SPECIAL EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING - Amazon S3Vol. 17, No. 2 Pottawatomie-Lincoln Baptist Association,...


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“...encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” I Thessalonians 5:11

Pottawatomie-Lincoln Baptist Association, Shawnee, OK Dr. Russell R. Cook, Director of Missions Vol. 17, No. 2 February, 2013

Association Office


Monday, February 18

For Presidents’ Day





February 4,

1:30 p.m.

Assn. Office



team meeting


February 4,

10:00 a.m.

Assn. Office


Monday, February 11, 2013 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Shawn & Amber Crawley, Guests

Don’t miss this special Valentines dinner and desserts. It is very important to RSVP by Tuesday, February 5, 2013, a firm head count is

needed for this special meal.

All full-time and bi-vocational Pastors, Board Members & Spouses encouraged to attend.

Meal for all, prepared by Marsha Cook, 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting: 6:45 - 7:30 p.m. Breakout Session for wives: 6:45 - 7:30 p.m. Joint Session for all: 7:30 - 8:00 p.m.

(Racer kits are available at the Association office for $3.75 each)

State Race will be held in Oklahoma City at South Lindsay Baptist Church, Saturday, February 23rd.

Weigh-in will begin at 11:00 a.m.

March 2, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. $10 in advance, $15 at the door

Register at: www.bgco.org/missionignition Launch Pads: OKC, McAlester & Tulsa

Immanuel Baptist Church

1451 E. 45th, Shawnee

Snacks: 5:30 p.m. ~ Workshops: 6:00 - 8:00 pm

This year’s clinic will be a different format and we need your help! We will be serving Hotdogs and snacks, 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. To make sure we have enough food prepared, we are asking churches to give an estimate of how many will be attending.

We are also putting together information about the differ-ent ways churches conduct their VBS. We would appreci-ate it if your church would send a copy of the rotation schedule that you used for last year’s VBS.

Please send this information to Shannon Pruitt, 405-273-2105 or e-mail Shannon@immanuelshawnee.org, no later than Wednesday, March 6th.

Lifeway orders may be placed at this event and 1 week before or after.

PLBA has VBS 2013 Die Cuts!

VBS Clinic &

Children’s Worker Training

March 11th


State Capitol Wednesday, February 6

Rose Distribution: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Rally: 11:45 a.m.

Church News

Please let us know of any upcoming events or news from your church!

"Restoration for the Church” Exodus 33:1-16

When God’s people had sinned at Mt. Sinai by worshipping the golden calf (Chapter 32) and then genuinely repented, God brought restoration. Whenever the Church sins and comes to a place of genuine confession and repentance, God will, once again, restore His people. When He does, certain commitments become reality in the life of the church. Notice…

I. There was a NEW RESPECT FOR THE LEADERS OF GOD (33:8 “...whenever Moses went out to the tent [of meeting]… all the people would arise and stand, each at the entrance of his tent [home] and gaze after Moses...v.9...the Lord would speak with Moses…”)

II. There was a NEW REGARD FOR THE WORSHIP OF GOD (33:10 “When all the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance of the tent [of meeting], all the people would arise and worship, each at the entrance of his tent [home].”)

III. There was a NEW REINFORCEMENT FOR THE MAN OF GOD (33:17 “...you have found favor in My sight and I have known you by name.”) A. He will better know the PURPOSE’S OF GOD (v.13a “...let me know Your ways…”) B. He will better know the PERSON OF GOD (v. 13b “...that I may know You”) C. He will better know the PRESENCE OF GOD (v. 14a “My presence shall go with you…”) D. He will better know the PEACE OF GOD (v. 14b “I will give you rest…”)

Genuine revival or restoration includes genuine repentance and faith. This will result in a greater effectiveness for the Pastors and greater praise to God. Dear God, “restore unto us the joy of your salvation” (Psalm 51:12). — rrc

It Might Preach!

I have spent the first half of January involved in a National conference for DOM’s (NOBA) at Southwestern Seminary, a Deacon Ministry Conference at First Baptist Church, Duncan and a January Bible Study (JBS) at the same church. The January Bible Study was, undoubtedly, the highlight of these ministry responsibilities. The JBS this year is on the Passion Week of Christ as described by Luke (Chapters 19-24). It has been a refreshing and informative study. What could be more impressive and challenging than to re-visit the foot-steps and words of Jesus from Sunday to Sunday of passion week? I would challenge all our Pastors and other Bible teachers in our churches to seriously consider this study. It could be a great lead-up to the Easter season (Easter Sunday is March 31). Though it seems like we just celebrated His birth, we will soon celebrate His resurrection. And, of course, His resurrection is at the center of everything else we do and believe. I agree with C.S. Lewis, “Jesus has forced open a door that had been locked since the death of the first man. He has met, fought and beaten the King of Death. Everything is different because he has done so.” We have every reason to prepare for and promote the greatest Easter Season we’ve ever known. Jesus has made it possible and the population awaits. — Encouragingly Yours, Russell R. Cook

CHANDLER SOUTHERN Christian sympathy is expressed to Bro. Keith Henley in

the passing of his father, Floyd, December 9th and his mother, Ivene,

January 9th. (Keith Henley, Pastor)

GOOD SHEPHERD CHAPEL is in need of a volunteer driver for a 30 passenger

shuttle bus on Wednesday nights. Pick up begins at 5:00 p.m. and drop off at

7:00 p.m. Must have a current CDL and a heart for needy children. Please

contact Aaron Hayes at (940) 230-5128 or email at aaron.hayes@okbu.edu. (Bob Dawson, Pastor)

FIRST, ST. LOUIS called Joseph Manning as their Youth Minister. (Glenn Peck,


FOREST the official numbers for the Community Clinic pharmacy from

September through December, the months it has been open, is total of 304

prescriptions at a cost of $12,753.66. To God be the Glory! Continue to pray

for them as they reach their community for Christ, one need at a time. (Jeff

Bruton, Pastor)

Staff Needed Incorrect information... please call the Associa-tion office, 405.273.4558.

AYDELOTTE is seeking a full-time Pastor. Please send your resume to 10201 N.

Harrison, Shawnee, OK 74804. (Odus Compton, Interim Pastor)

DALE is seeking part-time pianist, blended worship service. Contact Douglas

Parker Jr., Search Committee, 405.401.9010. (Doug Parker, Pastor)

FIRST, ASHER is seeking a full-time Pastor. Send resumes to Harold Scott, c/o

FBC, P.O. Box 166, Asher, 74826. (Russell Cook, Interim Pastor)

FIRST, MCLOUD is seeking a part-time Choir Director. Send Resumes to the

church, PO Box 180, McLoud, 74851. ~ ~ Taking applications for a paid nursery

worker (must be 18 years or older). Applications can be picked up at the church

or call 964-3344. (Matt Halsted, Pastor)

FIRST, STROUD is seeking a full-time Music/Youth Director. Please send your

resume to First Baptist Church Search Committee, PO Box 600, Stroud, OK

74079 or email to fbcstroud@gmail.com (Burl Mackey, Pastor)

FIRST, TRYON is seeking a Youth/Children’s Leader. For more information please

email or call Pastor Bob Fowler at pastorbobfowler@yahoo.com or

405.606.5603. (Bob Fowler, Pastor)

GOOD SHEPHERD CHAPEL is seeking to fill 2 part-time positions; a part-time

Music & a part-time Youth Director. Salary will be negotiable according to

responsibilities. Contact Pastor Bob Dawson, 405.706.9008 for more

information. (Bob Dawson, Pastor)

NEW HOPE is seeking a part-time Worship Leader to lead a blended worship

service for Sunday mornings and evenings only. New Hope is located 10 miles

west of Shawnee. Please send your resume to New Hope Baptist Church,

37496 New Hope Rd., Tecumseh, OK 74873 or email to

newhopesecretary@gmail.com (Will Wilson, Pastor)

L.I.N.C. Luncheon Wednesday, February 6th, 12 - 1 p.m.

Immanuel Baptist Church 1451 E. 45th Street, Shawnee

This is an excellent opportunity to take part in an enlightening and informative meeting/luncheon in regards to enhancing the lives of elders. This is Baptist Village Retirement Centers L.I.N.C. (Loving, Inspiring, Nur-turing, Caring) ministry.

This will be for pastors, staff and lay members from PLBA. The Activity Director and/or representative from each care center in the PLBA area will be invited to join us for lunch to share their current ministry needs.

We will enjoy a FREE meal together and you will learn more about an upcoming LINC Ministry training opportunity on Saturday, February 23rd, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Montgomery Hall Lounge, OBU.

Please RSVP by calling and/or texting Harold Ware at 580-399-5601 or e-mail haroldfbcada@yahoo.com by Wednesday, January 30th.

PLBA Women

SAVE THE DATES…BGCO WOMEN… see www.bgco.org

State Evangelism Conference: MY316: Serve Like Jesus January 29, 2013—Special Luncheon Speaker: Lauren Chandler

Rose Day at the Capitol, Oklahoma City February 6, 2013—Registration / Rose Distribution: 10:30 a.m.,

Rally: 11:45 a.m. Contact BGCO, 405-942-3800, for publicity materials! Ministry Wives Weekend: The Battle Belongs to the Lord

March 1-2, 2013—Immanuel Baptist Church, Shawnee BGCO Women’s Retreat: A Love That Never Lets Go

April 19-20, 2013—Falls Creek Keynote Speakers: Lisa Harper, Angie Smith

Worship: Jourdan Johnson

BLANKET THE STATE MINISTRIES Please contact Marsha Cook at rrmlcook@sbcglobal.net for how you can help in providing blankets for needy children and the homeless or others with limited resources in Shawnee…OR…other needy persons in your own home area. We are getting close to providing 3000 blankets across the state (and the world) since this ministry began! WE ALWAYS NEED MANY, MANY BLANKETS ACROSS OUR STATE!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW!!!

A NUGGET FROM MY SPIRITUAL JOURNEY… We have just returned from a multi-purpose trip which lasted 11 days. On that

journey, I was reminded several times of how God has worked in my life in the past and how that connects with the present…and most likely, the future! At the beginning of our time away, Russell attended a national meeting at the seminary in Ft. Worth, while I visited friends in Carrollton (the Dallas area). We first met Ed & Judy Ethridge about 36 years ago when Russell and Ed were both students at Dallas Baptist College (now University) and Judy and I were young wives and moms who met at a monthly meeting for Pastor’s wives in the Dallas Baptist Association. We could have never foreseen that we would become the closest of friends, that our husbands would both eventually become Directors of Missions themselves, and that our friendship would last a lifetime! What a joy it was to spend time together again, picking up right where we left off from the last time we saw each other about 1 ½ years ago. It’s the kind of friendship which is comfortable, fun, accepting, secure, knowing each other’s personalities, likes/dislikes, habits, and favorite things to do! What a gift God was giving two young couples so many years ago that we didn’t even realize we were receiving! We have gone from being young marrieds to becoming grandparents and have shared so much in between! “Thank You, Lord, for the lifetime gift of trusted friendship!”

Russell joined us after his meeting was over and we spent a brief time together just enjoying being two couples. During that time, Ed took Russell to visit one of their former professors from Dallas Baptist University, Dr. William Bell, who is now ill and in the latter years of his life. What a joyous time they shared—these two men and one of their all-time-favorite mentors. What joy it must have brought to him to have two now-silver-haired students come back and say, “Thank You!” We must never forget to thank those in our journey who have helped to significantly shape our lives.

When we left Texas, we went to Duncan, Oklahoma, where we were both privileged to lead a weekend conference for the staff and deacons and wives of First Baptist Church, where Brian Pain, formerly from our association, is the Pastor. Russell then led their Winter Bible Study from Sunday through Wednesday. What a wonderful time we had in so many ways…reconnecting with Brian and Shonda and their family, leading the conference/preaching/teaching, and making many wonderful new friends! As I was leading my sessions, or even in casual conversation, I found myself sharing several times things I had learned from my own parents, either while growing up or during the time I cared for them during the ending years of their lives. I was struck once again with the realization that when we are parenting, we can’t fully realize the impact of the discipling we do (or don’t do) as we are raising our children. Even while sightseeing one day with new friends there, I found myself recounting a story of my childhood when I was just finishing the third grade, which I’ve come to realize was so significant in shaping my own love for missions and for other cultures. When I finished, my new friend exclaimed how she had never heard such a story as that and the look on her face showed it was impacting her life. Once again, I say, “Thank You, Lord, for giving me parents who were so faithful to You that they helped mold my life’s journey at times when they probably didn’t even know it was happening! Thank You, Lord, for giving me multiple opportunities to share what they taught me!” Young parents, remember, your children will share what they learn from you! — Marsha Cook, PLBA Women Director

Association Website — www.plba.org

Churches listed in red are Pastorless.

PASTORS CHURCH Dec. ‘12 YTD Roger Shaw Agra FBC 778.79 8,335.64 Russell Cook, Int. Asher FBC 183.26 2,356.42 Chris Carter Blackburn Chapel 162.14 2,792.43 Mark Davis Carney FBC .00 2,134.17 Rick Blackwell Chandler, FBC 692.08 9,163.15 Keith Henley Chandler Southern 144.44 1,705.74 Doug Parker Dale 32.32 340.93 Mike Mitchell Davenport FBC 209.80 4,137.47 Mike Haines Deer Creek 164.75 2,196.62 Mark Streetman Earlsboro FBC .00 450.00 Ellis Rolette Earlsboro Indian Mission 78.00 211.00 Wayne Knight Fairview 128.30 1,609.03 Dan Campbell Faith 303.14 3,651.45 Jeff Bruton Forest 213.17 719.26 Lee Witt Hazel Dell 472.17 6,331.45 Tuney Ropp Hillside 1,089.64 13,567.15 Gary Nickerson Hilltop 448.29 5,475.29 Bryan Cook Hopewell 60.08 561.26 Don Acker Macomb 124.77 1,535.77 Mike Hazelwood Mammoth 293.00 3,554.00 Bobby Shatto Maud FBC .00 248.86 Rusty McMullen Maud Trinity 202.90 2,808.62 James Bond McLoud Emmanuel 577.51 9,824.91 Jerry Gray McLoud Emmaus .00 1,211.42 Matt Halsted McLoud FBC 476.30 5,681.67 Ron Cherry McLoud Son Rises .00 1,577.00 Joe Jones Meeker FBC 366.64 4,787.52 Jerry Jackson Morning Star 966.28 4,459.08 John Hancock Mt. Pleasant .00 1,276.72 ________________ Newalla New Life 727.05 8,536.44 Ed Moore Newalla Pecan Valley 78.67 1,012.39 Mike Collyer Pink 262.37 3,559.95 Jim Morningstar Pioneer .00 595.02 Nathan Howard Pleasant Home 127.11 1,599.09 Tim Emmons Prague FBC 552.87 5,583.50 Richard Zimmer Rock Creek 1,096.77 10,229.83 Gaspar Reyes Rock Creek Spanish 15.13 258.35 Tony Black Romulus 186.04 2,518.68 Odus Compton Sh-Aydelotte 352.82 3,686.85 David Henry Sh-Calvary 62.50 312.50 Ray Miller Sh-First 298.56 4,135.05 Spencer Davis, Int. Sh-First Indian .00 566.22 Anthony Rhone Sh-Galilee .00 100.00 Bob Dawson Sh-Good Shepherd Chapel .00 1,342.47 Jay Sampson Sh-Heritage .00 4,240.85 Todd Fisher Sh-Immanuel 1,849.34 22,565.78 Rendon Falls Sh-Karis .00 .00 Tom Hall Sh-New Life 25.00 299.50 John York Sh-Oakland Chapel .00 210.00 Ben Little Sh-Sallateeska 294.00 1,716.00 Mike Craig Sh-Temple 966.52 11,793.00 Larry Norris Sh-Trinity 179.76 2,019.16 Steve Dominy Sh-University 370.59 4,368.97 Butch Bradley Sh-Wallace Ave. 164.17 1,927.64 Charles Wigington Sparks FBC .00 1,241.20 Glenn Peck St. Louis FBC 609.16 3,301.04 Burl Mackey Stroud FBC 510.94 6,061.20 Don Tiger Stroud Sac & Fox 22.98 131.59 Bill Haas Tecumseh All Nations .00 147.69 Tony Peak Tecumseh FBC 766.11 11,149.42 Will Wilson Tecumseh New Hope 50.00 450.99 Clint Dawkins Tecumseh Sharon 818.65 8,790.27 Bob Fowler Tryon FBC 136.91 1,901.55 Britt Lesley Wanette FBC .00 1,657.07 Bill Howse Wanette, Victory Pointe 10.00 60.00 Russ Houser Wellston Cornerstone .00 373.08 Darrell Sullivan Wellston FBC .00 4,387.66 Lane Buckley Wellston Trinity 110.00 1,210.00 Donation .00 2,865.00 TOTAL 18,811.79 239,609.03


12-1-12 12-31-12 Budget 40,980.91 18,811.79 20,186.67 39,606.03 Designated 159,805.96 160,450.42 Total Monies $200,786.87 $200,056.45

February Birthdays

7 Rev. Richard Zimmer 17908 Rock Creek Rd. Shawnee, OK 74801 Pastor, Rock Creek 8 Mrs. Leigh (Will) Wilson 36500 Lake Rd Shawnee, OK 74801 Pastor’s Wife, New Hope 16 Mrs. Jeanne (Lee) Witt 39208 Moccasin Trail Shawnee, OK 74804 Pastor’s Wife, Hazel Dell 21 Mrs. Lois Bone PO Box 38 St. Louis, OK 74866 Former Pastor’s Wife 21 Mrs. Betty (Burl) Mackey 126 Sooner Dr. Stroud, OK 74079 Pastor’s Wife, First, Stroud

22 Mrs. Candace (Keith) Henley 136 Meadow Lane Chandler, OK 74834 Pastor’s Wife, Chandler Southern 22 Mrs. Barbara (Britt) Lesley PO Box 159 Wanette, OK 74878 Pastor’s Wife, First, Wanette 28 Mrs. Pat Blair 1130 E Independence Apt. 319 Shawnee, OK 74804 Former Pastor’s Wife

Anniversaries 13 Rev. & Mrs. Bobby Shatto PO Box 867 Maud, OK 74854 Pastor, First, Maud 14 Rev. & Mrs. Britt Lesley PO Box 159 Wanette, OK 74878 Pastor, First, Wanette

February ‘13 2 Area Keyboard Festival, Various Places, 9:00 a.m.

4 Support Services team meeting, Assn. Office, 10:00 a.m.

4 Mission Partnerships meeting, Assn. Office, 1:30 p.m.

6 Rose Day 2013, State Capitol Building, 10:30 a.m.

7 Singing ChurchWomen West Concert, First Baptist Church, Blanchard, 7:00 p.m.

8 Racial Reconciliation Sunday

8-9 Basic Training for Church Planters

9 RA Racer Derby Tournament, Morning Star, Meeker, 10:30 a.m.

11 Special Executive Board & Spouses dinner, Assn. Office, 6:00 p.m.

11 Executive Board meeting, Assn. Office, 6:45 a.m.

14 Valentine’s Day

15 OBU Winter Preview Day

18 President’s Day — Assn. Office CLOSED

22 State VBS Clinic - Central, Chisholm Heights, Mustang

23 State RA Race, South Lindsey Baptist, OKC

23 State Keyboard Festival, OBU, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


1-2 Minister’s Wives Weekend, Immanuel Baptist, Shawnee

11 PLBA VBS Clinic, Immanuel Baptist, Shawnee, 5:30 p.m.














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Director of M

issions ........... Dr. R

ussell Cook, 405.273.4558

Moderator .............................. Lane B

uckley, 405.356.4220 V

ice Moderator .......................... B

ritt Lesley, 405.383.2674 T

reasurer ................................ Clint D

awkins, 405.273.5502

Clerk &

Office M

anager ..... Janice Maynard, 405.273.4558

Media M

anager ...................... Becky T

raxler, 405.273.4558 B

ible Study D

irector.................. David H

enry, 405.275.3450 D

iscipleship Director.......... M

ike Hazelw

ood, 405.279.2451 F

amily D

irector .................... Shaw

n Craw

ley, 405.229.5813 W

orship Director .................... Jason H

enson, 405.273.2105 M

issions Director ...................... M

ike Collyer, 405.598.3150

Support D

irector ............... Dr. R

ussell Cook, 405.273.4558

Youth M

inister .......................... Josh Norton, 580.668.0214

Licensed Counselor .................... B

ret Ellard, 405.794.5552

Licensed Counselor................ Larry R

oberts, 405.794.5552 Licensed C

ounselor........ Martha H

ernandez, 405.943.4424




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Acts 8:26-31


North American Missions March 3 - 10, 2013
