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% Algorithms 11.6. , 11.7, 11.8% Step-by-step euclidean reconstruction algorithm from multiple views% as described in Chapter 11, "An introduction to 3-D Vision"% by Y. Ma, S. Soatto, J. Kosecka, S. Sastry (MASKS)% Code distributed free for non-commercial use% Copyright (c) MASKS, 2003%% Last modified 5/5/2005% Following shell loads tracked point features% and corresponding frames and computes the motion and % 3D structure of tracked features and focal lenght of the camera% the skew and center of projection of the calibration matrix % is assumed to be known% 1. Given n features in m view% 2. Compute fundamental matrix and projective reconstuction from 2 views% 3. Use rank based factorization for multiview projective reconstruction % 4. Solve for uknown focal lenght using absolute quadric constraints% 5. Upgrade projective structure to euclidean one% 6. Compute rectifying transformations% 7. Warp the first and last view of the sequence% ==================================================================close all; clear;% with the affine tracker and undone radial distortionseq_name = 'oldhouse2/A2000';image_type = 'bmp';load oldhouse2/A2000_result_ST; % tracks from 110 to 200% specify index of starting frame fs, end frame fe % and the subsampling factor ftfs = 0; fe = 88; ft = 12;findex = [fs:ft:fe]; offset = 1;indf = 1:size(findex,2);% find features tracked in all the framesind = find(goodfeat ~= 0); j = 0; for i = (1+offset-1):ft:(fe-fs+1) j = j+1; xim(1,:,j) = xttfirst(2,ind) + SaveSTB(2,ind,i); xim(2,:,j) = xttfirst(1,ind) + SaveSTB(1,ind,i); xim(3,:,j) = 1;end;% consider only indf framesxim = xim(:,:,indf);[s, n, m] = size(xim); opt = '%03d'; imfile = sprintf('%s%s.%s',seq_name,sprintf(opt,findex(1)),image_type)seq(1).im = (imread(imfile));% read imagesfor i = 2:m if findex(1) < 10 opt = '%03d'; elseif findex(1) < 100 opt = '%02d'; else opt = '%01d'; end; imfile = sprintf('%s%s.%s',seq_name,sprintf(opt,findex(i)),image_type) seq(i).im = imread(imfile);end;[ydim,xdim,cdim] = size(seq(1).im);for i = 1:m imagesc(seq(i).im); colormap gray; hold on; axis equal; axis image; axis off; plot(xim(1,:,i), xim(2,:,i),'y.'); for k = 1:n t = text(xim(1,k,i)+3, xim(2,k,i)+3,num2str(k)); set(t, 'Color', 'yellow'); endend disp('tracked features - press ENTER to continue');pause%-------------------------------------------------------------% Structure and motion and focal length recovery given xim% guess intrinsic parameter matrix[s, n, m] = size(xim); fguess = 700; % max(xdim,ydim);Aguess = [fguess 0 xdim/2; 0 fguess ydim/2; 0 0 1];%----------------------------% Normalize the measurementsfor i = 1:m xn(:,:,i) = inv(Aguess)*xim(:,:,i); % partially calibrated viewsend%--------------------------------------------% uncalibrated case - two view initialization% compute F and decompose itRhat(:,:,1) = diag([1 1 1]);That(:,1) = zeros(3,1);F = dfundamental(xn(:,:,1), xn(:,:,m))[uf, sf, vf] = svd(F'); ep = vf(:,3);M = skew(ep)'*F; % + rand(3,1)*ep';Rhat(:,:,m) = M;That(:,m) = ep;%----------------------------% compute projective stucture [X,lambda] = compute3DStructure(xn(:,:,1),xn(:,:,m),Rhat(:,:,m),That(:,m));alpha = 1./lambda; alpha = alpha/alpha(1); %--------------------------------% plot projective reconstructionfigure; hold on;plot3(X(1,:,1),X(2,:,1),X(3,:,1),'k.'); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');draw_scale = X(3,1,1)/10;Ts = That(:,1)*draw_scale;plot3(Ts(1),Ts(2),Ts(3),'r.','MarkerSize',14);Ts = That(:,m)*draw_scale;plot3(Ts(1),Ts(2),Ts(3),'r.','MarkerSize',14);title('Projective reconstruction from two views'); view(220,20); box on; grid off; axis equal; negative_depth = (~isempty(find(lambda < 0))) disp('end two view initialization - press ENTER');pause;%------------------------------------------------% Compute initial motion estimates for all framesinit_error = 10; fs = [100]; ns = [];errabs = init_error; err_prev = 500; iter = 1; errrel = init_error;while (errabs > 1e-4) & (iter < 30) & (errrel > 1e-5) % (errlambda > 1e-4) for k = 2:m j = indf(k); Q = []; % setup matrix P for i = 1:n Q = [Q; kron(skew(xn(:,i,j)),xn(:,i,1)') alpha(i)*skew(xn(:,i,j))]; end; [um, sm, vm] = svd(Q); That(:,j) = vm(10:12,12); Rhat(:,:,j) = reshape(vm(1:9,12),3,3)'; end; %-------------------------------------- % recompute alpha's based on all views lambda_prev = lambda; % recompute alpha's for i = 1:n M = []; % setup matrix M for k = 2:m % set up Hl matrix for all m views j = indf(k); a = [ skew(xn(:,i,j))*That(:,j) skew(xn(:,i,j))*Rhat(:,:,j)*xn(:,i,1)]; M = [M; a]; end; alpha(i) = -M(:,1)'*M(:,2)/norm(M(:,1))^2; end; scale = alpha(1); alpha = alpha/scale; % set the global scale lambda = 1./alpha; X = [lambda.*xn(1,:,1); lambda.*xn(2,:,1); lambda.*xn(3,:,1); ones(1,n)]; res = []; i = 1; for l = 1:m j = indf(l); P(i*3-2:i*3,:) = [Rhat(:,:,j) scale*That(:,j)]; tt = P(i*3-2:i*3,:)*X; if sum(sign(tt(3,:))) < -n/2 P(i*3-2:i*3,:) = -[Rhat(:,:,j) scale*That(:,j)]; Rhat(:,:,j) = -Rhat(:,:,j); That(:,j) = -That(:,j); tt = P(i*3-2:i*3,:)*X; end; xr(:,:,i) = Aguess*project(tt); xd = xim(1:2,:,j) - xr(1:2,:,i); errnorm = sqrt(xd(1,:).^2 + xd(2,:).^2); res = [res, errnorm]; i = i+1; end f = sum(res)/(n*m); iter = iter + 1; fs = [fs f]; if iter > 1 errrel = norm(fs(iter-1) - f); if fs(iter - 1) < f errrel = 1e-10; end; end; errabs = norm(f); errlambda = norm(lambda_prev-lambda); lambda_prev = lambda;end % end while iterdisp('end rank based factorization - press ENTER'); pause;clear xres; res = [];%-------------------% final reprojectionfor i = 1:m j = indf(i); XP(:,:,i) = P(i*3-2:i*3,:)*X; xres(:,:,i) = Aguess*project(XP(:,:,i)); PC(:,:,i) = [Rhat(:,:,i) That(:,i)]; xd = xim(1:2,:,j) - xres(1:2,:,i); errnorm = sqrt(xd(1,:).^2 + xd(2,:).^2); res(i) = sum(errnorm)/(m*n);endfigure; hold on; plot3(2*X(1,:),2*X(2,:),2*X(3,:),'k.'); box on; view(220,20);title('Projective reconstruction from multiple views');xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');for i = 1:m Ts = That(:,i)*2*i*scale; plot3(Ts(1),Ts(2),Ts(3),'r.','MarkerSize',14); enddisp('projective reconstruction from multiple views - press ENTER');pause;%------------------------------------------------------------% self-calibration - linear algorithm for unknown focal length% set up the constraints on absolute quadricOmega = quadric_linear_f(PC);if Omega(1,1) < 0; Omega = - Omegaendfor k = 1:m t = PC(:,:,k)*Omega*PC(:,:,k)'; fest(k) = sqrt(t(1,1)/t(3,3)); fest2(k) = sqrt(t(2,2)/t(3,3)); Atmp(:,:,k) = Aguess*[fest(k) 0 0; 0 fest(k) 0; 0 0 1];end%-------------------------------------------------------% Estimate the projective to euclidean upgrade transf Hpv = -[Omega(1,4)/(fest(1)^2); Omega(2,4)/(fest2(1)^2); Omega(3,4)]; K1 = [fest(1) 0 0; 0 fest2(1) 0 ; 0 0 1];v4 = 1;Hp = [K1 zeros(3,1); -v'*K1 v4];%------------------------------------% update the structure to Euclidean Xe = inv(Hp)*X; Xe = [Xe(1,:,1)./Xe(4,:,1);Xe(2,:,1)./Xe(4,:,1);Xe(3,:,1)./Xe(4,:,1);ones(1,size(X,2))];if (sum(sign(Xe(3,:,1))) < 0) & (sum(sign(Xe(3,:,1))) == -size(Xe,2)) Hp = [K1 zeros(3,1); -v'*K1 -v4]; Xe = inv(Hp)*X; warning('Flipping the sign of Hp');elseif (sum(sign(Xe(3,:,1))) < 0) & (sum(sign(Xe(3,:,1))) ~= -size(Xe,2)) error('Projective upgrade: some of the depths are negative');end;%------------------------------- % update the projection matrices PP = P*Hp; %------------------------------------------------------% rigid body motion and 3D Euclidean structure recoveryfor i = 1:m k = indf(i); Re(:,:,i) = PP(i*3-2:i*3,1:3); [r,q] = rq(Re(:,:,i)); Arem(:,:,i) = r; % /r(3,3); % calibration matrix Re(:,:,i) = q; % rotation matrix Te(:,i) = inv(Arem(:,:,i))*PP(i*3-2:i*3,4); Xe(:,:,i) = [Re(:,:,i) Te(:,i); 0 0 0 1]*[Xe(:,:,1)];end;%------------------------------% plot euclidean reconstructionfigure; gs = 100; % global scaleplot3(gs*Xe(1,:,1),gs*Xe(2,:,1),gs*Xe(3,:,1),'k.'); hold on; box on;xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');draw_scale = gs*Xe(3,1,1)/6;for i=1:size(Xe,2) text(gs*Xe(1,i,1)+2, gs*Xe(2,i,1)+2, gs*Xe(3,i,1), num2str(i)); end;title('Euclidean reconstruction from multiple views'); view(220,20); grid off; axis equal; % axis off; for i=1:4:m draw_frame_scaled([Re(:,:,i)' gs*(-Re(:,:,i)'*Te(:,i))], draw_scale);endaxis equal; box on; % view(-8,-60);disp('Euclidean reconstruction complete - press ENTER');pause%-------------------------------------------------------------% Here should go nonlinear refinement to improve the estimates%-------------------------------------------------------------%------------------------------------------% estimate rectifying transformations H1, H2Fr = dfundamental(xim(:,:,1), xim(:,:,m));im0 = seq(1).im;im1 = seq(m).im;for i=1:n epil2r(:,i) = Fr*xim(:,i,1); epil1r(:,i) = Fr'*xim(:,i,m);end;[H1, H2] = projRectify(Fr,xim(:,:,1), xim(:,:,m), xdim, ydim)Tr = [1 0 -xdim/2; 0 1 -ydim/2 ; 0 0 1]; H1 = inv(Tr)*H1;H2 = inv(Tr)*H2;xim1r = project(H1*xim(:,:,1));xim2r = project(H2*xim(:,:,m));epil1rw = inv(H1)'*epil1r;epil2rw = inv(H2)'*epil2r;%-------------------------------------------------% warped the two views such that the epipolar lines % correpond to scanlines[im0w, xi0, yi0] = Hwarp(H1, im0); [im1w, xi1, yi1] = Hwarp(H2, im1);[ydim0, xdim0] = size(im0w);[ydim1, xdim1] = size(im1w);f1 = figure; imagesc(im0w); colormap gray; hold on; axis image;f2 = figure; imagesc(im1w); colormap gray; hold on; axis image;%------------------------% plot few epipolar linesindl = [1, 3, 26, 61];for k = 1:size(indl,2); i = indl(k); figure(f1); hold on; plotLineNormal(epil1rw(:,i),xdim0,ydim0); axis([1 xdim0 1 ydim0]); figure(f2); hold on; plotLineNormal(epil2rw(:,i),xdim1,ydim1); axis([1 xdim1 1 ydim1]);end;disp('warped first and last view - END');
