Stock Price Correlation Coe cient Prediction with …not stable. Frank Fabozzi, Francis Gupta and...


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Stock Price Correlation CoefficientPrediction with ARIMA-LSTM

Hybrid Model

Hyeong Kyu Choi, B.A StudentDept. of Business Administration

Korea UniversitySeoul, Korea


Predicting the price correlation of two assets for future time periods is im-portant in portfolio optimization. We apply LSTM recurrent neural networks(RNN) in predicting the stock price correlation coefficient of two individualstocks. RNN’s are competent in understanding temporal dependencies. Theuse of LSTM cells further enhances its long term predictive properties. To en-compass both linearity and nonlinearity in the model, we adopt the ARIMAmodel as well. The ARIMA model filters linear tendencies in the data andpasses on the residual value to the LSTM model. The ARIMA-LSTM hybridmodel is tested against other traditional predictive financial models such asthe full historical model, constant correlation model, single-index model andthe multi-group model. In our empirical study, the predictive ability of theARIMA-LSTM model turned out superior to all other financial models by asignificant scale. Our work implies that it is worth considering the ARIMA-LSTM model to forecast correlation coefficient for portfolio optimization.

Keywords – Recurrent Neural Network, Long Short-Term Memory cell, ARIMAmodel, Stock Correlation Coefficient, Portfolio Optimization









] 1





1 Introduction 1

2 Various Financial Models for Correlation prediction 22.1 Full Historical Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.2 Constant Correlation Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.3 Single-Index Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.4 Multi-Group Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3 The ARIMA-LSTM Hybrid Model 53.1 ARIMA model sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.2 LSTM model sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4 Research Methodology 104.1 ARIMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.1.1 the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104.1.2 Model Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.1.3 the Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4.2 LSTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.2.1 the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.2.2 Model Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.2.3 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154.2.4 the Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

5 Results And Evaluation 17

6 Conclusion 20

Appendices 21

A 150 S&P500 Stocks 21

B LSTM Model Source Code 22


1 Introduction

When constructing and selecting a portfolio for investment, evaluation ofits expected returns and risks is considered the bottom line. Markowitz hasintroduced the Modern Portfolio Theory which proposes methods to quantifyreturns and risks of a portfolio, in his paper ‘Portfolio Selection’ (1952) [13].With the derived return and risk, we draw the efficient frontier, which is acurve that connects all the combination of expected returns and risks thatyield the highest return-risk ratio. Investors then select a portfolio on theefficient frontier, depending on their risk tolerance.

However, there have been criticisms on Markowitz’s assumptions. Oneof them is that the correlation coefficient used in measuring risk is con-stant and fixed. According to Francois Chesnay & Eric Jondeau’s empiricalstudy on correlation coefficients, stock markets’ prices tend to have positivecorrelations during times of financial turbulence [6]. This implies that thecorrelation of any two assets may as well deviate from mean historical cor-relation coefficients subject to financial conditions; thus, the correlation isnot stable. Frank Fabozzi, Francis Gupta and Harry Markowitz himself alsobriefly discussed the shortcomings of the Modern Portfolio Theory in theirpaper, ‘The Legacy of Modern Portfolio Theory’ (2002) [7].

Acknowledging such pitfalls of the full historical correlation coefficientevaluation measures, numerous models for correlation coefficient predictionhave been devised. One alternative is the Constant Correlation model, whichsets all pairs of assets’ correlations equal to the mean of all the correlationcoefficients of the assets in the portfolio [3]. Some other forecast modelsinclude the Multi-Group model and the Single-Index model. We will coverthese models in our paper at part 2, ‘Various Financial Models for Corre-lation Prediction’. Although there have been many financial and statisticalapproaches to estimate future correlation, few have implemented the neuralnetwork to carry out the task. Neural networks are frequently used to pre-dict future stock returns and have produced noteworthy results1. Given thatstock correlation data can also be represented as time series data – derivingthe correlation coefficient dataset with a rolling time window – application ofneural networks in forecasting future correlation coefficients can be expectedto have successful results as well. Rather than circumventing by predictingindividual asset returns to compute the correlation coefficient, we cast pre-dictions directly on the correlation coefficient value itself.

1Y. Yoon, G. Swales (1991) [18]; A. N. Refenes et al. (1994) [1]; K. Kamijo, T. Tanigawa(1990) [11] ; M. Dixon et al. (2017) [12]


In this paper, we suggest a hybrid model of the ARIMA and the neu-ral network to predict future correlation coefficients of stock pairs that arerandomly selected among the S&P500 corporations. The model adopts theRecurrent Neural Network with Long Short-Term Memory cells (for conve-nience, the model using this cell will be called LSTM in the rest of our paper).To better predict the time series trend, we also utilize the ARIMA model. Inthe first phase, the ARIMA model catches the linear tendencies in the timeseries data. Then, the LSTM model attempts to capture nonlinearity in theresidual values, which is the output of the former phase. This ARIMA andneural network hybrid model was discussed in Peter Zhang’s literature [19],and an empirical study was conducted by James Hansen and Ray Nelsonon a variety of time series data [10]. The model architecture used in theseliteratures are different from what is demonstrated in our paper. We onlyfocus on the hybrid model’s versatile predictive potential to capture bothlinearity and nonlinearity. Further model details will be elaborated at part3, ‘The ARIMA-LSTM Hybrid Model’.

In the final evaluation step, the ARIMA-LSTM hybrid model will betested on two time periods which were not involved in the training step. Thelayout and methodology of this research will be discussed in detail at part 4,‘Research Methodology’. The data will be explored as well in this section.The performance of the model will then be compared with that of the fullhistorical model as well as other frequently used predictive models that areintroduced in part 2. Finally, the results will be summarized and evaluatedin part 5, ‘Results and Evaluation’.

2 Various Financial Models for Correlation


The impreciseness of the full historical model for correlation predictionhas largely been acknowledged [6, 7]. There have been numerous attempts tocomplement mispredictions. In this section, we discuss three other frequentlyused models, along with the full historical model; three of which cited inthe literature by Elton et al. (1978) [3] – Full Historical model, ConstantCorrelation model, and the Single-Index model and the other, the Multi-Group model, in another paper of Elton et al. (1977) [5].


2.1 Full Historical Model

The Full Historical model is the simplest method to implement for theportfolio correlation estimation. This model adopts the past correlation valueto forecast future correlation coefficient. That is, the correlation of two assetsfor a certain future time span is expected to be equal to the correlation valueof a given past period [3].

ρ(t)ij = ρ

(t−1)ij (1)

i, j : asset index in the correlation coefficient matrix

However, this model has encountered criticisms on its relative inferior pre-diction quality compared to other equivalent models

2.2 Constant Correlation Model

The Constant Correlation model assumes that the full historical modelencompasses only the information of the mean correlation coefficient [3]. Anydeviation from the mean correlation coefficient is considered a random noise;it is sufficient to estimate the correlation of each pair of assets to be the aver-age correlation of all pairs of assets in a given portfolio. Therefore, applyingthe Constant Correlation model, all assets in a single portfolio have the samecorrelation coefficient.

ρ(t)ij =



n(n− 1)/2(2)

i, j : asset index in the correlation coefficient matrixn : number of assets in the portfolio


2.3 Single-Index Model

The Single-Index model presumes that asset returns move in a systematicway with the ‘single-index’, that is, the market return [3]. To quantify thesystematic movement with respect to the market return, we need to specifythe market return itself. We call this specification the ‘market model’, whichwas contrived by H. M. Markowitz [4], and furthered by Sharpe (1963) [17].The ‘market model’ relates the return of asset i with the market return attime t, which is represented in the following equation:

Ri,t = αi + βi Rm,t + εi,t

Ri,t : return of asset i at time tRm,t : return of the market at time tαi: risk adjusted excess return of asset iβi: sensitivity of asset i to the marketεi,t: residual return; error term

such that, E(εi) = 0 ; V ar(εi) = σ2εi

Here, we use the beta(β) of asset i and j to estimate the correlation coef-ficient. With the equation that,

Cov(Ri, Rj) = ρijσiσj = βiβjσ2m

σi/σj : standard deviation of asset i / j’s returnσm : standard deviation of market return

The estimated correlation coefficient ρij would be,

ρ(t)ij =



2.4 Multi-Group Model

The Multi-Group model [5] takes the asset’s industry sector into account.Under the assumption that assets in the same industry sector generally per-form similarly, the model sets each correlation coefficient of asset pairs iden-tical to the mean correlation of the industry sector pair’s correlation value.


In other words, the Multi-Group model is a model that applies the ConstantCorrelation model to each pair of business sectors. For instance, if companyA and company B, each belongs to industry sector α and β, their correlationcoefficient would be the mean value of all the correlation coefficients of assetpairs with the same industry sector combination (α, β).

The equation for the prediction is slightly different depending on whetherthe two industry sectors α and β are identical or not. The equation is asfollows.

ρ(t)ij =


nβ∑j∈β;i 6=j


nα(nβ − 1), where α = β


nβ∑j∈β;i 6=j


nαnβ , where α 6= β


α / β : industry sector notationnα / nβ : the number of assets in each industry sector

3 The ARIMA-LSTM Hybrid Model

Time series data is assumed to be composed of the linear portion and thenonlinear portion [19]. Thus, we can express as follows.

xt = Lt +Nt + εt

Lt represents the linearity of data at time t, while Nt signifies nonlinearity.The ε value is the error term.

The Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model is oneof the traditional statistical models for time series prediction. The modelis known to perform decently on linear problems. On the other hand, theLong Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model can capture nonlinear trends inthe dataset. So, the two models are consecutively combined to encompassboth linear and nonlinear tendencies in the model. The former sector is theARIMA model, and the latter is the LSTM model.


3.1 ARIMA model sector

The ARIMA model is fundamentally a linear regression model accommo-dated to track linear tendencies in stationary time series data. The modelis expressed as ARIMA(p,d,q). Parameters p, d, and q are integer valuesthat decide the structure of the time series model; parameter p, q each isthe order of the AR model and the MA model, and parameter d is the levelof differencing applied to the data. The mathematical representation of theARMA model of order (p,q) is as follows.

xt = c+ φ1xt−1 + φ2xt−2 + · · ·+ φpxt−p

−θ1εt−1 − θ2εt−2 − · · · − θqεt−q

= c+


φkxt−k −q∑l=1

θl εt−l

Term c is a constant; φk and θk are coefficient values of AR model variablext−k, and MA model variable εt−l. εt−l is an error notation at period tl(εt−l = xt−l − xt−l). It is assumed that εt−l has zero mean with constantvariance, and satisfies the i.i.d condition.

Box & Jenkins [9] introduced a standardized methodology to build anARIMA model. The methodology consists of three iterative steps. (1) Modelidentification and model selection the type of model, the AR(p) or MA(q), orARMA(p,q), is determined. (2) Parameter estimation the model parametersare adjusted to optimize the model. (3) Model Checking residual analysis isperformed to better the model.

In the model identification and model selection step, the proper type ofmodel among the AR and MA models is decided. To judge which modelfits best, stationary time series data needs to be provided. Stationarity re-quires that basic statistical properties such as the mean, variance, covarianceor autocorrelation be constant over time periods. In cases of dealing withnon-stationary data, differencing is applied once or twice to achieve station-arity differencing more than two times is not frequently implemented. Afterstationarity conditions are satisfied, the autocorrelation function (ACF) plotand the partial autocorrelation function (PACF) plot are examined to selectthe model type.

The parameter estimation step involves an optimization process utilizingmathematical error metrics such as the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC),the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), or the Hannan-Quinn InformationCriterion (HQIC). In this paper, we resolve to use the AIC metric to estimateparameters.


AIC = −2 ln(L) + 2k

The ln(L) notation is the value of the likelihood function, and k is the degreeof freedom, that is, the number of parameters used. A model that has a smallAIC value is generally considered a better model. There are different waysto compute the likelihood function, ln(L). We use the maximum likelihoodestimator for the computation. This method tends to be slow, but producesaccurate results. Lastly, in the model checking step, residual analysis is car-ried out to finalize the ARIMA model. If residual analysis concludes thatthe residual value does not suffice standards, the three steps are iterated un-til an optimal ARIMA model is attained. Here, we use the residual that iscalculated from the ARIMA model as the input for the subsequent LSTMmodel. As the ARIMA model has identified the linear trend, the residual isassumed to encompass the non-linear features [19].

xt − Lt = Nt + εt

The εt value would be the final error term of our model.

3.2 LSTM model sector

Neural Networks are known to perform well on nonlinear tasks. Becauseof its versatility due to large dimension of parameters, and the use of nonlin-ear activation functions in each layer, the model can adapt to nonlinear trendsin the data. But empirical studies on financial data show that the perfor-mance of neural networks are rather mixed. For example, in D.M.Q. Nelsonet al.’s literature [2], the accuracy of an LSTM neural network for stock priceprediction generally tops other non-neural-network models. However, thereare overlapping portions in the accuracy range of each model, implying thatthe model not always performs superior to others. This provides a groundfor our paper to use an ARIMA-LSTM hybrid model that encompasses bothlinearity and nonlinearity, so as to produce a more sophisticated result com-pared to pure LSTM neural network models.

To understand the LSTM model, the mechanism of Recurrent NeuralNetworks (RNN) should first be discussed. The RNN is a type of sequentialmodel that performs effectively on time series data. It takes a sequence ofvectors of time series data as input X = [x1, x2, x3, · · · , xt] and outputs avector value computed by the neural network structures in the model’s cell,symbolized as A in Figure 1. Vector X is a time series data spanning t timeperiods. The values in vector X is sequentially passed through cell A. At


each time step, the cell outputs a value, which is concatenated with the nexttime step data, and the cell state C. The output value and C serve as inputfor the next time step. The process is repeated up to the last time step data.Then, the Backward Propagation Through Time (BPTT) process, where theweight matrices are updated, initiates. The BPTT process will not be furtherillustrated in this paper. For detailed illustration, refer to S. Hochreiter andJ. Schmidhuber’s literature on Long Short-Term Memory (1997) [16].

The A cell in Figure 1 can be substituted with various types of cells. Inthis paper, we select the standard LSTM cell with forget gates, which wasintroduced by F. Gers et al. (1999) [8]. The LSTM cell adopted in this pa-per comprises four interactive neural networks, each representing the forgetgate, input gate, input candidate gate, and the output gate. The forget gateoutputs a vector whose element values are between 0 and 1. It serves as aforgetter that is multiplied to the cell state Ct−1 from the former time stepto drop values that are not needed and keep those that are necessary for theprediction.

ft = σ( Wf · [ht−1, xt] + bf )

The σ function, also denoted with the same symbol in Figure 2, is the logisticfunction, often called the sigmoid. It serves as the activation function thatenables nonlinear capabilities for the model.

σ(X) = 11 + e−X

In the next phase, the input gate and the input candidate gate operatetogether to render the new cell state Ct, which will be passed on to the nexttime step as the renewed cell state. The input gate uses the sigmoid as theactivation function and the input candidate utilizes the hyperbolic tangent,each outputting it and Ct. The it selects which feature in C should be reflected in to the new cell state Ct.

it = σ( Wi · [ht−1, xt] + bi )

Ct = tanh( WC · [ht−1, xt] + bC )

The tanh function, denoted ‘tanh’ in Figure 2 as well, is the hyperbolic tan-gent. Unlike the sigmoid, which renders value between 0 and 1, the hyperbolictangent outputs value between -1 and 1.

tanh(X) = eX − e−XeX + e−X


Figure 1. Structure of Recurrent Neural Network

Figure 2. Inner structure of a Long Short-Term Memory cell

Finally, the output gate decides what values are to be selected, combiningot with the tanh-applied state Ct as output ht. The new cell state is acombination of the forget-gate-applied former cell state Ct−1 and the newtanh-applied state Ct.

ot = σ( Wo · [ht−1, xt] + bo )

Ct = ft · Ct−1 + it · Ctht = ot · tanh(Ct)

The cell state Ct and output ht will be passed to the next time step, andwill go through a same process. Depending on the task, further activation


functions such as the Softmax or Hyperbolic tangent can be applied to ht’s.In our paper’s case, which is a regression task that has output with valuesbounded between -1 and 1, we apply the hyperbolic tangent function tothe output of the last element of data vector X. Figure 2 provides a visualillustration to aid understanding of the LSTM cell inner structure.

4 Research Methodology


4.1.1 the Data

In this paper, we resolve to utilize the adjusted close’ price of the S&P500firms 2. The price data from 2008-01-01 to 2017-12-31 of the S&P500 firmsare downloaded3. The data has a small ratio of missing values. The ratioof missing price data of each asset is around 0.1%, except for one asset withticker ‘MMM’, which has a ratio around 1.1%. Although MMM’s ratio is notthat high, missing data imputation seems improbable because the missingvalues are found in consecutive days, creating great chasms in the time se-ries. This may cause distortion when computing the correlation coefficient.So we exclude MMM from our research. For other assets, we impute themissing data at time t with the value of time t-1 for all assets. Then, we ran-domly select 150 stocks from the fully imputed price dataset. The randomlyselected 150 firms’ tickers are enlisted in ‘Appendices A’.

Using the fully imputed 150 set of price data, we compute the correlationcoefficient of each pair of assets with a 100-day time window. In order to adddiversity, we set five different starting values, 1st, 21st, 41st, 61st and 81st, andeach apply a rolling 100-day window with a 100-day stride until the end of thedataset. This process renders 55875 sets of time series data (150C2 · 5), eachwith 24 time steps. Finally, we generate the train, development, and test1&2data set with the 55875 × 24 data. We split the data as follows by means toimplement the walk-forward optimization [15] in the model evaluation phase.

· Train set : index 1 ˜ 21· Development set : index 2 ˜ 22· Test1 set : index 3 ˜ 23· Test2 set : index 4 ˜ 24

2 of S%26P 500 companies(accessed 23 May, 2018)3We utilize the Quandl API to download stock price data(


Figure 3. Data generation scheme

4.1.2 Model Fitting

Before fitting an ARIMA model, the order of the model must be specified.The ACF plot and the PACF plot aids the decision process. Most of thedatasets showed an oscillatory trend that seemed close to a white noise asshown in Table 1. Other notable trends includes an increasing/decreasingtrend, occasional big dips while steady correlation coefficient, and havingmixed oscillatory-steady periods. Although the ACF/PACF plots indicatethat a great portion of the datasets are close to a white noise, several orders(p, d, q) = (1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 1), (2, 1, 0) seems applicable.We fit the ARIMA model4 with these five orders and select the model withthe least AIC value, for each train/development/test1/test2 dataset’s data.The method we use to compute the log likelihood function for the AIC metricis the maximum likelihood estimator.

After fitting the ARIMA model, we generate predictions for each 21 timesteps to compute the residual value. Then, the last data point of each datawill serve as the target variable Y, and the rest as variable X (Figure 3). Thenewly X/Y-split datasets will be the input values for the next LSTM modelsector.

4We utilize the pyramid module to fit ARIMA models(


Table 1. Notable trends and the ACF/PACF of 1-level-differenced data


4.1.3 the Algorithm

Algorithm 1. ARIMA model fitting algorithm1: datasets = [train, dev, test1, test2]2: orders = [ (1,1,0), (0,1,1), (1,1,1), (2,1,1), (2,1,0) ]3: for all data in datasets do4: X = empty list5: Y = empty list6: for all time-series T in data do7: models = empty list8: for all order in orders do9: Morder = fit ARIMA(T, order)

10: add Morder to models11: with least-AIC model Mfit in models12: residual = X - predict(T, Mfit)13: add residual [0:20] to X14: add residual [20] to Y15: save X, Y

4.2 LSTM

4.2.1 the Data

We use the residual values, derived from the ARIMA model, of the 150randomly selected S&P500 stocks as input for the LSTM model. The datasetsinclude the train X/Y, development X/Y, test1 X/Y, and test2 X/Y. EachX dataset has 55875 lines with 20 time steps, with a corresponding Y datasetfor each time series (Figure 3). The data points are generally around 0, asthe input is a residual dataset (Figure 4).

4.2.2 Model Training

The architecture of the model for our task is an RNN neural network thatemploys 25 LSTM units5. The last outputs of 25 LSTM units is merged intoa single value with a fully connected layer. Then, the value will be passedthrough a doubled-hyperbolic tangent activation function to output a singlefinal prediction. The doubled-hyperbolic tangent is simply the hyperbolic

5We utilize the keras module to train the LSTM model(


Figure 4. Data Point Distribution

tangent function scaled by a factor of 2. Figure 5 shows a simplified archi-tecture of the model.

When training the model, it is crucial to keep an eye on overfitting.Overfitting occurs when the model fits excessively on dataset while train-ing. Hence, the predictive performance on the train dataset will be high, butwill be poor on other newly introduced data. To monitor this problem, aseparate set of development dataset is used. We train the LSTM model withthe train dataset until the predictive performances on the train dataset anddevelopment dataset become similar to each other.

The dropout method is one of the widely used methods to prevent over-fitting. It prevents the neurons to develop interdependency, which causesoverfitting. This is executed by simply turning off neurons in the networkduring training with probability p. Then, in the testing phase, dropout isdisabled and each weight values are multiplied by p, to scale down the outputvalue into a desired boundary. Moreover, dropout has the effect of trainingmultiple neural networks and averaging the outputs [14].

Other than dropout, we considered more regularization to prevent over-fitting. There are mainly two types of regularization methods: Lasso regu-larization (L1) and Ridge regularization (L2). These regularizers keep theweight values of each network in the LSTM model from becoming too large.Big parameter values of each layers may cause the network to focus severelyon few features, which may result in overfitting. A general expression of theerror function with regularization is as follows.



{Yi − (W ·Xi + b)}2 + λW



W 2ij + λb




Parameters λW and λb determine the intensity of regularization of the costfunction. If the lambda values are too high, the model will be under-trained.On the other hand, if they are too low, regularization affect will be mini-mal. In our model, after trial and error, it turned out that not applying anyregularization performs better. We tried more complex architectures withregularization, but for all architectures, models with no regularization hadsuperior outputs.

Another problem to pay attention to when training a neural networkmodel is the vanishing/exploding gradient. This is particularly emphatic forRNN’s. Due to a deep propagation through time, the gradients far awayfrom the output layer tend to be very small or large, preventing the modelfrom training properly. The remedy for this problem is the LSTM cell itself.The LSTM is capable of connecting large time intervals without loss of in-formation [16].

Other miscellaneous details about the training process includes the useof mini-batch of size 500, the ADAM optimization function et cetera. Fordetail, refer to the LSTM section source codes in ‘Appendices B’.

4.2.3 Evaluation

The walk-forward optimization method [15] is used as the evaluationmethod. The walk-forward optimization requires that a model be fitted foreach rolling time intervals. Then, for each time interval, the newly trainedmodel is tested on the next time step. This ensures the robustness of themodel fitting strategy. However, this process is computationally expensive.In addition, our paper’s motive is to fit parameters of a model that gener-alizes well on various assets as well as on different time periods. Thus, it isneedless to train multiple models to approve of the model-fitting strategy.Rather than training a new model for each rolling train-set window, we re-solve to train a single model with the first window and apply it to three timeintervals the development set and the test1/test2 set.

We selected our optimal model with the Mean Squared Error (MSE)metric. That is, the cost function of our model was the MSE. For furtherevaluation, the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Squared Er-ror(RMSE) was also investigated.


Figure 5. LSTM model sector architecture

MSE = 1n

∑ni=1(yi − yi)2

MAE = 1n

∑ni=1 |yi − yi|

The selected optimal model is then tested on two recent time periods. Weuse two separate datasets to test the model because the development set isdeemed to be involved in the learning process as well.

If the model’s correlation coefficient prediction on two time periods turnout decent as well, we then test our model against former financial predictivemodels. The MSE and MAE values are computed for the four financialmodels as well. For the constant correlation model and the multi-groupmodel, we regarded the 150 assets we selected randomly to be our portfolioconstituents.


4.2.4 the Algorithm

Algorithm 2. LSTM model training algorithm1: read [train X/Y, dev X/Y, test1 X/Y, test2 X/Y]2: define model3: add LSTM(units = 25)4: add Dense(shape=(25,1), activation=‘double-tanh’)5: Repeat6: Forward propagate model with train X7: Backward propagate model with train Y8: Update model parameters9: train MSE, train MAE = model(train X, train Y)

10: dev MSE, dev MAE = model(dev X, dev Y)11: if train MSE, dev MSE converged12: end Repeat13: test1 MSE, test1 MAE = model(test1 X, test1 Y)14: test2 MSE, test2 MAE = model(test2 X, test2 Y)

5 Results And Evaluation

After around 200 epochs, the train dataset’s MSE value and developmentdataset’s MSE value started to converge (Figure 6). The MAE learning curveshowed a similar trend as well. Among the models, we selected the 247th

epoch’s model. The epoch was decided based on both the overfitting met-ric and the performance metric. The overfitting metric was represented withthe normalized value of the MSE difference between the train & developmentdataset. And the performance metric was represented with the normalizedvalue of the MSE sum of the train & development datset. Then, the sum ofthe two normalized value was calculated to find the epoch that had the leastvalue. The mathematical representation of the criterion is as follows.

criterion =diffMSE −mean(diffMSE)

stdev(diffMSE)+sumMSE −mean(sumMSE)


With the selected ARIMA-LSTM hybrid model, the MSE, RMSE andMAE values of the prediction were calculated. The MSE value on the de-velopment, test1, and test2 dataset were 0.1786, 0.1889, 0.2154 each. Thevalues have small variations, which means the model has been generalizedadequately.


Then, the metric values were compared with that of other financial mod-els. Among the financial models, the Constant Correlation model performedthe best on our 150 S&P500 stocks’ dataset, just as what the empirical studyof E. J. Elton et al. has shown [3]. However, its performance was nowherenear the ARIMA-LSTM hybrid model’s predictive capacity. The ARIMA-LSTM’s MSE value was nearly two thirds of that of other equivalent models.The MAE metric also showed clear outperformance. Table 2 demonstratesall metrics’ values for every dataset, for each model. The least value of eachmetric was boldfaced. Here, we can easily notice the how all the metric val-ues of the ARIMA-LSTM model are in boldface.

For further investigation, we tested our final model on different assetsin the S&P500 firms. Excluding the 150 assets we have already selected totrain our model, we randomly selected 10 assets and generated datasets withidentical structures as the ones used in the model training and testing. Thisgenerates 180 lines of data. We then pass the data into our ARIMA-LSTMhybrid model and evaluate the predictions with the MSE, RMSE and MAEmetrics. We iterate this process 10 times to check for model stability. Theoutput of 10 iterations are demonstrated in Table 3.

The MSE values of 10 iterations range from 0.1447 to 0.2353. Althoughthere is some variation in the results compared to the Test1 & 2, this maybe due to a relatively small sample size, and the outstanding performance ofthe model makes it negligible. Therefore, we may carefully affirm that ourARIMA-LSTM model is robust.

Figure 6. Learning curves of the ARIMA-LSTM model training process


Development dataset Test1 dataset Test2 dataset

MSE RMSE MAE MSE RMSE MAE MSE RMSE MAEARIMA-LSTM .1786 .4226 .3420 .1889 .4346 .3502 .2154 .4641 .3735

Full Historical .4597 .6780 .5449 .5005 .7075 .5741 .4458 .6677 .5345Constant Correlation .2954 .5435 .4423 .2639 .5137 .4436 .2903 .5388 .4576

Single-Index .4035 .6352 .5165 .3517 .5930 .4920 .3860 .6213 .5009Multi-Group .3079 .5549 .4515 .2910 .5394 .4555 .2874 .5361 .4480

Table 2. ARIMA-LSTM model performance results and its comparison

Iter. Tickers MSE RMSE MAE


PEG, SYMC, EOG, MDT, NI.2025 .4500 .3732


.1517 .3895 .3331


.1680 .4099 .3476


SLB, VZ, MAC, ADS, MCK.1966 .4434 .3605


UTX, NTRS, INCY, COP, HRL.2353 .4851 .3951


JNJ, COL, APC, MCD, VFC.2175 .4664 .3709


MNST, HSY, MCK, INCY, WBA.1447 .3804 .3094


TSN, T, MSFT, LEG, COST.1997 .4469 .3518


PKI, EQIX, DISH, FTI, HST.1785 .4225 .3331


HAS, UNP, EQT, FE, AIV.2168 .4656 .3742

Table 3. ARIMA-LSTM testing results on different asset combinations


6 Conclusion

The purpose of our empirical study was to propose a model that per-forms superior to extant financial correlation coefficient predictive models.We adopted the ARIMA-LSTM hybrid model in an attempt to first filterout linearity in the ARIMA modeling step, then predict nonlinear tenden-cies in the LSTM recurrent neural network. The testing results showed thatthe ARIMA-LSTM hybrid model performs far superior to other equivalentfinancial models. Model performance was validated on both different timeperiods and on different combinations of assets with various metrics such asthe MSE, RMSE, and the MAE. The values nearly halved that of the Con-stant Correlation model, which, in our experiment, turned out to performbest among the four financial models. Judging from such outperformance,we may presume that the ARIMA-LSTM hybrid model has sufficient predic-tive potential. Thus, the ARIMA-LSTM model as a correlation coefficientpredictor for portfolio optimization would be considerable. With a betterpredictor, the portfolio is optimized more precisely, thereby enhancing re-turns in investments.

However, our experiment did not cover time periods before the year 2008.So our model may be susceptible to specific financial conditions that werenot present in the years between 2008 and 2017. But financial anomalies andnoises are always prevalent. It is impossible to embrace all probable specifictendencies into the model. Hence, further research into dealing with financialblack swans is called for.



A 150 S&P500 Stocks

* This is the list of tickers of the 150 randomly selected S&P500 stocks.






B LSTM Model Source Code

* This source code is a simplified version; unnecessary portions were con-tracted or omitted. For original and other relevant source codes, visit‘ Prediction ARIMA LSTM Hybrid’.

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

import os

from keras.models import Sequential, load_model

from keras.layers import Dense, LSTM, Activation

from keras import backend as K

from keras.utils.generic_utils import get_custom_objects

from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint

from keras.regularizers import l1_l2

# Train - Dev - Test Generation

train_X= pd.read_csv(’~/train_dev_test/after_arima/train_X.csv’)

dev_X = pd.read_csv(’~/train_dev_test/after_arima/dev_X.csv’)

test1_X = pd.read_csv(’~/train_dev_test/after_arima/test1_X.csv’)

test2_X = pd.read_csv(’~/train_dev_test/after_arima/test2_X.csv’)

train_Y = pd.read_csv(’~/train_dev_test/after_arima/train_Y.csv’)

dev_Y = pd.read_csv(’~/train_dev_test/after_arima/dev_Y.csv’)

test1_Y = pd.read_csv(’~/train_dev_test/after_arima/test1_Y.csv’)

test2_Y = pd.read_csv(’~/train_dev_test/after_arima/test2_Y.csv’)

# data sampling

STEP = 20

_train_X = np.asarray(train_X).reshape((int(1117500/STEP), 20, 1))

_dev_X = np.asarray(dev_X).reshape((int(1117500/STEP), 20, 1))

_test1_X = np.asarray(test1_X).reshape((int(1117500/STEP), 20, 1))

_test2_X = np.asarray(test2_X).reshape((int(1117500/STEP), 20, 1))

_train_Y = np.asarray(train_Y).reshape(int(1117500/STEP), 1)

_dev_Y = np.asarray(dev_Y).reshape(int(1117500/STEP), 1)

_test1_Y = np.asarray(test1_Y).reshape(int(1117500/STEP), 1)

_test2_Y = np.asarray(test2_Y).reshape(int(1117500/STEP), 1)


#define custom activation

class Double_Tanh(Activation):

def __init__(self, activation, **kwargs):

super(Double_Tanh, self).__init__(activation, **kwargs)

self.__name__ = ’double_tanh’

def double_tanh(x):

return (K.tanh(x) * 2)


# Model Generation

model = Sequential()

model.add(LSTM(25, input_shape=(20,1)))



model.compile(loss=’mean_squared_error’, optimizer=’adam’,

metrics=[’mse’, ’mae’])

# Fitting the Model

model_scores = {}


for _ in range(50):

# train the model

dir = ’~/models/hybrid_LSTM’

file_list = os.listdir(dir)

if len(file_list) != 0 :

epoch_num = len(file_list) + 1

recent_model_name = ’epoch’+str(epoch_num-1)+’.h5’

filepath = ’~/models/hybrid_LSTM/’+recent_model_name

model = load_model(filepath)

filepath = ’~/models/hybrid_LSTM/epoch’+str(epoch_num)+’.h5’

checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor=’loss’,

verbose=1, save_best_only=False, mode=’min’)

callbacks_list = [checkpoint]

if len(callbacks_list) == 0:, _train_Y, epochs=1, batch_size=500,


else:, _train_Y, epochs=1, batch_size=500,

shuffle=True, callbacks=callbacks_list)


# test the model

score_train = model.evaluate(_train_X, _train_Y)

score_dev = model.evaluate(_dev_X, _dev_Y)

# get former score data

df = pd.read_csv(’~/models/hybrid_LSTM.csv’)

train_mse = list(df[’TRAIN_MSE’])

dev_mse = list(df[’DEV_MSE’])

train_mae = list(df[’TRAIN_MAE’])

dev_mae = list(df[’DEV_MAE’])

# append new data





# organize newly created score dataset

model_scores[’TRAIN_MSE’] = train_mse

model_scores[’DEV_MSE’] = dev_mse

model_scores[’TRAIN_MAE’] = train_mae

model_scores[’DEV_MAE’] = dev_mae

# save newly created score dataset

model_scores_df = pd.DataFrame(model_scores)



We thank developers of the ‘Quandl’ API, ‘Pyramid-arima’ module, and‘Keras’ module, who provided open source codes that alleviated the burdenof our research.We also thank an anonymous commenter with a pseudo-name ’Moosefly’,who discovered a crucial error in the ARIMA modeling section source code.



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