Spellwork Quick Class


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  • 8/20/2019 Spellwork Quick Class


  • 8/20/2019 Spellwork Quick Class



    Kinds of Spells


    In many of the classes on spell work, we have discussed the efficacy of sigils and

    how they can lend themselves to crafting very powerful and successful workings. By creating the

    sigillic representation of our desire, we effectively empower our subconscious to mold the

    energy we are putting out into that which we wish to obtain.

    As an example, if you have no clue on how to create a sigil for a purpose, say the infamous lovespell we have been beating to death, you can always use the Planetary sigil for that purpose.

    Venus is associated with love and relationships, so we employ the sigils for that planet -

    Spirit of Venus - Intelligence of Venus -

    Seal of Venus -

    Inscribing these upon a piece of parchment, and utilizing the pink or white candle plus

    incantation, we can craft a very powerful spell for love.


  • 8/20/2019 Spellwork Quick Class


    You could construct your own sigil for love if you so desired, but that is beyond the scope of this

    particular class. Utilizing the planetary sigils works quite well for general needs and desires, so

    leverage them in your work and see what you can accomplish.


    Using spirits in spell work is another powerful way to bring those energies that we

    desire into our lives. Once you have identified a particular helpful spirit, say one from the Goetia

     which is available online. Just do a google search for Goetia PDF. You can call upon them to

    assist you in your work. You can combine spirit, planetary, and sigil work if you want to really

    punch up the power. One way would be to utilize the universal spirit of, yes the same spell, Love.

    That would be Venus. Or even Aphrodite, if you want to get really into the nitty gritty. Put the

    same planetary sigils and seal we used earlier and call upon the goddess Venus to bring you

    that love which you so greatly desire. Or, if you use the Spirit Offering Bowl, you can set thesigils for Venus around that and make an offering asking for love to be brought into your life to

    fulfill that desire.


    We have already seen the efficacy of utilizing different colored candles in our spell

     work. And this section is just going to reiterate that. Candles bring that energy of the element fire

    into our work and thus allows for a focus of our own wills and energies. The use of colors, a form

    of sympathetic magick, helps to better align us with the powers we are attempting to raise.However, if you do not have a particular color for a working, white or beeswax works as a stand

    in. Below is a small list of different colors that may be employed -

    White - spirituality and peace.

    Red - health,energy,strength,courage, sexual potency.

    Pink - love affection and romance.

    Yellow - intellectualism, imagination, memory and creativity

    Green - prosperity, fertility, abundance, good luck and harmony

    Blue - inspiration, occult wisdom, protection and devotion

    Purple - material wealth, higher psychic ability, spiritual power and idealism

    Orange - ambition. career matters and the law.


  • 8/20/2019 Spellwork Quick Class



    As previously mentioned, the Tarot is a powerful tool for spellwork. It acts as a

    grimoire from which we may draw amazing power and potential. These types of spells can be

    done anywhere with a bit of forethought. The easiest way is to figure out exactly what you wish toaccomplish and select a card for that purpose. Then select 2 additional cards to empower it. As

     we did above. W e chose the Lovers as our main card. That would go at the apex of the triangle.

    Then the Ace of Cups would go at the left bottom, and the Two of Cups would go to the right.

    This forms our main spell. We then added a pink candle to ramp up the power. You really don’t

    even need the candle. You could just select your three cards, lay out your triangle, and then

    silently recite your desire while concentrating on the images before you. Then put your cards

    away and let that desire manifest. I have performed spells like this in a crowded room with no

    one being the wiser. In fact, you can perform enormously complicated rituals using just the

    Tarot, for they contain all of the elemental components, plus all of the spiritual components that

    are required. It is truly a self contained grimoire and magickal tool box.


    Herbs can greatly enhance our spells by lending their sympathetic energies to the

     working. W e can create nice smelling sachets to help us dream lovely dreams, or burn them to

    increase our powers of sight. Mugwort is wonderful if consumed as a tea just before scrying.

    You can also burn it if you are attempting to call in spirits. Placing an infusion, or a tea, of

    Eyebright soaked into a cloth upon your eyes helps in seeing spirits as well as scrying.Trying to cast a curse? Try burning Dragon’s Blood resin. It really kicks up the energy. Any

    decent magickal herbal can give you tons of ingredients to help in your spell work. Below is a

    small list of magickal herbs you can try -

    Basil is a sacred herb used for peace and happiness at home. Basil is used to protect

    the home from evil. Basil is known as Albahaca, American Dittany, 'Our Herb', St.

    Joseph's Wort, Sweet Basil, and the Witches Herb. Basil is considered masculine,

    associated with the Planet Mars and the element of Fire. An herb for money and

    success, a happy family, and a peaceful home, it drives away the Evil Eye.

    R O S E M A R Y is a powerful guardian, and a protector of woman. This wonderful herb is

     widely used to bring good dreams, keep marriage faithful and the home peaceful, and for

    brewing up cleansing and beautifying baths. Rosemary is also known as Compass

    Weed, Dew of the Sea, Elf Leaf, Guardrobe, Incensier, Polar Plant, and Sea Dew.

    Rosemary is considered masculine, and is associated with the Sun and the element of



  • 8/20/2019 Spellwork Quick Class


  • 8/20/2019 Spellwork Quick Class


    F o cu s+In ten t+Emo tio n

    Without these main components, the results will be, at best lacking, at worse chaotic and

    unpredictable. You need to have your mind in the right frame if you are going to be doing anything

    magickal. Otherwise, you are playing with fire and you, or your client, may get burned.

    Planetary Influence

    The Planets can add or take away from our workings. If you were to do a

    love spell in the time of Mars, instead of Venus, your results would be quite a bit different. While

    you may get the desire outcome, it may manifest differently that you had intended. It may be

    contentious, controlling, and who knows what else. So, being mindful of the planetary hours is

    always helpful. That being said, strong enough desire can override the planetary influence if you

    are desperate. Just make sure your focus is laser straight and you will be fine. That being said,

    you can jump start your spell by taking into account these times. To calculate is quite easy

    nowadays as there are many websites and applications that will do this for you.

    This is a list of Planetary Hours -

    Plan etary Ho u rs o f th e Day 

    Hour   Sunday   Monda








    Friday   Saturda


    1 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

    2 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

    3 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

    4 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun

    5 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

    6 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury

    7 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon

    8 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

    9 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

    10 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

    11 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun

    12 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus


  • 8/20/2019 Spellwork Quick Class



    Plan etary Ho u rs o f th e Nig h t 

    Hous  Sunday   Monda








    Friday   Saturda


    1 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury

    2 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon

    3 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

    4 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

    5 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

    6 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun

    7 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

    8 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury

    9 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon

    10 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

    11 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

    12 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

    However, planetary hours do not start as our normal timekeeping does. It requires a bit of

    calculation and the use of an Almanac.

    From Renaissance Astrology -

    Looking in your Almanac to determine the actual times of Sunrise and Sunset, take the

    time from sunrise to sunset and divide by twelve to get the length of each planetary hour for the

    day. Take the time from sunset to sunrise the next day and divide that by twelve for the length of

    each planetary hour by night. Then starting with the planet that rules the day, e.g. Saturn for

    Saturday, follow the numerical order and assign the proper planet to each planetary hour of theday and night that you have just calculated. 

    There are many incredible books on Planetary Magick, one being by Melita Denning and Osborne

    Phillips. Another is called the Picatrix, which you can either purchase or view online.


  • 8/20/2019 Spellwork Quick Class


    Moon Phases

    The use of the Moon is not only traditional, but very powerful in one’s spellwork.

    For bringing things to you, use the Waxing or Full Moon. To get rid of something, use the

    Waning. For darker magick, or to begin something, use the New Moon. Very simple, butextremely powerful for your spells.

    Spell Boxes

    One last method of spell construction that I will discuss is the use of Spell Boxes.

    These are just how they sound. They are boxes that you utilize for specific spell work. Let us say

     we wish to attract money. We would utilize a box that was colored green, the color of the US

    currency. Then we would create a sigil to obtain money and put it in the box along with a bill of

    the representative currency. Then let it do its work. You can also use just a plain wooden boxand use that as your main spell box. I have one that I put specific spell workings in. It acts like a

    generator and battery for my spells. You can purchase simple small cardboard boxes from a

    craft store in a variety of colors. These you can cover, using a sharpie marker, in symbols that

    represent that which you desire. Then fill it with items to bring that desire to you. Herbs, sigils,

    stones, or pretty much anything of a sympathetic nature to your desire. I’ve used these for years

    and they are a great way to empower your spells and keep them working for the long term.


    That is, in a nutshell, how one can use very easily obtained items to conduct extremely

    successful spells. It doesn’t take a great deal of paraphernalia, nor money to be an active worker

    of sorcery. All it takes is a little time and thought and you will be casting spells like a professional

    in no time. Good luck and happy casting.

