionsEverest University is not the best school you have ever attended

Yes No

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Question Basics - Simplicity

Use simple wordingIn your opinion, after several semesters at Everest would you return for an advanced degree if they offered it in a field of your choice?

Yes No

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Survey Format

Name the survey

Write an introduction to the survey

Explain how the survey will be used

Give clear directions

Tell what to do with the survey when completed

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When Done

Surveys are usually part of other reportsCarefully tabulate the resultsWatch for questions which do not measure what they were designed forExplain in text

How the survey was conductedThe results of the survey

Attach as an addendum a blank questionnaire

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Statistical Analysis

Sample Size vs population size

Unintended biases

Significance – a statistical calculation that the results for each question are likely to accurate reflect what people thing about the question

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Surveys are useful tools

Good surveys give good data; bad surveys give bad data

Design for easy of use

Have a clear purpose

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Wording Your Survey Design and Survey Design Guide: Statistics