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Ta b le of Contents 1. MISSION ..................................................................................................................................... 2

2 . GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 2

3 . P RINCIP LES OF STUDENT ORGANIZATION RESP ONSIBILITY ......................................................... 3

4 . DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 4

5 . P ROHIBITED CONDUCT ............................................................................................................... 5

6 . REP ORTING ................................................................................................................................ 9

7 . SUP P ORTIVE & INTERIM MEASURES .......................................................................................... 10

8 . INVESTIGATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 11

9 . CONDUCT P ROCEDURES ........................................................................................................... 14

1 0 . FORMAL HEARING OUTLINE..................................................................................................... 16

1 1 . DECISIONS ............................................................................................................................. 18

12 . AP P EALS ................................................................................................................................ 18

13 . SANCTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 19

14 . MEDICAL AMNESTY ................................................................................................................. 21

15 . P ARENT/ GUARDIAN NOTICE ................................................................................................... 21

16 . AP P EALS ................................................................................................................................ 22

17 . SEXUAL MISCONDUCT ............................................................................................................. 23

18 . NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT .......................................................................................... 23

19 . CODE OF CONDUCT REVISIONS ............................................................................................... 23


1 . MISSION As a n ins t itu t ion of higher lea rning and a com m unity of persons with a specia l purpose, Bloom sburg Univers ity accep ts its ob liga t ion to p rovide its m em bers with an a tm osphere which p rotects and prom otes its educa tiona l m is s ion a nd tha t gua rantees its orderly and effect ive opera t ion. To accom plish these goa ls , the Univers ity m us t require certa in s tanda rds of conduct , both on and off cam pus , which a re then expressed through the Student Code of Conduct . In add it ion, Bloom sburg Univers ity s tudents a sp ire to follow and prom ote integrity, com m unity, socia l jus t ice, respect , and respons ib ility.

Inte grity- Huskies exem plify hones ty, honor, and respect for the truth in a ll of their a ct ions .

Com m unity- Huskies build and enhance their com m unity; unders tand and a pprecia te how

decis ions and act ions a ffect others ; and , a re jus t and eq uitab le in the trea tm ent of a ll m em bers of the com m unity.

Socia l J us tice - Huskies respect the d ignity of every person and a ct to d iscourage and cha llenge those whose act ions m ay be ha rm ful to or d im inish the worth of others .

Re s pe ct- Huskies show pos it ive rega rd for them selves , each other, and for the com m unity.

Re s pons ibility- Huskies a ccep t respons ib ility for lea rning, p ersona l behavior, and future succes s , and appropria tely cha llenge others to do the sam e. Huskies use good judgem ent, a re t rus tworthy, and take persona l respons ib ility for act ions .

2 . GENERAL INFORMATION Bloom sburg Univers ity is com m itted to p rovid ing a sound educa tiona l environm ent for intellectua l pursuits . In add it ion, the Univers ity is engaged in d evelop ing socia lly respons ib le cit izens , ensuring the welfa re and freedom of a ll m em bers of the Univers ity com m unity, and p rotect ing ind ividua l rights . Students a t Bloom sburg Univers ity a re expected to ab ide by the rules and regula t ions of the Univers ity a s well a s interna t iona l, federa l, s ta te , and loca l laws and ord ina nces . Add it iona lly the rules and regula t ions of other ins t itut ions will a lso be app lied when s tudents a re engaged in academ ic pursuits a t those ins t itu t ions . The Student Code of Conduct identifies those act ions which cons t itu te unaccep tab le b ehavior for s tudents and s tudent organiza t ions of the Univers ity. A. Applicability- Any s tudent or s tudent organiza t ion com m itt ing an act in viola t ion of the

app lica b le port ion of the Student Code of Conduct sha ll be sub ject to d iscip lina ry act ion. Any viola t ion of the Student Code of Conduct by a s tud ent or a s tudent organiza t ion m ay result in both the organiza t ion and the m em bers involved in the m isconduct being sub ject to d iscip lina ry act ion. Students or s tudent organiza t ions m ay b e held respons ib le for the act ions and behaviors of their gues ts . Viola t ions found und er th is docum ent m ay be app lied concurrently with any civil or crim ina l p rosecution b rought aga ins t a s tudent or s tudent organiza t ion.

B. J uris d iction- Dis cip lina ry act ion m ay be im posed when a s tudent or s tudent organiza t ion

engages in behavior, on or off Univers ity p roperty tha t is not cons is tent with Univers ity s tanda rds a s defined by the Student Code of Cond uct . Students and s tudent organiza t ions a re expected to conduct them selves in accorda nce with interna t iona l, federa l, s ta te , and loca l laws and ord inances . Viola t ions of these laws and ord inances m ay be sub ject to Univers ity act ion. When a s tudent is cha rged with viola t ing interna t iona l, federa l, s ta te , and loca l laws or


ord inances , d is cip lina ry a ct ion m ay be taken and s anctions im posed for the m isconduct . The Univers ity will determ ine whether act ion under the Student Code of Conduct will be ca rried out before, s im ultaneous ly, or following civil or crim ina l p roceed ings .

C. Officia l Unive rs ity Conta ct- The Office of the Dean of Students sends a ll officia l

correspondence through em a il u t ilizing the s tudent’s Bloom sburg Univers ity is sued em a il address . This is the Office of the Dean of Student’s p rim ary and officia l form of com m unica t ion. Students a re expected to check their Univers ity em a il da ily. Any and a ll conseq uences tha t result when Univers ity em a il is not read or checked regula rly a re the respons ib ility of the s tudent .


Student organiza t ions enrich the univers ity and com m unity by p rovid ing a source of intellectual, persona l, and socia l developm ent for s tudents through program s and activities . The Univers ity and off-cam pus pa rtners fulfill an im portant educa tiona l m iss ion by p rovid ing the p olicies and p rocedures with which to support and guide s tudent organiza t ions . Inherent in the Univers ity’s recognition of student organizations is the obligation of each student organization to conduct activities in accordance with University rules and policies . These rules and policies of the University are in addition to other rules and policies that m ay govern the organization by their parent organiza t ion. Stude nt Organiza tion Re s pons ibility for P olicy Viola tions Student organiza t ions a re req uired to com ply with a ll Univers ity policies , includ ing the Student Code of Conduct , and a ll add it iona l policies perta ining to the specific organiza t ion. A s tudent organiza t ion m ay be held respons ib le for the act ions and behaviors of its m em bers and gues ts . The decis ion to hold a s tudent organiza t ion res pons ib le a s a whole is u lt im a tely de term ined by exam ining a ll the circum s tances of a s itua t ion and by taking into account factors includ ing, but not lim ited to, whether the act ions : Were com m itted by one or m ore leaders or authorized representatives acting in the scope of their

student organization capacities; Were com m itted by student organiza t ion m em bers or a lum ni, or gues ts tha t rea sonab le peop le

would a ssocia te with the student organiza t ion; Were condoned by or a llowed to occur a t an organiza t ion function or venue controlled by the

s tudent organiza t ion (a ct ively or pa s s ively), student organiza t ion m em bers , a lum ni, or gues ts . This sect ion includes non-act ion on the pa rt of the s tudent organiza t ion m em bers p resent a t the function, event or venue;

Occurred a t , or in connection with , an act ivity or event funded , s ponsored , p ub licized , or advert ised , by the student organiza t ion or student organiza t ion m em bers ;

Occurred a t a loca t ion over which the student organiza t ion or its m em bers had control a t the t im e of the act ion;

Occurred a t , or in connection with , an act ivity or event tha t rea sonab le peop le would a ssocia te with the student organiza t ion;

Should have been foreseen by the s tudent organiza tion or its leaders , but rea sonab le p recautions aga ins t such act ions were not taken;

Were the result of a policy or p ract ice of the student organiza t ion; Would be a ttributab le to the student organiza t ion under the student organiza t ion’s own policies

(includ ing loca l or na t iona l risk m anagem ent guidelines ); or, Were taken by ind ividua ls who, but for their a ffilia t ion with the student organiza t ion, would not

have been involved in the incident .


In add ition, a s tude nt organiza tion m a y be he ld re s pons ible if: One or m ore leaders or m em bers of a s tudent organiza t ion fa il to report knowledge or

inform a tion about a viola tion to, or otherwis e fa il to coopera te with , app ropria te Univers ity or em ergency officia ls ;

The student organiza t ion, or any m em ber act ing on its beha lf, fa ils to sa t is fa ctorily com plete the term s of any sanction or outcom e.

The student organiza t ion or m em bers of a student organiza t ion fa il to com ply with a Univers ity inves t iga t ion or req ues t for inform a tion.

Along with s tudent organiza t ions , their m em bers , leaders , and a s socia ted s tudents , m ay a lso be held ind ividua lly respons ib le for viola t ions of the Student Code of Conduct or other Univers ity policies . It is the respons ib ility of the s tudent organiza t ion’s p res id ent , leader, captain, or des ignee to represent the student organiza t ion through the conduct p rocess .

4 . DEFINITIONS For definitions related to sexual misconduct please see the Sexual Misconduct Policy (PRP 4 7 9 0 ). Advis or- An ind ividua l who m ay be p resent to p rovide support and guidance to a Com pla inant or Respondent throughout an inves t iga t ion and / or conduct p roceed ing. The ad visor serves a s a key resource in help ing s tudents unders tand their rights and respons ib ilit ies . In sexua l m isconduct hea rings , th is person m ay a lso have an add it iona l respons ib ility to conduct cross exam ina tions . Appe a l- A s tudent’s or s tudent organiza t ion’s req ues t for a review of outcom es or sanctions of a conduct p rocess . Appe a l Office r- An ind ividua l with the authority to review outcom es or sanctions d eterm ined by a Hea ring Officer or Form a l Hea ring Boa rd to decide appea ls . Com pla int- Filing a com pla int is a req ues t for Bloom sburg Univers ity to inves t iga te further and take any neces sa ry or ap propria te act ion. Com pla inant- An ind ividua l who has reported being or is a lleged to be sub jected to conduct tha t could cons t itu te m iscond uct a s defined under the Student Code of Conduct . The Univers ity m ay serve a s the com pla inant during a hea ring, but in the ins tance of a Sexua l Misconduct Hea ring, it is the ind ividua l who has reported being or is a lleged to be sub jected to conduct tha t could cons t itu te covered sexua l m isconduct a s defined under Sexua l Misconduct Policy. He a ring Office r- A Univers ity em ployee or Office of the Dean of Students d es ignee who is t ra ined and authorized to weigh the inform a tion p resented in a conduct p rocess to determ ine an appropria te outcom e. De s igne e - A person who is authorized to m ake decis ions in the p lace of the nam ed adm inis tra t ive office or officer. Fam ily Ed uca tiona l Rights and P rivacy Act (FERP A)- A Federa l law tha t p rotects the p rivacy of s tudent educa tion records . Student educa tion records a re genera lly not to be d is closed without a s tudent’s writ ten consent . Nothing within th is policy sha ll cause the Univers ity to fa ll out of com pliance with federa l a nd s ta te law concerning s tudent p rivacy. Inte rim a nd Supportive Me as ure s - Ind ividua lized services or act ion offered to a com pla inant or respondent .


Inte rim No Conta ct Orde r- Interim officia l writ ten expecta t ions is sued b y a Univers ity adm inis tra tor res trict ing or p rohib it ing contact between s tudents . Inve s tiga tor- A tra ined p rofes s iona l a s s igned to conduct fact-find ing and write a report . No Contact Orde r- Officia l writ ten expecta t ions is s ued by a Univers ity adm inis tra tor res trict ing or p rohib it ing contact between s tudents . Outcom e Le tte r- A let ter which p rovides the officia l decis ion of respons ib ility for the a lleged viola t ions and includes the sanction(s ). P a rtie s - A term tha t refers to the com pla inant and the respondent collect ively. P re ponde rance of Evide nce - The s tanda rd of p roof used to determ ine whether viola t ions of Univers ity policy have occurred and m eans “it is m ore likely than not” tha t a viola t ion has occurred . Re cords - All docum ents , reports , record ings , le t ters , or other form s of inform a tion rela t ing to a s tudent or s tudent organiza t ion conduct p roces s . Re s ponde nt- An ind ividua l or s tudent organiza t ion who is a lleged to have viola ted the Student Code of Conduct . Re port- Inform a tion subm itted to the Office of the Dean of Students rega rd ing a lleged a ct ions or behaviors of a s tudent or s tudent organiza t ion. This report could rela te to a Student Code of Conduct viola t ion includ ing sexua l m isconduct or could be for inform a tiona l purposes only. A report m ay be accom panied by a req ues t for support ive or interim m easures . Stude nt- Any person: (1 ) seeking adm is s ion to the Univers ity through the form a l Univers ity app lica t ion p roces s ; (2 ) a dm itted to the Univers ity, (3 ) e ligib le to regis ter or schedule for cla s ses , or (4 ) living in Univers ity res idence ha lls even though they a re not enrolled a t the Univers ity. The term “Student” sha ll include Em ployees , Volunteers and Officia ls where the Em ployee, Volunteer or Officia l otherwise m eets the enrollm ent criteria s et forth in th is definit ion. Stude nt Organiza tion- Any organized group of s tudents tha t ha s com plied with or is in the p rocess of com plying with the Univers ity’s req uirem ents for regis tra t ion, recognit ion, or is form ed through Univers ity academ ic, a thlet ic, or Univers ity depa rtm ents , or is funded b y the Com m unity Governm ent Associa t ion. Witne s s - A person who m ay have knowledge perta ining to an a lleged viola t ion.

5 . P ROHIBITED CONDUCT Students who a re cited or a rres ted by a law enforcem ent agency or convicted of a crim e in civil or crim ina l court m ay be sub ject to sepa ra te cha rges and to Univers ity conduct p roceed ings . The following form s of conduct a re p rohib ited by any Bloom sburg Univers ity s tudent or s tudent organiza t ion on or off Univers ity p roperty and a re s ub ject to sanctions :

A. Acade m ic Inte grity- Incid ents of p lagia rism , chea ting, and other form s of academ ic d ishones ty a s set forth in the Academ ic Integrity P olicy (P RP 3 5 1 2 ). Such incid ents a re address ed in accorda nce with the policy and procedures .


B. Alcohol- A viola t ion of the Univers ity Alcoholic Beverage Policy (P RP 4 8 1 0 ) cons t itu tes a viola t ion of the Student Code of Conduct . Viola t ions include but a re not lim ited to: 1 . Disp la y of em pty a lcohol conta iners in a ny Univers ity facility, res id ence ha ll, or any

a ffilia ted Univers ity hous ing. 2 . Use, posses s ion, or cons um ption of a lcoholic beverages on cam pus over 2 1 yea rs of

age. 3 . Underage use, posses s ion, or consum ption of a lcoholic beverages . 4 . Possess ion of open conta iners of a lcoholic beverages . 5 . Public intoxica t ion. 6 . Driving under the influence of a lcohol. 7 . Possess ion of a fake ID, use of a fake ID, p rovid ing fa lse identifica t ion, or

m is representa t ion of id entifica t ion. 8 . Furnishing a lcohol to ind ividua ls under the age of 2 1 . 9 . Actively p lanning or organizing a pa rty or event where a lcohol is b eing served illega lly

or furnished to m inors . Actively p lanning or organizing a pa rty or event includes but is not lim ited to p rovid ing cups , collect ing m oney, or t ransport ing either a lcohol or a t tendees to or from the event .

1 0 . Illega lly s elling a lcohol. 1 1 . Hos ting a socia l ga thering, whether intentiona l or unintentiona l, where an a lcohol

policy viola t ion occurs . 1 2 . Other a lcohol-rela ted m isconduct .

C. Com pute r a nd Ne twork Mis us e - A viola t ion of the Accep tab le Use of Technology Policy

(PRP 2 5 5 0 ). Viola t ions include but a re not lim ited to: m isuse, abuse, or other illega l act ivity rela ted to Univers ity com puters or networks , us ing com puters / the network to d is tribute, download or up load obscene or indecent im ages or language, hara ss ind ividua ls , or h inder the universa l functions of the univers ity network.

D. Controlle d Subs ta nce s / Drugs - A viola t ion of the Univers ity Drug Policy (P RP

4 8 0 5 ). Viola t ions include but a re not lim ited to: 1 . The use or pos sess ion of controlled sub s tances / d rugs . 2 . The sa le of controlled sub s tances / d rugs . 3 . The m anufacturing of controlled subs tances / d rugs . 4 . The d is tribution or t rans fer of controlled subs tances / d rugs . 5 . The d is tribution or t rans fer of p res cribed m edica t ions / d rugs . 6 . The use or pos sess ion of d rug pa rapherna lia . 7 . The use of lega l subs tances , in a m anner other than the intended purpose, in ways

tha t a lter one’s m enta l or phys ica l s ta te . 8 . Driving under the influence of controlled sub s tances / d rugs .

E. Dis orde rly Conduct, this include s :

1 . Engaging in conduct tha t unnecessa rily d is turbs others , or is d is rup tive to the norm a l p ract ices or p roces ses , or functions of the Univers ity, ins t itu t ion, bus ines s , or loca l m unicipa lit ies .

2 . Engaging in conduct tha t is reta lia tory. 3 . Engaging in a course of conduct d irected a t a pers on tha t serves no legit im a te purpose

and serious ly a la rm s or int im ida tes tha t person. 4 . Engaging in conduct tha t cons t itu tes unlawful d iscrim ina tion based on a nother

person’s race, color, s ex, sexua l orienta t ion, gender identity, religion, creed , age, na t iona l or e thnic origin, cit izenship , veteran s ta tus , d isab ility, or any other lega lly p rotected cla s s .

F. Dis rup tive Com m unity Be havior- Off-cam pus behavior tha t is d is rup tive to the loca l

com m unity. Students a re rem inded tha t they m ust ensure adherence to these sect ions ,


a ll app licab le policies , a nd a re respons ib le for the act ions tha t occur a t their res idence or p roperty in which they control and can include: 1 . Unreasonab le noise a s defined by the loca l noise ord ina nce; 2 . Fire, hea lth , zoning, build ing and sa fety codes , includ ing occupancy lim its a s defined

by the Town of Bloom sburg; 3 . Litter, tra sh and ga rbage viola t ions (refer to the loca l regula t ions for t ra sh d isposa l) 4 . Fa ilure to take p roactive s teps to m anage the conduct of gues ts , includ ing m easures

tha t reduce the risk of ha rm . 5 . Fa ilure to ensure com pliance with a ll s ta te and fed era l laws or loca l ord ina nces

includ ing but not lim ited to those regula t ing firea rm s , a lcohol and liq uor laws or illicit d rugs .

G. Dis rup tive Cla s s room Conduct- Such incidents a re address ed in accorda nce with the Student Dis rup tive Behavior Policy (PRP 3 8 8 1 ).

H. Fa ilure to Com ply- Confronting or defying ins truct ions or rea sonab le req ues ts m ade by Univers ity officia ls . This includes , but is not lim ited to refusa l to p resent id entifica t ion when a sked ; noncom plia nce with Univers ity sanctions , inves t iga t ions , or a no contact le t ter; and , refusa l to respond to a req ues t to report to an adm inis tra t ive office.

I. Fire a rm s / We apons - A viola t ion of the Univers ity Weapons , Firea rm s and Da ngerous

Devices Policy (PRP 5 2 4 0 ). Viola t ions include but a re not lim ited to: 1 . The unauthorized poss es s ion of firea rm s , weapons , or other dangerous ob jects or

subs tances on Univers ity p roperty. 2 . The trans fer of firea rm s , weapons , or other dangerous ob jects or subs tances on

Univers ity p roperty. 3 . Use of firea rm s , weapons , or other dangerous ob jects or subs tances on Univers ity

p roperty. 4 . The bra nd ishing of any ob ject or item used in a threa tening or violent m anner, such a s

a butane lighter, lit tobacco products , ba seba ll ba t or other b lunt ins trum ent, or razor b lade tha t inflicts , or is in tended to inflict bod ily ha rm , or cause p roperty dam age.

This policy includes , but is not lim ited to: firea rm s , am m unit ion, exp los ives , b illy clubs , m art ia l a rts weapons , bows and a rrows , sab ers , s words , daggers , switchb lades , knives used p rim arily for hunting purposes , fireworks , pe llet guns , a ir guns , BB guns , s tun guns , ta sers , pa int ba ll guns , a nd da ngerous / flam m able chem ica ls / fuels .

J . Fra ud or Dis hone s ty-

1 . Wrongful decep tion intended to result in financia l or persona l ga in. 2 . Making, us ing, or posses s ing a ny fa ls ified docum ent or records . 3 . Provid ing fa lse inform a tion to Univers ity officia ls or on Univers ity docum ents . 4 . Altering or forging a ny Univers ity docum ent or records , includ ing id entifica t ion, m ea l,

or access ca rd s and pa rking perm its . 5 . Provid ing fa lse s ta tem ents during any police or Univers ity inves t iga t ion or

p roceed ings . 6 . The m is representa t ion of onese lf or of an organiza t ion a s a n agency of the Univers ity

by any m eans identified a bove.

K. Gam bling- Any act of ga m bling includ ing solicita t ion on cam pus is p rohib ited excep t for those sanctioned b y Bloom sburg Univers ity and the Com m onwea lth of Pennsylvania .

L. Harm -

1 . Infliction of Ha rm - Com m iss ion of any act which results in or which m ay result in the inflict ion of pa in, injury, or dam age to any person or p roperty by willful and delibera te m eans or through gross negligence. This offense includes but is not lim ited to:


assault , a t tem pted a ssault , or reckless b ehavior, which m ay result in injuries to onese lf, others , or p roperty.

2 . Thre a t of Ha rm - This includes words or a course of conduct tha t is rea sonab ly unders tood to crea te fea r of the int im ida tion of pa in, injury, or dam age, includ ing conveyance of threa ts through electronic m eans , (a ) to another person or p roperty; (b ) toward any pa rty to witness , or their p roperty, involved in a Univers ity conduct viola t ion or law enforcem ent m a tter, which can be rea sonab ly unders tood a s a t tem pting to influence outcom es or for reta lia t ion; or (c) toward a Univers ity em ployee rela ted to the perform ance of th is job .

M. Hazing- In add it ion to viola t ions of the Univers ity Hazing Policy (PRP 4 6 5 0 ), viola t ions include, but a re not lim ited to caus ing, coercing, or forcing an ind ividua l to do any of the following: 1 . Consum e any food , d rink, liq uid , a lcoholic liq uid , d rug, or other subs tance which

sub jects the ind ividua l to a risk of em otiona l or phys ica l ha rm . 2 . Endure any bruta lity or act of a phys ica l na ture, which m ay include but is not lim ited

to whipp ing, bea t ing, b ra nd ing, padd ling, kicking, pushing, shoving, ta ckling, ca lis thenics , or exposure to the elem ents .

3 . Endure b ruta lity or act of a m enta l na ture, which m ay include but is not lim ited to act ivity adversely a ffect ing the m enta l hea lth , or d ignity of the ind ividua l, s leep depriva t ion, exclus ion from socia l contact , or cond uct which could result in extrem e em barra ssm ent or degrada tion.

4 . Any act ivity which has the potentia l to be frightening, m ora lly com prom is ing, degrad ing, and / or unduly decep tive, includ ing decep tion des igned to convince the ind ividua l of im ped ing pa in, injury, or non-init ia t ion includ ing but not lim ited to p rom oting servitude, bera t ing or verba lly ha ra ss ing ind ividua ls , throwing item s a t or on ind ividua ls , forcing ind ividua ls to ca rry item s or wea r appa rel which is und ignified , req uiring pub lic s tunts such a s forcing ind ividua ls to yell when entering or depa rt ing a phys ica l s tructure or in the p resence of des igna ted ind ividua ls , forcing ind ividua ls to use des igna ted entrances or exits , req uiring ind ivid ua ls to run persona l erra nds , intentiona lly crea t ing lab or or clean-up work, and req uiring ind ividua ls to wea r scant clothing or to be nude.

5 . Endure b ruta lity or an act of a sexua l na ture. 6 . Any act ivity which endangers or ha s the potentia l to endanger the academ ic

perform ance of the ind ividua l, such a s not a llowing adeq uate t im e for, or interfering with academ ic com m itm ents ; a ct ivit ies conducted between the hours of m idnight and 8 :0 0 a .m .; and , forced exclus ion from socia l or verba l contact with any other ind ividua l.

7 . Any des truct ion or rem ova l of pub lic or p riva te p roperty. 8 . Any viola t ion of federa l, s ta te , or loca l law or rule or Univers ity policy.

Any act ion lis ted above tha t ha s a d irect rela t ion to the init ia t ion, adm iss ion into, or a ffilia t ion with a s tudent organiza t ion, rega rd less of an ind ividua l’s willingness to pa rt icipa te , is cons idered a viola t ion of the hazing policy.

N. Re ta lia tion- Any act ion taken in res pons e to a report of m isconduct tha t res tra ins ,

interferes with , coerces , or punishes a pa rt icipant of an inves t iga t ion or cond uct p rocess .

O. Safe ty Viola tions - Viola t ion of sa fety regula t ions includ ing, but not lim ited to: 1 . Sett ing unauthorized fires . 2 . Tam pering with fire sa fety sys tem s , fire fighting eq uipm ent or defib rilla tors or rend ing

such eq uipm ent inoperab le. 3 . Turning in fa lse a la rm s b y any m eans of com m unica t ion. 4 . Tam pering with or im proper use of Univers ity em ergency com m unica t ion devices . 5 . Fa ilure to evacuate facilit ies upon the sounding of an a la rm or d rill. 6 . Crea ting any haza rdous condit ion tha t endangers the hea lth and sa fety of others .


7 . Crea ting a sa fety haza rd due to reckless or negligent conduct .

P . Viola tion of Sa fe ty P re caution Re quire m e nts - To reduce the risk of sp read ing infect ious d isea se, s tudents sha ll a dhere to a ll Sa fety P recau tions (which a re defined a s any hea lth-rela ted laws , regula t ions , or m anda tory guidelines es tab lished by the Univers ity or federa l, s ta te , county, or m unicip a l authorit ies ). There a re two ca tegories of th is Viola t ion:

1 . The intentiona l or reckles s d is rega rd of Sa fety P recautions , or intentiona l or reckles s

act ions tha t cause or d irect ly threa ten the spread of d isea se. 2 . Fa iling to com ply with Sa fety P recautions . This includes fa iling to ab id e by face

covering policies or d irect ives is sued by the Univers ity. A s tudent’s a ct ions in rela t ion to a high risk of d isea se s pread and the s tudent’s conduct his tory, a s well a s the exis tence of p rior viola t ions of th is ca tegory will be cons idered a nd m ay lead to a m ore severe sanction includ ing suspens ion.

Q. Se xua l Mis cond uct- A viola t ion of the Univers ity Sexual Misconduct Policy (PRP 4 7 9 0 ).

Viola t ions a re: 1 . Dating Violence 2 . Dom es tic Violence 3 . Reta lia t ion 4 . Sexua l Assault

a . Sexua l Penetra t ion Without Consent b . Sexua l Contact Without Consent c. Sta tutory Sexua l Assault

5 . Sexua l Exploita t ion 6 . Regula tory P rohib ited Conduct 7 . Regula tory Quid P ro Quo Sexua l Ha ra ssm ent 8 . Non-Regula tory Quid P ro Quo Sexua l Ha ra ssm ent 9 . Regula tory Hos tile Environm ent Sexua l Ha ra ssm ent 1 0 . Non-Regula tory Hos tile Environm ent Sexua l Hara ssm ent 1 1 . Sta lking

R. Solicita tion- Any viola t ion of the Univers ity solicita t ion policy a s set forth in PRP 2 6 5 0 is a

viola t ion of the Student Code of Conduct .

S. The ft/ Stole n P rope rty- This includes theft or a ttem pted theft of the p roperty or services of the Univers ity, any organiza t ion, or any ind ividua l, by m eans of taking, d eceiving, m isappropria t ing, or m isus ing; or poss es s ion of s tolen p roperty or receiving s tolen p roperty.

T. Unauthorize d Acce s s - Forcib ly entering, t respas s ing, or unauthorized entry of any locked

or secured facility, Univers ity or ind ividua lly owned or rented p roperty is a viola t ion.

U. Unive rs ity P olicie s - Viola t ions of writ ten or pub lished Univers ity policy or regula t ions conta ined in a ny officia l p ub lica t ions , a dm inis tra t ive announcem ents , contracts pos t ings includ ing Univers ity webs ites .

V. Vanda lis m - Any acts of a buse or des truct ion of Univers ity or p riva te p roperty by a ny

m eans .

6 . REP ORTING Any person or entity (includ ing Univers ity depa rtm ents , officia ls , com m unity m em bers , and s tudents ) m ay subm it inform ation in the form of a report or com pla int to be reviewed by the


Office of the Dea n of Students . In ea ch ca se p rior to Univers ity act ion, the com pla inant m ay be req uired to subm it a full s ta tem ent, in writ ing, includ ing a deta iled account of the incident , a long with the nam es of the ind ividua l(s ) who m ay have engaged in behavior tha t could result in viola t ion(s ) of th is Student Code of Conduct , and witnesses who were p resent when the act ions occurred , have d irect knowledge of the incid ent , or can p rovide evidence tha t tends to p rove the act ions in the s ta tem ent happened . Any a lleged viola t ion of the Student Code of Conduct should be subm itted as soon a s pos s ib le a fter the event takes p lace. Fa ilure to report in a t im ely m anner m ay lim it the Univers ity’s ab ility to effect ively respond to the a lleged conduct . All reports will be inves t iga ted to the extent of the inform a tion p rovided . Reports or com pla ints m ay be subm itted anonym ous ly; however anonym ous reports or com pla ints m ay lim it the Univers ity’s ab ility to inves t iga te the incident . If an anonym ous report or com pla int fa ils to p rovide enough deta il to conduct an e ffect ive inves t iga t ion, the inform a tion conta ined in the report or com pla int sha ll be ca ta loged and reta ined by the Office of the Dea n of Students for not les s than the com plet ion of one academ ic yea r. To file a re port or com pla int:

1 . Com plete a Univers ity form tha t can be found online a t Student Com pla ints & Grievances .

2 . Any ind ividua l, group , or organiza t ion m ay s top by the Office of the Dea n of Students , loca ted in the Student Services Build ing, or ca ll 5 7 0 -3 8 9 -4 7 3 4 to schedule a m eeting with a des igna ted s ta ff m em ber to subm it an init ia l verba l report or com pla int . At the t im e of the m eeting, the des igna ted s ta ff m em ber will dete rm ine appropria te next s teps if app lica b le.

3 . Sexua l Misconduct- There a re severa l ways a report or com pla int m ay be filed in re la t ion to sexua l m isconduct . If it is not an em ergency, it is recom m ended a reporter or com pla inant file a report firs t with the Tit le IX Coord ina tor. However, a report or com pla int can be filed d irect ly with cam pus or loca l police, the Tit le IX Coord ina tor, the Office of Res idence Life , the Office of the Dean of Students , or by com plet ing an anonym ous report online. For m ore deta ils , p lea se see the Student Sexua l Misconduct Policy or the Harassm ent and Dis crim ina tion Policy, or the following web s ites for m ore deta ils :

a . Anonym ous Sexua l Misconduct Report : Tit le IX Report ing b . Genera l Sexua l Misconduct Webs ite: Tit le IX Directory c. Sexua l Misconduct Policy: PRP 4 7 9 0

4 . An ind ividua l m ay a lso vis it the following webpage to view va rious m ethods of subm is s ion:

Student Com pla ints & Grievances .

5 . Com pla ints ca n a lso b e filed with the U.S. Depa rtm ent of Educa tion, Office of Civil Rights .

7 . SUP P ORTIVE & INTERIM MEASURES Sup portive Me as ure s - When a report is received , the inform a tion is reviewed and a s sessed to determ ine poss ib le next s teps . In som e cases sup p ort ive m easures or accom m oda tions m ay be warranted , such a s but not lim ited to No Contact Agreem ents or Interim No Contact Orders , or change in cla s s schedule , or a lterna te hous ing accom m oda tions , or the is suance of an interim suspens ion. For m ore deta ils about sexua l m isconduct specific support ive m easures , p lea se see the Sexua l Misconduct Policy (P RP 4 7 9 0 ).


Inte rim No Conta ct Orde r- Interim officia l writ ten expecta t ions is sued b y a Univers ity adm inis tra tor res trict ing or p rohib it ing contact between ind ividua ls , a nd m ay a lso include other res trict ions . An Interim Order is not an ind ica t ion of res pons ib ility for a viola t ion of Univers ity policy; ra ther, it is intend ed to p rotect any s tudent or other ind ividua l in the Univers ity com m unity. Interim No Contact Orders do not , in a nd of them selves , becom e pa rt of the recip ient’s perm anent Univers ity record . The Interim No Contact Order rem a ins in e ffect until a de term ined da te , or pending the outcom e of a s tudent d iscip linary p rocess . If a s tudent receives an Interim No Contact Order under th is sect ion, the recip ient(s ) can contes t the interim m easure in writ ing to the Office of the Dea n of Students within 1 0 bus iness d ays , in which a hea ring will b e scheduled to review the interim m easure in p lace. Inte rim Sus pe ns ion- If it is determ ined tha t a s tudent’s continued presence cons t itu tes an im m edia te threa t of ha rm to them selves , other s tudents , Univers ity personnel, or to Univers ity p roperty the Univers ity m ay is sue an interim suspens ion from the Univers ity. The interim suspens ion m ay include tem pora ry suspens ion of a s tudent’s p rivilege to enter any Univers ity p roperty or facility. If a s tudent is sus pended und er th is sect ion, a hea ring s ha ll be convened within 1 0 bus ines s days , unles s extenua ting circum s tances warrant an extens ion, in which ca se a hea ring sha ll be p rovided a t the ea rlies t poss ib le d a te . An interim suspens ion is sued in conjunction with th is sect ion sha ll rem a in e ffect ive pend ing the results of a n inves t iga t ion or hea ring p rocess .

Inte rim Sus pe ns ion aga ins t a s tude nt organiza tion re cognize d by the Unive rs ity- If a n a llega tion leads to the is suance of a n interim suspens ion aga ins t a s tudent organiza t ion recognized b y the Univers ity, the Univers ity will use its bes t efforts to facilita te a conduct p rocess within 1 0 bus ines s days of the is suance of the suspens ion. If a p roces s cannot be held , the Univers ity will is sue a le t ter to the organiza t ion exp la ining the extenua ting circum s tances which have caused the delay.

8 . INVESTIGATIONS For investigations related to sexual misconduct please see the Sexual Misconduct Policy (PRP 4 7 9 0 ).

A. Ge ne ra l Inform a tion: The Office of the Dea n of Students will firs t review a ll reports or com pla ints a lleging a viola t ion of th is Code. From this in it ia l review, the Office of the Dean of Students sha ll d eterm ine an ap propria te course of act ion or, if req uired , next s teps ; which m ay include conducting an inves t iga t ion, ga thering m ore inform a tion, or interim m easures .

B. Timeline : The University will endeavor to proceed with an efficient and tim ely conduct process

that m ay include an investigation; however, factors beyond the control of the University m ay slow its response. The University shall m ake reasonable efforts to keep involved parties apprised of its progress.

C. Ind ividua l S tude nt Inve s t iga tions :

1 . Initia l As s e s s m e nt- An inves t iga tor or inves t iga tors will be a s s igned b y the Office of the Dean of Students if a n inves t iga t ion is neces sa ry.

2 . Inve s tiga tion P roce s s - The fact-find ing inves t iga t ion m ay neces s ita te interviews with a ll

involved pa rt ies and witnesses . Mem bers of the Univers ity com m unity a re s trongly encouraged to pa rt icipa te in the inves t iga t ive p rocess a s witnes ses if they have


knowledge or relevant inform a tion rega rd ing the a lleged viola t ion(s ) in q ues t ion and if they have been req ues ted to pa rt icipa te . Ind ividua ls who a re not m em bers of the Univers ity com m unity will genera lly be perm it ted to pa rt icipa te a s a witness if they have d irect knowledge or inform a tion rega rd ing the incident or a lleged viola t ion in q ues t ion. At the conclus ion of the inves t iga t ion, the inves t iga tor(s ) shall p repa re a written report deta iling the incid ent , their find ings , and if req ues ted , recom m enda tions for m oving forward . Upon receip t of the inves t iga t ion report, the Office of the Dean of Students sha ll review the report and determ ine: (i.) Whether add it iona l inform a tion is necessa ry, and if so, to seek tha t add it iona l inform a tion; and , (ii) Whether or not to a s s ign a lleged viola t ions of the Student Code of Conduct. Only the Dean of Students , or des ignee, m ay m ove forward on an inves t iga t ion.

3 . Advis or- The Univers ity unders tand s the benefits of p rovid ing support to a ll s tudents

includ ing those potentia lly accused of viola t ing this Code. However, the focus of th is Code is educa tiona l in na ture, thus the role of an a dvisor is m uch d ifferent than counsel in a crim ina l or c ivil a ct ion. Therefore, pa rt icipa t ion of an advisor is perm iss ive ra ther than com pulsory and the advisor’s role is lim ited . The role and pa rt icipa t ion of any advisor is governed by this s ect ion. During the inves t iga t ion, s tudents have the right to be ass is ted by any advisor they m ay choose, a t their own expense. The advisor m ay be any person who is not a potentia l witness or pa rty in the m atter or a rela ted m a tter. Attorneys act ing a s advisors m us t follow the sam e rules a s non-a ttorney advisors . An advisor m ay a t tend a ll m eetings but shall not pa rt ic ip a te d irect ly in any aspect of the conduct process , includ ing speaking d irect ly to inves t iga tors . The involved s tudents m us t speak on their own beha lf a nd com m unica te d irect ly with the inves t iga tor(s ).

An advisor’s fa ilure to com ply with these pa rt icipa t ion lim ita t ions m ay cause the advisor to be rem oved from the m eeting or proceeding. If the advisor is rem oved from any s tage of the p roceed ings , the Office of the Dea n of Students sha ll m ake the determ ina tion a s to whether tha t advisor m ay continue in tha t role in future interact ions . This determ ina tion is m ade on a ca se-by-case bas is a nd sha ll cons id er a ll of the relevant facts and circum s tances lead ing to their rem ova l. At any point , the involved s tudent m ay select a new a dvisor; however, in no ca se sha ll the p roceed ings be dela yed b ecause of the advisor’s fa ilure to m eet their ob liga t ions und er th is s ect ion.

4 . P rivacy- Pa rt icipants in a n inves t iga t ion should keep all inform ation related to the

incident as private as possible. In order to protect the privacy of a ll parties, participants should only speak with University officials who a re facilita t ing the investigation.

D. Stude nt Organiza tion Inve s tiga tions

1 . Initia l As s e s s m e nt- The Office of the Dea n of Students will a s s ign a n inves t iga tor or

inves t iga tors if a n inves t iga t ion is necessa ry. Student-init ia ted inves t iga t ions a re p rohib ited .

2 . Allega tions - In the interes t of the integrity of the investigation and to reduce the

incidence of reta lia tory behavior, the specifics of the allegations m ay be kept private until details are shared in a potential conduct process. However, the broad nature of the allegation will be provided.

3 . Inve s tiga tion P roce s s - The fact-find ing inves t iga t ion m ay neces s ita te interviews with a ll

involved pa rt ies and witnesses . Mem bers of the Univers ity com m unity a re s trongly encouraged to pa rt icipa te in the inves t iga t ive p rocess a s witnes ses if they have knowledge or inform a tion rega rd ing the a lleged viola t ion(s ) in q ues t ion a nd if they have been req ues ted to pa rt icipa te . Ind ividua ls who a re not m em bers of the Univers ity com m unity will genera lly be perm it ted to pa rt icipa te a s a witness if they have d irect knowledge or releva nt inform ation rega rd ing the incident or a lleged viola t ion in


q ues t ion. The inves t iga tor(s ) will de term ine the m ethod of fa ct-find ing. This m ay include a m anda ted organiza t ion m eeting, a series of ind ividua l m eetings , or com bina tion of both types of m eetings . In the interes t of full d is closure and to reduce the incidence of reta lia tory behavior, the inves t iga tors will m ake every a t tem pt to keep s tudent tes t im ony for organiza t ion m isconduct confidentia l. At the d iscret ion of the inves t iga tor(s ) and in ord er to m a inta in the integrity of the inves t iga t ion, the following m easures m ay be taken:

a . Cell phones and a ny other technology m ay be collected during a ny m eeting b ut

a re not sub ject to sea rch without s tudent perm iss ion or wa rrant .

b . Students will be a sked to s ign an inves t iga t ion pa rt icipa t ion form a ffirm ing the truthfulness of s ta tem ents p rovided , their right to be s ilent , a cknowledging they have the option to file a report with law enforcem ent, unders tand ing tha t inform a tion p rovided m ay be m ade ava ilab le to other ind ividua ls if they a re a lleged to have viola ted the Student Code of Conduct, and tha t any a t tem pt to d is rup t or obs truct the inves t iga t ion m ay result in add it iona l cha rges of the Student Code of Conduct and disciplinary action.

c. The inves t iga tor(s ) m ay recom m end interim act ion to the Office of the Dea n of

Students a t any point in the inves t iga t ion. At the conclus ion of the inves t iga t ion, the inves t iga tor(s ) shall p repa re a rep ort deta iling the incid ent and their find ings . Upon receip t of the inves t iga t ion report , the Office of the Dea n of Students sha ll review the report and determ ine: (i.) Whether add it iona l inform a tion is necessa ry, a nd if so, to seek tha t add it iona l inform a tion; and , (ii) Whether or not to a s s ign a lleged viola t ions of the Student Code of Conduct.

4 . Organiza tion Conduct- For organiza t ion rela ted conduct a llega tions , while under

inves t iga t ion, s tudents in organiza t ions will:

a . Refra in from com m unica t ion or behavior tha t could be cons id ered reta lia tory in na ture, which is a viola t ion of the Student Code of Conduct . Exam ples include, but a re not lim ited to, send ing int im ida ting or ha ra ss ing texts , ca lls or em a ils ; send ing m essages through other peop le; and , m aking int im ida ting or ha ra ss ing com m ents on socia l m edia . Reta lia t ion aga ins t anyone involved in the ca se s hould be b rought to the im m edia te a ttent ion of the Office of the Dean of Students and / or Police.

b . Keep all inform ation related to the incident as private as possible. In order to protect the privacy of all parties, only speak with University officials who a re facilita t ing the investigation. Any m em ber or guest who is known to have facts of the incident (what took place before, during, and a fter the alleged m isconduct) will be contacted for an interview.

5 . Organiza tion Advis or Role - Sub ject to the sect ion t it led Advisor, a s tudent

organiza t ion’s officia l advisor of record m ay s erve a s an advisor a s defined by the Student Code of Conduct , unles s such advisor has been, or becom es , a d irect witness of the a lleged behavior.

6 . Organiza tion Contact- The point of contact sha ll b e the s tudent organiza t ion’s

p res id ent , lead er, cap ta in , or des ignee to represent the organiza t ion through the conduct p rocess . Any com m unica t ions sent to contact inform a tion on record for the


organiza t ion with the Univers ity sha ll be deem ed received the day following the da te the com m unica t ion was s ent .

9 . CONDUCT P ROCEDURES For procedures related to sexual misconduct please see the Sexual Misconduct Policy (PRP 4 7 9 0 ).

A. Introd uction: As req uired by the Boa rd of Governors of the Sta te Sys tem of Higher Educa tion rega rd ing s tudent d is cip line and due p rocess , Bloom sburg Univers ity has es tab lished a hea ring p rocedures s ys tem . Its p rim ary intent is educa tiona l in na ture, a t tem pting to crea te behaviora l changes in s tudents while s im ultaneous ly p rotect ing their rights and the rights of the com m unity-a t-la rge. The hea ring p rocedures exis t to review com pla ints aga ins t s tudents or s tudent organiza t ions for a lleged viola t ions of the Student Code of Conduct . Hea ring officers , cha irpersons , the Univers ity form a l hea ring boa rd , and the appea ls boa rd have full delega ted authority from the P res ident of the Univers ity to hea r s tudent d iscip lina ry ca ses .

Student and s tudent organiza t ion hea rings a re intended to fos ter an unders tand ing of the rights and respons ib ilit ies of m em bers of the Univers ity com m unity. When s tudents or s tudent organiza t ions a re involved in a hea ring, it is im portant tha t both the com pla inant and res pondent be a fford ed the opportunity to unders tand the a lleged viola t ions and the p rincip les of due p roces s under which the hearing will be conducted .

B. Com m unica tion: All com m unica t ions (req ues ts for m eetings , notifica t ions , notice of

hea rings , e tc.) will b e p rovided via officia l Univers ity e-m a il addresses . If the Respondent is not currently enrolled , the notifica t ion will be sent via U.S. Pos ta l Service to the la s t known address on file with the Regis tra r.

C. Tim e line : Bloom sburg Univers ity will resolve a ll ca ses in a p rom pt and t im ely m anner, however, the t im eline will va ry based on the circum s tances of the ca se, includ ing b reaks in the academ ic ca lenda r, a va ilab ility of the pa rt ies and witnesses , s cope of an inves t iga t ion, need for interim act ions , a nd unforeseen or exigent circum s tances . The pa rt ies will b e period ica lly upda ted on the s ta tus of their ca se.

D. Notifica tion: For any conduct p rocess , the respondent and com pla inant (if app lica b le) sha ll be notified , in writ ing, by an ap propria te hea ring officer of the a lleged viola t ion(s ) of the Student Code of Cond uct and of how the a lleged viola t ion(s ) cam e to the Office of the Dean of Students ’ a t tent ion. The respondent and com pla inant sha ll receive writ ten notifica t ion of the t im e and p lace of the hea ring a t lea s t three bus ines s day p rior to the hea ring. The pa rt ies sha ll receive a writ ten s ta tem ent of cha rges , with sufficient pa rt icula rity to enab le the respond ent and com pla inant to p repa re for the hea ring, a m inim um of 3 bus ines s d ays p rior to a hea ring. The pa rt ies sha ll receive writ ten notifica t ion of a ll hea ring rights , p rocedures , and respons ib ilit ies rega rd ing the conduct p rocess . The pa rt ies sha ll receive writ ten notifica t ion of the hea ring results within 1 0 bus iness days of the conclus ion of the hea ring, unless extenua ting circum s tances warrant an extens ion.

E. Inform a l He a ring: In ca ses tha t could not lead to the suspens ion or expuls ion of the respondent , the incident will be norm a lly resolved through an Inform a l Hea ring with a Hea ring Officer. A Hea ring Officer will review the cha rges , d iscus s rights , and p rovide the respondent an opportunity to respond . The respondent m ay elect to take respons ib ility for the a llega tions and accep t the appropria te sanctions , or elect to deny res pons ib ility. The Hea ring Officer rend ers a decis ion of 1 ) Not Res pons ib le , which closes the ca ses , or 2 )


Respons ib le for one or m ore viola t ions and a s s igns appropria te sanctions . The res pondent will receive a written decis ion in which facts and rea sons a re set forth with rea sonab le specificity, which will be is sued within 1 0 bus iness days of the Inform a l Hea ring unless extenua ting circum s tances warrant an extens ion. The respondent m ay appea l the decis ion in a ccordance with the appea l p rocedures .

F. Form a l He a ring: In ca s es tha t could lead to the suspens ion or expuls ion of the

respondent , a Form a l Hea ring Boa rd will norm a lly convene. The Form a l Hearing Boa rd has full-delega ted authority from the P res ident of the Univers ity to hea r s tudent d iscip lina ry ca ses a nd cons is ts of a three-m em ber com bina tion of Bloom sburg Univers ity s tudents , faculty, or s ta ff, s elected by the Dean of Students or des ignee. Boa rd m em bers a re resp ons ib le for ob ject ively lis tening to inform a tion p rovided , evidence, and s ta tem ents p resented during the hea ring p rocess . After hea ring the evidence, the boa rd m akes a determ ina tion of res pons ib ility, recom m ends a d iscip lina ry s anction, and a rt icula tes facts and their ra t iona le with rea sonab le specificity to the Dean of Students who will conduct a fina l review for appropria tenes s and cons is tency, and im poses the level of respons ib ility a nd appropria te sanctions . The Dean of Students will s end a fina l outcom e let ter to the respondent (and to the com pla inant in sexua l m isconduct ca ses and ca ses of violence). The respondent m ay appea l the decis ion in accordance with the appea l p rocedures . In non-sexua l m isconduct ca ses , the Form a l Hea ring is facilita ted by a cha irperson, who m a inta ins control b y ens uring orderly and efficient adm inis tra t ion of the hea ring. The cha irperson will m ake decis ions on p rocedura l or p rocess is sues , includ ing whether pa rt ies ob ject to any m em bers of the boa rd , and determ ine appropria te next s teps . The hea ring cha irperson controls a ll q ues t ioning, inform ing the pa rt ies and boa rd m em bers when they m ay a sk q ues t ions and determ ining wha t ques t ions a re a llowed . In add it ion, the cha irperson facilita tes d is cuss ion, guides boa rd delibera t ions , a nd a s s is ts the boa rd with rendering a decis ion and app lying cons is tent sa nctioning. The hea ring cha irperson does not vote . Faculty and s ta ff boa rd m em bers will b e se lected from a genera l pool of ind ividua ls who have com pleted required tra ining. Students serving on the boa rd a re selected from a pool of interes ted s tudents who: (a .) have com pleted a t lea s t 2 4 cred its ; (b .) m a inta in a 2 .0 0 GPA; (c.) m a inta in good d iscip lina ry s tand ing; a nd , (d .) have com pleted required tra ining.

1 . Re cord ing: All form a l hea rings a re recorded . Record ings a re ut ilized in the event of an

appea l or for the review of the boa rd during their delibera t ion. Any ind ividua l involved in a hea ring is not perm it ted to use any type of record ing device to record the form a l hea ring p roceed ings . Anyone found record ing the p roceed ings will have the device autom atica lly confis ca ted , m ay be rem oved from the p roceed ings , and m ay face add it iona l cha rges / sanctions . For acces s to record ings , p lea se see the records sect ion.

2 . Advis or: During a form a l hea ring, s tudents have the right to be ass is ted by any advisor they m ay choose, a t their own expense. The advisor m ay be any person who is not a potentia l witness or pa rty in the m a tter or a rela ted m a tter. The Univers ity unders tands the benefits of p rovid ing support to a ll s tudents includ ing those potentia lly accused of viola t ing this Code. However, the focus of th is Cod e is educa tiona l in na ture, thus the role of an a dvisor is m uch d ifferent than counsel in a crim ina l or c ivil a ct ion. Therefore, pa rt icipa t ion of an advisor is perm is s ive ra ther than com pulsory and the ad visor’s role is lim ited . The role and p a rt icipa t ion of a ny advisor is governed by this s ect ion.

Attorneys act ing a s advisors m us t follow the sam e rules a s non-a ttorney advisors . An advisor m ay a t tend a ll m eetings but sha ll not pa rt icipa te d irect ly in any aspect of the


conduct process , includ ing speaking d irect ly to hea ring boa rd m em bers , cha ir, or other pa rt icipants . The involved s tudents m us t speak on their own b eha lf and com m unica te d irect ly with the formal hearing chairperson and board members.

An advisor’s fa ilure to com ply with these pa rt icipa t ion lim ita t ions m ay cause the advisor to be rem oved from the m eeting or proceeding. If the advisor is rem oved from any s tage of the p roceed ings , the Office of the Dea n of Students sha ll m ake the determ ina tion a s to whether tha t advisor m ay continue in tha t role in future interact ions . This determ ina tion is m ade on a ca se-by-case bas is a nd sha ll cons id er a ll of the relevant facts and circum s tances lead ing to their rem ova l. At any point , the involved s tudent m ay select a new advisor; however, in no ca se sha ll the p roceed ings b e dela yed because of the advisor’s fa ilure to m eet their ob liga t ions under th is sect ion.

3 . Witne s s e s : The pa rt ies have the right to appea r in person, to p resent inform a tion rega rd ing the viola t ions , and to ca ll witnesses on their beha lf. A witnes s is a person who has relevant knowledge p erta ining to an a lleged viola t ion. Witnes ses and s ta tem ents m eant to solely bols ter the cha racter of a pa rty will not be a llowed . The pa rt ies a s well a s the boa rd sha ll have the opportunity to hea r and q ues t ion a ll witnes ses . No hea ring pa rt icipant , includ ing the respondent , com pla ina nt , and any witnesses , will b e req uired to answer any q ues t ion p osed . The pa rt ies m us t p resent the nam es of the witnesses appea ring in writ ing a t lea s t 4 8 bus iness hours p rior to the scheduled hea ring to the form a l hea ring cha irpers on.

4 . He aring De corum : Anyone who d isp lays d isorderly or d is rup tive behavior and re fuses to com ply with the req ues t of the form a l hea ring cha irperson or conduct officer during a hea ring will b e a sked to leave the hea ring and could be sub ject to d iscip lina ry act ion. Form a l hea ring notifica t ion will include form a l hea ring guidelines , deta iling s pecific expecta t ions rega rd ing d ecorum in a form a l hea ring p roceed ing.

5 . In Abs e ntia : The Univers ity reserves the right to hold a hea ring even where the respondent or the com pla inant do not a t tend (“in a bsentia”) whenever neces sa ry and appropria te . If the hea ring is held in ab sentia , the respondent will not have the opportunity to respond to the a lleged viola t ion(s ) or the com pla inant will not have the opportunity to p resent their ca se. Should the resp ondent elect not to appea r, it sha ll not be taken a s an ind ica t ion tha t the respondent ha s viola ted a Univers ity policy and m us t be noted . The decis ion in such ca ses will be m ade a fter cons idering the evidence ava ilab le . If the in it ia l com pla inant is unab le or unwilling to pa rt icipa te , the Univers ity m ay proceed a s the com pla inant where necessa ry to p rovide a sa fe a nd nondiscrim ina tory environm ent for a ll s tudents .

G. Sta nda rd of P roof: To be found respons ib le under th is Code, in e ither a form a l or inform a l

hea ring, the respondent m us t be found to have com m itted the a lleged cond uct by a p repondera nce of the evidence. Th is m eans tha t the ind ividua l(s ) cha rged with m aking a find ing m us t determ ine whether it is m ore likely than not tha t a viola t ion of the policy occurred .

1 0 . FORMAL HEARING OUTLINE For formal hearing procedures related to sexual misconduct please see the Sexual Misconduct Policy (PRP 4 7 9 0 ). Form a l Hearing P roces s : outlined below is an exam ple of the s tanda rd form a l hea ring p rocess .

A. Introd uction:


- The hea ring cha irp erson begins the hea ring form a lly introducing the p roceed ings . The cha ir will: (a ) s ta te da te/ t im e/ loca t ion/ purpose of the hea ring; (b ) facilita te introductions of a ll pa rt ic ipants ; (c.) a nd d is cuss further p roceed ings .

B. Charge s a nd Sta te m e nt of the Cas e : - The hea ring cha irp erson reads the cha rges of policy viola t ions b rought aga ins t the

respondent . - The hea ring cha irp erson a sks the respondent to respond to each cha rge by saying tha t

the respondent is “respons ib le” or “not respons ib le .” - The hea ring cha irp erson facilita tes the p resenta t ion of the inform a tion tha t led to the

p roceed ings .

C. Com pla inant P roce s s : - Present Inform a tion: The hea ring cha irperson a sks the com pla inant or ind ividua l

p resenting cha rges to s ta te their ca se. Writ ten s ta tem ents cannot be subm itted , but m ay be read a loud .

- Ques tioning: The hea ring cha irperson will then ins truct the boa rd tha t they m ay a sk q ues t ions rega rd ing the inform a tion p resented by the com pla inant .

o Once the boa rd is finished with their q ues t ions , the hea ring cha irperson will a sk the respondent if they have any q ues t ions rega rd ing the inform a tion p resented . All q ues t ions from the respondent m us t be p resented to the hea ring cha irperson a nd will be a sked by the hea ring cha irperson a t the cha ir’s d iscret ion.

o The boa rd then has a fina l opportunity to a sk q ues tions of the com pla inant .

D. Com pla inant Witne s s e s : The com pla inant then has an opportunity to ca ll witnesses . - The witness m ay present their inform a tion and the com pla inant then has an

opportunity to a sk ques t ions of their witness . - Once the com pla inant’s q ues t ions a re com plete , the boa rd m ay a sk q ues t ions , and the

respondent m ay subm it ques t ions to the hea ring cha irperson who will a s k the q ues t ions a t the cha ir’s d iscret ion.

- This p roces s is repea ted until a ll witness es for the com pla inant a re ca lled a nd have p resented their inform a tion.

E. Re s ponde nt P roce s s : - Present Inform a tion: The hea ring cha irperson a sks the respondent to s ta te their ca se.

Writ ten s ta tem ents cannot be subm itted , but m ay be read a loud . - Ques tioning: The hea ring cha irperson will then ins truct the boa rd tha t they m ay a sk

q ues t ions rega rd ing the inform a tion p resented by the respondent . o Once the boa rd is finished with their q ues t ions , the hea ring cha irperson will

a sk the com pla inant if they have any q ues t ions rega rd ing the inform a tion p resented . All q ues t ions from the com pla inant m us t be p resented to the hea ring cha irperson a nd will be a sked by the hea ring cha irperson a t the cha ir’s d iscret ion.

o The boa rd then has a fina l opportunity to a sk q ues tions of the respondent .

F. Re s ponde nt Witne s s e s : The res pondent then has an opportunity to ca ll witnes ses . - The witness m ay present their inform a tion and the respondent then has an opportunity

to a sk ques t ions of their witness . - Once the respondent’s q ues t ions a re com plete , the boa rd m ay a sk q ues t ions , and the

com pla inant m ay subm it q ues t ions to the hea ring cha irperson who will a sk the q ues t ions a t the cha ir’s d iscret ion.

- This p roces s is repea ted until a ll witness es for the respondent a re ca lled and have p resented their inform a tion.

G. Clos ing Sta te m e nt:


- The com pla inant a nd the respondent a re each perm itted , if they wish, to m ake a clos ing s ta tem ent.

- Once clos ing s ta tem ents a re finished , the hea ring cha irperson d ism is ses the pa rt ies involved and ends the record ing.

H. De cis ions : - The boa rd sha ll im m edia tely convene following a form a l hea ring to d iscuss a nd reach a

decis ion by m a jority vote. - The hea ring cha irp erson forwards the recom m ended decis ion and sanctions to the

Dean of Students who will conduct a fina l review, for appropria tenes s and cons is tency, and render a fina l decis ion.

- The Dean of Students will s end a fina l outcom e letter to the respondent .

I. Outcom e Notice : The ou tcom e letter sha ll be sent electronica lly to the resp ondent’s Univers ity em a il a ccount and sha ll be deem ed rece ived the day following the da te the com m unica t ion was sent .

1 1 . DECISIONS Upon the conclus ion of a conduct p rocess or app ea l p roces s , a s tudent or s tudent organiza t ion will be found respons ib le or not respons ib le for Student Code of Conduct viola t ions . If a decis ion of respons ib ility is determ ined by the a s s igned conduct officer, boa rd , or des ignee, sa nctions m ay be app lied .

1 2 . AP P EALS For appeal procedures related to sexual misconduct please see the Sexual Misconduct Policy (PRP 7 4 9 0 ). Upon receiving a sanction a s a result of a hea ring p rocess , a s tudent or s tudent organiza t ion m ay appea l. All app ea ls m us t be m ade in writ ing b y the pub lished a ppea l da te noted on the outcom e let ter and subm itted via the appea l form online or delivered in-person to the Office of the Dea n of Students . With the excep tion of interim m easures , upon receip t of the writ ten appea l, the Office of the Dean of Students will defer the im pos it ion of the sanction(s ) pend ing the outcom e of the appea l p rocess . A. Appe a l Grounds - An appea l sha ll b e lim ited to a review of the record of the init ia l hea ring,

support ing docum ents , and the writ ten appea l. Ap pea ls m us t be subm itted on one or m ore of the following grounds :

1 . New evidence tha t could subs tantia lly a ffect the outcom e of the hea ring has been d iscovered s ince tha t hearing. The appea l m us t ind ica te , in deta il, wha t new evidence exis ts . The inform a tion m us t not have been ava ilab le a t the t im e of the origina l hea ring. Fa ilure to p resent inform a tion tha t was ava ilab le is not grounds for an app ea l und er th is p rovis ion.

2 . Discip lina ry act ion d isproport iona te to the viola t ion. The ap pea l m us t specify and describe why the d iscip lina ry act ion is d isproport iona te to the viola t ion. Sim ple d is sa t is fact ion with a sanction is not grounds for a n appea l under th is p rovis ion.

3 . Denia l of due p roces s , in tha t the s tudent conduct p rocess was not conducted in conform ity with the p rescribed p rocedures and sub s tantia l p rejud ice to the com pla inant or the respondent resulted .


B. Appe a l Crite ria - All ap pea ls m us t include, a t a m inim um : 1 . At lea s t one of the three perm iss ib le grounds for a ppea l lis ted above; 2 . A concise sum m ary s ta tem ent of your rea soning for the appea l; 3 . All relevant deta ils tha t support your appea l, th is includes

a . Quota t ions or pa raphra sed tes t im ony and who m ade the s ta tem ents , references to evidence subm itted includ ing why a nd how the tes t im ony or evidence support your appea l.

b . Inclus ion of new evidence . No new evidence m ay b e subm itted during an appea l. However, if your appea l ground is new evidence, you m us t clea rly a rt icula te how and when this inform a tion was d iscovered , why it was not ava ilab le a t the t im e of the hea ring, and how this evidence would have im pacted the result of the hea ring.

C. Re vie w- A writ ten appea l will be reviewed by the Dean of Students or des ignee. Upon a review

of the ca se file and re la ted docum enta t ion, the Dean of Students or des ignee will determ ine whether or not the appea l grounds and criteria have been m et . The Dea n of Students or des ignee m ay d ism iss the appea l without further cons id era t ion for fa ilure to m eet the guidelines . If the appea l grounds a nd criteria have been m et, an Appella te Officer will review the ca se file and a ll re la ted docum enta t ion and evidence, includ ing the origina l record ing of the rela ted hea ring, if app licab le. The Ap pella te Officer ha s the authority to req ues t add it iona l inform a tion.

D. Outcom e s - The Ap pella te Officer m ay: 1 . Uphold the origina l outcom e; 2 . Am end the origina l outcom e based sole ly on the subm iss ions of the appea l; 3 . Rem and the ca se back to the origina l Hea ring Officer or Hea ring Boa rd to correct a

p rocedura l or factua l defect ; 4 . Reverse or d ism is s the ca se if there was a p rocedura l or factua l defect tha t cannot

be rem edied b y rem and .

Decis ions of the appea l will be is sued to the respondent (and com pla ina nt if app lica b le), in writ ing, within 1 5 bus ines s da ys a fter receip t of the appea l, unles s extenua ting circum s tances warrant an extens ion.

1 3 . SANCTIONS For sanctions related to sexual misconduct please see the Sexual Misconduct Policy (PRP 4 7 9 0 ). Writte n Wa rning- A writ ten warning m ay be is sued in circum s tances when a policy viola t ion has not been determ ined to have occurred , but ques t ionab le conduct ha s been reported . Dis cip lina ry Wa rning- A writ ten reprim and noting tha t a policy viola t ion occurred em phas izing tha t further viola t ions would result in p rogres s ive s anctioning. A s tudent or s tudent organiza t ion receiving a d iscip lina ry warning sha ll continue to exercise the rights and p rivileges of a s tudent or s tudent organiza t ion in good s tand ing. Dis cip lina ry P roba tion- An im posed proba tiona ry s ta tus rendering a s tudent or s tudent organiza t ion not in good d iscip lina ry s tand ing with Bloom sburg Univers ity. Further viola t ions could result in suspens ion. Sus pe ns ion-


Stude nt: The term ina tion of a s tudent’s right to regis ter or a t tend cla s ses for a period , a fter which the s tudent m ay return following a re-enrollm ent p rocess . Suspended s tudents m ay not be p resent on Univers ity p roperty, or a t Univers ity sponsored events during the t im e of suspens ion. Add it iona l s t ipula t ions m ay be im posed tha t a re cons is tent with the na ture of the offense in order for a s tudent to be eligib le for re-enrollm ent. Stude nt Organiza tion: Suspens ion of recognit ion includes a s tudent organiza t ion’s im m edia te loss of a ll rights and p rivileges a s socia ted with Univers ity recognit ion, com plete suspens ion of a ll s tudent organiza t ion act ivit ies , and m ay include cond it ions for reins ta tem ent of recognit ion. The s tudent organiza t ion will be notified tha t the Univers ity no longer recognizes them for a specified period . A s tudent organiza t ion tha t viola tes the term s of the suspens ion m ay be sub ject to perm anent revoca tion of Univers ity recognit ion.

Expuls ion-

Stude nt: The perm anent term ina tion of a s tudent’s enrollm ent. The s tudent m ay not be p resent on Univers ity p roperty or a t tend a Univers ity sponsored event . Stude nt Organiza tion: The perm anent revoca tion of a s tudent organiza t ion’s Univers ity recognit ion.

Couns e ling Re fe rra l- The s tudent is re ferred to counseling. A s tudent will b e req uired to s ign a wa iver to perm it a counselor to verify a t tendance. Educa tiona l Sanctions - Educa tiona l sanctions typ ica lly include one or m ore of the following: workshops , com m unity s ervice, behaviora l contract , adm inis tra t ive referra l, and other rela ted educa tiona l a s s ignm ents . Thes e sa nctions a re des igned to p rom ote self-awarenes s / s tudent organiza t ion awareness of behavior, awareness of appropria te/ inap propria te behavior, and awareness of ins t itu t iona l expecta t ions , and to educa te the s tudent or s tudent organiza t ion in the specific a rea of their viola t ion. Hous ing P roba tion- A s tudent rem a ins in good d is cip lina ry s tand ing, however, their on-cam pus hous ing p rivileges could be revoked with any further is sues , concerns , or viola t ions . Los s of Cam pus Hous ing P rivile ge s - The s tudent no longer has the p rivilege of res id ing in any on-cam pus res identia l facility which includes the lower and upper cam pus and any off-cam pus p ropert ies which a re m anaged by the Univers ity. Students rem oved from hous ing m ay rem a in liab le for a ll hous ing cos ts and m ay not be e ligib le for any refunds . Los s of P rivile ge (s )- Loss of Univers ity p rivilege(s ) for a specific period of t im e. No Contact Orde rs - Officia l writ ten expecta t ions is sued by a Univers ity adm inis tra tor res trict ing or p rohib it ing contact between ind ividua ls , a nd m ay a lso include other res trict ions . Re s titution- A writ ten d irect ive to rep lace, repa ir, or m ake specific com pensa tion for p roperty of the Univers ity tha t was des troyed , dam aged , m isused or los t . Fine s - The following fines will b e cha rged to a s tudent’s Bloom sburg Univers ity account based on Student Code of Conduct viola t ions or a s a rela ted sanction:

Drug Viola tions in On-Ca m pus Hous ing: Firs t offense = $ 1 0 0 Second offense = $ 2 0 0 Third offense = Loss of on-cam pus hous ing with no refund Incom ple te Sa nction:


Fa ilure to com plete Alcohol and Other Drug-rela ted sanction = $ 7 5 (sub ject to repea t if not com pleted) Sanction/ Proba tion extens ion = $ 7 5 Fa ilure to com plete sanct ion/ proba tion = $ 1 5 0 Fa ilure to Com ply = $ 1 0 0

1 4 . MEDICAL AMNESTY Under Pennsylvania law, a person und er the age of 2 1 will be p rotected from prosecution for the purchase, consum ption, possess ion, or t ransporta t ion of a lcoholic beverages and from hazing under certa in circum s tances if law enforcem ent, includ ing Bloom sburg Univers ity Police, firs t becam e aware of the viola t ion because the ind ividua l was seeking m edica l a s s is tance for som eone else. The Crim es Code of Penns ylvania , s pecifica lly sect ion 2 8 1 0 (hazing) and sect ion 6 3 0 8 .1 (purchase, consum ption, possess ion, or t ransporta t ion of a lcoholic beverages ), p rovides for im m unity from prosecution for ind ividua ls seeking m edica l a t tent ion for another if the ind ividua l can es tab lish a ll of the following:

1 . A law enforcem ent officer firs t becam e aware of the ind ividua l’s viola t ion because the ind ividua l p laced a 9 1 1 ca ll or contacted cam pus security, police, or em ergency services , ba sed on a rea sonab le be lie f tha t another ind ividua l was in need of im m edia te m edica l a t tent ion to p revent dea th or serious bod ily injury.

2 . The ind ividua l rea sonab ly believed the ind ividua l was the firs t ind ividua l to m ake a 9 1 1 ca ll or contact cam pus security, police, or em ergency services and report tha t the person in d is tres s need ing im m edia te m edica l a t tent ion to p revent dea th or serious injury.

3 . The ind ividua l p rovided the ind ividua l’s own nam e to the 9 1 1 opera tor or eq uiva lent cam pus security officer, police, or em ergency services personnel.

4 . The ind ividua l rem a ined with the other ind ividua l need ing m edica l a s s is tance until a cam pus security officer, police, or em ergency services personnel a rrived and the need for the ind ividua l’s p resence ended .

Add it iona lly, the ind ividua l need ing m edica l a t tent ion is im m une from prosecution for the purchase, consum ption, possess ion, or t ransporta t ion of a lcoholic beverages or for hazing, only if another ind ividua l reported the incid ent and rem a ined with the ind ividua l need ing m edica l a t tent ion and the other (report ing) ind ividua l q ua lifies for sa fe ha rbor from prosecution. Im m unity m ay not app ly if law enforcem ent, includ ing Bloom sburg Univers ity Police, lea rn of the offense p rior to and ind ependent of the act ion of s eeking or ob ta ining em ergency a s s is tance. The sa fety and genera l welfa re of the m em bers of Bloom sburg Univers ity and the Bloom sburg com m unity a re of pa ram ount im portance.

Som etim es s tudents m ay hes ita te to offer help to others for fea r tha t they m ay risk conduct conseq uences for their own behavior in a s itua t ion (for exam ple, d rinking a lcohol while under the age of 2 1 or pa rt icipa t ing in or having knowledge of hazing act ivit ies ). The com m unity’s bes t interes ts a re s erved when ind ividua ls report crim es , ca ll 9 1 1 , and seek help for those in need of a s s is tance. It is the intent of th is policy tha t a s tudent , who would q ua lify for sa fe ha rbor under the p rovis ions of the Crim es Code of P enns ylvania will not be referred to the Office of the Dea n of Students for a lleged viola t ions rela ted to a lcohol or hazing. Although the s tudent will not be held respons ib le for a policy viola t ion, they m ay be req uired to pa rt icipa te in a lcohol or other d rug educa tion or antihazing educa tion.



Pursuant to FERPA and other laws enacted to p rotect s tudent inform a tion and records , the Univers ity genera lly will not relea se s tudent educa tiona l record s to anyone, includ ing pa rents / gua rd ians , without a wa iver. However, the Univers ity reserves the right to send notice or contact a pa rent/ gua rd ian when:

1 . A s tudent is found res pons ib le for va rious viola t ions of a lcohol and controlled subs tances / d rugs policies ;

2 . There a re concerns for a s tudent’s hea lth or sa fety; or, 3 . In decis ions tha t m ay a ffect a s tudent’s enrollm ent a t the Univers ity such a s loss of

cam pus hous ing p rivileges , susp ens ion, interim suspens ion, and expuls ion; Every effort will be m ade to inform s tudents tha t notice is be ing sent to a pa rent/ gua rd ian, unless extenua ting circum s tances app ly. Students m ay contact the Office of the Dean of Students within 2 4 hours a fter receiving notifica t ion of their s tudent conduct hea ring results to notify the office of independent s ta tus based on fina ncia l a id a nd incom e tax records .

1 6 . RECORDS All s tudents’ d isciplinary records a re kep t in accordance with the Fam ily Educationa l Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 19 74 (the “Buckley Am endm ent”), 2 0 U.S.C. 1232g. In accordance with these provis ions , a ll d isciplinary files a re confidentia l and m ay only be accessed b y the s tudent , parents of dependent s tudents with a s igned waiver (a s defined by the Interna l Revenue Service), or by a person or agency possess ing a waiver s igned by the s tudent waiving their right to th is p rotect ion and m eeting the req uirem ents for va lid waivers under the “Buckley Am endm ent.” Bloom sburg Univers ity will a lso a llow access to a disciplinary record in order to com ply with a subpoena or court order served upon it . When served with a subpoena or court order, the Univers ity will notify the s tudent in writ ing tha t it is com plying with the court order. The Univers ity m ay disclose the results of a disciplinary proceeding b rought aga ins t the a lleged perpetra tor to the a lleged com pla inant of any crim e of violence, a s tha t term is defined in 1 8 U.S.C. 16 . The relea se of records rela t ing to s tudent organiza t ions will be m anaged by the Office of the Dean of Students in consulta t ion with appropria te s ta ff within Student Success and Enrollm ent Services and the Univers ity. There m ay be t im es when it is appropria te or necessa ry to relea se the interim s ta tus or outcom e of a pa rt icula r conduct m eeting/ hea ring to those both within and outs ide of the Univers ity. Those types of decis ions will be m ade on a ca se-by-case ba s is . FERPA req uires the confidentia lity of ind ividua l s tudent records . Bloom sburg Univers ity m a inta ins d iscip lina ry records of s tudents . Thes e records a re m a inta ined sepa ra tely from the s tudent’s officia l a cadem ic records . The Univers ity sha ll reta in academ ic integrity viola t ions and a ll other d iscip line records for seven yea rs a fter incid ent p rovid ing s tudents were in good s tand ing with the Univers ity. Records involving expuls ions a re kep t indefinitely. The Univers ity reserves the right to keep any records for a longer period of t im e. All record s rela ted to s tudent organiza t ion conduct will b e kep t in the s tudent organiza t ion officia l files for seven yea rs and the student organiza t ion’s outcom es m ay be sha red or pub lished a t the Univers ity’s d iscret ion. Acce s s to re cords (not a lre ady p rovide d): Acces s to records sha ll b e lim ited to the hea ring cha irperson, the com pla inant , the respondent , and those Univers ity personnel a pproved by the Dean of Students . To ga in a cces s , a com pla ina nt or respondent m us t subm it , in writ ing, a req ues t to the Dean of Students . If a ccess is granted , the req ues tor m ay read or lis ten to the specific ap proved records under the supervis ion of the Office of the Dean of Students . Any docum ent tha t includ es another s tudent’s nam e or inform a tion m ay be redacted . No third -pa rty reques ts for access to record ings or


records will be honored . No writ ten transcrip ts or aud io cop ies of the record ing will be p rovided (with certa in excep tions in rela t ion to sexua l m isconduct).

1 7 . SEXUAL MISCONDUCT Tit le IX of the Educa tiona l Am endm ents of 1 9 7 2 prohib its any person in the United Sta tes from being d is crim ina ted aga ins t on the bas is of sex in seeking access to any ed uca tiona l p rogram or act ivity receiving federa l financia l a s s is tance. The U.S. Depa rtm ent of Educa tion, which enforces Tit le IX, has long d efined the m eaning of Tit le IX’s p rohib it ion on s ex d iscrim ina tion b road ly to include va rious form s of s exua l ha ra ssm ent and sexua l violence tha t interfere with a s tudent’s ab ility to eq ua lly access educa tiona l p rogram s and opportunit ies . On May 1 9 , 2 0 2 0 , the U.S. Depa rtm ent of Educa tion is sued a Fina l Rule under Tit le IX of the Educa tion Am endm ents of 1 9 7 2 tha t :

• Defines the m eaning of “s exua l ha ra ssm ent” (includ ing form s of s ex-based violence) tha t a re reflected in the definit ions of Regula tory Quid P ro Quo or Hos tile Environm ent Sexua l Hara ssm ent, Da ting or Dom es tic Violence, Sexua l As sault and Sta lking in this Policy

• Address es how the Univers ity m us t respond to reports of m isconduct fa lling within the definit ions of “sexua l ha ra ssm ent” under th is Policy, and

• Manda tes a grievance (or resolut ion) p rocess the Univers ity m us t follow before is suing a d iscip lina ry sa nction aga ins t a person accused of “sexua l ha ra ssm ent” under th is Policy.

Please refer to the Sexual Misconduct Policy (PRP 4 79 0 ) for details in relation to sexual misconduct.

1 8 . NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT Bloom s burg Unive rs ity Nondis crim ina tion Sta te m e nt: Bloom sburg Univers ity does not d iscrim ina te on the bas is of race, color, re ligion, s ex, sexua l orienta t ion, gender id entity, age, na t iona l origin, ances try, d isab ility, or veteran s ta tus in its p rogram s and act ivit ies a s req uired by Tit le IX of the Educa tiona l Am endm ents of 1 9 7 2 , the Am ericans with Disab ilit ies Act of 1 9 9 0 , Section 5 0 4 of the Rehab ilita t ion Act of 1 9 7 3 , Tit le VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1 9 6 4 , a nd other app lica b le s ta tutes and Univers ity policies . For inform a tion rega rd ing civil rights or grievance p rocedures and for inq uiries concerning the app lica t ion of Tit le IX and its im plem enting regula t ion, contact : Tit le IX Coord ina tor- Jennifer Raup , Bloom sburg Univers ity of Pennsylvania , Elwell Ha ll, 4 0 0 Eas t Second Street , Bloom sburg, PA 1 7 8 1 5 ; Phone: (5 7 0 ) 3 8 9 -4 8 0 8 ; Em a il: t it le ixcoord@bloom Add it iona lly, inq uiries concerning Tit le IX and its im plem enting regula t ion can be m ade to the U.S. Depa rtm ent of Educa tion, Office of Civil Rights , Region III, The Wanam aker Build ing, 1 0 0 Penn Sq ua re Eas t - Suite 5 0 5 , Philade lphia , PA 1 9 1 0 7 ; Phone: (2 1 5 ) 6 5 6 -6 0 1 0 ; Fax: (2 1 5 ) 6 5 6 -6 0 2 0 .

19 . CODE OF CONDUCT REVISIONS The Office of the Dea n of Students will conduct an annua l review of the Student Code of Conduct and address a ny req uired lega l upda tes , bes t p ract ice, or rela ted p rocedura l changes . All necessa ry a nd ap propria te revis ions to the Student Code of Conducts will b e m anaged by the Office of the Dea n of Students . In Tit le IX/ sexua l m isconduct policy a nd procedures , the Tit le IX


Coord ina tor will be consu lted . Academ ic Integrity Policy revis ions a re m anaged by the Bloom sburg Univers ity Curriculum Com m ittee. All approved revis ions to the Student Code of Conduct will be pos ted on the Bloom sburg Univers ity web s ite .
