Students Doe Exhibit 31



Email discussion between Ross Haber, Consultant, Chris McGinley, Superintendant, Lisa Fair-Pliskin, School Board Director and Susan Guthrie, School Board Director dated October 20, 2008. Email between David Ebby and Chris McGinley dated November 11, 2008.Emails from Lisa Fair Pliskin to School Board, Chris McGinley, and email from Chris McGinley to Board, both dated November 11, 2008 "Schedule Moving Forward"From the files of Linda Doucette-Ashman: Email dated November 11, 2008 "Scenario8.PDF", with map.Email between David Ebby and Chris McGinley "Scenario 7C" dated November 11, 2008Email discussion between David Ebby and Chris McGinley "Scenario 8" dated November 13, 2008.Email discussion between Jerry Novick and David Ebby "Redistricting" Dated November 14, 2008Email from Linda Doucette-Ashman to Chris McGinley "Redistricting Thoughts" dated November 14. 2008Email from David Ebby to Chris McGinley, Lisa Fair-Pliskin, Diane DiBonaventuro and Ken Roos dated November 19. 2008 "Redistricting"Email discussion between David Ebby and Chris McGinley dated November 20, 2008Email between Lisa Fair- Pliskin and Chris McGinley dated November 20, 2008Email from Diane DiBonaventuro to Linda Doucette-Ashman, Chris McGinley and Lisa Fair-Pliskin "Meeting Tonight" dated November 23, 2008Email discussion between Doug Young, Diane DiBonaventuro and Ted Lorenz dated December 2, 2008Email discussion between Linda Doucette-Ashman and Chris McGinley dated December 5, 2008Email from Diane DiBonaventuro to Jerry Novick dated December 7, 2008 "redistricting questions"Email from David Ebby to Chris McGinley dated December 7, 2008 "thoughts"

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