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Onako* is a five year old girl who is in the Grade R class at the Mfuleni Early Childhood Development Centre. When she came to the Centre at the age of four she was very withdrawn. Overtime and with one-to-one sessions in our toy library, Onako gradually started to open up and made some friends. She quickly turned out to be a very intelligent girl.

Onako has achieved positive results and met her development milestones. She is a very good listener during story time and is quick to answer all the questions correctly while also being able to retell the same story in the right sequence. She is really good at counting, sorting objects according to their colours and sizes along with recognising shapes. Attending our ECD centre has brought out the best in Onako and this change in her life has been made possible by our collective efforts as an organisation.

Could pay for food for a child for 2 weeks

Could buy a first aid kit for one of our centres of excellence

Could pay for a teachers salary for 1 month.

Could pay for a child to attend preschool for 1 month

Could buy a set of goalie gloves for our football team

*name has been changed


Afrika Tikkun is an international development charity which is dedicated to investing in education, health and social services for children, youth and their families through its Community Centres of Excellence and strategic partnerships.

Afrika Tikkun helps over 19,000 beneficiaries annually in townships near Johannesburg and Cape Town and employs 600 staff from the local communities. Through their range of ‘cradle to career’ programmes they provide a holistic development model for vulnerable children, contributing to the creation of a new generation that is empowered to lift itself out of poverty.

About Afrika Tikkun












3. 5.

Set a goal as an individual or as a group. Your goal should be stretch / push/ extend / you or your team but should also be achievable! Once you start to get close to your goal celebrate and then raise it!

Start early! The sooner you start asking for donations the more time you will have to collect donations and the more money you will raise for a fantastic cause!

Get personal & get people talking! Use your network of colleagues, friends and family to promote your challenge. Post updates on facebook, twitter, linkedin and instagram with a direct link to your fundraising page. People want to know about you! Why are you / your team taking up the challenge. Why do you want to raise money for Afrika Tikkun?

Creativity is the key! Ask people to check the back of their sofas for spare change, give them a piggy bank to put their spare change in, get sponsored for each mile/ kilometre you train, hold a bake sale, hold a raffle, have a quiz, do some face painting, have a dinner party, have a pamper party, hold a dress down day or a dress up day! The possibilities are endless!

Say thank you! Remember to say a big THANK YOU to all the generous people who support you, make sure that they know the difference they will be making to the beneficiaries of Afrika Tikkun.

Car washGet out and about in your local area - wash cars for a donation. You can do this in your workplace too.

Dog walkingGive people (friends/colleagues) a day off from walking their dog for a small fee.

Film crewFilm or photograph a friend’s wedding or special occasion. Get them to donate any fees they would have paid a professional.

Guess the weightBake an extra large cake or pie, weigh it and then charge people to guess how much it weighs. The person who guesses the closest wins the cake or pie.

Name the toyGet a cuddly toy and choose a name for it. Charge people to have a go at guessing what the chosen name is - the winner gets the toy.

Have an eventArrange a party or quiz and charge people to enter.

Auctions - online or liveAsk people to donate any unwanted presents or approach your colleagues to see if they have something they can donate (a week in a holiday property; lifts to work in a classic car etc).

Fancy dressHave a fancy dress day in the office. Ask for a small donation.

Small changeAsk your friends and colleagues to empty their pockets every evening for a week (or longer). Their small change can make a big difference.

Book saleAsk your colleagues and friends to donate unwanted books and have a book sale.

Rounding downWhy not round down your salary giving the cents or pence to charity.
