Supervisor Instruc ons...Compliance/Safety, Employee Wellness, HR/Legal, Management and Leadership...


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Easy to use and manage, Trust University is accessible at in the Quick Links menu. It contains over 200 valuable online courses, all designed to help your employees increase knowledge, meet compliance obligations, improve performance and reduce risk.

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Instruc ons 

Questions? - When logged in, chat in the Relias program online Visit Relias Connect from the Overview menu to email a question Call Trust University Relias Support at (800) 381-2321 Email or call 203-678-0123

Rev Jun 2020

Supervisor Introduction The Trust is committed to providing our members with the necessary training resources to keep your employees safe and reduce workers’ compensation injuries. Trust University has free, online training and continues to meet this objective.

Trust University offers courses in Basic Supervision Skills, Basic Workforce Skills, Compliance/Safety, Employee Wellness, HR/Legal, Management and Leadership Fundamentals, OSHA Requirements, Workforce Skills – Supervision and Management, Microsoft Courses, and The Trust’s Quick Courses – short “Tool Box” type training for your employees. These courses can be accessed through Trust University, a quick link from the home page at These courses can be taken anywhere 24/7 on any device. If your organization already uses Relias, please see (separate document) Shared User Model instructions.

Enclosed is the Trust University Employee Guide which should be given to all employees who will be using this training which you can customize to direct employees to specific courses. Also enclosed are the Available Courses, part of the Employee Guide. In order for you or your employees to enroll in the Trust University you will need to provide them with the following information:

The Trust policy number assigned to your organization. It is a 5-digit number, e.g. 00524

Recommended browsers are: Mozilla Firefox – the latest version Google Chrome – the latest version Microsoft Edge – the latest version Safari - 8.x+ on Mac OX X

Choose the specific courses that you want your employees to take. Use the Trust University

Employee Guide and/or Available Courses documents.

Note: In order to be in full compliance with OSHA Standards or State of CT requirements, employees who take the OSHA Requirements courses will need a copy of your site specific policy. You must also be able to provide immediate access to someone who can answer any questions an employee may have while taking the course.

Trust University Supervisors requirements:

“Welcome to Relias for Supervisors” REL-HR-0-WRLMSS tutorial. Trust University Supervisors will be responsible for managing the program for the

organization including verifying that users are active, de-activing employees who are no longer employed course assignments and tracking.

All members must have at least one assigned Trust University Supervisor to manage the program for your organization)

Advertise to their staff that they are to be contacted for all username/password issues.

To receive Supervisor status, you must first enroll through Trust University using the enclosed Employee Guide. Once that process is complete contact or call (203) 678-0123. You will then be authorized as a Trust University Supervisor, be provided with the Supervisor Instructions document, provided instructions for the required webinar and have access to the Reports tab and reporting screens as shown in the Trust University Supervisors’ Instructions, Reports Supplement.

Employee Guide Welcome to Trust University! To help you navigate the Online University, here is a step-by-step guide to register, take courses

and track your training. Please ensure you are using the latest version of one of the following browsers: Mozilla Firefox,

Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Safari (Internet Explorer is NOT supported). Your browser must also allow pop-up

windows. (Search how to disable pop-up blockers for your particular browser).

If you experience any difficulty call Trust University Relias Support at 800-381-2321.

Step 1: Register Yourself If you had a user name and password for the previous Trust University, go directly to Step 2 as you do not need to create a

new account. Please do not register more than once! To register for Trust University, please follow these instructions:

1. Go to in the navy blue Quick Links box on the right, select “Trust University”, the next screen is a

description of Trust University, please use the “Click here to visit Trust University” link. Once in Trust University, please

select if you have not registered previously.

2. Fill in your registration information including your First and Last Name, Username,

Password (between 8 and 50 characters), Email, Job Title and Policy Number (5 digits).

3. Click Submit.

Step 2: Access the Site Once you have registered into the Trust University, you can access the site 24/7 from any device with internet access.

1. Go to in the navy blue Quick Links box on the left, select “Trust University”, the next screen is a description of Trust University, please use the “Click here to visit Trust University” link. Once in Trust University, enter your User Name and Password.

2. You are now in Trust University, in the Assignments Tab.

Step 3: Enroll in Courses 1. In the tab, use the link to get to the Browse and Add Courses page. There are two

ways to search for Courses 1) Use the box to type in a keyword or course number and click on the magnifying glass . 2) Click on to show the list of Filters available. Check the Category filter to make it easier to find the courses you are Assigned (below, or use the Available Course list with the Assignments column). Now use the All Categories drop down menu to choose a category to view the available courses. Once you find the course assigned, click on . We highly recommend every user take the “Welcome to Relias” course REL-HR-WRLMS-V2 for a short tutorial on how to use this system.

Basic Supervision Skills (course number) (course name) ______________________________ _________________________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________________________

Basic Workforce Skills ______________________________ _________________________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________________________

* In order to be in full compliance with OSHA standards or State of CT requirements, employees who take the OSHA Requirements courses will need a copy of your s i te specific policy. You must also be able to provide immediate access to someone who can answer any questions an employee/supervisor

may have while taking these courses. Compliance/Safety

______________________________ _________________________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________________________

OSHA Requirements ______________________________ _________________________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________________________

Compliance/Safety-Health and Human Services ______________________________ _________________________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________________________

WCT Policy Number

is: _______________

HR/Legal ______________________________ _________________________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________________________

Management and Leadership Fundamentals ______________________________ _________________________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________________________

Workforce Skills – Supervision and Management ______________________________ _________________________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________________________

Workforce Skills and Development ______________________________ _________________________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________________________

2. Once you have enrolled in the courses you have been assigned, use the link 3. When on your Assignments tab, now you can see the courses that you have been assigned. Click the

link when ready to start the course.

Step 4: Track Progress Now that you have taken courses, you can track your progress on the Transcript tab: Transcript Report – This shows a summary of all tests that have been attempted/completed:

1. Choose the time period you want to see results for by either using the calendar function or entering specific dates.

2. Select the different ways you want to sort the information by using the drop down menus . 3. At the bottom of the page, you can click on Print Transcript which creates a pdf that can be printed or saved as

a pdf and emailed.

Step 4: Print Certificate of Completion Once you have completed courses, you can print your Certificate of Completion for your records through the Transcript tab.

1. Click on the certificate icon next to the class you have completed. 2. In the Certificate, use the Certificate(s) drop down to choose Certificate of Completion for a Relias Course or

Trust University for a Quick Course. 3. Confirm your information is correct or add it in if needed. 4. Depending upon your organization’s policy (ask your Supervisor), use the Print Certificate, Email Certificate or

Download Certificate to share the results.

Step 6: Manage Your Profile You can update or change your password, name, email address, or phone number through the Settings Tab in the upper right corner.

1. Click in the upper right corner of the window. Drop down to My Account. 2. Make the necessary changes to your profile. Click Save.

Step 7: Licenses and Certifications You can earn CE credits towards CE state and national provider licenses and certificates you hold.

1. Click from the left menu. 2. Click . Fill out the form. Click Save. 3. When searching for courses for your license or certificate:

a. From the Assignments tab, click b. Use the drop down menu for All Certificates to find your license/certificate to see what courses are

approved for CE’s.

If you experience any difficulty ask your organization’s Trust University Supervisor

or call Trust University Relias Support at 800-381-2321.

Searching for Modules (Supervisor) 

How to Get to Your Module List 

From the dashboard shown below, to get to your module list, go to Learning and then Modules and then Module List on 

the left hand navigation panel. 











From the Module List, there are 3 ways to search for modules: 


Search Option 1: use the keyword search box 

Here you can input your desired search terms. The search function will locate any titles or module courses that contain 

your search term. The search function will locate any titles or module codes that contain your search term. For example, 

if you are looking for modules on “Fire Safety” it is advisable to search the word fire. The search function will show any 

modules that contain the word fire in the title. 


By using the Enroll  button, you start the process of previewing a course or enrolling learners into modules. 

Helpful hint: using the   to get to and from the different sections is very convenient to 

navigating from section to section and back to the menu. 

Search Option 2: Search by category 

Back at the Module List, to search courses by category, first click  on and use the drop down to select 



Once selected, you have a new filter being Category. Using the drop down, you can choose the category you are 

interested in and it will bring up all the courses in the category you have chosen.  


By choosing a category, it will bring up all the courses in that category.  

By clicking on the  icon, it brings up a description of the course. 



Search Option 3: Trust Training 

Back at the Module list, use the Owner drop down to view all the Trust created courses 


Category Name Assignment Module Code Module Name Hrs Brief Module Description

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐EXCEL10ADV 2010 MS Excel: Advanced 0.25 This advanced course on Microsoft Excel 2010 covers creating and running macros.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐EXCEL10BAS 2010 MS Excel: Basics 0.5

This course will teach you the basics of Microsoft Excel 2010 including creating a chart, keyboard shortcuts, 

protecting your files, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐EXCEL10INT 2010 MS Excel: Intermediate 2

This intermediate level course on Microsoft Excel 2010 will cover formulas and functions, conditional formatting, 

Vlookup, keyboard shortcuts, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐OUTLK10BAS 2010 MS Outlook: Basics 1.25

This course will teach you the basics of Microsoft Outlook 2010 including mailbox management, signatures, 

automatic replies, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐OUTLK10INT 2010 MS Outlook: Intermediate 1.25 This intermediate level course on Microsoft Outlook 2010 covers keyboard shortcuts, best practices, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐PPT10BAS 2010 MS PowerPoint: Basics 2

This course will teach you the basics of Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 including charts and diagrams, keyboard 

shortcuts, animations and transitions, inserting videos, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐PPT10INT 2010 MS PowerPoint: Intermediate 0.25

This intermediate level course on Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 will provide an indepth coverage of using 


Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐WORD10BAS 2010 MS Word: Basics 0.75

This course will teach you the basics of Microsoft Word 2010 including creating a document, protecting your files, 

keyboard shortcuts, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐WORD10INT 2010 MS Word: Intermediate 1.25

This intermediate level course on Microsoft Word 2010 covers working with table of contents, formatting, page 

numbers, headers and footers, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐EXCEL13ADV 2013 MS Excel: Advanced 1.75

This advanced course on Microsoft Excel 2013 will cover advanced formulas, pivot tables, macros, password 

protection, drop down lists, printing, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐EXCEL13BAS 2013 MS Excel: Basics 1.5

This course will teach you the basics of Microsoft Excel 2013 such as basic math, creating a chart, cell references, 

the autofill feature, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐EXCEL13INT 2013 MS Excel: Intermediate 1.25

This intermediate level course on Microsoft Excel  2013 includes sorting and filtering data, headers and footers, 

using basic formulas, conditional formatting, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐OUTLK13ADV 2013 MS Outlook: Advanced 1

This advanced level course on Microsoft Outlook 2013 will cover archiving, password protecting, personal folders, 

managing rules, sharing your calendar, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐OUTLK13BAS 2013 MS Outlook: Basics 1.5

This course will teach you the basics of Microsoft Outlook 2013 including email, calendars, contacts, attachments, 

search features, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐OUTLK13INT 2013 MS Outlook: Intermediate 2

This intermediate level course on Microsoft Outlook 2013 covers using folders, controlling spam, vCards, tracking 

emails, templates, using contact groups, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐PPT13ADV 2013 MS PowerPoint: Advanced 3.25

This advanced course on Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 will cover sound effects and music, bullets, headers and 

footers, animation, charts, inserting objects, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐PPT13BAS 2013 MS PowerPoint: Basics 1.25

This course will teach you the basics of Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 including themes, transitions between slides, 

speaker notes, basic formatting, printing, using the presenter view, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐PPT13INT 2013 MS PowerPoint: Intermediate 0.75

This intermediate level course on Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 includes backgrounds, using and formatting 

pictures, watermarks, handout masters, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐WORD13ADV 2013 MS Word: Advanced 1

This advanced course on Microsoft Word 2013 will cover mail merge, table of contents, collapsible headings, and 


Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐WORD13BAS 2013 MS Word: Basics 1

This course will teach you the basics of Microsoft Word 2013, including how to create and save a document, 

format the page and contents, edit, and more.

Microsoft REL‐ALL‐0‐WORD13INT 2013 MS Word: Intermediate 1.75

This intermediate level course on Microsoft Word 2013 includes creating labels, formatting features such as 

footnotes, mirror margins and watermarks, as well as citations and bibliographies, and more.

Basic Supervision Skills REL‐ALL‐0‐BSUPSK Basic Supervisory Skills 1

You have been chosen to be a supervisor. As a supervisor you play several roles: leader, motivator, and coach. 

Each of these will help you guide and direct others toward common goals. If you feel unsure about your 

responsibilities and how people will respond to you, you are not alone. In any organization, the management 

team maps the path to supervisor success.

Basic Supervision Skills REL‐ALL‐0‐IEEW Improving Employee Engagement in the Workplace 1 This course defines worker engagement, reasons for its decline, and strategies to improve it.

Basic Supervision Skills REL‐ALL‐0‐IIT Introduction to Interviewing Techniques 1

Just about all managers conduct job interviews, although many approach the task with a good deal of anxiety. 

They know that selecting the right people will have a huge impact on their team and on their own success. 

Further, hiring is one of riskiest decisions a manager can make, due to the potential harm the wrong hire can 

cause the organization.

Basic Supervision Skills REL‐SRC‐0‐MPI Managing Power and Influence 1

In this course, you will learn the nature of leadership and management, and the types of power and influence you 

have, both as an individual and as a leader and manager. You will discover ways you can use that power and 

influence to be more effective in leading and learn to improve your skills.

Available Courses

Page 1 Current as of 05 27 2020

Category Name Assignment Module Code Module Name Hrs Brief Module Description

Available Courses

Basic Supervision Skills REL‐ALL‐0‐TMBLDG Team Building: Introduction 1

Knowing how to work in teams is essential for success in most jobs. Organizations rely on teams to solve 

problems and complete complex tasks. In addition, team membership and team leadership create opportunities 

to gain skills needed to be successful.

Basic Supervision Skills REL‐ALL‐0‐TRANSUP The Transition to Supervisor 1

Congratulations! You have been promoted into a supervisory role! You have distinguished yourself in your work, 

and that fact has been recognized by your managers. With that promotion come a new role and new 

responsibilities ‐ some expected and others not. You have a new set of expectations for your work, and you are 

the voice of the organization in the team you now lead. This course is designed to prepare you for a smooth initial 

transition to your new position of leadership. It will cover the basics of changing relationships and how to handle 

difficulties along the way.

Basic Workforce Skills REL‐ALL‐0‐AM Anger Management 0.5

Anger is a universal emotion. Anger that is expressed in indirect, passive, or aggressive ways can cause problems 

in many aspects of your life. Anger that is recognized and managed effectively can actually serve to energize 

healthy, productive behaviors. This course will provide the learner with a basic understanding of anger and 

describe techniques for managing anger in the workplace.

Basic Workforce Skills REL‐ALL‐0‐BOUND Boundaries 0.5

As a working professional, you may find yourself in situations where you or the people you work with blur 

professional boundaries (a line in the working relationship between staff and persons who receive services from 

their organization). Some boundary violations can be dangerous for you and the people with whom you work. 

Basic Workforce Skills REL‐ALL‐0‐CR Conflict Resolution 0.5

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable because every person is different. However, handling it the right way leads 

to better relationships, an improved work environment, a stronger team, and personal goal achievement. 

Basic Workforce Skills REL‐ALL‐0‐CSERV Customer Service 0.5

Every customer takes a risk in trusting others with important parts of their life. They are asked to have faith in 

another person’s skills, knowledge, and good will. Customer service is a way of communicating that this trust is 

not misplaced. In this course you learn what customer service is, who your customers are, and how to build 

relationships with customers through everyday interactions. 

Basic Workforce Skills REL‐ALL‐0‐EFFCOM Effective Communication 0.25

In today’s workplace like stress, technology, multitasking, and information overload that can make it hard to 

communicate effectively. Poor communication negatively affects relationships and work quality which ultimately 

costs time and money. This course will help you to communicate clearly, concisely, and professionally.

Basic Workforce Skills REL‐ALL‐0‐PROFW Effective Workplace Writing 0.25

Nearly every job today requires you to write. Whether you’re composing emails, memos, meeting notes, letters, 

proposals, or reports, writing well matters. Clear, concise writing helps workplace communication and saves 

everybody time. 

Basic Workforce Skills REL‐HHS‐0‐NEDRC

Navigating the Ethics of Dual Relationships for 

Clinicians 2

As a behavioral health provider, you may find yourself in situations where you or the people you work with may 

blur the therapeutic boundary by engaging in some form of a dual relationship. In some cases, crossing of the 

boundary; may strengthen the therapeutic relationship and enhance treatment effectiveness. 

Basic Workforce Skills REL‐ALL‐0‐WTEAM Working in a Team 0.5

Teams are essential in today’s world. Whether it’s in a professional or personal capacity, you’ve undoubtedly 

worked in a team before. Most likely, some of the teams were more successful than others. So what makes a 

team? And more importantly, what makes a successful team? 

Basic Workforce Skills REL‐ALL‐0‐WWDP Working with Difficult People 0.25

There are a lot reasons that it can be difficult working with certain people. There may be communication 

breakdowns, personality clashes, or conflicting work habits. You may not like everyone you work with, but you do 

have to respect everyone. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐ADVDIR Advance Directives 0.5

Advance directives are legal documents with instructions that apply if an adult is not able to make decisions 

about their own healthcare. They are meant to ensure that a person’s values related to dying, quality of life, and 

other relevant considerations are honored.

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐BDD Basics of Defensive Driving 0.5

Many functions of your daily life probably require the use of a motor vehicle. This course will address your 

responsibility as a driver to ensure the safety of other individuals. In this course, you’ll learn how to identify 

potential hazards while driving, and several defensive driving techniques. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐BPSP Bloodborne Pathogens and Standard Precautions 1

The purpose of this course is to familiarize the learner with standard precautions and bloodborne pathogens. 

Information about bloodborne pathogens, the exposure risks, diseases caused by bloodborne pathogens, and the 

role of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration are presented. This course engages the learner in the 

tools and practices for workplace safety, including standard precautions, proper handwashing, the use of 

personal protective equipment, and the steps to take if one is exposed to a bloodborne pathogen.

Page 2 Current as of 05 27 2020

Category Name Assignment Module Code Module Name Hrs Brief Module Description

Available Courses

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐BOTJ Bullying On The Job 0.5

You saw bullies on the playground as a child; older, bigger children who picked on younger, smaller, or different 

children. The bully might shove the other child or say, you look stupid; you do not expect to see bullies at work, 

but, sadly, they are there. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐CCRCF

Caregiver Conduct ‐ Regulations, Co‐workers, and 

Families 1

This course teaches how to stay in compliance with the requirements of your state and local regulations, while 

learning a positive teamwork approach with families and co‐workers.

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐CLSDS Chemical Labeling and Safety Data Sheets 1

The purpose of this course is to help healthcare providers understand Safety Data Sheets, as regulated by OSHA’s 

Hazard Communication Standard and the U.N. Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labeling of 


Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐CCETH Corporate Compliance and Ethics 1

Implementing and maintaining a compliance program may be the single most important activity an organization 

undertakes in its effort to enforce and monitor compliance and to minimize the risks and effects of misconduct. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐CCTB Corporate Compliance: The Basics 0.5

Fraud, waste, and abuse in healthcare cost the government billions of dollars each year directing resources away 

from necessary care. As such, the government has taken additional measures to identify fraudulent practices 

among healthcare organizations. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐CV‐0‐CPRR‐V2 CPR Refresher 1

More than 380,000 individuals are victims of sudden cardiac arrest each year. The most common victim is a loved 

one. More than 80% of cardiac arrest victims are not in the hospital when they need cardiopulmonary 


Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐CAOA Cultural Awareness and the Older Adult 1

The purpose of this course is to familiarize the learner with information on cultural diversity and cultural 

awareness related to the older adult. Key terminology, the characteristics of culture, and cultural descriptors are 


Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐CDIV Cultural Competence 0.5

As workplaces become more diverse, effective and successful employees must become more knowledgeable of 

other cultural norms, be respectful of the wide range of cultural behaviors, and effectively communicate with 

people of various backgrounds.

Compliance/Safety REL‐CV‐0‐DDTB Defensive Driving: The Basics 1

Many functions of your daily life probably require the use of a motor vehicle. This course will address your 

responsibility as a driver to ensure the safety of other individuals. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐CTCP Duties of a Caregiver 1

This course covers the basic scope of a caregivers job including how to preserve your clients; safety and integrity, 

help with mobility and independence, and how to work within the rules and regulations that govern your job.

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐EPHP Emergency Preparedness for Healthcare Providers 1.5

Emergency preparedness requirements that healthcare organizations have historically been required to follow 

were deemed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to be insufficient for emergency preparedness 

and response. Given this, CMS set out to develop new requirements for healthcare providers that establish a 

comprehensive, consistent, flexible, and dynamic regulatory approach to emergency preparedness and response. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐EDMTB Ethical Decision Making: The Basics 0.5

The word ethics calls to mind heavy, philosophical conversations, but in reality we make ethical decisions every 

day. Most of these decisions are so straightforward we just think they are common sense. But sometimes we are 

faced with more complex situations in which the correct course of action isn’t clear. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐EPR Ethics and Personal Rights 1

This course covers the topic of ethics, which is the art of knowing the right thing to do, even in confusing 

circumstances. Ethics and personal right are an important part of a caregive's day to day job. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐FE Fire Emergencies 1 This course teaches how fire spreads, how to plan ahead and what steps to take in a fire emergency.

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐FSEP Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness 2

The purpose of this course is to familiarize the learner with fire safety and emergency preparedness in the 

community care setting. The course engages learners in learning basic fire safety practices, fire emergency 

response procedures, equipment use, prevention, and emergency preparedness planning.

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐FA1 First Aid – Part 1 1

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of basic first aid principles for injury‐related emergencies 

encountered in the community. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐FA2 First Aid – Part 2 1

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of basic first aid principles for sudden illness‐related 

emergencies encountered in the community. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐FIRSTAID First Aid Refresher 1

Are you prepared to take action to help someone in the event of an accident, injury, or medical emergency? What 

will you do if you encounter someone who is injured, bleeding, or even unconscious? Offering someone 

immediate basic first aid can provide relief from injuries or even save lives until trained emergency medical 

assistance arrives.

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐GBDIW Got Bugs? Dealing with Infestation 0.5

Most insects are human allies. They make our lives work a lot better. However, some bugs carry serious health 

risks, and bug infestations are disruptive and uncomfortable. 

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Category Name Assignment Module Code Module Name Hrs Brief Module Description

Available Courses

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐HSOCM

HIPAA Do's and Don'ts: Electronic Communication 

and Social Media 0.5

The use of electronic communications and social media allows users to instantly share pictures and personal 

messages with anyone, anywhere. But as the opportunities to share information online have increased, so have 

the challenges for keeping information private. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐CV‐0‐HIPAA HIPAA Overview 0.75

y y ( ) g g p

of personal health care information. Allowing non‐authorized individuals to see this personal information can 

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐HPRIV HIPAA Privacy 0.5

All persons have the right to have their health information protected from unauthorized access. To do so, 

healthcare organizations must follow a specific HIPAA rule, known as the Privacy Rule. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐HSEC HIPAA Security 0.5

The use of technology has bloomed in the healthcare industry. While its use has improved the delivery and 

continuity of care, it increases the chance that an unauthorized person will be able to access individual’s 

protected health information, or PHI. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐HBASIC HIPAA: The Basics 0.5

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects the confidentiality and security of 

healthcare information. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐DES HIV/AIDS ‐ Diagnosis and Early Stages 1

This course follows Manuel as he goes through the HIV/AIDS diagnosis process. Through Manuel's appointments 

and interactions with the hospital staff, you are given a close look at the early stages of HIV/AIDS.

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐FI HIV/AIDS ‐ Focusing on the Individual 1

This course is an intimate interview with Alora Gale, who was diagnosed with AIDS at the age of 6. In this 

illustrated interview, Alora Gale candidly discusses her diagnoses, her symptoms, her treatments, and generally 

how suffering from AIDS has had an impact on her life.

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐EE HIV/AIDS ‐ The Elder's Experience 1 This course will help you provide care for a client with HIV/AIDS. Elderly clients with HIV/AIDS have special needs 

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐UI HIV/AIDS ‐ Understanding the Illness 1

This course teaches the difference between the virus (HIV) and the disease (AIDS). Keep yourself and your clients 

safer and healthier by understanding how the virus is spread and what precautions to use to prevent its spread.

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐HIVB‐V2 HIV: Basic 1.25

This course provides basic information on HIV and AIDS. We will define HIV and AIDS, how the immune system 

works and doesn’t work with HIV and AIDS. We will discuss how HIV can and cannot be transmitted. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐HIVBB HIV: Beyond the Basics 1.25

This course provides a detailed review of certain aspects of HIV and AIDS. It builds on the foundational knowledge 

learned in the HIV: Basics course. In this course, you will learn about the life cycle of the human 

immunodeficiency virus and course progression. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐HTFL Human Trafficking: Forced Labor 1

In this course, you will learn how to better understand the complexities of human trafficking through labor 

exploitation. Human trafficking has been reported in countless industries, including domestic servitude, 

exploitation in agriculture, nail salons, restaurants, hotels, construction, and the list goes on. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐HTSE Human Trafficking: Sexual Exploitation 1

Human trafficking is significant issue in the United States and worldwide. All healthcare professionals are in a 

unique position to be able to recognize victims of human trafficking and take steps to report their suspicions.

Compliance/Safety REL‐HHS‐0‐IPCAN‐V2 Identifying And Preventing Child Abuse And Neglect 1.5

An estimated 1 in 4 children experience some form of child abuse or neglect in their lifetimes, yet most child 

abuse is believed to go unreported. Support professionals are often the first to suspect that a child is a victim of 


Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐ICWIM

Impaired Co‐Workers: Identification and 

Management 0.5

Impairment in the workplace is a serious topic that can be uncomfortable to address.c You will learn how to 

recognize impairment, what to do about it, and how early intervention can save a co‐worker’s career.

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐IPC Infection Prevention and Control 1 This course teaches the basic principles of infection prevention and control for yourself and your clients.

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐EDP La Ética y los Derechos Personales 1

Este curso describe los componentes clave de la ética y los derechos personales de los cuidadores. El alumno 

podrá describir el enfoque ético para brindar atención, comprender el código de ética del cuidador y aplicar estos 

conceptos en situaciones comunes.

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐LA Latex Allergy 0.5

Some people have allergic reactions when they use common products like gloves or balloons that are made out of 

latex. A person can become sensitized to latex at work, especially if latex gloves are worn on the job. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐SRC‐0‐MEP Medical Errors Prevention 2

Medical errors have long been identified as a significant public health concern. All healthcare professionals must 

work together as a team to prevent medical errors from occurring within their organization.

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐MDRO‐V2 Multi‐drug Resistant Organisms (MDROs) 0.5

Multi‐drug Resistant Organisms (MDROs) are a significant challenge to the healthcare industry. The prevention 

and control of MDROs are an important component to all infection control programs. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐OXYSFTY Oxygen Safety 0.25

Many people require the use of Oxygen (O2) on a regular basis outside the hospital. This course will teach 

learners to recognize supplemental Oxygen, understand the risks and dangers, and properly handle supplemental 


Page 4 Current as of 05 27 2020

Category Name Assignment Module Code Module Name Hrs Brief Module Description

Available Courses

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐PPE Personal Protective Equipment 1

The purpose of this course is to familiarize the learner with personal protective equipment. The different types 

and proper application of personal protective equipment are discussed. Choosing the correct personal protective 

equipment for the type of exposure is presented. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐PL‐UTHR

Personalized Learning: Understanding the HIPAA 

Regulations 1

HIPAA is a federal law that protects the confidentiality and security of healthcare information. It creates and 

protects individual privacy rights for protected health information and governs the use and disclosure of that 

information. Applying the HIPAA standards can be a challenge for healthcare workers, especially in face of 

advancing technology and use of electronic communications.

Compliance/Safety REL‐SRC‐0‐PBI‐R1 Preventing Back Injuries 0.5

Back injuries are a significant concern in the healthcare industry. You may be at risk and not even realize it. In this 

course, you will learn ways that you can prevent back injuries.

Compliance/Safety REL‐SRC‐0‐PCNCE

Privacy and Confidentiality for Non‐HIPAA Covered 

Entities 0.25

You work for an organization that provides housing and a variety of services to many individuals. As part of your 

responsibilities, you will come in contact with and need to communicate personal information about those 


Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐PYCI Promoting Your Client's Independence 1

This course will teach you how to maintain your clients, independence, while also providing care when needed. 

This course also covers topics of skin care and positioning for more dependent clients.

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐QITB Quality Improvement: The Basics 0.5

Change is a vital component to the operation of any business. No matter how good an organization’s systems and 

processes are there will always be times when problems arise and there is always room for improvement. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐ALL‐0‐RCA Root Cause Analysis 0.25

Root cause analysis (RCA) is an approach to investigating adverse events. Its purpose is not to call out individuals 

who are at fault, but to identify the factors that make such events possible to begin with. Root cause analysis is a 

team process of discovery.

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐SPBP Standard Precautions and Bloodborne Pathogens 1

The purpose of this course is to familiarize the learner with standard precautions and bloodborne pathogens. 

Information about bloodborne pathogens, the exposure risks, diseases caused by bloodborne pathogens, and the 

role of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration are presented. 

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐LAD The Legal Aspects of Documentation 1.25

As a healthcare professional, you have often heard the adage that says, "If you didn’t document something, you 

didn’t do it." It is no longer true that you can be exempt from malpractice or negligence claims because you were 

following orders. As a professional in the healthcare industry, you are expected to be familiar with many aspects 

of care.

Compliance/Safety REL‐CV‐0‐WH Workplace Harassment 1.25

This course is examines the various types of workplace harassment, and the basic skills needed to understand and 

deal with these situations. A healthy work environment is one that is free from harassment, and a key to 

achieving your company’s goals is to ensure that employees have a safe and healthy work environment.

Compliance/Safety REL‐PAC‐0‐WHS Workplace Hazards and Safety 1 This course will teach you how to create a safe, comforting environment, and how to keep it free from hazards.

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐ALL‐0‐DLHDE A Day in the Life of Henry: A Dementia Experience 0.25

A Day in the Life of Henry is a virtual reality experience for professionals caring for people with dementia across 

the healthcare continuum. As caregivers, how can we understand the reality that a person with dementia lives in 

and how that reality affects their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors?

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐HHS‐0‐AB‐V2

Abuse and Neglect: What to Look For and How to 

Respond 1.5

This course provides the most current and relevant information on child, elder, and dependent adult abuse, as 

well as intimate partner violence. You will learn about these various types of abuse as they relate to your role as a 

behavioral healthcare service worker.

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐CHC‐0‐BPIP Best Practice for Interviewing the Patient 1

The patient interview is the most important part of your exam. Gaining the patient’s perspective and learning 

more about issues important to them can guide you in developing patient‐specific care plans. 

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐BHC‐0‐BMCE Building a Multicultural Care Environment 1.75

y y y

change that healthcare and other services began shifting how they operate.

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐HHS‐0‐CLPR Client/Patient Rights 2

The importance of ethical care, informed consent, and advanced directives are widely underestimated in health 

care settings. The more familiar you are with these vital aspects of clinical practice, the better equipped you will 

be at providing higher quality patient care.

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐BHC‐0‐CRCP Cultural Responsiveness in Clinical Practice 1.5

As a healthcare professional, you have undoubtedly worked with individuals from many different cultures. 

However, you may or may not be aware of the impact that a person’s culture can have on overall health and well‐


Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐BHC‐0‐DTP Documentation for Treatment Planning 2

Treatment planning documentation is a critical link between the client, the services you provide, and the client’s 

progress. Recent research has identified that providers often understand the critical components of effective 

treatment planning and view those components as reflective of the ideal planning process.

Page 5 Current as of 05 27 2020

Category Name Assignment Module Code Module Name Hrs Brief Module Description

Available Courses

Compliance/Safety‐HHS EL‐HFS‐COMP‐0 Handling Food Safely  1

As someone who prepares food, you know that when food is not handled safely, it can result in serious illness to 

those who come into contact with it. While most of us know some of the basics of food safety, such as making 

sure we have clean hands before we prepare or serve food, you may not know some of the other safety 

guidelines that begin with buying food and end with storing it properly.

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐HHS‐0‐IR Incident Reporting 1

This course describes current accepted practice related to the prevention and reporting of incidents in behavioral 

health settings. Interactive exercises, helpful vignettes, and informative guidelines on disclosure of serious 

incidents will aid you in implementing this material at your own job.

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐BHC‐0‐IOAMC

Individual and Organizational Approaches to 

Multicultural Care 1.25

Within the last century the concept of health has expanded beyond the mere criteria of the presence or absence 

of illness. is now conceptualized as part of an overall notion of wellness, which includes social, economic, and 

psychological wellbeing. 

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐PI‐0‐P46 Medicare and Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Prevention 2

Welcome to the Medicare and Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Prevention learning module, presented by Relias! The 

sections in this module explain Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse prevention, detection, recovery, and 


Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐HHS‐CDP‐MCC Military Cultural Competence 1.25

Currently, well over two million people are serving in the Active or Selected Reserve components of the United 

States military, around the country and around the world.

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐BHC‐0‐PIRDAA

Prevention, Identification, and Reporting of 

Dependent Adult Abuse 1

Dependent adults are a population vulnerable to abuse from someone they know, such as family members, 

service providers, care providers, and others. Agencies responsible for investigating reported cases of abuse 

respond to hundreds of thousands of cases each year.

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐HHS‐0‐QI

Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement 

for Direct Care Professionals 1

Did you know that QI can be implemented within almost any healthcare setting? In fact, QI can prove highly 

beneficial for achieving improved delivery of service outcomes when correctly put into practice. As a direct 

service provider, why is QI important to you? 

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐HHS‐0‐CSRME‐V2

Reducing Medical and Treatment Errors in 

Behavioral Health 2.25

In this course, you will learn the scope of medical and treatment errors within the overall healthcare system and 

specifically in behavioral health settings. 

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐HHS‐0‐SF‐V2 Safety In The Field 2.5

When you work in the field, you encounter innumerable threats to your safety. Staying safe in the field is vital to 

your health and the health of the people you serve. 

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐HHS‐0‐SBIRT‐V2

SBIRT: Screening and Interventions for Individuals 

with Substance Use Issues 1.25

Professionals in a variety of healthcare settings witness the consequences experienced by individuals who engage 

in excessive drinking or drug use.

Compliance/Safety‐HHS REL‐HHS‐0‐BH1

Working Effectively with Gender and Sexual 

Minorities 2.5

Sexual and gender minorities are becoming more visible. This includes our colleagues and clients. The ethics code 

of major mental health organizations specifically states that we cannot discriminate based on sexual orientation. 

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐ALCUSE‐V2

Employee Wellness ‐ Alcohol Use: How Much Is Too 

Much? 0.25

One in 5 people who drink in the United States will develop alcohol‐related problems at some point in their 

lifetime. It’s important for everyone who drinks to be able to reflect on their habits and decide whether it might 

be better to make a change. 

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐DOH‐V2 Employee Wellness ‐ Dental and Oral Health 0.25

Most of us think we know how to take care of our teeth and we intend to do it well. But it’s easy to get careless. 

Over time, these lapses can lead to complex dental problems. 

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐DPREV‐V2 Employee Wellness ‐ Diabetes Prevention Diabetes is a serious health condition that affects almost 30 million people in the United States. 

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐EINTEL‐V2

Employee Wellness ‐ Emotional Intelligence: 

Awareness 0.25

You have probably heard about a score that measures intelligence, but have you ever heard of emotional 

intelligence or EQ? Emotional intelligence is your ability to understand, express, and manage your emotions, as 

well as your insight into what the people around you are feeling. 

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐EINTELFT‐V2

Employee Wellness ‐ Emotional Intelligence: Feeling 

& Thinking 0.25

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to understand, express, and regulate your own emotions, and your 

awareness of what the people around you are feeling. One of the hallmark skills of EQ is the ability keep your 

emotional brain and your thinking brain working together, even in intense or stressful situations. Why is this 


Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐HEB‐V2 Employee Wellness ‐ Healthy Eating on a Budget 0.25

The idea of healthy living is prevalent in our current society. This course will help you understand how to make 

the best choices and implement them into the daily life.

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐HS‐V2 Employee Wellness ‐ Healthy Sleep 0.25

Almost two‐thirds of Americans have difficulty sleeping on two nights of the week or more. Not only is it tough 

when you feel like you are dragging all day, but poor sleep quality can also have a long term impact on physical 

and emotional health. 

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐HDPREV‐V2 Employee Wellness ‐ Heart Disease Prevention 0.25

Lifestyle choices and genetic factors can contribute to the development of heart disease. It is important to seek 

medical treatment to determine if you are at risk of developing heart disease and to educate yourself on ways to 

prevent complications. Because some symptoms are less obvious, additional follow up with a health care team 

may be required. 

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Category Name Assignment Module Code Module Name Hrs Brief Module Description

Available Courses

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐IPF‐V2 Employee Wellness ‐ Importance of Physical Fitness 0.25

Most people know that physical fitness is important, but it can still be a struggle to develop and maintain a 

regular fitness routine. This course looks at how you can incorporate fitness activities into your everyday life.

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐MF‐V2

Employee Wellness ‐ Making the Most of Your 

Memory 0.25

Through this course you will be empowered with strategies to enhance and sustain your memory functioning for 

optimal performance.

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐SUPD‐V2

Employee Wellness ‐ Safe Use of Prescription 

Medications: Part 1 0.25

Medical conditions and illnesses often are treated with prescription medications. For successful treatment and 

your safety it is imperative that you learn key factors about your prescribed drugs. 

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐SUPD2‐V2

Employee Wellness ‐ Safe Use of Prescription 

Medications: Part 2 0.25

Proper use of medications includes a lot of personal responsibility on your part. This course is designed to 

educate you in the proper use of prescription medications including how to identify interactions and the 

difference between misuse and abuse of medications.

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐SECG‐V2 Employee Wellness ‐ Side Effects of Care Giving 0.25

Caregiving demands a tremendous amount of compassion and empathy. While this can be incredibly rewarding, 

it can cause some adverse side effects.

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐SMCESS‐V2

Employee Wellness ‐ Smoking Cessation: Ready, Set, 

Quit! 0.25

Most people who smoke know that it is not good for them. Studies show that most people who smoke really 

want to break the habit. Yet they continue to smoke. Why? Because it's an addiction. Once you start smoking, 

quitting is tough! 

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐STRMGT‐V2 Employee Wellness ‐ Stress Management 0.25

Stress is part of everyone’s life. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. A certain level of stress is healthy because it 

motivates you to be productive. However, too much stress can do the opposite, leaving you feeling drained and 

irritable. You can’t escape stress, but you can learn to respond differently. 

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐TMGMT‐V2 Employee Wellness ‐ Time Management 0.25

For many, remaining focused and completing projects on time can be extremely challenging due to unexpected 

disruptions like phone calls and emergency meetings. 

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐WGTMGMT‐V2 Employee Wellness ‐ Weight Management 0.25

Are you concerned about your weight? That can be a good thing! Making small changes over time to healthy 

eating habits has positive effects on your daily activities, mood, and your overall health as you age. 

Employee Wellness REL‐ALL‐0‐WLBAL‐V2 Employee Wellness ‐ Work‐Life Balance 0.25

Today’s fast‐paced workplace along with the 24/7 nature of the digital age has resulted in a common experience: 

A lack of work/life balance. Over time, this can result in job dissatisfaction and personal burnout.

HR/Legal REL‐ALL‐0‐AFFACT Affirmative Action 0.5

Each of us is hired to help an organization perform at its best and provide quality services. We expect the 

organization and our co‐workers to treat us with respect and help us to develop personally and professionally in 

the workplace.

HR/Legal REL‐ALL‐0‐DOCSUP Documentation for Supervisors 1

Documentation creates a history of an employee’s employment experience and includes facts about specific 

employment matters such as performance reviews, corrective actions, or investigations into reports of 


HR/Legal REL‐ALL‐0‐FS FLSA for Supervisors 1

As an employer or supervisor, you are responsible for ensuring that your employees receive the compensation 

they are due under the applicable laws. Underpayment of employee wages can leave you vulnerable to lawsuits 

filed by employees seeking back wages and damages, as well as fines and criminal prosecution.

HR/Legal REL‐ALL‐0‐FLSASUP FLSA: What Supervisors Need to Know 1

As an employer or supervisor, you are responsible for ensuring that your employees receive the compensation 

they are due under the applicable laws. Underpayment of employee wages can leave you vulnerable to lawsuits 

HR/Legal REL‐ALL‐0‐FMLASUP FMLA: What Supervisors Need to Know 1

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that mandates unpaid leave, job protection, and other 

benefits for eligible employees who face specific family or medical challenges. As an employer or supervisor, you 

need to know what obligations the FMLA imposes on your organization when an employee requests leave from 

their job.


Workplace Discrimination: What Supervisors Need 

to Know 1

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it 

illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex, 

national origin, age, disability, or genetic information.

Management and 


Fundamentals REL‐TRNKY‐0‐CHMGMT1

Change Management 1: Navigating the Dynamics of 

Change 1.25

In this Change Management 1: Navigating the Dynamics of Change course, you will explore the challenges of 

change and how to manage them. Change is a constant in our lives, and our perceptions of the changing events 

are what determine our reality. You will gain an understanding of the common reasons for resistance to change, 

and learn ways to counteract it. Management and 


Fundamentals REL‐TRNKY‐0‐CHMGMT2

Change Management 2: Leading the Implementation 

of Change 1

In this Change Management 2: Leading the Implementation of Change course, you will explore strategies for 

planning and implementing change, as well as guiding your team through the change process. Management and 


Fundamentals EL‐COMM2‐HR‐TRNKY

Communication Essentials: Communication Style 

Effectiveness 1

In this Communication Styles Effectiveness course, you will explore how understanding your own and others’ 

communication styles will positively impact your interactions, thereby contributing to your effectiveness as a 


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Category Name Assignment Module Code Module Name Hrs Brief Module Description

Available Courses

Management and 


Fundamentals EL‐COMM1‐HR‐TRNKY Communication Essentials: Navigating Conversations 1

In this Communications Essentials: Navigating Conversations course, you will examine four types of conversations 

that managers face in the workplace, and how to manage each one effectively. 

Management and 


Fundamentals EL‐COMM3EL‐HR‐TRNKY Communication Essentials: The Effective Listener 1

In this Communication Essentials: Effective Listening course, you will explore a key competency that top leaders 

have in common. As an often undeveloped component of effective communication; skills can provide the 

necessary leverage for leaders and managers to build more productive and engaged teams, as well as increasing 

their individual effectiveness.Management and 


Fundamentals REL‐ALL‐0‐ECOMMSUP Effective Communication for Supervisors 1.25

The purpose of this course is to prepare professionals to better work beside people and in situations on a 

professional level through effective communication. Management and 


Fundamentals REL‐ALL‐0‐ECWSNK

Effective Communication: What Supervisors Need to 

Know 1

Communication is one of the most important variables in the art of leadership. Effective leaders are able to 

communicate their thoughts, ideas, and organizational plan in a manner conducive to success for all. Effective 

listening is equally as important; an asset many leaders fail to acknowledge or employ. Management and 


Fundamentals REL‐ALL‐0‐HPTAE High Performing Teams: Achieving Excellence 1

Very often, teams with highly talented people and a skilled leader are not able to sustain the vision and achieve 

optimum results over a long period of time. It is critical for a team leader to continually assess, evaluate, and 

monitor the team’s commitment level toward achieving its goals. Management and 


Fundamentals EL‐HPT2‐HR‐TRNKY

High Performing Teams: Aligning and Developing 

Your Team 1

In this High Performing Teams: Aligning and Developing Your Team course, you will explore team dynamics and 

the stages of team development.  You will gain an understanding of the common challenges that team leaders 

face and how to effectively navigate these challenges. 

Management and 


Fundamentals EL‐HPT1‐HR‐TRNKY High Performing Teams: Building an Effective Team 1

In the High Performing Teams: Building an Effective Team course you will explore the reasons why teams fail, and 

identify the signs and symptoms of common team problems. You will learn how a manager can effectively 

navigate the challenges of being a team leader, to create a more productive and higher performing team.Management and 


Fundamentals REL‐ALL‐TRNKY‐IP

Inspiring Performance: Motivating and Managing for 

Results 1

This course will assist managers and supervisors at all levels to motivate their direct reports to deliver a high level 

of performance. The course provides best practices for proper tracking and documentation of employees’ 

progress and conducting productive employee reviews. Management and 


Fundamentals REL‐ALL‐0‐LFLC Leadership Fundamentals: Leading as a Coach 1

Individual effort and peak performance are both acutely important for organizations to remain competitive. 

Coaching supports professional development and improves employee satisfaction (Cajnko, Treven, & Tominc, 

2014), which in turn retains valuable talent. 

Management and 


Fundamentals EL‐LEAD2‐HR‐TRNKY

Leadership Fundamentals: Management vs. 

Leadership 1

Few things are more important than leadership to any organization. Leadership is the ability to inspire confidence 

and support among the people who are critical to achieving organizational goals. Effective leadership at all levels 

enables a company to fulfill its mission and successfully make an impact in the industry or community.Management and 


Fundamentals REL‐ALL‐0‐LFRL

Leadership Fundamentals: Relationship‐Centric 


In this course, you will meet two different managers and evaluate the results of their autocratic and servant 

leadership styles. By understanding these leadership styles and their impact, you are better able to bring these 

learnings to life in your work as a leader. 

Management and 


Fundamentals EL‐MFLEAD‐HR‐TRNKY Management Fundamentals for the Emerging Leader 1.25

In this Management Fundamentals course, you will examine current best practices for the emerging leader that 

give you step‐by‐step direction on how to connect and communicate with your team. In working with your direct 

reports, you will learn to empower them by providing clear direction and feedback.

Management and 


Fundamentals EL‐MFSUC‐HR‐TRNKY

Management Fundamentals: Setting the Stage for 


As a new manager, you know how critical it is to ensure your employees are engaged and productive, as they are 

now your responsibility. Relationships are more important than ever, and all eyes are on you as a decision maker. 

Without sound management best practices and foundational leadership strategies, you could be doing more 

harm than good in this critical role. 

Management and 


Fundamentals EL‐MFWORK‐HR‐TRNKY Management Fundamentals: Winning at Work 1.25

Helping you and your team win at work is the focus of this Management Fundamentals course. We’ll begin by 

looking at how you approach your manager role to understand and strengthen your personal brand. You will take 

an assessment to learn the daily habits supporting your brand and identify which habits you need to improve. Management and 


Fundamentals REL‐ALL‐TRNKY‐OBCD On‐Boarding and Culture Development 1

In this Management and Leadership Fundamentals: Onboarding and Culture Development course, you’ll learn key 

tools and techniques for proper onboarding of employees at all levels, helping you establish a positive, productive 

environment right from the start. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐BIPREV Back Injury Prevention 0.5

Back injuries can be painful and, because of their difficulty with healing, they can hinder your daily life. To make 

things worse, is if you’ve experienced a back injury before, you are more likely to have another one in the future. 

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Category Name Assignment Module Code Module Name Hrs Brief Module Description

Available Courses

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐W008

Beating Workplace Violence: Assess, Defend, and 

Survive 1

This final webinar of the Workplace Violence series will be where the tire meets the road. We address how to 

determine the likelihood and severity of a threat, how to secure your workplace and active shooter response 

protocols. 1) Basic Threat Assessment 2) Securing the Workplace 3) Active Shooter Protocols. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐BIOTER Bioterrorism 0.5

Bioterrorism is a form of terrorism in which biological agents such as viruses, bacteria, or other germs are 

deployed in an effort to cause harm or death to people, plants, or animals. In this course you will learn how to 

prepare for and respond to bioterrorism in the workplace. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐BBPATH Bloodborne Pathogens 0.5

Exposure and injury prevention is the responsibility of each and every employee. Knowing what is in your 

organization’s ECP, and adhering to it, is a great step forward in maintaining a safe and injury free workplace. This 

course aligns with OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogen Standard.

OSHA Requirements REL‐ACU‐0‐COVID19B COVID‐19 May 2020 0.75

The COVID‐19 pandemic creates challenges for healthcare workers as they face increased burnout, manage a 

shortage of protective equipment and supplies, and change the way they treat patients with chronic diseases.

OSHA Requirements LV101 Drugs in the Workplace 1

Drug and alcohol use by professionals in the workplace can be harmful to everyone. In this course you will learn 

what substance use disorders are, what signs to look for, and how they affect people in the workplace as well as 

the population that you serve. It also covers steps to take to ensure a drug‐free workplace. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐ELSFTY Electrical Safety 0.25

This course focuses on how to work safely with electricity. You will learn what common electrical hazards are 

present in the workplace, how to make your work setting safer, and how to respond to hazardous electrical 


OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐ERGOFF Ergonomics: Office 0.25

Working at a computer workstation can result in aches and pains that increase over time. They may eventually 

resolve or they may develop into chronic conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, or tenosynovitis.

OSHA Requirements REL‐CV‐0‐FSTB Fire Safety 0.5

Maybe most of you have never experienced a fire in the workplace or at home, but that does not mean they 

don’t happen. Each year there are thousands and thousands of fires. Many are small and can be contained 

quickly, however, far too many result in property loss, and more importantly, serious injury or even death. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐CV‐0‐FSEP Fire Safety Evacuation Procedures Skills Checklist 0

The following table lists the steps that are expected of you should it be necessary to evacuate individuals from 

your place of work. The table also provides rationales that explain why you perform some of these steps.

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐FSBASIC Fire Safety: The Basics 0.5

You will not have much time for decision making if you are ever confronted with a workplace fire. Using real‐life 

scenarios and practice exercises, this course provides easy‐to‐remember steps and information about responding 

to and preventing fires, including using a fire extinguisher, and tips on reducing the chance of injury.

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐HHB Hand Hygiene: The Basics 0.25

Every day you encounter a number of harmful germs capable of making you and others in your environment sick. 

So how to you protect yourself and others from these harmful germs? By following proper infection control 


OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐HCSDS Hazardous Chemicals: SDS

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), 29 CFR 

1910.1200(g) (as revised in 2012) aligns the HCS with the United Nations (UN) Globally Harmonized System of 

Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). To enhance hazard communication practices the current HCS 

standard provides the requirements for use of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) in the workplace. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐HCTB Hazardous Chemicals: The Basics 0.5

This course provides information on the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) regulations 

regarding hazardous chemicals in the workplace and the Hazard Communication Standard as aligned with the 

Globally Harmonized System. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐CV‐0‐IC Infection Control 0.75

Infection control is a serious public issue and it is vital for healthcare workers and others working with the public 

to understand how to prevent infection. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ACU‐0‐60011 Infection Control for Healthcare Professionals 3

Healthcare professionals are responsible for monitoring the performance of all personnel who are under their 

authority, licensed or not, about infection control techniques. Failure to adhere to these principles is considered 

unprofessional conduct and could subject the healthcare professional to disciplinary action, revocation of license 

and/or professional liability.

OSHA Requirements REL‐PAC‐0‐POTGC‐ICAP Infection Control: Airborne Precautions 0

This course presents Pro on the Go instruction for implementing infection control measures to prevent 

transmission of airborne disease.

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐ICBASIC Infection Control: The Basics 0.25

Healthcare‐associated infections are a serious issue in healthcare. Preventing the transmission of infections from 

one person to another is critical. Understanding how infections are transmitted is essential for all healthcare 


OSHA Requirements REL‐ACU‐0‐PR1019

Infection Prevention and Control Nursing: 

Surveillance Systems 1

The goal of this module is to provide an overview of the design of surveillance systems and the use of surveillance 

data to prevent and control the spread of infections.Page 9 Current as of 05 27 2020

Category Name Assignment Module Code Module Name Hrs Brief Module Description

Available Courses

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐INFLZA Influenza 0.5

Influenza can have a significant cost due to restricted activities, illness, and deaths. Pregnant women, children, 

older adults, and individuals with respiratory or chronic debilitating conditions are particularly vulnerable to 

serious complications of influenza. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐LADSFTY Ladder Safety 0.25

Sometimes you are required to perform certain job tasks that may involve the use of ladders. By following best 

practices and taking some basic precautions, you can help prevent ladder injuries.

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐LOTO Lockout/Tagout 0.25

Every year hundreds of people are injured or killed when the equipment they are working on unexpectedly turns 

on, or the residual energy stored in the equipment is released. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐CONFSP OSHA: Confined Space 0.25

This course teaches employees who work in confined spaces how to recognize and evaluate potential confined 

space hazards. A clear understanding of the dangers confined spaces may present can prevent injury and even 


OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐PPE Personal Protective Equipment 0.25

Hazards exist in every work environment, and your work environment is no exception. They can take many forms: 

sharp objects such as needles or razors, toxic gases, radiation, harmful dusts and particles, infectious diseases like 

influenza, and contact with other potentially infectious materials, such as blood or saliva. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐PPANINF Preparing for Pandemic Influenza 1

As with any type of emergency, preparation for pandemic influenza is key. Your healthcare organization must 

have a plan in place to prepare for such an event. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐PSTF Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls 0.25

This course is about workplace slip, trip, and falls hazards. It alerts you to the serious consequences that can 

result even from a simple fall or a near fall, and provides information about measures that can help you prevent 

these incidents and reduce potential injuries.

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐CPTRF Safe Transfers 0.25

This course focuses on the safe and effective methods to transfer individuals. Throughout the course, you'll be 

asked to make decisions regarding the appropriate assistive devices and the proper lifting techniques.

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐SIPR Sharps Injury Prevention and Response 0.5

Have you ever experienced a cut or injury from a sharp or needlestick? Do you follow sharps injury prevention 

protocols every time you handle a needle or other sharp?

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐SUW Substance Use in the Workplace 1

Drug and alcohol use by individuals in the workplace can lead to harm on many levels. There are steep costs for 

the organization. The individual who is using substances can be harmed, as can their coworkers. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐W007

The Two Most Common Forms of Workplace 

Violence: Hostile Encounters and Domestic Violence 1

This program will emphasize the most common forms of workplace violence which are low level, aggressive and 

hostile encounters, and domestic violence impacting job performance and security. The first half will focus on the 

actual de‐escalation of aggression.

OSHA Requirements REL‐SRC‐0‐TBP Transmission‐Based Precautions 0.5

This course presents the principles of transmission‐based precautions and strategies to apply them in daily 

practice. It differentiates between transmission‐based precautions and standard precautions, and identifies when 

and how to implement the appropriate precautions. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐PAC‐0‐TUBO Tuberculosis Overview 1

Fever, loss of appetite, chills, night sweats, and a persistent cough are symptoms that could indicate the potential 

presence of tuberculosis (TB). When these symptoms are present it is important to seek medical treatment to 

determine if an individual has active TB disease. Additional follow up with a health care team can also be required 

since some symptoms are less obvious. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐TUBTB Tuberculosis: The Basics

Symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, chills, night sweats, and a persistent cough can warn you of the 

potential presence of tuberculosis. It is important to seek medical treatment to determine if an individual has 

active TB disease when these symptoms are present.

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐NDEP

Workplace Emergencies and Natural Disasters: An 

Overview 1

Anything can happen. Most people would agree that emergencies and disasters are some of the worst; things 

that could occur. No one really expects an emergency to happen to them, right? Yet emergencies do occur‐‐each 

and every day. They can strike anywhere, to anyone, at any time. Their impact can be devastating.

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐NDET

Workplace Emergencies and Natural Disasters: 

Earthquakes and Tsunamis 0.5

Earthquakes and tsunamis unleash powerful forces of nature and can cause catastrophic damage. This course 

presents some basic facts about earthquakes and tsunamis, including guidelines for preparedness and 

recommended protective actions.

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐NDEHC

Workplace Emergencies and Natural Disasters: 

Extreme Heat and Cold 0.5

Extreme temperatures are a health hazard. Prolonged exposure to extreme heat or cold pushes your body 

beyond its natural limits. Fortunately, most serious conditions can be prevented if you take steps to avoid them. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐NDFM

Workplace Emergencies and Natural Disasters: 

Flooding and Landslides 0.5

Floods, landslides, and debris flows happen in almost every state. This course provides some basic information 

about these potentially destructive events, including the importance of knowing the particular risks in your 

locality and taking recommended protective actions.

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐NDH

Workplace Emergencies and Natural Disasters: 

Hurricanes 0.5

Hurricanes are colossal storms that can cause catastrophic damage to coastal areas, and sometimes extend far 

inland. Unlike other weather disasters, there is usually time to prepare for a hurricane. 

Page 10 Current as of 05 27 2020

Category Name Assignment Module Code Module Name Hrs Brief Module Description

Available Courses

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐NDT

Workplace Emergencies and Natural Disasters: 

Tornadoes 0.5

Tornadoes are some of the earth’s most violent and terrifying storms. They arrive quickly and often with very 

little, if any warning. You must be prepared to take action immediately if a Tornado Watch or Tornado Warning is 

issued. This course presents basic information about tornadoes, and what to do if one is in your area and after it 

is over. 

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐WSTB Workplace Safety: The Basics 0.25

It is important that you are aware of common hazards in the workplace and tools and techniques to keep yourself 

safe. Some situations will be specific to working in an organization, a home, or the community.

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐WRKVLN Workplace Violence 0.5

Workplace violence includes threats or actual use of physical force. This course will cover the key elements to 

maintaining a safe workplace: Prevent, Report, and Respond.

OSHA Requirements REL‐ALL‐0‐W006 Workplace Violence Prevention 1

This webinar will help participants develop a secure workplace by looking at the environmental, procedural and 

personal dynamic that lead to workplace violence. The whole continuum along the workplace violence scale will 

begin with a discussion on Active Shooter response protocols to increase chances of survival in case of an event. 

Workforce Skills‐

Supervision and 

Management EL‐APCA‐HR‐0 Analyzing Performance and Corrective Action Plans 2

One of the biggest challenges for supervisors is analyzing an employee’s performance, and as needed, improving 

that performance through corrective action. If an employee fails to meet performance expectations, violates a 

policy or regulation, or behaves in an inappropriate manner, it is your responsibility as a supervisor to deal 

promptly, directly, and positively (whenever possible) with the problem. 

Workforce Skills‐

Supervision and 

Management EL‐SGSO‐COMP‐ISA Supervisor’s Guide to Safety in Orientation 1.25

This course covers a topic that every supervisor dreads: hiring and onboarding for a vacant position. This means 

having to recruit, hire, and train a new employee. It can also mean having to work additional hours until the 

position is filled. This course will help you identify ways to hire and train new staff who will keep that position 

filled! Providing staff with training that gives them the skills necessary to do the job; is essential. 

Workforce Skills‐

Supervision and 

Management EL‐RMP‐COMP‐ISA

The Risk Management Process – From Identification 

to Monitoring Results 1.5

Human service providers continue to operate in a challenging environment. Changes in service delivery methods 

as well as funding sources all have the potential to contribute to a greater exposure to risk. As they are mission 

focused, they may not have the experience or resources necessary to effectively manage risks. 

Workforce Skills‐

Supervision and 

Management REL‐CV‐0‐USUPW

Understanding Substance Use Problems in the 

Workplace 2

This course is intended to give supervisors and managers an understanding of the competencies needed to 

identify and to appropriately manage employees with substance use issues. Substance use ‐ particularly in the 

workplace ‐ carries a stigma that can make it difficult to ask for help or to take steps to assist an impaired 

employee. Workforce Skills‐

Supervision and 

Management EL‐WRKHS‐COMP‐0 Workplace Harassment Prevention 1.5

Preventing harassment is important to your company. Supervisors have a very important role in achieving the 

company’s business goals and in ensuring that employees have a safe and healthy work environment. A healthy 

work environment is one that is free from harassment. 

Workforce Skills and 

Development REL‐ALL‐0‐PSW Problem Solving in the Workplace 1

You are sure to take part in problem solving during your workday. Problems are a normal and an expected part of 

work. But how often do you apply the same solutions to the same problems? In this course, you will learn how 

problems affect the workplace and about the common obstacles to effective problem solving at work. 

Quick Course TUDistDriv Distracted Driving 0.5

Distracted driving is dangerous. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 

in 2016 Distracted Driving claimed 3,450 lives. This course will provide safety tips to help you stay safer on road 

and prevent accidents.

Quick Course TUEnerSafeComm Energizing Your Safety Committee 0.5

Safety committee are an essential component to reducing and preventing injuries but sometimes they need a 

little zap of energy.  Take this course to find out what your organization can do to energize your committee.

Quick Course TUHandPowrTool Hand and Power Tools 0.5

Hand and power tools can cause severe injuries if proper safety measures are not implemented,  This course will 

provide information on both the employer and employee obligations under the OSHA standard(s). 

Quick Course TUHomeOffcErgo Home Office Ergonomics 0.5

Employees tele‐commuting need to understand how to set up their personal workspace to reduce and/or 

eliminate ergonomic exposures.  This training will provide employees with the necessary information to meet this 


Quick Course TUKitcSafe Kitchen Safety 0.5

Kitchens are filled with the potential for many types of accidents. To stay safe, consider each of these possible 

hazards and identify ways to safeguard yourself.

Page 11 Current as of 05 27 2020

Category Name Assignment Module Code Module Name Hrs Brief Module Description

Available Courses

Quick Course TUManuMateHand Manual Material Handling 0.5

Injuries to the back, neck and shoulders account for about two thirds of manual material handling claims (MMH) 

in the workforce.   By taking this course, learners will understand the risks associated with MMH and methods to 

prevent injuries and incidents.  

Quick Course TUOSHARKTheBasics OSHA Recordkeeping: The Very Basics 0.5

New to the Recordkeeping process and standard?  Then this course is for you!  This course will provide basic 

information on the standard and resources to get you started.  If you have questions please contact your Senior 

Loss Control Consultant.

Quick Course TUOSHARKCommMist OSHA Recordskeeping: Common Mistakes 0.5

This course answers the most common questions and addresses easily misunderstood questions on 


Quick Course TUPersSafe Personal Safety in the Community 0.5

Workplace Violence can affect your employees who work in the community.  This course is designed to provide 

your employees who work outside the office safe.

Quick Course TUPortLadd Portable Ladder Safety 0.5 Falls from elevations can cause devastating injuries.  Teach your employees to use ladders safely.

Quick Course TUProtWorkEffeHeat Protecting Workers from the Effects of Heat 0.5

Workers who work outdoors need to understand the risks and solutions to avoid illnesses and injuries due to 

working in a hot environment.  This is a beneficial course for them to take prior to working outdoors in the 

summer months.

Quick Course TUSlipTrip Slips, Trips and Falls Identification and Prevention 0.5

Slips, trips and falls are one of the most preventable WC injury.  This course will provide your employees with the 

information necessary to reduce and/or prevent injuries.

Quick Course TUTailgateTopicMergingChTailgate Topics ‐ Merging and Changing Lanes 0.25

Workers are at risk of injuries due to vehicle accidents whether on the job or while commuting to and from 

work.   This course will help drivers understand the risks and how to safely merge and change lanes as well as sfe 

passing techniques.

Quick Course TUTailgateTopicRightofWaTailgate Topics ‐ Right of Way 0.25

Statistics show that forty percent of all car crashes involve intersections.  This course will provide information that 

will reduce the likelihood of you being contributing to this statistic.

Quick Course TUDementia

Tips for Maintaining Health and Safety with Clients 

With Dementia 0.5

This course is designed for homecare workers to provide an overview of interacting with clients with Dementia to 

keep both the employee and the client safe. The course will provide information on the risks of working with 

people with Dementia, signs and symptoms of dementia, and effective techniques to keep clients with Dementia 

calm and help to manage the situation when they become agitated.

Quick Course TUThreBeha

Tips for Safely Handling Threatening Behavior When 

Providing Homecare 0.5

This course is designed for homecare workers to identify and reduce risks associated with threats within the 

home from other people. The information contained in the training is important for both caregivers and clients. 

The information learned can be shared with families and other caregivers.

Quick Course TUWintSafe Winter Safety 0.5

Winter in New England can be beautiful yet challenging.  This course will provide safety tips to help prevent 

injuries and incidents.

Quick Course TUWPVinHH Workplace Violence Prevention in Home Health Care 0.5

Homecare workers and companions are particularly vulnerable to workplace violence. These workers faced 

unprotected and unpredictable environment each time they enter a patient or clients community and home.

Page 12 Current as of 05 27 2020

Previewing a Module  


Previewing a Module – Supervisor 


Previewing a module is a great way to see exactly what it will look like to your Learners before 

assigning it.  To preview a module with the Supervisor role, click Learning (1) >Modules (2) >  

Module List (3) > locate the module you wish to preview by Searching For Module and click on 

the title of that module. 


See Searching for Modules/Courses if you need further assistance. 





Once you find and select the title of the course you are interested in this is what you’ll see. Click 




Understanding the Dashboard:SupervisorRole

Supervisor Dashboard Overview

Upon logging into the Relias Platform, you will be taken to your dashboard. Depending on your user role,

access, and settings, this view may vary. As a Supervisor, your dashboard will look similar to the dashboard

shown below. For any questions regarding access to functionality within the Relias Platform, please see User

Permissions (Relias Job Roles)

The main area of the dashboard is Training Performance. Your dashboard may also includethe following areas: Announcements, My Saved Reports, and News.

Training Performance

Training Performance displays a quick reference chart of your Learners' trainingcompletions. For more detailed information, you will want to run a report (Please seeFunctions Common to Most Reports for an overview on running reports). By default, theCourse Status Chart will display. For Supervisors, this shows your hierarchy folder's coursestatus percentages from the current quarter. Details on your hierarchy folder can be foundby hovering your mouse over the data bar. The information in the chart is updated overnight.

Understanding the Dashboard:Supervisor Role


Additional Dashboard Areas

Along the right side of your dashboard, you may have several additional areas includingAnnouncements, My Saved Reports, Company Links, and News. Depending on your sitesettings, these areas may vary.

Announcements will provide important information and updates from your organization. To read an

announcement, click on the title. Announcements are created and updated by your Relias Administrator(s).

If you are a Supervisor with the report management role, you will have a section calledSaved Reports. Saved Reports will provide quick access to any reports you have saved. Torun the report, just click on the title. To learn more about saved reports, please see Saving aReport and Automating Saved Reports.


Creating and Editing Users Manually

Creating a New User

Please supplement this article with a short tutorial on Managing TheUsers Tab in our Video Tutorials section.

To manually create a new user, click on the Users drop down menu,then select User List. Click the +New User button.

Enter all of the required fields and any additional fields that yourorganization utilizes. There are a few (default) required fields: firstname, last name, user name and password. The required fields aremarked with an asterisk (*). System Administrators have the abilityto choose additional required fields, please see Required Fields formore information on how to add required fields. The default user roleis set to Learner. Learner is always given to everyone by default. See User Permissions (Roles) for more information.

Click the Save button to finish adding your new user.

Editing a User

To manually edit a user profile, click on the Users drop down menu,select User List, and then locate the Learner you would like to

Creating and Editing Users Manually


update. You can search by first or last name, or by username byusing the search box.

Click on the user's name to open their profile page. From here, makethe desired changes to profile fields or user roles. Once finished,click Save.

*Note: To find any user profiles for users who may have been "deactivated" (due to termination or otherreasons) can be found by changing the "Active" filter to "Inactive." See Activation/Deactivation/On Leave Statusfor more information.

Proxy Login

If you need to assist a Learner with any troubleshooting, you can usethe Proxy Login feature to assume their identity and view their profile.To do this, you will go to your Users tab and locate the individual asshown above:

Creating and Editing Users Manually


Click on the user's name to open their profile page. From here, scrolldown the page, and on the right hand side, below last modifieddetails, you will see a button that says "Login as (Learner's name)."

Click on this button to leave your account and assume the identity ofyour Learner.

When you are done troubleshooting or viewing the Learner'saccount, you can navigate back to your account using the "SwitchBack to (Your Name)" button at the top of your page. User CountWorkers' Compensation Trust has contracted a set number of users for Trust University. Trust University Supervisors are responsible formanaging the program for their organization including verfifying thatusers are active, deactivating employees who are no longer employed,course assignments and tracking. See Activation and DeActivation section in this kit.


Manually Enrolling Learners in Modules

Manually Enrolling Learners in Modules

While enrolling Learners into a training plan provides more structureand opportunities to schedule recurrences, there are times when it isbeneficial to enroll Learners directly into a module.

In order to enroll Learners into a module, you must first choose themodule that you would like to assign. For information on searchingfor modules, see the article Searching for Modules. Once you haveidentified the module you wish to use, you can access the enrollmentsection by selecting the blue graduate next to the module title.

Once you click on the blue graduate icon, you will be taken to theCurrently Enrolled screen. At the top of the screen, you will see a+Show Details link. This link will show you an overview of the moduleproperties including description, credit hours, target audience, andcertificates. As an Administrator, click the Modify button to view/

Manually Enrolling Learners in Modules


modify properties of the module. As a Supervisor, click the Previewbutton to preview course content.

Supervisor View:

Beneath the Module Properties section will be the Currently Enrolledsection. If Learners are already actively enrolled in the module youchose, you will see a list of those Learners on the screen. The courseavailability date and due date are included in the list. If the course isnot yet available to the Learner, a padlock icon will be present on theleft.

Manually Enrolling Learners in Modules


To begin enrolling Learners into the module, simply click on theEnrollment tab. On this new page, you can search for the Learnersyou want to enroll, and set their due dates. You can click the +Filters button to narrow down your Learners by user demographicparameters. For example, you could look for all Learners assigned aspecific job title.

Manually Enrolling Learners in Modules


After you have found the Learners you want to enroll, check theboxes next to their names (you can also click the topmost check boxto select "All Users" who fit the parameters you have selected).

Also, be sure to assign a Due Date before you click Enroll. Withouta Due Date, the modules will show on the Learners' Current Trainingtab as an Elective, and they will have the option to withdraw from it. If you assign a Due Date, the module will be required for the Learnerto complete. Additionally, without a due date added there is no ability to run anyreport for the "not completed" status of these enrollments.

Once you have chosen the correct Learners and chosen the appropriate Initial Due Date(s),simply click Enroll.

Provided there are due dates added, and the learner has an email in their profile, Learnerswill receive email notifications for these Module enrollments on the same scheduleas Training Plans , beginning at 30 days prior to the due date of the module, on theorganization's mail day. This will occur once weekly, until 5 days prior to the due date andthen the learner will receive the warning email every day.


Active, Inactive, and On Leave Status

Deactivating Users (Learners)

Please supplement this article with our Managing The Users Tab tutorial from our VideoTutorials library.When a Learner leaves your organization he or she should be deactivated. Inactive Learners are unable tolog in to the system and do not count against your organization's contracted user allotment. If a Learner laterrejoins your organization or needs access to his/her certificates/transcript, you can reactivate the Learner.Bydefault, inactive Learners do not display on reports and are not eligible to receive any enrollments in trainingplans or modules. However, you are still able to include inactive Learners in reports by changing the LearnerStatus filter in the selected report to Inactive or All.To deactivate a Learner, click the Users tab and then searchfor the person by name. Managing users can be done by any Site Administrator, Administrator, or Supervisorwith the User Management role.There are two methods to manually deactivate a Learner. To access your user list, go toUsers > User List 1. Check the box next to the Learner(s) you wish to deactivate, and then click the"Deactivate" button.

2. For the second method, click on the user name from the user list, just as you would toedit the profile. Scroll down to the Settings section, and change the Account Status drop-down to Inactive. Scroll up and click Save.

Active, Inactive, and On Leave Status


Please Note: Deactivating a user will remove all enrollments that have not been completed. Deactivating aLearner will not remove any of the Learner's previous completions.

Activating Users (Learners)It is best practice in the Relias Platform to reactivate a previous user rather than create anew profile. Usernames can only be used once within your organization, and you will wantthe user's previous completions to be on their transcript.

Active, Inactive, and On Leave Status


To locate inactive users, click the Users tab and change the "Active" drop down to read"Inactive" or "All," then search for the user by name. There are two methods to manuallyreactivate a user: 1. Check the box next to the Learner(s) you wish to activate andthen click the "Activate" button.

2. For the second method, click on the user name from the user list just as you would toedit the profile. Scroll down to the user settings, change the Account Status drop-down toActive. Scroll up and click Save.Upon reactivation you will need to enroll your Learner in any applicable modules or trainingplans if necessary (unless your organization is utilizing auto enrollment profiles for trainingplans).

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Active, Inactive, and On Leave Status


2. For the second method, click on the user name from the user list just as you would to editthe profile. Scroll down to the user settings, change the Active drop-down from Active to OnLeave. Scroll up and click Save.

Active, Inactive, and On Leave Status


• A user whose RLMS account is marked 'On Leave' will receive an email alert

notifying the user of the change in account status. Users who are 'On Leave' will notbe able to log in to their RLMS account until an Administrator or User ManagementSupervisor marks the user's account as 'Active'

• Users who are 'On Leave' will continue to receive manual and auto-enrollmentsfor both training plans and modules. Overdue courses will compile on the user'sCurrent Training tab and the user will be responsible for completing all assignmentsmissed while on leave when they return

• Users who are 'On Leave' will not show in RLMS reports, therefore these users'coursework will not affect compliance or completion metrics while the account is 'OnLeave'

• All 'On Leave' users will count towards the organization's contractual allotment

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Adding External Training Records

External Training allows for all training taken outside of Relias, or the Learner's organization, to be entered as a visible record on the user's Relias transcript.

Dec 14, 2018 • Knowledge





Adding External Training- Administrator Role

External Training denotes certificates or records of training completed outside of the Relias site. These experiences can still be

recorded in a user's transcript on the Relias site.

If several users have the same training, you can create an External Training Templates

( so the title and subject match for each person with this record. The template is

best practice if you want to run the Reports - Course Completion History Report (

1640)  to track the entries.  


After creating a template, you can create the record for each person's transcript, under their blue book tab.

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Go to Users > User list find the user and click on the blue book icon to the left of the Learner’s name 


Once you click the blue book symbol, you will see the Learner’s transcript tab. Select the “Add External Course” link near the

top of the page.


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If you have already created an External Training Template, you will choose it from the “Course Title*” drop down box.

 If you don’t have a title or an external training template created, there is an option labeled “OTHER” in the course title box.


You will need to fill out the Start Date and Completed Date and Credit Hours boxes. None of the other boxes are required to be

filled out.


There is also a browse and upload option at the bottom of the box where you can attach a transcript or a certificate record that

corresponds to the completed training.


Click SUBMIT when the record is complete.

Each External Training record requires a new entry into each transcript for each training. 

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Accepting an External Training Record


If you would like your learners to be able to submit their own External Training, the feature can be enabled. Go to the Settings

the drop down menu, then select Site Properties, then Settings. Here, find the section labeled "Site Level Learner Settings" and

check the option Enable Learner Self-Completions/Future Training Requests.

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Submitting External Training- Learner Role

If your Administrator has enabled this feature, you can enter in your own external training records as a Learner. 

Go to Assignments  > External Training 



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Then the record is submitted the same way an Administrator/Supervisor would enter it. There is an option to enter in a

certificate, but it is not required.

Click SUBMIT when the record is uploaded.

Required entries are: Course Title; Start and Completed Dates; and Credit Hours. 

Make sure to save after each entry


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If the site settings are set to “Enabled”  to allow Learner Self Completions, then the Learner will see the record immediately

added to their Transcript tab

 If the site settings are set to “Require Approval”, then the Admin/Supervisor will need to approve the submitted record. 


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