Still Image Porfolio



course work

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Meledje Dasilva

Porfolio in Still Image

Year 1 Digital Media Arts



Self Portrait









Self Timer

Fast Shutter Speed

Low light

Shallow Depth of Field


Original Picture



Original Picture

Original Picture



Original Picture

Original Picture

x2 Original Pictures

Original Picture

Human Identity and Digital Culture


It has been asked to write a self reflection of multitasks given to us by our lecturer form week 1 to week 5. The following will content firstly the weaknesses and strengths of my final work, the process of my achievement and the lesson learnt from this project. Secondly, the method used to choose the photographers who influence my work will be explored. Finally my point of view how the reading and resources on blackboard helped me engage with the brief will be outlined.


Initially, the tasks were not seen to be difficult. However, I have encountered some technical difficulties such as Fast Shutter Speed, Aperture and shallow depth of field. The settings up of both cameras were extremely irritating to handle. I was limited, I was short of ideas, and I hardly understood the brief in the beginning. One of my shortfalls in this project was also my lack of organisation.


To overcome the difficulties above, websites such as and were a secret weapon. They had contributed to my understating of the camera setting concept. Having learned Photoshop skill in the pass has helped me in all aspects. One of the method used in Photoshop was learnt from 1 Steve Caplin’s books (100% Photoshop, Art and design in Photoshop, How to cheat in Photoshop) and 2from Liz Wells’ book (Pho-tography A Critical Introduction).

I strongly asked for help when necessary. Listening was one of my strengths because as a quick learner, I always put in practice what I learned. This method helped me to improve my design skills and enhance my abilities to handle efficiently the photography equipment.

By observing the work of my fellow students and discussed and sharing ideas had a strong and positive impact on my final project. Their works inspired me to improve myself. To my point of view, sharing knowledge will enrich my intellect because learning is a continuous progress.


The project has been achieved by following a certain process. Firstly, I was inspired by the reading and re-sources provided by my lecturer as well as by my own note taken during the lecture. I have put what I read and learned both in classes and my own study into practice. This practical exercise started by learning some of the palette tools such as Lasso, Clone, Crop and Magic tool.

Secondly, I took Nikon D40 camera for my project but could not know how to manipulate.

I had to return it, in order to get Lurmix. Unfortunately this camera could not allow me to take a perfect shal-low depth of field. In this situation I was force to learn the use of D40 to do my work. Finally, I had to find a suitable location for my photo shooting.

What would I do differently if I had to do this project again?

If I had to do this project again, I would firstly make a plan because failing to plan is planning to fail. Secondly, I will make sure that I read the camera notice in order to manipulate correctly. This could have save me some precious time which would allow me to finish my project early. I would also set a deadline for own use.

However, I have not sufficiently developed my ability to process my work as I wanted. At the time, I did not write down each step use to accomplish my work. Subsequently, I realised that I have to analyse each picture and recalled the experience to be able to write. Having experience a difficulty in doing so, I have now realised my mistake.

In the future I will write down all the procedure, take a note constantly during the lecture and my own research that will help me to achieve a stunning work.

Influence of photographers3According to Art Republic (2008) David Hockney worked in a variety of fields as a painter, draughts-man, printmaker, photographer and designer. He refer that Picasso works has inspire him a lot, and only that his painting has given a creativity freedom. Working in so many areas has remind me about my course which is involved in videoing, web designing, photography, graphic design and just to name those ones. This approach did in fact significantly improve my ability to see things in different angles.

4Referring to A long way from home (2010) Shirin Neshat helped organise a hunger strike and petitions to free political prisoners. although, what she was doing was against her religion. Her film women without men took six years to make and won her a best director award at last year’s Venice film festival against all the odd. She was not being able to go back to Country of birth. The fact that was separated from her family by those who rule Iran has made her so bitter, anger and resentment. In all aspects her determination to make a film out of story which was banned Iran since 1989.

Most of her photographic works were to represent women in Islamic world. Her idea had the huge impact on me, as i am against the suffering of women in any shape. She was determine to make herself known worldwide against all the challenges. This in parallel about my life as I have chosen to study at this age.

You can fulfil your dream by working hard and not letting anyone whatsoever distract you.


This project was an enjoyable experience where I have gained some valuable skills both in theory and in practice in the introduction of digital media. The reading and resources on blackboard helped me to familiarise with the context of the project and to understand the brief partially. The use of tutorials could probably help me deeply in the production of my work.


1 Caplin, S (2005). How to cheat in photophop.Third edition. Focal Press. Oxford

Caplin, S (2008. Art and Design in photophop.Third edition. Focal Press. Oxford

Caplin, S (2010). 100%photophop.Third edition. Focal Press. Oxford

2 Wells, L (2004). A Critical Introduction. Third edition. Routlege USA

3 Art Republic (2008), ‘David Hockney Biography’. Available at (access on 05/11/11)

4 A long way from home (13 June 2010), ‘Shirin Neshat’. Available at