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Stefano Conticello graduated in piano in Ferrara with Giampiero Semeraro and later studied with Pietro Rigacci. He also attended courses in Fiesole with Dario De Rosa and Maureen Jones, A. Baldovino and Bruno Rigacci for the conduction of the orchestra.

His interest in early music led him to graduate in harpsichord with Annaberta Conti.

Since 1991 he has been substitute teacher at the Teatro Comunale in Bologna and collaborates as a pianist with many conductors such as: Claudio Abbado, Riccardo Muti, Riccardo Chailly, Gianandrea Gavazzeni, Giuseppe Sinopoli, Gary Bertini, Daniele Gatti, Eliahu Inbal, Daniel Oren, Christian Thielemann, Bruno Bartoletti and singers such as: Mirella Freni, Raina Kabaivanska, Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and Josè Carreras.

He performs numerous concerts with singers and chamber music, of which the recent is the performance of the Sonata for two pianos and percussions by Bela Bartòk with the instruments of the Municipal Theater.

He has also collaborated with other Italian theaters (Pisa, Messina, Piacenza, Ferrara., Parma, Reggio Emilia, Ravenna Festival) and foreign (Goteborg Opera, Belles Artes Theater in Mexico City, Florida States University and Beijing).

At the Teatro Comunale in Bologna he directed the Traviata by G. Verdi and Gianni Schicchi by G. Puccini.
