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HIV in Singapore

- Are HIV patients being discriminated against in Singapore? - The need for HIV patients to be recognised and that there are many people who continue to live dynamic lives while they continue to pursue their dreams and passions. They are no different from us.- How we can improve on the Dont Ask, dont tell attitude in Singapore- Misconceptions that having AIDS is equivalent to a death sentence might not be as relevant nowadays given medical advancements as long as HIV patients are treated in a timely manner.- Brings up the issue whether medical subsidies should be given for expensive medication even if the disease was obtained through sexual means. (Should people take responsibility for their lifestyle?)- Obama recently called on US to renew its commitment to fight AIDS and he wants to bring US closer to an AIDS free generation. How pragmatic is this claim in the face of an increasing acceptance for homosexuals? (accounts for half of the cases in Singapore)- Despite education about AIDS, the number of HIV patients has been steadily increasing in Singapore. How can we reduce the spread of HIV? Case Studies

Depression/BipolarAngelina Jolie

SchizophreniaMiss Chan Lishan. She wrote a book chronicling her experience with Schizophrenia.

Immune DeficiencyHIV:Paddy Chew. First Singapore AIDS patient to come out to the public.Severe Combined Immuno deficiency:David Vetter. At the time of his case, the only options for children born were to be kept in a sterile environment. He lived for 12 years in a sterile environment. Researchers from NASA used their experience to fabricate a space suit for him.

StrokeMycle Brandy is a four time stroke survivor. He travelled across America to increase awareness about stroke and how it can be prevented.

Downs SyndromeMegan McCormick is the first student with Down syndrome to earn an associate's degree with honors.