Student assessment Extended Matching Items Trevor Gibbs


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Student assessment

Extended Matching Items

Extended matching items/questions ( Type R, Extended matching items/questions ( Type R,

EMI or EMQ) are a written examination EMI or EMQ) are a written examination

format similar format similar multiple choice questions but questions but

with one key difference, that they test with one key difference, that they test

knowledge in a far more applied, in depth, knowledge in a far more applied, in depth,


Student assessment

Extended Matching Items

An otherwise healthy 33-year-old man has mild weakness and occasional episodes of steady, severe abdominal pain, but no diarrhoea. One aunt and a cousin have had similar episodes. During an episode his abdomen is distended, and bowel sounds are decreased. Neurological examination shows a mild weakness in the upper arms. These finding suggest a defect in the biosynthetic pathway for:

Student assessment

Extended Matching Items

Q: A 7-year-old girl has a high fever and a sore throat. There is pharyngeal redness, and aswollen right tonsil with creamy exudate, and painful right submandibular lymphadenopathy. Throat culture on blood agar yields numerous small β-haemolytic colonies that are inhibited by bacitracin. What is the likely cause of the illness?

A: Streptococcus pyogenes

Student assessment

Extended Matching Items

Theme: PneumoniaFocus: Causative agentsOptions: List 8-10 causative agents of pneumoniaLead in: For each of the following clinical short

scenarios, described below, select the most likely causative agent

Write a learning objective ( maturity, domain & hierarchy)

( Must, should, could, nice to know)

Student assessment

Extended Matching Items

Lead in: For each of the following clinical scenarios select the most likely causative agent

Stems: a) A 65 year old smoker presenting with cough and…

b) A 2 day old premature baby with … c) A 55 years old lady receiving radiotherapy for

carcinoma of the breast d) A 23 years old male homosexual with Kaposi’s sarcoma.. e) A Chinese migrant poultry worker….