Super-proximity routing in structured peer-to-peer overlay networks


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ht tp: / /www, zju. edu. cn/jzus; E-mail: jzus@ zju. edu. cn ISSN 1009 - 3095 Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE V. 5, No. 1, P. 16 - 21, Jan. , 2004

Super-proximity routing in structured peer-to-peer overlay networks"

WU Zeng-de(~ :~n~)* , RAO Wei-xiong(~5~}~l~), MA Fan-yuan(~3~) (Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China)

* Email : wu-zd @ cs. sjtu. edu. cn

Received Dec. 3,2002 ; revision accepted Mar. 10,2003

Abst rac t : Peer-to-Peer systems are emerging as one of the most popular Internet applications. Structured Peer-to-Peer overlay networks use identifier based routing algorithms to allow robustness, load balancing, and distributed lookup needed in this environment. However, identifier based routing that is independent of Inter- net topology tends to be of low efficiency. Aimed at improving the muting efficiency, the super-proximity rout- ing algorithms presented in this paper combine Internet topology and overlay routing table in choosing the next hop. Experimental results showed that the algorithms greatly improve the efficiency of Peer-to-Peer routing.

Key words: Routing, Peer-to-Peer network, Distributed systems, Internet Document code : A CLC n u m b e r : TP393


Peer-to-Peer (P2P) techniques have attract- ed much attention, and have been used for all kinds of applications ( Cneng, 2002 ; Rao et

a l . , 2002; Wu et a l . , 2003) . The core of these applications is P2P routing algorithm. The efficiency of the algorithm is of great importance to P2P systems' performance.

In existing P2P routing algorithms, each node maintains a routing table. Node of Chord (Stoica et a l . , 2001) , for example, maintains a routing table with at most 160 entries. The ith entry in the routing table at node n contains the identifier of the first node, s , that succeeds n by at least 2 i- 1 on the identifier circle, i . e . , s

= s u c c e s s o r ( n + 2 / - 1 ) , where 1 ~< i ~< 160 ( and

all arithmetic is modulo 216~ Since the routing table is setup based on identifiers, the routing path is optimal in identifier space, but it mgy not be optimal in geographic space. However, the true efficiency is measured by the end-to-end latency of the path. Routing algorithms that ig- nore the latencies of individual hops are likely to result in high latency paths. Thus, Topology- aware routing is more efficient for P2P overlay network than identifier based routing.

There are four kinds of techniques for coping with topology : proximity neighbor selection (Castro et a l . , 2002) , geographic layout (Rat- nasamy et a l . , 2 0 0 2 ) , super-network routing (Yang and Hector, 2003; Zhao et a l . , 2002) , and proximity routing ( Ratnasamy et a l . ,

2002) . These techniques improve routing perfor- mance in some degree, but have limitations. Proximity neighbor selection and geographic lay- out only apply to certain kinds of routing algo- rithms; the load and the space overhead of su- per-network routing are concentrated on super- nodes; proximity routing is of low efficiency. There are no achievements that can effectively improve the performance of the Chord algorithm.

For addressing the limitations o f existing works, Wu et a l . (2002) presented a topology- aware routing algorithm called TRA algorithm, which greatly improves P2P routing performance and may be applied to all kinds of P2P net- works. The load and the space overhead of the TRA algorithm are much lower than that of the super- network routing algorithm. However, sending route query to super-node may lead to an increase in the total number of hops taken.

This paper proposes super-proximity routing

* Project (No. 025115032)supported by the Science & Technology Committee of Shanghai Municipality Grid Research Grant, China

Super-proximity routing in structured peer-to-peer overlay networks 17

algorithms which combine physical network and overlay network in choosing the next hop. In su- per-proximity routing algorithms, the P2P over- lay network and the clustered physical network (Krishnamurthy et a l . , 2001; Zhao et a l . ,

2002) are presented as directed graphs. Let R be the connection matrix of the P2P overlay net- work, and let T be the connection matrix of the clustered physical network. Connection matrixes of the super-proximity routing algorithms are the combinations of R and T . The efficiency of routing based on the connection matrixes will be greatly improved.


This section presents the super-proximity routing algorithms to address the limitations of the identifier based routing algorithms. Before presenting the algorithms, we will first introduce the overlay connection matrix and the physical network connection matrix.

1. Overlay connection matrix

For an overlay network such as Chord (Stoi- ca et a l . , 2 0 0 1 ) , the connection matrix of the overlay graph ( V, E ) is given by:

R = { r l , r z , . . . , r i , . . . , r ~ t T i = 1 , ' " , n

( 1 )

Vector r i , which is maintained by vi , vi E V ,

contains n entries.

ri = { ril , ri2 , " " , rij , " " , rin t i = 1 , " " , / 2

(2 )


1, i f ( U i , U j ) E E

rij = 0, otherwise

2. Physical network connection matrix

In super-network routing (Yang and Hector , 2003; Zhao et a l . , 2 0 0 2 ) , nodes that are topo- logically close and under common administrative control are clustered as a group. Super-node of the group refers to client nodes and the client nodes refer to the super-node. The clustered physical network (Krishnamurthy et a l . , 2001; Zhao et a l . , 2002) may be given by:

T = { t l , t 2 , " ' , t i , ' " , t , t w i = 1 , ' " , n

( 3 )

t i in Eq. (3 ) is further given by:

ti = I til , ti2 , " " , tij , " " , tin f i x l ~ - - - ~/2


W h e r e

1, v i refers to vj tij = 0, otherwise

Matrix T 2 represents full connection between the nodes of the same group, where each node refers

2 is the to all other nodes in the same group, t ij

element in the ith row, j t h column of matrix

T 2, the value of which is given by:


" E tT~ = ~ ti~ �9 tki ( 5 ) k=l

The operation in Eq. ( 5 ) is Boolean opera- tion.

In the rest of the paper, id ( v ) denotes the

identifier of node v. Let P c = R , PL = R + T 2

and PB = R • T 2 . V i , j , l <<_ i , j < ~ n , P c , i j ,

PI . , i j , and P ~ , i j , denote the element in the ith

row, j th column of P c , e L and PB , respective-


3. Routing algorithm

Super-proximity routing combines super-net- work routing and proximity routing. The combi- nations are achieved by the operations on R and T , which play a large part on how efficient the resulting algorithms are. This section presents two combinations : Load The connection matrix of the local algo- rithm is PL- Compared with the TRA algorithm

(Wu et a l . , 2 0 0 2 ) , the load is well balanced and there are no extra hops taken, but the space overhead of this approach is higher than that of the TRA algorithm.

Fig. 1 shows the pseudo-code that imple- ments search process of the local algorithm, f ind ( v i , k e y ) retums the node with the identifier

closest to k e y . vi is the starting routing node. vj

is the successor of vi in Chord routing table.

Line 1 decides if the destination is reached. If the destination is reached, line 2 returns the destination node. Otherwise, line 4 - 5 choose the next routing hop vk which satisfies that key

<<. i d ( v k ) and the identifier of vk is the closest

to k e y .

18 WU Zengde, RAO Weixiong et al.

f ind ( v i , key){

t if ( i d ( v ~ ) < key and key < ~ i d ( v j ) )

2 re turn vj ;

3 e lse

4 next hop is v k , which sa t i s f ies :

5 PL ,~ - -= I , key~<id(v~ : ) and

V PL, it, PL,u_----1, v ~ [ k e y , i d ( v k ) ] ;

6 f ind( v k , key) ; }

F i g . 1 The pseudo-code to find the node responeing for identif ier key

B r o a d e n The connect ion matrix of the broaden algorithm is P s . This algorithm is more effi-

c i en t , since the number of neighboring nodes of each node is greater than that of the local algo- r i thm. Each node in this algorithm refers to other nodes of the group, i . e . v , and the nodes in the successor list of node v . The search process of the broaden algorithm is similar to that of the local algori thm.


In this sect ion, we present the theoretical analysis on the super-proximity routing algo- r i thms. The experimental results presented in the next section will verify the analysis .

T h e o r e m 1 V v i , v i e V, let H o p c ( i , j ) and

HopL ( i , j ) be the numbers of hops t raversed

from vg to v/ by Chord and the local a lgori thm,

respect ive ly . Then , V v i , v i e V, 3 k E N , if

Hopc( i , j ) < k , then HopL ( i , j ) < k; 3 vi ,

v j E V, if H o p L ( i , j ) = k + 1, then H o p c ( i , j )

> k + l .

P r o o f "." PL = R + T 2 , and Pc = R .

.'. PL - Pc = T2.

.'. V i , j , l < ~ i , j ~ n , Pc,~j=---I~PL,~j~--I,

3 i , j , 1 <~ i , j<~ n , P L , i j ~ l ~ P c , o ----0.

�9 ". V v i , v i e V, if H o p c ( i , j ) < k ~ H o p L ( i ,

j ) < k , 3 v i , v j E V , i f H o p L ( i , j ) = k + l ~ H o p c ( r

j ) > k + l . Theorem 1 means that the performance of the

local algorithm is higher than that of Chord. We can also prove that the performance of the broad- en algorithm is higher than that of the local algo- r i thm. D e f i n i t i o n 1 V vi , vj C V, the identifier dis-

tance from v~ to vj is given by:

d ( i , j ) = i d ( v j ) - i d ( v i ) , i d ( v j ) >I i d ( v i )

id ( v i ) - id ( vi ) + 216~ , id ( vj ) <~ ict ( v~ )

L e m m a 1 There are k node { n d l , nd2 . . . . .

ndk t distributed in [ id k , idk + l ) , where 1 I> k

I>0 . Each ident if ier in [ idk, idk + l ) corre-

sponds to one node . L ( nd i , k , l ) is the identi-

fier corresponding to nd i , L + ( k , 1 ) = max ( L

( n d l , k , l ) , L ( n d 2 , k , l ) . . . . . L ( n d k ,

k , l ) ) . EL + ( k , l ) is the expected value of L §

( k , l ) . Then :

( l + k - 2 ) / 2 < ~ E L = ( k , 1 ) < l ( 6 )

P r o o f L e t p i = P ( L + ( k , l ) = idk + i ) , then l - 1

Pi + 1 >! Pi , and ~ Pi = 1. i = k - I

.'. ( l + k ) / 2 ( p l _ l - Pk-1) + ( l + k - 2 ) / 2 x

( P l - 2 -- P k ) + �9 �9 �9 + ( P ( l - k - 1 ) 1 2 -- P ( l - k - 3 ) / 2 ) ~ O. l -1

.'. EL+ ( k , l ) = ~ - ] i x p i >~ ( l + k - 2 ) / 2 x i = k - 1

(Pk-1 + Pk + - - - + P~-l) = (1 + k - 2 ) / 2 . l - 1 l - 1

Also .- EL+ ( k , l ) = • < l• = l , i = k - 1 i = k - i

then ( l + k - 2 ) / 2 ~< EL+ ( k , 1 ) < I .

L e m m a 2 vi caches m nodes , which are

evenly distr ibuted in [ 0 , 216~ vi lookups vj

which satisfies /d ( vi ) + 2 k ~< id ( vj ) < id ( vi ) +

2k§ The expec ted identifier dis tance traversed

by Chord in one hop is D c = 2 k, and the ex-

pec ted distance t raversed by the super-proximity routing algorithms is given by :

2 k - 1

D p ( k ) = 2 A + ~ L + ( r e , l ) • (1 -e-lm/21~~ l = 0

The identif ier dis tance improvement is given by:

2 ~ - 1

De ( k ) = ~ L + ( m , l ) • (1 - e - l " / r t = 0

P r o o f Fig. 2 shows the identifier dis tances tra- versed by Chord and the super-proximity routing algorithms in one hop . The message will route to vi,k and vj in Chord and the super-proximity

routing algori thms, respect ively , then D c = 2 k .

Let X be the number of nodes distr ibuted in

[idA, idA+l) , then P ( X I > I ) = 1 - e -~ /2~

Let l = id ( vj ) - id ( vi,A ) , then D e ( k ) =

Super-proximity routing in structured peer-to-peer overlay networks 19

2 ~ -1

~ ( 2 k + EL+ ( r e , l ) ) x P ( X >I 1) = I = 0

2 k 1

2 k + ~ E L + ( m , 1 ) x (1 - el-m/216~ l -0

2 ~ -1

Thus D e ( k ) = ~-~L+ ( r e , l ) x (1 - / = 0

_ lm/2 t~ e ) .

F i Vi, k Vj Wi,k+l

Fig . 2 The identif ier distance traversed by Chord and the super-proximity routing algorithms in one hop. i d ( v i , k ) <~ i d ( v y ) < / d ( l ~ i , k + l ) , i d ( P i , k ) = i d

( v i +2k) , and id( vi,k+ l) = id( v i +2 k+l)

T h e o r e m 2 V vi , vj C V , Dp ( k ) increases

with d ( i , j ) . P r o o f Since an increase in d ( i , j ) will lead to an increase in the expec ted value of k . "."

2 k -1

Op ( k ) = ~ E L + ( m , l ) x (1 - e-/m/2"~ / = 0

.'. k 2 > k i n D P ( k 2 ) > Dp ( k l ) .

.'. Dp ( k ) increases with d ( i , j ) .

Theorem 2 shows that the larger d ( i , j ) i s , the greater the routing per formance improves .


In this sec t ion , we evaluate the algori thms

by exper iments . The resul ts were ob ta ined using

GT-ITM Models ( Z e g u r a et a l . , 1 9 9 6 ) . We compare the logical hops , the d is tance tra-

ve r sed , and the load of the a lgor i thms.

We use " t r ans i t - s tub" model to obtain topol-

ogies that is more closely resemble the In terne t

h ierarchy than pure r andom graph . Unless other-

wise speci f ied , a topology of 28800 nodes with a c luster size of 400 is used for the expe r imen t s .

The figures are ob ta ined by 288000 lookups with

r andom selected keys from random nodes under

GT-ITM In terne twork .

1 . Log i ca l hops

Fig. 3 shows the probabi l i ty densi ty funct ion ( P D F ) of the n u m b e r of logical hops per mes -

sage . The numbers of logical hops with the high-

est PDF for Chord , the TRA algor i thm, the local a lgori thm, and the broaden algori thm are ap-

proximate ly 8 , 7 , 4 , and 2 , r e spec t ive ly . The number of the local algorithm is much smaller than that of Chord , while the n u m b e r of the TRA

algorithm is close to that of Chord . The reason for this var ia t ion is tha t , in the T R A algor i thm, every lookup message routes to the super -node

first , which leads to an increase in the total numbe r of logical hops t aken . Moreover , the fig- ure shows that the PDF of odd hops is larger than that of even hops . This is b e c a u s e , when the number of hops is even , the lookup message will very p robab ly be sent to the s u p e r - n o d e , which will redi rec t the lookup message to the next

node . But in the local algori thm and the broaden a lgor i thm, the cl ient nodes need not route mes- sages to the super -node f irs t . The exper imenta l results agreed with Theorem 1.

0.5 ] r t Chord

04 1 /". - -x- - TRA / i k ...~-. Local

~. 0.3 1 i ~ . ~ ' . . . . . . Broaden

01 ' " ~ '

0 3 6 9 12 15 Number of logical hops per message

F i g . 3 The PD F of number of logical hops per mes- sage

F i g . 4 shows the identif ier d is tance versus the number of routing hops . Each dot corresponds to one message lookup . The real l ines are fitted

01il S 101i] o

2/ • 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 213 226 259 232 223 22~ 229 232 Identifier distance Identifier distance

(a) (b)

F i g . 4 The identif ier distance versus the u m b e r of routing h o p s ( a ) Chord; (b) Local

with an express ion in the form of y = a - b x

20 WU Zengde, RAO Weixiong et al.

l n ( x + c ) , where x is d( i , j) given in defini- tion 1, and y is the number of logical hops . The figure shows that the larger the identifier dis tance is , the greater the number of logical hops im- proves . The experimental results in Fig. 4 agreed well with Theorem 2.

2 . D i s t a n c e t raversed

Fig. 5 plots the PDF of distribution of dis- tance traversed per message . The distances tra- versed with the highest PDF by Chord, the TRA algori thm, the local a lgori thm, and the broaden algorithm are approximately 200 , 100, 9 5 , and 75 , respect ively. Even though the number of logical hops of the TRA algorithm is close to Chord ' s ( re fe r to Fig. 3) , the distance t raversed by the TRA algorithm is much smaller than that of Chord. Moreover, the distance traversed by the local algorithm is slightly smaller than that of the TRA algorithm, though the number of logical hops of the local algorithm is much smaller than that of the TRA algorithm ( re fe r to F i g . 3 ) . The reason for these variations is that , in the TRA algori thm, there are extra hops from the cl ient nodes to the super -nodes , the distance of which is small , but there are no such extra hops in the local algorithm and the broaden algorithm.

1 . 5 -




XO.O1 2.0- . . . . . . Chord

,! ~ . . . . TRA ,-!, i Local i~t i

ti t • ....... Broaden

f I

i '. '." : ' . .

3 i 2 5 x 100 Distance traversed

Fig . 5 The PDF of distance traversed per message

3 . L o a d e v a l u a t i o n

The load of nodes and the load balancing are important parameters for evaluating P2P sys- tems. This paper uses the number of messages of each node routes as parameters for evaluation of the load. F i g . 6 shows that the load of the super- proximity routing algorithms is lighter than that of Chord. To get a good view of some heavily loaded nodes in the TRA algori thm, we break

the horizontal coordination and the vert ical coor- dination. The figure shows that some nodes of the TRA algorithm are heavily loaded , while there are no such nodes in the super-proximity routing algori thms, which means that there are no load concentrat ions in the super-proximity routing algori thms.



5 r t~


0.000 .... i,

. . . . Chord - - TRA


IIlIl l|ll / , r , , . , . ,

1000 1500 2000 Load

Fig . 6 The PDF of load

Fig .7 shows the average load and the load balance value of the algorithms. The smaller the load balance va lue , the bet ter the load balanc- es . The loads of broaden algorithm and the local algorithms are much lower than that of Chord. We conclude that the super-proximity routing al- gorithms are effective in reducing the load of the node of Chord.

Chord 200 30 ~ TRA

Local ~ "~ 20 F===~ Br~ 100"~

10 ~r~ :10 o 0.5 .~


Fig .7 The average load and the load balance value


P2P applicat ions have become a popular me- dium for sharing huge amounts of da ta . One crit- ical part of the P2P applications is P2P routing algorithms. Structured routing algorithms guaran- tee that any key may be found in 0 ( l o g N )

Super-proximity routing in structured peer-to-peer overlay networks 21

steps. However, the algorithms based on identi- fier have low efficiency. This paper presents su- per-proximity routing algorithms called local al- gorithm and broaden algorithm, which combine overlay network and physical network to choose the next hop.

Experimental results showed that, for a 28800-node GT-ITM Internet topology with a cluster size of 400, the super-proximity routing algorithms are able to improve the routing perfor- mance by more than twice, while the load of the algorithms is much lighter than that of Chord. Even though the study is based on Chord overlay network, the results of this paper may be applied to other structured overlay networks. In summa- ry, the algorithms presented in this paper proved to be more efficient than others.

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