Summer 1 Year 4 overview - Bessemer Grange Primary


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Summer 1 Year 4

Vicious Vikings Science –Living things and their habitats

· I can recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways.

· I can explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment.

· I can gather, record, classify and present data in a variety of ways to help in answering questions.

· I can recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.

· I can report on findings from

Art – Vicious Vikings

· I can improve the mastery of art and design techniques including drawing, painting, sculpture and textiles with a range of materials (i.e pencil, charcoal, printing, clay, paint etc)

· I can learn about great artists, designers and architects

· I can use a variety of methods and techniques including weaving and ceramics

· I can create sketch books to record first and second hand observation and review and revisit ideas

Music - Vicious Vikings

· I can listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory

· I can appreciate and understand a wide range of high quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers

· I can develop an understanding of the history of music

· I can play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy and fluency control and expression

enquiries, including oral and written explanations.

· I can improvise and compose music for a range of purposes

PSHE – Living in the wider world

· I know how the media influences decisions & I can hold a debate on a topical issue.

· I know about sources of persuasion inc. the media & recognise some persuasive media tactics

· I understand what can be recycled in local recycling bins in their community.

DT – Vicious Vikings

· I can research and develop design criteria for products that are fit for purpose and aimed at individuals or groups

· I can generate, develop and model ideas through discussion annotated sketches, prototypes and computer aided design

· I can use a range of tools and equipment

· I can select from a range of materials and components including construction materials and textiles

· I can investigate a range of existing products

· I can evaluate ideas against design criteria

· I can apply my understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce

· I can use a range of mechanical

systems – gears, pulleys, cams, levers

History – Vicious Vikings

· I can use the terms 'invade' and 'settle'

· I can place the Viking periods in a chronological framework

· I can recognise characteristics that place Anglo-Saxons and Vikings a long time ago in the past

· I can make inferences about the Viking way of life

· I know about Viking settlements in Britain

· I can ask and answer questions from archaeological and picture evidence to find out about the Vikings' settlement of Britain

Computing – Editing web content – unit 4.5 we are co-authors

· I can find and read an article on Wikipedia.

· I can create content for a wiki.

· I can edit the content on my wiki.

· I can edit the HTML for a web page.

· I can show where I found information I used in my research.

· I can work with others to plan a project.

· I can work out if an article is accurate and reliable.

· I can edit another person’s content.

· I can edit content on Wikipedia.

· I can plan a project by breaking it into smaller parts.

· I can see how important it is that content is fair and balanced.

· I can see how important Wikipedia’s Five pillars are.

RE – Buddhism

· I can describe the key aspects of religions, especially the people, stories and traditions that influence the beliefs and values of others

· I can describe the variety of practices and ways of life in religions and understand how these stem from, and are closely connected with, beliefs and teachings

· I can identify and begin to describe the

· I can describe similarities and differences within and between religions

· I can investigate the significance of religion in the local, national and global communities

· I can consider the meaning of a range of

· I recognise forms of religious expression, understand why they are important in religion and note links

between them

· I can describe and begin to understand religious and other responses to ultimate and ethical questions

· I can use specialist vocabulary in communicating my knowledge and understanding

· I can use and interpret information about religions from a range of sources.

Suggested activities

Science –Living things and their habitats

· Go on a local walk/ out into the garden, can you create a tally of all of the animals you can find.

· Watch the video to help you classify your animals into groups.

· Do you think you would see the same animals in the winter? Can you predict what animals you might / might not see during different times of the year.

· Using the headings create classification groups; invertebrates, fish, mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles. Can you draw images of animals to go in each classification group?

· What are the characteristics of each group. Note them down under each section.

Art – Vicious Vikings

· Make some salt dough at home or use some clay if you have it to create a Viking portrait – remember to score to attach features so that they don’t drop off when they dry.


· Look at the Viking alphabet (runes)

· Can you write your name in Viking Runes

· Look at Viking symbols – can you design a Viking flag.

Music - Vicious Vikings


· Listen to a range of Viking Saga songs, each song tells a story. What instruments can you hear and identify?

· Following the video tutorials have a go at learning and performing some of the songs. Listen back to your recordings and see if you can improve.

· Using the resources from the Viking Saga songs can you identify the story and themes being discussed

· Can you create your own Viking song for a Viking God, can you write the lyrics then record yourself singing it?

· Watch the video clip to understand how camels are suited to their habitat. Look at one of the animals you found – why is it suited to where it lives?

· Draw and label several of the animals that

you have found, explaining how it is suited to the habitat in which it was found. Next to the name of each of the animals record the group that it belongs to.

· Go on a plant hunt, use plant snap or to identify the names of the plants you see. Encourage children to look for: colours, number of petals, shape of petals and the parts inside the petal.

· Make a table to record your results or create a nature diary with illustrations, photos and an identification criteria. Alternatively, press some of the flowers using a flower press and stick these in the diary when they are dry.

· Go on a tree hunt, can you make a tree diary using similar identification criteria to your


· Once you have created your design can you make the flag using either an old piece of fabric and paste/glue resist batik, wax crayon and pain on paper.


· Look at some photos of Viking jewellery. In your sketchbook have a go at designing a Viking brooch. Using tin foil, string and card have a try at making some Viking jewellery

plant diary. The easiest way to identify the type of tree is by identifying the leaves.

· Watch the film about classifying plants

· Using a range of images of plants and trees can you classify them into these two categories

· Deciduous and evergreen trees

· Flowering plants (including grasses) and non-flowering plants (ferns and mosses)


· Look at the examples of classification keys from the link above.

· Using pictures of invertebrates and pieces of string can you create your own classification key for a member of your family. Can you repeat this process for a group of trees? Take a photo of your classification key or draw a diagram to show your questions.

· Deep thinking time – How does a change in


PSHE – Living in the wider world

· Look at what influence the media can have. Write a list of the things that you are influenced by (clothing, image, topical issues, friends, games )

· Watch the film about body image

· Create a poster about body image – its good to be you !

· Look at the way in which the media

· DT – Vicious Vikings

· watch the video about moving mechanisms.

· Think about how you could make a Viking boat with moving parts. This could be 2d or 3d.

· Use the powerpoint and resources to help you plan a moving toy.

the environment affect the things that live there?

· Go for a walk outside to look again at particular habitats and microhabitats. Explain to the children that these habitats exist as part of a larger environment. Discuss how the environment can affect (positively and negatively) the animals that live there). Using the made up pieces of news below write what you think would happen to the animals and plants.

· A new road has been built next to the wildlife area. This road is very busy.

· An all-weather sports pitch has been built next to the wildlife area. The pitch has large floodlights.

· A tall building has been built next to the wildlife area.

· For example * The factory in the next town has started making something new. As a result, dark smoke is often seen coming out their large chimneys. A positive effect for some of the organisms could be: some birds (like gulls) might have built their nest on the tall buildings, the black soot from the chimney could have made trees darker

persuades – advertising –

· Watch the recycling video – why is recycling important.


· Create a poster encouraging people to recycle.

· Can you list the items in your cupboards / fridge which once eaten can be recycled/ reused. Can you plan to reuse a container to create a recycled item such as a pencil case/ pencil holder/ plant pot etc

· Design your Viking ship and how it may move, remember to label your design and list the equipment you will need (small cardboard box, cardboard, drinking straws, clue)

· Using the materials collected create your moving Viking ship .


which will enable darker moths to be better camouflaged, and busy roads might have driven away the foxes, making it less likely that small mammals will be eaten. Negative effects could include: the smoke from the factory killing some of the plants, the bright light might have confused some birds; making them more active than they should be, and the tall building’s shadow might have removed the light that was required by many of the plants.

· Can you design a wildlife area for your local park or garden. Think about what animals you would want to encourage to use it, what plants do they need etc. Draw a detailed diagram of your wildlife area with clear labels.

· Send your garden design to your local council with a covering letter explaining why you feel a new wildlife area is important.

· Research - Planning an even better nature area

· Challenge the children to design a plan for an even better wildlife area. They should be able to find information online and in books

that can help them with this. If possible, give the children a chance to put some of their plans into action, and monitor the impact of these changes on the organisms that live there.

History – Vicious Vikings

· Watch and read the information about the Vikings.


· What does the term invade / settle mean – write a simple explanation

· Who were the Vikings – what have you found out so far? When would I have met them if I were a time traveller before or after the Victorians? Using the information you have found out can you create a Viking fact file? Remember to use sub headings, images and factual information including dates.

· I can recognise characteristics that place Anglo-Saxons and Vikings a long time ago in


· I can find and read an article on Wikipedia.

· I can create content for a wiki.

· I can edit the content on my wiki.

· I can edit the HTML for a web page.

· I can show where I found information I used in my research.

· I can work with others to plan a

RE – Buddhism

· Read the information about Buddhism.

· What do Buddhists believe? Write a report explaining your findings.

· Draw a portrait of Buddha – can you label his special features and explain what they stand for.

· How and where do Buddhists worship? Watch the clip and read the information. Draw a picture of a Buddhist shrine – can you label it

the past

· Using the Anglo Saxon and Viking archaeological pack can you complete the questions about the past looking at photos from an archaeologist dig?


· What can you find about the Viking way of life?

· Create a collage of a Viking boy and girl. What can you note around them about school, food, and housing/ villages.

· What have you discovered about the Vikings settlement in Britain and other places? Using a map of the world can you map the journey of the Vikings and how they invaded.

· Think about the evidence around today from the Vikings. Find three places in the UK that


· I can work out if an article is accurate and reliable.

· I can edit another person’s content.

· I can edit content on Wikipedia.

· I can plan a project by breaking it into smaller parts.

· I can see how important it is that content is fair and balanced.

· I can see how important Wikipedia’s Five pillars are.

· Can you list the similarities and differences between Buddhism and other religions you have learnt about?

· Having learnt about the story of Buddha can you retell the events of the story and illustrate it.

· Can you explain the meaning of the eight fold path and why it is important to Buddhists

have Viking names

· ,

· Can you map the Vikings invasion on a timeline/ can you sequence the events in order from the Vikings to the Anglo Saxons

· Read the information about what happened to the Vikings and Anglo Saxons – can you create a newspaper report to report your findings?
