St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-12-13



The Viatorian, Vol. XLVI, No. 7

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JOIN THE HOLY NAME <irh~ Niatnriau IL___o_:~:~__JB

Volume XLVI Thursday, December 13, 1928 No. 7


corded Proposal e, ~ He Becomes a Member of the e, EXTEND THEIR BEST WISHES FOR ~ Permanent Committee

At the last r egular meeting of the e, .-~ College Club, held in the Club room e, ~ on Monday evening, December 3, the .~!.!:; A HAPPY CHRISTMAS .t:i1l idea of organizing a local branch of ~ ~ the Holy Name Society was broach- ~: ~ ed . The plan originated from the e, TO THE FACULTY, STUDENTS, ~ attendance of t he two College Club e, .-.-~ delegates, Mr. Allen Nolan and Mr. e.- ~ ;~~1:1~~y ~~n~~!~~~ ":t i~:o~:t~~;~ ~ ALUMNI AND FRIENDS OF ST. VIA TOR ~ versity some weeks ago. J!b' Q

At the meeting in Chicago many ~ :;; varied plans for student organiza- ~ ~ tion along religious lines were ~ ~ brought up and discussed. Of the e, _ 'Jj; ~i~:t~~: :~d:~!~~s ~:~m:~i~:s c~~~~ t,\)t,\)1\)t,\)1\)1\)t,\)t,\)1\)1\)1\)~1\)~~1\)1\)1\)i,\l~~t,\)1\)~t,\)1\)~~~t,\\~~~~~~1\)~~~ up to the standards set forth in t he ------- - ----- ------------ - --

~~~~!~~~tion of the Holy Name RESIGNATION Of F ormer Student Makes ACADEMY LITERARY Magnificent Donation

M~~/::~:n ~:~:~~c:: t~:b::~~est PRESIDENT WILSON Oscar L . Malo '95, recent ly pres- CLUB IN AMATEUR of t he chairman, presented to the ENDS EUREKA STRIKE NITE members of the club hi s views on ~:~~d ~~ 1:,h:doCa~h ed~:,~ S~Y~~~a~~: AT MUSIC HALL the proposed society, his reasons for building cos ting approximately $40,-backing its introduction at St. Viator College Students Jubilant Over 000, as a. memori al to his eldest son College, and as much of its asp ira - Victory who died whi le attending the school tions and purposes as he was familiar in August, !921. The corner ston e

Plans for Practice in Dramatics Outlined

with. Mr. Lawrence O'Shea followed The stud ent strike at Eureka col- was laid on November 28th. Mr. Nolan with a speech in whi ch he lege officially ended Friday night The new gy mnasium is to be full y You never know what you can do praised the aims of the organization, when Bert Wilson res igned, s tating equipped and the large room will be until you a re put to the ta sk. To its relating the benefits and good works that it would be impossible for him so constructed that t heatrical per- surprise, th e Academy Literary and resulting from its many branch to continue. fo rrnances can be given there. Mr. Dramatic Clu b found this a fact last chapters throughout the countr y. His r es ignation was the result of a Malo's son, in whose rn emory the Tuesday night when each member These rernarks were furth er added to conference t hat had lasted from 9:00 build in g is t o be er ected, had a form- was pledged to perform an original by the president, Mr. Watson, who o'clock in t he mornin g until 7:30 idable record about the school as an s tunt at its open meet ing. then asked that the individuals of that night. Upon hi s unconditional athlete. When, at a previous meeting, an the Coll ege Club express t hemselves res ig nation, Rich a t· cl Dickinson, chai ,._ Mr. Malo, a foml er res ident of amateur nig ht was proposed, qu ite a upon the matter. ma n of the board of tru stees, was Kankakee, h as res ided in Denver for murmur arose in opposition because

Plan Una nim ous ly Adopted nam ed acti ng pres ident of t he col- some years. He is pres ident of th e of a prevalent lack of abili ties arnong Everyone who voiced hi s opinion lege. Th e exec utive committee ap- Colorado Milling and E levator Corn.p- the members in t he arts of act ing,

was hear t il y in favor of t he project. poin ted a cornmittee to select a sue- a ny. He is well known as a philan - sing ing, speaking, s tory-telling and A vote was taken, and the affirmative cessor to Pres id ent Wilson. thropi st, having donated large sum s what-nots of gene ra l indoor enter-result was practically unanimous. A Trouble has been brew in g for some to Catholic education . ta inments. But like the loyal soldiers motion that a pres ident be elected time. It was broug ht t o a head when when confronted by the enemy, or for the society in order to hasten its a meeting of t he offi cers took plact:. like t he zealous politicia n who mu st, organization a nd to insure its propt:l' in which it was dec·ided that expenses Lit tle "19" Conference at t he price of deposi ti on, defend t he direction from the start was passed. must be cu t down . This wo ll ld, it 13 ca use of his ponty, ever y rnember to Mr. G. Raymond Sprague was nom- understood, ncc .. s itate the removal Representatives Meet a man ar ose to his own defense at inated, and, fo llowing a discussion on of some of t he professor s. With t he las t meeting.

The Perma nent Committee of In­t ernationa l Eucharistic Congresses has announced the election to mem­ber ship on the Committee of a n Alumnus of St. Viator College, the Rt. R,v. Msgr . C. J . Qu ille, of Chi­cago. Thi s appointment is a well merited r ecogni tion of the services of Mon signor Quill e as Genera.] Sec­retary of the XXVII International Eucharistic Congress. For months and months before the actua l opening of t he Co ngr ess he was engaged in supervis ing the tremendous work of organization necessary fo r the Con­g ress. Mon signor Quille was on the Official Committee that journeyed from Chi cago to New York to wel­come Ca rdina.I Bonzano, t he Papal Legate. During the days of the Congress Monsignor Quille was the busiest man in Chicago. Even after t he event had closed he worked on supervising the preparation and di s ~ tribution of the Congress Motion Picture, an official record of the gigantic ce lebration .

Until the a ppointm ent of Monsig­nor Quille, the Perrnanent Committee of Eucharis tic Cong r esses, with a. personnel of twenty-s ix men, has had but one American member. Thi s Committee is in general charge of all Eucharis ti c Congresses, decides where they shall be held, a nd other important questions.

Monsignor Qui ll e is at present working fo r the welfare of young wm·k ing people in Chicago. He is in cha rge of lhe hom es for the work ing g irl known as Rita Clubs, a nd as­s isted by hi s brother , t he Rev. A. J. Quille, al so an alu rnnus of St. Viator Coll ege, he condu cts the Miss ion of Our Lady of Mercy. This Missio n, w it h a yea rly attendance of about 450, includ es The Workin g Boy's Home, the Child Saving Un ion, n .J uvenil e Court and a House of Cor -rect i on.

the capabilities of the nom inee, the t hi s action, a student council t hat ha ~ A convention of Little N ineteen After t he usual bus iness of the choice wu s made unan imous . Mr. been act ing secre t ly in opposition to Coll ege represe nta ti ves was held at regu lar meeting was put into the Christmas Party Sprag ue was instructed to proceed Pres ident Wilson , came out openly, t he Sherma n Hotel, Chicago, las t minutes, individual after individual immediately to lny pl ans pl·epa ratory and demanded t he rernoval of th (! Friday . Ver y Rev. J . Vrl . R. Maguire, was call ed upon to co nt r ibute hi s Plans G·o Forward to attaining a chap ter of the Holy pres ident. Practica ll y t he entire c. s . v., A. M. and Coach Sam MeAl- share to the eve ning's en terta inm ent. Name Soc iety. student body subscribed to the pec.i - lis ter r epresented St. Via tor College Some prepar ed poems ; other s gave Ha ng up your s tockings ! P lace a

'fhe Hol y Name Society had its in- t ion t ha t wa s sent to t he boo. rd of at t he meet. dialogues; several in di viduals to ld quarter, two-bit piece, on t he hearth ception under the guiding influence trus tees. A special rneetin g of the I· Father. Maguire 11W~S instrum ental stori es ; a nother sang a song; while a a nd find yourselves laden with won ­Dominican.s . In 1274, Pope Gregory board of trus tees took place, in m secunn g the Lt t tle Nineteen" few attempted the extem poraneous. derful Chri s tmas presents , joys, of St. Dominic, head of the order of which Pres ident '¥il son's preferred swimming meet, w hich was inaug- Probably the most outstanding fea- t hrill s and su rpri ses, fo r Santa i ~ X, in order to promote a univer sal resignation was refused. The stud- m·ated here last year, again this tm·e of t he entire evening was a going to be very g enerous Wednes­respect for t he Holy Na me, asked ent s trike officiall y began on \Vednes- year. The date was set for March 16. s hort sketch written and dramatized day evenin g, Dece mber 19, a t eight that the order of preachers under day, November 28,. lasting until Fri- Coach McAll ister managed to prac- by Barton, McFa,~n , and Duffield.1 o'clock in t he Coll ege gym. the direction of St. Dominic help to day of last week. ticall y complete the baseba ll schedule These three aspiTing young play- The reaso n fo r a ll t his prepared -spread zeal a nd devotion for t he Among t he many rumors spread for 1929. A list of fourteen games wrights betook t hemse lves to t he ness is that th e high schoo l s tudent~

arne of Christ. durin g the s trike was one to the ef- were contracted for. A dual swim- mus ic rooms during the afternoon of I are prepari ng a Chri s t mas party as a Blessed John of Vercelli~ then feet that the coll ege was to be n?- ming meet with Millikin was ar- the fateful day and improvised a pre- holiday event. There will be :t

Dominican Genera l1

led the Order in moved to pringfield a nd ca lled ranged for Feb. 16, here. Lake I stage, setting, curtains a nd lighting dramatizati on of Dicken's Chr istma~ carrying out the wi ll of the H oly Abra ham Lincoln college, also tloat 1 Forest was added to t he St. Viator effects. When these were comp leted, Caro l by the first year s tudents with Father with scrup ulous diligence and the 1·emova l of several members of baseba ll schedul e. A footba ll con - t hey decided to wr ite and reh earse sing ing and other Chris tmas novel­untiring zeal. Devotion spread rapid- the facul ty and the student strike- I t ract with Lombard , who was rein- their act. In about one hour the act tics by t he upper classes. As a fina le ly and in 1432 the organization was leaders would be demanded if t he I stated by a vote taken at last Fri-1 was finished and presented that same to the evening's entertainment, one given its present name. ow it is resignation of President \Vilson was I day's confcrenc~, was s igned by the evening to t he audi ence. The plot hundred bea utifu l a nd valuable g ifts universal and is recognized as one accepted. Various financial difficul Lombard a nd VJator mentors. I held fasci nation, mystery, and sus- wi ll be prese nted to those patronM of the largest and most influential of ties and the doubtful futures of - pense right up to the climax which who happen to be lucky enough to

atholic ocieties. I many small colleges was pointed out president's resignation are given as ca~e as a surpri se to the audience . have their names drawn from the box Briefly , its purpose is to maintain in a s tatement by President Wilson pres:nted by the board: Th1s performance s tarted something. and so meone in the audie nce wi ll in

nnd to increase man's faith in the during the s trike. " \\ c, the students of Eureka col- ~ow the t hree would-be actors have addition go home richer by a two dh;nity of the avior and to pro- A _midnight mass meeting, follo~- lege assembled in mass mee.ting at / o.rgan ize~, the '"Fou rth Con idor Stock d~llar and a h~lf gold pi ece, which is mote n respect and honor for His ing the afternoon football game tn the college chapel on mornmg of Compa ny and expect to present a g1ven as a pnze. Every person en­Name. An organized body of men commemoration of Dad's Day, Friday, Dec. 7, 1928, .d:sire ~o express one act drama of their own concep- tering the auditorium will have a triving heart and soul to make brought out the fact that the student as a group our pos1tl~n wtth refer- tion each week at the regular meet- chance at this grand prize. A!-( there the Man-God better known and body were backed by t he alumni and ence. to the present d1sturbance on / ing ~f the_ club. They said "~ll you may be many ~hange!i in the cast, we better loved- this is the Holy Name faculty. 1 the camp us. need IS a w11l to try and you w11l find cannot, at thiS early date, publis h Society nnd its nim. The student statement a nd the (Cont'd on page 2, column 4) out what you can do." the entire list of pr·rsonnel.

THE VIA TORIAN l'uLii•hPd t,,.wel·kly throughout the "'holaotir year by the students of

St. Viator r-ollege.


Alumni Notes President s Resignation As this i~sue of the Yiatorian

The Viatorian regrets that in the was going to press notification of Ends Eureka Strike last is.ue the title •· Reverend" was the election of St. \" iator College ( ont"d from P"!T" I. olumn :n

EDITORIAL, 'TAFF omitted from the name of our loyal to the po ition of Treasurer in the Fir ct. n p tition '"'-'<'<.>n ly prt'<t•nt Editor .Jarlath ~I. \Vatson and distinguished priest-alumnus. Chicago Archd iocese tudent"s to the bo; rd of trust '> b.>arinll th BuRi neHH Manag r .J. Allen Nolan the Rev. Andrew J. Burns, of ter- piritual Conference. was re- ,;_,nature, of II~ of our gr,>up nn,J

ASSO lATE EDITOR. ling, Illinois. ceived. Ballots were cast by mail. reque•ting the removal of Pt'<id nt John W. Stafford Alumni otes each school in the Conference Bert \\"il "<>n came us the culminati1>n G. Raymond Sprague Inquiring Reporter The Rev. Thomas O'Brien, of the having one vote. The Hare Pre- of an unhapp)· situa tion which hM Robert Tucker Exchange Editor class of 191 1, is building a splendid ferential System of Voting was prev niled anll>ng u• for u con<iMruble FranciK .J. Brockman Exchange Editor new $70.000 Grammar School for his used. Loyola University. hicago. time. In ''i ~w of the fin<' •pit·itt.'d Raymonu E. Nolan Viatoriana parish in Rochelle, Ill inois. received the highest numb.>r of stntt·ment mntle ln•t e\·cning h)' Edward F. 0' eill Campus Brief s votes whi h gives the J esuit Pre>idcnt \l'il• n befOI"t' a group of JoHeph Logan Athletic Department The Very Rev. J. W. R. Maguire, school the offices of President and trustees, faculty. alumni nnd ' tudent .). Allen Nolan F eature \Vriter c. s. v., on his recent trip to New Secretary. St. Viator College was represt•ntative,, " " in•truct our len<I-Oonald T. Laen hardL Feature Writer Orl eans, called on two old students second. The three vice-presidents e r·s to withdraw our petition. Haymond Boysen F eature \Vriter of St. Viator College: the Very Rev. ' are from DePaul Univers ity, Chi- • ccond. we confirm the s totcrncnt Mari •Ue MU ITJhy F eature 'Writer P. D. ullivan, S. J. , President of cago; Longwood Academy, hica- made before the ewcuti\·e co mmittee Cla renc<• DcmpHey Feature \Vriter Loyola University, there, and Mr. go; and Rosary College, River and hefn r·e the e ntirt · hoanl uf tr·lL•·

CI RCU LATION DEPARTMENT John Connors , who has been r ecentl y Forest, Ill. tees by ou r leadel">! 111 this matter II •rman Bu Llell Edmund 0' ci ll Harold RoscnsLeel made head of the School of Com- The Preside nt of the Spiritual that it was not our intention to ,.,_.t .John Ross E lmer Sheedy Michael TiLo mcrce at the sa me in r. titution. Union at St. Viator· College nets any •·eOection upon the moral charne-Martin Toohill Donald Anderson in the capacity of Treasurer for le•· of President Wilso n. Any such , I News has reached us that John T the onference. intorprf'tution does not reflect our·

Subsc r.p tiOn Rate. $2.00 per annum. . Eilts '27 will visrt at the College for i altitude in this affair. Acldrc KK all corres ponden ce refcrnng ctlher t.o advertismg or su bscr1plion to 1 ' Third 1 11 f

Th e Viatonan , Bourbonnais, 111 a few days before the begm nmg of 1 Campus Brl'efs . , we ar: w 10 y uwnre. o the the Chrrs tm as holrdays. Mt. Elh s I fad that qu st10ns of such vrtnl im-

Ent c i'Cd ns second clas~ matter at the Post-offi ce of Bourbonnai s, lllmois, ,. Is workmg for a Ph D. at the Cath- 1 --- p~rtnnrc in the li~e of the .'~ llo~c n' under the Act of March 3rd, t879. ollc Umvers1ty, VVashmgton. and m Each day the crash of falling are those set out m the pC' libon must

addit ion is an in structor m Public II rocks remmds us that the old gym 1s be decided by the bonrd of trustees.


On the twenty-fifth day of December is celebrated the world's most important and most prominent birthday anniver­~ary. Christmas, co mmemorat ing the birth of Chris t, ri vals Easter in the joy that it brings to the hear ts of Christians. Easter r minds the world of the Resurrection of the Redeemer; the re­birth of t he world's hopes for sa lvation, and the restoration of faith in Divine Providence. But Easter would not exist if Christ­mas had not preceded it. Chris t had to be born in to the world be­fo re He co uld die in it.

I Speakmg at the Sulp1ctan Sem mary disa ppea rin g from s1ght. Memories \Ve. do "?t pres ume to di ctate what there, as well as private sect·etary to of happy days there s till lmger in the n· act1on shall be in any mntlcr another of the alumn i, the Rev. Ful- the minds of those who recollect good affecting the policies nnd programs ton J. Sheen. tim es in Brother Boisvert's master- of the sc hool.

Gabriel Legris, who was also o_f the class of 1927 sai led from New York November 28 for Europe. H e h~s gone direct to Paris, from whence he w ill tour France, Italy and Switz­erland, expecting to be abroad for about six months . Before sa iling he vi s ited in New York with hi s class­mate, Joseph Harrington .

Mr. Patrick A. Marcotte visited at the Coll ege twice in t he last month. He is now a representative of Seide l & Sons Manufacturing Food Chem­ists, Chi cago. He is now living at 325 Franklin Ave., Ri ver Forest, Til.


The Senior Big Five under the guidance of Coach "Johnny" Herbert and Ma nager 44 Lefty" Laenhardt is planning an extensive schedule for the basketba ll season. Saturday ni ght the Seniors met Tom Doyles' <~Terrib l e Juniors." The adjtctive terrible is no aspersion of the ability of the Juniors-just a name.

Fourth, we love Eureka college and are loyal to her traditions and deeply interested in her future. Jn this spiri t \\'e pledge our whole­hearted support of all mea:-;ure~ adopted by the trustees and st.udenl:i in the best interests of the co ll egP."

"Imposs ibl e to Continue''

The pres id ent's s tatement wa 3 ali follows :

"The situatio n that has preceded makes it impossible for me to con­

Ha ve you noted the snappy jackets tinue with any satisfa ct ion to my!-!clf which t he dignified (?) Seniors are or with any poss ibility of e ffe~tive wearing about the campus? The results for the college. Other aven ues elderly gents tell us that t hey are of service are open to me a~d the warm but too easily confused with burden will be lifted from my 3hould­those of the other members of the ers if tonight I know tha~ 1 a m free

In answer to an invitation to at- ~ class. from any f~rther connecti 111 with tend the recent inauguration cere- this unfortunat':! s ituation. As for the monies at the College, t he Very Rev. Now that old King Winter has s tud ents I ha ve known th em all by J. ,V, R .. MagUJre, c. s .. v. , recetvect a \ slipped upon us aga in the boys seem name and th e town from wh: .... h th~y letter of congratulatiOn from ar: to have that old ~<zip ." Gone is the came. I w ish everyone of th em the

This act of the Savior's set a precedent which sti ll is charac- alumnus w hom no one has heard des ire to decorate the corners with best that the future has in sloro. r Leristic of t he holy feast. He gave Himself to a needy people and from for many years, AI B. Schrck, collegiate personalities and the am still a firm believer in the ideai­Liie world, in a humbler and more unpretent ious way, has contin- of t he class of 1907. Mr. Schtek ,; I rooms of Roy are again the most ism and the integrity of t he present u d t he practice of g iving s ince that t ime. now living in California, where he popular spots hereabouts. generation of American youth a nd

says the climate best agrees with I for all of these years at Emeka. As the yea rs ha ve passed t he spiri t of Christmas has him, fo r he has been an invalid since Since Christmas t ime is a pproaching

steadily g rown until today a ll nations pause to hail the yet li ving shortly after his graduation. He The daily mail seems to be heav- I say to them in the l anguag~ of Red emer. Each coun try reta ins its quaint and customary man- would be very much pleased and very ier. 0! Yes , Christmas is com ing . Lit tle Tim, " God Bless You, Every­ner of observi ng Yulet ide yet over each celebration hovers the grateful if any one of his old friends ! Perhaps there >S a Santa Claus. Fot· one."

f G • c· I would wrrte to htm at 718 Oh ve l proof see Mr. Delaney or Mr. Her- During t he sh·i ke, s tudents were

sprn t do t hle Fhtrst reat tver Who set the standards fo r a Ave., Long Beach, Cahf. I bert. They rate no less than two a scattered throughout the town, busy weane anc un appy unrverse. ___ day from th e gtrls at home. I wtth any tasks they could find, or

J George Lopartz, Jr., who regtster- wtth their studies. They declared Ducky O'Malley : eel at St .• Vrator's m 1911 from No doubt t he H owhng Hundred :ha_t t hey had much to lose _if a strike

I Joltet, ts now the owner and manager will function at the Varsity games act10n resultmg m the closmg of the of a hotel in Jacksonville, Illinois . I thi s wi nter. Don't forget the Acad· l school for the rest of the year rc·

For lhe past Lh rec years the " red-head" has paced the cor- . --- I emy either. Though they are small suited. Only 12 of the 220 •tudents l"idors of Viator 's halls, has trod the paths that cut the college II Phrl J. Sherer, another product of I they deserve lots of cred it for their were attend ing class Friday, b"t

l , . . ,· Joliet, and who attended school here ! real "Irish" fight. many were keeping up their work campus, 1as laced the length and bteadth of t he pia~ mg fields in 1918, is now the Assista nt Super- with t he aid of instructors. and the hardwood courts with a silent mouth, a pair of clear, blue intendent at the U. S. Steel Mills, Opinion was divided amongst the eye' and a hear t that promises to beat forever to the in terests of Joliet. Rumor hath it that Mr. Vallely, townspeople, but it was believed that his college and his college mates . And during t hese three long our eminent musical genius, has it in the majority were in favor of ac~

The R Th Sh '18 Chan- mind to com pose a marching song and eventful years. he has been t he hero of the small boys, the ev. omas ea ' for the "Irish." " Go to it Louie" you cepting the resignation of President

cellor of the Peoria Diocese, recently \Vil son whether h · ht · partner of his teammates and t he friend of everyone. spoke to the students of Bradley write it and we will s ing it and wrong.' Discussion •c:;,~:redn~hie;~

ow, in his senior ~·ear, "'Ducky" is justly reaping t he fruits Polytechnic Institute, pleading that Viator 's teams will march thru 'em. about the future weliare of the col-of his past idealization of superior and incomparable principles . t hey make a t horough investigation A certain member of the_ Senior lege. Many fri end s of the college

nheralded and unsung he has ' 'played the game" fo r Viator and of charges made against the Catholic class has a novel way of savmg. In- were in favor of a change becau.•e Church, and that they do not allow 1 stead_ of going to K. K. K. to a show th f ea d th t t " t d

toda.Y e\·er~· sports critic in the tate without a single exception ey re a prospec •ve s u ent• themsel\'es to be swayed by unfound- he Slmply overeats and the resultant . ht be l t "f t h d"d k ncclaim.s him the best center in t he '"Little 1 ineteen Conference." · ht ·d h . · h 1 mtg os

1 ey

1 not now ed and anti-American prejudices mg mare provl es tm Wlt P enty mo re about the college than the fact

Truly. the lanky Irishtnnn could rest on his laurels. But that is Fa ther Shea gave this address Iol- of amusement. that there had been a controversy. not his way. lowing popular indignation over an It was also feared that if the

For the past two seasons has has been named on the second address deli,·ered recently at Bradl•Y Won't be long now. Just a few boud insisted upon removing some . II- onference basketball team, los ing fir t choice by the narrow- by a non-Catholic clergyman. The days a nd the exodus of homeward of the students , the g-reater majority

daily press states that Father Shea's bound college boys will oogin. The of the students would abandon their st of margins in each case. This year he is on his way to his address was very enlightening to festive season is at hand and for classes in sympathy, as it,would oo

last and best try for t he position. Only a miracle man will ha\·e the non-Catholic students of the In- those who have never been away difficult to name the leaders. n chance to beat him. And some day in the near future the major stitute. from home before the idea should It was stated by representatives leagues will be Yieing with each other for his senices in guiding afford genuine pleasure. But for the of the student body, that though the destinies of their center garden position . ....\. careful \·ote is Recent \isitors at the College were old-timers it is more than going; they stood to lose most by the peti-

Father Francis Cleary, Watseka; sleep, food and clothing Anyway ti d th t th determining the extent of "'Ducky's" popularity Francis Bell . Joliet; and Arthur A. home, t's a reca pitulation. period n~ o:l~· :~tin~o;::~; bes: int;:;e~ unnec ssary in

at t. Yiator. _\rmbruster1 Bloomington. or old, it's :\1erry Christmas. the colJege.

Thursday, December 13, 1928 THE VIA'l'ORIAN Page 3

JLLJNJ STUDENTS Seniors Triumph Over found it necessary to reso rt to Lho ~~~~~~;~~~~;~~;~~~·tr 1

Th ere in adoration kneeling Juniors l·n Hard Battle pulmotor. The sharp eye und steady ,_ ~ I ThcHe poor • hepherd s weep und pray.

SET Up DECALOG 'I nerve of t he mass ive "G ri zz" kept I ~ "0' er A Lowly '2/J In their Bov. l8' fair rapturous feeling, Lhe figh t ing und ergraduates even :a IJ; 1 Hom age to their new King pay.

FOR SPORTS FANS! In ". fast and thrilling basketba ll with t he chnll enge•·s. The ha lf ended '2/) Stable, Beaming" '2/) " Comely Babe in cradle lying

I~~:~~ l~:,lltte· hsce t1tlc11ogll egtel,"gySI~nn'aost·iucnl1asas with the score knotted at 12 a ll. 4/1 t'fl.lhfhfb.f' fbf f ~ , t;:.1\ Sweetes t Infant, Chri st Divin~,

, , , The seco nd ha.lf was a repetit ion '" "' fl'l f:'lfl'lfl'lfl\lr:'\lr:\)r,\)r:\)~r,\)A) 1 Ope' Th ine eyeB, und gentle sighing, Spectators To ApJ>ly b:trcly managed to outpoint a quintet of the firs t with both teams go ing

Golden Rule I co mposed of the bram a.ncl brnwn of full t ilt. The Sen iors forged slow ly By J oseph Drolet I Spea k Th y Lovo. for we are Thiuc." Ask tl~e Junior a~gregatio n la~t Sa~urday ahea d in the fourt h qu arter a nd a Shin e ! 0 shin e a nd g low stil l brighter, Shine ! 0 shine and glow s till hrightcr,

Champaig.t, Ill.- The climax of n1 ght. Pla.y1 ng t he curtam r u1ser to desperate rally by the Juni ors fai led Bril'Jiant watcher of t he night. Brilliant watcher of th£:: night. the campaign of UniverJity of llli- ~ the St. Vnttor Academy-St. Anne lo head t hem. O'er thi s cave, !;;hinc t hou th e brigh t- O'er this cave, shine thou the bright

nois stucl.~nts for better sportsman- ga me, the college basketeers staged J ohn onley was s ubstit uted .fur er, cr. ship by spectators at a thl etic cot an enterta inment that a ll but .Jay Watson in the cl ns in P," mi11 u tc--•r-. Slm· of Hcav' n arres t thy (lig h t! Star of Hca v'n arrest thy !-l~ght! tests, especia ll y basketball, w~~ ecli psed the sched uled attract ion of o f play and revivC'~_.l th{l dyin g [1r, pc !n S hep herds waki ng, ri se a nd haBten reached today when four hundred j the ev~ning. ~he J ~nio r iwea~ts , .. it.h two b uckets Toward t hi s prodigy- t he li g ht. students met and adopted the :follow- T he gn mc follow ed a chall enge m qUJck s uccess ion. But the ouwa n.1 All t he ski cB in spl endo r g lis ten, ing 11 Illi noi s code of sportsmanship " presen ted to Junior Class Pres ident I 111 arch wn s halted with t he Hunder- Breezes whi s per the ir de1ig ht.


which read as follows: ' I Doy le by Mnnager Laenh ardt of t he PU I~pies" jus~ t hree bi ~ points _short . Ange l choirs s ing their greeting, 11 A true Illini "S portsman: lrt"".ditionally dignified outfit. Duly l· or the wmner , S mith a nd I-Ia na- Ha ppy tidings to men bri ng,


Will consider all ath1etic oppon- 1 s ig ned a nd witnessed, the auspicious h rt l~ led l~ e attack, while the uccurate In men's heHrts their joy compl eti ng . enls as guests and treat t hem w ith contract took a prominen t. place on ~)Ot-shootmg of Do~aghue a nd the Hill and va le with echo ring. all of t he courtesy due frie nds an d 1 the bu lletin Goard and was ins tru- tncomparable defens1vc work of Car­guests. II mental in drawi ng to the gym prac- roll d ~serve headlines for the l oser.~.

"Its Quali ty Satisfies"

G. Arsenea u Bakery

\Vill accept all dec i s i on~ of official~ tica ll y the entire student body who Dela ncy a nd Evnrd should come m without ques tion. s I mad e up the major pa r t of a n inte r- for l heir ~h o f co mm endation in

Will never hiss or boo a player or cs ted and enthus ias t ic aud ience. t he ver y exce llent manner m wh1ch official. I Th e Se mot five was composed of lhcy eng 111Ce1 eel t he contest.

\Viii never utte1· abusive 01. irr ita.t- ~ uch luminarieS as footba ll ca ptam Sentor~ FG FT PF TP ing rernad\ s ft·om the s id e lin e. John . H e1bet t, 11 Left.y" Lacnhardt, l tf , S nnt.h 0 I 2 l1

Applaud Good Pla y ex-var s1ty hasketba ll man, Tom If, O'Neil 2 0 2 1

Bourbonnai s , Jllinois 1'Glory to Our God in Hea ven, Peace on earth to men! 0 s ing! S ing sweet hymn s o'e r thi s poor L----------- ----..1

haven; S ing Hosanna to Our Ki ng ." O'er a lowly s table, beaming, Sta nd s t he mira.clc- the s tar; In and around th at cavern g leamir"!.g, Guiding shepherds from afar.


BARBER SHOP \Viii applaud opponents who make Hanahan, star V iatot· lineman and . c, Hanahan ···--· .... 5 0

1 0 1~

good plays or show good sports man lus t year's high poin t man in the lg, Her ber t .. 2 0 v To the Angels' beck complying, ship. Senior League, athletic manager rg, Laenhanlt (C.) 0 0 'I 0 Shepherds enter and behold

Only shop in town that uses soft water

\Viii never attempt to rattle an op J ohn Sm ith, run erup in point avera ge _ _ _ _ Cherubs s inging , Seraphs flyi ng posing player, such as the pitcher in las t yea r and basketball man extra - 14 2 8 30 Round a mang er, worn and old.


n baseba ll game or a pla.yer attempt ordi nary, a nd "Eddie" O'N eil, form er Juniors FG FT PF TP ing to make a fre e throw in a basket star forwa rd on the Viator Academy rf, Logan ·····-·-····· ....... 1 ball game. tea m. If , Donoghue ..... - ·- ·-· .... ..4

Will seek to win by fa ir and law The Junior " Underdog s" had for c, Watson (C.) ·-··· ...... .. .... 1 ful means, according to the rules of t hei r ma instays ' 'Gri zz" Donag hue, c, Conl ey ····-. . .. 2 the game. former leadi ng "track" man from rg, Gallagher ·····-· ...... _ ... 3

Will love the game for its own Gifford, " Fat" Carroll, once-great lg, CarroE ... - ..... - .. 0 sake and not for what winning ma I Academy gua.rd, Joe Log an , one of _ bring him. y l t he famous Fort Way ne factio n a nd 11

Will ' Do unto others as he would I stellar var s ity guard, "Curly" Gal- 1,----------------:

2 1 4 0 2 8 0 0 2 0 0 4 1 0 7 2 1 2

- - -5 4 27

Groce ries Confectionery I I

I Amedee J. Lamarre

Bo urbonnais , Il l.

Ciga rs Notions

Trade At

. Philip T. Lambert's GOOD SERVICE H ARDWARE

Reach, Wright & Ditson Sporting Goods

129 E. Court St., Kankakee have them do unto him.' J laghcr, a superior satelite from the I Edwin Pratt Sons Co. Win 'W in without boasting and English Dram a class, and Jay Wat-

lose without excuses.', I son, form erly the cen ter pol e with 44

1nc. ''

I the St. Paul, Odell, Ill. , championship Manu'fact ureQS of e \rerytJhi ng

Griffith Add resses Meeti ng volley ball tossers. in Wire and Iron Work Fi re Es-Approval of t he desire of the stud Tho game s tarted off on the run ca pes, Wire a nd Iron Fences,

ents themselves to reform conditions \ a nd slewed up only at intervals in Store Fronts, Sta r Railings, Steel

l lr------------------------------ ' ,----------------------------~ " G. G. G." Enro I

Clothes Shirts 1


which are bel ieved to menace t he ex which the hardworking Juniors istence of basketball a s a Big Ten Stairwa ys Vent Guards, Structural sport was given by such leaders as edge, no advantage, wants hi s oppo n- lee! Wo rk. John L. Griffith , commissioner of the ent to have a chance . Athletes of !, ______ _:KA::. =N:..:.::KA=::K=E::E=-----Big Ten; Athletic Director George t he Big Ten genera ll y di splay this ,.----------------., Huff of Illinois; Milt Olander, ass ist- : attitude. I t hink you are taking a ant football coach, a nd Russ Crane,

1 st ep that will cause t hat standard to

captain elect in football. J be fo rever maintained ." That Illinois students themselves Director Huff told the s tudents


have taken such a forward step on t hat the standard of sport smanship l the eve of the meeting in Chicago of 1 in the westet·n conference ha.d long Agent for down-town cleaning, the members of the faculty confer- ! been hi gh, that it had continued to pressin g a nd repaiti ng cst.a bli sh-ence board and the directors of the I adva nce unt il about two years ago. ment. Big Ten is expected to be di scussed Since that t ime, he said, there has

d t b b •- d t 1 ' Bourbonnais, Ill. at these gatherings . Director Huff's I seeme o e a acr..,var rene, letter to students t hi s week revealed especially in basketball. 1 !_ ______________ ___!

the fact that t he directors of the con 1 ,.-------------------; ference feel the behavior at Big Ten NEW MERCHANT'S CAFE I basketball games showed such a bad tendency last season that the wei- Nicest and Most Up to Date fare a nd even the existence of t he Cafe in Kankakee game is menaced.

Preps May Take It Up Booing, hissin g, a nd other un

sportsmanlike conduct by spectators

Reservation for Special Parties

141 N. Schuyler Ave. at basket ball games w ill become bad Phone 4954 J. Bereolos, Mgr. form not only in the conference but in state hig h schools, it was predicted l---------------' today when it beca me known that the r-----------------, Illinois State High School Athletic NEW KANKAKEE HOTEL Association w ill sponsor a sports manship week early next year. BARBER SHOP

"It is characteri s tic of Illinois, hav- J. LAMB, Prop. ing won the champion ship," said Commissioner Griffith in addressing It Pays To Look Well the mass meeting, "that sh e should



Your Banking Home

1.05 Court Street




No charg·e for extras. want to go on and do bigger and bet We Solicit the College Men's ter things and I heartily congratu!ate Patronage Yell ow Cab Co. ,I

you on what you are doing. I have L-------------_j no doubt that you will succeed, and '-------------' I I as a result of this meeting set a I j standard for other institut ions of the 1

western conference to follow." I Everybody Likes



The Purple Peak Huff Cite Exper iences Ji

" \Vhen it is consider ed tha.t mor e 322 East Cou rt Street than th1·ee thousnnd athletes compete ! We Supply St. Viator College in Big Ten competition within a KANKAKEE, IL LI NOI S

" h d " I h' k J F. 0 . Savoie Company year, e continue , t 111 we may Good Sandwiches

Jl-If_fE~~ONS ' .......--- HENS ........_

~--~T_II_TTER~_--=::.::.-.:::::,_ :

The Roll·it Holeproof


Welcome Your Banking Business

Cor. Co url St. and Schuyler Ave.

il Hotel Kankakee Building II Cap Hosiery (•


HOTEL KANKAKEE Sidney Her bst, Pres., and General Manager


A hearty welcome awaits the student and friends of St. Viator College




Students Are Especially Welcome


'Ve have clothes for young men, mature men, University men-in short we're now showing


J. 'tNI! WINNt"-

-v~ .

Plant·Kerqer Co. feel proud if there a re no more than Distributor a dozen occasions of poor sportsman- \ Home-Made Pie The House of Kuppenheimer Good Clothes ship. A good sportsman wants no L--------------_jl '---------------___! L----------- ---------------------.1


Time and n~rain the lri~h ltne-. \\-~Sk·

ned by injurie~ warded l'ti the tl&t' 1 RESUME OF 1928 FOOTBALL SEASON


of the teaC'ht!-r:s but the downsatt('n; cro~~ed the line once in tht" tlrst half and three ~ime~ in the St'Cond. Mike Delaney wa::t the particular -star fl)r

rliumerou In j uries Predou To For Rather Poor

Importa nt howing

Ti lt Blamed \· iator until he was hurt in the fourth quarter. Red 0'~1alley plnying de·

The football season is o\·er but of All-Conference recognition had It spite an inju red shoulder gave his the memory of it still lingers m the 1 not been for an injury which kept usual briliant perforlmnnce. Joe minds of the players and the follow- him from playing for a. hort period. L gan and Don McCnrthy also played ers of the team. Eventful happen- Don Laenhardt. a backfield man ! very good ball. ings during- the season will be told like Delaney de~erves much praise The Green \\' ave proved to b1.' the and retold and it is onl y fitting that for his fighting qualities. Forbidden master of the situotio n in the g-nme a s ummary of the season be given. to play by the doctor's orders, Lefty with \ "alpnrniso Unh·ersity. Laen~

Prospect s were bright for a win- ignored them and came out when the hnrdt, playing his first game of t:u~ ning team but before the season season was drawing to a close. His year. ran throug-h Valpo for the first

John JoHeph J ohnson was a noted autob iographer. In fact started, the bad luck that trailed the ! trilliant playing has stamped him as counter. Evard scored \ ·iator's soc-team t hroug hout the season ap- a backfield man of merit. There is ond touchdown on a beautiful pass

he was mor than noted; he was famous. He had written so many pea red. The first blow to the squad perhaps no man in the conference from Romary. lolhier scored the -'autobiog raphies" of great men that h;s own character had be- came when "Bi ll" Todd injured his who can outkick Lefty. Hi s loss this remaining points with a line plu"ge come immersed in the characters of others until yo u mig ht say shoulder while practicing blocking. season was felt, especiall y in this de- over the Valpo goal line in the la.>t that he had no character at all. He had wri tten biographie of This injury put t he red-head on the partment of t he game. quarter. Evard, Rom~ry, and Laen· states men, prize figh ters, actresses, world fl yers and everyone casualty li st for practicall y the en- Don McCarthy is another lineman hardt starred in t he backfi eld, while

V iatoriana

tire seaso n. Almos t simultaneously who is deserving of much credit for "Red" 0 1Mall ey nnd Joe Logan were else that had any rea ·on at a ll fo r wri t ing on "life." Things wit h thi s bad luck ca me the new' the showi ng of the team. Mac earn- t he lumina ri es in t he line. went on s mooth ly for h im unti l one clay a careless horse kicked that Laenhardt , last year 's star kick- eel the name of t he " Fighting Irish- Probably the hard est ga me of the him in the head. He was uncon scious for t hree days. Wh en he er and ha lf back, was forbid den to man" in past years and he certainly season was that with John arrol\ awoke in lhe ho ·p_ital he fo und that he ha d forgotten even his play by the doctor's orders . In per- did justice to that name t his yea r . Univers ity of Cleveland, Ohio. John identity. What's more he had fo rgott en the identi ty of the man haps no other season was Viator so M~.c is one of t he scrappiest guards an·oll had as its s logan, "The team

h;tndicapped by injuries as it has ever to wear a g r een un iform. that beat t he team that beat the for whom he was wr iting his latest book . He wa still struggling been in the season J·ust past. J oe Alt h h T H h h oug om ana an as played Navy." Viator was comp letely out-to recover hi · memory when t he nurse walked in. "How is the Hoog suffer ed an injury to his ankle but two years, since he came here in classed and submitted to a severe pa t ient this morn ing?" s he asked. in t he first game which put him out his junior year, he has shown us lacing to the tune of 42-6. However

"He was coming out of his corner char g ing like a wild bull. of the lineup for nearly the entire plenty of footba ll in t hat time. Tom the Irish fought a ha rd but los ing I met him in the middle of t he ring with a right to the head." se,son. There fo llowed in quick sue- originall y was a n end, but at the be- battle from t he begi nning to the end.

"Oh ," said th e nurse, ' 'the n you a r e a pugilis t ?" cession injuries to Me is, Delaney! ginning of thi s year he was shif~ed Evard scored Viator's lone touch-Herbert and Hanaha n . Although to a tackl e pos ition and la ter to dow n in the seco nd quarter. Jack

"Yes," answer ed Johnson. " We children of t he ri ch never t hese men were out for onl y a few guard . Hi s hard, clean play ing has Mulligan a nd Archie Lewis starred have t he rea l ha rds h;ps of life, I am often sorry that I was born games t heir loss was dearl y felt by been a valuabl e asset to the team in for Carroll , while Evard, Romary, of noble parents . I r eca ll one t ime in Hollywood- " the en t ire team. t he past year. Dela ney and O'MaiJey played great

"Then you are a movie actor," said the nu rse. T he schedul e of games showed T he S'eason's O ut look games fo r t he Green. "We ha ve a beautiful home in Hollywood," a nswered Jornson. that ma.ny formidable and powerful ! The season opened with the power- In the Homeco ming ga me Mi ll ik in

. . . . teams were to be met. A.mong those fu l Marquette Uni versity team us proved to be too much for the varsity "Flowers growing around the door; s unshme st reammg ll1 . were Marquette, Notre Dame Re- I our opponents . Capt. Swede Gebert a nd emerged victorious on th e long

t he windows. Oh how I hate to leave it for the war ." se rves, Bradley, John Carrol l and 1 of Marqu ette showed mid-season end of a LD-0 score. By vir t ue of "What ! You a oldier ?" asked t he nurse. Mi llikin. Agai nst t hese tean.'" the ' form in scoring Marquette 's first the ir wi n in this game Millikin en · "I have on ly one regret in my life that is, th a t I clicl not par- pl ayers gave an ex hi bition ot h a rd, three touchdow ns on flashy end r uns t hroned themselves ns cla im a nts of

take in t he last war. But it was Uncle Sam's will t hat I stay and clean footbal l. Every man played as and li ne cutbacks. St. Via.t.w was t he Little N ineteen cham pions hip. , ha.r~ as . he could and the fightmg l never in a scoring pos ition, :J.!thuugh The Iri sh fought stubbornl y a ll the

umuse the so ldi ers by my card tricks. t d 1 d 1 th team made sp in lSp aye JY .c 11

our :forward pass attack r ... r 'Jvcd way but were outweighed 'and out-"Bul who a re you?" interrogated t he nurse. them wo r t hy of t he ir name The s trong. Delaney s tarred th roug :.cut gained. Delaney's running a nd line ;' I, " Ra id Johnson, frown ing, "a.m J{ in g George." Fightjng Irish.


the entire game with his runni ng, plunging featured for .. Viatot·. Red Viato r Loses Seven Pl ayers passing! and kick ing . O'Malley conv inced the experts an:!

S ince war has been aboli s hed fo rever the nat ions m·e liu ilcl in g- battleships to take the sai lors fo r a ride.

!lOV·/ The pass ing of football t his year Viator registered i ts fir ~t w in critics that he dese rved th e place of bring:; to a close th e gridiron career against the s trong Not re Dame . He- All -Conference center by hi s stel1ar

I of seven Viator athletes . Foremost ser ves. Unleashing a forward pass per Jorman ce in thi s game. Thi s was among t hese was J ohn 0 1Mall ey. F or and runn ing atta~k, the varsiti r an the last game for seven S l. Viator

The papers say t ha t South Am er ica is ready for a big boom. four year s " Ducky" has been a. ma in- l'oughshocl over t he South Bender s men and their a bse nce w ill be felt We have lots of sl:ghtly used ones t ha t we wi ll sell cheap. stay in the forward wall of Viator's f.>r t hree touchdow ns. No,re Da me greatly next year.

gr id machines . During the pas t three th1·ez-Jened in the second half but our ____ _

At last ! The great p roblem of how correspondence school has been solved. envelope.

l l l 1

f t h yea rs he establ ished a record of defense held t hem at bay until the 0 P ay 100 -\:Y ro m e plaving nineteen consecutive games fi :tal whis tle. Delaney, E vard and Send them an empty 1 with out mi ss ing a play or calling Clothier each scored ' touchdown

tirne out. His great work in the line while Delaney kicked all three points

A modern phi losopher has sa id t hal t his world is a great place because of t he change. It is if you have enough change.

As our contribution to modem parlor ga mes we offer : "Tid­dly Winks With a Puppy Dog." The game is played in this man­ner; seat yours If facing a clog on the Aoor. Then blow gently in the clog 's f ace, pulling his tai l at t he sa me t ime. Use your own judgment f rom t hen on.

Eight more days until Christmas vacation .

At The Luna

this year has made him unanimous after goal. Th e final scor~J was 21 selection on the A 11-Conference team. to 13.

Capta in John Herbert, like O'Mal- The next game proved to be a walk Icy, has played a line pos ition during away for Viato r. Ri pping off tackle. his career as a Viator gridman . Cap- smashing through t he line and toss­tain J ohn by virtue of hi s hard play- ing pass after pass Viator emerged ing and <leadership proved to be an on t he long end of a 30 to 6 count. inspiration to hi s teamrnates. Un- Th e entire Viator team looked good. f ortunately Johnnie suffer ed an in- L1 the backfi eld, Evard, Mike De­j'..try to his leg which prevented him la ney, Clothier1 Gorma n and Romary from par t icipating in several games. were the stars. Led by Capt. H er-The loss of such a stellar linesman bert and O'Malley, Viator's forwa.rds f:S Johnnie was keenly felt by th e pla y.ed a great game. Normal could t eam. nothing around Meis a nd time

1 :.\like Delaney terrninates his -~id and again Via.tor's great end threw

Delaney is Captain of 1928 Basketeers

Mike Delaney, popular t hree-s port mv.n at Viator has been chosen to lead the Ir ish quintet in action this winter. For t he past three years "M ike" has held down a regular gt1ard post a nd in 1927 was chosen as All -Conference g uard by Fred Yc• .. mg. For the pas t two seasons, Delaney's play has won All-Western mention from Young and the Viator s tudent body is expectin g t he husky blonde to lead the Irish to t heir first conference championship in some years. "Mike" is well liked both by the team and the students and all

I career after four years compettbon them for losses . McCarthy, Hart, on the varsi ty . l\fike is all that a H9.nahan and Furlong all gave ster- join to wish him ~ucess in the com-

Dec. 16. "Midnight Tax i,'' Helen Dec. 16, "Nothing To Wear," tr iple threat rnan should be. His 1

ling performances. ing season.

A t The Majestic

Costello und Antonio i\loreno. This J'lcquiline Logan. Imagine the poor long and accurate passes haye been Bradley again proved to be Viator's -------p·ogn,m is quite different. I t is a girl's embanassment with nothing t~ , instrumenta l in bringing many vic- ! nemesis . Bradley r olled up a score MILLI KIN ELEVE ' NAMES syncrcnized feature. The t\"vo stars wear. How could she step out Ho\\ tories to Viator. His running and ' of 32 to 7 by a. sparkling offensive at- GI DCOMB 1929 CAPTA IN. haven 1t been seen on the screen in a could she entertain with nothing ':o plunging makes him feared by his tnck. However, the Fighting Irish hng time. The story is good. Reg- wear? See for yourself! opponents while he is able to hold gave the best they had and a better Decatur. lll., Dec. 5---Englebert dar three nets of Orpheum-Keith Dec. 17, 18, 19

1 11The Goodbye f his own with or outdo many rival bam beat them. Viator's only score 1 Gidcomb, a tackle from Eldoraado,

Voddl. Kiss, 1' Johnny Burk and Sally Eilers. kickers. Mike has been the main- came in the final period on a pass ! Ill., \Vednesday night . was elected

Dec. 1'i. 18. 19, '"\\"omen They Talk Goodbye, the parting word. The l ips spring in Viator's backfield and his from Delaney to Evard. Mike kicked captain of the Millikin football team About:· with William Collier. Jr. that kissed and said goodbye. A playing has stamped him as one of goal. Red O'Malley and Delaney for 1929, at the team's annual ban-\\"lu\t is it t hey talk :1bout? V\"ho is c::-lcrfd tale. nique! the best backs in the conference. ,-..ith their last chance to trim Brad- quet. i t thut talks'! \\' ho, what and whe.n "? Dec. 20. 21, 22, .:The H aunted Linus Meis, Viator's stellar end is ley played like inspired men . Todd, Coach Leo Johnson presented gold 'l'hnfs for ycu to see and to hear. House:· Barbara Bedford

1 Thelma another man whose loss \vill be Evard and Delaney gave sparkling footballs to regulars on the team

Y:ith th• \ .itnphone. Todd and Chester Conklin. The title severely felt next season. All during offensive performances while Capt. that tied for the Litfle . ineteen Dec. ~0. ~1, 22. ''Tenderloin,·· Con- would giYe anyone the creeps. You the season he drew much comment Herbert and O'J1alley played a great championship, and gold medals tv

rad ~agel and )fiss Costello. This who like mystery; here's a dish for from spectators and critics alike for game in the line. " Bullet Bill" :Metz- other members of the squad. is an unusual underworld story. Con- you. The best seat-S in town at the his playing. He is skilled at receiv- ger was Bradley's outstanding star. A building program, which will r:1d Nngel portrays the big crook out Luna but you 'll not use them from ing forward passes, alert on offense Charleston Xormal's high-powered start next year and which wi11 in· far big money cnly. \\"ith the \'ita- excitement. Those with weak hearts ~nd defense and his speed in going grid machine dashed rough shod over elude a field house with a 7,500 seat­phone it":s a living story; don"t fail t o had better not attend. Chester onk- do\vn under punts made him a mark- a crippled Yiator team and the Green ing capacity, was announced at thE: ~ee ns well t\~ to hear it- lin is a scream in this mystery play. ed man. He would haYe been certain \Va\·e succumbed ro a 26 to 0 defeat. banquet.

li.IO niti lon1


" sol s hi~

tl< out· liM Rt! ani

'"' el111

·~ iat.ot felt


Thursday, December 13, 1928


IN EARLY PRACTICE Good Season On The Hardwood

Is Predicted 1

s~m McAllister, coach of the Via- ' tor basketball team, is at present looking at the world through rose­colored glasses. The youthful Irish mentor has assembled a collection of ha.skctecrs and is giving them da ily j workouts to determine which fi ve 1

men wi ll form the starting lineup I against De Kalb on Saturday night. I

At the present time fou r veterans :md one Freshm an seem to be coppi ng the firs t string ass ign ments . E vard, O'Malley, Clothier and Cap ta in Mike Dela n ·y arc t.he lettermen who are now play ing on the firs t s t1·ing club while Pulf Romary, the hard-hitt ing F reshman half back, is hold ing down

1 the open forward position. Although this team has looked very impress ive in scrimmage no man is s ure of his job.

Earl Gor·man, Bill Hamilton a nd "Red" Todd a long with other s have !wen giv ing t he favo r ites a hot race for the honors. Gorman in particu ­bl' gives evidence of becoming valuable add ition to the Iris h team.

Ind ications po int to a ba nner year for the Irish on t he hardwood court. In spite of the ha rd schedu le Coach


BACK ROW : Hamilton 1 Hoog, P. O'Malley, Ba uer , Devery, Hayden, O'Donnel, Muth. CE NTER: McAllister, (Coach), Evarcl, Newman, Anderson, Logan, Toohill , Gorman, Romary McCa r thy, Rosenstee l, Smith, (Mgr .) FRONT McNary, Delaney, Todd, Hart, Hanahan, Herbert (Capt. ) Furlong, J . O'Mal ley, Meis , Clothier .

McAllister is optimistic of his t eam's ================~=~~~~~~~~~~:::;::~~;'";'=~:=~~~~::~:-~-~·~~~--~·~-~-;=--=~:~~-~-~-~-~-;:-:-~-:-~-"'-;,=,-~c=::-:-=-=:-:;-:-: chances beca use of t he pl ent itude of 1 On Monday evening, December 3rd, ! Th e Viatorian ex tends to the Rev. I Fl'o m Dece mber 8-l G, t he Very high class material which he has to Academy Basketball t he Catholic Women's League of l J ohn P. O'Ma honey, c. s . v. , its con- Rev. J. W. R. Maguire, c. s . v. , will draw f rom. Barring accidents a nd .Joliet was addressed by the Rev. dolences on t he death of his brother- conduct a novena in hono r of thle Im -, injuries a nd taking for granted t hat Schedule I macul ate Conception of t he B esse< the athletes will hurdle the semester Thomas J. Lynch, Dean of t he De- in-law, Mr. John F . Pope, buried las t Virgin Ma ry at th e Chm·ch of St. exams, Viator has nothing to fea r pa rtment of English at the College Frid~1y f rom Our Lady of Sorrows Ethelrcda, 88th and Paulina t rccts, fo r the success of its team this wi nt - Dec. lO-St. Mary's, Bloomington , on the subj ect of "Early Ca tholic Chur·ch , Chi cago . [ Chicago. er. Speed, ex perience and a ll t he re- t here. VVriters." quisite!S for a winning quintet a re Dec. 15_ 8 t. Ignat iu s, her e. at hand a nd the high hopes enter-tained by the Sa ints are well ground- Dec. 18-St . Pau l, Odell , her e. ed. Jan. 12-Ca thol ic Centra l, here.

During the cur rent season the Via- J an. 18-St. Mnry 's, \Voodstock, tor team will play t he class of t he there . Mid-West coll ege teams. Th e Sai nts Jan. 19-St. Thomas, Rockford, wi ll open their card against t he there. De Kalb Teachers at home on Satur- Jan. 22_s t. Bedes, P eru, here. day night nnd from the n on un til t he Jan. 25_ F ox Va ll ey, Aurora, eiR"hth of March t he Iris h wi ll emu-la te the f a mous Ra mblers of Notre there. Dame by t heir peregrinations Feb. 4-St. Mary's, Woodstock, throughout the midd le west. T he here. spice of the card is t he three game Feb. 7-St. Mary's, Bloomington, ser ies in St. Louis on January 19, 20, here. 21. While in the torrid city t he Via- Feb. 9-St. Paul, Odell, t here. lot· cagcrs wi ll play St. Lou is U .; Feb. 12-St. Bedes, Peru, t her e.

oncordia; a nd Shurtleff. High as- Peb. !8-F ox Valley, Aurora, here. f)irn tions for increasing the popu lar- Ji' e b. 2l-Catholic Cent ral, thel'e. ity of t he St. Louis Blues are being Feb. 23-St. Thomas, Hockford,

by the backers of the here. ,rcen.

Summing up the prospects for the Tourna1nent- larch l, 2, 3. Sl'ason we cn n merely say that. n good

team will tJtckle a Lough schedule. ,---------------; is liable to happen, so

write your own tickets and follow thl' Irish, for barring unfor~een inc i­dl"nts they ure pennnnt bound.

Schedule for l92R-29: Tht..1 ~chedule:

0 . 15-De Kalb, here . I , Shurt le ff, here. 20--St. Thomas, here. f>- Vnlparniso U. , (Tent.), here.

E. A. Aaron & Bros. Establi shed 18g5

Telephones­Roosevelt 3220-1-2-3-4

46-48 South Water Market, hicago, lll .

\\'holesu ler~ of l'oult ry. Butt e r, Eggs, Cheese, Fruits and Vege· tables.

DcKalb. there. L------------~ C'hnrleston, thC're.

11 - Mill ikin, thet'e.


A. C. C.

United Cigar Store Cor. Cour t a nd Sc hu yle r

Complete Lin e of Smokers' Articles

Fount a in & Luncheon Se rvice

Reliable Cleaners Ka nkakee, 111.

Clea ning, Pre ·s in g, Hc pairi ng. Prompt and Efficien t Ser vice through ou r agent-~1 r. Senninge r.

Room 319 Roy Hall

Jan. Jt)._ .. t . :Xa\' icr. hen,•. Jan. L'-\\'e:~lt\yan, there. Jan, :!1- -.:t. Louis .. thert.'. Jan. :?'.!-Shurtlt•ff, tht>rt?-.

IDEAL SWEETS CO. J n. ~- Concordia, there. J n. 2 · Bradley , ther l'•b. 1-Ch rl"'ton, here. l'•b. ~-W .. Ieyan. here. F•b. - Lincoln. ther~ . t' b. ,_lllinor l'o\legt'. there. ~'•b. II - ll,Paul U .. h•rt>. ~'•b. t • 'l illildn, hen>. f"•b. ~ Brad!•'. h•r•'· F-'tb_ :!"i-\"&1 ;aisu L •• the"' . . l '· 1-0.Paul. ther•. :'olar. ~-Loyola, th•re.

r. l:la)ton 1.'., h<re. • •r. 6-lthnol ... Co\lt.>~. ht>n".

Manufac turers of

1-D-E-A~L "That Good lee Cream '

Wholesale Confectionery a nd

Fountain ' u1Jplies





Jaciel!J !Brrmd CLothes

NOTRE DAME CONVENT Accredited to Illinois Uni vers ity

A Se lect Boardin g Sic hool for Girls a nd Young Ladies T his ins titution is conducted by the Sis ters of Notre Dam e, und

on·ers eve ry opportunity to young ladies for a thoroug h Chri s t ia n nnd secul ar edu cation. P ri c<'s re asona bl e. F'or ca ta log ue address


WILLIAM P . CANNON, M.D. Attending S u rgeon t.o Studenl8 a nd Fac ulty of

Office Hours: Sl. Via tor Co llege 2 to 'I p. m. 7 to 8 9. m.

Phone OHice, ~l a in ~37

Phone Ho me, Mai n 3073

~02-:103 Cobb Bld g. KAN KAKEE, l f.I.I NO l f:!

Leading Purveyors To The Institutional Table

Fortyclwo years' experience in supplying Quality F ood Products for inst itutional and res taurant require­

ments has perfected our se rvice and our values beyond ordinary comparison.

Our Edelweiss trade mark has become the symbol of line <1uality foods econtJmically packed. Wherever, clos, and intelligent buying prevails our Catalog is of interest.

John Sexton & Company .\Janufacturing Wholesale C:rocerH


End wm nt Club

( 'luh rc~,m• '" th,. li('ymn• 1 m, HtJmt· <"mtnsr IJay, rtV,.mt r 2.1. OnP huntlrPtl .bnrJ (r,rty W(1 mr"Jl1t~"E"r Wf'r~"

r,rr· ·n Prr!!itll n f, tm rall~>d h~> rr:r· ..

inv, t..r, ,,,,.,., at 12 :lO. Thf' mmut~'J:

,,( lh" JaiL mr f' ang Wf rt• rr·ad.. The flt t bu11un, " tak, n up wa th~ Ap­point Tr1f'flt Q( t ru t.l' e" (r,r h(' y ·ar 10211, Th,. following mr·n wrrr t•lf"clf'rJ:

1Awf•l1 A . t.awaon llPv. J. V lAMarre k v. 1'. f '. Con ay J . A Bolger ll~v . . J. 1'. O'Mohonoy, c. •· v. lli'V ~;. ' K lly, c . ••. v. ,John R. O'Connor 'r, 1.. Worner Vinr •nt Marzano, ~f. D.

Of the mnny hing• introduced Cot tli i«'UI'IIIIon tht• (oJiowing WCr<~ dC Cid!' t l

upnn · I. The nnnunl meeting or the Club

will lw held ut tht• College prefera bly fJn lf omecom in't Oay.

2. A lt'lt<•r following- e~u:h nnnutd nwl'linu wi ll h(' fl l'nt. to ull mcmhcrs In orch•r tu uccrunint them with th~ progrl'"" Lhnl is bt'ing mad .

:J . Thr truKtccK will 111~ •t once every twn month"· uftun lly nl the onicc of tht• C'iuh ioculc<l nl 1!139. Straus

. 'lal m nl of R erpl and Dbbu ment r r I he ,\ ugu,t I. L 2:; lo . 0' ember 1.}. I 1

I, I • o July 31, I • liO -Of) I, 11'26 10 ~larth n1. l.r~~ 3.<20.00

1. 11 ••• :; to . 'ov. l", 1.":! I ,U2J.10 s~;.;

R•al f~la : Anna Duffy Farm O•O a<r nt•m ~ 'aluati<>n) 20,0"'0.00

llJIUrarK l::~hih1t "A" 300 33 00 Profit on .. te of real nla' e 7.461..'•6 July lth r•l•brat10n 00. 1 Jnterf': t on ~"turitle 2.x .01 F'athor K•lly-July I h celebration 2.000.00 Biohop • hril, hanquet donation by friend 1,0QoJ.OO ~a hrr Mar ilr JUbilee fund 5.195.6~

Total RP<'eip


. T. VTATOR OLLEGE: Father Kelly'• athletic fund Father Kelly Father Maroile jubilee fund Co.•h: Year ended .July 31, 1926

do .July !JI, 192R Securities do do

a• h. AuRUOl J92R T . L. Worner Rev. D. Sullivan

F'ath!'r Marsile jubilee expense

$1,500.00 I ,000.00

Biohop heil banquet nnd Testimonial expense General expenses and • elf he lp, St. Viator College \ 'intorian- Donation

Sub!c ription!

Interest-St. Viator College Mise Haneous:

Exchange Statione ry Auto Expenses incorporation f ees und expen!\e Rental safety deposit box

Su rplu!- ovembe r 15, 192 , Ex hi bit uA"

$1!i,OOO.OO 2,000.00 6,000.00

11,97 .72 I 2,000.00


500.00 352.60

3. 15 77.15 69.00 23.75 25.00


423.52 1.41


1,526.06 1,562.00 1,693.31





flld lf., Chicago. I 362,820.77 <1. Tht• tru .!\ tec" ure to ronlinuc t he Nolc: The office sa larie;-and other expense;- arePaid by -

Pl'\'Ml.· nt. policy of con8ulling th4! Father O'Mahoney from commi ssions received by him .

oilier •·" of lht• Alumni A~socinliJn l r....==._ ___ ~-~--=::=..:::=.::=tr;==============; nnd tho St. Viotor Collctcc .ouncil in = rlll impo rlnn t.. matlCI'S. ThiR will en· nhll' th<' l•:xtc naion lub, the Alumni, untl thl• ColiC'g(' to t•oo pcralc in the hll( luMk ( fli'O (l...-!l'IY linnnri n,g the in . titutio n.

'l'tw lrt•n urf'r prt• !;jj~ nh:~d ut. the llh't' lillJ.tH H" hi!-~ 1"\.')lOI"t lhC audit 1\C­

\.~UIITit nuHh' Olll hy lht.> P .• J. Cn •·t('r nncl Co. Ct•l·tith.•tl Puhli l' Aeounlants.

Se th ewest Fall uits and 0 rcoat

People's Credit Clothing Co.

We Clothe the whole family Generous Credit to a U

259 E. Cou rt St.

LeBoeuf & Granger PHARMACY

217 Court Street

Kankakee, Ill.

~--F_._A_.B_Rl __ E_R._P_ro_p_. __ ,l j) ~--------------~ ~ For good things to eat


,. B RO


PRi r TER ND , T '1 ERS

26J Ea t \l errhant Stroet

Telephone J06


CHAS. C. RIEL Y DON LD M. RIEL Y Telephone 995


Electrician for t. Viator College

370 E S'r OURT STilKET

Printing. Engraving, Office uppJies, Loos e .Leaf Forms, Binders' ete:.

D. J. O'LOUGHLIN, M.D. Practice Limltod to


Bell Telephone 253

602 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS



Insurance, Loans and Bonds

311 City Nationa l Hank Building

lit top and Shop at Bobbitt's Cafeteria I

BE K 1A 'S FEDERAL I '---------------------J BAKERY , 360 E. Court St. I

Kankakee's Bu ies t

364 E. our! St. ' 'Always Glad to See You"

L_ ____________________ ___, '-------------------------'1

,r-----------------~r------------------.~------------------ 1

Amedee T. Betourne PHAR lA Y

.\ gtnt ror E :tstmsn l\od aks Pt'Ompt 0\.'vclopi ng nnd Printing

11~1 Cou rt St .. Kanka kee. Ill.



v Einbeck's Studio

Our photographs a re inexpe.nsive yet treasured for their worth as li\'ing portraits.

t.i3 North chuyler Ave.

Kankakee. Ill. Phone 407 Mortician

~----------------~L-----~~~~------J '--------------------J I

Lean• Your Laundry & Dry Cleaning With

NOLAN BROS. A .ENCY Domestic Laundry Co.

Dry leaners Ru Cleaners



Who kno"~ ? We know "ha t young men want in Jot hing and Furnish in :

Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing n B t'DRE.U."

An:ad~ Bl .

Luna Barber Shop U:\10::-1

F' in! t Class hop

Two Clean Towels on Eve.r r

Custo mecr


W. G. CHILD Sanitary Market

3-!6 E. Court t.

Telephone 137


Bulgarious Butter Milk 306 South Sc huyler A venue

Always drink pasteurized milk. Our wagons pass your door every morning before you have breakfast

Both Phones 45 Drinl< Milk



:VIeal.s, hort Orders, pedals, Confections Private Dining Room for Banquets and Parties


Oberlin F umiture Co. 129 .. Schuyler Ave.