Southold Town Tick Committee Report April 2016


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  • 8/18/2019 Southold Town Tick Committee Report April 2016


    Evaluation of Strategies and Programs toReduce/Eradicate Tick Populations

    Town of Southold Tick Working GroupTown of Southold, New ork 

    !arch "#, "$%&

     James DugganLaura Klahre

    Maureen Massa John J. Rasweiler IV, Ph.D. (Chair)

    Louis H. Wirt

    !ission of the Working Group'  !he !own "oar# o$ %outhol# esta&lishe#this !i' Woring rou* on June +, -+/ an# re0ueste# that it e1aluate


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    'urrent strategies an# *rograms to re#u'e2era#i'ate ti' *o*ulations.%*e'i3'all4, the Woring rou* was 'harge# with the tas o$ e5aminingthese strategies an# *rograms $or their e6e'ti1eness, 'ost, en1ironmentalim*a'ts, an# 1ia&ilit4 o$ &eing im*lemente# in %outhol#. !his was to &e*ursue# through a re1iew o$ rele1ant stu#ies2#ata, 3el# 1isits, an#

    'onsultations with *ro$essionals in relate# 3el#s.

    %*e'i3'all4, the Woring rou* was ase# to7

    • 81aluate $our9*oster *rograms im*lemente# on %helter Islan# an#elsewhere

    • 81aluate the su''ess o$ *esti'i#es 'urrentl4 a1aila&le an# in use,es*e'iall4 &4 go1ernment agen'ies

    • Relationshi* (i$ an4) o$ wil#li$e2*est management an# ti' *o*ulations

    • I#enti$4 an# e1aluate an4 new *ro*osals2*ro#u'ts 'ontem*late# $oruse in era#i'ating ti' *o*ulations

    Summar( conclusions and recommendations of the Working Group

    • i1en the limite# o*tions that the *u&li' *resentl4 has $or e6e'ti1e*rote'tion against ti's an# ti'9&orne #iseases, the use o$ a'ari'i#es$or 4ar# treatment must un$ortunatel4 remain one o$ them. :s these*ro#u'ts ill man4 &ene3'ial an# harmless organisms, howe1er, theiruse is not a #esira&le &lanet solution to our ti' *ro&lem.

    • "etter in$ormation is re0uire# on the relati1e e;'a'4 o$ a1aila&lea'ari'i#es an# the &est a**li'ation *roto'ols. Presuma&l4 the #uration

    o$ a'ari'i#e e6e'ti1eness is limite# &4 rain$all, $re0uent 4ar# irrigation,an# the mo1ement o$ ti'9&earing wil#li$e onto treate# *ro*erties.•  !he Woring rou* is o**ose# to the wi#es*rea#, o*en 3el# use o$

    a'ari'i#es an# the s*ra4ing o$ trails in *arlan# within the !own o$%outhol#. !hese lan#s were set asi#e $or the *rote'tion o$ wil#li$e.

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    •  !he 'ontinue# attra'tion o$ #eer &4 $our9*osters will *re1ent theregeneration o$ surroun#ing $orest lan#s that ha1e alrea#4 &eense1erel4 #amage# &4 o1er9&rowsing, with 'on'omitant harm to themaintenan'e o$ &io#i1ersit4.

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    'hanges in lan# use an# the re#u'tion or total a&sen'e o$ natural #eer*re#ators. !his has resulte# in an e*i#emi' o$ serious ti'9&orne #iseases inhumans, a mare# rise in #eer91ehi'ular 'ollisions, se1ere #amage to thenatural en1ironment an# &io#i1ersit4 (&e'ause o$ the o1er9&rowsing o$1egetation &4 #eer), an# *ain$ul e'onomi' losses $or our agri'ultural

    'ommunit4.  Deer *la4 a 'entral role in the e*i#emiolog4 o$ ti'9&orne #iseases,&e'ause the4 *ro1i#e a &ounti$ul sour'e o$ &loo# $or ti's at the ti'sB a#ultre*ro#u'ti1e stage. "e$ore e5*losion o$ the #eer *o*ulation, &la'9legge#2#eer an# lone star ti's, as well as the #iseases the4 transmit, sim*l4were not serious *ro&lems on most o$ eastern Long Islan#.

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    re*ro#u'ti1e maturit4. 8a'h $emale ti' then #ro*s o6 the #eer to la4thousan#s o$ eggs (a**ro5imatel4 -9 *er $emale #e*en#ing u*ons*e'ies). "4 ser1ing as reproductive hosts $or the ti's, the #eer ha1e a*ronoun'e# multi*lier e6e't u*on the a&un#an'e o$ ti's. !his lies at theheart o$ our 'urrent e*i#emi' o$ ti'9&orne #iseases.

      "la'9legge# an# lone star ti's 'an ser1e as 1e'tors $or a 1ariet4 o$ ti'9&orne #iseases. "la'9legge# ti's are thought to &e the main 1e'tor $ortransmitting Borrelia burgdorferi, the organism res*onsi&le $or L4me #isease.In Conne'ti'ut, re'ent stu#ies ha1e shown that a thir# o$ the &la'9legge#ti' *o*ulation 'arries B. burgdorferi. "la'9legge# ti's 'an also transmitBorrelia miyamotoi (res*onsi&le $or a $e&rile illness, sometimes with Fu9lieor other s4m*toms similar to L4me #isease) an# Powassan 1irus, as well asthe organisms res*onsi&le $or &a&esiosis an# ana*lasmosis. Lone star ti's'an transmit the organisms res*onsi&le $or ehrli'hiosis, tularemia, an# thesouthern ti'9asso'iate# rash illness (%!:RI), an# their &ites 'an 'ause*ersons to #e1elo* an un*leasant allerg4 to non9*rimate mammalian meat

    an# meat *ro#u'ts. !here is re'ent e1i#en'e that lone star ti's ma4 also 'arr4 an# transmit

    human *athogeni' L4me grou* Borrelia strains (Clar et al, -+=). !his issigni3'ant, &e'ause lone star ti's (whi'h are more tolerant o$ hot, #r4'on#itions an# 0uest $or hosts more aggressi1el4 %'hule Jor#an -)seem to ha1e su**lante# &la'9legge# ti's as our most a&un#ant ti's*e'ies. !his ma4 e5*lain an a**arent *ara#o57 L4me #isease 'ontinues to&e an e5tremel4 serious *ro&lem in our area, while the relati1e a&un#an'e o$ &la'9legge# ti's (generall4 'onsi#ere# to &e the main 1e'tor $ortransmitting B. burgdorferi) has #e'rease#.  Most o$ these #iseases 'an mae some in#i1i#uals 1er4 si', sometimes

    'hroni'all4 $or the remain#er o$ their li1es, an# 'an e1en ill es*e'iall4when in$e'te# in#i1i#uals &elong to a 1ariet4 o$ not9un'ommon high risgrou*s. In the 'ase o$ L4me #isease, u* to one in 31e *atients #e1elo* long9term an# *otentiall4 li$e9threatening s4m*toms (in'lu#ing heart, 1ision, ormemor4 *ro&lems, or #e&ilitating oint *ain)(www.'$s*h.iastate.e#u2

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    these were as $ollows7 ana*lasmosis 'ases ( in @E%), &a&esiosis +GN'ases (+), ehrli'hiosis N 'ases (+), L4me #isease / 'ases (=). In'om*arison, the num&er o$ 'ases o$ two other serious #iseases re*orte# $orall o$ @E% in -+ was as $ollows7 measles =- 'ases, an# West @ile$e1er21irus - 'ases.

    :''or#ing the CDC (htt*722www.'#'.go12measles2a&out2'om*li'ations.html),the mortalit4 rate $or measles is a&out .+9.-? o$ the 'ases re*orte# in theAnite# %tates. In 'ontrast, the mortalit4 rates $or ana*lasmosis, &a&esiosisan# ehrli'hiosis are signi3'antl4 higher, &ut sel#om *u&li'ie#. i1en thatman4 o$ the !ownBs resi#ents are onl4 $amiliar with L4me #isease, it seems'lear that the gra1it4 o$ our o1erall ti'9#isease *ro&lem is seriousl4 un#er9a**re'iate#.

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    some o$ the serious short'omings o$ the use o$ a'ari'i#es an# other 'ontrolmetho#s #is'usse# &elow.  In the !own o$ %outhol#, man4 *ri1ate 'om*anies (in'lu#ing *est 'ontrol3rms, lan#s'a*ers an# tree 'are 'om*anies) are em*lo4e# to treat 4ar#swith a'ari'i#es. :lthough we ma#e an e6ort to sur1e4 whi'h *ro#u'ts are

    'urrentl4 &eing use#, onl4 a single 'om*an4 agree# to *ro1i#e the re0ueste#in$ormation. !his hel*$ul res*on#ent in#i'ate# that most a**li'ators a**earto &e using *ro#u'ts 'ontaining *ermethrin (a s4ntheti' *4rethroi#'om*oun#), although some are *re*are# to use natural2organi' 'om*oun#sinstea#.

    Permethrin is 'ommonl4 use# as &oth an inse'ti'i#e an# a'ari'i#e. :t there'ommen#e# le1els o$ usage, it is not nown to &e #ire'tl4 harm$ul to mostmammals an# &ir#s. In#ee#, it has &een highl4 re'ommen#e# $or use as asa$e ti'i'i#e when s*ra4e# an# #rie# on 'lothes(htt*722www.l4meneteuro*e.org2in$o2#eet91ersus9*ermethrin9as9a9ti'9re*ellent). Permethrin is not inten#e# $or #ire't a**li'ation to the sin.

      TConsumer Reports has re'entl4 *u&lishe# ratings o$ mos0uito an# ti're*ellents $or their e6e'ti1eness (htt*722www.'onsumerre*orts.org2inse't9re*ellents2mos0uito9re*ellents9that9&est9*rote't9against9ia ).U  Qn the other han#, *ermethrin is a neuroto5in an#, e1en when use# as#ire'te#, e5tremel4 to5i' to &ees, &ene3'ial inse'ts, an# &utterFies. Man4a6e'te# inse'ts *ro1i#e im*ortant $oo# sour'es $or other animals (e.g.,&ir#s). "a&4 &ir#s o$ man4 s*e'ies #e*en# hea1il4 u*on a #iet ri'h in inse'tsan# other in1erte&rates, whi'h 'ontain high 0ualit4 animal *rotein ne'essar4$or ra*i# growth.  Whether *ermethrin is a**lie# as an ultra9low 1olume s*ra4 or *ow#er, it$orms a 'oating on the groun# an# surroun#ing Fowers an# $oliage. It is

    highl4 to5i' to &ees e5*ose# to #ire't treatment or resi#ues on &looming'ro*s or wee#s (htt*722www.'#ms.net2LDat2m*ND/.*#$  ). :s it is a'onta't *oison, *ermethrin is *arti'ularl4 harm$ul to &ees li1ing in the groun#su'h as &um&le&ees 9 /? o$ @ew EorBs nati1e &ees are groun# nesters.Inse'ti'i#al #ust #e*osite# in an# aroun# a nest entran'e will a#here to the&ees lea1ing an# reentering, illing the entire nest within a $ew #a4s (Hahnet al, -+/).

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    more wi#el4 to the *reser1ation o$ &io#i1ersit4. !he !i' Woring rou* is o$the o*inion that we shoul# not &e 'ontri&uting to this *ro&lem lo'all4 in amaor wa4 through the in'reasing use o$ a'ari'i#es, when oursu*era&un#an'e o$ ti's is 'ause# &4 an ina#e0uate #eer management*oli'4.

      Permethrin is also highl4 to5i' to a0uati' in1erte&rates, ta#*oles an# 3sh,o$ten at minute 'on'entrations (e.g., *arts *er &illion in water)(htt*722www.'#ms.net2LDat2m*ND/.*#$  htt*722www.e*a.go12ingre#ients9use#9*esti'i#e9*ro#u'ts2*4rethrins9an#9*4rethroi#s9reregistration9an#9la&elingreregistration ).

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    Use of acaricides possibly less detrimental to other organisms.  !heWoring rou* agrees that mo1ement towar#s the use o$ a'ari'i#es that areless #amaging to &ene3'ial or harmless organisms woul# &e highl4 #esira&le.:t least two lo'al *esti'i#e a**li'ators 'learl4 re'ognie that as well an#ha1e engage# in length4 #is'ussions with one mem&er o$ the Woring rou*

    a&out the a1aila&le o*tions.  Qne *ro#u't use# lo'all4 an# allege# to &e sa$erS $or the en1ironment is8ssentria IC= Inse'ti'i#e Con'entrate, an emulsi3a&le 'on'entrate o$&otani'al horti'ultural oils. :''or#ing to the manu$a'turer(www.en1in'io.'om ), this *ro#u't e5hi&its no to5i'it4 towar#s a0uati'organisms (whi'h woul# &e in 'ontrast to *ermethrin), &ut the materialsa$et4 #ata sheet in#i'ates that s*e'i3' in$ormation relating to to5i'it4 in 3shor other a0uati' organisms is not a1aila&le. Con1ersations with se1eral*esti'i#e e5*erts in#i'ate that this *ro#u't is liel4 to ha1e less resi#ualto5i'it4 an# there$ore &e less e6e'ti1e against ti's than *ermethrinhowe1er, goo# #ata 'om*aring the e;'a'4 o$ these *ro#u'ts $ollowing

    1arious *atterns o$ a**li'ation 'oul# not &e $oun#. !he oils $oun# in 8ssentria are thought to a't as o'to*amine &lo'ers. !his

    means the4 woul# $un'tion &4 #isru*ting neurotransmitter $un'tion in targetinse'ts an# other in1erte&rates. !he a'tual list o$ organisms targete# &48ssentria is long an# 1arie#. !his 'learl4 in#i'ates that the *ro#u't 'oul# alsoharm &ene3'ial in1erte&rates (e.g. *ollinators, as well as the inse'ts $e#u*on &4 #esira&le animals in'lu#ing song&ir#s).  %imilar arguments 'oul# &e ma#e a&out *ossi&le short'omings in thesa$et4 an# e;'a'4 o$ other naturalS *ro#u'ts that might &e use# $or ti''ontrol. !hese woul# in'lu#e 'e#ar oil, rosemar4 oil ($oun# in the *ro#u't8'o88MP!), an# light horti'ultural oils.

      :nother a**roa'h that is su**ose#l4 less harm$ul to the en1ironmentin1ol1es the use o$ Metarhiium anisopliae strain !"#, a $ungus that illsinse'ts an# ti's. !his is 'ommer'iall4 a1aila&le in a *ro#u't nown as !i'985 8C "ioinse'ti'i#e. :s this $ungus will ill 0uite a 1ariet4 o$ inse'ts an#other in1erte&rates, one must again &e 'on'erne# a&out 'ollateral #amageto &ene3'ial or harmless in1erte&rates. !he *ro#u't la&el s*e'i3'all4 statesthat it 'ontains ingre#ients to5i' to 3sh, an# that #ri$t an# runo6 ma4 &ehaar#ous to a0uati' organisms in waters a#a'ent to treate# areas.

    :lthough resear'h 'ontinues on the *ossi&le use o$ &iologi'al agents lieM. anisopliae $or ti' 'ontrol, none o$ these agents a**ear to &e $ull4satis$a'tor4 $or wi#es*rea# 3el# use (htt*722*arasiti*e#ia.net2in#e5.*h*O


    Conclusions regarding the use of acaricides. :$ter 'are$ull4 'onsi#eringthe *ros an# 'ons, the Woring rou* is o**ose# to the wi#es*rea#, o*en3el# use o$ a'ari'i#es. It shoul# &e $urther un#ers'ore# that the Woringrou* is o**ose# to the a**li'ation o$ a'ari'i#es on an4 trails in town,'ount4, an# state9owne# *ars within the !own o$ %outhol#, as these lan#swere set asi#e $or the *rote'tion o$ wil#li$e. :ll o$ the a1aila&le *ro#u'ts are


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    going to inFi't 'ollateral #amage on &ene3'ial an# harmless organisms, an#this will onl4 in'rease as more resi#ents o$ the !own turn to this reme#4 ontheir own *ro*erties.  i1en the limite# o*tions that the *u&li' *resentl4 has $or e6e'ti1e*rote'tion against ti's an# ti'9&orne #iseases, we re'ognie that the use o$ 

    a'ari'i#es $or 4ar# treatment must remain one o$ them. While some *ro#u'tsno #ou&t re#u'e ti' le1els, mu'h &etter in$ormation is re0uire# on theirrelati1e e;'a'4 an# &est a**li'ation *roto'ols.

    Use of four-poster feeding stations to detick deer.

    What is a four-poster? !he $our9*oster is a $ee#ing station #esigne# tore#u'e the num&er o$ ti's utiliing white9taile# #eer as hosts. :s the #eer$ee# on 'orn #is*ense# $rom a 'entral storage &in into two troughs, ti'i'i#e9treate# *aint rollers at ea'h 'orner o$ the #e1i'e &rush against the animalsBne's, hea#s an# ears, where man4 (&ut not all) a#ult ti's ha1e atta'he#.

    Re*eate# a**li'ation o$ the ti'i'i#e will ill ti's on the #eer.

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    "cacy of four-posters in reducing tick levels on Shelter Island. !hee6e'ts o$ $our9*oster #e*lo4ment on %helter Islan# were assesse# &4 #oing= =9se'on# swee*s ( a total swee* time o$ +/ minutes) with a one s0uaremeter Fag (i.e., 'loth on a *ole) at stu#4 sites (i.e., within = 4ar#s o$ $our9*oster $ee#ing stations). During the Cornell stu#4, the a1erage total 'ount o$

    lone star ti' n4m*hs at treatment sites #e'rease# $rom in -, to +/in -G, to + in -+. De'reases in ti' *o*ulations were also note# #uringthis *erio# at untreate#, 'ontrol sites in @orth Ha1en on the %outh

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    no #eer9in#u'e# en1ironmental #amage aroun# the #e1i'es an# ignores the*ossi&le harm$ul *u&li' health 'onse0uen'es o$ 'on'entrating wil#li$e. 

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    in#i'ate that gra4 s0uirrels (whi'h we ha1e in a&un#an'e) ma4 ser1e asim*ortant hosts $or $hrlichia s*. an# Borrelia lonestari% as well as lone starti' n4m*hs 'a*a&le o$ transmitting these organisms to humans (oesslinget al, -+-). !he human *athogeni'it4 o$ B. lonestari is *resentl4 un'lear.:lthough sel#om mentione#, other &ir# s*e'ies must also $re0uent 9*oster

    $ee#ing stations. !here is an e5tensi1e literature #o'umenting that &ir#s ma4hel* to maintain an# s*rea# ti'9&orne oonoti' *athogens (e.g., see7Dietri'h et al, -+ James et al, -++).=) !he authors re'ognie# that non9target wil#li$e s*e'ies attra'te# &4 $our9*osters *ro&a&l4 #ro* earl4 stage ti's within treatment areas, there&4 atleast *artiall4 #e$eating the *ur*ose o$ #e*lo4ing these #e1i'es)

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    o$ 8n1ironmental Conser1ation a'tuall4 mae this 0uite 'om*le5. !hesein'lu#e the $ollowing7

    +) "e'ause the ti'i'i#e is registere# $or Restri'te# AseS, maintenan'e o$ the #e1i'es must &e #one &4 traine# *ersonnel $amiliar with *ro*er

    *esti'i#e han#ling te'hni0ues.-) De*lo4ment o$ ea'h #e1i'e re0uires a @ECRR Part +G Deer

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    Preser1e, %helter Islan#, &ut minimal on its outsi#e. !his was not e1en 'loseto a $our9*oster #e1i'e.  : -+= sur1e4 o$ !own o$ %outhol# $orest lan#s &4 a team o$ e5*ert&otanists, naturalists an# wil#li$e &iologists esta&lishe# that these lan#s ha1e&een wi#el4 an# se1erel4 o1er9&rowse# &4 #eer, with a serious #iminution o$

    man4 *re1iousl4 'ommon an# #esira&le *lant s*e'ies, an# an a&sen'e o$an4 meaning$ul $orest regeneration (Rawinsi, -+=). %u'h se1ere alterationo$ the natural en1ironment also has ha# #etrimental e6e'ts u*on man4nati1e animal s*e'ies (i.e., to the maintenan'e o$ &iologi'al #i1ersit4 ingeneral).

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    Conclusions' possible four-poster deployment sites in the To%n ofSouthold. i1en that most lan# in the !own is #e1ote# to resi#ential oragri'ultural use, with mu'h o$ the remain#er &eing *arlan# that nee#s to &e*rote'te# an# *reser1e#, the !i' Woring rou* has great #i;'ult4 ini#enti$4ing how $our9*osters 'oul# &e e6e'ti1el4 #e*lo4e# at the

    re'ommen#e# #ensit4. :t a minimum, this woul# &e no less than +#e1i'e2+ a'res, although the $our9*oster ti'i'i#e la&el re'ommen#s aninitial #e*lo4ment o$ no less than + #e1i'e2 a'res. :t a mu'h lower#e*lo4ment #ensit4, too $ew o$ our #eer woul# &e treate# to signi3'antl4re#u'e ti' le1els.

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    (www.'#'.go12*arasites2&a4lisas'aris2resour'es2ra''oonLatrines.*#$  ).:mong other 'on'erns, the eggs 'an &e rea#il4 aerosolie# an#inhale# $or *rote'tion in 'on3ne# s*a'es, use o$ a @G/ *arti'ulateres*irator is re'ommen#e#.

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    note# &4 the Vermont De*artment o$ Health, ro#ent 'ontrol in an#aroun# the home remains the *rimar4 strateg4 $or *re1entinghanta1irus in$e'tion(htt*722health1ermont.go12**5 ).

     /* &at pathogens transmissible to humans. !he #e*lo4ment o$ $our9

    *osters relati1el4 'lose to *o*ulation 'enters on the @orth

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    3* $ossible generation of acaricide resistance. !he use o$ $our9*osters to #eti' #eer is a strateg4 with no 3nish lineS i.e. these#e1i'es woul# *resuma&l4 ha1e to &e #e*lo4e# in#e3nitel4, until some&etter solution is *ut into *ra'ti'e. !his raises the *ossi&ilit4 that long9term treatment o$ the #eer with $our9*osters ma4 result in the

    #e1elo*ment o$ resistan'e in our &la'9legge# an# lone star ti'*o*ulations to the *ermethrin a'ari'i#e2*esti'i#e. !here is goo# reason$or su'h 'on'ern7

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      It is 'lear $rom a 'are$ull49'on#u'te#, += 4ear stu#4 in the Mum$or# Co1earea o$ roton, Conne'ti'ut that re#u'tion o$ an e5'essi1e #eer *o*ulation toa&out += animals *er s0uare mile resulte# in a N? re#u'tion in ti'a&un#an'e an# an ? re#u'tion in resi#ent9re*orte# 'ases o$ L4me #iseasein the 'ommunit4 $rom &e$ore to a$ter a hunt was initiate#. (Kir*atri' et al,

    -+).  We ha1e $aile# to mae similar *rogress in the !own o$ %outhol# $or three*rin'i*le reasons7 +) @ew Eor %tate has &een 1er4 slow to re'ognie that our#eer9relate# *ro&lems are e5tremel4 serious an# li&eralie a''or#ingl4 theregulations go1erning the re'reational har1esting o$ #eer -) re'reationalhunting alone is now *ro&a&l4 in'a*a&le o$ sol1ing #eer o1er9*o*ulation*ro&lems o$ our magnitu#e an# =) re'reational hunting must &e use# in'onun'tion with *ro$essional #eer har1esting an#2or 'are$ull49traine#re'reational hunters woring un#er nuisan'e *ermits to re#u'e su'h*o*ulations ("oulanger et al, -+).

     !o the 're#it o$ %outhol#Bs #eer management *rogram, our annual har1ests

    ha1e in'rease# more than those o$ an4 other %u6ol Count4 towns in re'ent4ears (see7 htt*722www.#e'.n4.go12out#oor2--=-.html). Asing 'onser1ati1eestimates o$ #eer *o*ulation sie in the !own (-/9= animals), howe1er,our re'reational hunters ha1e onl4 har1este# a&out +G -=? o$ the her#(&u's an# #oes) in ea'h o$ the *ast two 4ears. In southern @ew Eor a&out=9? o$ the a#ult #oes must &e taen ea'h 4ear to ee* #eer num&erssta&le an# e1en more to re#u'e the *o*ulation sie(htt*722www.#e'.n4.go12animals2N-++.html htt*s722www.a*$e#amage2#ownloa#s2ne*a2-+?-8ast?-8n#?-Deer?-Damage?-Management?-Re*ort.*#$ .

    Qur e5*erien'e in re'ent 4ears in#i'ates that 'urrent management e6orts

    are not going to sol1e our #eer9relate# *ro&lems. Resolution o$ these*ro&lems will also *ro&a&l4 re0uire use o$ the $ollowing strategies7

    +) ,egali(ation of cross-bo%s.  !he use o$ 'ross&ows &4 re'reationalhunters has now &een legalie# in u*state @ew Eor, &ut is still*rohi&ite# in @assau an# %u6ol Counties. !his *rohi&ition nee#s to &eremo1e#, as 'ross&ows ha1e long &een legalie# in the %tate o$Conne'ti'ut an# ha1e an e5'ellent sa$et4 re'or#. Cross&ows are morea''urate than stan#ar# &ows.

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    =) umane professional deer harvesting. !his 'an tae se1eral $ormse.g. a) the use o$ sille# *ro$essional shar*shooters, an# &) thetra**ing or 'hemi'al immo&iliation o$ #eer &4 #arting, $ollowe# &4humane euthanasia with #rugs or 'a*ti1e &olt *istols. :s thesemetho#s su&e't the #eer to minimal stress an# no *ain, 'om*laints &4

    o**onents that the4 are inhumaneS are sim*l4 untrue. !he *rote'tiono$ human health an# sa$et4 $rom ti'9&orne #iseases an# #eer91ehi'ular 'ollisions shoul# tae *re'e#en'e o1er su'h 'on'erns.

  • 8/18/2019 Southold Town Tick Committee Report April 2016


    im*lement an enhan'e# re'reational hunting *rogram this *ast winterun#er the gui#an'e o$ a hire#, outsi#e 'onsultant.

    - Incentivi(ation of recreational hunting. It is 'lear that none o$ theste*s taen &4 the @E% D8C in re'ent 4ears to in'rease the re'reational#eer har1est on eastern Long Islan# ha1e &een a#e0uate. In -+= the

    Rho#e Islan# De*artment o$ 8n1ironmental Management 3le#emergen'4 regulations to re#u'e the o1er*o*ulation o$ #eer on "lo'Islan#, stating that the sie o$ the her# *resente# an imminent ris tohealth, sa$et4, an# the wel$are o$ the islan#Bs natural resour'es. In the-+9-+/ hunting season, ste*s were taen to *a4 re'reationalhunters a X +/ &ount4 $or ea'h #eer har1este#, an# the *rogram was#eeme# a su''ess (htt*722ri*r.org2*ost2#eer9re#u'tion9hunt9su''ess$ul9&lo'9islan#). @ew Eor %tate shoul# 'hange its 'onser1ation law, sothat a similar *rogram 'oul# &e initiate# on Long Islan#.

    5ertility control as a deer and tick management strategy. 

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      : re1iew o$ 'urrentl4 a1aila&le te'hnologies $or $ertilit4 'ontrol in #eer in'lu#ing the serious short'omings o$ ea'h a**roa'h ma4 &e $oun# in:**en#i5 D o$ the !ire Island &ational 'eashore. !inal (hite)tailed DeerManagement *lan and $nvironmental Impact 'tatement 3#01",.

    Conclusions on promising methods of deer management.  : re'entstu#4 &4 e5*erts who ha1e ha# e5tensi1e e5*erien'e in #ealing withe5'essi1e #eer *o*ulations ( An Integrated Approach for Managing (hite)tailed Deer in 'uburban $nvironments4 5he Cornell 6niversity 'tudy ,"oulanger et al, -+) in#i'ates that an4 management e6ort that #oes notin'or*orate some 'om&ination o$ a**roa'hes = an# with tra#itionalre'reational hunting is #estine# to $ail. In the a&sen'e o$ meaning$ul #eer'ontrol, we will 'ontinue to $a'e una''e*ta&le riss o$ 'ontra'ting seriousl4#e&ilitating an# sometimes $atal in$e'tions with ti'9&orne #iseases, $re0uent#eer91ehi'ular 'ollisions, $urther #eterioration o$ our natural en1ironmentwith an atten#ant loss o$ &io#i1ersit4, an# 'ontinue# e'onomi' losses &4 our

    im*ortant agri'ultural se'tor.


    :&&as RZ, M: Zaman, DD Colwell, J illear# Z I0&al (-+) :'ari'i#eresistan'e in 'attle ti's an# a**roa'hes to its management7 the state o$*la4. 7et *arasitol -=7 9-.

    :&rams MD M% %'hei&el (-+=) : 31e94ear re'or# mast *ro#u'tion an#'limate in 'ontrasting mi5e#9oa9hi'or4 $orests on the Mashoma' Preser1e,Long Islan#, @ew Eor, A%:. &atural Areas 8ournal ==7 GG9+.


    "esser R8, %M Lett, J! We&er, MP Do4le, !J "arrett, J Wells PM ri;n(+GG=) :n out&rea o$ #iarrhea an# hemol4ti' uremi' s4n#rome $rom$scherichia coli Q+/N7HN in $resh9*resse# a**le 'i#er. 8 Amer Med Assoc -G7--+N9---.

    "oulanger JR, PD Curtis " "losse4 (-+) :n integrate# a**roa'h $ormanaging white9taile# #eer in su&ur&an en1ironments. Cornell Ani1ersit4Coo*erati1e 85tension an# the @ortheast Wil#li$e Damage Resear'h an#Qutrea'h Coo*erati1e.

    "rei ", J% "rownstein, J8 eorge, JM Poun#, J: Miller, !J Daniels, RC

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    Clar JM, K% Eoon, JH Kim, %H Lee "R Pitten#righ (-+/) Atiliation o$ thehuman louse genome to stu#4 inse'ti'i#e resistan'e an# innate immuneres*onse. *estic Biochem *hysiol +-7 +-/9+=-.

    Clar KL, " Le4#et % Hartman (-+=) L4me &orreliosis in human *atients in

  • 8/18/2019 Southold Town Tick Committee Report April 2016


    Hahn J, L Jesse P Lies'h (-+/) 'ocial (asps and Bees in the 6pperMid-est . Ani1ersit4 o$ Minnesota 85tension.htt*722www.e5tension.umn.e#u2gar#en2inse'ts23n#2was*9an#9&ee9'ontrol2

    Harmon JR, J Hi'ling, MC %'ott CJ Jones (-++) 81aluation o$ 9*oster

    a'ari'i#e a**li'ators to manage ti' *o*ulations asso'iate# with #isease risin a !ennessee retirement 'ommunit4. 8 7ector $col =7 9+.

    Hasle (-+=) !rans*ort o$ i5o#i# ti's an# ti'9&orne *athogens &4migrator4 &ir#s. !ront Cell Infect Microbiol, + %e*tem&er -+= [htt*722#5.#oi.org2+.==G2$'im&.-+=.

    Hersh MH, M !i&&etts, M %trauss, R% Qst3el#

  • 8/18/2019 Southold Town Tick Committee Report April 2016


    +=. htt*722www.&ioone.org2#oi2a&s2+.+=29--/?--?-G=/?/"+-?=::%QM"?/D-..CQ?="-OournalCo#een1e

    Pa##o' CD J8 Chil#s (-=) $hrlichia cha+eensis7 a *rotot4*i'al emerging*athogen. Clin Microbiol Rev +7 =N9.

    Ran# PW, C Lu&el'4, M% Holman, 8H La'om&e RP %mith (-):&un#an'e o$ Ixodes scapularis (:'ari7 I5o#i#ae) a$ter the 'om*lete remo1alo$ #eer $rom an isolate# o6shore islan#, en#emi' $or L4me #isease. 8 Med$ntomol +7 NNG9N.

    Rawinsi !R (-+=) !ri* re*ort7 re'onnaissan'e assessment o$ white9taile##eer im*a'ts in the $orests o$ %outhol#, @ew Eor. Poste# on the we&site o$the @orth
