Suplemen Gizi dan Kesehatan...


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Suplemen Gizi dalam menunjangKesehatan Keluarga

Budi Setiawan, Ph.D08128095084


Politeknik Kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan Jakarta IIAula Puri Mega Hotel-Jakarta Pusat, 13 Oktober 2018

Biodata Budi SetiawanPENDIDIKAN: ▪ Ir. Teknologi Industri Pertanian - IPB (1985)

▪ MS. Ilmu Gizi Masyarakat – IPB (1990)

▪ Ph.D Human Nutrition, UNL-USA (1999)

PEKERJAAN▪ Dosen Departemen Gizi Masyarakat, FEMA-IPB (1985-sekarang)

▪ Ketua Program Studi Magister Manajemen Ketahanan Pangan (2004-2009)

▪ Ketua Departemen Gizi Masyarakat, FEMA-IPB (2009-2013)

▪ Kepala Pusat Kajian Gender dan Anak, LPPM-IPB (2015-sekarang)

ORGANISASI▪ Anggota Komite Nasional, Suplemen & Obat Tradisional, BPOM-RI (2012-sekarang)

▪ Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Pleno, Pergizi Pangan Indonesia (2013-sekarang)

▪ Koordinator Bidang Penjaminan Mutu DPP, Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia (2014-sekarang)

▪ Ketua Bidang Ilmu Manajemen Jasa Makanan, Kolegium Ilmu Gizi Indonesia (2016-sekarang)

▪ Sekretaris Umum Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Gizi Indonesia (2014-sekarang)

▪ Ketua Divisi Akreditasi Program Studi Gizi dan Kesehatan lain, LAM-PTKes (2014-sekarang)

▪ Ketua Pokja Pangan Diet Khusus & Pangan Fungsional, Kemenkes RI (2016-sekarang)


Suplemen Gizi

Suplemen Kesehatan

Suplemen Sendi

Functional Food

Suplemen Pelangsing


Supplementary Food

Dietary Supplement

Suplemen Makanan




▪ Perubahan gaya hidup dan pola konsumsi masyarakat telah menyebabkan peningkatan peredaran dan penggunaan suplemen gizi;

▪ Masyarakat harus dilindungi dari suplemen gizi yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan mutu, keamanan, dan kemanfaatan serta dari risiko penggunaan yang tidak aman, tidak tepat, dan tidak rasional;

▪ Pengaturan suplemen gizi yang ada sudah tidak memadai lagi sesuai dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di bidang suplemen gizi.

Perlunya Peraturan tentang Suplemen


Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI):➢Suplemen/sup·le·men/ /suplemén/ n 1 (sesuatu)

yang ditambahkan untuk melengkapi; tambahan; 2 bagian ekstra pada surat kabar, majalah, dan sebagainya; lampiran pelengkap.

Maaf, tidak ditemukan kata yang dicari

Anda mencari kata suplemen makanan dalam huruf kapital SUPLEMEN MAKANAN

Maaf, tidak ditemukan kata yang dicari

Anda mencari kata suplemen gizi dalam huruf kapital SUPLEMEN GIZI

Maaf, tidak ditemukan kata yang dicari

Anda mencari kata suplemen kesehatan dalam huruf kapital SUPLEMEN KESEHATAN

▪ A dietary supplement is a manufactured product intended to supplement the diet when taken

by mouth as a pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid.

▪ A supplement can provide nutrients either extracted from food sources or synthetic,

individually or in combination, in order to increase the quantity of their consumption.

▪ The class of nutrient compounds includes vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, and amino


▪ Dietary supplements can also contain substances that have not been confirmed as being

essential to life, but are marketed as having a beneficial biological effect, such as plant

pigments or polyphenols.

▪ Animals can also be a source of supplement ingredients, as for example collagen from

chickens or fish.

▪ These are also sold individually and in combination, and may be combined with nutrient


▪ In the United States and Canada, dietary supplements are considered a subset of foods, and

are regulated accordingly.

▪ The European Commission has also established harmonized rules to help insure that food

supplements are safe and properly labeled.

▪ Among other countries, the definition of dietary supplements may vary as drugs or other

classes of ingredients used in supplement products.

▪ Suplemen makanan adalah produk yang dimaksudkan untuk melengkapi kebutuhan zat gizi makanan, mengandung satu atau lebih bahan berupa vitamin, mineral, asam amino atau bahan lain (berasal dari tumbuhan atau bukan tumbuhan) yang mempunyai nilai gizi dan atau efek fisiologis dalam jumlah terkonsentrasi.


➢Suplemen Makanan adalah produk konsentratyang mengandung satu atau lebih vitamin danatau mineral, dikonsumsi dalam jumlah sedikityang terukur dan tidak dalam bentuk makananumum serta dipasarkan dalam bentuk antara lain kapsul, tablet, serbuk atau cairan yang dimaksudkan untuk mencukupi asupan vitamin dan atau mineral dari diet normal.


➢Bahan Suplemen Kesehatan adalah bahan yang dimaksudkan untuk pembuatan suplemenkesehatan, mengandung satu atau lebih bahanberupa vitamin, mineral, asam amino ataubahan lain (berasal dari tumbuhan atau bukantumbuhan) yang mempunyai nilai gizi dan/atauefek fisiologis, yang tidak dimaksudkan sebagaipangan


➢Suplemen Kesehatan adalah produk yang dimaksudkan untuk melengkapi kebutuhan zatgizi, memelihara, meningkatkan dan/ataumemperbaiki fungsi kesehatan, mempunyai nilaigizi dan/atau efek fisiologis, mengandung satuatau lebih bahan berupa vitamin, mineral, asamamino dan/atau bahan lain bukan tumbuhanyang dapat dikombinasi dengan tumbuhan.


Keluarga Sadar Gizi

▪ Keluarga sadar gizi adalah keluarga yang mampu mengenali danmengatasi masalah gizi serta menerapkan prilaku sadar gizi yang baikuntuk anggota keluarganya.

▪ Perilaku sadar gizi adalah pengetahuan, sikap dan praktek keluarga untukmewujudkan keadaan gizi yang baik meliputi menimbang berat badansecara teratur, mengkonsumsi makanan seimbang dan berperilaku hidupsehat.

▪ Kadarzi adalah keluarga yang seluruh anggota keluarganya melakukan giziseimbang, mampu mengenali masalah kesehatan dan gizi bagi setiapanggota keluarganya, dan mampu mengambil langkah-langkah untukmengatasi masalah gizi yang dijumpai oleh anggota keluarganya.

▪ Suatu keluarga disebut KADARZI apabila telah berperilaku gizi yang baiksecara terus menerus.

Keluarga Sadar Gizi…

Kapankah sebuah keluarga disebut KADARZI?

Apabila memenuhi syarat-syarat berikut :

▪ Keluarga bisa memantau berat badan secara teratur.

▪ Keluarga bisa makan beraneka ragam makanan.

▪ Keluarga bisa mengkonsumsi garam beryodium.

▪ Keluarga bisa memberikan hanya Air Susu Ibu (ASI) sajakepada bayi sejak lahir sampai bayi berumur 6 bulan.

▪ Keluarga bisa mendapatkan dan memberikansuplementasi gizi bagi anggota keluarganya yang membutuhkan.

Keluarga Sadar Gizi…

Mengkonsumsi suplemen sesuai anjuran▪ Kebutuhan zat gizi pada kelompok bayi, balita, ibu hamil dan ibu

menyusui meningkat dan sering kali tidak bisa dipenuhi hanyadengan makanan sehari-hari.

▪ Suplemen gizi diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi.▪ Suplemen zat gizi diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan zat gizi.▪ Kebutuhan suplemen gizi diantaranya adalah:

➢ Kapsul vitamin A untuk bayi dan balita 2 kali setahun (setiap 6 bulan);

➢ Kapsul vitamin A untuk ibu nifas 1 kali selama masa nifas; ➢ Tablet Fe (zat besi) untuk ibu hamil – 1 tablet setiap hari selama

90 hari.

Apakah kita memerlukan suplemen

▪ Mengkonsumsi suplemen merupakan suatu pilihan.

▪ Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengguna suplemen cenderung memilikidiet yang lebih bergizi dan gaya hidup yang lebih sehat dibanding yang bukan pengguna.

▪ Pada kasus-kasus tertentu, keuntungan yang didapat dari sumbermakanan yang kaya akan zat gizi, juga mengandung suatu zat yang jugaberperan penting bagi kesehatan.

▪ Cara untuk mendapatkan kombinasi makanan yang kaya vitamin, mineral dan zat lain yang berguna untuk kesehatan adalah dengan mengkonsumsisumber makanan bergizi, beragam, dan berimbang komposisinya.

Dietary Supplements➢Products intended to supplement

the diet that contain at least one

dietary ingredient to include:

- Vitamins

- Minerals

- Herbs or other botanicals

- Amino acids

- Substances such as enzymes, organ tissues,

glandulars, and metabolites

Dietary Supplements

These products are taken by mouth.

These products are found in many forms to include:

TabletsCapsulesSoftgelsGelcapsLiquidsPowders Bars

General Concerns

▪ Without regulatory control there is a buyer beware market

▪ Dietary supplement advertisements can be misleading and deceptive

▪ Claims of effectiveness may not be credible▪ The concentration and quality of active ingredients

can differ from product to product▪ Dietary supplements may adversely interact with

each other as well as prescription medications.▪ Dietary supplements are often utilized as a short cut

to optimal nutritional practices.

Research Concerns

▪ There is a lack of quality peer reviewed research on human subjects.

▪ The high dosages, utilized by athletes, have not been well studied.

▪ The long term side effects are not well studied, if at all.

▪ Research has not been equally completed on men, women and adolescents.


▪ You want to be focused, driven and energized when you hit the gym.

▪ Whenever you hit the gym fatigued or unmotivated -or both - it's harder to push out those reps.

Using a Pre-Workout claims:▪ Sharpen mental alertness and focus▪ Skyrocket energy levels▪ Circulate oxygen flow in the muscle tissue▪ Promote Explosive muscular energy ▪ Promote vascular pumps

Active Ingredients

▪ Most Pre-workouts contain the following:

▪ Caffeine: supports fast metabolism, focus, mental clarity, fat loss, focus and strength.

▪ L-Arginine: used to promote nitric oxide, which is a vasodilator. This supports oxygen flow and helps your blood vessels expand within a normal range. L-Arginine may also help you recover faster from your workouts, which means fast results.

▪ Beta-Alanine: decreases fatigue during muscular activity, which pushes muscles harder and longer. Beta-Alanine may help maximize protein synthesis and promote muscular endurance and performance during exercise.

▪ Other Ingredients: Creatine, other amino acids, carbohydrates, natural herbs, and vitamins or minerals

Weight loss/Fat Burners

▪ Fat loss supplements have been specifically designed to support goals of losing fat.

They are designed to…

➢Optimize metabolism

➢Decrease food cravings

➢Support energy levels

➢Maintain lean muscle mass


Combined with a healthy diet fat burners can produce many helpful benefits to aid in weight loss.

This includes

➢Target your body fat receptor sites and release stored fat

➢Boost your energy, focus, and concentration

➢Minimize food cravings

Active Ingredients

Most fat burners contain the following:

▪ Blend of natural ingredients such as oils, roots and plant extracts, stimulant free fat burners optimize fat burning.

▪ Such as green tea extract, L-carnitine, CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), ginger, cayenne and grapefruit

▪ Stimulants and thermogenics such as Caffeine, Yohimbine, Synephrine and Guarana.

Eat to compete:

Dietary Supplements

▪ Dietary supplements on the market are:

➢NOT regulated

➢Could contain illegal substances

➢Could be costly

➢Could be harmful

Current laws on dietary supplements

▪ No requirement for efficacy

(proof they do what they claim)

▪ No requirement for safety

(proof they cause no harm)

FDA initiatives

▪ Implement process to evaluate dietary supplements

▪ Set standards for consistency

▪ Provide guidance on what claims can be made

Advice for youth

➢Consult with a healthcare professional, MD, pharmacist, or registered dietitian

Dietary supplements include

▪ Any product intended to supplement dietary intake

▪ Examples


➢Herbs and Botanicals

➢Protein/Amino Acids

Herbs and Botanicals

▪ Dietary supplements that contain extracts or active ingredients from plants

➢ It is a common misconception that supplements made from plants are safe because they are "natural" or "organic

▪ One example of a harmful herb supplementis Kava Kava.

▪ Kava Kava was banned in Canada in 2002. ▪ However, it is still on the market in the U.S. ▪ Kava Kava has been linked to a number of

side effects including liver damage.

St. John’s Wort

▪ St. John’s Wort has been proven to treat mild to moderate depression by alleviating some symptoms, including lack of activity, tiredness, fatigue, and disturbed sleep.

▪ However, St. John’s Wort has been associated with negative side effects, like gastrointestinal irritations, allergic reactions, and restlessness.

▪ Another problem is St. John’s Wort has not been tested for it’s long term safety.

▪ For more information visit the website

Ginkgo biloba

▪ Ginkgo biloba's has been proven to increase blood flow to the brain in many scientific studies.

▪ Enhanced blood flow has also been shown to alleviate disorders such as calf muscle blood vessel atherosclerosis and varicose veins.

▪ There are few mild side effects that may come with taking Ginko biloba, but if taken in large doses, it can cause restlessness, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.


▪ Echinacea is thought to be a stimulant to the immune system, making it a low risk and effective alternative to some cold medicines.

▪ Studies that have proven this to be true, tested Echinacea concentrate, not Echinacea sold in stores.

▪ Thus, Echinacea sold in stores may not be potent enough, and it is possible that additional substances are in Echinacea supplements.

▪ It is important to find out about the product manufacturer's reputation.


▪ Ginseng is said to stimulates the immune system, elevate mood, and improve physical and mental performance.

▪ However, clinical data has shown mixed results for these claims.

Green tea

▪ Green Tea has been proven in some studies to boost the immune system, help with weight loss, and also increase metabolism.

▪ Some other claims for green tea include: powerful antioxidant, lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels, decreases blood clotting, and helps protect against some forms of cancer.


• Ephedra is an example of a dangerous plant extract, and is also known as Ma Huang, central nervous system stimulant and decongestant.

▪ Ephedra is an extract of the Ephedra vulgaris plant and is marketed as a supplement to help with weight control and boost athletic performance.

▪ It is often combined with caffeine, which can augment its adverse effects Ephedra increases the body’s metabolism by stimulating many organs including the lungs, heart, and adrenal glands.

▪ However, stimulation of these organs can be life threatening.


▪ Ephedra has been reported to be involved in over 16,000 adverse health reactions, including high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

▪ The FDA has also linked ephedra to as many as 155 deaths.

▪ Among those deaths, include the death of Korey Stringer from the Minnesota Vikings.

▪ Following his death, the National Football League (NFL) became the first professional athletic association to ban ephedra.

▪ It was the death of Steve Bechler, a pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles, that escalated the FDA to consider banning Ephedra.

▪ About a year after Bechler’s death, on April 12th 2004, Ephedra and Ephedra containing products were officially banned by the FDA.

Risks of Herbal Supplements

▪ The FDA does not require testing of supplements for safety or effectiveness.

▪ Therefore, manufacturers of the herbal supplement can choose what to put in them.

▪ There has been some scientific research that shows benefits of herbal supplements; however, it is done on the supplements in their pure form, which generally is not the form sold on the market.

▪ Potency of an herbal supplement varies depending on where it is grown, growing conditions, such as soil and rainfall, and what part of the plant is used.


• Iowa Botanicals Research Center


• Iowa State University Extension



▪ Creatine is one of the most popular supplements, and has been accepted as a safe and effective way to enhance athletic performance in professional sports.

▪ Claims:➢ Improve muscle power during high intensity and short duration exercise

▪ Creatine can easily be obtained from foods in the diet. ▪ Creatine is a natural substance produced by the body and found in

foods, like meats and fish. ▪ The body requires an average of 2 grams of creatine per day. ▪ On average, individuals obtain about 1 gram of creatine from the diet,

and the rest is made up by the body. ▪ Creatine supplementation works by increasing the creatine content in

muscles, which leads to enhanced performance during repeated bouts of high-intensity exercise.

Creatine problems

➢Could cause muscle cramps, headaches, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal pain; stress on kidneys

➢Long term effects are unknown

➢YOUTH: muscles develop more quickly than bone… increases risk of fractures

Protein/Amino Acids

▪ Protein/amino acids are a major component and the building block of muscle.

▪ For this reason, many strength & power athletes consume protein and amino acids believing that it will build muscle.

▪ Egg, soy and whey protein are popular protein supplements because they are considered high quality proteins.

▪ Egg protein contains all eight essential amino acids, making it the standard to which all forms of protein are measured.

▪ Soy protein is a complete protein derived from soy beans that is generally very low in or free of fat, cholesterol, and lactose.

▪ Whey protein comes from milk.

▪ During the process of turning milk into cheese, whey protein separates into the liquid whereas casein separates into the solid.

▪ Whey protein is considered to be a high quality protein because the amino acids it contains.

Protein▪ Claims for supplementation

➢Supports muscle growth

➢ Increases muscle strength and mass

➢ Improves recovery

▪ Problems with supplementation➢Dehydration

➢Stress on kidneys

➢ Increased calcium excretion

➢Reduced intake of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals

Amino Acids Supplements

▪ Amino acid supplements are simply pre-digested protein. ▪ Proponents of amino acid supplementation claim that because the amino acids

are predigested, the body will absorb them better, leading to greater improvements in strength and muscle mass.

▪ However, the opposite is true. ▪ The human digestive system was designed to process whole foods. ▪ Therefore, the body gets better use out of amino acids if they are broken down

from whole foods. ▪ Some people think that taking amino acid powders is helpful for increasing their

muscle mass, but these powders don't actually have any special muscle-building effects.

▪ Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. ▪ Although it's scientifically true that they're required to build muscle in addition to

enough exercise, the human body can easily get all the amino acids it needs from protein found in food.

▪ So, if you work out properly and eat a balanced diet with enough protein, taking amino acid supplements won't actually do anything for you - except maybe empty your wallet.

Amino Acid Supplements…

Amino 2000Amino Acid Supplement


100% Whey Protein


Protein/Serving 30 g /18 tablets

31 g / 3.5 ounces

23 g / 1 scoop

Price/31g of Protein

$4.03 $0.62 $0.93

Amino Acid SupplementsAmino Acid Profiles









3.5 oz 1 1/3 scoops 18 tablets

Chicken Breast Whey Protein


Amino Acid


Food or Supplement













Adolescent growth

▪ About 20% of adult height and 80% of adult weight are gained during adolescence.

▪ Because growth and change is so rapid during this period, requirements for all nutrients increase.

▪ Two are especially of concern, iron and calcium, because of the roles they play in the growing body.


▪ Anemia

common among adolescents

--> inadequate diet

▪ Food sources

lean meat, fish, dried fruits, nuts, wholegrain breads

▪ Supplementation

may improve learning, memory, and performance of iron-deficient adolescents


▪ Deficiencydecreased bone mineral density

-->inadequate diet

▪ Food sourcesdairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese)

▪ Supplementationbeneficial if unable to get from food sources

If Using Supplements !▪ Watch for inaccurate and

inappropriate health claims

1. Promises a quick fix

2. Sounds too good to be true

3. Lists of “good” and “bad” foods

Dietary Supplements

▪ Remember quality research is lacking on the effectiveness and side effects of dietary supplements.

▪ Utilization of dietary supplements is a buyer beware market as you are not guaranteed to get the ingredients that you purchased or you may get ingredients that you do not want.

Kebutuhan Suplemen Makanan

▪ Perkembangan suplemen makanan didorong oleh kebutuhan masyarakat negara maju yang cenderung mengonsumsi zat gizi tidak seimbang sehingga berisiko terkena penyakit degeneratif, seperti tekanan darah tinggi, gangguan jantung, stroke, kanker, dan diabetes mellitus.

▪ Penyakit degeneratif juga meningkat dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk usia lanjut.

▪ Di samping itu, masyarakat perkotaan yang penuh dengan kesibukan dan banyak menderita stres akibat persaingan hidup, ditambah lingkungan penuh polusi, menimbulkan kebutuhan akan formula yang mampu menyediakan zat gizi seimbang serta sebagai "penawar racun".

▪ Zat ini yang dikenal dengan antioksidan dan dipercaya berkhasiat meningkatkan kesehatan

Kebutuhan Suplemen Makanan…

▪ Bila makanan yang kita makan sudah memenuhi prinsip gizi seimbang, maka penambahan suplemen tentu tidak diperlukan, karena kebutuhan gizi sudah terpenuhi.

▪ Sebaliknya, jika kecukupan zat gizi kita tidak terpenuhi maka mengkonsumsi suplemen makanan patut dipertimbangkan.

▪ Ada sebagian orang yang memiliki resiko kekurangan gizi yang diakibatkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti dalam keadaan sakit, ibu hamil atau menyusui, melakukan diet rendah kalori, para lansia atau pada orang yang mengalami gangguan penyerapan zat gizi seperti pecandu rokok atau alkohol.

▪ Masyarakat seringkali tergiur oleh iklan di media massa yang cenderung mengajarkan hal yang salah.

▪ Adalah tidak benar apabila suplemen makanan diartikan sebagi pengganti makanan dengan berbagai kandungan zat gizi yang dibutuhkan tubuh; suplemen hanya pelengkap.

▪ Juga salah jika disebutkan bahwa kalau tidak mengkonsumsi suplemen tersebut, orang akan jatuh sakit.

Kebutuhan Suplemen Makanan…

▪ “Dari hasil tinjauan kami, konsumsi (suplemen) multivitamin, vitamin D, kalsium, atau vitamin tidak membahayakan. Namun, tidak memberi keuntungan nyata juga,” ujarnya dilansir dariScienceDaily, Senin (28/5/2018).

▪ Studi terbaru yang terbit dalam Journal of American College of Cardiology, konsumsimultivitamin tidak terbukti ada khasiat bagi kesehatan, baik mencegah atau mengobati suatupenyakit.

▪ Temuan ini di didasari pada penelitian Dr David Jenkins setelah menelaah pola konsumsisuplemen dari rentang tahun 2012 hingga 2017.

▪ Sebuah riset mengungkapkan suplemen omega 3 yang ternyata tak berfungsi untuk mencegah serangan jantung.

▪ Penelitian lain mengungkapkan bahwa suplemen vitamin C yang ternyata memiliki banyak dampak negatif, dibandingkan manfaat positif bagi tubuh.

▪ Namun tentu saja tidak semua suplemen kesehatan memiliki dampak negatif.

▪ Harus menjadi konsumen yang cerdas & bijak dalam memilih sesuai kebutuhan tubuh anda.

▪ Sebagai makanan tambahan atau pelengkap makanan, suplemen makanan harus dikonsumsi dalam kondisi & indikasi yang tepat, sesuai kondisi tubuh seseorang.

Pemberian Suplemen untuk Anak▪ Suplemen dapat memberikan tambahan asupan vitamin, mineral serta berbagai

zat yang diperlukan anak di masa pertumbuhannya.

▪ Pemberian suplemen pada anak harus disertai dengan asupan bervariasi yang seimbang.

▪ Makanan beragam adalah sumber terbaik dari vitamin dan mineral untuk bagi anak.

▪ Apabila anak dalam kondisi sehat, tanpa masalah kesehatan kronis, dianjurkan pemberian suplemen seminimum mungkin.

▪ Suplemen juga tak dapat menggantikan energi yang dikeluarkan saat anak melakukan aktivitas fisik yang tinggi.

▪ Pastikan suplemen apa yang dibutuhkan oleh anak Anda.

▪ Pilihlah suplemen yang khusus diformulasikan untuk anak.

▪ Perhatikan label, komposisi, manfaat, dosis, cara penyimpanan, dan peringatan pemakaian produk tersebut.

▪ Pastikan suplemen tersebut sudah terdaftar di BPOM Departemen Kesehatan RI.

▪ Apabila anak mengidap suatu penyakit, pastikan kalau suplemen tersebut takkan menyebabkan kontraindikasi dengan penyakit si anak.



Budi Setiawan, Ph.D08128095084


Politeknik Kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan Jakarta II.Aula Puri Mega Hotel-Jakarta Pusat, 13 Oktober 2018