Supernatural Living: The Place of Christian Fellowship€¦ · Supernatural Living: The Place of...


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24th Feb., 2013


Supernatural Living: The Place of Christian FellowshipHebrews 10:22-25; Acts 2:46-47; Acts 4:22-34

One classic means by which we experience the supernatural life is through Christian Fellowship. Christian Fellowship entails the coming together of believers in Christ for such common purposes as Worship, Study, Prayers, love feasts, evangelism or to do other various kinds of ministry. In the course of such solemn assemblying, God manifests His presence and power in the midst of His people resulting in the impartation of wisdom, strength, anointings, virtues and a release of healings and miracles both for the individuals as well as for the group. On the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), the disciples of Jesus experienced a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit while in fellowship at the Upper Room. Fellowship brings about a regular renewal and recharge of our spiritual state. True fellowship was designed by God to never leave us the same. The focus of today's outline is on the importance of regular Christian fellowship to supernatural living.

1. Christianity is based on fellowship. Do you think we can fully experience the supernatural life, and maximize our potentials in God if we live in isolation? Why?

2. A person in isolation may achieve something, but will always be limited. God expects believers to fellowship with one another (Hebrews 10:25). Below are some of the benefits of fellowship:

a. Individuals get inspired as God's grace manifests upon or through others. (1 Sam. 10:10-12; )b. Great revivals and outpourings find a ground to birth in the lives of people. (Acts 2:1-4; 4:31-36)c. Insights, revelations and visions are easily shared and transferred (Acts 10; Acts 8:26-40, 13:1-4)d. The manifestation of Presence of God is promised and guaranteed in fellowship. (Matt. 18:20)e. Corporate power and anointing for greater accomplishments get unleashed. (Matt 18:19,

Oba 1:17)f. Stimulates love, companionship and synergy amongst believers.(Heb 10:24, Gal 5:13,

Rom 12:10)

Christian Fellowship is not a social gathering of human beings but a supernatural meeting of reborn spirit beings headed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Every time we assemble as believers, God is present (Mt 18:20; Heb. 12: 22-24). Knowing this, we ought to treat fellowship with serious commitment. However, many Christians neglect or despise the role of fellowship and think they miss nothing. The best we can achieve by our solitary walk with God pales into insignificance compared to the greater grace God unfolds in the place of fellowship (Acts 4:33). Reach out for such great grace as you place a premium on opportunities for fellowship from now on. You will succeed in Jesus' Name.


Fellowship is a solemn meeting of fellow believers together with the Lord. Now, think of some ways you can prepare yourself to contribute meaningfully to making your next fellowship/Church meeting fun, fulfilling and beneficial to yourself as well as to all others. Then go ahead and do just that.

24th Feb,. 2013


God's kind of love (Focus: Children with special needs)

2 Sam 9:1-10


We are blessed to be not just alive, but hale and hearty alive! Children, we must make it a point of duty

to thank God, especially, every day, for good health. This is because not everyone alive is in good

health. Many people are in the hospital or are bed ridden due to sickness. Around us, in school or

church, we must have noticed some children who look and act differently from us. Some are physically

challenged (with broken limbs) or mentally challenged (brain/mind malfunctioning). We refer to such

children as Special Needs Children; they are special children with special needs, they need lots of love

and special care. As God's children, it is our responsibility to show them love at all times. Today, we will

learn how to show God's kind of love to these special children.

Things To Do

1. Feel free to mix and mingle with them in church or in school (For them to be there, they are not


2. Never laugh at them.

3. Never think you are better than them.

4. Always assist them whenever they need help.

5. Pray that God should heal and restore them.

Memory Verse: “Those who love God must also love their brothers and sisters. 1 John 4:21b NCV


Special, Children, Help, Celebrate, Pray, Touch, Love.


Action Point

24th Feb., 2013

The Beauty of FellowshipHeb 10:25, 12:22-24

Home is a place of rest, comfort and security; it is often said, “Home is where the heart is”, so for us Christians, we come home when we assemble together in Christian Fellowship. Gathering together in fellowship is both powerful and exciting because it gives us strength as it provides us the opportunity to attain the best in our relationship with God and with one another in the fulfillment of our destinies; also, fellowshipping gives us joy. Today, we will discuss how we can enjoy and maximize the benefits of fellowship.

1. Ade is usually excited whenever it is time to attend fellowship because it is often a time to be with family and friends. Tope, on the other hand, frowns and feels frustrated whenever it is time for fellowship because he finds it quite boring. Another guy, Timmy, sees fellowship time as a time to give thanks to God for the peace and safety he and his family enjoy. How does fellowship rub off on you? What is your own reaction to fellowship?

2. Quote Heb 10:25 (GNB)“Let us not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us encourage one another all the more, since you see that the day of the Lord is coming nearer.”Below are some of the benefits of Christian Fellowship:· Burdens are lifted because of the presence of God during fellowship. Isa 61:3.· The Word births faith in our hearts. Rom 10:17.· God makes things happen miraculously.· We enjoy the grace (undeserved gifts) of God.

Mention others

“How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head…” Ps 133:1-2a. Always attend fellowship with great expectations in your heart.

Think of something you can do to prepare yourself to make the next fellowship/church meeting you attend fun, fulfilling and beneficial both for yourself and for the others. And do it!

25th Feb,. - 1st Mar., 2013

The Place of Christian Fellowship in Business

Hebrews 10:24-25; 12:22-24

God enjoins us to continue in fellowship with other believers because such association position us to access corporate anointing. The aftermath, as described in Psalm 133, avails us the opportunity to be inspired, illuminated and equipped with divine strategies for succeeding in our business endeavours. These opportunities are available through our local church services and other forms of Christian fellowship meetings. Today, our discussion is centred on enhancing our effectiveness in business through leveraging the benefits of fellowshipping with other believers.


1a. In your view, what do you think are the barriers to effective Christian fellowship? Please discuss.Mutual Christian fellowship is not just a religious activity; rather, it is an opportunity to connect to the Supernatural. Just like an organization cannot achieve results by mere activities, we must come into the gathering of Christians with an attitude to meet with God and a heart of expectation that such joint meeting will not leave us the same.

2. Fellowshipping with other believers guarantees us a number of blessings and God is always present (Hebrew 12:23-24) to resolve our needs. Below are some benefits we can access when we come together in fellowship with the right attitude:· Access to corporate anointing which brings transference of grace and knowledge.

(Heb. 12:23, Prov. 27:17a)· We get access to revelation and divine inspiration. (Psa. 73:1-18)· We receive empowerment to possess our possessions. (Obadiah 1:17)· Doubt and fear are terminated. (Act 4:24, 31)· We experience the ministration of angels (Heb. 12:22, 1:14)· Mention others

There are many benefits to Christian fellowship including the ability to tap into a corporate anointing. Therefore, take advantage of such gatherings. If you are in a position to start one, (perhaps in your workplace) please do so and give it your best. You will be amazed at what God would do through the fellowship. You will succeed in Jesus' name.

24th February, 2013


Ways of Showing Love

1. Sweep with brooms or brushes

2. Washing dishes or plates

3. Sharing Gifts

4. Praying together