Superintendent’s Entry Plan · mission of school district. Together, we can be a safe place for...


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Superintendent’s Entry Plan Tim Reeves May 19, 2020

Our mission is to inspire all students to embrace a life-long love of leaning, to achieve their goals and to be compassionate citizens who

contribute to the global community.

am honored to interview with Coopersville Area Public Schools for the position of Superintendent.

It is my goal to continue to shape Coopersville Area Public Schools so they provide all students the chance to succeed. Below are a series of core beliefs that guide my work: 1) Strong academic achievement of all students. 2) A safe, orderly, and positive

environment for all students and employees.

3) Efficient and effective support operations for all students, families, teachers, and administrators.

4) All-inclusive parent and community engagement.

As your superintendent, my 90-day transition plan will shape my understanding of the successes and challenges affecting Coopersville Area Public Schools.

My first 90-days of service will be driven by the following questions:

1) What plans have been prepared or need to be prepared to make the start of 2020-2021 a safe and successful school year?

2) What do staff need to deliver a safe and successful opening?

3) To what extent are our systems designed to meet the needs of all students?

4) To what extent are students receiving equity and access to high-quality

education so that all students can and enter a college and/or career that best matches their passions and skill sets?

5) To what extent are our students graduating ready to compete with their peers

nationally and internationally?

Together, we can provide educational opportunities for all Coopersville students to be successful in school and beyond.

Sincerely, Tim Reeves Superintendent

Superintendent's 90-Day Plan


The following five pillars drive my leadership. My experiences as a teacher, principal, and district leader influence my work and will guide my transition

plan in Coopersville.

Vision My vision is for us to create and market our systems of excellence for all students and provide opportunities for students to maximize their full potential to contribute in a global society.

Excellence We must provide all - inclusive resources and equitable solutions that ensure each student may thrive in his or her learning environment. If we achieve equity, we will achieve excellence. It is not an easy goal, but it is an important goal.

Instruction Classroom instruction is the most important work in a school system. Teachers need support to best meet the needs of each student and must be provided with on-going professional development to remain current in effective instructional practices. Relationships, relevancy, and rigor are key components in successful classrooms.

Team Teams develop and function well when there is trust, support, and recognition of hard work. I believe in high expectations and accountability. Together, highly effective teams get results. I value each individual's contribution to a team and appreciate those who are honest, productive, and supportive of each other’s work. For problem-solving and effective conflict resolution, individuals who work to move a team forward help create a positive, safe, and healthy environment for all.

Goal & Growth Mindset Data-informed practices allow for reflection of what is working and what we need to focus on next to improve. Learning from successes and challenges is essential in our work as educators. We must model what a growth mindset looks like and sounds like and we must continue to set new goals for continued achievement.

Superintendent's 90-Day Plan

Five goals will focus my work as I transition into Coopersville Area Public

Schools. Those goals are highlighted here.

Learn about the direction of Coopersville Area Public Schools and gain

insight into strengths, current challenges, and areas of growth needed to

best serve students.

2 Learn about the community's values and expectations. Learn about district initiatives and priorities currently being

implemented in Coopersville.

Gain an understanding of how the district's initiatives and priorities are

communicated and understood in the community.

Synthesize the information gathered to do the following:

A) Develop a process between the school and community based on trust

to understand and address the district's strengths and challenges.

B) Develop a plan of strategic committees and actions to help

achieve the goals of the CAPS' strategic plan.

Superintendent’s 90-Day Plan





Part 1 Listen, Look, & Learn

July 2020

Aug. 2020

This initial phase will consist of touring the buildings and also meeting with district administrators, school staff, and community members to discuss ideas and concerns for a safe and successful opening to the school year. I want to learn about district goals and initiatives and also learn about strengths and areas for growth. Through various perspectives, I want to glean how district staff and community members perceive the efforts of the schools to meet the vision and mission of Coopersville Area Public Schools.

In addition, I will learn the systems used in Coopersville and will analyze data from previous years to consider where we might focus as we move forward thoughtfully and optimistically together.

Meetings One-on-One meetings:

School Board Members, Elected Officials, District Directors, Building Administrators, Central Office Staff, Committee Chairs

Meetings with teams including:

Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted & Talented, Interventionists, Technology, Strategic Planning, Human Resources, Athletics, Transportation, Secretaries, Curriculum and Instruction, Food Services

Meetings with key stakeholders including:

Teachers, Parent Organizations, Parents, Focus Groups, Students, Student Leadership Groups, Union/Association Leaders, Community Organizations, University Partners, Rotary Club Members, Chamber of Commerce, Business Leaders

Meetings are not limited to the groups identified above. Please contact the Superintendent's Office if you would like to schedule a meeting with me. Office: 616-997-3200 Cell: 616-635-0352

Superintendent’s 90-Day Plan The Plan

Key Questions

1. What should I know about the Coopersville community?

2. What are the strengths of CAPS that we must sustain?

3. What are the challenges CAPS is facing?

4. What opportunities does Coopersville need to further explore or develop?

5. What else should I know about Coopersville Area Public Schools or the community?

Part 2 Analyzing, Planning and Reporting Aug.


I will use the information and data gathered during the listening and learning phase to develop and communicate plans for the 2020-2021 school year. The summary information will serve as a resource for the school board to highlight the district’s goals, strategic plan focus areas, and next steps. Information will be shared with the Coopersville staff and community as well.

Summarize The information collected from various groups in combination with budgetary information will be used to create a summary report. This resource will help guide the school board, administration team, and staff in strategic thinking and planning for the year ahead of us and beyond.

Work Session A work session with the school board and the administration team will be held to study the results of the Listening and Learning phase.

Review & Adjust Together, the staff and I will review the plans

and prepare to launch the 2020-2021 school

year together.

Superintendent’s 90-Day Plan The Plan

e are at a unique point in time for Coopersville Area Public Schools and the community. It is a time of great challenges, but also a time of great possibilities. It is a time when we can all listen, learn, and collaborate to secure a bright future for the Broncos.

Together, we can reach common understanding and develop goals to meet the mission of school district. Together, we can be a safe place for families and we

can lead the community with assurance that will be stronger and successful together.

Education faces many challenges in today's climate. A guiding light for my leadership is Jon Gordon's book The Power of Positive Leadership. I am a leader

with a positive attitude and it will be my goal to develop a committed and connected team for Coopersville to achieve excellent results. Let's embrace the

future with confidence, purpose, and optimism. I look forward to meeting you and working together to develop a bright future for every student in

Coopersville Area Public Schools.

-Tim Reeves

Superintendent’s 90-Day Plan

