SRC Constitution 2014


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  • 8/11/2019 SRC Constitution 2014







  • 8/11/2019 SRC Constitution 2014



    Contents Page

    Introductory Provisions

    Chapter I: General Provisions

    Interpretation 5

    Ratification 5

    Validity 6

    Chapter II A: The Association

    Establishment of the Association 6

    Subscription 7

    Chapter III: Council functions and recalls

    Membership of Executive Committee 7-8

    Functions of the Officers/offices 8

    The President 8-9

    The Vice-President 9

    The Secretary 9-10

    The Treasurer 10

    The welfare officer 11

    The First, Second Year and Six Month Representatives 11

    The Cultural and Entertainment Chairperson 12

    The Moot Committee Chairperson 12

    The Publications Committee/Public Relations officer 12-13

    The Constitutional Committee Chairperson 13

    The Sports Committee Chairperson 14

    Other Committees 14

    Code of Conduct for Executive Members 14

    Recall of Officers 14

    Proposal and Procedure for Recall 14-15

    The Recall Proposal Investigation Team 15

    Resignations 15-16

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    Chapter III: Election Provisions

    The Returning Officer 16

    First and Second Elections 16-17

    Offices to be contested 17

    Only one post to be contested 18

    Nominations 18

    Election and Appointment of Officers 18-19

    By-elections 19

    Elections Petitions 19

    Election Provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis 19

    Handing Over 19-20

    Chapter IV: Meetings and Notices

    Annual General Meeting 20

    At Least two (2) other meetings of the Association to be held 20

    Special General Meeting 20

    Ad hoc meetings 20

    Quorum meetings of the Association 21

    Voting at Association Meetings 21

    Meetings of Council 21

    Quorum for meetings of the Executive Committee 22

    Voting at Executive Committee Meetings 22


    Mode of Notice 22

    Form of Notice 22

    Chapter V: Financial Provisions

    Students Association Fund 22-23

    Fund to be kept in a Savings Account and a Chequing Account in the name of the Association 23

    Dues to be put into Fund 23

    Dues to be non-refundable once put into the Fund 23

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    Officers empowered to sign on Savings and Chequing Account 23

    Treasurer to give Financial Statements to the Executive Committee and the Association 23

    Auditing of Accounts 24

    Chapter VI: Constitutional Amendment

    Procedure to amend constitution 24

    Notice of Proposed amendment 24

    Recommendation of Constitutional Committee 24

    Validity of Amendment 24

    Inclusion in Constitution of all duly effected amendments 25

    Chapter VII: Schedules, Bylaws, Regulations and Amendments

    Establishment of schedules, bylaws and regulations 25

    Amendments of schedules, bylaws and regulations 25

    Schedule 1 26

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    It is provided by regulation 24 of page 15 of the regulations for students at Law Schoolsthat there shall be established at each Law School a Students Association which shall

    consist of the students registered at the School;

    (b)The students of the Hugh Wooding Law School recognize the importance and necessity of

    a students association of their number for the purposes of collectively representing their

    thoughts and contributing to the development of a system of professional legal training

    most beneficial to the Caribbean Society;

    (c) The students of the School have resolved to form an Association for the pursuit of the above

    mentioned purpose as well as the general well-being of their number; and

    (d) The students of the School desire that this amended Constitution should be the soleinstrument by which their Association shall be regulated.



    1. In this constitution:

    (a) Administration includes the Council of Legal Education, the Principal, the Senior Tutorand the Registrar of the Hugh Wooding Law School;

    (b) Association means the Students Association of the Hugh Wooding Law School

    established under article 4 and includes those students registered to pursue a course of study at

    the Hugh Wooding Law School leading to the Legal Education Certificate;

    (c) Academic Year means that period as determined by the Council to constitute a year of

    study at the School;

    (d) Bank Account means the Hugh Wooding Law School Students Council, Checking and

    Savings Account, owned and operated by the Council;

    (e) Council means the Student Representative Council established under article 7;

    (f) Dues means thoseAssociation subscription monies which are part of the Registration fee

    payable by the students at the School but which belong exclusively to the Council;

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    (g) Fund means the Student Association fund established under Article 59.

    (h) HWLS or School means the Hugh WoodingLaw School;

    (i) Regulations means the regulations for students at the Hugh Wooding Law School, and

    any amendments thereto;

    (j) First-Year/Year I Representative, Second-Year/Year II Representativeand Six-Month

    Representativemean the persons elected as such, respectively, pursuant to Article 12;

    (k) First-Year Students and Second-Year Students means those students registered to

    pursue the first or second years of study, respectively, leading to the Legal Education


    (l) General Election means the election referred to in Article 26;

    (m) Simple majority means fifty-one percent (51%) of those present and voting, unless

    otherwise stated;

    (n) References to the masculine include the feminine.


    2. The ratification of this constitution shall have occurred through the following process:

    (a) This constitution shall be presented by the Constitution Committee Chairperson at ameeting of the Council or via electronic mail, after which the Council shall vote on the

    ratification of this constitution. A unanimous vote of all members of the Council shall be

    required as the first step in the ratification of this constitution.

    (b) Subject to the approval by the Council, this constitution shall be presented for approval by

    members of the Association at either a general meeting or a special meeting of the Association

    as convened by the Council.

    (c) Upon approval of two-thirds of all the members of the Association. Approval must occur

    either by:

    i) show of hands at a general meeting;

    ii) round robin resolution i.e. by circulation of a register and the collection of bona fidesignatures thereon; or

    iii) Via electronic mail

    for this constitution to come into force.

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    3. (1) This constitution shall have immediate binding effect as soon as the ratification processmentioned in Article 2 has been completed.

    (2) This constitution governs both the current and all future Council and Association members.



    4. There shall be a Student Association of the Hugh Wooding Law School which shall compriseall student members of the School who have registered and thereby complied with all the terms

    and conditions of such registration including the payment of dues.

    5. The objectives of the Association are to:-

    (a) Promote the general well-being of student body in any manner consistent with the

    regulations and this Constitution,

    (b) Promote such seminars, lectures, discussions and events as may be of interest to the


    (c) Create links between the Association and any other group, body or organization including

    the Graduates Association of the School as may be beneficial to the Association members;

    (d) Foster good relations among the general community with a view to pursuing any objectives

    of the Association.


    6. Dues shall be payable on registration at the School, to the Association as shall be determined by

    Administration in consultation with the Council, with such consultation taking place prior to the

    end of each academic year.

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    7. (1) There shall be established a Student Representative Council which shall be responsible for,

    but not limited to:

    (a) the organization and management of the Association in accordance with the provisions

    of this Constitution;

    (b) ensuring the effective coordination of activities of the Association;

    (c) pursuing the objectives of the Association; and

    (d) liaising between the general student body and the administration of the school.

    (2) Subject to this constitution and in conjunction with Administration, the Council shall havethe power to regulate its own affairs in the manner and for the purposes beneficial to the


    8. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following Officers:-

    (a) the President;

    (b) the Vice-President;

    (c) the Secretary;

    (d) the Treasurer;(e) the Welfare Officer;

    (f) the Cultural and Entertainment Committee Chairperson;

    (g) the Moot Committee Chairperson;

    (h) the Publications/Public Relations Committee Chairperson;

    (i) the Sports Committee Chairperson;

    (j) the Constitution Committee Chairperson;

    (k) the Year I Representative;

    (l) the Year II Representative;

    (m) the Six-Month Representative

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    The President

    9. The President shall:-

    (a) be the head of the Association and shall be responsible for providing leadership of the


    (b) be responsible for co-coordinating the work of the Association towards achieving the

    stated aims and objectives;

    (c) preside at all Council meetings and all general and special meetings of the Association;

    (d) consult with the VicePresident (or the Secretary in the event of the unavailability of

    the VicePresident), as may be deemed necessary, before acting on any decision made in

    the carrying out of his duties;

    (e) be empowered to sign cheques on behalf of the Association;

    (f) affix his signature to all written external correspondence between the Association andother organizations. He may authorize any member of the Council to sign correspondences

    on his behalf;

    (g) represent the Association in meetings with the Administration and the Council and also

    on other Committees, bodies and organizations as may be required. Where the President is

    unable to attend any meeting or function at which the Association needs to be represented,he may appoint a Council member to attend such meeting subject to the approval of the

    requisite body;

    (h) create ad hoc Committees subject to ratification by a simple majority of the Council, as

    may be deemed necessary;

    (i) have the decisive or casting vote on any matter on which the Council is equally divided,

    notwithstanding that his vote was already cast in the matter;

    (j) temporarily assign additional duties to any member of the Council and establish a

    committee, as may be deemed necessary;

    (k) observe the terms of this Constitution and perform all such other functions as may be

    delegated to him by the Council.

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    The Vice-President

    10. The Vice-President shall:-

    (a) perform all such functions as may be delegated to him by the President or the Council

    by virtue of this Constitution;

    (b) be authorised to sign cheques on behalf of the Association;

    (c) temporarily assume all the authorities and exercise all such powers as are conferred

    upon the President by this Constitution in the following circumstances:

    (i) Removal of the President from office.

    (ii) Physical and mental incapacity of the President of such a nature as to render him

    incompetent to provide effective leadership for the Association.

    (iii) Absence of the President;

    (d) as a Council representative on and in consultation with the Library Committee, be

    responsible for ensuring the provision of appropriate and adequate library facilities to meet

    the needs of the students;

    (e) observe the terms of this Constitution,establish a committee on an ad hoc basis and

    perform all such other functions as may be delegated to him by the Council.

    The Secretary

    11. The Secretary shall:-

    (a) be responsible for recording minutes, resolutions and motions passed by the Counciland the Association. Minutes of the meetings shall be distributed via email or print to the

    Executive Committee within seventy-two (72) hours of the said meeting;

    (b) prepare an agenda for each meeting of the Council and the Association;

    (c) write all external correspondence for the Association to be approved by the President

    or the Council as needed;

    (d) be responsible for keeping and maintaining a record of:-

    (i) All correspondence received by and emanating from the Council; and

    (ii) All proceedings at meetings of the Council and the Association;

    (iii) An archive of all SRC publications, minutes and correspondence in the SRC office

    or any other designated area.

    (e) observe the terms of this Constitution and perform all such other functions as may be

    delegated to him by the Council.

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    The Treasurer

    12. The Treasurer shall:-

    (a) be responsible for keeping the financial accounts and records of the Association;

    (b) upon reasonable notice being given, supply the Association with an accurate statementof the accounts of the Association, and shall ensure that a minimum of two (2) such

    statements are presented to the Association, one (1) at the annual general meeting of the

    Association, and the other at the last meeting of the Association for the Academic year;

    (c) present to the Council periodic statements of the balance of the savings and Chequing

    and Magazine accounts as are available to him;

    (d) assist in the planning and coordination of any fundraising schemes as may be deemed

    appropriate by the Council during the relevant and ongoing academic year;

    (e) be responsible for the collection of all monies at all fundraising activities of the


    (d) be authorised to sign cheques on behalf of the Association;

    (e) maintain the SRC Bank accounts on behalf of the Association;

    (f) observe the terms of this Constitution, establish a committee on an ad hoc basis and

    perform all such other functions as may be delegated to him by the Council.

    The Welfare Officer

    13. Welfare Officer shall:-

    (a) be responsible for determining basic needs of students and communicating those needs

    back to the Council;

    (b) liaising with Administration to provide assistance in the general welfare of the


    (c) organising where necessary fund raising drives that would provide financial assistance

    to students of need.

    (c) observe the terms of this Constitution,establish a permanent committeeand perform

    all such other functions as may be delegated to them by the Council.

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    The First-Year/Year I, Second-Year/Year II and Six-Month Representatives

    14. There shall be a First-Year/Year I, Second-Year/Year II and Six-Month Representative who

    each shall:-

    (a) be elected from their respective groups by a simple majority vote no later than the first


    (b) represent to the Council, the interests of the First, Second Year, and Six Month students


    (c) observe the terms of this Constitution, establish a committee if necessary and perform

    all such other functions as may be delegated to them by the Council.

    The Cultural and Entertainment Committee Chairperson

    15. The Cultural and Entertainment Committee Chairperson shall:-

    (a) be responsible for the organization and conduct of all cultural and entertainment events

    as may be undertaken by the Association;

    (b) liaise with the Treasurer in respect of fundraising activities;

    (c) be responsible to the Council for the conduct of the affairs and activities of his


    (d) observe the terms of this Constitution, establish a committee and perform all such other

    functions as may be delegated to him by the Council.

    The Moot Committee Chairperson

    16. The Moot Committee Chairperson shall:-

    (a) be responsible, in conjunction with the Administration, for the organization and the

    conduct of all moots and associated activities;

    (b) be responsible to the Council for the conduct of the affairs and activities of his


    (c) be a member of the Debate Society;

    (d) observe the terms of this Constitution,establish a committee and perform all such other

    functions as may be delegated to him by the Council.

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    The Publications Committee Chairperson/Public Relations Officer

    17. The Publications Committee Chairperson shall:-

    (a) be responsible for the publication of materials as may be prescribed by the Council, or

    the Association;

    (b) be responsible for receiving ideas for Association activities from members of the

    Association or from any other group or individual;

    (c) communicate to the Association the plans of the Council, as required;

    (d) be responsible for the promotion of all events and activities planned by the Council.

    Through consultation with the Administration the PRO may promote the events via theprint and/or electronic media;

    (e) be responsible to the Council for the conduct of the affairs and activities of his


    (f) observe the terms of this Constitution, establish a committee and perform all such other

    functions as may be delegated to him by the Council.

    The Constitutional Committee Chairperson

    18. (1) The Constitutional Committee Chairperson shall:

    (a) in conjunction with the Constitutional committee determine all questions referred by

    the Association or the Council as to the interpretation of this constitution;

    (b) consider and make recommendations in respect of any proposal referred by theAssociation or the Council for the amendment of this Constitution;

    (c) make proposals as to the amendment of the Constitution, if necessary;

    (d) be responsible for any amendment to this Constitution in accordance with the prescribed

    procedure noted in this Constitution;

    (e) ensure that copies of this Constitution are readily accessible to Students at the School,

    and that at least two such copies are kept behind the issue desk in the library at the School;

    (f) be responsible to the Council for the conduct of the affairs and activities of his


    (g) observe the terms of this Constitution, establish a committee and perform all such other

    functions as may be delegated to him by the Council.

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    (2) The Constitutional Committee Chairperson shall, upon the determination of any question

    referred to the Constitutional Committee regarding the Constitution, declare that decision of

    the Constitutional Committee to be final.

    (a) The decisions of the Constitutional Committee upon any question referred to it as to theinterpretation of this Constitution, shall be given by a majority of its members, and shall

    operate as a final determination of such questions.

    (b) Notwithstanding subsection (2)(a), if in relation to any decision to be taken by the

    Constitutional Committee, the members of such Committee are in deadlock, the

    Chairperson of such committee shall have and exercise a casting vote.

    The Sports Committee Chairperson

    19. The Sports Committee Chairperson shall:-

    (a) In conjunction with this Committee be responsible for the organization and conduct ofall sports activities and events as may be undertaken by the Association;

    (b) liaise with the Treasurer in respect of fundraising activities;

    (c) be responsible to the Council for the conduct of the affairs and activities of his


    (d) observe the terms of this Constitution, establish a committee on an ad hoc basis and

    perform all such other functions as may be delegated to him by the Council.

    Other Committees

    20. The President acting on the advice of the Council may from time to time form any other

    supplementalcommittee as may be deemed necessary.

    Code of Conduct for CouncilMembers and Committee Members

    21. Any Council officer or committee member shall observe the Code of Conduct as attached in

    Schedule 1.


    Recall of Officers

    22. A member of the Council may be recalled during the tenure of office for conduct:

    (a) which is in breach of his duties;

    (c) likely to bring disrepute to the Association and the HWLS.

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    Proposal and Procedure for Recall

    3. All members of the Council shall be subject to recall upon the receipt of a proposal for recall

    in writing in the manner hereinafter provided:-

    (a) The proposal for recall of any member of the Council shall be made in writing to the

    Secretary of the Council, specifying the reason for the making of the proposal andsupported by the signatures of at least two-thirds of the members of the Association;

    (b) In the case of a proposal for the recall of the Secretary such proposal shall be made in

    writing to the President of the Council;

    (c) On receipt by the Secretary or the President of the Council, as the case may be, of a valid

    proposal for the recall of any officer of the Council, the Recall Proposal Investigation

    Team, established under section 24, shall thereafter carry out a formal investigation on thematter. This shall be completed within twelve (12) calendar days of the submission of the


    (d) The Council shall cause a special meeting of the Association to be held within fourteen

    (14) calendar days (exclusive of the day of receipt of the proposal), for the purpose of

    considering the proposal, allowing both sides to be heard, and allowing the investigationteam (RPIT) to declare its findings and its recommendations as regards the proposal for

    recall in relation to the matter. Acceptance of the recommendations of the RPIT shall be

    effected by a simple majority vote of the members of the Association present and voting at

    such meeting.

    (e) The provision of the foregoing subsections (a), (b), (c) and (d), shall apply to all officers ofthe Council, except that with regards to the First-Year, Second-Year and Six-Month

    Representatives. The resolution for recall of these representatives shall be proposed by

    two-thirds of the members of the year group concerned and shall be carried by a simplemajority of the members thereof.

    The Recall Proposal Investigation Team

    24. The Recall Proposal Investigation Team (RPIT) shall consist of the following: members:

    (a) three (3) members from the Council chosen by a simple majority vote of the Council;

    (b) each of the tutorial group representatives for both first-year, second-year groups and

    Six-Month Representatives ;

    (c) all members of the Six-Month group shall be on the RPIT if it is their representative

    who has been proposed to be recalled;

    (c) one from among the appointed group shall chair RPIT meetings and have a casting vote

    for any recommendations.


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    25. (1) Any member of the Council may resign his office by Notice in writing addressed to the

    Secretary, except that in the case of the resignation of the Secretary, such Notice shall be

    addressed to the President.

    (2) Such Notice of resignation must be given at least fourteen (14) calendar days before the

    post is declared vacant.

    (3) This vacancy shall be announced at a special meeting of the Association and the Returning

    Officer shall announce the opening of nominations within one (1) week after the post is

    declared vacant.



    The Returning Officer

    26. The Returning Officer shall:-

    (a) have the exclusive power to regulate the manner in which the elections and by-elections

    of Officers to the Council shall be conducted;

    (b) give two weeks noticeto the Association for both first and second elections subject to

    sub-section 26;

    (c) oversee the counting of ballots and the election process;

    (d) publish results not more than one (1) day after their counting;

    (e) make the results available to the Administration not later than one week after the


    (f) Appoint an Assistant Returning Officers, subject to the approval of the Council, for the

    purpose of holding a free, fair and impartial election;

    (g) be responsible to the Council for the conduct of the affairs and activities of his


    (h) report any written submitted concerns relating to the validity of an election to the


    (i) observe the terms of this Constitution and perform all such other functions as may bedelegated to him by the Council.

    (j) not be eligible to contest for any position on the executive of the Council.

    First and Second Elections (suggestions required)

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    27. In accordance with subsections (27) and (28), two elections are to be held for the membership

    of the Council. Such elections are to be held as follows:-

    (a) the first elections no earlier than eight (8) weeks and no later than ten (10) weeks of the

    commencement of the second term;


    the second elections no earlier than two (2) and no later than six (6) weeks of the

    commencement of the first term;

    (c) with the proviso that if any other issues should unexpectedly arise, the Council will

    determine the best date for first or second elections.

    Offices to be contested

    28. At the First Elections the following posts shall be contested:

    a. the President;

    b. The Vice-President;

    c. The Secretary;

    d. The Treasurer;

    e. The Welfare Officer;

    f. The Cultural and Entertainment Committee Chairperson;

    g. The Moot Committee Chairperson;

    h.The Publication/Public Relations Committee Chairperson;

    i. The Sports Committee Chairperson;

    j. The Constitution Committee Chairperson;

    29. Subject to section 30, at the second elections the following posts shall be contested:

    A.The Year I Representative;

    B.The Year II Representative;

    C.The Six-Month Representative;

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    30. In the event that any post contested in the first elections becomes vacant before the conduct of

    the second elections such post is to be contested in the second elections.

    31. Officers elected in the First Election are to take office in the following academic year after the

    Second Elections when the Council is fully constituted.

    32. The Council for each academic year is fully constituted immediately upon the election inaccordance with this Constitution of all the members of the Council

    33. The Officers are to be known in the interim of being duly sworn into their newly elected post

    as Officers Elect.

    34. Without prejudice to sections 21-24 each Council officer is to remain in office until a new

    Council is fully constituted.

    One post only to be contested

    35. No person shall be allowed to contest more than one Council post during the course of either

    the first or second elections as no person may hold more than one Council post at one and the sametime.


    36. The nomination procedures and guidelines shall be strictly construed as outlined in this section:

    (a) The Returning Officer shall ensure that every candidate for election as a member of theCouncil, is nominated by two (2) membersof the Association, and seconded by another, both

    of whom shall be deemed as vouching, from their personal knowledge, for the fitness of the

    particular candidate.

    (b) All nominations to the Council made in the manner described in subsection (1), and given

    to the Returning Officer before the close of the period allowed for nominations, shall be

    accepted by the Returning Officer.

    (c) The Returning Officer shall allow a minimum of one (1) week for members of the

    Association to make nominations.

    (d) The Returning Officer shall at least one (1) week before the date fixed for elections of the

    Council Officers, ensure that Notice is given to the Association of the names of all personsduly nominated to contest such elections, and every candidate whose nomination has been

    accepted by the Returning Officer, shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to canvass.

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    Election and Appointment of Officers

    37. Candidates shall observe the rules and procedures outlined by the Returning Officer. Failure

    to comply shall result in automatic removal of the candidate from the candidacy.

    38. If there is only one candidate nominated for a position, such person shall need to be confirmed

    by a simple majority confidence vote in order to be deemed to be appointment to the particularoffice.

    39. Elections shall be conducted from 9:00a.m -8:00p.m on the Election Day.


    40. In the event that the general membership fails to elect a member to a post on the Council in

    any elections, there shall be a by-election no later than seven (7) days after the general election.

    41. If after the by-election no one is elected, applications for the post shall be made in writing tothe Secretary no later than seven (7) days thereafter. The Council, through an interview process,

    shall then decide the suitable candidate to fill the position.

    42. If no applications are submitted to the Council, the Council shall, with his consent, appoint a

    member of the Association to fill the position.

    43. Subject to section 26-33, if any office becomes vacant the Returning Officer shall fix a date

    for a by-election to fill that Office, which shall be within four (4) weeks from the date when that

    office becomes vacant, unless, due to existing circumstances, a shorter date is required.

    Election Petition;

    44. Election appeals or petitions must be in writing and submitted to the Ombudsman.

    (a) Upon receipt of such application and if necessary will determine the next course of


    Election Provisions to apply Mutatis Mutandis

    45. The provisions of this Constitution, relating to elections, as can be applied, shall be appliedmutatis mutandis, to the holding of any by-election.


    46. The outgoing Council members whose offices have been filled by the Council members-elect

    in the first elections shall remit office and hand over their positions to the new Council members

    no later than the end of the second term. The returning officer and respective Council member

    representatives shall remit office as soon as their respective academic years end for that year.

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    47. All documents, effects and other materials relevant to the activities of and belonging to the

    Association shall be handed over by the members of the outgoing Council to the Secretary-elect

    or the President-elect as soon as is practicable, but no later than the end of the second term, andprior to the handing over, the outgoing Council shall formally meet with the incoming Council to

    settle all outstanding matters, providing each officer with useful information on their respective




    Annual General Meeting

    48. The outgoing Council President must convene a general meeting of the Association before

    handing over to the Council-elect, and may introduce the Council-elect at that general meeting.

    The outgoing President may there present a report on the activities of the preceding academic year,

    and the President-elect may present a brief introductory speech or proposals of activities to beundertaken by the Council during the new academic year.

    At least two (2) other general meetings of the Association to be held

    49. The President shall ensure that at least two (2) meetings of the Association are held for the

    relevant and ongoing academic year, one (1) during the first term and the other during the secondterm of such year. A meeting for the third term is deemed optional, but it is highly advised to at

    least communicate electronically to all members of the Association during the third term.

    Special General Meeting50. The Council may convene a special general meeting (special meeting) of the Association at

    any time for any specific issue(s). Also, any member of the Association may, by application in

    writing to the President of the Council, signed by himself and supported by the signatures of atleast thirty percent (30%) of the members of the Association, call upon the President to discuss

    any matter affecting the general membership of the Association, as is specified in the application,

    and the President shall then, within ten (10) days of the receipt of such application (exclusive ofthe day of such application), convene a meeting of the Association, at which meeting, only the

    relevant matters shall be discussed.

    Ad hoc meetings

    51. The President may from time to time convene a meeting of the Association as may be deemed

    necessary by him.

    Quorum meetings of the Association52. Thirty per cent (30%) of the members of the Association shall constitute a quorum, for anymeeting of the Association.

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    (9) Persons who are not members of the Council may, with the consent of the President and

    Vice-President, be allowed to attend meetings of the Council. Such permission shall not confer the

    right to vote.

    Quorum for meetings of the Council

    55. The quorum which shall be present in order for a meeting of the Council is (7).

    Voting at Council Meetings

    56. Voting at Council Meetings shall be by a show of hands, or otherwise as the Chairman may

    direct and all decisions are to be taken by majority vote of the Officers present and voting, with

    the Chairman having a casting vote in the event of a deadlock.


    Mode of Notice

    57. When Notice under this constitution is required to be given:-

    (a) To the Council it shall be addressed to the Secretary of the Association who shall circulatesuch Notice to the other Council officers. In the event that the Office of the Secretary has not

    been filled, such Notice shall be addressed to the President.

    (b) To the Association it shall be sent via e-mail and affixed on the Associations Notice Board.

    (c) To the Administration, it shall be addressed to and served on or left at the office of the

    Registrar, the Principal or Senior Tutor of the School, as the case may be.

    Form of Notice

    58. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a Notice relating to any meeting should clearly state the business

    to be transacted at the particular meeting, but the meeting shall be authorized to deal with anyterms of business, whether specified in the Notice or not.

    (2) In the case of a special general meeting, no business other than that which is specified in

    the Notice shall be transacted at any such meeting.

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    59. There shall be a StudentsAssociation Fund.

    (a) The Fund is to be managed by the Council, and in particular, the Treasurer.

    (b) The Fund shall be managed for such purposes as are determined by this Constitution

    Safekeeping of Funds

    60. The Council shall determine the percentage of the Proceeds of the Fund which shall be kept in a

    savings account and the percentage to be kept in a Chequing account in the name of the Association

    with an appropriate banking institution selected by the Council, or as otherwise indicated by the

    Treasurer of the outgoing Council.

    61. In the event that any funds may become lost or unaccounted for, those officers who held or

    had charge over those funds at any point in time shall be held personally liable for the return of

    the amount of the funds unaccounted for.

    Dues/Subscriptions to be put into Fund

    62. The dues to be paid to the Association by each student on his registration at the commencement

    of the academic year to be put into the Fund by the Administration and shall be confirmed by the


    Dues to be non-refundable once put into the Fund

    63. Once put into the Fund the dues shall be non-refundable.

    Officers empowered to sign on Savings and Chequing Account

    64. Subject to section 61 the Treasurer and the President, or the Treasurer and the Vice -President,

    shall be the persons jointly empowered to sign the withdrawal slips from the savings account or to

    draw cheques on the magazine account. No withdrawal slip or cheque signed or drawn by a single

    person shall be sufficient to authorize the payment of monies out of either the Savings or Chequing

    or magazine accounts.

    65. Where the Treasurer is unavailable, the President and the Vice-President may sign.

    Treasurer to give Financial Statements to the Counciland the Association

    66. Subject to Article 12(c), the Treasurer shall present to the Councilperiodic statements of the

    balance of the Savings and Chequing accounts as are available to him.

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    67. Subject to Article 12(b), the Treasurer shall, at the First Meeting of the Association (other than

    a Special General Meeting) for the academic year, present a report of the Expenditure of the

    Association during the course of the previous academic year, and a reasonably accurate forecast

    of the Expenditure of the Association during the relevant and ongoing academic year. At a Meeting

    of the Association, prior to handing over, the outgoing Treasurer shall present a report of income

    and expenditure of the current academic year.

    Auditing of Accounts

    68. The Association may, from time to time, on a vote of a simple majority of its members present

    and voting at a general meeting of the Association, appoint any person or body as may be deemed

    fit to audit the accounts of the Association.



    Procedure to amend constitution

    69. Any member of the Association may, by application in writing, supported by the signatures of

    at least ten other members, refer any proposed amendment of the Constitution for the consideration

    of the Constitution Committee.

    Notice of Proposed amendment

    70. The Chairperson of the Constitution Committee shall within a reasonable time (but no later

    than two weeks after the receipt of said application) of receipt of an application under this clause,

    give notice of the same to the Association and the Counciland convene a meeting of the Committeeto consider and make recommendations in respect of a proposed amendment.

    71. If the applicants wish to be heard orally and declare that intention in their application, the

    Constitution Committee shall, in the manner they deem reasonable and appropriate, notify and

    hear the applicants before deliberating and making recommendations.

    Recommendation of Constitution Committee

    72. The Chairperson of the Constitution Committee shall, within a reasonable time of receipt of an

    application under this clause, but no more than four weeks after the receipt of said application,

    present to Council for review the recommendations of the committee in respect of any proposed

    amendment, and thereafter further consider the proposed amendment and present to the Association the

    recommendations of the committee in respect of said proposed amendment.

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    Validity of Amendment

    73. No amendment of this constitution shall be held valid unless it has the support of at least a two-

    thirds majority of those members present and voting at a duly-convened meeting of the Association

    or by signatures of two-thirds of the members of the Association on a petition requesting adoption

    of the amendment as presented by the Constitution Committee.

    74. Such amendments or additions shall take effect from the date of the meeting in which it was


    Inclusion in Constitution of all duly effected amendments

    75. 1) Subject to subsection (2), the Constitutional Committee Chairperson shall cause to be

    included in this constitution, within a reasonable time thereafter all duly effected amendments.

    2) Notwithstanding non-inclusion of any amendment, all amendments effected in accordance

    with the relevant provisions of this constitution inclusive, shall be valid as from the date ofcompliance with the relevant provisions.




    76. The Council shall have the authority to appoint a committee to formulate and present or review

    and present for approval any proposed schedules, by-laws, or regulation in addition to the

    Constitution of the Students Association.

    77. Any of the schedules, by-laws, or regulations mentioned in Article 74 shall be approved and

    adopted and come into effect and attached to the Constitution as guidance in governing the

    activities of the Association and for the purpose of benefitting the Association upon

    presentation to Association and approval by at least two-thirds of the Association in a special

    meeting convened for that purpose.


    78. Schedules, by-laws, or regulations mentioned in Article 74 may only be amended by:

    (1) a unanimous vote of the Council; and

    (2) two-thirds of the total voting membership of the Association; or

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    (3) if the Council does not obtain a unanimous approval, by two-thirds of the voting

    membership present at an original or adjourned meeting where amendment of any

    schedule, by-law, or regulation is an agenda item.

    78. If an amendment is duly passed, it shall be noted in the minutes to the meeting and that

    approved amendment shall come into effect as of that meeting.

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    1. A Council member or committee member shall:-

    (a) observe the rules of this code; maintain his integrity and the honour and dignity of his officeand the Association;

    (b) effectively perform his duties;

    (c) execute his duties with honesty and shall not misappropriate any property of the


    (d) seek to attend all meetings and shall not be absent from more than two (2) consecutive

    meetings without reasonable cause. Such reason shall be submitted to the President or the

    Secretary prior to the meeting or not more than one (1) day after the meeting in cases where

    he is unable to do so prior to the meeting;

    (e) be respectful to the Council, the Association, the staff and the Administration;

    (f) maintain confidentiality as required.

    2. Disagreements between members of the Council shall be settled without delay at a Council

    meeting or by meeting of the parties affected. Where the presence of the President or the

    Constitutional chairperson is required in settling a disagreement this should be sought without


    3. Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct as laid out above by a council member shall makesuch member liable to recall.

    4. Disputes may be taken to the Ombudsman should the Council by a simple majority vote wish

    to invoke the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman.
