Struck Down but Not Forgotten



a feature article for the Corner News about traffic safety from the perspective of a pedestrian who has been hit by a car on Auburn's campus

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The Corner News: Auburn, Ala.

Struck Down but Not Forgotten

By: Meg Beasley

It was a fresh spring afternoon in Auburn. Birds were singing,

flowers were budding and students were eager to soak up the sunshine

after a cold winter of being cooped up indoors. Auburn senior, Lizzy

Dumas, was no different. As she sat in class, her gazed was fixed out

the window resenting other students who were enjoying the beautiful


Dumas was feeling overwhelmed and beaten down from a long

week of studying and responsibilities. As class was dismissed, she

collected her belongings and hurried home. She knew that the faster

she left the classroom, the faster she could lace up her shoes, hit the

pavement and leave her worries behind. Running was her release.

With nothing but her thoughts to keep her company, Dumas used

running as an outlet, and she would run until her head was clear. She

loved the alone time and she craved the exertion.

On this particular day, Dumas had mapped out a quick three-mile,

and by mile two, her run had been no different than any other

afternoon. She turned right at the crosswalk on College St. to continue

her journey. She stepped off the curb, her breathing was deep, and her

heart rate was steady. Cars whizzed by, and she had almost reached

the other side of the road when she heard the sound of breaks

screeching toward her. She looked over her shoulder, her eyes grew

large, her breathing grew shallow, her heart rate quickened, and in an

instant Lizzy Dumas was struck by a car. 

Moments later, Dumas awoke to the sight of people standing over

her. She knew where she was, she knew what had happened, and all

she wanted to do was continue her run and go about her day, but the

action of standing up seemed impossible.

After an ambulance ride and a hospital stay, Dumas made it out of

the traumatic experience with deep cuts and bruises that would take

months to heal and internal damage to her right leg that would require

cosmetic surgery. Fortunately for Dumas, her injuries were not more

detrimental, but the physical and psychological aftermath of being hit

by a car on foot is not something one easily overcomes. 

“It was an intense experience,” Dumas said. “I am so lucky that

the car was not going any faster than it was or I might not be walking

right now. I know I used a crosswalk, but I still should have been more


We learn at a young age the importance of traffic and pedestrian

safety, but as we grow older and become more aware of our

surroundings, we grow weary in following these safety instructions. At

Auburn University, pedestrian safety has become a serious problem.

During this academic year alone, Dumas is one of more than

seven pedestrians who have been struck by automobiles on Auburn's

campus. This number is unsettling and as a result, Auburn University

and the city of Auburn are taking action by presenting the “Travel With

Care” transportation safety campaign.

“Travel With Care” will take place on April 5-9 and will encourage

motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, transit riders and individuals using

other forms of transportation to practice safe transportation habits,

obey the rules of the road and respect all modes of transportation.

The campaign's tagline states, "However you go, go safely," and it

reminds everyone to consider alternative modes of transportation, but

to do so in a safe manner. Join Auburn University’s President Jay

Gogue, Mayor Bill Ham Jr. and the community for a campaign kick-off

on Monday, April 5, at 11:15 a.m. at Toomer's Corner.

During the week of the campaign, members of the Auburn Police

Division will increase enforcement of traffic and safety regulations

including visibility, jaywalking and red light running.

Volunteers will be distributing educational materials and reflective

giveaways throughout the week. Keep an ear out for public service

announcements on local radio stations, and be sure to visit for transportation safety tips and rules

of the road. Funding for “Travel With Care” is provided, in part, by the

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
