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Montequinto (subway, line 1) is a residential area of Seville, and it is only three km away from downtown. It is perfectly communicated with the downtown of Seville by the line 1 of the subway, urban buses and a bikeway. Population is about 50,000 in-habitants, mostly families and young people. Montequinto has a great number of so-cial, cultural and sports infrastructure as the cultural and social centre– library, assembly room- sports centre, swimming pools, green spaces and a mall. The museum of the “Olivar” (olivar grove), located in the restored “Hacienda de Quintos” is a model of the architecture of the zone; its tower dates back from the XIII. It stands out for being a very peaceful area and for its high level of security for the citizens.

Seville is one of the most visited cities in Andalusia and Spain. Current constancy of remains from Roman or Arabic culture turns the city into a magical space that surrounds and traps the visitors. Weather, light, gastronomy, the way that people are, the proximity to other cities from Andalu-sia stand out more, if possible, the virtues of this wonderful city.

Pedro Díaz and Victoria Mantecón founded in 2000 Ca-nadian Language Institute. Victoria Mantecón lived since she was 8 years old in Canada and she went to college at the McMaster University, Canada. Her educa-tional experience started back in the eighties. Pedro Díaz, Spanish but living in Canada, studied in Spain. He has great business experience.

Canadian Language Institute is a language teaching centre that currently has two schools, one in Montequin-to, a residential area in Dos Hermanas, and the other in Alcalá de Guadaira, both in Seville.

CLI’s early beginnings focused on English as a second language using a teaching compendium called FORY-

MED (created by Pedro Díaz and Victoria Mantecón). A few years later other languages were incorporated in the program: Spanish, Italian, German, French and Chine-se. The compendium FORYMED is used to teach all the languages. Students range in age, the youngest being 4 years old, the oldest 57 years old. Classes can either be on a one to one basis or in groups. They may be in the morning, in the evening, although companies’ clas-ses are mostly in the morning. There are also continuing education courses for the Junta de Andalucía, and foreign students who come to learn Spanish. As such, contact is maintained with the foreign languages of Canadian and American Universities. In 10 years, the number of stu-dents has increased significantly.



Learn spanish in CLICanadian Language Institute is an accredited centre of the prestigious INSTITUTO CERVANTES. CLI has a wide variety of program to offer the student the highest level of quality and satisfaction during their stay in Spain. College students, business people, executives, people in love with the culture and heritage, elderly people with free time; all of them find their program at CLI.


·It is a leading school in Spain Different options for specific needs. ·Proven & effective teaching method. Trained, enthu-siastic and experienced native teachers. ·You “learn by doing”

At El Camino de Santiago program the classroom is na-ture itself and lodgings; in Spanish + Rural Stay, the fish market or craft industries replace the classrooms and in Spanish + Culture, the Alhambra from Granada and the Alcázar of Seville, will be, among others, the real settings that surround the student and the option of taking Spa-nish classes in a classroom or while playing golf.


·Home stays and apartments ·Beaches, monuments, historic sites... ·Flamenco lessons, tapeo, etc. ·Total Spanish immersion, school groups traveling abroad ·Seville is safe, beautiful, inexpensive and exciting

The language is learnt by doing.

This program is aimed to people who want to learn the language and study in depth the ancient civilizations that shaped the Seville of today and the rest of Andalusia. Roman remains, as the town of Italic, eclectic monuments like the Alcázar (Seville), one of the won-ders of the world like the Alhambra (Granada), the meeting between two seas, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic in Tariff, the biggest gothic cathedral of the world (Seville), the surprising orography in Ronda, the extraordinary light in Cádiz (European Havana) and the spirit of ancient civilizations that impregnates Sevilla and the rest of Andalusia.

Alhambra (Granada)

Ronda (Málaga)

Spanish, culture & tapas

The novelty about this program consists of applying what you learn in the classroom during the guided vi-sits with the teacher. The student “learns by doing”, reinforces the acquired contents by watching “in situ” the studied topics, permitting, on the one hand, a long and efficient acquisition of the language and, on the other, experimenting by yourself the Andalusia culture and tra-ditions. Likewise, it is an open program.

Price: 640 €Included:• Clases de español• Alojamiento comidas y tapas• Todo lo que incluye abajo

Alhambra (Granada) Giralda tower (Seville)


Spanish & rural stay

Rural stay is a program that shares the current in-terest of those who are keen on recovering old tradi-tions and craft tasks from the countryside, the sea... This program is composed of two parts. The first part is a mandatory component of two weeks and 40 hours of Spanish classes which takes place at the premises of Canadian Language Institute with the aim of acquiring the necessary communi-cative skills to live in the chosen environment. Du-ring the other component of the course, the student moves to the chosen family environment, learning and performing the tasks commended by the family where the student lives. The novelty of this program is, precisely, the combination of classroom and the living with a native family. The student “learns by doing”, interiorizing the idiomatic knowledge, as-similating them in a lasting and efficient way.

Price: 780€ per person. Minimo 3 alumnos

Included:•Dos semanas .40 Horas clases de español.•Alojamiento en familia o apartamento•Poder hacer estancia rural por 600€ extras al mes todo incluido.•Mas lo que se incluye en todos los cursos (ver abajo)

“One month of natural liberty as pastor”

Canadian Language Institute (CLI), accredited centre of the Instituto Cervantes for the promo-tion of Spanish culture and language, offers the program “El Camino de Santiago”. El Camino de Santiago is an unique experience which takes you to unforgettable places, un comparable landsca-pes and cities and towns that burst with history and spirituality. It is organized in different stages, the participants become pilgrims who live and travel along the routes which take you to the city of Santiago de Compostela. This program is aimed at those who want to learn or improve their Spanish in an intensive way and different environment. The journey is 111 km starting at Sarriá. People of all ages can sign up since the program alternates hiking days with resting days in which 3 hours class are given and visits to the area are made, always accompanied by native teachers. It is 2 weeks long, in a total immersion on the language. There is a teacher for every 3 students in all activities outside the classroom guarantees a high success of language acquisition.

Way of St JamesCamino de Santiago

You can choose from the following options to enjoy this program:

Price: 1.690€ Included:•15 dias haciendo el camino de Santiago desde Sarría a Santiago de Compostela.•Alojamientos y comidas•Clases de español todos los días•Acompañamiento de autobús durante el recorrido para transporte de mochilas o personas si se necesitaran.•Mas lo que incluye en todos los cursos.(ver abajo).

Andalusia’s climate, specifically in Sevilla, allows the practice of some sports such as golf, all year round. With this in mind, Canadian Language Insti-tute prepares a 10 day program aimed to those people who want to enjoy the weather, sports, and the gastronomy and enology of this area in the south of Spain. The program includes guided visits to wineries and “tapas” tasting. Accommodations in D. Paco hotel near the downtown. We offer the option of taking Spanish classes in a classroom or while playing golf. The language is learnt by doing.

Prices Individuals: from 1900. Couples/Friends: from 2900.In the Schedule•Golf competition of four golf court.•Wine seminar.•Every night tapas tasting•“Manzanilla” winery visit in Sanlucar de Barrameda•Visit to Cádiz ( La Habana de España) eat and tasting there fis and wine.

Golf, wineries & tapas

Flamenco: guitar, singing &dance

The flamenco is a well-known and internationally praised art. All its variants -dancing, singing, and guitar contri-bute to its “jondura” (depth): feeling, joy, roots transmis-sion. Flamenco expresses inner feelings. Learning about the origin, the past and present of flamenco is an advan-tage for the student of Spanish since it will help not only to understand the character and personality of its people, to enhance vocabulary but also to understand the base of the language. The student in this 7 days program will put into practice the Spanish acquired at his dancing, singing or guitar lessons taught by masters of this art.

Price: 880€

Included:•Clases de español•Guitarra española para tocar•Alojamiento comidas and tapas•Noche de flamenco con cena•Todo lo included service


• Airport transfer • Personalized attention and assistance both academic and for every matter which may come up • Delivery of documents to the student with all the details of the course, useful information about the city and the school and a map of the city • Free Wi-Fi at the schools • Transfer to the diverse activities and visits • Lodging in families or apartments, always near the school • Native teachers, trained with the school’s own methodology • Possibility of conversational linguistic exchanges with students of other languages from the school • Certificate of attendance guaranteed by the Institute Cervantes • All the levels are taught, from beginners to advanced • Reduced number of students in each class • Placement level test • Reception of faxes and mail at the reception desk of the school • Reading room, with books, newspapers and magazines

• Personalized reinforcement classes • Specialized Spanish lessons on different topics: business, medicine, transport... • Teacher training courses for Spanish teachers, using the teaching compendium “FORYMED” • Legal counsel for visas and work permit in case needed • Scheduling of guided trips • Program combination

Included services

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