Summative Test Science 6 Climate



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Summative Test - ClimateScience & Health 6

Weather1. It is the condition in the sky that changes from time to time and from day to day.

Climate2. It is the average of all weather conditions that prevail in a particular area for a long period of time.

Tropical climate3. The kind of climate in places near the equator

Temperate climate4. The kind of climate in places away from the equator

Polar climate5. The kind of climate in places near the poles

Altitude6. The height of a particular place above sea level is called ___________.

Temperature7. The hotness or coldness of an object or body

Latitude8. These are imaginary lines that run parallel to the equator, going north or south.

Mild climate9. What kind of climate do place surrounded by bodies of water?

Wind10. It is a moving air.

Doldrums11. These are winds located at the equator which are hot and very calm.

Trade winds12. These are winds that blow from the northeast or from the southeast.

Horse latitudes13. These are special winds found 320 north and 300 south are fairly cool and dry.

Unequal heating of land and water.14. What causes land and sea breezes?

Sea breeze15. During the day, cool air above the sea moves towards the land replacing the warm air above the land, the wind that blows is called _________.

Land breeze16. At nighttime, cool air above the land moves towards the land replacing the warm air above the sea, the wind that blows is called _________.

Prevailing westerlies17. These are heavy sinking winds that continue to move toward the north and south poles shifts toward the east.

Polar easterlies18. These are winds moving from the poles that move westward.

Earths rotation19. What causes the wind to turn to the left or right instead of directly downward or upward in a straight path?

Coriolis effect20. The shift in global wind direction due to the Earths rotation is called ____.

Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)21. The area where the trade winds converge together is called ___________.

Rotation22. It is the movement of the earths axis in a period of 24 hours.

Revolution23. It is the movement of Earth around the sun.

Earths rotation and revolution24. What causes other countries to have four seasons?

West-to-east25. What is the direction of the rotation of the earth?

Summer solstice26. It is the day when the northern hemisphere experiences the shortest day and the southern hemisphere experiences the longest night.

Winter solstice27. It is the time when the southern hemisphere experiences the shortest day and the northern hemisphere experiences the longest night.

Equinox28. It is the time in when the length of day and night are approximately equal everywhere on Earth

Winter29. It is the season when snow falls and covers the surroundings.

Spring30. It is the season of the year when trees begin to grow new leaves.

Summer31. It is the season when there is abundance of sunlight, trees proudly display their foliage, and flowers are in bloom.

Autumn32. This season is characterized by the falling of leaves of trees.

Wet and dry 33. What are the seasons of the Philippines?

Northeast Monsoon34. It is the wind that brings cold winds from Siberia and blows towards the Philippines between the months of November and February.

Southwest monsoon35. This the wind that comes from Australia that brings much rain to the Philippines.

First Type36. A type of climate in the Philippines which is dry for 6 months from November to April and wet for another six months from May to October

Second Type37. A type of climate which has no dry season with maximum rainfall from November to January

Third Type38. A type of climate which has short dry season for one to three months and rainy for the rest of the year

Fourth Type39. A type of climate in which rain is evenly distributed throughout the year.

Amount of rainfall40. What characterizes the types of climate in the Philippines?
