SSGAS Letter to Manager




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Dear Manager,Hope you are doing well.Here is an opportunity for me to attend Asias first SQL Server Conference.SQLServerGeeks Annual Summit 2015 is a 3 day conference happening in Bangalore from August 27 to 29. SQLServerGeeks Annual Summit is the first, the largest and the only SQL summit in Asia a full 3 day conference with deep dive sessions and pre-con sessions on SQL Server, Azure & Big Data. This is a unique conference comprised with multiple tracks on Database Administration, Database Development, Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse, SQL Azure & Big Data. The Sessions scale out on knowledge level from 100 through 500 from the SQL experts around the globe.By attending this conference, I will gain cutting-edge skills and knowledge on latest trends happening in Data world. After attending the conference, I would like to pass on these learnings to other team members in our project. Apart from learning new skills, I have the opportunity to network with Microsoft and industry leaders. This is one conference that I really look forward to attend. I request you to approve my attendance and grant me leave from August 27 to 29.

With Warm Regards

SQL Enthusiast
