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a pattern by Alison Hogg


scraps of red cotton fabric

scraps of green felt

sewing machine


sewing needle & thread


1. Use the template on page 3 to cut out strawberry shape in red fabric. Place template along fold of fabric.

2. Fold so that right sides are touching. Sew with a sewing machine, the base and side seam, as indicated by the black line on the strawberry template. Sew a few reverse stitches at the beginning and end of the seam.

3. Turn right side out. Use something like the point of a knitting needle to ease out the corners of the seams. Fold the top raw edge over about ¼ inch.

4. With double thread in a matching colour, beginning with a double stitch, sew a line of running stitches close to the top edge.

©copyright Alison Hogg 2009. For personal use only.

2 5. Before gathering top edge, stuff with polyfil, push down with the blunt end of a knitting needle.

6. Gather the top of the strawberry by pulling thread tightly. Sew a few stitches to secure and loose end of thread inside strawberry.

7. Use the template on page 3, cut the sepals out of green felt.

8. With double thread in a matching colour, begin with a double stitch and sew a line of running stitches close to the straight edge of felt piece.

9. Pull thread tightly so that a circle is formed, sew a double stitch to secure.

10. Attach sepals to top of berry.

©copyright Alison Hogg 2009. For personal use only.
















sew seam along black line