St. Ignatius Loyola Parish June 1, 2014 We Pray For Our Sick · at or bring...


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Names will be kept on the Prayer for the Sick List for three weeks, unless a family member calls to extend the time.

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish June 1, 2014

We Pray For Our Dead And We Mourn With You


MONDAY June 2, 2014, St. Marcellinus & Peter 7:00 AM John and Catherine Meade 9:00AM Lawrence Walpole

TUESDAY June 3, 2014, St. Charles Lwanga 7:00AM John Seaman 9:00AM Margaret and James McGee

WEDNESDAY: June 4, 2014 7:00AM Nicola Lamberti 9:00AM Francis J and Arcangela Donovan THURSDAY June 5, 2014, St. Boniface, Bishop 7 :00 AM Richard DeLorenzo 9:00 AM Frank and Doris McDermott FRIDAY: June 6, 2014, St. Norbert, Bishop 7:00AM Thomas Antonelli 9:00AM Marie Kraus 7:00PM Spanish Mass of the Sacred Heart

SATURDAY June 7, 2014

9:00 AM Patricia Hojnowski 5:00PM Betty Murphy

SUNDAY June 8, 2014, Pentecost Sunday

7:30AM George A. Thomas 9:30 AM Gloria and Anthony Amodeo Barbara Ann Johnson Nicola Lamberti Irene Hughes 11:00AM Elizabeth Conniff 12:30PM Frances Alessio 5:15PM Itilio Greci 7:00PM Spanish Mass

Mark Stapleton, Cecilia McLaughlin, John & Mary D’Antonio, Gloria Lane, CPL. Garrett Carnes, USMC, Anna Palewski, Philip Zeder-baum, Michael Maher, Patrick McGee, Dawn Levchenko, Camie King, Harry Mulligan, Anita Franzese, John Lupski, Raymond Morris, Maria Estupinan, Catherine Jerome, Theresa Locke, Maureen Remsky, Joanne Wallick, Thomas Duffy, Margaret Kropac, Patricia Clancy-Kriss. Angela Stroup, Mary Burdo, Joseph Tilly, Bridget Tar-dugno, Rosemary O’Keeffe, Msgr. Daniel S. Ham-ilton, Anthony Tardugno, Msgr. Patrick Pratico, Jane Aaron, Mary Ann Moone, Benedict Scan-nella, Kelly O’Hara, Michael Marasco, Vincent Corey

We Pray For Our Sick

Eileen M. Moore Lynn Longo

We Celebrate our Sacraments Marriage Banns

Sunday: Acts 1:12-14; Ps 27:1, 4, 7-8; 1 Pt 4:13-16; Jn 17:1-11a; Monday: Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19- 20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25


Michael Ganz Lauren Matera, St. Ignatius Loyola

St Ignatius Loyola Parish June 1, 2014

SACRIFICIAL GIVING Sunday, May 25,2014 $ 9,949 Maintenance $ 4,700 Sunday, May 26,2013 $13,486

Reading for next Sun., June 8, 2014

Pentecost Sunday

Theme: We have been given the breath of God, the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Breaking Open the Word Suggested text for faith sharing: 1st Reading from Acts

When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven stay-ing in Jerusalem. At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. They were astounded, and in amazement they asked, “Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans? Then how does each of us hear them in his native language? We are Parthians, Medes, and Elamites, inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya near Cyrene, as well as travelers from Rome, both Jews and converts to Judaism, Cretans and Arabs, yet we hear them speaking in our own tongues of the mighty acts of God.”

Step One: Listen to the Word: As you listen to this dramatic reading again today, what image strikes you in the story? What single word or phrase catches your ear or touches your heart?

Step Two: Look into Your Life

Question for Children: When have you heard your inner voice or conscience guiding you to do what is right?

Question for Youth: On Pentecost, the apostles were able to speak in a language that everyone could understand. As a young person, you have your own way of communicating Jesus’ impor-tance in your life. How will you make Jesus more known to others in your own way this week?

Question for Adults: Share about times when you felt the power of the Spirit, giving you the right words, giving you insight into a dilemma, or in other ways.

Our Lady of Fatima Devotions Our Lady of Fatima devotions will be held on Saturday June 7, 2014, at 8:30AM, before the 9AM Mass.

Nocturnal Adoration Society

Nocturnal Adoration will be held this month on Saturday, June 7, 2014. It will begin at the conclusion of the 5:00 PM Mass and end with Benediction at 9:00PM. Come and spend one hour with the Lord Everyone is welcome to join in this vigil of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. 

The State of St. Ignatius Parish 2013

My brothers and sisters in Christ of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, Every year our parish publishes a financial statement to let you know where we stand spiritually and

financially. The information you are about to review is our financial statements for the last two fiscal years and the first six months of this fiscal year. We were fortunate to have yielded a surplus in the prior two years, mainly because of the exemption from the obligation to pay the subsidy for the support of Catholic schools in the Diocese. Recently, I sent a letter to the Diocesan Office of Education asking an additional reprieve from the Catholic school subsidy for the upcoming academic year. Please pray that this happens.

The goal of using the surplus to pay down the 2.4 million dollar debt has been impeded by the current environment of increased expenses in the face of the continuing trend of declining collections. These expenses were seen mainly in the maintenance of our parish property: snow removal, higher utilities, repairs and a new boiler for our church building.

I am delighted however to inform you that after a thoughtful search for an appropriate tenant to help offset the significant costs of maintaining our school buildings, we have just signed an agreement to lease the “New” school building to the Vocational Education and Extension Board (VEEB) of Nassau County. They will be using the building for their administration and to conduct a practical nursing program where students will receive an LPN. We are delighted to be able to use our space for education in a field that serves the greater community. They will be doing some minor alterations to the school building during the summer. Classes begin in September. You may go on their website at to check out their new address. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who had a part in making this event happen. Most particularly, I want to thank Charlie Montana, Linda Price, John Rigert, and Agnes Quinn from our parish for connecting us to Phil Molloy and Tom Sheridan of VEEB.

On the spiritual end, we are maintaining our programs. I am happy to report that our Religious Education program is flourishing with the addition of our Spanish speaking members of the parish. My hope is that our RCIA program will increase, being that we have many people in our area who are non-Christian. In such cases, they should contact our Deacon to assist them. Because we are an aging parish, our funerals have increased and our baptisms have stayed the same. We continue to serve the poor in a vi-brant way. Many Christian churches here in Hicksville rely on our Human Services to be a beacon of hope for our area.

I know you have a tremendous spirit of cooperation and generosity as well as a deep love for our parish. I also know that your own situations may impose limits on what you can do to help St. Ignatius. Whereas I have a great appreciation for that, I hope and pray that you might also realize that it is increas-ingly difficult for us to meet ever rising operating expenditures and make headway on our significant accu-mulated debt while the contributions and collections, which are so essential to fund ministries and parish life, continue to decline.

We have big challenges and need not only the wisdom of the Holy Spirit but also the wisdom of our dear parishioners. Let us not allow our challenges to get us down. Albert Einstein once wrote: “in the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity.” Please make this your opportunity to help us. We would welcome your participation in our efforts in forming a building committee to help evaluate and prioritize necessary projects. We would welcome any of the gifts of your talents as a volunteer. We would welcome any con-sideration you might give to increasing your support. Our parish cannot be managed by one person or pastor alone. It takes a village. As the body of Christ, you are that village. And of course we would always wel-come your prayers.

May God bless you and Mary keep you and your families always! St. Ignatius Loyola, pray for us. Fr. Jim, Pastor

PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY Anyone with a family member serving in the military, please forward their name and rank to our bulletin editor at or bring the name to our Rec-tory Front Office. We pray to give all of our soldiers the courage and strength to do the duty that is required of them. May they always remember our appreciation for the sacrifice they are making for us. We are thankful for the men and women who are willing to risk their lives to protect our freedom. I ask You to go with each of them and protect them wherever they go. Amen.

Sgt First Class. Matthew Loheide SSgt. Kevin J. Hennelly Lt. Jonathan W. Lang Lt. Jeanine A. Lang

SPC Justin T. Sikorski Sgt. Mathew Burrafato DCC James Pennington

Col. Paul J. Laughlin Gunnery Sgt. Dan Lalota

Lt. Patrick O. Kelly, USMC Lt. John McGinn

Sgt. Thomas P. McLoughlin, USMC Atan Lisa Olynk, USN

M Sgt. Michael Marascia Sgt. Stephen L. Emlaw

P.O.Third Class E-4 Kyle A. Kamermayer, Navy Major Edward A. McGoldrick, US Army

Steven Orbon, 1st Lt., U.S. Army Lt. David Jacobs

Pvt. Thomas Wright Airman Peter F. Clark, USAF

Capt. Joseph Whittaker, USMC LCPL Michael J. Mc Ilwrath, USMC

1st Lt. James Michael Vaz, U.S. Army Louis Bombardiere, USMC

Gunnery Sgt. Brian Moran, USMC Second Lt. Bridget Flatley, USAF

Cpt. Richard Macchio Pvt. Joseph Gergely, U.S.M.C.

LTJG Alie Disher, U.S.N. LTJG John Patrick Orr, USN, C.E.C.

PVC Andrew Hughes Airman Denis C. Clark, USAF

Sgt. Lotachukwu Okoye Second Lt. Brian W. Way, USMC

PFC. Christopher Paradiso, U.S.M. PFC Jim Arbelaez, US Marine

SPC Dustin Lusby LTJG Christopher Medford, US Navy

Lt. Lindsay Conte, USN Sgt. Matthew Mercurio

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish June 1, 2014

Chaminade High School Second Trimester Honor Roll

Sophomore William T. Burdo

Martin P. Egan Louis M. Valentino

Junior John M. Coppola

Christopher J. Kutil

Kellenberg Memorial High School Second Trimester Honor Roll

Joseph Bernardini

Paul Brohan Michelle Dec Brian Doyle

Danielle Engelhardt Sarah Fiore

Emily Flanagan Christina Garcia

Katlin Geary Regina Lacsa

Declan Maloney Leanne Shinnick Julia Stackpole

Ryan Wimbiscus Congratulations to all! God Bless!

On Thursday as we celebrated the Ascension, we are reminded that Christ’s saving work on earth continues through His disciples...and now through us. When we give to the poor, God indeed pours His love, peace and joy into our hearts, into our lives and into the hears of those who are poor.

COMUNIDAD HISPANA 6/01/14 LA ASCENSIÓN DEL SEÑOR Editado por Ytala y Gabriel Ruiz

Boletín: 5

“Me ha sido dado todo poder en el cielo y en la tierra.”

La Fiesta de la Ascensión es la oportunidad que se ofrece al creyente para alegrarse por su Rey: Se alegra Israel por su Creador, los hijos de Sión por su Rey. La Iglesia celebra el triunfo de su Rey, de su Cabeza, de su Amigo. Y se siente en fiesta. Pero además contempla este misterio como el gran empuje de su misión evangelizadora por el mundo, tan necesitado del Evangelio que es el único que puede dar respuesta a sus graves y acuciantes interrogantes. Y se siente renovada en su esperanza teologal que le invita a dirigir su y sus pasos hacia lo difícil y arduo pero posible porque Dios anda por en medio con su Bondad, Fidelidad y Poder. Y, en el centro, Jesús glorifica-do que sigue en medio de nosotros hasta el fin del mundo.


VEN A LA MISA Domingos y Pri-meros Viernes del Mes a las 7:00 P.M. CONFESIONES: Primeros Viernes, a las

6:00 PM, antes de la misa.

BAUTIZOS CLASES: A Las 5:30 PM. Segundo y Tercero Domingo de cada mes, en el sótano de la escuela. Deben asistir papás, mamás, padrinos y madrinas, y quedarse en la misa de las 7:00 PM. No es necesario hacer una cita para registrarse; lo pueden hacer en la clase. Por favor traer el registro de nacimiento del niño LOS BAUTIZOS SON LOS ÚLTIMOS SÁBADOS DEL MES, A LA 1:00 PM: Junio 28; Julio 26; Agosto 30; Septiembre 27; Octubre 25, Noviembre 29; Dic. 27. PARA TODA INFORMACIÓN SOBRE BAU-TIZOS comunícate con ROBERTO y ROSA ROMERO: 516-749-4693 / 516-749-5135 (Si no te contestan, por favor, deja tu nombre y # de teléfono que ellos te llamarán después. Muchas Gracias por venir a las clases y a la misa!).

Démosle gracias a nuestro hermano Gustavo por su

grandiosa labor. Que Dios lo bendiga y nos permita

compartir nuevamente con él.









Jóvenes SCJ

El grupo de jóvenes quiere darle un especial agradecimiento a nuestra hermana y amiga Nira por su apoyo durante todo este tiempo. Te deseamos un feliz regreso a casa. Te vamos a extrañar. No olvides que aquí también tiene un hogar.

NUESTROS LÍDERES Coordinación: Mario Gómez y Erika Aldana Catequesis: José Contreras y Mario Gómez. Clases Bautizos: Roberto y Rosa Romero Clases Inglés: Lissette, Gisselle, Néstary, Camila. Comité Festejos y Colectas: Lorena Medrano, Yudith Contreras, Dora Gómez y Maribel Adames. Comunicaciones: Ytala y Gabriel Ruiz, María Romero, Padre Saúl Londoño. Divina Misericordia: Delfina Hernández, Asunción Rivera (El Rezo de la Coronilla es antes de la misa los Domingos). Liturgia Dominical Niños(as): Carmen Gómez (Coordinadora), Elva Cordone (Intendente), Angie Párraga (Secretaria), Cindy Medrano. Ministerio de Hospitalidad: Martha Romero, Guadalupe Aguilar, Luis Reyes. Ministerio de la Palabra: Jaime Aldana Ministerio del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Karina del Mar y Jovana Arteaga. (Reunión los segundos Domingos después de la misa) Ministerio de Música y Danzas: Antonio y Leiny Escobar (Ensayo del CORO Martes de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. Domingos de 6:00-6:40 pm.) Ministros Extraordinarios de Comunión y Sacristía: Jolie López, Juan Hernández, Rosío Rivera(se reúnen los 2os. Domingos del mes después de la misa de las 7:00 PM. ) Monaguillos (Servidores del Altar) Giselle Hernández, padrinos y madrinas. Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico: Roberto y Rosa Romero. Pastoral Juvenil: MINILÍDERES, Carlos Campos, Carla Durán, Samuel Sánchez, Lissette Muñoz, Francesca Borgoño, Ytala -Gabriel Ruiz, Isabel-Diego Gonzales, padre Saúl y Padrinos. Pre-cana: Mario y Dora Gómez Renovación Carismática: Rosio Rivera, Rosa Gutiérrez (Viernes a las 6:30 PM. Escuela Nueva) LOS SERVIDORES se reúnen los Lunes a las 7:00 pm en la escuela antigua. Seguridad: Sonia y Saúl Bustillo, Orlando

Cruz Te gustaría pertenecer a alguno

de nuestros ministerios?

St Ignatius Loyola Parish June 1, 2014


We are currently looking for someone to lead our Respect Life Ministry. Please prayerfully think about this and if interested, call the rectory at 931-0056 and leave your name and telephone number.

Make This A Summer to Remember Open your heart and home to a

New York City child Become a host family.

The Fresh Air Fund, an independent, not-for-profit agency, has provided free summer experience to more than 1.7 million New York City children from low-income communities since 1877. Fresh Air Fund children on first-time visits to host families are 6 to 12 years old, and stay for one or two weeks. For more information, please contact Eileen Rauchenberger at (516) 662-1678.

We are also looking for a Wedding Coordinator to oversee and attend the weddings to ensure that the Mass and/or ceremony runs smoothly. Please call the rectory at 931-0056 and leave your name and telephone number. We would greatly appreciate your help. Thanking you in advance.

Martha’s Guild Rosary Making The next session of Martha’s Guild Rosary Making will be Wednesday, June 4th from 3PM to 5PM in Room B of the Old School Cafeteria.

General Bereavement Group Where: St. Joseph’s Hospital –Lower Level 4295 Hempstead Tpke, Bethpage When: Mondays, June 9th to July 14th Time: 6:30 to 8 pm This is a general bereavement support group for those who have lost loved ones within the year. It will have six sessions, which may be extended to eight sessions. Facilitated by trained chaplains. Please call (516) 520-2648 to register.

Join St. Ignatius Loyola Parish in partici-pating in the Fortnight for Freedom June 21 - July 4th. More details to fol-low

We are coming close to our CMA goal. You can help make this happen. If we get at least to 81% of our goal, then our parish receives money back. This money will be used to help toward purchasing a new boiler for the school, new organ, and an old phone system which needs updating. If you have given, thank you! If you have not yet given, please give it prayerful consideration! Fr. Jim Catholic Ministries Appeal as of May 27, 2014 Parish Goal: $80,000.00 Pledges to Date: $58,610.24 Balance to Goal $21,389.76

Thank you to all who marched and supported us in the Memorial Day Parade this year Please continue to pray for all of our veterans. May we never forget them!

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish June 1, 2014


Rockville Centre Diocese periodically conducts facility condition assessments of all the parishes in the diocese. St. Ignatius Loyola Parish is planning to establish a Building Con-dition Assessment Committee to review and prioritize recommendations of the latest di-ocesan assessment of our buildings. We are looking for volunteers for this committee who have skills and knowledge in the areas of architecture, civil/structural engineering, build-ing systems (HVAC, plumbing and electrical), construction, contract management, etc. The details of committee structure, procedures and meeting schedule will be developed after the initial committee team is identified. All prospective volunteers who are willing to share their time and talent for this important committee are asked to contact the Rectory at 931-0056 and leave their name and contact information with Joan or one of our reception-ists. Thank you for sharing your time and talent! Fr. Jim, Pastor

Community Connection Newsletter

It's time for the next issue of Community Connection to begin production, with an anticipated publication date of late June/early July. The deadline for article and photo submission is June 9th. If you have any arti-cles or photos from recent parish events or if you would like to feature your ministry and invite new mem-bers to join, please send information via email to Photos and articles can also be dropped off at the rectory (addressed to Stewardship Committee). Please supply your name and phone number if you would like your materials returned

The Bread and Wine this week Are in Loving Memory

Of Richard DeLorenzo

From Mom, Dad and Family

The Flowers this week Are in Loving Memory

Of Thomas Antonelli

From His Wife, Nancy

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish

Join Father Jim For a NYC Harbor Luncheon Cruise

Aboard The

Spirit of NY Cruise

Feast of St. Ignatius ♦ Thursday, July 31, 2014

$90 Per Person Trip Includes

Mass at St. Ignatius Church on Park Ave in NYC Luncheon Cruise aboard the Spirit of New York Leisure Time at 911 Memorial Waterfalls Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation All Tips & Taxes (Including Bus Driver)

Departure Time is 7AM. Please arrive at Least 15 Minutes in Advance.

St. Ignatius Loyola School - Old School Parking Lot Nicholai Street East, Hicksville, NY 11801

Complete This Coupon & Include With Your Payment

Make Check Payable To: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Mail Check & Coupon To: Joan Chwalisz, 15 Lawnside Drive, Hicksville, NY 11801

Or To: Anne Murphy, 2 Howard Street, Hicksville, NY 11801


Spirit Cruise 7/31/14 Address Home Phone

Cell Phone


Emergency Contact Information

Seatmate Name

Itinerary & Menu Subject To Change - All Trips Are Rain or Shine - Travel Insurance Is Recommended
