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Step 1: tap the Sphero twice to wake it up (it will start flashing when it is awake)

Step 2: Go to your bluetooth settings

Step 3: Make sure your bluetooth is turned on and select your Sphero. If more than one Sphero is displayed, use the letters after to find the correct Sphero (they flash different colour combinations, WBW = White Blue White, RYB = Red Yellow Blue etc). Once you have identified your Sphero, click Pair

Step 4: Open the Sphero program (which if not loaded can be found in the app store). If you can find it in the start menu, try Windows + S and search for the program

Step 5: Your Sphero should now conect and open in the controler screen. You can now drive your Sphero around.

If you have trouble with your Sphero, please check the Sphero Help guide or see library staff.
