Special Report from ezWebBusinessBuilder2 · TextBroker.com Article Writing Article Re-write...


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Special Report from ezWebBusinessBuilder2.com

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Fiverr.com – Subcontracting At It's Finest!

You're going to like this report. It is very short and to the point. It takes all of five minutes to read. But if you use it properly it can save you hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars. More importantly, it can save you countless hours of time.

Most of these outsourcing resources are on Fiverr.com. You've likely heard of Fiverr, but chances are you have no idea the potential it holds for your business,especially when you use it to it's fullest capacity.

In fact, I doubt I'm even using it to its fullest capacity, yet I've used it to grow entire new profit streams over and over already.

The secret to using fiverr.com properly is knowing what jobs (or gigs as fiverr calls it) to hire.

You can use fiverr.com for just about everything from setting up a blog to having a logo and header designed, to video creation and submission and much, much more. I'll give you links for all those things and more in this special report.

The trick to getting the most out of Fiverr.com is to make sure you hire only the best gigs.

I find the proven, best of the best by searching for the service I need and then sorting the list by rating. This sorts all gigs by the ratings that buyers have given them. You can read reviews from customers and save time by hiring only contractors who you know can do the job right.

Also beware that just because a gig has a ton of great ratings, does not mean you should assume it is good for your site. For example, there are gigs that will tweet your message to 10,000 Twitter followers for $5. The reviews may be great, but you may not get much traffic if any from the gig.

Some link building gigs can actually have a negative effect on your search engine ranking. So as always online, it's buyer beware.

That said, there are many awesome gigs that can save you hours and even days of work. And here some of those gigs...

Jim's Top 20 Outsourcers

Niche Selection:

Find a Niche, Keywords & Domain

WordPress Setup:

WordPress Installation and Setup

WishList Member Site Setup


TextBroker.com Article Writing

Article Re-write Service

Press Release Writer

PLR Ebooks


Ebook Cover Design

Banner Ad Design

List Building:

Opt-In Form Setup Service

Autoresponder Series Writer

WPSubscriber Plugin Setup

Video Squeeze Page Creation

Link Building:

Press Release Submission Service

UAW Submission Service


Social Signals Link Builder


Video Editing and Creation

Prezi Presentations

Whiteboard Animation Videos

Intro and Outro Videos with your Logo (Great for branding PLR Videos!)

Video Submission Service

I hope you find as much value in these links as I have. I suggest you save this PDF to your desktop so you can refer to it whenever you need to outsource a difficult task.

If you'd like to earn money while sharing this special report, grab an affiliate link from my site. You'll earn 50% commissions on my new ezWebBusinessBuilder2 course.

Inside the members area I share a detailed 140+ page PDF on how to build money making web properties using WordPress. Along with the PDF, customers get access to training videos and an Outsource page that includes the above links along with many more.

If visitors exit the sales page without buying my course, they'll get a free copy of this special report. So you'll be helping them either way!

To your success,Jim Daniels

P.S. If you need a step by step course on setting up and monetizing a web property, watch this video.