Student Development Plan (final) - Phoenix Military Academy · STUDENT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE The...


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backgrounds, as well as, a great range of personal and cultural val-ues, experiences and perspectives. Having such diversity has enabled us to become a strong institution that facilitates upward mobility in terms of student academics and post-secondary transition. Addi-tionally, it has created opportuni-ties for transformation.

It is ultimately the responsibility of every individual within PMA to engage in the process of growth and change. The degree and inten-sity will determine the degree of institutional and individualized success.

We endeavor to make all policies and rules consonant with the prin-cipals articulated in this docu-ment.



“Ready for the Oppor-tunity to learn”

Phoenix Military Academy (PMA) is committed to the overall welfare of every student. We do this by ap-proaching every aspect of our cadet’s educational experience from a develop-mental perspective.

Emphasis is placed on cadets becoming well rounded individuals through intel-lectual, emotional and social growth.

We envision that our students will be literate, competent, lifelong learners who progress toward their full potential

while functioning as productive stu-dents and citizens.

PMA provides an environment, whereby, students are exposed to a culture that is conducive to learning. Our culture is one that is supportive, stimulating and provides a range of opportunities in which personal devel-opment and learning thrives.

To ensure this occurs, we develop indi-vidualized educational plans that meet student needs, with consideration given to social, emotional and physical devel-opment.

PMA is comprised of a competent staff that not only has the qualifications needed to promote learning but the desire to see every student reach his or her full potential. Our diverse staff brings a variety of racial, and ethnic


VISION AND MISSION Vision PMA seeks to develop young people that they may become citizens of leadership, character, and vision for our nation.

Intent This is accomplished by maintaining a highly motivated and professional cadre of staff and faculty; fostering a positive, disci-plined learning environment; providing an innovative, effective, and challenging curriculum; and establishing a program of instruction which offers students stimulating opportunities for service

learning that builds teamwork, self-confidence, self-esteem and leadership.

Mission To promote student development in five areas of focus: Citizenship, Academics, Leadership, Character, and Service.

PMA Cresting Ceremony



STUDENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN Program Overview and Highlights


PMA objectives, expressed in terms of desired learning outcomes, are consis-tent with all military academy models. They are as follows:

Engage cadets in learning experiences/activities that will enable them to score at or above the Illinois State goals on standardized tests and to help them be more than prepared for post-secondary education.

Develop and improve cadet skill in the area of leadership, citizenship, charac-ter development, and self-discipline, communication, group dynamics, team

building, and other related areas.

Motivate cadets to display disci-plined behavior that is conducive to learning and allows them to act with honesty and integrity.

Challenge cadets to reach beyond their perceived capabilities in every aspect of their lives.

Motivate young people to be better citizens.


Academics Students will be prepared for a lifetime of learning by developing oral and written skills, learning to think criti-cally, increasing Explore/Plan/ACT scores, and becoming computer liter-ate.

Personal Students will understand who they are by managing their emotions, develop-ing their own values and principals, knowing how to make decisions and solve problems and taking personal


Community Students will learn how to live in a community, learning to lead and shar-ing pride at home, school and in their community.

Cultural Students will appreciate individual differences by being politically and culturally aware, interacting with peo-ple who are different from themselves and communicating in a changing and technologically advanced world.

Career Students will understand their own strengths, identify and set career goals, develop strong work habits and use resources effectively.

Health Students will know how to stay healthy and live well by enjoying extracurricular activities, manag-ing stress, understanding the con-sequences of substance use and abuse and criminal behaviors and accepting responsibility.




The PMA student development com-mittee will be comprised of administra-tors, teachers, students and parents who are dedicated to the success of PMA students. They will seek means of providing the following:

Confidential support and advising to help balance personal, family and edu-cational concerns of students

Advocacy and referral to college and

community resources

Program of workshops and seminars on personal, career and academic topics

References, books and other materials on topics important to students

Computer labs to help students with assignments, papers and internet re-search

Assistance with career exploration and

in making the transition to post-secondary education or employ-ment

A comfortable setting for study groups, breaks and lunch

Sponsorship for scholarship infor-mation.


Services PMA shall provide a variety of programs and services that are responsive to every student need (specialized and unspecialized) and promote their well being.

Individual Development PMA shall foster the development of each student. Programs and services will be offered that enable students to expand their capabili-ties and understanding and to han-dle personal problems which, if left unattended, inhibit learning and development.

Advocacy PMA staff members shall ensure

student interests are served in strategic aspects of school policies, planning and program/service creation.

School Culture PMA shall encourage a strong sense of community among students, faculty and staff. This objective will be achieved through student involvement in institu-tional governance and service learning opportunities. We will also maintain or improve facilities to meet student re-quirements.

Programs and Instruction PMA shall implement programs/services that enhance academic success, promote personal development and provide oppor-tunities for cultivating skills necessary to

live as productive citizens. Programs will be conducted in a variety of set-tings, ranging from small informal gatherings to formal classes, from indi-vidualized skill building to group proc-esses, from entertainment perform-ances, to intensive learning experiences. (See attached bell schedule).

Crisis Management PMA shall provide assistance in times of personal/community crisis as well curtail issues through mentorship. Such assistance includes medical and psychological services, conflict resolu-tion through mediation or adjudication and assistance from non-school organi-zations.


SERVICES about the school but to meet and social-ize with other students. All new students are expected to attend.

Student Activities and Programs Extracurricular activities are an impor-tant part of the college experience. Stu-dents play in intricate part in planning activities and programs that are interest to them. The staff, coupled with parents, work with the students to meet the intel-lectual, social, and cultural needs of the school.

Organizations and Clubs PMA supports a wide range of student clubs and organizations that expand and cultivate the academic professional and cultural interests of students. Each club/organization has guidelines that ensure development occurs.

The following lists some of our clubs and organizations:

Drum and Bugle, Marching Band, Con-cert Band, Military Chorus, Debate, Book Club, Tutoring, ADVID, Drama, Photography, Technology, Diamonds in the Rough (female social group), Male social group, Football, Basketball, Soft-ball, Baseball, Soccer, Orienteering,

Archery, Cross Country, Pom-Poms, Wrestling and Chest.

Volunteer Opportunities PMA students are involved in a wide range of volunteer activities. They assist with recruiting, admissions, and orienta-tion programs. PMA students tutor other students, sponsor parties and dances for the elderly, visit the elderly, sponsor clothing drives and organize blood drives for the state of Illinois. PMA students are encouraged to volun-teer time to different school and commu-nity organizations and projects.

Student Leadership The mission of the JROTC leadership is to foster opportunities for leadership which includes articulating and oversee-ing the consistent implementation and enforcement of PMA’s code of conduct. These select leaders are responsible for ensuring all students are aware of the consequences for (non) compliance. Prior to appointment, leaders will be trained to assist school leadership (Principal, Asst. Principal and Comman-dant) with adjudicating each case expe-ditiously and with due process.

Mentorship All students are assigned a mentor. It is required that each mentor meet with his/her mentor at least once per week.

Academic/Career Services All students will be privy to a vari-ety of seminars and workshops that will be offered throughout the academic year on resume prepara-tion, job search strategies, inter-view techniques, postsecondary education scholarships, other fi-nancial assistance, college applica-tion procedures and requirements, and various other social—academic needs.

Orientation The new student orientation pro-grams is designed to introduce stu-dents to the school’s mission and philosophy. This gives the incom-ing students the opportunity to get settled in their new environment and to become familiar with their academic program. Formal and informal social and informational sessions provide students with the opportunity not only to learn


Counseling Services PMA’s counselor offers a wide ar-ray of services and support to the student body. Individual and group sessions are available as well as assistance in dealing with issues of conflict management and gen-eral problem solving. Students are seen regardless of the magnitude of the issue. Confidentiality is as-sured.

Workshop and seminars will be offered throughout the year focus-ing on contemporary issues, life skill development and personal coping mechanisms.

Disability Services PMA’s special education depart-ment is committed to providing accommodations and support for students with special needs as de-fined by the American with Dis-abilities Act. The goal is to pro-mote academic equality through personal counseling, resource and referral services, advocacy, per-sonal counseling, and individual-ized education plans based on documentation and coordination of services with other departments.

AVID AVID stands for Advanced Via In-dividual Determination.

PMA AVID program will ensure all students, especially students in the middle with academic poten-tial, capable of completing a col-lege preparatory path:

- Will succeed in the most rigorous curriculum,

- Will enter mainstream activities of the school,

- Will increase their enrollment in four year colleges, and

- Will become educated and re-sponsible participates and leaders in a democratic society.

Students with academic potential are defined as students with:

- Average to high test scores

- 2.0 - 3.5 GPA

- College potential with support

- Desire and determination

Interscholastic Athletics PMA’s interscholastic program provides leadership for the development, supervi-sion and promotion of good sportsman-ship in interscholastic competition and other activities in which its students choose to engage. Participation in such interscholastic activities offers eligible students experiences in an educational setting which provide enrichment to the educational experience.

It is the responsibility of each adminis-trator, staff and faculty member :

- to stress the educational importance, the cultural values and the appreciations and skills involved in all its interscholas-tic activities and to promote cooperation and friendship;

- to regulate its interscholastic program in both character and quantity so that interscholastics shall not unduly interfere with nor abridge the regular program of teachers and students in the perform-ances of their regular day-to-day school duties;

- to encourage economy in the time of the student and teacher personnel devoted to interscholas-tic activities;

- to encourage economy in ex-penses of interscholastic activities; and

- to promote only those activities which enhance the school's desired educational goals.

The following sports are offered:


Soccer (Boy & Girl)

Basketball (Boy & Girl)






Football Team

Soccer Team



Boys Softball Team
