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Spelling and Reading Year 4 Summer 2

Week 3



Lesson 1

Questions1. Copy one sentence with speech on it from the first

page. Remember to include speech marks and that the punctuation is in the correct place.

2. Tortoise language is backwards! Can you translate the spell? The first line says ‘Tortoise Tortoise!’

3. What is your name spelt backwards?

4. When do parents notice their children are growing?

Lesson 2


How much did the tortoise weigh at the end of the second week?

How much did Alfie weigh?

Copy down an adverb from the second page.

Do you think what Mr Hoppy is doing is right? Why/ why not?

Lessson 3


Why do you think Mr Hoppy thought maybe he should stop?

How much did he weigh when Mrs Silver weighed him?

Copy down an alternative word for ‘said’ used on the second page.

What do you think Mr Hoppy’s new plan is?
