Suit No. 4, Plot No. 22, First Floor, I & T Centre, G-10/4 ·...


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Address:Suit No. 4, Plot No. 22, First Floor, I & T Centre, G-10/4, IslamabadTel: +92-51-2350091E-Mail: info@fouzintl.comWeb:

IntroductionVision and MissionMessage from CEOOur Team Quality Policy Scope of Work/MandateMarketing Strategy Clients listProjects Equipment and MachinerySole Distributions/Agents shipsCertifications


Vision and Mission


o be a leading national enterprise Tw i t h g l o b a l a s p i rat i o n s , by advancing the socio-economic

developments of Pakistan through utilizing its entrepreneurial expertise in construction services


o provide quality products and Tservices to customers and explore new markets at national and

international levels to promote/expand sales of the company through good governance, a sound and dynamic team and environment friendly services.


ur company adopts transparency, Odevotion, dedication, excellence, unity and responsibility at the

heart of our business operations.



ouz International was founded to provide the modern Fengineering services which are accompanied by the renewable energy resources which should make the livings self-dependent

in energy requirement.

Fouz International soon achieved tremendous growth and won the trust of Government and Private entities. Its vision is leading it to the success by leaps and bounds.”

Fouz International is a leading Pakistani 3S engineering company dealing in Sale, Services and Supply of engineering equipment and projects.

Fouz International is registered as firm with Company Registrar in Islamabad and Licenced under Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Sales, Services and Supply Works.

Fouz International mandate as service provider and general order supplier of engineering and general equipments along with its capability to conduct National and International Trainings, Workshops, Seminar, Conferences and other Event related activities of both technical and general nature makes Fouz International sole among other solution providers in Pakistan market.

Fouz International's especially focus is on Conventional and Alternative Energy related projects, activities, Irrigation techniques, electrification projects, equipment and their standardisation and certifications.


Message fromCEO

xtending our sincere gratitude to Eour stakeholders for their unwavering support for us, we

pledge to be one of the largest national company that you can be proud of.

Fouz International provides different engineering services which include civil engineering services and green energy services i.e. solar energy. Our quality focus has made us to affirm our place in the fast-paced business environment in the country.

Behind our great success is the entrepreneurial spirit and the best talent of our team. We are growing because of this great spirit and passion. As the world is changing with respect to different things i.e. technology, we are unafraid of change and instead, we consider it an opportunity. The vision of the company keeps us energetic and motivated which is a route cause of our efforts and satisfaction of our clients. Moreover, environment protection is also our aim which push us to step in the green energy services. Thus, focusing on quality as well, Fouz International deals with the top-quality brands which are the reason of the satisfied customers and environment friendly products.

Based on our solid business portfolio,

Fouz International has experienced robust and healthy growth. We keep a close watch on changing market trends to identify new growth engines. Furthermore, we are committed to achieving innovation and technology excellence, which will give us a strong competitive edge in the market and help us take our next great leap forward. In order to provide the greatest satisfaction to our customers, w e h av e i m p l e m e n t e d q u a l i t y standards in our operations and thus, we are ISO 9001:2015 certified.

Our Team doesn’t propose any limits to our aspirations and possess true tenacity and drive, and therefore have the capability to utilize every available means to achieve our goals. Based on our people-oriented management philosophy, the company strives to become a “caring group of people,” which look for “something different, something reliable”.

We thank to our partners and customers whose trust have given us a place today we stand at. Our objective is to become a company that every stakeholder can be proud of. That is a commitment we solemnly pledge to all of you. Thank you.“


Zia Ullah KhanCEOFouz Interna�onal

Zia Ullah KhanChief Execu�ve OfficerZia Ullah Khan has the higher entrepreneurial spirit and strong leading a�ributes which are the reasons that Fouz Interna�onal is growing and has become fast paced organiza�on in no �me. Zia Ullah Khan has educa�onal record in electrical engineering and has

more than 17 years of experience in well reputed na�onal and mul�na�onal firm in Pakistan and abroad. He has served Thaheem Interna�onal as Managing Director and currently, he is also the director of JnTech Pvt Ltd which is a well-known Chinese company which produces Solar Inverters. His experience and skills is being fully u�lized in the Fouz Interna�onal which is evident from the success of the firm.

Ahmad I�ikhar QaisraniDirector Business Development With above 20 years of working experience in Interna�onal Organiza�ons like U.N, European Union, IOM etc., Mr. I�ikhar has vast na�onal and interna�onal experience and exposure.

Being Director at Fouz Interna�onal he is responsible for day to day liaison and coordina�on with Government Agencies, Diploma�c Missions and Corporate sector organiza�ons for Business Development.

Abdus Samee AzharGeneral ManagerAbdus Samee Azhar is Electrical Engineer and has more than 6 years' experience in the Solar energy services. Currently, he is managing all the solar services opera�ons in the Fouz Interna�onal. His excellent management skills, extensive experience and ability to lead from the front is taking Fouz Interna�onal image as

professional firm providing high quality firm.

Lu� Ullah KhanManager Accounts and FinanceHaving more than 7 years of experience in different companies in Pakistan and abroad, and, Gold Medal in BS Commerce and Silver Medal in M.Phil. Commerce, Lu� Ullah Khan is serving now in Fouz Interna�onal as Manager Accounts and Finance. With innova�ve and prac�cal approach, he brings a range of skills and a�ributes to

Our Team


Our Team

Fouz Interna�onal team. Key areas of exper�se include influencing and nego�a�ng finance, commitment to con�nuous improvement, implemen�ng tools for managing and growing a business, strategically mi�ga�ng cash ou�lows, capacity to develop results, proper handling of accounts and ensuring a value-added approach are being u�lized in the company.

Dilawar HussainManager Opera�ons TechnicalDilawar Hussain is electrical engineer with more than 4 years' experience, and is managing the field opera�ons of solar systems installa�ons in Fouz Interna�onal. Through his excellent managing skills and the relevant educa�onal background, he has proved himself as valuable asset for the company as he never compromises

on the quality in the services and opera�ons which sa�sfies the customers beyond their expecta�ons.

Hassan RazaSite Supervisor CivilEngineer Hassan Raza has skills and experience in the construc�on which proves him a dedicated and talented source for the organiza�on. He holds Civil Engineering educa�on and experience in well renowned organiza�ons in the civil engineering sectors. He is well equipped with the knowledge of house construc�on,

commercial buildings construc�ons and road construc�on.

Amjad Hussain AlviManager ITAmjad Hussain Alvi has skills and experience in this filed for more than 12 Years. He has Gradua�on and experience in well renowned organiza�ons in the IT and Graphic Designing Field. He has worked in this field in abroad as well. His contribu�ons to the organiza�on

are taking Fouz Interna�onal to the next level.


Quality Policy

ur exis�ng clients are poten�al source of our marke�ng and our quality Opolicy and effec�ve a�er sale services are up to the heart of client's sa�sfac�ons. We have aggressive team of professional marke�ng experts

who are well trained with new sales and marke�ng techniques and have handful knowledge of latest developments and R&D in engineering systems.

Our R&D Sec�on also has both expert and trainee staff who are working on latest products and techniques and their efficiencies in Pakistani market.

Fouz Interna�onal is organizing workshops, seminars, technical training and other day to day educa�onal, technical and voca�onal ac�vi�es to keep its staff updated with new technologies.

Fouz Interna�onal’s regular training and capacity building ac�vi�es including previous technical training programs , recent Interna�onal Roving Seminars and Training of Trainers (ToT) Programs are part of our quality policy and the overall purpose of all such ac�vi�es are to keep our staff and especially engineers updated with latest trends in assurance of standards and quality measures.


Scope of Work/Mandate

Keeping in view the above narrated scenario, Fouz International has come with a clear vision to drag out our beloved country out of above mentioned crises by using nature given resources of Alternative and Renewable Energy Resource of Energy to Pakistan and for this Fouz International has well defined line of action and roadmap to achieve set goals and objectives of Energy sufficiency through given resources.

Fouz international being Operational partner of International business groups working in Pakistan is also dealing in large scale electrification and irrigation projects. More over we also deal in Sale, Services and Turn key solutions to large scale technical works of mechanical electrical and civil natures.

Our expertise includes but not limited to following activities;

SaleSupply ServicesTraining/ Capacity Building Programs Standardization/certificationsEvents and B2B related activities Nature has endowed Pakistan with a huge solar potential of 9.5 Million MW and 320 plus sunny days in a year. Recent Pakistani Governments have finally realized the importance of renewable and alternative energy resources in Pakistan which do not only involve one-time investment but are also nature friendly. The heartening picture of Pakistan's renewable energy resources has encouraged foreign investors and local agencies to come forward and invest in renewable energy projects.

Besides solar energy; Pakistan possesses above 46000 MW of wind energy potentials in its defined wind energy corridors of Jhampir, Badin and Gwadar belts. Similarly, Geo-thermal bio-mass bio-fuels and other resources of alternative energy are available in bulk in Pakistan.

Water shortage has also emerged as one of the most complex challenge faced to Pakistan and a full-blown water crisis is hovering on stability and security of the country. Once enjoying abundant availability of water to the tune of 5200 m3/capita/annum, the country now possesses alarmingly low water availability i.e.

3below 1000 m /capita/annum. In an arena of a strong connection among water, food and energy security, decline on any of these fronts will exert detrimental impacts on other fronts as well.


Marke�ng Strategy

ur exis�ng clients are poten�al source of our marke�ng and our quality Opolicy and effec�ve a�er sale services are up to the heart of client's sa�sfac�ons, we have aggressive team of professional marke�ng experts

who are well trained with new sales and marke�ng techniques and have handful knowledge of latest developments and R&Ds in engineering systems.

Our R&D Sec�on also has both expert and trainee staff who are working on latest products and techniques and their efficiencies in Pakistani market.

We live in a society that bombards consumers with messages, from pop-ups on computers, to on-line chat room links, to e-newsle�ers and to adver�sing in tradi�onal media, all designed to build a “share of mind” for a product, service or social cause. Marke�ng is at the heart of every successful brand, business, organiza�on, and cause. Marke�ng is not merely communica�ons.

It is the sum presenta�on to the customer of a value equa�on that results in a sale or ac�on. Marke�ng is the process of iden�fying what the consumer needs, how the product or service can address that need, how to communicate that value in a compelling way, and how to deliver that message in the most efficient and effec�ve manner.

When state solar incen�ve program managers think like marketers, they will sharpen the focus of outreach efforts and improve the effec�veness of their solar program offerings.

The low market penetra�on of green energy pricing products and solar technology suggests that customers, whether they are residen�al or commercial, have concerns about solar power that are barriers to market growth. Understanding what consumers believe both ra�onally and emo�onally about solar technology will help shape the direc�on of a solar marke�ng plan.


Clients List

Ÿ OGDCLŸ Jaffer Brothers Pvt LtdŸ Greenewable Solar Pvt LtdŸ DWP Technologies Pvt LtdŸ Punjab School LahoreŸ ATS EngineeringŸ Ci�tek Pvt LtdŸ AE Solar Pvt LtdŸ Akhtar Solar Pvt LtdŸ Amir Solar Power Solu�onŸ Rehman Solar SystemsŸ Comtec Energy (Private) LimitedŸ Eminent Engineering Pvt LtdŸ Ghazi ElectronicsŸ Hadron SolarŸ IRI Traders Ÿ Mesol Pvt LtdŸ KKBŸ K-PowerŸ Masco EnergyŸ Mian BrosŸ Pacific Ancient Energy Pvt LtdŸ Pantera EnergyŸ Quantum Engineering Pvt LtdŸ Smart Solar, LahoreŸ Solaris EngineeringŸ Solar Tech LahoreŸ Spark Solar IslamabadŸ Suntech Solu�onsŸ Zeal Energy IslamabadŸ Zorays SolarŸ Interac�ve Systems ServicesŸ Go Solar Pvt LtdŸ Mul�-Trade Interna�onal



Ÿ 2.5KW hybrid solar system installed at Jami-ul-Moshinat Multan.

Ÿ 5.1KW hybrid solar system installed at WAPDA Town phase-2 Multan.

Ÿ 50KW grid-�e solar system installed at Adnan Center Multan.

Ÿ 7.5HP solar water pumping system installed at Fath-e-Jhang, A�ock.

Ÿ 7.5HP solar water pumping system installed at Gujar Khan, Rawalpindi.

Ÿ 10HP solar water pumping system installed at Pindi Gheb.

Ÿ 10HP solar water pumping system installed in A�ock.

Ÿ 7.5HP solar water pumping system installed in A�ock.

Ÿ 7.5HP solar water pumping system installed at Padana Gujran, Rawat


Ÿ 7.5HP solar water pumping system installed at Syed Adda, Gujar Khan


Ÿ 10HP solar water pumping system installed in Chakwal.

Ÿ 10HP solar water pumping system installed in DI Khan.

Ÿ 5HP solar water pumping system installed in DI Khan.








Equipment and Machinery

Solar Equipment

Ÿ Fish TapeŸ Tape MeasureŸ Non-Contact Voltage TesterŸ Tongue and Groove PliersŸ Hammer Ÿ Wire Stripper Ÿ Side Cu�ng Diagonal PliersŸ Linesman PliersŸ FlashlightŸ Allen Wrench Set (Hex Set)Ÿ U�lity KnifeŸ ScrewdriversŸ Mul�meterŸ Wire CripmersŸ ScrewdriversŸ Drill MachineŸ Knife Cu�erŸ Long Nosed PliersŸ Wrench Ÿ Toll BoxŸ Hacksaw

Ÿ Civil Equipment

Ÿ Concret MixerŸ Hand RollerŸ CompactorŸ Concrete Cu�erŸ Vibrator ConcreteŸ Tractor & TrollyŸ Level MachineŸ GeneratorŸ Water TankerŸ Hand Drilling Machine Ÿ Generator Pump



Ÿ 3 car 1300 ccŸ 1 car 1800 ccŸ 1 Shazor Ÿ 1 car 800 cc

Office Equipment

Ÿ 12 LaptopŸ 4 DesktopŸ 4 Printer





























Sole Distribu�onsand Agents ships



Sole Distribu�onsand Agents ships

Event and Ac�vi�es

31Cooperation for Sustainable Development


Event and Ac�vi�es

32Cooperation for Sustainable Development


Event and Ac�vi�es

33Cooperation for Sustainable Development


Event and Ac�vi�es

34Cooperation for Sustainable Development


Event and Ac�vi�es

35Cooperation for Sustainable Development


Event and Ac�vi�es

36Cooperation for Sustainable Development


Event and Ac�vi�es

37Cooperation for Sustainable Development


Address:Suit No. 4, Plot No. 22, First Floor, I & T Centre, G-10/4, IslamabadTel: +92-51-2350091 E-Mail:, Web:



By: A


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