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CRSBoston HSIB - May 2013

Optional - For former prayer group members

Roadmap For Starting New Prayer Groups


n Seed team

2Prepare Training materials

5Meet w/

former Pry Grp people

6Train those

prepared to lead

7advertise Pry Grp meeting

to public


Resources to begin

3Get Pastor's



Prayer meeting

9Conduct basic pry mtgs

10Offer LISS/ other


11Train discerned people to lead

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6

Former members

common activity

1. Commission "Seed" Team

• Train Seed Team - HSIBo Constitution (How does CRSB work?)o Leadershipo Prayer meeting focuso Start up Packet (see item 2)

• Members seek blessing of their prayer group for 6 month missiono Blessing and prayer support giveno Issues to be overcome

• Determine the parent pry grp for new group

2 Prepare Training materials

• Letter(s) to priest(s)

• bulletin announcements

• (Letters to former prayer group members)

• Meeting location and time and day

• Fundamental Set of Teachings

• Bonfire Meeting / Altar Calls / Testimonies

3 Get Pastor's support

• Have parishioner(s) who want pry mtg ask the pastor to meet with team

• Team brings credentials, Pilot Article, constitution references, etc. Explains service to the parish

• Asks pastor for public endorsement

• Encourage pastor to be present at start of first prayer meeting

4 Gather Resources to begin

• Music minister / praise leadero music sheets, etc.

• Prayer meeting coordinator

• Hospitality

• Prayer ministry

• Intro talk

• Teachings

• Some "seasoned" support people

• Planned format for the first few meetings

5 Meet w/ former Pry Grp people

• Send letter to former attendees (3 wks min)

• Put notice in bulletin (3 wks min)

• Put together an agenda for the meeting

• Describe the CRSB project and ask for volunteers to help for 3 months

• Get commitment from some

• Plan training dates

6 Train those prepared to lead

• Present CRS Vision and Mission

• Explain Constitution

• Leadership Principles

• Purpose and focus of a prayer meeting

• How to lead a prayer meeting

• LISS or other rededication

• prepared talks to start

7 Advertise Pry Grp Mtg to public

• bulletin announcements (3 wks)

• Ask the priest to announce from altar (3 wks)

• Flyers around the church (3 wks)

• Priest available at first meeting to endorse and introduce team

9 Conduct basic pry mtgs

• Keep meetings short

• Praise and worship

• Intro talk

• Short teaching on Life in the Spirit

• Testimony or prepared witness

• Intercessory prayer

• Announcements

• (probably no collection to start - but love offering basket)

• Hospitality - keep it short

10 Offer LISS/ other commitment

Soon after Prayer meeting is underway(2 months?) Offer some kind of commitment to those who want to come forward

• Anointing

• Altar call

• begin LISS

• Continue with basic teaching

11 Train discerned people to lead

After LISS

invite those who want to go deeper to

• Sign up for BCM weekend

• Sign up for HSIB fundamental Courseso Charismatic giftso Answering the call to ministry
