Student Portal Specialized Training Series Presents:


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THE FLYER BOARDStudent Portal Specialized Training Series Presents:

Flyer board: a closer look

The user interface a macromedia flash file

The flyers (located inside a SharePoint library)Picturespdfs and other documents

Behind the scenes a separate, external XML file to find the pictures

Anatomy of the User InterfaceThe current background texture is ‘cork.’

The flyers are comprised of two parts: the display image that you see, and a document you do not.

Title band: What shows up here is the title text within the XML file.


Flyers are stored inside SharePointThree ‘views’ on the library make it easy to

find ○ Images○ All Documents○ Docs


Inside SharePoint

The images are what the users see as the flyers

The documents are what link when the image is clicked

Change the view


Item URL

Behind the scenes

The swf file is stored in SharePoint HTML code embeds the swf file onto the

aspx page The swf file reads an external XML file,

also stored in SharePoint

Altering the interface

The flyer board Background

imageLink targetTacks

The flyersImagesDocs

Contained in

XML file}

Changing the Values

For each there is a <flyer> tag and three attributes to be modified

(in order from the XML file)

FlyertitleImagelink (not visible)

XML Crash Course

BBCONFIG is the parent node• CONFIG is one child node

o BACKGROUND is CONFIG’S child nodeo LINKTARGET is another child, and sibling to

backgroundo USETACKS is another child, another sibling

• FLYERS is another child node, and sibling node to CONFIGo FLYERTITLE is a attribute to flyerso IMAGE is a attribute to flyerso LINK is another attribute to flyers

Putting it all together

Pictures in Library

XML file listing


Flash File Reading from the


Flash file displays images

Time for the hands on portion!

Log into http://myccbcfba
