SRW Scramber Commander 2


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  • 7/31/2019 SRW Scramber Commander 2


    SRW Scramber Commander 2


    15 years ago, thanks to the complete defeat against the MU that invaded the

    earth, humanity developed an unhealthy fear of the unknown.

    When the MU created the Tokyo Jupiter effect and shut themselves off from the

    world, humanity began to divide amongst each other developing anti-alien

    weaponry by themselves sparking a new global arms race and the world was

    engulfed in panic.

    10 years ago, the panic reach it's peak when the extraterrestrial ASS1

    crashed land on Earth and soon after, Over Technology from it was applied to

    mobile weapon making them stronger than before sparking global conflicts all


    These global conflicts keep spawning other global conflicts in succession

    such as the One Year War and the strife between Naturals and Coordinator and

    in all this, many lives were lost.

    5 years ago, another incident rendered the power balance of the world asunder

    when Mimetic Beasts appear all over the world seemingly unstoppable by

    current weaponry. The only thing capable of defeating these Mimetic Beasts

    were the newly developed Specials (Large Super Machine Weaponry or Super


    However, the power of these Specials causes worry in many countries'

    government and thus laws to restrict and govern the freedom of these Specials

    known as the Specials Law were passed.

    Now it is the Year ChikyuuShinki 74

    Many Specials and their lab have joined together as the Anti Alien Assembly

    or A3 in order to fight the invaders but a new war beckons....

    Episode 1

    We first meet our hero, Keiji Tachibana as he is being shot down and is

    bailing out of his plane. (Way to make a first impression, Keiji) Sarah tells

    Shinobu that they're the last one standing against this mysterious enemy.

    Dancougar rushes this mysterious enemy in a mid- air collision and got it's

    flight booster destroyed but managed to down this mysterious enemy mech that

    jumped them and their squadron on patrol. Dancougar then is forced to

    jettison its flight booster and land. Meanwhile the downed enemy mech crashed

    land near where Keiji Tachibana had bailed out. Keiji nervously approachedthe downed mecha only to see the cockpit open and the pilot coming out. Keiji

    reach for his gun and tells the pilot to surrender.

    Meanwhile Dancougar is approaching the mech and Shinobu note that maybe THIS

    time the enemy pilot will listen and shouted out for the enemy pilot to give

    themselves up. A quick radio message from the mech makes them realize that

    it's Keiji in the cockpit. It seems the pilot has died from some sort of

    heart attack.

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    Suddenly they are contacted by their team operator Valentina Reanika.

    Valentina says that Titans mech are headed their way and are not answering

    hails. Shinobu concludes that they must have gotten wind of this mysterious

    mech and wanted it. If they leave this mech lying around here, it's a good

    bet they'll carry it off so Shinobu has the bright idea of telling Keiji to

    pilot it if only to be able to get it to run away from Titans mech.

    Keiji is extremely reluctant until Shinobu berates him and he gathers up his

    courage to try it even though Valentina is against it. Shinobu says that

    Keiji doesn't have to fight, they'll handle the Titans. Valentina says that

    it'll be twenty minutes until a Valkyrie squad and a cargo plane arrives to

    reinforce them.

    The battle begins and the Dancougar team makes short work of the Titan's

    Hizacks. However more reinforcements arrives where Keiji had taken the mech

    and promptly makes Keiji panics but Valentina calms him down telling him that

    he can do it and Keiji gathers his composure and begins to down Hizacks too.

    Shinobu and Sarah congratulates Keiji for a job well done, guess his moniker

    of the Scar Face Kid isn't just for show but Keiji says that he isn't exactly

    proud of this moniker since this scar is just from an accident he had as akid.

    Keiji note that the bad feeling he got from piloting this thing is probably

    not just due to the corpse of the original pilot also in the cockpit. It

    feels as if his soul is being drained. Keiji then thanks Valentina for her

    help in advising him otherwise he'd panic and be done for. Valentina says

    that it was nothing.

    Sarah wonders if Masato's dad's company, an arms company, knows anything

    about this mysterious mech though Masato is adamant that he has no interest

    in making contact with home to ask.

    Valentina then says that the power output of this thing is on par or more

    with Dancougar's which probably qualifies it as a Special (Super Robot) which

    is why she was quite reluctant for Keiji to pilot it thanks to the "Special"

    laws. Keiji asks what those laws imply and Shinobu says that he'll tell Keiji

    later but he'll learn about it since he's become involved.

    Meanwhile a mysterious person (who is Lord Gibriel from GSD) asks another

    mysterious person (Our main villain Yukimura) and another one (The mysterious

    Doctor Soga) why the mech is sent to attack A3. This is almost as if it's

    giving A3 a hint of their existence. Yukimura isn't too worried and tells him

    that Gibriel is the one who wanted a personal Special squad.

    Yukimura says that it's only one robot equipped with their engine, the

    Celestial Reactor. It's nothing compared to the real robot frame they'll

    use,ain't nothing like the real thing so he's doesn't have to pull strings and

    get the Titans involved in trying to retrieve that frame. A3 wouldn't be able

    to stop Nemesis once they're ready to go public. Doctor Soga tells Yukimura

    not to be too cocky and Lord Gibriel reminds them both that he's the one

    funding them which means he's the one in charge.

    After Gibriel has broken contact, the old Doc asks if Yukimura plans the

    whole thing, the fact that the pilot of the frame they send out wasn't

    properly conditioned for it, that it went berserk and attacked A3. Yukimura

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    says that at least they got a good testing of what the thing they're

    developing is capable of, even if A3 gets it.

    Episode 2

    At A3 Headquarter stationed on South Atalia Island where the Macross is, the

    Dancougar team is having a meal at the cafeteria where they meet Kabuto Kouji

    who is studying combat strategy and science at A3 Island. When asked why he's

    so happy today, Kouji says that Mazinger Z is being sent here though Dr. Mori

    Mori seems to have made a mistake sending it piece by piece. Kouji's already

    gotten the Pilder and the Mazinger Z is coming via a transport ship today

    with the Scrander being sent last.

    Kouji is ecstatic because all study/ work and no Mazinger makes Kouji an

    extremely stressed boy.

    Professor Koujirou Hatsuki, mentor of the Dancougar team has finished his

    testing of the enemy mech that the Dancougar team and Keiji brought in, it

    has been code named the Habakiri as in the sword that the Japanese God,

    Amaterasu used to slay the nine head serpent Orochi. It's confirmed that

    Habakiri's power output qualifies it as a Special or a Super Robot.

    Hatsuki shows the Dancougar team Keiji's test score in qualifying for a

    Special license in which he scores an A which means excellent. Hatsuki says

    that technically what the Dancougar team did was illegal since the "Special"

    laws forbid people from just jumping into a Special without a license and the

    fact that there were two or more Specials operating together without

    authorization. Shinobu says that it was the only answer he could come up with

    to stop the Habakiri from being taken.

    Hatsuki then confirms for the Dancougar team that the original pilot for it

    seems to have died from a heart attack and that the Titans denied any

    involvement with the prior attack stating that AEUG stole their MS and

    accused A3 of secretly developing a new Special without authorization.

    Shinobu mutters "Yeah, they're the suspicious one, all right" Hatsuki says

    that they have no proof to press the Titans on and then he almost says

    something but then shuts up and leaves which makes Sarah note that he's being

    a bit strange and ask if the others noticed it too. Masato and Shinobu don't

    think so and tells her to eat since there's no telling when they can eat

    peacefully in the cafeteria like this again.

    Mazinger Z being transported is an opportunity that Duke Gorgon who found out

    about it doesn't want to waste and he sends Kikaijuu to attack the ship that

    is transporting Mazinger Z.

    When the transport ship is attacked, an SOS is sent to A3 Island and everyone

    is notified of the situation. Kouji figures that it is the Mikene and that

    Gorgon probably knows that he can't fight Great Mazinger head on so he

    targets the powered up Mazinger Z in order to use it against Great.

    The Dancougar team is told to scramble at once since the Skull Squadron is

    on the other side of the Earth and won't be able to make it which leaves it

    up to Dancougar alone to protect the Z. Keiji asks to sortie in the Habakiri

    but Sarah says that Keiji is still too green and that he may be great in

    simulation battle but he's still too green with zero actual experience though

    Valentina backs Keiji up on it which annoys Sarah saying that operators who

    aren't on the frontline shouldn't talk and Valentina says that while she's an

    operator, her rank is the same as Sarah which earns her the right to say her

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    Valentina points out that Habakiri will be needed since Dancougar alone will

    probably not be enough to take out all Kikaijuu. Kouji says that he'll deploy

    in the Pilder and if the two of them can keep the Kikaijuu occupied and

    distracted, he'll reach the ship and Pilder on and then the Kikaijuu will be

    no problem. Hatsuki allows Keiji to deploy though Valentina will have to back

    him up and if it gets too dangerous, to retreat and leave it to Dancougar.

    Hatsuki notes that he IS worried for Keiji but not for the reason that

    everyone is thinking about.

    The team reaches the ship that is being attacked by Kikaijuu, it can't move

    and Habakiri and Dancougar moves in to distract the Kikaijuu with Kouji in

    the Pilder making a move. However Duke Gorgon saws through the ploy and saw

    the Pilder. He then orders the Kikaijuu to destroy it before it can dock with

    Mazinger Z. Kouji zips through the attacks and reach the ship going inside

    and after a while, the ship burst with Mazinger Z jumping out.

    With Mazinger Z by their side, Habakiri and Dancougar then make short work of

    the Kikaijuu and Kouji says that it's great to be back piloting Mazinger Z

    and relieve some of the stress he's got from being cooped up with research.

    Keiji note that the second time on this machine isn't as bad as the first

    time since it's as if he's synchronize with this machine.

    Back at A3 base, testing on the Habakiri has been halted since the other test

    pilot are in the worst possible condition after having just sat in the

    Habakiri for barely five minutes doing nothing. The only one who is fine with

    the Habakiri is Keiji which makes the mechanic wonders how Keiji has trained

    his body. It's as if Habakiri or Keiji has adapted to each other. So from

    this point on, it's best to think of Habakiri as Keiji's personal mech.

    The other lab technician says that the original pilot of the Habakiri died

    from internal pain from what they learned from the autopsy. He'd really like

    to dismantle the Habakiri to REALLY study it but they have no idea how to put

    it back together since everything beside the frame used unknown technology.

    It's probably Over Technology or else whoever built this is a genius. What

    they've found in it SO FAR. (There may be OTHER surprises) is a pilot

    synchro system though it isn't rare since Dancougar also used a pilot synchro

    system to channel human aggression into piloting the machine and Combattler V

    also utilize pilot mental synchronization in order for the team's mechs to

    combine into Combattler V.

    What's of concern is the Habakiri's power generator which seems to be based

    on the pilot's synchronization with the machine and his or her emotional

    state. Hatsuki says to conclude the testing for now.

    Later, everyone learned that Habakiri has finally been approved of as an A3Special, Hatsuki note that news travel fast and he tells Valentina to send

    off lots of E-Mails and very quickly, Dr. Yotsuya and Anna's Mom (Sorry

    forgot name) from Dannar Base wants to meet with him on the matter of


    Sarah note that something's up though Masato doesn't see anything unusual

    since they just discovered an unknown Special, of course Prof Hatsuki would

    want these two well renowned professor's opinion. Ryou says that that's why

    it's unusual; Prof. Hatsuki is also himself a world renowned professor in

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    robotics so something that he can't solve himself and needs other's opinion

    is probably something big.

    Sarah then asks Hatsuki if he's keeping something from them with Hatsuki

    remaining silent and Shinobu adds in that they're on the same team and it's

    not good keeping something from those who's entrusting their lives to him.

    Hatsuki notes all this and says that he wanted to keep it a secret from all

    of them until he's confirmed thing but he believes that the Habakiri is tied

    to a project that he and the other scientists were involved in nine years


    Ryou noted that nine years ago puts it as one year after Macross had crash

    landed which makes it the year of the plan to mass produce Specials. Kouji

    chimed in that he also heard of this from Dr. Yumi, there was a massive

    scientific competition going on as to what project was capable of mass

    producing Specials. Sarah notes that with the Specials Laws regulating them

    these days, it's hard to believe that once upon a time the world wants to MP

    these things. Hatsuki says that they will continue this talk in Japan once he

    confirms whether his worries are true or not and Keiji wonders why Hatsuki

    said something like that.

    Episode 3

    At the hangar, Masato meets with Keiji and tells him not to be so formal

    around him since they're around the same age. Keiji is officially the

    Habakiri's pilot since he's the only one who can synch up with it which makes

    Keiji a bit annoyed that he's given this job only because he can synch with

    it and not because of skills. Masato says that it was the same when the

    pilots for Dancougar were chosen, they were chosen on how they best synch

    with the mech.

    Shinobu note that the Dancougar's booster is repaired which finally makes it

    flyable again and suddenly see that the Combattler team have arrived.

    Hatsuki had decided to take the Habakiri to Dannar Base along with the

    Dancougar and the Combattler team is called in to accompany/ guard the

    transportation. Hyouma, of course doesn't get along with Shinobu and A3 and

    neither is Shinobu with Hyouma. Hyouma shouted that A3 is supposed to be an

    organization for fighting aliens but it's usually the Combattler team who's

    the first to arrive on the frontline to tackle the Campbell when they

    attacked with the Dancougar or the Skull Squadron always only playing back


    Shinobu then counters back "Hey Aoi, it's not like I LIKE playing second

    fiddle to you but our MAIN job is to defend A3 Island, we're busy defending

    the Macross from various organizations wanting to take the Macross for their

    own purpose."

    Keiji asked if Shinobu and Hyouma are always like this and Kosuke says that

    it's been like this since the Combattler team joined up with A3 half a year

    ago. Juuzo says that early on, he tries to stop it but it's best to let them


    Ryou asks Hatsuki if he had report their movement to the Feds for moving out

    like this and Hatsuki says that he has, the Special laws required that they

    must report the objective of their mission every time they move out

    especially with three Specials moving together. Shinobu grumble that

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    everything they do is restricted by this stupid law. Chizuru note that this

    means the Titans will know their movement with Hyouma saying that they're

    probably itching to get the stuff A3 has. Ryou note that their movements are


    Kouji tells Keiji that he wants to accompany them back to Japan but he still

    has an energy research project to complete and no Scrander either. He thinks

    that the Habakiri is related to the mass production of Super Robots that his

    grandpa was involved in many years ago and that the story may be bigger than

    they realized.

    During the flight to Dannar Base, Hyouma wonders why they're here since

    Dancougar alone could guard the transport plane just fine but Chizuru says

    that it's case by case since something unexpected could happen or has Hyouma

    forgotten the War of the Giants five years ago. Hyouma says that he hasn't

    forgotten, his orphanage was wrecked thanks to the Mimetic beasts. It was a

    war that Mobile Suits and Destroid Monster couldn't win but was won by Super

    Robots, but after the danger had passed, the Federation decides to pass the

    Special laws to regulate the Super Robots or Specials since without a threat

    they're just weapons of mass destruction. Hyouma says that he doesn't like

    those words being associated with their machine but Ryou says that in thewrong hand, it's extremely capable of mass destruction.

    Valentina then interrupts everyone saying that they picked up on Magma Beast

    readings showing that they're heading to Nanbara Connection. Shinobu then

    says that Hatsuki isn't going to have them turn a blind eye to it and head

    for Dannar Base right? Hatsuki tells the Combattler team to break off from

    them and head to Nanbara to protect it while they keep on their present

    course to Dannar Base.

    Keiji then says that Professor Yotsuya is also someone Hatsuki needs to

    consult about Habakiri, so maybe they should go to the Connection to pick him

    up first and Shinobu says that three heads (Super Robots) are better than one

    defending the place. Valentina then asks what do they do about the Special

    Laws and Sarah says that A3 is supposed to be about defeating aliens so the

    Feds wouldn't mind for this hasty sidetrip.

    Hatsuki then says that they will change course towards the Nanbara

    Connection since he need to consult with Professor Yotsuya and pick him up to

    go to Dannar Base as well.

    Keiji then note that he didn't think Shinobu would stick up for Hyouma like

    this and Shinobu then asks "Why? Is it because I don't get along with him?"

    "Hey Hyouma, this time you can't say we're only playing back up." Hyouma's

    response is "Yeah, don't let the Magma Beast make you cry"

    The team manages to head off the Magma Beasts in the sky before they get to

    Nanbara Connection. Valentina says that the conditions are bad and that shecan't pick up the Magma Beast's location via radar so they'll have to search

    by sight. Shinobu is eager to go bust head but Hyouma tells him to not

    underestimate Magma Beast, they're strong enough to give a Super Robot

    trouble with Juuzo agreeing saying they played dirty. Commander Dangel says

    that he planned to attack Nanbara Connection while the Combattler team was

    away but this is better, he'll kill them. The three mech split up to comb the

    area. Keiji finds one and can't believe that it's this powerful but Dancougar

    and Combattler V helps him out finishing the battle.

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    Hyouma noted that the Dancougar team did well against the Magma Beast and

    Shinobu says that this is the result if the higher up lets them out onto the

    front line. Masato and Juuzou says that Shinobu and Hyouma's piloting style

    could use work since the ride along like them when combined always get a

    rough ride when those two pilot only to be told to shut up by Shinobu and

    Hyouma. "Crap, NOW they get along" muttered Juuzo and Masato.

    At the Campbell flying base, Janella punishes Dangel for his failure and

    talks about Earth's connection with Protoculture that ruled this part of the

    galaxy 50 million years ago. Oleanna was sent to Earth to determine the link

    but it got it's butt kicked by Combattler V which is why they are here now.

    She believe that Earth is special what with the dome in Tokyo that even

    Campbellian science couldn't crack, the existence of Youma, that ship on A3

    island, etc so there must be a link to Protoculture here since it's too much

    to be coincidence. They must find the link since it will mean great power for


    Later at Nanbara Connection, Yotsuya welcomes Hatsuki and the people of A3

    and Hyouma noted that they could have been at Dannar Base by now instead of

    here if not for the Campbell and Yotsuya ask if he have problems with this

    place. Hyouma says that he doesn't, this place is like home to him andYotsuya tells Hyouma that if he thinks that this place is like a home to him,

    then he'd better get moving and serve up some refreshment. Hyouma is sent

    packing to bring in some coffee.

    Keiji is silent and ask to take a walk alone after hearing about home and

    note that he should just forget about it, he'll get to meet Sawatori Gou, the

    big hero from the War of the Giant tomorrow.

    Hatsuki talks with Yotsuya and Yotsuya note that Habakiri is DEFINITELY that

    thing from Dr. Soga.

    Episode 4

    At Dannar Base, Keiji is excited and nervous about meeting Sawatori Gou and

    Hyouma says that he knows how that feels since he was pretty much a nervous

    wreck HIS first time. Juuzou says that while Gou might have been something

    five years ago, he's now just a middle aged uncle. Hyouma tells Juuzou to

    take that back since he was there five years ago to witness Gou's battle

    during the War of the Giant. Hyouma starts the story saying that his

    orphanage was destroyed by Mimetic Beast and he was staring one of them in

    the eye almost ready to die when Godannar arrived to beat it saving him from

    certain death. Since then he's always hold Gou as an Aniki, the one ideal

    he's striving to be.

    At the grave of Milla Ackerman, Sawatori Gou has come to pay his respect for

    his former partner and lover saying that it took him five long years to

    forgive himself and to finally fulfill a promise as he say to the Father ofthe Church.

    At the Church, Shinobu noted that they forgot that Gou was getting married

    and Sarah note that the bride really looks pretty. Shinobu jibed Sarah "What,

    Sarah, from what you said, it's as if you were a girl" Sarah snapped back "I

    AM a girl!!" Keiji note that this man is Sawatori Gou, the hero of the War of

    the Giant five years ago.

    During the ceremony where Aoi Anna and Sawatori Gou is about to exchange

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    wedding vows, Gou's phone rang and he tells the other person that he's in the

    middle of something important but then changed his tune saying that he'll be

    right there and tells Anna sorry. Anna is of course peeved, he's supposed to

    be saying "I do take this woman...etc etc etc" since she's already said her

    part. Gou says that he's sorry and he'll be right back, just wait and he

    dashes out. Anna's mom, Dr. Kiriko Aoi tells Anna to understand since her

    husband to be is a robot pilot and her mother is his boss. After her mom

    leaves, Anna note that she understands but she's not the type of girl to sit

    by idly while her husband goes out to fight and begins to follow them.

    Meanwhile Shinobu and the others also get called into action. It appears

    Mimetic Beasts have reemerged after a long period of dormancy. G- Gunner from

    Dannar Base has already deployed to engage them and the others are expected

    to follow. Valentina suddenly relay new information, it seems that Mimetic

    Beast have also popped up near the Science Fortress and Great Mazinger have

    deployed to stop them but what's worse is that Mikene Sentoujuu have also

    used this opportunity to attack also. Kouji and Mazinger Z who were enrouted

    to Dannar Base have already changed course to aid Great Mazinger but they'll

    need more backup.

    Shinobu note that one of them will have to go to the Science Fortress whilethe other two go help G Gunner along with Godannar.

    At the Science Fortress, Kouji arrives to help Tetsuya, he recognized Tetsuya

    even though they've only briefly met after he defeated Dr. Hell and the

    Mikene's initial assault happened (i.e. the Mazinger Z vs Ankoku Daishogun

    movie) Tetsuya note that Kouji was called to A3 after that battle while

    Mazinger Z was repaired and strengthened. A3 forces (Dancougar) arrived and

    the trio moves out to defeat Mimetic Beasts. Tetsuya wonders where the

    reported Sentoujuus are and suddenly realized that they were in hiding

    waiting for the battle with the Mimetic beast to lure the trio elsewhere

    while they attack the Fortress. Tetsuya and the others hurried back to defeat

    the Sentoujuu.

    Afterward, Dr. Kabuto thanks Tetsuya and Mazinger Z for their work and

    Tetsuya asked if Dr. Kabuto doesn't have anything else to say towards his son

    thus revealing Dr.Kabuto's identity to Kouji who was oblivious to it.

    Meanwhile, G- Gunner piloted by Shizuru and Kooji Tetsuya is being

    overwhelmed by Mimetic beasts but Shizuru tells Kooji that the amounts of

    Mimetics aren't that huge and that they can hang on before reinforcement


    Godannar along with Combattler V and Habakiri arrives to help them. Keiji

    note that this is Godannar, Sawatori Gou's robot that defeated the Mimetic

    and ended the war five years ago.

    The battle begins and during the midst of the battle, Dr.Aoi note thatsomeone is in the old Dannar Base trying to activate the sealed Neo Okusa. It

    is Anna of course, and Dr.Aoi decides to send her out after a bit of

    consideration. Gou, of course, is hysterical and tells her to run away even

    though Anna says she's here to help. He doesn't want to lose anyone special

    to him again. Anna says that she means it when they exchanged wedding vows to

    be there for each other whether in sickness or health (yadda yadda yadda) Of

    course, this makes the girls at Dannar Base and Shizuru quite shocked since

    Gou kept it a secret. Dr. Aoi says that while it's a bit unexpected, she

    wants to introduce them to her daughter, Aoi Anna or Mrs. Sawatori Anna to be

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    Anna then points out to him that other people are going to die, people with

    their loved one too if they don't stop the Mimetic, that's what this robot is

    for. Gou then cursed "Blast it all" and decides to concentrate on defeating

    the Mimetic. Dr. Aoi then tells the two to combine to Godannar Twin Drive to

    defeat the last one and Gou isn't exactly thrilled about that either but does

    so. Turning into that form increases Godannar's power and ended the battle


    Afterward at Dannar Base, Ryou says that he didn't expect to see Tetsuya here

    and Tetsuya says that he came here to greet Gou and leave the reunion between

    father and son alone. Hyouma note that that's something that they'll never

    have and Tetsuya agrees saying that orphans like the three of them don't have

    parents. Ryou then says that Keiji is like them, he lost them and got that

    scar of his. Keiji is surprised that Ryou knows about his past and Ryou says

    that it only takes a little bit of searching to know. Hyouma says that that

    makes them blood brothers. Tetsuya note that Gou has finally regained his

    vigor, five years was too long for him to finally regain himself. Hyouma says

    that they should understand what Gou went through. Keiji is a little bit

    perplexed and Tetsuya says that Gou lost the one he loved most in the warfive years ago.

    Gou is at this moment however being teased mercilessly with his cute little

    nickname Gouchin by mechanics and operators alike, especially by the females.

    Tetsuya chuckle a bit at Gou's teasing and Gou tells Tetsuya "Hey Tetsuya, as

    someone who's been in this game longer than you, let me give you a little bit

    of advice.... DON'T get married" to which comes an immediate reply "I HEARD

    that" from Anna landing Gou in more hot water.

    Dr. Aoi then greets Hatsuki "How's it going Kou chin" which raise a few

    eyebrow from the Dancougar team and Hatsuki says "Aoi-kun, would you stop

    with the nickname, I have subordinates with me" Dr. Aoi then tease that since

    Hatsuki sounds exactly like her hubby, she always got them mixed when they

    were in the room together back in the old days. (It's a wonder Kouji didn't

    get teased like this also) Hatsuki then asks if Dr. Aoi has seen the Habakiri

    yet and she says that it's the engine isn't it?

    The chief engineer whose name I can't remember but we'll call him Pops

    (Oyatsu san) says that he didn't think that A3 would bring in something like

    this. Pops says that he was a young mechanic back then but he definitely

    remembered the main rival to their Plasma drive series. Hyouma and Shinobu

    ask if Pops, Hatsuki and the others can make it clear to them.

    Hatsuki then says that he'll explain, 9 years ago, after Macross has landed,

    the Federation was in splinter with every country wanting to get their hands

    on alien technology and know-how that other country might have gotten or

    understood from Macross. This lead to A3's foundation but that's anotherstory. During that time, Hatsuki and the others found evidence of Mimetic

    Beast's existence and try to alert the Feds to their danger but the Feds

    underestimate the Mimetic Beasts. Hatsuki says that they tried and tried

    again and also decide to find a way to counteract this threat, the creation

    of machines powerful enough to take them on, the Super Robots.

    Hatsuki recall that at time, Dr. Kabuto Juuzou had already begun development

    of Mazinger Z's prototype and Dr. Saotome had already made breakthrough in

    the discovery of Getter Ray and Dr. Nanbara already had the plans for the

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    Battle Machine drawn out.

    However none of those projects were capable of mass production either because

    of problem with the energy source or it was too cost inefficient, production

    inefficient, maintenance inefficient, etc. They need a huge amount of cheap,

    easily produced and maintained Specials to fight a worldwide war with the

    Mimetic. Shinobu note that he's beginning to get the gist of it, this lead to

    a competition between scientists. Kosuke note that it's hard to see the Feds

    allowing this what with the Specials law today.

    Hatsuki continues that the breakthrough came with Dr. Aoi's Plasma Drive

    series that fits all categories of MPing which makes Anna quite surprised but

    Gou then said "Why so surprised, you should know best what your mom can do"

    to which Dr. Aoi then retorted a bit peeved "Are you implying something, son-

    in law"

    Hatsuki continues that one contender for MPing was Dr. Aoi's Plasma Drive

    Series to which Godannar and Neo Okusa belongs to. The other one was Dr.

    Soga's Nemesis Series with its Celestial Reactor to which Habakiri might

    belong to.

    Pops then says that the problem with the Nemesis Series was that they don't

    know about its creation spec at all aside from the fact that it input pilot's

    brainwave & electric pulse to create enormous energy. If it isn't using Over

    Technology, the man who built this was a genius. The problem with the Nemesis

    Series was that of reliability, it was hard to produce and maintained so Dr.

    Aoi's Plasma Drive Series was chosen though most of it was destroyed in the

    war five years ago. Pops continue that as mechanic, they don't like putting

    an unknown thing like that Celestial Reactor in a machine for pilots to pilot

    so that was another strike against it.

    Dr. Aoi then says that it's not confirmed that Habakiri is a Nemesis series

    or not but Kagemaru then pops out of the cockpit saying that it definitely


    Dr. Aoi then introduces everyone to the Sub Commander of Dannar Base who was

    also a test pilot during the competition.

    Kagemaru says that Habakiri definitely has the Celestial Reactor in it since

    just by sitting in it he can feel as if his soul was being drained away.

    Keiji says that he felt like that at first when he piloted Habakiri but

    afterward it feels as if he's become one with the machine. Dr. Aoi says that

    the last reason the Nemesis Series wasn't chosen was because of its effect on

    the pilot, the pilot who first piloted Habakiri against the Dancougar

    couldn't stand it and died. Shinobu apologize to Hatsuki saying that Hatsuki

    was right to be worried about using the Habakiri and wanting Keiji off it.

    Keiji is told to immediately report to Hatsuki and the other if any problem

    happens to him because of the Habakiri.

    Later in the midst of the night, Dr. Aoi and Professor Yotsuya then tells

    Hatsuki to come clean with the REAL problem he's got with the Habakiri now

    that they've quiet the pilots with background information. Hatsuki says that

    he definitely can't fool them and he isn't planning to. What's REALLY

    worrying him is that if Habakiri is a Nemesis, why did Dr. Soga built it NOW?

    Dr. Aoi noted that it's probably to fulfill his vision and to get revenge on

    them, the scientists who rejected his project and vision. Professor Yotsuya

    then added that another problem is how Dr. Soga could have built all this

    himself, where did he get the funding to do so.

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    Dr. Aoi note that this needs further investigation and Hatsuki note that the

    last problem is Keiji, the last pilot went berserk attacking A3 and this

    MIGHT happen to Keiji. IF it ever does, they'll be forced to kill him under

    the Specials law since a rampaging Specials can cause mass destruction.

    On the beach near Dannar Base, Keiji is alone and Valentina walks up beside

    him asking why he's still up since a pilot has to keep themselves in the best

    condition. Valentina then sneeze and then note that Keiji laughed. She tells

    him not to tell anyone. Keiji notes that this is the first time that they've

    talked informally and Valentina agrees noting that in the midst of battle,

    she has to relay important informations.

    Keiji then blurts out that he doesn't have a family, it's not rare with the

    condition of the world today with the MU, the Macross, the One Year war, etc.

    Lots of family are broken up and lots of children are orphaned, billions of

    them. He's been trying to run away from that fact, he doesn't even remember

    his family's faces anymore to shut away the pain but he finally realized that

    after meeting everyone at A3. Aoi Hyouma, Tsurugi Tetsuya and even Sawatori

    Gou lost their family and loved one but rised above their pain.

    Valentina then say "Wow, even the Scarface Kid of Class 42 of the Military

    School (whatever it is) is worry about this thing" and Keiji then apologize

    saying that he didn't mean to dump it out on her, it just came out but

    Valentina says that it's ok since support staff like her should also help

    pilot with their problems. Keiji then wonders "Wait, how did you knew my

    class number?" and Valentina replies with a sly "I wonder how?" and walks

    away with Keiji noting that it must be like Ryou who did a bit of digging on


    Episode 5

    The remains of Junius 7 is being sent towards Earth by an unknown 3rd party

    and the results will be probably like a meteor strike. The Minerva is the

    only ZAFT ship aside from Yzak's troop that is close enough to stop this from


    Meanwhile at Dannar Base, the team learns of this and prepares to sortie into

    space to deal with it, except for Godannar that can't operate in space of

    course. Gou ask why they only have Jet Boy and not Rocket Boy and Dr. Aoi

    says that even with Rocket Boy, the Dannar and Okusa won't work in space and

    Anna says that she thought their robot could go anywhere like the others and

    so does Kooji and Dr. Aoi says "You two, read the manual, next time"

    Habakiri also can not go since they don't know yet whether it can operate in

    space or not and this is Keiji's first time in space so they won't have time

    to babysit him. Shinobu tries to cheer Keiji up by saying that they'll becounting on Keiji and the Dannar team if anything big happen while they're in


    To bolster their force, the A3 team calls on the Getter Team which can go

    into space under its own power. They'll help the shuttle launch and reach the

    destination properly. The rest of the team has to take a HLV and split into

    their component unit like the Battle Machine and the individual Dancougar

    mech. Mazinger Z had to take the Scrander off and Kouji note that Great which

    can fold it's own wing in is quite advantageous.

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    While the team is ready to go, they can't launch thanks to the wonderful

    world of red tape. An official order to deploy must be made either by the

    Plant or by the Feds. Neither side is officially tackling this problem yet.

    Dr Saotome tells the Getter team to be patient and to follow the laws but

    Ryouma says that there are exceptions to the Law and Dr. Saotome says that

    Specials can deploy to combat alien threat that they have been cleared to

    fight, for example, Dannar Base can deploy their mech to combat Mimetics any

    where in the world while the same goes for Combattler V against the Campbell

    or Great Mazinger against the Mikene, otherwise they must wait from orders

    from A3 to deploy. Hayato says that there are also cases where they can

    deploy to prevent and contain natural threats to humanity like this one.

    Dr. Saotome says that even so, they must cooperate with the side tackling

    this problem and wait for their official order to deploy before they can

    intervene so they're on standby. This of course doesn't exactly thrill our


    The call for launch finally comes from the Plant and Dr. Aoi note that ZAFT

    seems a little too prepared for this incident and that they seem to berisking a lot by making the first move against Junius 7 since the political

    ramification will be big.

    With the official order to deploy, the HLV launch along with the three Get

    Machines. "Change Dragon... SWITCH ON!!" Ryouma shouted as he forms Getter

    Dragon and the Dragon then grabs the HLV and flies off together into space.

    Out near Junius 7, Talia greets the team and informs them of the situation.

    Yzak and Dearka have set up drilling machines (or something) to break up

    Junius 7 to be destroyed since they can't seem to change its course. The

    Specials are to destroy the small chunks that are headed towards Earth but

    suddenly Meilene report that there are enemy troops attacking the drilling

    machine. Talia orders her MS troops to deploy to stop them and the Getter

    team says that they'll tag along as well, just in case. Meanwhile the others

    will be waiting to destroy the chunks that will head towards Earth with their

    super attacks.

    On Junius 7, Shin Asuka, Rey, Luna Maria Hawke and Athrun deploys in their

    Zaku and Gundam. Shin is pretty peeved that Athrun tagged along though Rey

    reminds him that they need all the help they can get. Getter Dragon then

    lands next to them and judging from the fact that the Impulse Gundam is

    barely as tall as the Getter Dragon's leg section, Shin is flabbergasted at

    the size of Getter Dragon. "How can they pilot something that SIZE" he


    The 3rd party is revealed, they are Coordinators that shares the late Patrick

    Zala's view against Naturals which of course hits home for Athrun, they

    attack the drills and it's up to Shin and the others to fend them off. Amidstall this, Neo's forces, the Phantom Pain which has stolen three new Gundams

    from ZAFT decides to attack also but they are repelled by Shin and the Getter

    Team. (Thus concludes the ONLY good deed done by Shin Asuka, Luna Maria Hawke

    for your side until stage 36)

    However as expected, the drills malfunctioned and while Talia, the Minerva's

    captain is starting to panic, the Getter team noted "It's a good thing we

    plan for this" and tells Talia to leave it to them "Change Lyger... SWITCH

    ON!!" Hayato shouted.

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    Getter Lyger then proceeds to drill down into Junius 7 and does the work of

    all the drilling machine within minutes giving Talia chills as she could only

    says "THIS?....THIS is the power of a SUPER robot?"

    Near the Earth's atmosphere, Dancougar and the rest are on demolition duty.

    Masato and Sarah note that there's one extremely big chunk headed towards

    Earth but it's too far from the rest of the chunks. If they go to destroy it,

    then the other chunks will hit Earth. Talia says that the Minerva will target

    that chunk and will leave the rest to the Super Robots. The Minerva will have

    to do reentry to Earth since they will be too close to Earth after destroying

    the chunk and Talia wishes the Super Robot the best of luck.

    The third party arrive to try and interfere but a mysterious Gundam (the Wing

    Zero Custom) arrives to fight them and tells the A3 team to concentrate on

    demolishing the Junius 7 pieces.

    After the work is done, the Wing Zero disappears and the team is ready to go


    At Saotome Lab, Professor Saotome is watching the news and tells Michelle

    that Ryouma and the others did it however it seems that there's more bad newsthan good news. It seems that the news then segue into an anti Coordinator

    propaganda inciting people blaming the Junius 7 drop on ZAFT and all

    Coordinator showing the third party using ZAFT MS to facilitate this attack

    Professor Saotome is disheartened at this saying that no matter how much

    enemy of mankind like the Dinosaur Empire and the Hyakki that they defeat,

    humanity always seems to be keen on destroying itself. He really felt that

    what Ryouma and the others risked their lives for seems to be in vain.

    Michelle cheers him up saying that Ryouma and the others protected them and

    to not let this discourage him from doing what's right. Professor Saotome

    then says that she's right and that he will continue his research into Getter

    ray for humanity.

    At the Minerva, Cagalli is congratulating Athrun for a job well done and all

    turns out for the best but Shin then goes postal on her saying that it's a

    serious setback for Plant/ Coordinators since the Naturals will use it as an

    excuse to declare war again on their kind. (Jeez, Shin, why don't you have a

    foaming out along with blood vane in your eyes to complete your speech, it'd

    look MUCH more natural than the in game portrait you were given for this


    Episode 6

    Dr. Aoi is quite surprised that "Kouchin" is relaxing and listening to

    classical music and Hatsuki says that it's all he can do right now. The A3

    team has been enlisted into TERRA's Operation Overload which is all underTERRA's supervision. TERRA is not in the mood to share information at all

    about this operation other than to have the Super Robots on standby in case

    of emergency. A girl named Quon drops by and asks to listen to the classical

    music Hatsuki is listening to saying that it has the color of battle and

    Hatsuki and Dr.Aoi wonders who she is.

    Meanwhile in what is Tokyo, Ayato and his friend, Mamoru and Asahina is

    walking down the street enjoying life. An unidentified plane crashes near

    them and Ayato says that he'll go get help. He saw someone who he remembered

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    is Mishima Reika, his classmate and one thing led to another and before long,

    two black suits are asking Ayato to come with them. These agents are attacked

    by a woman who calls herself Haruka and they bleed blue blood. Haruka says

    that she will show Ayato the truth of the world that he believes he lives in.

    Outside Tokyo Jupiter, Kouji note that it really IS a grand assembly of Super

    Robots and Tetsuya agree that to have all eight of them together which is

    pretty much all the Super Robots the world has, assembled for a mission is

    near impossible thanks to the Special Law. The talk then turns to Tokyo

    Jupiter which is the start of all of humanity's woe. It was here before most

    of them were born and the MU that resides within it once decimated the

    Federation causing many countries to secede from the Federation afterward

    seeing as to how powerless it was against the MU. This leads all these

    countries to begin wanting firepower to protect themselve against the MU

    which lead to battles trying to claim the Macross and the One Year War.

    Shinobu says that the MU might have been the catalyst for this but it's the

    bloodthirsty and petty human that continued the strife against their own


    Hyouma wonders what is inside the dome and whether the people of Tokyo are

    still alive in there and Keiji says that the people in Tokyo have relativeselsewhere who lost contacts with them and these 15 years of uncertainty must

    be like Hell for both sides which are the reason why he won't forgive the MU.

    Hyouma agrees that it is bad and he understands where Keiji is coming from.

    Inside Tokyo, Ayato and Haruka stumbles onto where the Raxephon egg is and

    Haruka is wondering why Ayato is talking like he saws someone named Reika.

    The Raxephon egg hatches and out pops Raxephon. In the midst of all this,

    Ayato merge with the Raxephon and saw his mom who got scratched and bleeds

    blue blood when the Raxephon is starting to break out of its confinement.

    Ayato's mom says that she has been waiting for so long for Ayato to awaken

    which confuse Ayato very much and she then see someone (Reika) on the

    Raxephon's shoulder and mutters "the Ishitori."

    Reika tells Raxephon "Sing Raxephon, sing your forbidden song until one day

    all will become one." A Dolem attacks firing a beam towards where Reika is

    and she disappear but that more or less ticks off Ayato and he gets extremely


    Meanwhile, Benkei note that it's been two days that they were assembled, he's

    done nothing but eat and sleep being on alert. Hyouma says that they have to

    wait for the advance team of jet squadron that entered Tokyo Jupiter to come

    back out before anything else can happen but Tetsuya says that the advance

    team might not be coming back or even if they do, they might bring unexpected

    visitor back with them, the Dolems that decimated the Federation. Ryouma says

    that that is why they were assembled. Hyouma says that in the 15 years since

    humanity's defeat, we've built Super Robots; the Dolem won't find it as easy

    as last time. Juuzo says that he wish he could be as carefree and air headedlike Hyouma. Daisaku suddenly tells everyone that he sees something escaping

    from the Dome.

    Elphie emerges from the Tokyo Jupiter effect and note that she's the only one

    left and what is that thing coming out behind her. It is the Raxephon along

    with a fleet of Dolem behind it. Shinobu shouted "Crap, they really are

    coming out to play" The team quickly prep their mech ready to battle but

    Valentina suddenly belays an order telling them to protect the Raxephon.

    Shinobu note that they're protecting an unknown for an unknown cause against

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    the enemies that made mincemeat out of humanity last time, this should be


    Gou says that he and Anna will handle the Dolems near the ground but the

    flight capable members will be the main attack force.

    The battle begins and the team makes contact with Ayato who remembers nothing

    after getting angry against the Dolem but decides to start fighting them as

    well along with the other Super Robots. Ryouma note that these are the

    rumoured Dolem and Hayato tells him to be careful of their power. Shinobu

    says that he can see how the Feds got decimated 15 years ago by them but

    Hyouma notes that they're powerful but not THAT powerful that their Super

    Robots can't handle. A blue Dolem comes out and Kouji note that this one is

    tougher than all the others but the team combine forces and manage to drive

    it off.

    However suddenly a dimensional rift begins to open and sucks the eight Super

    Robots in leaving behind a shocked Valentina who screams for them to answer


    Back at Tokyo Jupiter, Ayato's mom is being briefed by her two general, Miwa

    and the Glass guy who shares Yazan's VA on the situation and she notes thatAyato has finally gone out to see the world but that he, the Raxephon and

    Ishitori will one day return here of his own free will. He can't change

    what's in his blood. When glass guy objects, Ayato's mom tells him to be

    silent or she'll kill him.

    Elsewhere, Babem is being briefed by Isshiki (who hates the letter D, and

    definitely does not want to be called D-Boy which is good since the real D-

    Boy is way cooler than he is). He is told of the Operation's success and the

    loss of the eight Specials. Babem note that they manage to put the extra time

    thanks to the time dilution that results from Tokyo Jupiter to good use.

    About the eight loss Specials, Babem note that they will never return if they

    get suck into the dimension that Muge or Yami no Teioh rules over but just

    maybe if they went to "that" place, they might have a chance. Babem tells

    Isshiki to head to TERRA, his position and duty have been confirmed by


    Meanwhile, Haruka is talking to Souichi Yakumo, the nice sub commander about

    the loss of the eight Specials. Hatsuki and Dr. Aoi have already departed to

    see if they can find a way to recover them and Haruka note that this totally

    changes the power balance of the world. One Special is powerful enough but

    all eight of them being gone at once changes thing drastically. The Feds will

    definitely make a move against A3 to consolidate the Macross. Ayato wakes up

    and Haruka introduces herself and the reality of the world to him.

    Elvy comes up to Haruka and ask her if she knew that this mission was all for

    recovering this boy and this thing. Haruka remains silent and Elvy is furioussince her teammates died for this not to mention the eight Specials that are

    lost thanks to this plan. Haruka tries to change the conversation saying that

    they should have Chinese tonight which earns her a slap (or a punch) from


    Episode 7

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    At the Big Shell Base, Akira and Mari are walking on the beach and Mari

    pesters Akira about taking her on a date since the Youma Empire was


    Akira counters that he only defeated their commander, Prince Jakin. The Youma

    Emperor Barao is still left. Jinguchi (nicknamed Mister) and the doc (kid

    with glass) talks about the Valkyries flying over head from the Promedius

    ocean carrier and that they're probably doing their routine inspection flight

    giving people some confidence since Japan has largely been targeted by alien

    invaders and more in the past 10 years. The Doc says that Bluecar can match

    their speed and maneuverability for Jinguchi's information and Jinguchi note

    that he's more interested in the pilot.

    Meanwhile inside the base, Sally Po and Noin have arrived to meet with Dr.

    Hibiki and Mari's father. When asked if the rumor is true, Sally note that

    the news is spreading fast no matter how hard they tried to contain it and

    confirms the eight Specials' disappearance. Already the war between Naturals

    and Coordinators have flared up again and the anti war colonies are being

    suppressed by the Titans and the Feds are beginning to prepare to attack A3

    Island and Orb in order to force their compliance and take their technology

    which is why Sally and Noin are here to day, they need Raideen's help.

    Akira meets with Jinguchi and the doc who says they have inspected Raideen

    and that there's no problem with it and that they're being called back to


    Back at the base, Akira meets with Sally and the Preventer team and Akira

    learns of everyone's disappearance. Akira believes that everyone is still

    alive and that they will be back but even if Raideen is the only one left to

    defend the Earth, then he will fight and give it his all.

    Sally apologize to Akira and the Goplander team for not helping Raideen much

    against the Youma Empire in the past and are now asking for his help but

    they're just not prepared against the occult forces that the Youma are using.

    Mister says that that's fine, they're Youma specialist anyway. Sally asks

    again for Akira and Raideen's help to protect A3 Island.

    At the Youma Empire, Barao is revived along with the Kyouretsu Kyoudai

    (Sibling) and Barao assigns them the task of defeating Raideen. However

    there's no real cooperation since the two fights each other for the right and

    honor to defeat Raideen.

    Youma mechs are spotted and reported to the Big Shell base and Raideen

    deploys along with the Goplander to stop it. This time they are accompany by

    A3's Skull Squadron from the Promedius ocean carrier. Roy Fokker note that

    it's the first real dog fight against monsters this powerful in two years and

    when asked by Hikaru if Folker had fought the Youma before, Fokker says that

    the Youma weren't active two years ago and he'll tell Hikaru sometime. Folker

    then recognize Jinguchi but says they'll talk later.

    The Skull Squadron's mission is to support Raideen against the Youma mechs.

    The Valkyries CANNOT fight nor defeat a Youma mech one on one easily so they

    must draw the attention of the Youma mechs to prevent them from ganging up on

    Raideen giving Raideen time to deal with each one of them individually.

    The battle begins and after Raideen downs a Youma mech, Hikaru can't believe

    in Raideen's enormous power. However the Kyouretsu big brother arrives and

    gives Raideen a beating even with the Skull Squadron's interference but

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    suddenly Mutron energy flows out from Raideen giving Raideen the power to

    retaliate and defeat the Kyouretsu big brother's Youma mech.

    The battle is over and as the team is flying home, Akira note that that power

    is definitely Mutron which is limitless energy from space. Hikaru says that

    he realize now how severe the situation is having witnessed the playing field

    level the Super Robots are battling on firsthand, with the disappearance of

    eight of them, the world is in upheaval and Folker is glad Hikaru understood.

    Fokker talks to Jinguchi and says that Jinguchi's skill is still just as


    how long has he been working at the Big Shell and Jinguchi says that it's

    been half a year since he finally found a place to call home. Jinguchi then

    says that Folker is still good even when he's in the army and he's now got

    subordinates to lead.

    Folker then says "Oh yes I forgot, let me introduce you to Hikaru, Ichijou

    Hikaru." Everyone then learns that Roy and Jinguchi are taught by Hikaru's

    dad on how to fly. Kagisaki also wants to pilot a Super Robot from what he

    saw of Raideen's prowess today saying "They're big, they're strong, what'snot to like" and he even mention that Keiji got himself a Super Robot to

    pilot. Fokker's answer to this is "Ok, I'll see to it that you get transfer

    to piloting a BIG plump transport ship" which shuts Kagisaki up. The Skull

    squadron says that they'll head back to Promedius now and that they'll all

    meet up again soon at A3 island to defend it.

    Later at the Big Shell base, Dr. Hibiki reveals that his wife or Akira's mom

    is probably still alive. Her real identity is Lemuria from the Mu continent

    which while similar sounding to the MU, isn't one of them. Akira then notes

    that he is part Lemurian then. Dr. Hibiki believes that it's too coincidental

    that he met her 15 years ago when the MU first arrived and she gave birth to

    Akira. He thinks that the key to finding her is in Tibet from the Lemurian

    tablet they discovered which pointed to that country and Sally decides to

    accompany him telling Noin that she's already contacted two new agents to

    help defend A3 island, both of them Noin knows very well.

    Episode 8

    Keiji wakes up to find himself in another place entirely, he doesn't feel too

    well and wonders if something's wrong with him. Kouji is glad that Keiji's

    awake but they don't know where they are. Masato think they might be inside

    Tokyo Jupiter but he doubted it. Anna then says that maybe they're on Mars

    but Gou says that with the breathable atmosphere, that's impossible.

    Keiji then note that something is moving, it's like gigantic bugs fighting

    each other. The bugs or Aura Battler Dunbine piloted by Shou Zama is fighting

    enemy Aura Battlers and Charm tells Shou to look at that but Shou shoutedthat he's busy right now, it's taking all his concentration to defend himself

    what with another person being in the Dunbine's cockpit even though it's

    meant for one person.

    The other person is named Shiela and she asked if this is normal for Shou and

    Shou says that ever since he came to Byston Well, it's been like this all the

    time. Sheila then secretly notes that this battle will determine if Shou Zama

    is truly meant to be a Seisenshi.

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    After another clash sends Dunbine backward and before the AB troops can

    follow up, the towering foot of Combattler V steps in to stand by Dunbine.

    Shou is pretty much shocked and Charm says "I told you to look" The thing you

    just heard next is the AB troops' jaw hitting the floor and when Great

    Mazinger and Getter G arrives by Combattler V's side next, the AB troops are

    pretty much scared spitless and decides to run away. Ryouma and Tetsuya

    berates Hyouma for jumping in to a situation they don't understand but Hyouma

    says that from the looks of it, those guys were bad guys ganging up on the

    good guy so it's only right to step in.

    Shou says that he recognized these Specials from TV and Masato is surprised

    that Shou is from Japan like them. Shou explains about Byston Well to them

    and says that he doesn't know how he got inside this red sphere since he was

    fighting Bishott's troop and got sucked in here and rescued Sheila who is

    pursued by Drake's forces.

    Sheila says that this is a natural occurrence in Byston Well that traps them

    in here but she wants to ask a question first, does Shou truly wants to save

    Byston Well or is he like the others just fighting for the joy of fighting.

    Shou says that he wants to and Sheila then asks why hasn't he defeat Bishot,

    Drake and Shot. Shou says that he's only one man but Shiela says that a trueSeisenshi would not let that deter him. When asked who Sheila is, Sheila says

    that she is Queen of the Country Na. It isn't like she tries to conceal it

    but they never asked before.

    Charm wonders if these people are summoned by the Aura Road and when asked

    what it is, Shou says that it'll take a while to explain. Meanwhile, the

    enemies AB have regrouped and told Todd about the Super Robots. Todd knows

    about them but decides to attack anyway and note that this information will

    be worth a lot to Shott.

    Back at where our heroes are, the girls (Sarah, Chizuru and Anna) are playing

    with Charm, pretty much asking if Charm wants a Barbie doll house and can

    they dress her up and all which peeved Charm up a lot and she says that she's

    not a doll. The guys note that those three are having their own fun and

    returns to talk about the Aura Road, but first they have to find a way out of

    here before finding a way back home to the upper world. Queen Sheila is asked

    about a way out and she wants to ask Gou and the others a question first. The

    upperworlder Shott Weapon came and created Aura Battler which threw Byston

    Well into turmoil and she wonders if their appearance and the power they

    bring will throw Byston Well into even more turmoil, do they truly only want

    to return home?

    Gou says that if they can help with something, they'll help but they have

    responsibilities back home and those that need their help and they must

    return home as quickly as they can. Queen Sheila then says that she

    understands them but before she can tell them of the way out, Charm comes in

    shouting that the enemies AB are back.

    Shou tells the others to stay here and he'll handle them but the team says

    that they'll fight too; it's not like them to stand by and watch their friend

    fight on their behalf. Queen Sheila then says that the way out of this sphere

    is to locate a point that can be stabilized by Aura power to open an exit but

    it'll only last for a while, enough for one of the Super robot to exit which

    is why they have to open several exit and Shou must focus on keeping the exit

    open. Shou note that means that this'll leave him defenseless and Kouji and

    the others says that they'll take care of the enemies AB.

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    The exodus begins and Keiji note that the AB may be small but they pack

    quite a punch. Shou says that the Aura Battler's power come from the pilot's

    aura power which means that their power will vary from pilot to pilot and to

    not underestimate them. In the midst of battle, Keiji begins to have

    headaches and Shinobu asks Keiji what's wrong and Keiji says that it's

    nothing. Todd appears to give Shou a hard time but gets a taste of Super

    Robot power and has to limp away. Shou manage to open enough exits for

    everyone to escape and Todd decides to use the last exit Shou open to also

    escape himself.

    Shou see Todd escaping and note that this isn't the time to fight him.

    Everyone note how beautiful Byston Well is but when they see that there is no

    sun, they realize that they truly are in a different place than the Earth

    they know. Keiji isn't feeling too good and more or less falls unconscious.

    Later, at night, everyone has decided to camp out until Keiji gets better.

    Anna and Hyouma are asked by Gou to gather firewood and Juuzou jokes that

    people from the Aoi family seems to be quite complacent to Gou and he gets a

    rebuttal from Anna (whether they're really related or not, I'm not sure.)

    Juuzou is then asked to get dinner and he thinks he'll hunt down a few gamesto roast.

    Gou note that Keiji's condition might be related to what Professor Hatsuki

    told them about the Habakiri and Kosuke note that they should get him to a

    doctor right away. Shou says that they do have a doctor at their hideaway

    even though she's not on the level of upper world but they can't move him

    right now.

    Kouji says that he's worried about Keiji but he's even more worried about the

    upper world's condition. With him and Tetsuya gone, who knows what the Mikene

    will be up to when they find out. Hyouma chimed in that the same goes for the

    Campbell. Hayato note that another enemy who'll definitely take advantage is

    the Earth Federation. They've always wanted the Macross and see A3's Specials

    team as interference and with them gone; they'll definitely make a move.

    Keiji awakens but is still in bad shape. He apologizes for giving them so

    much trouble but Ryouma tells him to rest up and that the best thing he can

    do right now is to rest and recover as much as he can for tomorrow and that

    being in top condition is part of being a pilot. Queen Sheila notes that the

    thing that did this to Keiji is probably his machine, while it isn't brimming

    with evil aura; it gives off a bad vibe that Charm doesn't like. However

    whether this power is used for good or evil is up to the pilot.

    Shou turns the talk as to how to get the eight home, without knowing what

    brought them here, the only way to send them back that they know of is with

    the Aura Road and that means using the E Ferario which isn't in Charm's class

    of power. The only three E Ferario are Nackle B who summoned Marbel but ismissing, Jacoba Anon who is the head Ferario but will definitely turn a blind

    ear to their plight and Silky Mao who is being held captive by Drake who is

    using her to summon Upperworlder to recruit into his army. Queen Sheila note

    that of all the three, Silky Mao is their only attainable E Ferario who might

    help and they must get these people home fast or the consequence will be dire

    for both Byston Well and the upper world. Shou tells Queen Sheila that after

    what happened today, he feels that he knows what to do which is defeat Drake

    for all of Byston Well. Queen Sheila then says that that determination is

    what makes him a true Seisenshi.

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    Episode 9

    Back on the upper world at Nirankanai, TERRA's headquarter. Haruka is talking

    with her commander about Ayato and he says that sooner or later, Ayato's

    blood will turn blue and that his Murian personality will override him. They

    must not allow him to become a blue blood Geisha and that they must get him

    to tune the world while he is still red blooded. Haruka then turns the

    subject to A3 and asks why TERRA has ignored A3's plight since it was at

    their request that A3 lent them the eight Specials that disappeared but

    Isshiki comes in saying with his head up high that it's none of their


    they disappeared on their own and that even without A3, none of the other

    organizations would dare touch TERRA since it is vital against MU.

    At A3 Island, at the hangar Raideen has docked and Akira is still hopeful

    that the eight are still alive. They then see G-Gunner, a Super Robot from

    Dannar Base also being shipped in. At the command center, Valentina wants to

    resign to take responsibility for the loss of the eight Supers but Hatsuki

    and Lady Une tells her that it's not her fault since none of them could have

    predicted this happening and she's still needed for her skills. Hatsuki andLady Une say that the eight will return, they're that type of people who

    always does the impossible. The Skull Squadron comes in and report that the

    Federation ships shows no sign of changing course, they'll be in position to

    attack soon. Hatsuki tells the Skull Squadron to go get a meal at the

    cafeteria before they deploy to ward off the Feds but before that Lady Une

    wants to introduce them and Noin to the new Preventer member.

    Noin and the others are shocked to see Zechs Marquise, the former Federation

    ace pilot who was legendary at the battle of Yakin Due but wasn't he supposed

    to have died afterward in a skirmish afterward. Zechs says that the way the

    world is headed he couldn't remain "dead" for long. Zechs greets Noin saying

    that it's been a while.

    At the cafeteria, Kajisaki tells Hikaru that the superidol, Rin Minmei who

    Hikaru is enamoured with has agree to come to A3 Island to help A3's public

    relation after the way the Feds are beginning to use propaganda to attack

    those against it which includes A3. Kajisaki also says that the people from

    Dannar Base are also here including the two really cute mechanics and the

    knockout known as Shizuru.

    Kajisaki tries to hit on Shizuru who ignores him and Kooji asks Shizuru if he

    should straighten Kajisaki out but Shizuru says to ignore his type and says

    that there's this boy she wants to meet. Said boy is Chang Wufei, one of the

    legendary five Gundam pilots who fought both ZAFT and the Feds in the battle

    of Yakin Due to stop the war.

    Shizuru asks Wufei his reason for fighting and Wufei asks that isn't she asoldier like him who could only find existence on the battlefield? Shizuru

    says that she's a warrior, there's a difference. Wufei says that in the past,

    he had lost to an opponent and had lost the will to fight and ride Nataku but

    in spite of that, weak people were being killed. This made him came to a

    realization; if he abandoned fighting abandon his responsibility, it would be

    as if he killed those weak people himself. He met a woman who showed him that

    the strong has to protect the weak which is why he is here, to fight for the


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    Shizuru note that that's an ideal much like the one she knows and Wufei says

    that that person is probably Sawatori Gou, he would like to spar with him

    once. Shizuru is right if she believes Gou and the other will return, they

    are strong and they will be back.

    After the meal, the last remaining force of A3 gathers, ready to repel the

    Federation. Valentina note that two objects are entering atmosphere and

    headed for their location. Shizuru think that it might be a missile attack

    and tells Kooji to shoot it down but Wufei tells her to wait, they're

    actually reinforcement. Gundam Deathscythe and Sandrock have arrived. Duo

    says "Sorry to keep you people waiting" to which Wufei retorted "We weren't

    waiting for you, you just barged in" "Geez, you haven't changed a bit" comes

    the reply from Duo.

    Zech tells Valentina to put these two's capability on par with the Altron

    Gundam and to adjust her plans for them. The plan of defending A3 island will

    be that the ship carrier will needs to be targeted and it's biggest firepower

    (the gun on it's front) dismantled so that it can't fire on A3 island. Those

    needed for the task are those who can fly like the Skull Squadron, Raideen

    and Zech's Tallgeese III. The land forces will concentrate on repelling

    invasion force intent on taking over Macross and consist of G-Gunner and theMS who can't fly. Hikaru ask to be part of the land forces and though

    Valentina objects, Folker teases Hikaru about being worried about his

    favourite idol Minmei but allows it saying they need more numbers on land


    The invasion begins and the Feds troops in their Windam shouted to attack the

    Valkyries since they're no match for MS but are forced to stop when

    confronted with Raideen. They shouted as they go down that they thought A3

    were out of Specials. The Phantom Pein's Gundam arrives to help the Feds with

    Sting and Aul(Spelling) taking part in this battle while Neo and Stella heads

    for land. However after a brief skirmish, Neo tells them to retreat saying

    that their main mission is to defeat the Minerva and that this mission was

    tacked on hastily for them and ill-prepared to boot.

    The Skull Squadron along with the others manages to disarm the ships and

    force them to retreat. Meanwhile the battle on land begins with the three

    Gundams taking out Titans MS and Windam. One Fed troop shouted "Gundam? A3

    has Gundam?"

    Quatre replies "It's not only the Feds and Plant that have Gundam."

    Misa contacts Hikaru telling him that he's supposed to be with the other

    Skull Squadron attacking the ships and to leave this to the land team but he

    says that he came here to help, he's already gotten Folker's permission to be

    here and won't comply with that order. Barely has he cut Misa off, he spots

    Minmei being in the vicinity of the fight and rushes in to ward off the

    enemies MS. Hikaru introduce himself to Minmei and says that this place is

    dangerous and for her to get inside the Macross quickly. He also let slipsthat he's a fan and Minmei is left quite in awe of Hikaru.

    Neo and Stella arrive and Duo note that the enemies have Gundam also, he'd

    better get serious. After a brief skirmish, Neo tells Stella to retreat since

    this isn't their main mission. The battle is over and Claudia comes to tell

    Valentina that she shouldn't be sad like this forever since when the eight

    gets home, they wouldn't want to see her in this state. Misa reprimands

    Hikaru for his disobedience and says that even though things worked out in

    the end, he'd better not pull this stunt again.

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    The rest of the Skull Squadron says that they heard Hikaru met Minmei and

    Folker and Kajisaki asks if he kissed her but Max says that someone like

    Hikaru probably won't which Hikaru says that he didn't do anything. Folker

    mutter "Geez and you call yourself a man?"

    Hikaru tries to turn the conversation and says that he's glad that war

    veteran ace like Folker and Zechs are here which made the battle easier and

    Folker says that everyone gathered here except them are aces. Max asks if

    that also means the Wing Boys and Folker note that the Preventer have really

    gathered up some pretty good firepower.

    Duo note that he thought he'd get to live the rest of his life as a junk man

    but Quatre says that it can't be helped, with the state of the world as it


    their powers are needed once again. Zechs asks where the other two are and

    Duo says that Trowa is supposedly touring the world with his circus and can't

    be contacted. Heero's location is unknown. Wufei says that he's probably in

    hiding somewhere and he'll pop out sooner or later.

    Episode 10

    Back in Byston Wells, Drake's force is headed towards the country of Rau. He

    will attack this country and force it to submit to him before they can help

    the resistance and if those Specials should come out and play, he'll see

    their power in action.Drake asks Shott if these Specials are really as

    powerful as Shott describes them to be and Shott says that one Special (Super

    Robot) can change the course of a battlefield all by it's lonesome but if

    they can get these Specials under their controls then there's nothing in

    Byston Well that can stop them.

    At the hideout, Keiji is doing much better thanks to Ele's healing. Everyone

    meets Ele and Marbel who is also from the upperworld. Shou note that Shott

    who creates the Aura Battler sees Byston Well as a Petri dish for him to use

    for his creation and that Drake wouldn't have the ambition to try and conquer

    Byston Well if Shott hadn't created Aura Battler to tempt him. Tetsuya note

    that Shott seems like Dr. Soga who their professors told them created

    Habakiri, a literal Mad Scientist in the vein of Dr.Hell.

    Advance recon forces tell the team that Drake's Weil Wisp is headed to the

    country of Rau where they're headed to rendezvous. Ryouma note that Drake

    probably foresaw Shou's group getting backup from Rau and decide to strike

    first and with Todd escaping last time, he's probably know of them and their

    Super Robots' existences which is why he's pulled out his biggest gun to use.

    Shou note that this might be a blessing in disguise since if most of Drake's

    main forces are concentrated on Rau, his castle will be left almost unguardedwhich means that this is the perfect chance to rescue Silky Mao. Shou says

    that he'll go rescue Silky alone since he's the only one who knows where

    Silky is kept but Marbel says that they can't just let Shou go at it alone

    without backup and while she'd like to go with him, they have no spare Aura

    Battler left for her to use. Keiji then staggers out of bed and says that

    he'll go with Shou as backup

    Hyouma agrees with Keiji despite the girls' protest but he says that sometime

    a man's got to do what he's set out to do even if he's half-dead. Shinobu

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    then decides to let Keiji do it but tells him that he'd better do a good job,

    half dead or not. Shou then says that in return for him going in to rescue

    Silky, he wants the Super Robots' help in holding Drake's attention and

    fending off his advance into Rau. Gou speaks for everyone saying that they

    promised Queen Shiela that they would take responsibility for the escalation

    of the strife in Byston Well that their and their machines' presence would


    Shou and Keiji arrive near Drake's castle, the plan is for Keiji to play

    bodyguard while Shou reach the tower that contains Silky and go out of

    Dunbine to grab her. However they are both found by Allen and Fei and have to

    fight them otherwise they can't get to Silky. Shou shouted that Allen is

    letting himself be used by Drake but Allen says that he is using Drake to

    survive in this world and Fei says that an out of work actor like him can be

    king here which is why he is supporting Drake. They don't last long against

    Dunbine and Habakiri. Shou locate the tower and gets out of Dunbine and

    Keiji shouted to the remaining Aura Battlers that he won't let them touch

    Dunbine and goes into a near berserker rage even though he is almost passed

    out downing AB left and right scaring the heck out of Drake's remaining

    troops who shouted to run from him and target the Dunbine instead but Keiji

    shouted "I won't LET you!!" and downs them. Silky is rescued and note thatJacoba Anon must have known that all this is transpiring which puzzles Charm.

    Shou makes it out with Silky and tells Keiji it's time they high tail it out

    of here and Keiji had to snap out of his rage and comply.

    Meanwhile, the remaining Super Robots are defending the line into the country

    against the Weil Wisp. Gou and the others note that the people have more or

    less retreated to safety but just as the Weil Wisp is spotted, Anna see that

    there are still SOME people who couldn't evacuate in time hiding in the fort

    on the ground. Anna tells everyone that she and Gou will defend these homes

    from Aura Battlers since they're stuck on the ground without Jetboys the

    others have to take out the Weil Wisp.

    The battle begins as the Black Knight and Jeril is defeated, the Black

    Knight note that Dunbine isn't here and it's no use being involved here

    without defeating Shou Zama and retreats. Jeril shouted that she'll remember

    them and make them regret crossing her one day and retreats. Drake's Weil

    Wisp takes a serious beating from the Super Robots though to be fair, it

    didn't outright get sunk right away so that's an accomplishment. Marbel then

    tells everyone to get out of the Weil Wisp's way and the team comply though

    they wonder why and the reason why is that the Goraon has appeared firing

    it's Aura Cannon almost hitting the Weil Wisp. The Weil Wisp is forced to

    retreat and Shou return with Silky Mao. Ele is silent about using the Goraon,

    she still doesn't like having to use it but war is coming to Byston Well

    while Hyouma is surprised at the ship and Kosuke is even more surprised that

    it's "people powered" by Aura power

    Silky says that she has known that this fate would await her ever since herpowers were used to summon upperworlder breaking many taboos in the process.

    Shou wonder what Silky is talking about when he and the Super Robot pilots

    are transported to meet Jacoba Anon face to face.

    Jacoba sentenced Silky Mao for her crime in helping instigate this unrest in

    Byston Well to become a lowly Mi Ferario for the next 500 years and Charm see

    Silky being enveloped and sent to be reborn (and she'll meet Shion in the

    next 500 years, I'd bet)

    Jacoba tells the Super Robots pilot cryptically that the world is afraid,

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    afraid of them and their power to destroy it. Once long long ago, the

    upperworlders once created a mechanical "voice" that once destroyed the


    She then decree that all roots of evil, the machines like Aura Battler will

    be expelled from Byston Well for Byston Well's sake.

    Shou begs for Jacoba to hear them out first since it is too harsh a judgement

    and that they didn't exactly come in here wanting to spread warfare but they

    were all dragged here. Marbel continues that it doesn't mean that they're

    blameless since the battle did spread with them at the front but they're

    asking for a little time to set things right in Byston Well and that if all

    Aura Battler were to be expelled to the upper world now, it would cause great

    strife there. They promise to end the war here in Byston Well.

    Jacoba asks if afterward they will destroy the Aura Battlers, Shou says that

    he promise and Jacoba says that she does owe them for getting Silky out so

    she will grant them a little time but they are setting about a difficult task

    of cleansing this world of war. Jacoba says that only the Aura Battler will

    be allowed to remain here for a little while longer but the Super Robots have

    to go before their presence brings about an even greater warfare and strife.

    Kouji is sad to leave Shou alone like this but Shou says that it's all right,

    he'll leave the peace of the upperworld to them while he and Marbel takes

    care of things here. Gou promise that they'll do their best about the

    upperworld. Keiji thanks Shou for all he's done and the eight Super Robots

    are then sent home. Jacoba then state that she has done as they asked and

    it's time they start living up to their promise.

    Later, Charm says that it was scary being face to face with Jacoba and see

    that Shou is silent. Marbel ask if he is having regret not returning to

    upperworld with Kouji and the others but Shou says that he isn't and what

    about Marbel. Marbel says that she doesn't regret it and ask Shou why he

    stayed and Shou says that the reason is obvious, he is a Seisenshi who is

    fighting for the peace of Byston Well now.

    The eight Super Robots are home, sensor confirms that they are near A3 Island

    and they see a setting sun (classic Super Robot) and know that they're home.

    Ryou note that they could get back to A3 island under their own power instead

    of radioing for transport but Kouji says that it's best to wait, this

    ambience and atmosphere needs to be cherished even though compared to Byston

    Well, the air is full of war. Chizuru and Gou note Byston Well was a

    magnificient place even though Shinobu note that upperworlder like them has

    tainted it with war. Chizuru wonder just how long their own fight will

    continue and Keiji note that it's like a never ending battle and starts to

    get a bit depressed but Hyouma then cheers Keiji up saying " Well,all of us

    aren't going to accept that this war is lost, we're all fighting for a better


    Episode 11

    Out in space, Luu Ru and her dad Rou Ru are working in A3's Cosmo Base

    watching out for Titans and Mimetic Beast's movement when suddenly the base

    is attacked.

    Back on A3 island, Kooji watch at the array of Super Robots in the hangar and

    note that it's an impressive display though he and Shizuru won't lose out to

    the others. Kooji is distracted by Hyouma's shouting "Hey Kouji" and he turns

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    to take a look and Hyouma continues "Pops want you to take a look at the

    Pilder." "Ok, which way is my Mazinger Z?" comes the reply from Kabuto Kouji.

    "Oh right, the OTHER Kooji" Kooji noted.

    "Tetsuya-san" Akira says which makes Kooji Tetsuya turns and has another look

    only to see Akira talking to Tsurugi Tetsuya asking him to go on patrol with

    him and the Goplander team.

    "That wasn't for me either..."Kooji note as Shizuru's voice calls out to him

    "Hey Kooji" and Kooji is thinking "It's probably for the other Kooji, they

    probably don't mean me, the newbie in this gathering." Shizuru then snaps

    him out of it and says that she has an important task for him and Kooji asks

    if it's really for him, Kooji Tetsuya. Shizuru says that it is of course, who

    else would she entrust this task to but him? This gets Kooji's hope up and

    Shizuru then flatly states "Here, go get Dr. Aoi's stuff, take the jeep, hop

    to it" and toss him the car key.

    Anna and Gou ask her mom why she is here and she grumbles "What, I can't BE

    here?" Gou then asks "What about Dannar Base?" and Dr. Aoi then says that

    Kagemaru is on duty and just for show whips up her communicator and contact

    Dannar Base. Kagemaru ask if anything is wrong and she says that nothing'swrong, she just contact him to make a point that's all which leaves Kagemaru

    quite speechless. Jokings aside, Dr. Aoi then says that she heard about Anna

    and Gou's honeymoon to another world and Gou says that he had to type up a

    mountain's worth of report on that one and Anna chimes in that when they got

    back, Valentina was crying while Keiji just wanted to collapse while Shizuru

    and Kooji took them all out for drinks just to celebrate. Dr. Aoi says that

    she's quite concerned about the Habakiri having run some test on Keiji's

    vital sign compared to Kagemaru after he sat in the Habakiri recently.

    Keiji is forced to remain in the sick ward by Valentina who says that Keiji
