Summary on Outcomes of First Meeting of South Asia Experts Group on Illegal Wildlife Trade Krishna...


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Summary on Outcomes of

First Meeting of South Asia Experts Group on Illegal

Wildlife Trade

Krishna Prasad Acharya Interim Secretariat-SAWEN and DG, Department of

National Parks and Wildlife Conservation



Agreed to establish a permanent Secretariat

“Road Map” leading to formal establishment of SAWEN

SAWEN Structure

Secretariat Structure

Terms of Reference of Secretary-General

Work Program - major activities identified

Consensus to establish permanent Secretariat with a Secretary General

Government of Nepal hosting interim Secretariat

Government of Nepal offered to hosting the permanent secretariat


By December 2010:

Focal points from each member countries confirmed

Repot of Experts Group meeting finalized & shared

Continue sharing meeting outcomes electronically

Seek opportunities collaborative training projects

Prepared for second meeting South Asia Experts Group

Continue fundraising efforts

Road MapRoad Map

Road Map….Road Map….

By January 2011:

Organize 2nd meeting to formally operationalize SAWEN

Royal Government of Bhutan kindly offered to host 2nd meeting

Observers to be invited from relevant partner organization having long-term presence & commitment to South Asia region

Donor roundtable meeting in conjunction with that meeting

Work program for SAWEN & SAWEN Secretariat to be agreed

Acknowledging Nepal's offer, decision to be made for Secretariat location

ToR for Secretary-General of SAWEN to be finalized

Recruitment process for Secretary-General to be initiated

SAWEN StructureSAWEN Structure

Proposed ToR - Secretary-General Proposed ToR - Secretary-General

Strategic Planning

Coordination among member countries and other partners

Networking including external audiences


Funding development

FundingFunding Opportunities Opportunities

TRAFFIC International to continue for strategic financial & technical assistance, under a current grant from US Department of State, in the process leading up to the establishment of SAWEN Secretariat

TRAFFIC to work with SAWEN member countries to help identify ‘seed money’ for proposed Secretariat from other potential sources, such as the World Bank and USAID

Recommended that the next meeting of Experts Group include a Donor Roundtable Meeting as a side event, where potential donors invited & briefed on SAWEN plans and activities.

Possibility for annual contributions from member countries for SAWEN operation to be explored

Work ProgramWork Program

A range of potential activities were identified for SAWEN’s

Work Program in terms of regional law enforcement

responses such as:

Addressing information gaps

Addressing capacity and technical gaps

Engage with other countries & address issues such as


Major AccomplishmentsMajor Accomplishments

Updated focal points of the member countries

Prepared & shared report of 1st Expert Group Meeting

Finalize the report after getting feed back from the

member countries & concerned agencies.

SAWEN presentation at Tiger Summit

Coordinating to organize second expert group meeting here in Bhutan in January 2011.

