Student Activities Administrator Societies Recruitment Pack


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Student Activities Administrator(Societies)Recruitment PackJuly 2015Recruitment Pack Student Activities Administrator (Societies)July2015Dear Prospective CandidateRe: Student Activities Administrator (Societies)Thank you for your interest in the position of Student Activities Administrator atent !nion" #e are a successful$ vi%rant and e&citin' or'anisation (ith a %ri'htfuture ahead of us" #e have achieved a 'reat deal in the last fe( years$ morethandou%lin'insi)etoour current *10millionturnover$ +00employeesand2$000, volunteers" #e (ere re-accredited(ith .nvestor in People/oldstatusin Decem%er2010$and (ere accredited (ith 1eaders in Diversity in 20123 (e (ere the 4rststudent5s union in the ! to achieve .nvestin' in 6olunteers status and (e have%een included in the Sunday Times 100 7est 8ot-9or-Pro4t :r'anisations to #ork9or$ for + years$ placed 15th for 2010"The Student Activities Department is at the heart of ent !nion$ 'ivin' studentstheopportunityto'etthemostoutoftheir!niversitye&perience$ as(ell asprovidin' them (ith the opportunity to develop their skills" This year has %een a'reat year for the department (ith an increase in mem%ership and en'a'ementfrom our student 'roups3 (e currently have 5+ sports teams and 102 societies"The post holder (ith have a central role (ithin the team$ they (ill %e particularlyresponsi%lefor theadministrativesupport of ent !nionsocieties includin'4nances and elections support$ ensurin' data%ases are kept up to date$revie(in' societies stora'e facilities$ supportin' societies (ith health ; safety$events and prouire further information$ please contact our ?@ Department on 0122A B20 220 or visit http=CC((("kentunion"co"ukCcareersC . do hope you decide to apply for this position"Dours faithfullyRecruitment Pack Student Activities Administrator (Societies)Daniel ?at4eldSocieties CoordinatorJob Descrition ! Student Activities Administrator ESocietiesFDeartment: Student ActivitiesReorts to: Student Activities Co-ordinator ESocietiesFRole Purose: The post holder (ill empo(er and support ent !nion5s student-led 'roups providin' administrative support for the co-ordination of their activities"Duties and Resonsibilities"inancial Resonsibilities:1" To %e responsi%le for updatin' societies (ith their monthly accounts"2" To support the department (ith the processin' of 4nancial paper(orkincludin' invoices$ purchase orders and internal transfers"2" Tomaintain4nancial controls andensurethe9inanceDepartmentreceives all relevant 4nancial information promptly"Resonsibility #or Peole:1" To administratively support the department (ith volunteermana'ement$ includin' trainin'$ re(ard and reco'nition andperformance mana'ement"Resonsibility #or $ealt% and Sa#ety1" Tosupport andadminister thehealthandsafetysystemsfor thedepartment$ includin' the completion of trainin'$ risk assessments$safety checks$ inventories$ event plannin' and trip lists in line (ithent !nion5s ?ealth and Safety Policy"Resonsibility #or &erations1" To administer and maintain appropriate systems and processes for allstudent 'roup operations$ includin' (e%site administration$ room %ookin' ri'hts and elections"2" To support the Activities Department (ith events throu'hout the yearthat help to sho(case$ net(ork and empo(er our societies"2" To provide 'eneral administrative support to the department$ includin' %ookin' rooms$ minute takin' and 4lin'"0" To ensure e&cellence in customer service$ makin' sure thatcustomers5 e&pectations are e&ceeded (henever possi%le5" To deliver tar'ets esta%lished in the annual Department :peratin' Plan"Recruitment Pack Student Activities Administrator (Societies)Resonsibility #or Develoment1" To provide administrative support for the co-ordination and delivery of trainin' and development pro'rammes for committee mem%ers"2" To administer ent !nion5s >uality mark scheme Sports and Society Stripes"'(ected )e%aviours1" To attend trainin' sessions$ and appropriate meetin's as and (henre>uired %y ent !nion2" Tocontri%utetothepositiveima'eof ent !nion(ithstudents$!niversity and the local community2" Tolead%ye&ampleanddemonstrateafull understandin'of theor'anisation5s democratic structures0" To ensure systems are in place to reduce ent !nions5 impact on theenvironment"5" Toact asanam%assador for ent !nionandsho(loyaltytotheor'anisation$ a%idin' %y the !nion5s Constitution$ policies andprocedures at all times"+" Toundertakeother tasks andresponsi%ilitiescompati%le(iththelevel and nature of the post as re>uired %y your mana'er from timeto time to support the achievement of ent !nion5s Plan"This uestthat you uarter andpaid to you as a lump sum" Huarterly calculations and payments (ill %e madeeach Septem%er$ Decem%er$ April and June"PensionThepost-holder is entitledtouita%le$ in (hich ent !nion contri%utes +O and employees contri%ute2O of salary"$ours o# 9orkAppro&imate hours are A-10 hours term time only"9ork:;i#e )alanceent !nionis committedtofacilitatin'ahealthy(ork-life%alanceandhascuttin'ed'eMe&i%le(orkin'policies$ includin'e&tensivematernity$ paternityand 'rand-parent leave3 'enerous adoption andparental leaveentitlement3facilities for sa%%atical leave3 the option to (ork from home on occasion and timeoL for volunteerin'"'ualityof opportunityand(illendeavour to meet the needs of any candidate (ho ful4ls the re>uirements ofthe person speci4cation"Recruitment Pack Student Activities Administrator (Societies)Summary 3overnance and 5ana+ement Arran+ements&ur )elie##e %elieve every student should have the opportunity to try out ne(e&periences at !niversity$ to have fun and make ne( friends3 (e %elieve everystudent should have the opportunity to ful4l their potential in life and to have avoice in society"#e%elievethatent!nionisinte'ral toempo(erin'studentstorealisethis%elief"&ur 4%aritable Puroseent !nion P a charity that empo(ers students at ent to= ?ave a voice 9ul4l their potential /et the most from !niversity&ur Aroac%:ur strate'ic plan identi4es various priorities and areas of focus for ent !nionover the period 2010-1A" Collectively these form the approach (e (illtake todeliverin' our strate'y and the (ay in (hich (e intend to improve the studente&perience for our mem%ers" &ur =alues rofessional- (ehaveaprofessional mana'ementteamandprofessionalstaLand(eareanoutstandin'employer3 (ecreateapositive(orkin'environmentin (hich our staLenuality of opportunityandtakepositiveactiontopromotediversity3 (ecampai'non%ehalf ofdiscriminated-a'ainst 'roups and have an inclusive culture" "emocratic- (e are student led throu'h stron' democratic structures3 (e%elieve in the principle and po(er of democracy3 our mem%ers play an activerole in our democracy and in society"Recruitment Pack Student Activities Administrator (Societies) #xceptional $(ekno(thatourstakeholderse&pectalotfromus$ so(eendeavour to e&cel at everythin' (e do P representin' students andprovidin' hi'h >uality services";e+al Statusent !nion is an unincorporated association and a re'istered charity" The !nionhas a7oardof Trustees$ (hichis le'allyresponsi%lefor all aspects of theor'anisation" Democratic Structuresent !nion is a mem%ership or'anisation3 all students at the !niversity of entare automatically mem%ers of ent !nion" The mem%ership provide strate'ic andpoliticaldirection throu'h the !nion5s democratic structures$includin' petitionandfeed%ackmechanisms$ all student votes$ referenda$ theAnnual /eneralIeetin'$ a Campai'ns 9orum$ G&ecutive Committee and seven elected Trustees"/%e /rusteesTheTrustees of ent !nionarethe4veNsa%%atical oKcers5$ four Ne&ternal5trustees andfour Nstudent5 trustees" Thesa%%atical oKcers andt(oof thestudent trustees are elected each year %y and from the student mem%ership ofent !nion" The sa%%atical oKcers take a year out of their studies Eorimmediatelyafter 'raduatin'F toserveasatrustee3 theycanstandfor re-election for a second year if they choose$ %ut can serve for no more than t(oyears" !nlike the trustees of most re'istered charities$ the sa%%atical oKcers arepaidalivin'allo(anceand(orkanormal (orkin'(eek" Thefour studenttrustees have all the responsi%ilities of %ein' a trustee$ %ut are still studyin' andful4ltheir duties on a Npart-time5 and voluntary %asis" T(o of the four studenttrustees are elected %y cross-campus %allot and take oKce on 1 July each year3theother t(ostudenttrusteesareselectedviaarecruitmentprocessinthe:cto%er of each year"Sta> and 5ana+ement Structureent !nion employs appro&imately +00 staL to provide services for its mem%ers"StaLareof t(otypes P appro&imately 0A0student staL$ (ho(ork (hilstcompletin' their studies at the !niversity of ent3 and appro&imately 120 careerstaL P professionals (ho have made (orkin' at ent !nion part of their career"The 7oard of Trustees oversees the (ork of staL throu'h the Chief G&ecutive andDirector /roup$ (ho in turn mana'e staL throu'h the 11 senior mana'ers$ eachof (homis responsi%le for one of the !nion5s Departments or a strate'icfunction"Alication and Selection Process and /imetableRecruitment and Selection /imetableAth Au'ustAdvertise position21st Au'ust EmiddayF Applications close20th Au'ust Short-list meetin'21st Au'ust.ntervie(s in Canter%uryRecruitment Pack Student Activities Administrator (Societies)AlicationsTo apply please do(nload and complete an application form from our recruitment(e%sitehttp=CC((("kentunion"co"ukCcareersCand email it$alon' (iththe G>ual:pportunities Ionitorin' form tokentunionrecruitmentQkent"ac"uk3pleaseensure that you pay particular attention in your application to detailin' ho( youmeet there>uirements of thepersonspeci4cation"TheG>ual :pportunitiesIonitorin' 9orm(ill %e separated fromapplications prior to short-listin'"Completed applications must %e received %y 21st Au'ust midday"9ebsiteent !nion5s (e%site contains further %ack'round information a%out ent !nion to help potential applicants" Potential applicants are encoura'ed to look at the (e%site prior to applyin'3 the (e%site address is ((("kentunion"co"uk"urt%er 6n#ormation and ?uestions9or an informal conversation$ further information or any >uestions a%out this opportunity$ please contact our ?@ Department on 0122A B20 220"
