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  • 8/15/2019 Spherebeingalliance.cOur Technology Decades Ahead of Whats Known Part1om-Our Technology Decades Ahead of…


    Our Technology Decades Ahead of What's Known (Part1)


    Rense Radio Interview with William Tompkins and Maj. George Filer & Frank Chille -

    March 23, 2016


    (start at 02:00)

    Jeff Rense: Okay. It's Wednesday, middle of the week and we're going to do something

    very exciting tonight – really provocative. William Tompkins is back tonight. He, of 

    course, is the man who started out as a very young American patriot, joined the Navy

    and is obviously gifted, to the extent that they pulled him way up to the top in terms of 

    including him in very secretive affairs, very advanced technological affairs over time.

    He went on to work, after the Navy, with one of the highest-rated and most brilliantdefense contractors, Thompson Ramo Wooldridge (TRW).

     And there's a lot to talk about. We've had William Tompkins on the program several



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    times before. We've talked about the space fleet we have. We've talked about where

    we have gone in our solar system and, perhaps, elsewhere. I don't have the answers.

     All I have are questions. And I listen to what Bill says.

    Maj. George Filer is standing by tonight. Are you there, George?

    Maj. George Filer: I'm here.

    Rense: Where are you?

    Filer: I'm in Augustine, Florida.

    Rense: That's America's oldest city, isn't it?

    Filer: Yes, it is.

    Rense: Does it make you feel younger?

    Filer: Ha. I don't know about that.

    Rense: Well, you're in the oldest city, you've got to feel pretty good. And Frank Chille

    has made this program possible once again – a colleague of George's and mine and a

    friend of yours. Are you there, Frank?

    Frank Chille: I'm here. Good evening, Jeff.

    Rense: Good evening. Tell us . . . Tell us a little bit about Bill Tompkins for our first

    timers, and we'll get to Bill in just a couple minutes. What are we going to hear tonight?

    Tell us about the first book of apparently a series of books that his near photographic

    memory of his remarkable life has made possible.

    Chille: Well, his first book, which is available to the public and is creating quite a stir, is

    called “Selected by Extraterrestrials” and it discusses how Bill was tapped on the

    shoulder . . .

    Rense: Talk a little louder would you Frank, please. Just jump right in the phone.

    Chille: Good. It looks like Bill was tapped on the shoulder at a young age by the military

    to come in and use his photographic memory to work on projects that they thought he

    would be capable of as a draftsman. However, that went well beyond that and opened

    the door to him being involved in some secret projects and working with individuals that

    he believed were not from here because they were helping him in his work. And he was

    at the cutting edge of a lot of things that we've only dreamt of and, yet, so many of the

    things that are coming forward now and were revealed in his book are being correlated

    by the likes of Corey Goode and by Gary McKinnon, and he's providing us with much

    more levels of detail than we ever thought we'd have access to.


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     And I've had several nice discussions with him over the last couple of weeks, and he is

    ust so quick coming and his integrity is just so . . . He's of such high integrity and his

    story just needs to be told.

    Jeff, I really congratulate you for bringing him forward again to share more of his

    amazing life. He's a remarkable individual on all levels.

    Rense: He is indeed that. George Filer, what are your thoughts on Bill Tompkins at this


    Filer: Well, he has a lot of interesting information that we're correlating and is tied

    together with, just like you mentioned, McKinnon who looked into the deepest secrets

    of the U.S. and came out with this information about having a space program that's not

    part of the normal space program that we think about but a secret one. It's very


    Bill is able to correlate this information with other information that we're getting. We try

    to make sure that all of this is being brought to the public. And interestingly enough,

    some Air Force generals and Navy generals are encouraging us to bring this

    information forward to the public.

    Rense: Okay, run that by me in slow motion. That's really important. Certain Air Force

    generals and others are encouraging whom to bring the information forward?

    Filer: Well, for Bill to bring his information forward. Admirals as well as generals are

    encouraging us to bring this information forward to the public.

    Rense: Okay, well, we're going to do that. Now, let's say 'Hello' to Mr. Tompkins. Hello,

    Bill, welcome back. Thanks for being here. How are you?

    William Tompkins: I'm going great. It's a real __ for me to be with you professional


    Rense: Oh, give it a break. Come on. You're an amazing man, and for our skeptics out

    there – we have skeptics, if even half of what you say is true, it is the most astounding

    story that I've every heard. So, bravo to you on all counts for being recognized, for 

    being talented, for using your talents.

     And Bill Tompkins had a patriotic passion for this country that few have, and that's one

    of the reasons that his brilliance and his genius was put to such viable work by the

    powers that be. It's one of those fluky kind of things. It would be a great, major motion

    picture. Maybe it will be. Who knows.

    You remember . . . Bill, I think you were first on this program with your story, or nearly

    first, and since then, I think you've been on other programs, and certainly my colleague,


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    Jay Weidner has had interviews with you or certainly one long one, and others. Have

    you had a lot of exposure?

    Tompkins: It's probably sort of unusual because when the book hit the public, frankly,

    we weren't sure whether people would buy into what was going to be said. And now

    MUFON, for instance, that organization that investigates UFOs, I've done three

    different programs with them alone. And it seems like whoever calls for that meeting,collects people that don't even belong in their organization, because it's jammed. And

    somebody is really supporting the book and I hope it's you fellas.

    Rense: Well, it's all looking good and the first book is out. How many would you like to

    do, again, Bill, in the series?

    Tompkins: We're pushing for four of them, because we really can't get all of the

    information into just one or two books.

    Rense: I agree. There's so much I've heard already, I don't know how you could get it

    into one book or two. No way. All right. Where we were last when you were on this

    program, you were getting near to going to work for Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, I


    Tompkins: Yes, that's correct.

    Rense: So let's rewind and start right there, if you want - when you joined them, how

    you joined them and what they were doing.

    Tompkins: Okay, I'm going to alter this slightly and just mention in between having left

    Douglas, being fired after 12 ½ years, and then a situation where I went to work for 

    North America – Rocketdyne. My secretary at Douglas called me after I had been fired

    and told me to contact one of the top people in NASA because they had a program set

    up for me.

    So I called Dr. Debus, who was . . .

    Rense: Yes, Dr. Debus, for our listeners, Wernher von Braun's, you say assistant. It

    may well have been his superior back in Germany, we don't know - a Paperclip

    scientist, a brilliant man. Dr. Debus ran NASA in its inception years and was just an

    incredible asset.

    The Germans took us into space, folks. They took us everywhere. It was all about

    German brilliance – not Nazi brilliance – German scientific brilliance. These men were

    under threat of death if they didn't produce and put out, and I think the vast majority of 

    us would probably do the same thing they did. Go ahead.

    Tompkins: Well, I agree with you. That's definitely the way it happened. Well, I called


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    Dr. Debus, and he said he had a corporate engineering position for me to go to work for 

    a North American company, which had Rocketdyne as a propulsion group, and then the

    space shuttle as another group.

     And so I called him and they set up a program for me, and essentially I spent another 

    four years doing almost the same thing that I had been doing at Douglas. So it was

    very interesting later when I got another call which said that there was some specialwork that they would like to have me to assist in over at TRW in Redondo Beach.

    Rense: Right.

    Tompkins: So I reported to the people there and I was asked to put together a quick

    proposal and then implement a, what you would call, a station control area, which

    TRW, Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, has this vast futuristic company 12 blocks from

    the ocean over at Redondo Beach.

    Rense: Yeah, you know my dad was . . . I think I mentioned to you. My father was a

    director of public relations for Douglas and would go to the Cape all the time for 

    launches. He knew many of the people you knew, and he would talk to me about

    Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, TRW. He knew so much and I wish he could have

    shared it with me, but I was a little young and he just did let on that there were some

    pretty amazing things going on.

    Tompkins: Amazing is . . .

    Rense: The understatement.

    Tompkins: . . . the understatement. Now people had actually organized TRW as

    Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, and they were the people that were sort of doing the

    pushing in the secret think tank of Douglas for many military programs, missiles and

    developments and space stations. All kinds of stuff were being worked on. They had

    some money and put this organization together and built this futuristic campus. It's

    actually . . . You have to go there to get the feel of . . . You know you're in space whenyou're at that campus. It was unreal.

    Rense: What an amazing statement. Wow! How interesting.

    Tompkins: And the feel for just being there and contributing is throughout the entire

    facility. It's a totally different atmosphere. Of course, all of you know that later on

    Northrop Grumman bought TRW.

    Rense: And it changed.

    Tompkins: And then later on, because of the kilometer-long space ___that we were

    designing at Douglas, I continued that same program at TRW as one of my hobbies


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    Rense: Okay. Hobbies. Now that's interesting. If that was a hobby, what was your 

    legitimate full-time job description?

    Tompkins: Ha, ha, ha. I truthfully can say that I was sort of an off-ball assistant to the

    Vice President.

    Rense: Right.

    Tompkins: Essentially, TRW had hundreds of separate small laboratories, and all these

    were secret to one another. They didn't communicate with other organizations.

    Rense: Compartmentalized. Yeah. Got it.

    Tompkins: Yeah. And unbelievably. So this facility, essentially, was given money – by

    whom, I guess we going to have to keep off of that – to . . .

    Rense: It wasn't me, Bill. It wasn't you, so it obviously came from . . . It had to be black

    ops money. That's okay.

    Tompkins: Yeah, you're right. This facility had the money to study everything. There

    was no subject that was prohibited. They weren't just looking at space science or 

    astronomy, or even vehicles or astronauts. They were looking at EVERYTHING. Many

    sub-labs were actually studying the same subject. Up to as many as three or four labsstudying the same subject totally independent.

    Now, for whatever reason, they took this guy, Bill Tompkins, they gave him a secretary

    and office, which was with glass windows that were floor to ceiling and carpeting and

    futuristic furniture. I mean, it's unbelievable.

     Anyway, what I was suppose to do is to go to these different labs and hear what their 

    programs were and let the people that were doing that study on that particular area tell

    me what they thought they should be doing and I was a consultant to the group.

    Rense: Hey, Bill, excuse me. Can you give me an idea of one or two of these

    independent labs? And you say there were dozens and dozens of them. But what are

    some of the eclectic things that they were working on?

    Tompkins: Well, there were the tunnel people. And, essentially, as many of you know,

    the Earth is filled with massive caverns all over the planet.

    Rense: And tunnels connecting them.

    Tompkins: And then they have this tunnel system that connects them. So in that

    particular program it was an Air Force study which was then implemented by TRW. And


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    so, yes, we talked to Air Force people – not just the people that were doing the study at

    TRW. And we find that the Air Force had built these block-long digger machines,

    whatever you want to call them, to bore holes.

    Rense: Teleboring machines.

    Tompkins: And so they would be a block long. They would have a crew of 30 to 40, and

    they would drill through rock at a programmed rate and make new tunnels. And then

    they would put railroad tracks on them and __ these fairly high-speed vehicles that

    would run from the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. to the Air Force facility out on the

    desert and then up to the launching areas in California for the missile launches.

    Rense: In other words, you're saying they would go to places like China Lake, out there

    in the Mojave, and then on to Vandenberg as well. Correct?

    Tompkins: Yes.

    Rense: Okay. Let me say one thing about those tunnel-boring machines. There aren't

    many pictures of them for obvious reasons. There is one picture of one from the 1970s.

    It's huge. It's painted white, as I remember the picture. And on the side of it is a U.S. Air 

    Force star and a bar logo - the likes of which you used to see on Air Force planes and

    still do, I guess.

     And I said, what the hell, is an Air Force logo doing on a tunnel machine? But, you've

    ust answered the question.

    Tompkins: Yes, that's correct. And I have to bring this part in. The people who I had in

    my group, because I only had 11 people in what I was suppose to be doing

    investigating these other programs, one of the ladies that was working with the system

    was brought in to the program from another study of similar type machines – boring

    machines. She was demanding to know from one of the Air Force generals how they

    were going to get their supersonic aircraft to fly from the Pentagon to the Pacific

    through these tunnels.

     And that became a big joke over and over and over – all over the program. But the

    point was that drilling other tunnels we ran into massive caverns. Some of these

    caverns were already occupied. So we have to back off and close and then take a

    different direction.

    Rense: Oh, wait. Now, this is fascinating for our listeners. Some of these tunnel-boring

    machines run into these enormous caverns and you heard Bill say they were already

    occupied. And occupied by whom? They weren't us. And so out of politeness and

    decorum, at the very least, teleboring machines would obviously have to reverse

    direction and go around cavern so as not to bother the occupants. Get the picture?


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    Very interesting.

    Tompkins: Ah, yes. And so in other areas of boring, we ran into their tunnels. Well, now.

    Who is 'their'? Okay? It turns out that several different extraterrestrial organizations

    have been using these caverns for thousands of years on the planet. When you

    penetrate into their area, we found that we did get warnings to stop before we actually

    broke through, and sometimes we broke through.

    So their sensing system knew before we even started drilling that particular tunnel what

    we were going to do and they let us drill the tunnel until it was just ready to break

    through and then they hit us again.

    Rense: Wow!

    Tompkins: And so what we found in the tunnels, and when we exposed into the

    caverns, that there were three and four different types of extraterrestrials there. And insome cases, there were American scientists and engineers working with them.

    Rense: Right.

    Tompkins: And in some cases, we were violently driven out. In other cases, we were

    allowed to come in.

    Rense: Wow! Very interesting. Okay. Hold on Bill. We have to pause for just a few

    minutes. So get a drink of water. We'll come right back and continue with Mr. WilliamTompkins.

    (23:43~24:42: Break)

    Rense: Okay, back with Mr. William Tompkins. Bill was telling us some of the things

    that went on when he was with TRW. Let me get a quick word, Bill, from George Filer 

    on this story.

    George, so far, what do you think?

    Filer: Well, I don't happen to know this, or know about the tunnels, but I do know that

    when I was on active duty in the Air Force, I was called in to the general's office, and I

    was given, you might say like secret orders. And the orders said that it was an

    emergency, which I assumed had to do with the Soviet Union, but in any case, I would

    be part of a particular group that would go to an underground base in West Virginia and

    set up, you might say, a separate government in case our government was wiped out in

    Washington, D.C. In other words, I do know that there was underground facilities, and Ihad orders to go there.

    One of the interesting things is that I'd mentioned this to Col. Don Ware, and he said he


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    also had orders. But the interesting thing is that both Don Ware and myself were aware

    of extraterrestrials, and it was surprising that we were picked out to be a part of this

    new government apparently because we also had this information about

    extraterrestrials. In other words, in a sense, I'm supporting what he's, what Bill's,


    Rense: Got it. Okay. Frank Chille? How about you?

    Chille: Well, what Bill is sharing is some of the information that Bill Hamilton had shared

    with me regarding the knowledge that he had derived regarding his two-star general

    that was telling him about tunnel-boring equipment and underground caverns that were

    honeycombed throughout the United States and that there were some extraterrestrials

    living there. And according to Bill, there may be upwards of what 100 different races

    that are interacting down here, Bill?

    Tompkins: That's correct. We have a real problem because . . . I know it's hard toaccept, but these different types of extraterrestrial entities that are here all have the

    capability to play with our brains and prevent us from seeing them.

    Rense: I'm sure.

    Tompkins: And I know you . . . This is hard for people to accept, but this is a fact. And

    so these people can come here, walk all over our planet, do whatever they want and

    telepathically get us through mind control to do what they want us to do – their 

    agendas. And this is an area that we really, we really, need to work on.

    Rense: Okay. All right. Carry on. We're with the tunnel, the tunnel department, at TRW.

    That's one.

    Tompkins: All right, now just let me finish that tunnel group. In general, digging other 

    tunnels with the Air Force equipment, boring it, they ran into other extraterrestrial

    tunnels. And these were completely different in that they were, diameter-wise, five

    times the width – the diameter. And they were almost no turning in them at all – nosharp turns of any kind like you're going to see in pictures of tunnels that we get

    involved in.

    Rense: Right.

    Tompkins: And so their equipment . . . They operate high speed train systems all over 

    your planet. And when you say 'high speed', it's nearly subsonic. And this is ridiculous

    because the planet is round and these facilities are fantastically built. When they drive

    their machines into the ground, they have a system which allows everything to be

    brought back - converted into other materials – and line their tunnels with glass-like

    lining. Perfect cylinders.


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    So they convert the granite, the ground, into different materials, and as the machine is

    grinding as it goes through, everything is changed into a finished tunnel. And in some

    cases they were operating adjacent equipment; behind it they put the rail system in

    almost as fast as the digger was constructing. It's amazing.

    Rense: What do the trains . . . First of all, what does the digging machine use for fuel?

    Is that a low-level nuclear powered device?

    Tompkins: It's not nuclear. It's anti-gravitational, which you say you don't need that for 

    this, but it is a system that they use on some of their extraterrestrial propulsion.

    Rense: How interesting. Wow! All right, very good. Okay, now, who gets to use these

    tunnels? Who rides them? Do the ETs ride them with us or is it pretty much something

    for humans to use to zip around unseen and unbeknownst beneath us?

    Tompkins: This is sort of a got a stop-sign through them. The extraterrestrials, whohave humans as their slave labor in their large caverns, they will have sometimes those

    humans come with them on different programs that are being developed on a different

    part of the planet. But other than that, this is a hands-off facility. We're not allowed to

    use them at all.

    Rense: Really? Oh. All right. So we don't use them. We build them, and we don't use


    Tompkins: No. We build our own.

    Rense: Okay.

    Tompkins: They are a separate set of tunnels which are much larger in diameter, use

    high-speed rail-type systems, connecting every area of your planet. We are not allowed

    to use those systems. But the main thing is how the system operates under 

    construction. It's uncanny the speed with which they can build new tunnels.

    Rense: How many miles a day?

    Tompkins: They were going as much as 30 miles a day. Some of them would go as

    many as 100 miles a day.

    Rense: Okay. Now, the masses of rock that these machines go through, it's my

    understanding that the rock is broken down and atomically reduced in size. There it's

    compacted, turned into a quasi-molten state, and then injected into the walls as it were

    of the tunnel, creating this glass-like smoothness.

    Tompkins: Yes.


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    Rense: So they can move quickly because they're actually taking the rock and reducing

    the volume of it by dozens of percentage points. It becomes much less then it was and

    it's reformed and put around the edges of the tunnel, around the tunnel walls. Very

    interesting, fascinating stuff.

    Okay, that's one department. Let's go back to TRW. Give me an idea of another 


    Tompkins: Okay. Just one thing before that. Those tunnels are lit ___. They light up the

    tunnel. You don't have a separate lighting system. The light is continuous in those

    tunnels and there's actual light just as fast as they are constructed.

    Rense: It must be something to do with an atomic nuclear sub-atomic reaction of some

    kind that creates light.

    Tompkins: Yes.

    Rense: Something from the rock. Something from the material.

    Tompkins: Yes.

    Rense: Wow! Okay. All right.

    Tompkins: Okay. For a minute, I'd like to talk a little bit about the History Lab. And it's

    not just one lab at TRW. It's probably 30 of them. Again, they are funded to study allaspects of the history of the planet. And so what this gets into is the level of incorrect

    information that the universities, the colleges, the schools, and even the medical

    schools, are using because extraterrestrials have created our history. And it's totally

    different than what our books say it is.

     And so we have a situation where the people that are doing the studies there at TRW

    in the history labs, they simply are trying to establish what history REALLY was and

    using time lines to accomplish this in reverse. And what they have found is, yes, there

    were others civilizations on the planet thousands of years ago. And they also found that

    there have been other floods besides Noah's flood. And there had been other 


     And the studying of the history essentially came up with a total rewrite of virtually

    everything related to what we have been taught. And essentially the studies, even

    though they are continuing, over at Northrop, that study ended up saying that our 

    history is a total lie - virtually everything. So now, we're finding out there's other ways to

    accomplish the things, but essentially we have been fed lies by the extraterrestrials.

     And so our situation then is that we, even in engineering, are using standards that are

    childish for everything. So, again, we are then now using a higher percent of our brain


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    matter where the real numbers have been something like 2.2% is all we are really

    using. Whereas the extraterrestrials, who have roughly the same size matter, are using

    the whole thing. So this then touches with the numbers of times per month that the

    extraterrestrials drop the five gases on the industrial areas of the planet.

    So here we have a history program going and then we find that . . . and I have the

    photographs there of the five reptilian tankers dropping the five gases on Orange andSan Diego County at 300 feet.

    Rense: Now, hold on, hold on. The ETs using five tankers to drop gas on Orange

    County. Give me more information, please. What do these tankers look like? Whose

    are they? And you mentioned 300 feet. That's awfully low.

    Tompkins: This is part of the insanity that we're dealing with.

    Rense: Whose insanity is it, Bill?

    Tompkins: The insanity is really ourselves, because like Admiral Hugh Webster used to

    say, every man, woman and child in the country should be working on this. Our insanity

    is that there's a total different life out there that a lot of other people are doing. We are

    living on a laboratory. We inside the laboratory of all these other organizations.

    Rense: It feels like we are inside a lavatory, not a laboratory. That's another story.

    Tompkins: Yeah. We're in a lab. But these tankers – there's several sizes of them.Some of them are only about 150 feet long. They are a very strange shape for a

    supersonic vehicle. Of course, they come from a mothership. And so they just come

    down like a landing craft that the Marines would use.

    So they operate at a low altitude, not because they are afraid they're going to be seen,

    but because they want the gases to be distributed close to the people. So they're fly

    through canyons. I'll have to get a copy of those photographs to you folks, because if 

    you haven't seen them, it's hard to even describe.

    The top surface has five glass-like roofs on the top of the sort of a streamlined semi-

    bullet-shaped vehicle.

    Rense: Okay. No wings. No wings, right?

    Tompkins: No wings. The sides of it are perforated. And the roof, then, is perforated.

     And the photos that we have show five separate colors of gases coming out. These

    vehicles then come out of the mothership. They come down and they throw the gasesaround specific areas on the planet that have to be stopped – technically stopped. This

    is what this is for.


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    Rense: What do you mean “technically . . . Bill, excuse me. What do you mean

    'technically stopped'? And how do these gases stop it?

    Tompkins: What we're saying is that they're observing us talking today on the radio.

    Okay? They can listen to everything that we are saying.

    Rense: That's why I have my blinds closed. I don't want to see them looking in.

    Tompkins: That won't do any good. Wait a minute. So these fellas have standard gases

    that they drop and other people have seen them when they look at crop circles.

    Rense: Oh, let me ask one thing. Some of the crop circle videotapes or digital

    recordings do not show an aircraft. They show the trails, and then if you look carefully,

    out in front of the trails is a dot. Well, there is a little dot sometimes. It's obviously a

    UFO. It's not an aircraft. It's something else. So . . . Okay, go ahead. I'm sorry to

    interrupt, but I wanted to make that point.

    Tompkins: And you're correct and absolutely some of them are our own Air Force for 

    other reasons, but, yes, others are extraterrestrials.

    Rense: Okay.

    Tompkins: Okay, so this photograph sequence is about eight years old. The photograph

    was taken in Carlsbad, California on the border of Oceanside. And four couples had a

    party Friday night and Saturday morning they went out to a cul-de-sac street thatlooked over the side of a little valley where a group of new condos were being built. So

    the four couples were to look over the side of this cul-de-sac and show them the new


    So nobody saw any UFOs. And when they took the pictures at the party last night and

    the one picture of the new condos, had it developed . . . Whoops! Here's these five

    UFOs at 300 feet. And you can see the hills. You can see the buildings. You can see all

    of it. And you're going to know this is not 10,000 feet.

    These five essentially . . . My pick up on it was . . . because a friend of mine took the

    picture. And when I took it over to Grumman – they have a facility here in San Diego –

    and they did a little study on it, the photograph. It was established definitely that these

    were tankers. And they were dropping these five gases.

    Well, when the gas comes out, it dissipates, and that's what they want it to do. They

    don't want to leave any cloud or anything visible, because the squadron leader, the

    extraterrestrial squadron leader of this particular gas drop, turned the stealth on which

    prevents us from seeing them. He forgot to turn on the stealth that would prevent

    cameras from photographing them. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason why

    you don't see UFOs. They are here every single day. But they have their stealth turned


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    Rense: Sure. They're cloaked.

    Tompkins: You don't see them.

    Rense: Right. Yeah. Understood. Okay. Now, these tankers, they come down from

    motherships. What are they a couple hundred feet long? Pretty good size?

    Tompkins: Some of them are up to 700 feet.

    Rense: Okay, they're big.

    Tompkins: Some are quite large.

    Rense: These motherships, Bill, are in orbit above the planet's surface in near space.

    They must be, as some people have said, miles across. They must be huge.

    Tompkins: Yes, they are. Some of them are 20 miles.

    Rense: I'm just making that point for our audience here. These are enormous things.

    Okay, so. Yeah.

    Tompkins: Wait a minute here. Because this, again, is against the law.

    Rense: What law? These people aren't answerable to any laws.

    Tompkins: And the whole thing is against the law. We, to this point, don't have the

    ability to stop these guys from doing it. So the frequency, that's what I wanted to get

    you to hear. The frequency of the drops in technical areas, or areas on the planet that

    are technically advancing in medicine or space or communications, whatever, that's the

    ones that they want to make sure that they are not going to make it.

    Rense: They're trying to retard . . . They're retarding our, in many cases, black ops

    programs of advanced technology to keep us restrained. Is that the idea? They don't

    want us to make this kind of progress?

    Tompkins: Exactly. And the reason I'm using that as sort of an example here all over 

    TRW is it's difficult to accept that there should be more good guys out there helping us

    and not allowing supposedly insects and Dracos and these other people to accomplish

    their missions. But having to realize the history part of the studies at TRW, this goes

    back so far, and through so many different civilizations on this planet, which got us into

    all this problem.

    Rense: Wow! So, Bill, hold on, please. We do have to pause on that note. This has

    been a phenomenal hour to consider. We'll come back and do another one. So stay


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    right there.

    END PART 1

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