St. GEORGE ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN Web viewLet us believers praise and worship the Word; ......


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N, March 12, 2017237 Long Hill Rd, Little Falls, NJ 07424

Parish Office (973)256 8961Pastor Office

(973)256-9475Church Website:

Church office


Second Sunday of Great Lent Commemoration of

Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica

Eothinon 5


The Most Reverend Metropolitan JOSEPH

His Grace Bishop NICHOLAS

V. Rev. Father Dimitri

Deacon Issac

Parish Council OfficersAmin Amireh

(Chairman)Elie Saade

(Vice Chairman)Michael Nafash

(Treasurer)Donna Starke


Altar Servers Andrew Handal, Andrew Louis, Anthony Louis,

Christian Hanna, Anthony Maemari, Mark TaraziEpistle Reader Abir Yazigi, Lina Walasides, Ghada Darwich, Muna

Beyjoun.Ushers Julie Almaz (Arabic), Rima Bandeli (English).

Diocese of New York & Charleston and Mid-Atlantic

Hosted by: St. George Church; Little Falls, NJ

June 29 - July 2, 2017Hyatt Regency Moristown, NJ

Lenten ServicesPlease try to make these services a part of your Lenten commitment to Christ and to yourselves. Remember, this time of year is to be especially dedicated to God and our spiritual progress. Do not let your Lenten experience be nothing more than a few rules and regulations about what you can and cannot eat and do, make it a true time for spiritual development, which includes fasting, increased almsgiving and increased prayer!!!

Monday - Great Compline at 7:00 pmWednesday- Pre-sanctified Liturgy at 700 pm

Friday- Al- Madaeh Hymn @ 7:00pm

RESURRECTIONAL APOLYTIKION IN TONE FIVELet us believers praise and worship the Word; coeternal with the Father and the Spirit, born of the Virgin for our salvation. For, He took


pleasure in ascending the Cross in the flesh to suffer death; and to raise the dead by His glorious Resurrection.

الخامس اللحن على القيامة طروبارية المولود, االبتداء وعدم األزلية في والروح لآلب المساوي, للكلمة ونسجد المؤمنين نحن لنسبح

الموتى وينهض, الموت ويحتمل الصليب على بالجسد يصعد أن سر ألنه, لخالصنا العذراء منالمجيدة بقيامته

TROPARION OF SAINT GREGORY IN TONE 8O Star of Orthodoxy, support and teacher of the Church, glory of monastics and invincible protector of theologians, pride of Thessalonica and preacher of grace, Gregory the Wonder-worker, implore unceasingly for the salvation of our souls.

غريغوريوس القديس طروبارية يقهر ال الذي والمجاهد, المتوحدين جمال يا, ومعلمها الكنيسة وثبات, األرثوذكسية كوكب يا

إبتهل, العجائب المجترح غريغوريوس, بالنعمة والمبشر, تسالونيكي وفخر, المتكلمين عن.نفوسنا خالص في الدوام على

TROPARION OF SAINT GEORGE IN TONE 4 As deliverer of captives, as defender of the poor, healer of the infirm, champion of kings, Victorious, Great Martyr George, intercede with Christ our Lord, intercede for the soul’s salvation.

(باللحن الظفر الالبس القديس جاورجيوس طروبارية الرابع)

ى ط��بيب ك للمأسورين محرر ومعتق، وللفقراء والمساكين عاضد وناصر وللمرض�� بما أنهداء ج��اورجيوس الآلبس وشاف وعن المؤم��نين مك��افح ومح��ارب أيه��ا العظيم في الش��

الظفر تشفع إلى المسيح اإلله في خالص نفوسنا.

KONTAKION OF SUNDAYS IN LENT IN TONE 8 To thee, the Champion leader, I thy servant offer thanks of victory, O Theotokos, thou hast delivered me from terror, but as thou hast power invincible, O Theotokos, thou alone can set me free: from all forms of danger free me and deliver me, that I may cry unto thee: Rejoice, O Bride without bridegroom!

الثامن باللحن القنداق3

الشكر لك وأقدم, محامية جندية يا الغلبة رايات لك أكتب, اإلله والدة يا عبدك أنا إني ,الشدائد صنوف من أعتقيني, تحارب ال التي العزة لك أن بما لكن. الشدائد من كمنقذة

.لها عروس ال عروسا يا افرحي: إليك أصرخ حتى

EPISTLEO Lord, Thou wilt preserve us and keep us from this generation. Save

me, O Lord, for the godly man hath disappeared.The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews

(1:10-2:3)“In the beginning, Thou, O Lord, didst found the earth, and the heavens are the work of Thy hands; they will perish, but Thou remainest; they will all grow old like a garment, like a mantle Thou wilt roll them up, and they will be changed. But Thou art the same, and Thy years will never end.” But to what angel has He ever said, “Sit at My right hand, until I make Thine enemies a stool for thy feet”? Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to serve, for the sake of those who are to obtain salvation? Therefore, we must pay closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. For if the message, declared by angels, was valid and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard Him.

الرسالة, فإن البار قد فني. أنت يا رب تحفظنا وتسترنا من هذه الجيل, خلصني, يا رب

العبرانيين إلى الرسول بولس القديس رسالة من فصل أنت, يا رب, أسست األرض في البدء, والسماوات هي ص��نع ي��ديك, هي ت��زول وأنت تبقى, وكله��ا ك��الثوب تبلى, وتطويه��ا ك��الرداء فتتغ��ير. وأنت أنت, وس��نوك لن تنتهي. ولمن من المالئكة قال يوما: اجلس عن يميني ح��تى أجع��ل أع��داءك موطئ��ا لق��دميك؟ أم��ا هم أرواح خادمة ترسل لخدم�ة ال�ذين يرث�ون الخالص. ل�ذلك يجب علين�ا أن نص�غي إلى م�ا س�معناه إصغاء شديدا, لئال نضل. فالرسالة التي جاءتنا على لسان المالئك��ة ثبت ص��دقها, فن��ال ك��ل من خالفها أو عصاها جزاءه العادل. فكيف ننجو إن أهملنا خالصا عظيم�ا كه�ذا؟ فق�د أعلن�ه

الرب أوال, وأثبته لنا الذين سمعوه.


THE GOSPELThe Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark (2:1-

12)At that time, when Jesus returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that He was at home. And many were gathered together, so that there was no longer room for them, not even about the door; and He was preaching the Word to them. And they came, bringing to Jesus a paralytic carried by four men. And when they could not get near Jesus because of the crowd, they removed the roof above Him; and when they had made an opening, they let down the pallet on which the paralytic lay. And when Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Now, some of the scribes were sitting there, reasoning in their hearts, “Why does this man speak thus? It is blasphemy! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” And immediately Jesus, perceiving in His spirit that they thus reasoned within themselves, said to them, “Why do you reason thus in your hearts? Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise, take up your pallet and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” – He said to the paralytic – “I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go home.” And he rose, and immediately took up the pallet and went out before them all. So that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!”

مرقس القديس بشارة من شريف فصل ولم, كب��ير عدد فتجمع. البيت في أنه الناس فسمع, كفرناحوم يسوع دخل, الزمان ذلك في ,رج��ال أربعة يحملة بكسيح فأتوه, بالكلمة يخاطبهم فأخذ  ,الباب عند حتى خاليا موضع يبق ك��ان ال��ذي المكان فوق  وكشفوا السقف نقبوا, الجمع لكثرة اليه يصلوا أن يقدروا لم فلما

يا: "للكس��يح قال إيمانهم يسوع رأى فلما. الكسيح عليه كان الذي الفراش ودلوا فيه يسوع في ففك��روا, الش��ريعة معلمي بعض هناك الحاضرين بين وكان!" خطاياك لك مغفورة, بني

الله إال الخطايا يغفر أن يق�در من! يكفر إنه كه��ذا؟ كالما يتكلم الرجل ه��ذا بال ما: "قلوبهم لم��اذا:"لهم فق��ال, أنفس��هم في ذلك في يفك��رون أنهم بروحه يس��وع وع��رف  "وح��ده؟ أم, خطاي��اك لك مغف��ورة: الكس��يح لهذا يقال أن: ايسر أيما قلوبكم؟ في ذلك في تفكرون

على س���لطان له البشر ابن أن تعلم���وا فلكي وامش؟ س���ريرك واحمل قم: له يق���ال أن5

فق��ام!" بيتك إلى واذهب فراشك واحمل قم لك أق��ول- للمخلع ق��ال- الخطايا ليغفر األرض :ق��ائلين الله ومج��دوا كلهم ف��دهش. الحاضرين من بمشهد وخرج فراشه وحمل الحال في

."قط هذا مثل رأينا ما"

Sunday of St. Gregory PalamasThis divine Father, who was from Asia Minor, was from childhood reared in the royal court of Constantinople, where he was instructed in both religious and secular wisdom. Later, while still a youth, he left the imperial court and struggled in asceticism on Mount Athos, and in the Skete at Beroea. He spent some time in Thessalonica being treated for an illness that came from his harsh manner of life. He was present in Constantinople at the Council that was convened in 1341 against Barlaam of Calabria, and at the Council of 1347 against Acindynus, who was of like mind with Barlaam; Barlaam and Acindynus claimed that the grace of God is created. At both these Councils, the Saint contended courageously for the true dogmas of the Church of Christ, teaching in particular that divine grace is not created, but is the uncreated energies of God which are poured forth throughout creation: otherwise it would be impossible, if grace were created, for man to have genuine communion with the uncreated God. In 1347 he was appointed Metropolitan of Thessalonica. He tended his flock in an apostolic manner for some twelve years, and wrote many books and treatises on the most exalted doctrines of our Faith; and having lived for a total of sixty-three years, he reposed in the Lord in 1359.His holy relics are kept in the Cathedral of Thessalonica. A full service was composed for his feast day by the Patriarch Philotheus in 1368, when it was established that his feast be celebrated on this day. Since works without right faith avail nothing, we set Orthodoxy of faith as the foundation of all that we accomplish during the Fast, by celebrating the Triumph of Orthodoxy the Sunday before, and the great defender of the teachings of the holy Fathers today.

Holy BreadThe Holy bread is being offered today by:


Stan, Joanne, Danny & Marie Chalet in memory of Chris Chalet. Mooner and family in memory of Janet Ayoub.

MemorialMemorial Service will be offered today for the repose of the soul of the Servant of God fallen asleep in the Lord Chris Chalet offered by Stan, Joanne, Danny & Marie Chalet. May the memory Chris be eternal and may the Lord grant the Chalet family many healthy years to come.Today’s coffee hour is being donated by the Chalet family in his memory.

The Spirits of the Righteous Made PerfectMichael Moaba, Suheil Arida, Victoria Abood, Fr. Michael Simon, George Affsa, Mary Ahto, Henry Shehade, John Homod, Richard Penhaker, Gatos Nakash, Mary Kabbash, Agnes DeRosa, Albert White, Mealia Jorwa, David Jorwa. May the Lord God rest their souls in peace and grant comfort to their families.

DonationsIn memory of Elsie Nasser offered by Mrs. Janet Homsey, Mr. & Mrs. Alan Abraham, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gorab, Mr. & Mrs. David Bojrab, Ms. Brenda Farha, Dennis & Joan Davan, George & Veneta Traboulsi, Frank & Beverly Czeriwinski, Salim & Julie Aboud.Eva Chalet in memory of Choume & Isber Greige.

Bible StudyArabic Bible study on Mondays at 7:00 pm. We will be discussing the Letter of St. Paul to the Philippians.

Parish Council MeetingParish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 15, 2017, at 7:30 pm. The meeting is open to all our beloved parishioners.

Parish Life ConferenceThis year our parish will be hosting the Parish Life Conference for the entire Diocese. It will be held on June 28 through July 2, 2017. The hotel arrangements have been secured and it is time to begin making plans for our exciting activities. Anyone who would like to be involved in the planning of our Parish Life Conference, please contact Jane Tadros or Julie Abboud.

Antiochian Men (A-Men)7

Meeting, Friday, March 17th, at 8:00 pm.Church School

Parents of Church School Children Ages 6 – 18: Please encourage your children to begin or complete their Creative Festival entries (art, creative writing, photography, poetry, and video) within the next week.  Every child is expected to submit at least one entry, which creatively expresses the theme.   Children may bring cameras into church to take photos for the photography entries. Theme for festival and Parish Life Conference is “My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations.”  (Mark 11:17). For further information, speak with Donna Starke, Claire Levash or class teacher, as well as read information on for Hungry Children Boxes will be distributed to all children this week. Place in a prominent place in your homes and encourage everyone to drop quarters in the box each day. Then return them to church the first Sunday of April.

Ladies Society The Month of March is Ladies’ Month. Every Sunday in

March, a member of the Ladies’ Society will read the epistle, assist in the collection and ushering the lines for communion “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us” (Phil 4:13).

We are now taking orders for Spinach Pies. If you would like to place an order, please see any Ladies Society Member, call or email the church office at 973-256-8961 or . Cost $15.00 per dozen. Pick-up date, Sunday, March 26th.

Meeting, Sunday, March 19th, after Liturgy in conference room.

Work Day, Thursday, March 23rd, at 6:00 pm, Spinach Pies. Lenten Dinner, Friday, March 31st, after church service.

PTAWe will begin taking names and donations for Lazarus Saturday this Sunday, March 12th, after liturgy. If you would like to make a donation


in memory of a loved one to be mentioned during Liturgy Lazarus Saturday, April 15th, please see Sanaa Hindeleh or Howaida Louis.

Arabic Bible studyArabic Bible Study will be held on Mondays at 7:00 pm. We will be discussing the Letter of St. Paul to the Philippians.During our Lenten season there will not be Paraklises services, therefore any names submitted for prayers will be said during our Akathist (Al Madayeh) Services on Fridays.

St. George Teen SOYO presents

Fruits of the SpiritRap Session Series

Each Friday during Lent (starting on March 3, 2017) immediately following

the Akathist Service!Join us as we discuss the fruits of the Holy Spirit and how to cultivate them in our lives as Orthodox Christians!

All teens are welcome and encouraged to attend!

St. George Day HafliSaturday, April 22nd, 2017

at 8:00 pm9

Featuring, Kalem IssaMazza, Dinner, Dessert, Soft Drinks

BYOBDonation $55 adults, $35 children 12

and underFor reservations, please call Hend Kabak at 973-714-1937 or church

office at 973-256-8961



Organizations & Committees Information


Ladies SocietyIkhlas Munayyer973-228-1927Teen SOYODonna Starke

(609) 426 0429Sunday School

Co-DirectorsClaire Levash

Michael Kaufman, Mary Ellen Saba


Sanaa Hindeleh973-981-1343Howaida LouisChoir Director

Jane Tadros

Stewardship CommitteeJohn Chalet

John.chalet@gmail.comPaul Juzdan

Charity CommitteeJulie Abboud


Capital Campaign FundSouhel Shehady908-272-4666

Parish Life Conference Co-Chairs

Jane Tadros


Hall RentalMaher Louis
