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National report

Internet advanced promotional tools application for increasing awareness

of social exclusions movement

Electronic social

Report prepared under supervision of


1) (Candela Mañas)

2) (Zenayda Sanfeliu)

3) (Alexandra Miró)

National report


Intensive Programme

Internet advanced promotional tools application for increasing awareness

of social exclusions movement

Electronic social exclusion

in (Spain)

Report prepared under supervision of (Antonio Hyder Espiñeira)

Katowice, 2013

Internet advanced promotional tools application for increasing awareness



Table of content


1. Level and structure of electronic social

2. Causes and consequences of

3. Government role in preventing

4. Institutions and their actions

5. Other activities against electronic social exclusion

6. Characteristic of (name of organization)



electronic social exclusion

Causes and consequences of electronic social exclusion

Government role in preventing electronic social exclusion

Institutions and their actions

electronic social exclusion

Characteristic of (name of organization)











When you look in al old dictionary for the definition of electronic social exclusion, you can

hardly find a complete description. This is due to the internet is

for little time. At the moment no one can imagine their life without internet, we have it in our

homes, in our mobile phones, at work, at school, at university, in our cars, in our televisions,

and in many cases in our shower

This situation is not common in every part of the world; sadly undeveloped countries don’t

have the same opportunities and advantages as the rest of the countries, and is not necessary

to move far away to contrast this inform

their population which have no “proper” access to electronic devices. In many areas the is

hardly no access to light our water, so is very easy to understand that the ir no possibility to

include technology in the day-

Social exclusion is a contested term, its used in relation to a wide range of categories of

excluded people and places of exclusion. We can define it like being apart

social system and its rights and privile

belonging to a minority social group:

social exclusion.

The final reports on the European Union Poverty Programmes (Andersen et al. 1994, Conroy

1994) systematically articulated social exclusion in this complex way. The processes of

exclusion resulted in multiple deprivations, the breaking of family ties and social

relationships, and loss of identity and purpose (Silver 1995).

The word “electronic” needs no explanation, every single person has a notion or an

experience with an electronic device.

In this moment we have to stop and think that in the year 2012

developed without the help of electronic devices. This is why

nowadays, because its around us, since we wake up until we go to sleep.

When you look in al old dictionary for the definition of electronic social exclusion, you can

hardly find a complete description. This is due to the internet is implanted totally in our lifes

for little time. At the moment no one can imagine their life without internet, we have it in our

homes, in our mobile phones, at work, at school, at university, in our cars, in our televisions,

and in many cases in our showers, fridges and photo cameras.

This situation is not common in every part of the world; sadly undeveloped countries don’t

have the same opportunities and advantages as the rest of the countries, and is not necessary

to move far away to contrast this information. Developed countries also have areas or part of

their population which have no “proper” access to electronic devices. In many areas the is

hardly no access to light our water, so is very easy to understand that the ir no possibility to

-a-day life.

Social exclusion is a contested term, its used in relation to a wide range of categories of

excluded people and places of exclusion. We can define it like being apart

social system and its rights and privileges, typically as a result of poverty or the fact of

belonging to a minority social group: local authorities must work with government to tackle

The final reports on the European Union Poverty Programmes (Andersen et al. 1994, Conroy

1994) systematically articulated social exclusion in this complex way. The processes of

exclusion resulted in multiple deprivations, the breaking of family ties and social

relationships, and loss of identity and purpose (Silver 1995).

” needs no explanation, every single person has a notion or an

experience with an electronic device.

In this moment we have to stop and think that in the year 2012-2013 hardly any life cant be

developed without the help of electronic devices. This is why technology is so important

nowadays, because its around us, since we wake up until we go to sleep.

When you look in al old dictionary for the definition of electronic social exclusion, you can

implanted totally in our lifes

for little time. At the moment no one can imagine their life without internet, we have it in our

homes, in our mobile phones, at work, at school, at university, in our cars, in our televisions,

This situation is not common in every part of the world; sadly undeveloped countries don’t

have the same opportunities and advantages as the rest of the countries, and is not necessary

ation. Developed countries also have areas or part of

their population which have no “proper” access to electronic devices. In many areas the is

hardly no access to light our water, so is very easy to understand that the ir no possibility to

Social exclusion is a contested term, its used in relation to a wide range of categories of

excluded people and places of exclusion. We can define it like being apart from the prevailing

ges, typically as a result of poverty or the fact of

local authorities must work with government to tackle

The final reports on the European Union Poverty Programmes (Andersen et al. 1994, Conroy

1994) systematically articulated social exclusion in this complex way. The processes of

exclusion resulted in multiple deprivations, the breaking of family ties and social

” needs no explanation, every single person has a notion or an

2013 hardly any life cant be

technology is so important

In this point, we can add and identify the really electronic social exclusion.

make the organizations of information, technology and comm

about this gap in the market.

Eventhough government and municipal authorities

poblation that have been repeatedly ignored.

We believe that with the help of the new technologies t

erradicated. The new electronic communication technologies have the potential to alter

radically power structures and equalise power, through increased transparency, heightened

reflexivity and the opportunity for electronic dia

communities and politicians and students and teachers.

View point from EU

The European Union represents a primarily

states and it has proved extremely difficult to rationali

initiatives into the broader mandate of European Union policy.

For many researchers, analysts and commentators who saw “social exclusion” as a new and

shiny term, that would encourage are thinking of social issues and p

tired and limited concepts of poverty and deprivation, disappointment was not long in coming.

Paradoxically it seemed that the policies deriving from the new discourse of “social

exclusion” were capable of ensuring that some groups

even from the discourse of exclusion.

In this point, we can add and identify the really electronic social exclusion.

make the organizations of information, technology and communication corporations conceit

government and municipal authorities have to be more aware of

poblation that have been repeatedly ignored.

We believe that with the help of the new technologies this social exclussion can be

The new electronic communication technologies have the potential to alter

radically power structures and equalise power, through increased transparency, heightened

reflexivity and the opportunity for electronic dialogue, between clients and experts,

communities and politicians and students and teachers.

he European Union represents a primarily economic relationship between the 15 member

states and it has proved extremely difficult to rationalize the inclusion of social policy

initiatives into the broader mandate of European Union policy.

For many researchers, analysts and commentators who saw “social exclusion” as a new and

shiny term, that would encourage are thinking of social issues and problems away from the

tired and limited concepts of poverty and deprivation, disappointment was not long in coming.

Paradoxically it seemed that the policies deriving from the new discourse of “social

exclusion” were capable of ensuring that some groups and individuals were being excluded

even from the discourse of exclusion.

In this point, we can add and identify the really electronic social exclusion. Its important to

unication corporations conceit

have to be more aware of the needs of this

his social exclussion can be

The new electronic communication technologies have the potential to alter

radically power structures and equalise power, through increased transparency, heightened

logue, between clients and experts,

relationship between the 15 member

ze the inclusion of social policy

For many researchers, analysts and commentators who saw “social exclusion” as a new and

roblems away from the

tired and limited concepts of poverty and deprivation, disappointment was not long in coming.

Paradoxically it seemed that the policies deriving from the new discourse of “social

and individuals were being excluded

1. Level and structure of electronic social exclusion

There is a very direct relation between poverty and soci

explain, countries with less

population, so less political issues can be develop to solve this problem.

In the next figure we can see the different levels of poverty of all the countries of the

European Union.


Figure 1. Poverty in European Countries.

Spain has always have help from the EU to prevent social exclusion, its true that things have

improve since the latest years, again is important to mention that nowadays its very difficult

for people to live without electronic contact, this is why institut



Figure 2. Social integration since 1992

Level and structure of electronic social exclusion

here is a very direct relation between poverty and social exclusion. This relation is

explain, countries with less economic resources have less opportunities to help their

population, so less political issues can be develop to solve this problem.

In the next figure we can see the different levels of poverty of all the countries of the

1. Poverty in European Countries.

Spain has always have help from the EU to prevent social exclusion, its true that things have

improve since the latest years, again is important to mention that nowadays its very difficult

for people to live without electronic contact, this is why institutions have to prevent this

Social integration since 1992-2005

al exclusion. This relation is easy to

economic resources have less opportunities to help their

In the next figure we can see the different levels of poverty of all the countries of the

Spain has always have help from the EU to prevent social exclusion, its true that things have

improve since the latest years, again is important to mention that nowadays its very difficult

ions have to prevent this

Source: Newspaper EL PAIS (2005).

The structure of the social excluded population is quit graphical. Its very easy to understand

that there is a big relation between

Due to the the strict European and Spanish regulation about children and the obligation to

assit to school lessons until they are sixteen years old, this part of the population is less risky

to be socially excluded. As we can see in the figure 2 the range from 0

there is hardly any amount of social exclusion. The charts indicate clearly that people in the

range of 85-90years to more, are in a very risky situation of electronic

It is very impressive the difference between men and women when talking about exclusion.

Its seems unrealistic that in the 21

difference gets bigger and bigger as we go to the last

yellow color for men and red color

Newspaper EL PAIS (2005).

The structure of the social excluded population is quit graphical. Its very easy to understand

between childhood education and electronic social exclusion.

Due to the the strict European and Spanish regulation about children and the obligation to

assit to school lessons until they are sixteen years old, this part of the population is less risky

As we can see in the figure 2 the range from 0-

there is hardly any amount of social exclusion. The charts indicate clearly that people in the

90years to more, are in a very risky situation of electronic exclusion.

It is very impressive the difference between men and women when talking about exclusion.

Its seems unrealistic that in the 21st centuary we still find this gender differences. This

nd bigger as we go to the last charts.As we see in figure 2, (with

color for women) men are in less risk of exclusion.

The structure of the social excluded population is quit graphical. Its very easy to understand

childhood education and electronic social exclusion.

Due to the the strict European and Spanish regulation about children and the obligation to

assit to school lessons until they are sixteen years old, this part of the population is less risky

-5 years until 35-44

there is hardly any amount of social exclusion. The charts indicate clearly that people in the


It is very impressive the difference between men and women when talking about exclusion.

centuary we still find this gender differences. This

As we see in figure 2, (with

for women) men are in less risk of exclusion.


Figure 3. Electronic social exclusion age and gender.

Source: INE (National statistic institute from Spain).

. Electronic social exclusion age and gender.

INE (National statistic institute from Spain).

2. Causes and consequences of electronic social exclusion

Social exclusion is a process by which certain groups are systematically disadvantaged

because they are discriminated against on the basis of their ethnicity, race, religion, sexual

orientation, caste, descent, gender, age, disability, HIV status, migrant status or where they

live. Discrimination occurs in public institutions, such as the legal system or education and

health services, as well as social institutions like the household”

People are excluded when th

ordinary life - networks of family, friends, community and employment. Among many others,

poor people, ex-prisoners, homeless people, people with AIDS, people with learning

disabilities or psychiatric patients might all be said to be at risk of exclusion. This is a very

broad concept: it includes not only deprivation, but problems of social relationships, including

stigma, social isolation and failures in social

In practice, the idea of exclusion is mainly used in three contexts. The first is financial:

exclusion is identified with poverty, and its effect on a person's ability to participate in normal

activities. The second is exclusion from the labor market: exclusion is strongly ident

long-term unemployment (though there is some research evidence to question whether long

term unemployed people are really excluded). Third, there is exclusion in its social sense,

which identifies exclusion partly with alienation from social net

circumstances of stigmatized groups.

One of the main characteristics of societies today is the presence of technology in all the areas

of life, from the most intimate to the most public. We could say that these new technologies,

and more specifically, the information technologies and communication, are part of our

everyday landscape and that have changed our life substantially in a short time. We could say

that we depend heavily on them, because they generate changes in scientific

cultural and technological development, which in turn leads to new challenges and social


The technologies often operate as powerful new sources of dualization, both between rich and

poor countries, and inside the countries, between tho

without, between those who have the knowledge, resources and are able to use them as

consequences of electronic social exclusion

Social exclusion is a process by which certain groups are systematically disadvantaged

because they are discriminated against on the basis of their ethnicity, race, religion, sexual

ender, age, disability, HIV status, migrant status or where they

live. Discrimination occurs in public institutions, such as the legal system or education and

health services, as well as social institutions like the household”.

ey are not part of the networks which support most people in

networks of family, friends, community and employment. Among many others,

prisoners, homeless people, people with AIDS, people with learning

atric patients might all be said to be at risk of exclusion. This is a very

broad concept: it includes not only deprivation, but problems of social relationships, including

stigma, social isolation and failures in social protection.

f exclusion is mainly used in three contexts. The first is financial:

exclusion is identified with poverty, and its effect on a person's ability to participate in normal

activities. The second is exclusion from the labor market: exclusion is strongly ident

term unemployment (though there is some research evidence to question whether long

term unemployed people are really excluded). Third, there is exclusion in its social sense,

which identifies exclusion partly with alienation from social networks, and partly with the


One of the main characteristics of societies today is the presence of technology in all the areas

of life, from the most intimate to the most public. We could say that these new technologies,

and more specifically, the information technologies and communication, are part of our

everyday landscape and that have changed our life substantially in a short time. We could say

that we depend heavily on them, because they generate changes in scientific

cultural and technological development, which in turn leads to new challenges and social

The technologies often operate as powerful new sources of dualization, both between rich and

poor countries, and inside the countries, between those with access to technology and those

without, between those who have the knowledge, resources and are able to use them as

Social exclusion is a process by which certain groups are systematically disadvantaged

because they are discriminated against on the basis of their ethnicity, race, religion, sexual

ender, age, disability, HIV status, migrant status or where they

live. Discrimination occurs in public institutions, such as the legal system or education and

ey are not part of the networks which support most people in

networks of family, friends, community and employment. Among many others,

prisoners, homeless people, people with AIDS, people with learning

atric patients might all be said to be at risk of exclusion. This is a very

broad concept: it includes not only deprivation, but problems of social relationships, including

f exclusion is mainly used in three contexts. The first is financial:

exclusion is identified with poverty, and its effect on a person's ability to participate in normal

activities. The second is exclusion from the labor market: exclusion is strongly identified with

term unemployment (though there is some research evidence to question whether long-

term unemployed people are really excluded). Third, there is exclusion in its social sense,

works, and partly with the

One of the main characteristics of societies today is the presence of technology in all the areas

of life, from the most intimate to the most public. We could say that these new technologies,

and more specifically, the information technologies and communication, are part of our

everyday landscape and that have changed our life substantially in a short time. We could say

that we depend heavily on them, because they generate changes in scientific knowledge,

cultural and technological development, which in turn leads to new challenges and social

The technologies often operate as powerful new sources of dualization, both between rich and

se with access to technology and those

without, between those who have the knowledge, resources and are able to use them as

instruments of production, business and creativity, and those who are in a position of

economic and cultural dependence.

From our point of view, the educational institution are the responsible. Education, in response

to demographic principle on which it is based, is who should facilitate access to basic skills

that ensure these technological learning, thus extending the concept of lite

educational needs of training in these new and different languages.

Is clear that new technologies offer exciting new opportunities to access to knowledge. But

their application can also become a new factor of exclusion.

According to information theory, knowledge tends to focus. Richer structures are capable of

accumulating new information easily. And, conversely, structures "infopoor

as such.

In other words, the distance between those who know and those who know very little

grow because the first accumulate information faster than the latter. This context frames the

two main views on the role played by the new technologies in contemporary societies:

1. New technologies can be an exclusion factor that adds to the cla

literacy ...). Therefore, ICT can aggravate preexisting.

2. New technologies can help overcome some of the exclusions "Traditional", since it

encourages new ways of learning and may particularly benefit social groups away from

traditional teaching.

What factors determine the predominance of either force or group in a particular social


The elderly are a prime example, as they concentrate many factors of exclusion: Advanced

age adds poverty (low income older), disability

(lower than average), the gender elements (there are more elderly women than men), and so


In this context, new technologies have so far acted as a factor of exclusion. Elderly people do

not have access to the information society, which reinforces their marginalization in the social

system. In Catalonia, for example, 71.7% of young people aged 15 to 19 are Internet users,

instruments of production, business and creativity, and those who are in a position of

economic and cultural dependence.

int of view, the educational institution are the responsible. Education, in response

to demographic principle on which it is based, is who should facilitate access to basic skills

that ensure these technological learning, thus extending the concept of lite

educational needs of training in these new and different languages.

Is clear that new technologies offer exciting new opportunities to access to knowledge. But

come a new factor of exclusion.

mation theory, knowledge tends to focus. Richer structures are capable of

accumulating new information easily. And, conversely, structures "infopoor

In other words, the distance between those who know and those who know very little

grow because the first accumulate information faster than the latter. This context frames the

two main views on the role played by the new technologies in contemporary societies:

1. New technologies can be an exclusion factor that adds to the classical factors (age, poverty,

ICT can aggravate preexisting.

2. New technologies can help overcome some of the exclusions "Traditional", since it

encourages new ways of learning and may particularly benefit social groups away from

What factors determine the predominance of either force or group in a particular social

The elderly are a prime example, as they concentrate many factors of exclusion: Advanced

age adds poverty (low income older), disability (physical problems rages), education level

(lower than average), the gender elements (there are more elderly women than men), and so

In this context, new technologies have so far acted as a factor of exclusion. Elderly people do

information society, which reinforces their marginalization in the social

system. In Catalonia, for example, 71.7% of young people aged 15 to 19 are Internet users,

instruments of production, business and creativity, and those who are in a position of

int of view, the educational institution are the responsible. Education, in response

to demographic principle on which it is based, is who should facilitate access to basic skills

that ensure these technological learning, thus extending the concept of literacy to meet the

Is clear that new technologies offer exciting new opportunities to access to knowledge. But

mation theory, knowledge tends to focus. Richer structures are capable of

accumulating new information easily. And, conversely, structures "infopoor" tend to remain

In other words, the distance between those who know and those who know very little tends to

grow because the first accumulate information faster than the latter. This context frames the

two main views on the role played by the new technologies in contemporary societies:

ssical factors (age, poverty,

2. New technologies can help overcome some of the exclusions "Traditional", since it

encourages new ways of learning and may particularly benefit social groups away from

What factors determine the predominance of either force or group in a particular social

The elderly are a prime example, as they concentrate many factors of exclusion: Advanced

(physical problems rages), education level

(lower than average), the gender elements (there are more elderly women than men), and so

In this context, new technologies have so far acted as a factor of exclusion. Elderly people do

information society, which reinforces their marginalization in the social

system. In Catalonia, for example, 71.7% of young people aged 15 to 19 are Internet users,

that percentage drops to 4.7% for people between 60 and 64 years, according to the study i

The Network Society Catalonia, published in 2002. Although the passage of time tends to

improve these results, it is obvious that in aging Western societies a very high percentage of

people do not have access to many services increasingly offered through

of all is that many seniors are not interested into the virtual world as they perceive that new

technologies are "not for them" and tend to be self

When educational needs are very specific and complex, the e

the flexibility that students lack, and adapt to very specific contexts. And above all, they must

be integrated into a comprehensive and coherent educational proposal. There is no point

offering a few classes about computers for the

infinite small queries that handling everyday computing raises for the inexperienced people,

for example. You have to offer a very educational and training environments and adapted to a

very specific characteristics.

According to the Charter for Digital and Social Inclusion, the digital divide "is a

multidimensional phenomenon that includes highly diverse barriers. Some of them

very disturbing-are mental in nature, so that education is the best strategy

problems. Some of them, such as lack of confidence or motivation, are on the side of the user,

but there are barriers in the production of e

development, adapted technologies, absence of m

methodologies that do not pay adequate attention to the social and cultural contexts.

that percentage drops to 4.7% for people between 60 and 64 years, according to the study i

The Network Society Catalonia, published in 2002. Although the passage of time tends to

improve these results, it is obvious that in aging Western societies a very high percentage of

people do not have access to many services increasingly offered through

of all is that many seniors are not interested into the virtual world as they perceive that new

technologies are "not for them" and tend to be self-excluded from them.

When educational needs are very specific and complex, the e-learning systems must provide

the flexibility that students lack, and adapt to very specific contexts. And above all, they must

be integrated into a comprehensive and coherent educational proposal. There is no point

offering a few classes about computers for the elderly, if they have no one to perform the

infinite small queries that handling everyday computing raises for the inexperienced people,

for example. You have to offer a very educational and training environments and adapted to a

According to the Charter for Digital and Social Inclusion, the digital divide "is a

multidimensional phenomenon that includes highly diverse barriers. Some of them

are mental in nature, so that education is the best strategy

problems. Some of them, such as lack of confidence or motivation, are on the side of the user,

but there are barriers in the production of e-learning systems, such as overly formal systems

development, adapted technologies, absence of meaningful contexts and general

methodologies that do not pay adequate attention to the social and cultural contexts.

that percentage drops to 4.7% for people between 60 and 64 years, according to the study in

The Network Society Catalonia, published in 2002. Although the passage of time tends to

improve these results, it is obvious that in aging Western societies a very high percentage of

the Internet. Worst

of all is that many seniors are not interested into the virtual world as they perceive that new

g systems must provide

the flexibility that students lack, and adapt to very specific contexts. And above all, they must

be integrated into a comprehensive and coherent educational proposal. There is no point

elderly, if they have no one to perform the

infinite small queries that handling everyday computing raises for the inexperienced people,

for example. You have to offer a very educational and training environments and adapted to a

According to the Charter for Digital and Social Inclusion, the digital divide "is a

multidimensional phenomenon that includes highly diverse barriers. Some of them - that are

are mental in nature, so that education is the best strategy to deal with these

problems. Some of them, such as lack of confidence or motivation, are on the side of the user,

learning systems, such as overly formal systems

eaningful contexts and general

methodologies that do not pay adequate attention to the social and cultural contexts. "

3.Government role in preventing electronic social exclusion

In Spain we find the Autonomy Plan f

series of actions aimed at the eradication of social inequality in Spain

Meaures aimed at preventing social exclusion and promoting autonomy people programs

consist of different kinds or actions aimed at both individuals and specific groups and

community they belong to favor their own promotion and social participation opportunities,

avoiding the effects of marginalization and social exclusion, mobilizing resources and

strategies for the acquisition and development of skills and abilities th

individual autonomy within the community. "

This is done by following the recommendations of the European Union, and respecting the


Nevertheless propose the revision of the European public policies, national and regional,

special attention to those being developed from

2003, taking into account data on the situation of poverty and exclusion. Result of this

reflection is defined lines of intervention that are articulated around three axes:

• resources and measures relat

Wage Act as a central strategy for social inclusion and that are aimed at people at risk of

exclusion or severe.

• compensatory actions for groups of people in situations of particular vulnerability.

• strengthening and reorientation measures of social protection systems (employment, health,

housing and education) to the needs of people in social precariousness.

According to the National Institute of Statistics collected through the Survey

living conditions, the national relationship between education level and percentage of

people in situations of exclusion, clearly shows the effect of these variables.

Government role in preventing electronic social exclusion

In Spain we find the Autonomy Plan for Social Inclusion of 2009 - 2011 which

series of actions aimed at the eradication of social inequality in Spain

Meaures aimed at preventing social exclusion and promoting autonomy people programs

consist of different kinds or actions aimed at both individuals and specific groups and

community they belong to favor their own promotion and social participation opportunities,

avoiding the effects of marginalization and social exclusion, mobilizing resources and

strategies for the acquisition and development of skills and abilities that allow insertion and

individual autonomy within the community. "

This is done by following the recommendations of the European Union, and respecting the

Nevertheless propose the revision of the European public policies, national and regional,

special attention to those being developed from

2003, taking into account data on the situation of poverty and exclusion. Result of this

reflection is defined lines of intervention that are articulated around three axes:

• resources and measures relating to the regulatory framework of the Statutory Minimum

Wage Act as a central strategy for social inclusion and that are aimed at people at risk of

• compensatory actions for groups of people in situations of particular vulnerability.

• strengthening and reorientation measures of social protection systems (employment, health,

housing and education) to the needs of people in social precariousness.

According to the National Institute of Statistics collected through the Survey

itions, the national relationship between education level and percentage of

people in situations of exclusion, clearly shows the effect of these variables.

2011 which includes a

Meaures aimed at preventing social exclusion and promoting autonomy people programs

consist of different kinds or actions aimed at both individuals and specific groups and the

community they belong to favor their own promotion and social participation opportunities,

avoiding the effects of marginalization and social exclusion, mobilizing resources and

at allow insertion and

This is done by following the recommendations of the European Union, and respecting the

Nevertheless propose the revision of the European public policies, national and regional, with

2003, taking into account data on the situation of poverty and exclusion. Result of this

reflection is defined lines of intervention that are articulated around three axes:

ing to the regulatory framework of the Statutory Minimum

Wage Act as a central strategy for social inclusion and that are aimed at people at risk of

• compensatory actions for groups of people in situations of particular vulnerability.

• strengthening and reorientation measures of social protection systems (employment, health,

According to the National Institute of Statistics collected through the Survey

itions, the national relationship between education level and percentage of

people in situations of exclusion, clearly shows the effect of these variables.


Figure 4.Poverty rates by education levels

This indicates that better academic prepara

(more stable and better paid) and participation in society.

Regarding the dimension of health, Health Plan for 2004

dimension that goes beyond the health sector: improving health det

addressed and therefore takes into account the perspective of the physical environment

economic and cultural referents having as family, school, businesses, municipalities,

community centers and neighborhood associations / as among oth

About the law in This Area Regulations

about social exclusion, but there

General Law of Rights of People with

will harmonize global rules on disability

Poverty rates by education levels

This indicates that better academic preparation facilitates access to better jobs

(more stable and better paid) and participation in society.

Regarding the dimension of health, Health Plan for 2004-2007 Asturias approaches it from a

dimension that goes beyond the health sector: improving health determinants need to be

addressed and therefore takes into account the perspective of the physical environment

economic and cultural referents having as family, school, businesses, municipalities,

community centers and neighborhood associations / as among others.

Regulations, in Spain we do not have any specific

there are some projects. It has been approved the text

of People with Disability and Social Inclusion, future

on disability in Spain.

tion facilitates access to better jobs

2007 Asturias approaches it from a

erminants need to be

addressed and therefore takes into account the perspective of the physical environment

economic and cultural referents having as family, school, businesses, municipalities,

specific regulation

the text of the

future legal standard

4. Institutions and their actions

In Spain, for years they have launched

designed to use these technologies to

Social Affairs as well as various foundations

Foundation BIP BIP, Chandra

and even companies and universities

establish a series of projects dedicated

already in a situation of social

The actions that have been developed

aimed directly at socially excluded

provide information, support for incorporation into the


ICT can be very good to expand the possibilities

the labor market, either through training

so they can create their own sources of

Some of the actions that are being developed

promote their inclusion in the labor market


These actions are:

Red Conecta

Through partnerships with local

specific neighborhood or municipality

group to the advantages they can bring

Foundation brings Catalana de l'

support coordination, monitoring and evaluation.

place where the classroom setting

4. Institutions and their actions

have launched various initiatives, both public and private sectors

use these technologies to promote social inclusion. The Ministry

various foundations (Fundación Telefónica,

Chandra Foundation, Fundación Directa, etc.), Nonprofit

universities have had since the late ninety-one important activity

projects dedicated to bringing these technologies to groups

exclusion or who may be susceptible to such exclusion

been developed are diverse but we can highlight some

socially excluded and those who, through these technologies

for incorporation into the labor market and facilitate their

to expand the possibilities of incorporating people from

through training or providing information of potential

their own sources of income, and even, to facilitate social

are being developed are intended to increase human capital

the labor market and also eliminate barriers

local organizations that already have experience

or municipality, installing a computer lab to provide access to

can bring these technologies.

Catalana de l'Esplai equipment, materials, training and

, monitoring and evaluation. Moreover, the local association


public and private sectors,

The Ministry of Labour and

, Auna Foundation,

Nonprofit institutions,

important activity to

technologies to groups that are

such exclusion.

highlight some collective actions

technologies, they want to

and facilitate their social

people from these groups to

of potential opportunities,

social relations, etc..

increase human capital and

barriers that cause such

already have experience of performance

to provide access to certain

classroom dynamic

the local association provides the

BIT Project

It is a project of I+D that began in 1999

Foundation of Madrid and Universidad

technologies to people with Down

chances of integration to the educational

technical side, adapting technologies

methodology suited to the needs

Aula Bip Bip Program

Within this project, the Fundación Bip

resources, partnerships and shelters

ultimate goal is social and professional

without resources or people at risk

job, know their rights, access leisure

C-Test Project and Óptima Program

The Women's Institute of the Ministry

significant activity to avoid the risk

Women face higher difficulties in accessing the

higher dropout rate in the labor

The Women's Institute has put in place

to facilitate their incorporation into the

Andalucía in the “e-igualdad”

It is a project done by the Institute

University of Seville), framed

by the Andalusian Women's

women with these technologies

society; increase their presence

more flexible allowing them to

enables businesses to this group

with other social groups, etc.

began in 1999 and developed by Fundación Auna

and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. It aims to bring the use

Down Syndrome and / or mental retardation in order to

to the educational, social and employment. The project combines

adapting technologies to the characteristics of the potential users,

of this group.

the Fundación Bip Bip creates classrooms in homes

and shelters in order to teach new users using the Internet

social and professional reintegration, in fact, through these

at risk of exclusion can be trained for their reintegration

leisure issues, etc..

Test Project and Óptima Program

of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

avoid the risk of exclusion that has the Spanish female population

difficulties in accessing the labor market and, indeed

in the labor market for family reasons.

has put in place various measures to improve the training

their incorporation into the labor market and to promote telework


by the Institute of Regional Development (University Foundation

framed in the EQUAL Initiative of the European Union

Andalusian Women's Institute. is intended to reduce gender inequalities

se technologies can: increase their participation in the new

presence in the labor market, to gain access to more training

allowing them to better harmonize work and family, develop

to this group greater economic independence, improve

and developed by Fundación Auna, Down Syndrome

bring the use of these

in order to increase their

The project combines the

, with an educational

homes without financial

using the Internet. The

through these classrooms

for their reintegration, find a

Social Affairs has demonstrated

Spanish female population.

and, indeed, are those with

training of this group


University Foundation

of the European Union and supported

gender inequalities because

the new information

more training and jobs

develop network that

, improve their relationship

Merc@dis Project

Telefónica Foundation with technical support from

Telefónica (ATAM) saw fit to

to participate in most industry associations

Following a collaboration agreement



Red REDAR proceeds from RADAR Proyect

the goal of creating a virtual space

telecollaboration systems, and

INFOREDAR. Through the promotion

with disabilities to maintain their employment

the same or other social groups

HOPE Project

This project was developed by

through the Technologies for

Additionally, this project involved

Branch and the Association of

It was an e-learning platform

of social exclusion, especially

programs for these young people

self-confidence, communication skills

skills, and so on.

The projects in this area are clearly

interaction between this group itself

social exclusion.

technical support from the Association for Assistance to

it to create a portal for the employment of persons

industry associations, both companies and business associations

collaboration agreement which was reached in March 1999 launched the


proceeds from RADAR Proyect, which developed during 1998 and 1999

a virtual space telecollaboration. Inside REDAR it was created

and AUPACE AFAPIS Virtual Centre Disability Employment

the promotion of training and telework, this initiative

their employment while increasing their relations with

social groups.

was developed by Bip Bip, and was partially supported by the European Union

the Information Society (IST) of the V Framework Programme

project involved Enred Consultants, the Autonomous Agency

and the Association of Social Support of Youth (ARSIS).

to improve the training process of people who

especially young inmates. The HOPE system established

these young people allowing them also to improve their job skills

communication skills, personal responsibility, enhance your

clearly aimed at specific groups and aims to

group itself and to others and remove the barriers that

for Assistance to Disabled

the employment of persons with disabilities

business associations.

launched the project

1998 and 1999 with

was created by Amira

Disability Employment:

this initiative allows people

their relations with persons of

the European Union

Framework Programme.

Agency Prison Work

of people who are in situations

established educational

job skills, increase their

, enhance your troubleshooting

and aims to encourage greater

the barriers that can lead to

SICLA Project (Communication System for

Fundación Telefónica and Telefónica


communicator that is tailored to the

There are people who cannot

that, consequently, have difficulty interacting

the project, using alternative communication systems

is useful for communication and

this group communicate better

via phone or Internet services, which promotes


The portal Disc @ pnet, led by

Fundación Once European Regional Development

the disabled in the Network.

As we can see in Spain are developing

communication to encourage the social integration of

opportunities offered by these technologies

Given the successful results achieved by the projects

some of them, it is normal that

much more familiar with the use

are unused for social inclusion

It is therefore necessary to determine

afforded by social inclusion, these technologies

eliminate some of the problems

Communication System for Augmentative languages

Telefónica Solutions, University of Oviedo, ASPACE

Barcelona and has developed the project SICLA

is tailored to the communication needs of these groups.

communicate verbally, such as people with cerebral palsy

difficulty interacting socially. The communicator

alternative communication systems (SAC), it allows to have

and thought. This allows to

communicate better both in their immediate environment and with

, which promotes social inclusion.

led by Fundosa Teleservices is an initiative

European Regional Development Fund and aims to increase

are developing various initiatives to use information techno

the social integration of certain groups, however,

these technologies is still not exploited enough.

achieved by the projects that have been launched

it is normal that both social interveners as affected groups themselves

the use of these technologies to promote inclusion

social inclusion in action.

to determine what might be the reasons why, despite the advantages

these technologies are not being used in a broad

the problems facing collective in social exclusion.

languages) and SICLA II.

ASPACE Federation,

SICLA laying created a

of these groups.

with cerebral palsy, and

The communicator SICLA created in

it allows to have a language that

and with other groups,

initiative supported by the

aims to increase the presence of

information technology and

, however, the

launched and age with

groups themselves were

inclusion social and ITC

despite the advantages

in a broad yet in order to

5. Other activities against electronic social exclusion

Social exclusion is a phenomenon that affects people and that is always defined in relation to

the situation of the individual in relation to the population considered mainstream, preventing

depend largely on the environme

First, social relations and exchanges, economic and political aspects of this environment

should be based on respect for human rights and uphold the principles and values legal, social

and democratic.

In addition, the environment must have mechanisms to implement the rights in addition to a

comprehensive social protection system and accessible to all to ensure an education, health

and social services quality and a contributory pension system and income minimum

We need an economic environment t

production and consumption for sustainable growth there and egalitarian social cohesion so

that it becomes a reality. This means that the wealth generated is shared equ

citizens without any situations where this amount is monopolized by a


Finally, the environment must allow all people to participate equally in all areas of

community life (access services, freedom of assembly, e

it is key that all players respect and actively promote equal opportunities, particularly in the

fields of education, health, employment and housing.

What can be the keys to success in acting for social inclusion?

Prevent or reduce poverty and social exclusion is not a simple process in which

actions are clearly defined and responsibilities of the different actors. Quite the contrary, it is

a complex process which we are all responsible. However, when choosing the m

be taken into account the following guidelines

•The comprehensive actions.

• The partnership.

• The participation.

ainst electronic social exclusion

Social exclusion is a phenomenon that affects people and that is always defined in relation to

the situation of the individual in relation to the population considered mainstream, preventing

depend largely on the environment in which they live and develop a person.

First, social relations and exchanges, economic and political aspects of this environment

should be based on respect for human rights and uphold the principles and values legal, social

, the environment must have mechanisms to implement the rights in addition to a

comprehensive social protection system and accessible to all to ensure an education, health

and social services quality and a contributory pension system and income minimum

need an economic environment that allows participation of all actors in the systems of

production and consumption for sustainable growth there and egalitarian social cohesion so

that it becomes a reality. This means that the wealth generated is shared equ

citizens without any situations where this amount is monopolized by a

Finally, the environment must allow all people to participate equally in all areas of

community life (access services, freedom of assembly, expression and religion, etc..). For this,

it is key that all players respect and actively promote equal opportunities, particularly in the

fields of education, health, employment and housing.

What can be the keys to success in acting for social inclusion?

Prevent or reduce poverty and social exclusion is not a simple process in which

actions are clearly defined and responsibilities of the different actors. Quite the contrary, it is

a complex process which we are all responsible. However, when choosing the m

be taken into account the following guidelines that will be key to success:

Social exclusion is a phenomenon that affects people and that is always defined in relation to

the situation of the individual in relation to the population considered mainstream, preventing

nt in which they live and develop a person.

First, social relations and exchanges, economic and political aspects of this environment

should be based on respect for human rights and uphold the principles and values legal, social

, the environment must have mechanisms to implement the rights in addition to a

comprehensive social protection system and accessible to all to ensure an education, health

and social services quality and a contributory pension system and income minimum.

actors in the systems of

production and consumption for sustainable growth there and egalitarian social cohesion so

that it becomes a reality. This means that the wealth generated is shared equitably among

citizens without any situations where this amount is monopolized by a small sector of the

Finally, the environment must allow all people to participate equally in all areas of

xpression and religion, etc..). For this,

it is key that all players respect and actively promote equal opportunities, particularly in the

What can be the keys to success in acting for social inclusion?

Prevent or reduce poverty and social exclusion is not a simple process in which

actions are clearly defined and responsibilities of the different actors. Quite the contrary, it is

a complex process which we are all responsible. However, when choosing the measures can

• A territorial approach in the actions and services.

• The complementarity of action.

• A long-term action planning which has taken into accoun

• The selection of special measures in special situations and specific actions

targeting vulnerable groups.

ch in the actions and services.

The complementarity of action.

action planning which has taken into account the sustainability over time.

• The selection of special measures in special situations and specific actions

t the sustainability over time.

• The selection of special measures in special situations and specific actions

6.Characteristic of Caritas diocesana de Valencia.


Figure. Caritas logo.

The organization that we have chosen is Caritas diocesana de Valencia. Caritas is and NGO

(Non Governmental Organization) which develops its work around the

Since 1947 Caritas internationalis is acting in different countries (see figure caritas

intervention). Its range of cooperation and integration plans is very extensive.

Around a 70% of their economic resources are private donations and 30% are publ

institutional and government help. The total amount of money used last year to help people no

matter which was the reason of their exclusion,

Spain from private donations) and 84.489.733

2011 from different public institutions.

With all this private and public help Caritas develops different programs which help the more

need people. Also they have many colla

organizations. This collaboration can be of different types not only monetary but also of

infrastructures, products, natural resources etc.

eristic of Caritas diocesana de Valencia.

The organization that we have chosen is Caritas diocesana de Valencia. Caritas is and NGO

(Non Governmental Organization) which develops its work around the world.

Since 1947 Caritas internationalis is acting in different countries (see figure caritas

intervention). Its range of cooperation and integration plans is very extensive.

Around a 70% of their economic resources are private donations and 30% are publ

institutional and government help. The total amount of money used last year to help people no

matter which was the reason of their exclusion, 166.207.742 € (the total amount of money in

Spain from private donations) and 84.489.733 € (total amount of money in Spain in the year

2011 from different public institutions.

With all this private and public help Caritas develops different programs which help the more

need people. Also they have many collaboration with different important corporations and

. This collaboration can be of different types not only monetary but also of

infrastructures, products, natural resources etc.

The organization that we have chosen is Caritas diocesana de Valencia. Caritas is and NGO


Since 1947 Caritas internationalis is acting in different countries (see figure caritas

intervention). Its range of cooperation and integration plans is very extensive.

Around a 70% of their economic resources are private donations and 30% are public

institutional and government help. The total amount of money used last year to help people no

€ (the total amount of money in

ey in Spain in the year

With all this private and public help Caritas develops different programs which help the more

different important corporations and

. This collaboration can be of different types not only monetary but also of


Figure. Caritas intervention

Within all the different programs developed by Caritas Valencia the most related to our work


Program: social action.

Program: for unemployed people (helping them to search for jobs, creating a curriculum).

Program: for homeless people.

Program related with social ex

Program for defending women rights.

around the world.

different programs developed by Caritas Valencia the most related to our work

Program: for unemployed people (helping them to search for jobs, creating a curriculum).

Program: for homeless people.

Program related with social exclusion of immigrant people.

Program for defending women rights.

different programs developed by Caritas Valencia the most related to our work

Program: for unemployed people (helping them to search for jobs, creating a curriculum).


After all this hard work we have reach to the point of understanding that electronic social

exclusion is a very risky point for the population of a country.

Its very necessary to reach the needs of every single person of the Spanish society, and the

Europe society too, and even more important to reach the needs of the excluded ones. This

part of the population needs better the help and protection of their government an


Even though many political and institutional actions have been taking place in the latest years,

its very necessary to continue this way and try to increase this action in all terms, not only the

financial and economic but also the e

This is a very realistic topic that should be eradicated as soon as possible, making more

iniciatives to educate the society to work hard and cooperate to finish with this social scourge.

Everyone should feel protected and confident, an

After all this hard work we have reach to the point of understanding that electronic social

exclusion is a very risky point for the population of a country.

necessary to reach the needs of every single person of the Spanish society, and the

Europe society too, and even more important to reach the needs of the excluded ones. This

part of the population needs better the help and protection of their government an

Even though many political and institutional actions have been taking place in the latest years,

its very necessary to continue this way and try to increase this action in all terms, not only the

financial and economic but also the educational action.

This is a very realistic topic that should be eradicated as soon as possible, making more

iniciatives to educate the society to work hard and cooperate to finish with this social scourge.

Everyone should feel protected and confident, and covered by their welfare state.

After all this hard work we have reach to the point of understanding that electronic social

necessary to reach the needs of every single person of the Spanish society, and the

Europe society too, and even more important to reach the needs of the excluded ones. This

part of the population needs better the help and protection of their government and their

Even though many political and institutional actions have been taking place in the latest years,

its very necessary to continue this way and try to increase this action in all terms, not only the

This is a very realistic topic that should be eradicated as soon as possible, making more

iniciatives to educate the society to work hard and cooperate to finish with this social scourge.

covered by their welfare state.


Books and Journals

1. Jose Felix Tortajada Tezanos

solidaridad España.

2. Melanie Lewin “Obstacles to Older People using Computers”.

3. Observatory to social exclusion. Murcia University.

4. Silvino Monteros Obelar. La exclusion social


Caritas España

Caritas Valencia

National institute of Statisticsn Spain

Social Studies

Jose Felix Tortajada Tezanos (2011). Tendencias en exclusion social y politicas de

Melanie Lewin “Obstacles to Older People using Computers”.

exclusion. Murcia University.

Silvino Monteros Obelar. La exclusion social. Capitulo Hablando de electronica.

National institute of Statisticsn Spain

Tendencias en exclusion social y politicas de

Capitulo Hablando de electronica.
