St. Veronica 13,...


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St. Veronica Church 4215 Route 9, Howell, NJ 07731 732-363-4200

Pastoral Staff Pastor Father Vincent T. Euk Parochial Vicar Fr. Vicente Magdaraog Weekend Assistant Fr. Bill O’Brien Deacons Gene F. Moir, Sr. James Littlefield Tomasz Cechulski Charles R. Daye Jr. John Franey Gino (Louis) Esposito School Principal Sister Cherree Power, C.R. Religious Education Brenda Heffernan, D.R.E. Lauren DeMaio, C.R.E. Parish Administrator Leonard P. Weg Director of Music Nancy Condardo Director of ACTS Deacon Tom Cechulski Bozena Cechulski Coordinator of Youth Ministry Deacon John Franey Phone Contacts Rectory—732-363-4200 Convent—732-364-2361 School—732-364-4130 Religious Education— 732-364-4137 Cafeteria—732-364-9455 ACTS Office—732-364-2936 Fax 732-370-3891

Weekend Masses: Saturdays: 5:00 PM Sundays: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12 noon, 5PM Daily Masses: Mon-Fri—7:20 AM & 12 Noon, Sat: 8AM

Holy Days: As announced in the bulletin. Healing Mass –every third Tuesday at 8PM.

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays from 4:00 to 4:45PM or call to schedule an appointment with a priest.

Pastoral Staff Pastor Father Vincent T. Euk Parochial Vicar Fr. Vicente Magdaraog Weekend Assistant Fr. Bill O’Brien Deacons Tom Cechulski, Sr. Charles R. Daye , Jr. John Franey Gino (Louis) Esposito School Principal Sister Cherree Power, C.R. Religious Education Brenda Heffernan, D.R.E. Susan Parish Administrator Leonard P. Weg Director of Music Nancy Condardo Director of ACTS Deacon Tom Cechulski Bozena Cechulski Coordinator of Youth Ministry Deacon John Franey Phone Contacts Rectory—732-363-4200 Convent—732-364-2361 School—732-364-4130 Religious Education— 732-364-4137 Cafeteria—732-364-9455 Fax 732-370-3891 Rectory Office Hours: M-F 9:00-4:30 PM

Weekend Masses: Saturdays: 4:00 PM Sundays: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12 noon, 5PM Daily Masses: Mon-Fri—7:20 AM & 12 Noon, Sat: 8AM

Holy Days: As announced in the bulletin. Healing Mass –every third Tuesday at 8PM.

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:45PM and before each Sunday Mass

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13, 2014

Mass Intentions for this Week July 13, 2014

MONDAY………………………………………………………...St. Kateri Tekakwitha, v. 7:20 Mary Wegner ........................................... Kent & Debbie Wilcox 12:00 Priest Intentions TUESDAY………………………………………..…….St. Bonaventure, b. & dr. 7:20 Lenny Weg , Jr. ........................................... Lenny and Children 12:00 Priest Intentions WEDNESDAY………………………………………...…………..Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 7:20 Robert Seidel .............................................. Dorothy McInerney 12:00 Priest Intentions THURSDAY 7:20 Dr. Robert Wegryn ............................................... Hamill Family 12:00 Priest Intentions

FRIDAY…………………………………………………...……..St. Camillus de Lellis, pr. 7:20 Anthony Flora ......................................... Jack & Mary Burnetsky 12:00 Priest Intentions SATURDAY 8:00AM Margaret Saar ........................................ Landriscina Family 4:00PM Victor Grutta ......................................... Kathy & Jack Schitig SUNDAY 7:30 Carol Bamonte ................................ Sisters of the Resurrection 9:00 Nick Beljajew…………………………………………………………..Mom 10:30 For the People of the Parish 12:00 Savino & Amodemo Families ................ Antonett Castellaneta 5:00 PM Int. of Maria Barden ..................................... Medina Family


6:30 Men’s gathering

Healing Mass cancelled tonight

1:00 Alanon– R

5:30 Junior Legion of Mary– N

6:45 Legion of Mary– N 7:30 Bingo– CF

8:00 Novena/Rosary—C

7:30 Maranatha Prayer Group– N

7:00 Healing Hearts– N

7:30 Overeaters Anonymous– R

9:00 Men’s AA– R

9:00 Men’s Adoration– C

Key for Event Locations: C-church, CF-school cafeteria, L-school library, R-rectory, SC-Spiritual center, N-narthex

Sacrificial Offering Update

Last Weeks Offering $17,088.00

Thank you for you continued generosity.

Scripture Readings for the week of July 13, 2014 Monday: ............................................................ Is 1:10-17/Mt 10:34--11:1 Tuesday:..................................................................... Is 7:1-9/Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: ............................................... Is 10:5-7, 13b-16/Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: ............................................... Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19/Mt 11:28-30 Friday: ....................................................... Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8/Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: .................................................................. Mi 2:1-5/Mt 12:14-21 Next Sunday: .....Wis 12:13, 16-19/Rom 8:26-27/Mt 13:24-43 or 13:24-30

Pastor’s Notes

"Hear then the parable of the sower." With his analo-

gy of the sower and the seed, Jesus gives us four im-

ages to help us gauge the depth of our spiritual ma-

turity. What kind of "soil" does our faith exist in? Are

we fruitful Christians? Does our seed yield as much

as it could?

The first image is of the seed that fell on the

path. This describes those who hear about Christiani-

ty "without understanding it." Nothing can grow, noth-

ing can blossom at this level. We should ask our-

selves if we have taken the time to be sure we under-

stand the faith we practice. Are we stuck at a superfi-

cial level, allowing stereotypes, popular opinion, or

media distortions to "steal away" the richness of the

Catholic faith?

Perhaps we have been properly educated in

the teachings of the faith, but our commitment has

been fickle. Are we the seed on the rocky ground,

that "has no root and lasts only for a time"? Have we

experienced difficulties in the practice of our faith

that have led us to become indifferent? Have we

found it just too troublesome to bring our faith into

our everyday lives?

Or have we heard the word, but allowed it to

be choked by "worldly anxiety and the lure of riches"?

Do we appreciate Christianity but fail to make the

sacrifices that it requires? Are we more interested in

a comfortable life than anything else?

Many of us have sampled these stages at

different times. But ultimately, our goal as Christians

is to be "the seed sown on rich soil." We are called to

be open to hearing the word, to seek to understand it,

and to allow it to take firm root in our hearts. When

we do this, the seed of our own faith can produce a

rich harvest for the world.

Father Euk is away on vacation until July



Congratulations to our Senior Altar Servers who will soon be moving onto their next chapter in life. We thank our servers for their dedication and support to our parish. They will be greatly missed, but never forgotten. Remember achieve-ment lies within the reach of those who reach be-yond themselves and with God’s hand on their shoulders. Justin Alicea Catie Clayton Jessica Madeira Susan Schuld John Blaes Michael Wong Jordan Owens Vanessa Konzelmann Joe Garnett Julia Fronc Lauren Kunkel Dominica Rybaltowski

All are invited to join us as we honor our Senior Altar Servers in appreciation for their service at the 10:30 AM Mass on July 27, 2014. We hope to see you there.

St. Veronica Altar Server Annual

NYC Boat Trip

In appreciation for your dedicated service through-

out this past year and our way of saying “Thank

You” we invite all our Altar Servers to join us on our

trip to NYC.

All expenses, lunch and transportation will be pro-


7:45 am – Meet in St. Veronica’s rectory parking lot

Drive to Staten Island and board ferry to Battery


Board Water Taxi

Plan to return to St. Veronica at 3:45 PM

Please RSVP by July

16 to: ( andResposito

Scripture Meditation



Please Pray for Our Sick

Monica Drumm Tom Lovito Lorraine Groh

Robert Sewing John Grad Christopher Gatti

Michael Kuras Marge Koury Susan Termine

John Sullivan Erin Haber Ross Johnson

Helen Morris Mark Orsini Joe Ferriera

Michelle Kuras Elaine Fiet Carol Gale

Vita O’Kane Bob Marchak George McCafferty

Paul McCrackin Michael D’Elia Joseph Fedock

Millie Wade Anne Biegen Krissanne Alino

Dominic Sabatino Ana Rivera Baby Adilynn Shook

Douglas Lang Elizabeth Fletcher Scott Davis

Summa Guzman Dennis Leahy Cindy Pickett

Matt Bishop Francisco Casiano Matteo Coco

Chris Barnes

Please Pray for our Parishioners Serving our Country:

LCpl. Sean T. Curran Corp. Brennan Six

PV2 William Wotton GSMI Sandro Farduchi

Sft. Krystyna Cechulski Capt. Julio Callozos

S.R. Steven Brennan Sgt. Gregory Hiller

Sgt. Matthew Myers PFC Zackary Burkey

LCpl Luke Wlodkowski Sgt. Christopher Roitzsch

Lt. Com. Christopher Valle 1st Lt. Ash Young

Staff Sgt. Mark Towle


St. Veronica’s Parish Family wishes to

welcome those who have become members

through the Sacrament of Baptism:

Ean Gabriel, son of Joseph & Natalie San Diego

Michael G., son of Michael & Jennifer Pulizzano

Arianna Grace, daughter of Bartholomew & Virginia


Thank you for the gift of life!

"Could you not watch one hour with

me?" Jesus waits for you in the peace and

silence of the adoration chapel.

Hours needing coverage: No Adorers

Monday: 10AM (no adorer), Friday: 7PM

Saturday: 1AM

Email Debbie at or phone 732 367


Inner Healing Available

Inner healing available. To schedule an appointment,

please contact Deacon Tom and Bozena at or call 732-961-3657.

Wedding Ministry

We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in

helping in wedding preparations in the church. The volun-

teers would go to the rehearsals to greet and meet the

wedding party. On the day of the wedding, they could as-

sist the bride and groom. At the end of the wedding they

could pick up anything left behind such as programs, flow-

er boxes, etc. and make sure there is nothing in the

pews. If you are interested, please call the rectory

Friday Rosary-Making Group Needs your Help

We need your help! Over the summer our goal is to make

1200 rosaries and we need your help to do that. These

rosaries will be given to the children in St. Veronica’s

School and in St. Veronica’s CCD program. We will teach

you how to make the rosaries, and the Friday session lasts

one hour. Rosary making counts towards service hours

for confirmation. All ages are welcome. So please join us

on Fridays at 3:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria (enter the

building through the school main entrance). Please call

Mary Anne at732-367-0284 with questions.

Third Friday Community Gathering

Please note that there will be no Third Friday Community

Gathering during the summer for the months of July and


We will resume our gatherings on Sept. 19th.

Check the bulletin and website for further details.

Healing Mass – Third Tuesday of the Month

Please note that there will be no Healing Masses during

the summer for the months of July and August.

We will resume our Healing Masses on Sept. 16th.

RCIA Adult, Teens Children

Calling all adults, teens and children, who have not

received some or all of their sacraments…

What is Faith?, How does Faith Grow?

What do Catholics Believe? Do you want to become part of the Catholic Faith?

Classes for Christian Initiation are available for anyone

who wants to learn more about the Catholic Faith.

The Sacraments that you should have received are Bap-

tism, Confirmation, Eucharist and Penance. If you are

missing any or all of these sacraments and are interested

in receiving them please contact:

Brenda Heffernan at St. Veronica's Rel. Ed.; 4219 Highway

#9 North, Howell, NJ 07731; Telephone: 732-364-4137

or EMail:

Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage

The Retrouvaille Marriage Program offers help for strug-

gling marriages. Tens of thousands of couples have suc-

cessfully saved their marriages by attending a Retrouvaille

weekend and the six post sessions that follow it.

Retrouvaille is not just a social gathering or series of semi-

nars, but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving

relationship in your marriage. The next program begins on

the weekend of August 8-10 at the Family Life Center in

Malvern, PA. For more information, or to register for our

upcoming weekend, visit our web site at or call 1-800-470-2230. All

inquiries are kept strictly confidential.

Craft Vendors Wanted

Church of Epiphany’s 3rd Annual Feast of the Assumption

Italian Festival; August 13 through 16, 2014. Space size:

12 x 12. Fee for all 4 days: $125. The Feast hours are

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 5:30 – 10:00 PM

and Saturday from Noon to 10:00 PM. If interested,

please call Joe Mignone at (732) 458-8905 or email: Deadline for craft ven-

dors is: July 31, 2014.

Lawn Volunteers

Grass assistance. We’re looking for a couple of volunteers

who would be interested in cutting and trimming of the

parish grounds during the growing season. Please call Joe

Marovich 732 961-9618 or Chris Pozo 201 747-8631 for

information. Green Thumb Volunteers

We are looking for several people who can tend to certain

portions of the landscaping around the church entrance.

If you can spend some time each week doing this, please

call Claire McCarthy at 732-364-1292 for particulars.

Pantry Pasta sauce, canned vegetables, cereal, coffee, tea,

juice, crackers, peanut butter, jelly, soup, canned

meat, canned fruit, dry milk, rice, instant potatoes,


Companion Needed

Companion needed for a lovely intelligent, bed bound

woman. No personal care needed, just companionship/

relief for caregiver. Approx 10 to 12 hours per week, hour-

ly compensation. Please email Patricia at pmc-

This Weekend

This weekend our parish participates in the diocesan Mis-

sion Cooperative Plan and we welcome Fr. Christian Ber-

retta who helps the missions in Haiti. The Missionary Co-

operative plan assigns a mission group to every parish to

speak about the work of our church in other parts of the

world and to remind us that our church is fundamentally a

Mission Church. Our diocesan mission office assigned

Hands Together– a Catholic mission outreach working in

Haiti– to share with us news of how our church continues

to help the poorest of the poor. Please me as generous as

your means will allow.

Joyful Noise Festival

July 31st 6-10pm

On St. Veronica’s Church Mall

Music & Food

Free admission

Bring a donation for food pantry

St. Veronica Church Annual Retreats

“Let Go & Let God”

Dates: Oct. 24, 2014 7:00 PM to Oct. 25,2014 11:00

PM – Women Retreat

Oct. 31, 2014 7:00 PM to Nov. 1, 2014 11:00 PM – Men’s


Location: Pine Groove Camp, 4010 Herbertville Rd, Wall

Twp. Cost: 105.00 P/P (meals and sleeping arrange-

ments included Registration and 25.00 Deposit required

by Sept. 30th.

Retreat Master: Fr. Bill Halbing

Talks, witness, Quiet Time, Adoration, Praise and Worship

and Fellowship

Benefit Luncheon

The Monmouth/Ocean Chapter of the Alumnae Associa-

tion of the College of St. Elizabeth will hold the annual

Scholarship Benefit Luncheon on Wednesday, August 13,

2014, from 11:30-3:00, at the beautiful Shadowbrook in

Shrewsbury, NJ. We invite all St. E's alums to gather with

their friends and classmates to enjoy a delicious buffet

luncheon and Viennese table. The afternoon will include

raffle prizes and a 50/50 drawing. All monies raised will

be donated to the College's Scholarship Fund. Tick-

ets are $50. If you are interested in attending, please con-

tact Peggy Ell by email or Sue

Gavin by phone at 732-842-9163.

