Steal This Book Dispute Between Izac Haber and Abbie Hoffman


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  t; ' ./ STEAL THIS IZAC ·by A.J. Weberman


For the las t few year·s I ·•ve been conducting a war against Bob Dylan.

I feel he used the revolution to get rich and famous and then not only did

e turn his back on i t but he betrayed t by buying warstock, office

buildings, suporting the JDL and more. I had demonstrations in f ront of

his house, recorded private phone conversations we had and used them as

interviews, put his poetry thru a computer and found i t was about heroin,

· went thru his garbage and even had a 30th birthday party for him which

f acil i ta ted . . , getting my ideas across on the mass media. Abbie Ho.ffman

short rap a t this birthday party• in which he put Dylan down .for

eing a r ip-off and a self ish bastard. A s ~ d e from Abbiesaccomplishments

s a Yippie non-leader he had a .reputation for giving his bread away- bail in

Panthers, givin John Sinclair a grand, supportin the Yips & n d e r g r o p n dso I fe l t h e · · ~ ; was stoned just if ied in put in down Dylan for piggery.

h a t • s w n y I f l i p p e d when I s ~ w the art ic le by Izac a ~ e r in Rollipg Stone

ccusin Abbie of rippin Steal T h i s Book offa:: hfm·; l iv in l ike a king in a

enthouse, bein a hypocrite, l i a r etc. e tc .

Bein an expert on people who r ip off the movement I decieded that I

as gonna check this shi t out and see just what was happenin altho I must

dmit that I dug Abbie and hated Rolling Stone up front. I went to Abbies

.for which he gives the Law Commune (a group of lawyers who take

cases for free) $200. bucks a month for one t iny room and asked

y friend Rex, who a t that time was handling the mail order sales of Steal

is Book, i.f I could d o a l i t t l ~ ~ n o p p i n I made xeroxs of what I found and

ook them back t the Archives fer analysis. Then I met Izac over a t revoluti

s inger Dave Peels pad. He began to plead- Weberrnan, I know you dig Abbie

ut he rea l ly d i ~ r ip me of f . Man, you used to hang with my friends (I did

t one time but when they became junkies my re la t ionship ended)give me a\

e to t e l l my s ide 11 So 1 went over> the shi t I got outta Abbies office wit·

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'him over to t ~ e Archives, talked ~ ~ i t h him a t leas t 10 hours.

Then I went to Abbie & told h i m : t h a t . s i n c e . h e _ d e s c r ~ b e d : h i a book Woodstock·

Nation as a ta lk rock albuin K;J . ' s Raiders, the irivestagatory arm of The

Rock Liberation Front (which is the cu-Ltural arm of the Y0 uth Internat ional

Party) haci. decided to check him out. Abbie-wasnt. p:l ssed; .a t a l l : : ~ : i n :.fact;.Jle

as glad someone was doin t (he had offe;ed to l e t Ro1iing Stgne snoop to:Lbut they had refused his offer) · . .

their;;heari;s content / andy-gave me his side of the story in great deta i l .· \It

I spent about a week ta lk in to people involved with the mess, including some

of Izac ' s old fr iends. ~ t e r put t in a l l the pieces together I have come to

the conclusion tha t a l l of Izac•s charges are STONED BULLSHIT. Let 's go over

hem one by one dealing with the l eas t complicated ones f i r s t ._

The Penthouse-New York City housing i s a strange scene-you can be l:iving in..

slum and_pay:ing $100 for 2 cockaroach rooms while a block away someone i s

iv in in a. beaut iful lo f t for 75 •. . t a l l depende on variables l ike how. .long you been on the scene, ren t control etc. Bein around the East S ~ d e for

the Hoffman's lucked into a good deal - fellow Yippie Keith_Lampe

la id a $125. a month 3 room lo f t ~ w h i c h i s l ike th is shack on top of a

actory building - o h - J e m ~ w h f l i l : . h e : : ' s p l i t : . _ f ' o l ' o ' t h e coast-. The reason the rent

s low i s cause the neighborhood i s f i l l ed with junkies, pimps & hookers -

the highest concentration on the Lower East Side. '1/hat the fuck does Izac

vlould he be happy i f the Hoffman's paid $50 a month to s0me slumlord

a shi th6le t the size of the i r place ~ r i t h ra ts , coldwater -l1ke:he l ives

Man. Izac .is so afraid of' { l i r : :Place. getti :ii"taken;;;o-.r.r, ... . tha t he carr ies

important, papers etc with him ;tn_a_. bi:\ief'caae;;.everywhere he goe

nita & Abbie p l a c e : ' i s . : : . ' ' d e c e n t • ~ n o t 'decadent• and by no streach of the imag

i s a real: . 'Playboys Penthouse 1• I t •s pal't of the i r ' revolutionary pay •

.ln"_noway ~ c o : n p a r e s to the $100,000::'- Q o l l a r ~ houae_as,editor-.J.a=Jienner l i

in nor the $100. a day hotel suites he stays in when he t ravels .

nita And Abbies Standard Of Livr'ne;

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According to I ~ 9 - < i Abbie i s . a big spender, guyin stu1':(:5withJ.sp d o l l a r . : \ . ~ ;bills·; ; .and.shit l ike tha t . But a couple of checks of the Hoffman's garbage.

no. boxes from Saxi;'E'ifth Avenue or ·other exclusive s tores nor were

there any bones from Porterhouse Steaks or empty caviar t i ns . Jud'ging.from

the i r garbage the Hoffman's scoff a l o t of hamburgers, skimmed milk ani

f ru i t s . . mucher hipper then the average Dylan garbage composed of cookie

wrappers, l iverwurs t skins and granola. Yeeechchch .... but dig it I did

f ind roaches made from Amerikan Flag p§>pers in the Hoffman's can which I

ro l led in to a jay did-up. &'l'Iogotdto;:;.aaytth.Ettl"ieven;;'ltho the;tt:reofuckifter ..•

communists, the Hoffman 1 s smoke some good reefer . . . , .

i s Bourgeois

Bul lsh i t . In private Izacs says-uAnita i s a Nazi, a to ta l . fac iS t f . Man

e rea l ly hates her . In Roll ing Stone he even has Abbie agreeing with him

apologizing for Anita-"She comes from Park Ave • . . middle c lass Jew"

I aint nev0x• hecrd Abbie apologiz ing .'.or Ahits and This bi t of dia logue,

l ike a l l the r e s t , was made up by Izac. (he admits to th i s / . . the o ~ y con

f i rmation .qf th i s story S P.J:'inted was Izac'5 oath tha t "every wot]:i is trufi)with

b e i o r e i l . s h E l m o i r . e d . ; ; 1 r i ~ b bie . a.Secondlyi r s t of a l l Abita was l iv in in Queens

Abbie apogizing for his mate - they rea l ly love each othei

lo t and have a n o n ~ o p p r e s s i v e re la t ionship . Ah.but Izac also loved Abbie

-he says he did numerous t imes in the RS a r t i c l e - and maybe he was , j e a l o 1 . v ~'

f An:l.ta? Recently1

I ta lked with one of I zac s old fr iends, a ca t ~ h o was

for awhile but got it together enough to kick, ge t married)2,nd have

kid & gc on welfare. Izac a in t te . lkin to him anymore for se l l i n out• . He

a le t ter• to th i s dude in which he at tacked his wife viciously . Same.

syndrome. Izac fa l l s in love Nith a ca t then gets p issed when he f inds . the

cat digs some woman more tJ > him. As for I::.<:hi s charge tha t Anita i s com

uls ive ly nea t , Izac l ive6cin a $50 a month crash pad opposi te the Men's

Shelter on the B o ~ · r e r y , shared .rith other guys 1 a sloppy-assed ehitholEl_

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o I guess from Izac 's point of 'Tiew•••••••

& The W e a t h e r p e o ~ )

Any i d io t can.see that a l o t of Izac•s al legat ions are to ta l sh i t with

doing much research::..- l ike that l ine where Haber has Hoffman claimin to

the brains behind the •weathermen' - actual ly they cal l themselves ~ V e a t hAbbie may or mayhot be in communication with these righteou

and s i s t e r s but having him saying tha t he controls them makes t

l ike af te r l i s tening to J . Edgar's conspiracy bul lshi t for so long Abbi

s )2eginning to believe i t Izac cal ls weatherpeople "courageous • . they ' re

the i r l i fe on the l ine" and he ' s to ld me he dedicated his book I N S I B(the RS ar t ic le was condensed from a 400 page 'book' Izac hoped

o se l l - more on th is la ter) to them. He's.crazy cause the weatherundergroun

him for giving away the i r code name-:l.thehSl'limm;tilgcteam' in the RS piece

gonna dedicate his book. to a bunch of people who want to do him in . \ \

Is Depersoanlized And Dont Allow Noone T'' Touch His Soul

Abbie took Izac in to his l i f e , his hollll3. his hang-ups his fears . Actual

i s the one who is, afraid of .bthers\lcause he is afra id of h·imse

Iaber wont go near any dr.ugta_-r,ce tha t opens his mind •. altho he does drink

and smoke opium• . consciousness contracting drugs. Dig, one night

& me were : Jappin and I offered him some cake Ann had baked. He says "Th

have any pot in i t ?" He was tha t af ra id . But I must admit. tha t af te r

betrayal , . Abbie i s much more afraid , defensive and uptight . . can ya

Rich Off 'file Revolution

Abbie i s donating a good deal of the bread from the mail order sales of

Tnis Book to pol i t ica l prisoners even tho he ' s been shi t on my the so

cal led movement people who form a cul :_;of mediocra ty in order to vamp on an

ne who does the thing - and in revolution doin :Lt i s the name of the game.

donatin:::this bread despi.tE? the fac t tha t he ' s a pol i t ica l prisoner

out on appeal bai l - i f he dont pay court costs, lawyers fees, back ta..'tes

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o n t h e conspii acy t r i a l (what? Th a t s r i g h t . : the cour t s ru led t ha t he owe

t en grand t o J u l ius Hoffman's cotirt ~ i n e e p o l i . t ~ c a l · d e l ' e n d a r l t s A a r e · no tLtax

oeductable chft i r i ty organizat ions - he cla imed the $ he made from g iv ing

raps dur ing the trial was not-ta:icable.)&Liril.oney:; chiJ_d;;.support'::amd:more

pu t h i s ass in pr i son and murder him if they can.

Lies Involving Yippie J e r ry Rubin

Haber clv.ims T.hs.t; Anita e.rouldn 1 t give Je r ry a place t;o h ideou t •

v J h ~ n he f e l t his l i f o •vll.S in d&ngor. &ccording to Je r ry th i s i s .

' ~ t o t ' , l l y ~ l s it · t. h' c... J U S , never ~ . p p e n e d nor did anything r<Dmot.,ly l i k e

it OV<lr happen. Haber i s just; a LIAR" · Je r ry , Abbio Anita. IU o still

good f r i ends . Tho s to ry o r the Rubin-Grah&m h ~ . s t lo i s common Lo1.;er

Eas t Sido. rndica. l folkl_?r<>; l i ke Hho C:J.n _blamo Je r ry for not commi t t - .,

ing s"uic-lda by f igh t in Graham (1.;ho i s notor iously Hell V<lrSod in Kar .. t e )

-: l ike it +;ook 3 moloherfuckers and i1 bicycle cha in to give Bil l a· t;as t.o of1·Jha. ; h deserves •

Now a l l t h i s i s no t say the dude i s per fec t . He's f a r from it • I could

run down a whole list of s h i t •• but who i s ? See I m not lobkin fo r gods,

. idols , superheros - I m lookin for revolu t iona r ie s with l eader sh ip qua l i t i e


a i n t never• seen no revo lu t ion happen without leader_;.. Mao KimIl

Sung, Lenin, Fide l . . • •

Did Abbie Stea l S tea l S tea l This Book?

If ' RS would have done even the s l i ghes t ammo1mt of i nve s t i ga t ion they

v1ould have f'ound tha.t Izac was the one who did the s t ea l in , Dig, I zac came

to Abbie & sa id I d l ike t help do a more sophis t i ca ted vers ion of' FltckI

Tne System (Abbies book l i s t i n Y i p ~ t y l e r i p o f f s repr in ted in Revolut ion ¥or

The Hel l Of It - muep. o f which i c r e p r in t e d - in Stea l ) and showed him some

work h e d done n it al ready, After a quick 1in the s t r e e t Ab

-b i e s a id - Sure 70-30 cause it r e a l l y yer book' but I zac i n s i s t ed on 50-50.

Soon they became f r i e n d s . ; : . ~ : · . . . : .. · "this '':.J : took place around the t ime of

J a c k s o n , . ~ Kent Sta te

j f:bein at tacked



>I .

Cambodia, ;. pt:-'lvw during which Abbie was up t igh t about

and Izac ha.ppened to e .a black be l t an d ·gun :freak so ,

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 Abbie made the mistake of asking.Haber i f he wanted to become his bodyguard.

Izac eagerly agreed -Hoffman was his i d o l - and f l ipped in to ectapey when

Abbie asked him & his mov in to the 3 room 'penthouse'

with himself and Anita. So the four formed sor t of a commune while workin

on thebook.

But there was one big problem. Izac Haber, ex-junkie, con-man and petty

hus.tler how turned 'Yippie ' s t i l l maintained the hust lers mental i ty so in

stead of researching l ibrar ies , newspapers, ta lk in to people, checking out

the scams trmt came in as a resul t of ads placed in the Underground Press

Izac jus t plagerized underground p e · l s ~ t ; l ' : i J . t _ t w for his information. When he

anded his f in ished manuscript to Abbie, who had already named him as co

in Other Scenes and Time and who had already writ ten an introduction. .

began with a r i f f about how he met Haber & how groovey he was &which

concluded with the foilowing parjtgraph" Izac "roamed the US seeking hints

for the book consult ing with experts on eahh section, did l ibrary research;

in the ~ ~ d e r g r o u n d press for t ips •••• " etc .e tc . Hoffman f l ipped •

e immediatly dug that a l l of Izac s manuscript ~ a s plagerized since there

ere great s ty l i s t i c variat ions from chapter• to chapter, a lo t of t was

in old l e f t rhetor ic and Abbie had read a lo t -of the s tu f f wri t ten

y other people that Izac had signed his name to . For example his chapter

on Urban Guerrll:llas was taken work for word from Mariguilla s l<linimanual ·

Of Guerr Ella Harfare ; his chapters on demonstrations came from Rat; the

stuff on Revoltrt:tonary Medical care came from ae:I:.iberat:ton Schook book cal le

Cadre. Abbie told Izac- "Man, you cant r ip-off someone l ike Marigulli

was mu :'dered by Brazilian fac.:i.sts" Izac answered-"NoboQ.y reads his shi t

hust lers mentality.

So Izac vmnt over each chapter and penci led in where t was taken from

over the heading. (See Yippie exhibi t A) Abbie real ized he was gonna have

to write the book - he called in ~ x p r t s in various underground f ie lds for

consultat ion and wrote an ent i re ly new book using maybe 20 o:f Izac s re:..

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. ..



(see Yippd.e exhibi t B) ~ to ld Izac tha t since he bul lshi ted the bes

Icould give him would·be 23%. Izac·agreed and signed a contract .


I t dent take no Hoffmanologist to see what happened o y ~ c o f f i P a r i n g Haber. I

I •

Hoffman's manuscripts but i f tha t evidence aint enough dig th i s . • . one

Izac came around and askedlme i f he could use my typewrit ter and II

He was workin on an a r t i ~ l e for Screw about bein a spel'm donator


Haber cheap hustle - andl so I got to see his l i t e ra ry ab i i i ty f i r s t -


He had none. He'd s ta r t off a sentence in the present tense and ha l f -


thru he 'd be in the past tense; He used the same words over and over l ik. '


I quickly run up the s ta i r s , quicl(ly ·gotJ.rtlieo:eest tube and quickly gerked

ff   When I pointed his i l l i teracly out to him he said Dent worry I got a' IwhoSgonna rewri te the whole thing I think tha t the Rolling Stone


was tot . tal ly rewritten y bther people .a lso.' '

Lacking in l i t e ra ry ab i l i ty Haber became a plager is t . . his t r ip reminds

of a scam I pulled as a 19 year old Michigan State Un:lwersity student- I


Bertrand Russell 's essay JHY I AM. NOT A CHRIST1L N word for word, ·sign

name to t & handed . i t into t ~ college paper which p r o m p t ~ y published i t' . i

MSU was such an intefrlectual wasteland no-one caught on and the only

I got were from some r e l e g ~ o u s ·nuts who wanted t ~ s s a v e my soul. The. I . .

got me la id , looked-up to etc . Everything was cool unt i l I showed t

I . ~ .

my uncle who was an undercover Betrand Russell freak and,blew my scam.I I . .

(No1'T, ~ 1 h e n I show th i s cat my s tuff on Dylan, I swear Bert dent know sh i tI •


Bob) I t was a harmless prahk and no-one was hurt . But Izac was pQayin


game j.n rea l l i fe not in )and he mar_'\ged to get Rolling Stone

o back-up his l i e s . . . I

See, RS wanted to do a number on Abbie cause they ' re actual ly controllI

the c a p : l : t a ~ i s : j ; s r · ; . l : : i . c n ~ : l the Y i ~ p i e s seek to destroy. RS i s dis t r ibuted byI


Holding Company, maniT. of1

their ads come from Corporations owned byI •

Bros, Atlantic & Elecktra. and o.thers), they borrow money from


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Kinney when theyJre in f inancial . t rouble , many. of Rolling Stone's books are

published by Kianey, many Rolling Stone personel a re •ex Kinney employeesl

(eg the NYC ad manager) The f J.O: in Charge of' dealing • ~ i th Kinney, 1-Iax

Piglensky, i s the major stock holder in Xerox iinp. And Kinney is a stoned

pig corporat ion making a lo t of b:r;oead from exploiting blackwomentwho they

rent out to clean of'fice buildings.

: f o r . . ~ a : . . p a p e r . ± r m : u t h a t ; , ; r e : ~ t i e w s o t A t l ant ic n ~ c o r d r . • t o o b e : : o w n e d by Atlant ic

records - and so RS has a vested in te res t in viciously attacking the

revolutionary 'p ied-pipers ' and rat tening the slavksh' uncle-tom hippy

culture James Taylor with f la t te r ing ar t ic les . And wait unt i l

the Rock Liberation Frontyou see the shi t we found when e raided the i r off ices . It'll be in an

by a cat named AJ Ellsberg cal led ROLLING STO}lE:SECRET DOCUMENTS.

So Haber l e t himself be u s e d ~ a s a pawn in· RS 1s order to gain

fame and fortune - nei ther or which material ized. RS paid him 750. for~ r a s interested in his book.

the ar t ic le and i'ii:H' .pu1i·l:l sne:v jHe cal led numerous magazines asking them i f

they wanted more di r t on Abbie noone •bi:t intr;r·i' s·sed nor would they have

im on V or Radio. Izac i s now in Europe, bumming around.

I dont think Abbie : i i e s e r v e - : s ~ a . l : l t & • : : r . o ~ ) l : ' \ i e : , a l l the shi t tha t s been

l a id on him l a te ly . . . in fact I th ink he deserves a trophy carved out of

solid hashish. He's a convicted felon out of 45 g a bai l facin 15 years;

the government admits to tappin his phone in a court order signed by the

Attorney General, the FBI & Army In tel l iggnce both claim 24 hour

surveil lence, he has to v i s i t 3 parole off icers each month and his t ravel

res t r ic ted , he has warrents out for fiim in 6 s ta tes for misdemenors

(which are non-extradintable) , he s been beaten and fucked with by the pigs

has diff ' iculty breathin thru his nose because of th i s and Anita has

\ l c \ 'suffered

1\the same shi t . All\:because the Hoffman's wont stand by and v1atch

A..rne:i:ika commit<: genocide here and,. abr-oad. I

EAT SHIT to the cowards in the movement

say RIGHT ON to the Hoffman's~ \ 1 \ l . \ L I ~ - , ~ · 1who i\ t rash him YOU PEOPLE >lAKE

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M PUKE Nobody is beyond cr i t ic ism but i t should be done in a constructive

is ter ly-brother ly fashion or else w l l end up f ight in each other which a i

m u h ~ safer than fighten the pigs) As for the Roliing Stone l iberals 1

conservatives 1 Klu-klux-k.lansmen etc. who put him down- well tha t s to be

expected but EAT SHIT too •••

And as for Izac . .man I hear Bob Dylan i s looking for someone who can

be his bodyguard while helpin him write his autobiography-STEAL THIS BUCK