Southern Gospel Update - November 2014



Southern Gospel Music Magazine featuring the Gaither Vocal Band, Bill Gaither, Karen Peck Gooch, Gerald Wolfe, Buck Rambo, Matt Hagee, Dr. Jerry Goff, NQC 2014, and more!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Journey Of Hope

Psalm 105:1 says, “Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!” I must thank the Lord for His goodness! I’m grateful He has opened the door for me to have a part in promoting southern gospel music. I never want to take that for granted. Thank you to everyone for your positive feedback and encouraging comments regarding our magazine. It was a joy to mingle with many of you during the National Quartet Convention, the GMA Dove Awards and the Write About Jesus Songwriting Workshop. Overall, many are saying they love our look and content. I really appreciate the thoughts and kindness. I also appreciate you for sharing our magazine with your friends. As the holiday season draws near, remember to thank the Lord for His many blessings and to tell others what He has done in your life. I read once that we share our faith according to how grateful we are for it. May we be filled with gratefulness and share His love to everyone we meet.

Blessings, RHONDA FRYE, Editor In Chief

Hello Friends!

I love John 9. It’s the story of a blind man Jesus heals. The guy just got his sight and was called before the elders and questioned about it. The elders of the synagogue were mad that Jesus healed him on a Saturday, which was against the law. After the elders accuse JesusJesus of being a sinner, the formerly blind man said, “I don't know whether he is a sinner, but I know this: I was blind and now I can see!”

“A person with an experience is never at the mercy of a person with an argument.” - Anonymous

- Mark

“I don’t know whether he is a sinner,” the man replied. “But I know this: I was blind,

and now I can see!”- John 9:25

BRAND NEW RELEASEThe perfect addition to your Christmas Music library!Exquisite renditions of treasured Christmas classics.

I like it whenthe Lord shows up and people are blessed and changed.

My favorite TV show isDancing With The Stars.

I never leave the house without my phone.

If I could be anyone for one day it would be

Mary, mother of Jesus

A girl can never have too many SHOES!

My favorite Thanksgiving dinner My favorite Thanksgiving dinner dish is

Mama’s Cornbread Dressing.

I always smile when I look at my kids.


Bill Gaither

Wisdom For the Journey


“There were definitely emotional moments during the recording,” Tanya says. “All three of us have been touched by my family in different ways. We have great memories and experiences that we’ve shared, and capturing that was really special.” Working in the studio with Michael Sykes was fun and challenging. “Michael has a unique way of getting you to do things you don’t normally do,” Minick says. “I feel like we brought the best out in each other.” Goodman Revival also recorded a DVD at Gaither’s Studio. “We were in the same room where all three of us had been part of tapings over the years. So just to be in that place recalling the spirit there was exciting. It was also fun to have Russ Taff join us,” Tanya says. “He tore the house down!” Goodman Revival says they’re not sure what the future holds. “God opened the door for us to do this,” Minick explains, “So we’re going to keep taking it one day at a time.” Tanya continues, “We are proud of the legacy we share, but we are not trying to re-create anything. We want to honor the Goodman legacy and the investment they made in us and at the same time do something a little bit different. We want to be true to the gifts God has placed in us and use them with the same passion and enthusiasm my family had.”

“There were definitely emotional moments during the recording,” Tanya says. “All three of us have been touched by my family in different ways. We have great memories and experiences that we’ve shared, and capturing that was really special.” Working in the studio with Michael Sykes was fun and challenging. “Michael has a unique way of getting you to do things you don’t normally do,” Minick says. “I feel like we brought the best out in each other.” Goodman Revival also recorded a DVD at Gaither’s Studio. “We were in the same room where all three of us had been part of tapings over the years. So just to be in that place recalling the spirit there was exciting. It was also fun to have Russ Taff join us,” Tanya says. “He tore the house down!” Goodman Revival says they’re not sure what the future holds. “God opened the door for us to do this,” Minick explains, “So we’re going to keep taking it one day at a time.” Tanya continues, “We are proud of the legacy we share, but we are not trying to re-create anything. We want to honor the Goodman legacy and the investment they made in us and at the same time do something a little bit different. We want to be true to the gifts God has placed in us and use them with the same passion and enthusiasm my family had.”

If you do not have a plan, you will inevitably fall victim to the plans of others.

The artists with the most natural talent are often not the ones with the most potential. Again and again I have seen diligent artists with moderate talent surpass those who were born with more raw talent and simply weren’t willing to do the work.

TTalent isn’t everything. Likability, effective communication skills, integrity, humility and dependability are qualities that cannot be ignored when an artist wants to experience long-term success. Someone may have the best voice on the planet, but if he is terrible to work with or not trustworthy, he places limits on his potential.

I am like a turtle on a fencepost. I didn’t get here on my own. We all need great people around us. I am fortunate to have great people around me who are strong in areas where I am weak.

WWe all need two kinds of people in our lives. Grandstand people, who cheer us on; and honest people who keep us grounded. If we are especially fortunate, our grandstand people and the ones who keep our feet on the ground are the same people.

Most of what I do on a daMost of what I do on a day-to-day basis at this stage of my life is prioritizing. Usually that means choosing between “good and best” rather than “terrible and great.” We get so many wonderful opportunities to participate in great ideas and projects, so we have to ask ourselves, “What am I trading in to be able to do that?” If we trade in something essential, even for something good, it isn’t worth the price.

WWe learned a long time ago that we can’t fix everything and help everyone. I wish we could, but we are finite beings. So we focus our time, our giving, and our talent very narrowly on the unique calling God has given us. What we can’t do, God will call someone else to do. That is the beauty of the Body of Christ.

The spotlight can be a lonely place. It invites criticism, jealousy, and fair weather friends. This is why it is imperative, as believers in Christ, to put HIM in the spotlight and to keep ourselves rooted in Him. Or we risk becoming disheartened.

LLaughter is important. When communicating to an audience, or even to our families, laughter is a powerful tool for breaking down walls and opening up a person’s heart.

If we need applause, attention and compliments in order to feel okay with ourselves, we are walking on dangerous ground. A healthy soul will be equally at peace when crowds are cheering and when no one is around to stroke our egos.

RRemember where you came from. I came from humble beginnings in a small farming community where I still live. I am grateful to be surrounded by friends who knew me and loved me before I had a single good idea. I want to keep those people close.

Remember Who the Creator really is. All good things come from Him for the purpose of bringing glory to Him.

Be yourself. Don’t try to imitate someone else’s talent, success or style. The world needs originals, not copycats.













BRAND NEW RELEASEThe perfect addition to your Christmas Music library!Exquisite renditions of treasured Christmas classics.

Recently, I attended the premiere showing of Gerald Wolfe’s Gospel Music Hymn Sing DVD in Morristown Tennessee. Because of the 1080p high-definition with surround-sound, I felt as if I were nestled in the middle of First Baptist Church in Morristown, surrounded by 1400 singing voices led by Gerald Wolfe. I was actuallyactually in a movie theater, but because of blue-ray technology, it was almost as good as being there for the actual taping that took place in July 2014. Hymns standing the test of time rang out such as, “Blessed Assurance,” “At Calvary,” “Amazing Grace,” “Since Jesus Came Into My Heart,” “Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus,” “Amazing Grace,” “When We All Get To Heaven,” and more. Thirty classics are featured providing more than 2 hours of pure bliss! Modern technology captured many tender moments that took place that evening. Often, tears are seen in the eyes of the 45 artists that were involved and also in the eyes of those sitting in the sanctuary. I shed my own in the theater as did the people around me. In fact, every emotion was tugged at some point. At the National Quartet Convention, I experienced a live Gospel Hymn Sing similar to the one that took place on the video. Many in the crowd had their Red Book Hymnal and sang along. It was amazing to observe, to listen and to participate. I feel the Gospel Music Hymn Sing is the best thing that’s happenedhappened to gospel music in a long time. It is an experience NOT to miss and I hope there are many more to come. Until then, I say… “GET THE DVD!” It’s one to be treasured! - Rhonda Frye

Rhonda’s Rundown

Phil and Kim Collingsworth began their music ministry during college and have been going strong for over 27 years. During this time they have served the church in various roles. In 2000, God expanded their ministry to include their 4 children and also changed the direction to take their music to concert settings. Since that time, the Collingsworth Family has received numerous nominations and awards from Singing News, NQC Music Awards, GMA Doves, Harmony Honors and more. Blessing audiences all over the world with singing and instrumental compositions on the piano, trumpet and violin, the family travels abroad and makes television appearances. Looking back, Phil says their career highlight was a recent appearance at The Brooklyn Tabernacle in New York. “What a spirit of worship we experienced as the choir sang and then as our family sang with 10,000 people joining us. It was an experience like no other, nothing compares!”


the Collingsworth Family


Numerous projects have been released launching chart topping songs, but Phil says Kim’s latest live piano DVD filmed in Spartanburg, South Carolina earlier this year is special. “She invited her friends Stan Whitmire and Tim Parton to join her along with three grand pianos on stage,” Phil shares. “Also featured was her 16 year old blind nephew, Jesse Keep as well as her 5 nieces. Add to that the honoring of Kim’s younger brother, US Army Sergeant First Class Brian Keaton, a patient at Walter Reed Medical Center due to an injury incurred during wartime, and you have an emotional and uplifting project titled Majestic.”AnotherAnother DVD recently completed was We Will Serve The Lord featuring a live rendition of the repertoire from The Lord Is Good, their latest StowTown release. Phil says in 2015, fans can expect a brand new full scale studio album with an all new collection for their live concert presentations. New configurations will include Sharlenae, Phil Jr’s bride. Over the years, fans watched the Collingsworth children mature into young adults. Three of the four are now married. “The house is so quiet especially since Phillip moved to his own home with his new wife,” Phil says. “He was our loud in-the-shower singer and he’s also a drummer. We’ve adjusted to the new norm, but we have decided Olivia should stay with us until she’s 35.” Phil and Kim also say they are excited to welcome their first grandchild, Emma Olivia Blair, in mid-November.TheThe Collingsworth Family is gearing up for Thanksgiving- complete with a 13-15 foot fresh cut tree that will be decorated before the holiday. “We’re looking forward to Thanksgiving,” Phil comments. “We will be moved to our new home by then and expect to host a number of Kim’s large family. There will be singing, prayers of thanksgiving offered and of course large quantities of awesome homemade food.” For more information, visit

life moments... SGMG Lifetime Achievement Honor

Dr. Jerry Goff was honored with the Southern Gospel Music Guild ‘s Lifetime Achievement Honor during the 2014 NQC held in Pigeon Forge, TN. Lifelong friends along with his stunning wife, Jan Buckner Goff, were on hand to honor this legendary man.L-R: Brian Lester, Clarke Beasley, Pat Mathis, Jerry Goff, Jan Buckner Goff and Bill Dykes

Judy Nelon, Dr. Jerry Goff, Beckie Simmons Bates, Jan Buckner Goff

Paul & Shelia Heil

Brian Lester, David Hoskins,Tank Tackett, Dr. Goff, Bill Dykes Earl Eleton

Jeff & Amy Templeton Jeff & Amy Templeton Bob Brumley Chris White

SGU: You serve in ministry through various roles: is there one common goal, mission or objective? Matt: The common thread in my life is to honor God. Every talent, every opportunity is something He has given. Whether in sermon, song, publication or everyday life my objective it to help people draw closer to Him. SGU: What is the best advice you’ve ever received from your father, Pastor John Hagee?Matt: “Find out what God wants to do and do that."Matt: “Find out what God wants to do and do that."

SGU: In light of the current state of the world, what words of wisdom and encouragement can you offer our readers? Matt: God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind. The world that we live in is soon to see the power of God manifested. Do not worry about what you see around you. Lift up your head and rejoice. Help is on the way! SGU: What family activities do you enjoy with your wife and children? SGU: What family activities do you enjoy with your wife and children? Matt: I have loved the outdoors all of my life, so we enjoy family time outside. We go fishing, hunting, ride horses, play a lot of softball, basketball and baseball. SGU: What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Matt: Spending the day enjoying those who are most precious to me - my wife, children and family - and thanking God for all He's done.

Matthew Hagee


BRAND NEW RELEASEThe perfect addition to your Christmas Music library!Exquisite renditions of treasured Christmas classics.

[ ]As the Gaither Vocal Band releases their brand new project, Sometimes It Takes A Mountain, SGU goes deep inside the process - from song selection to recording - to find out what it takes to keep the tradition of excellence alive.

By Rhonda Frye


In the early 80’s, Bill Gaither and a group of guys gathered around the piano backstage just before a Bill Gaither Trio concert. What started as singing “just for fun,” turned into a new era of excellence. Over the years, members of the (GMA) Hall of Fame-honored, Grammy Award-winning Gaither Vocal Band have changed, but the standard has not. Known for incredible harmonies and incredible songs delivered in unforgettable ways, the Gaither Vocal Band is still going strong. The current line-up of Bill Gaither, David Phelps, Wes Hampton, Adam Crabb and Todd Suttles creates a unique and diverse vocal texture. “I have spent my life listening to all kinds of voices and I love the challenge of finding special combinations like the one we have right now,” Gaither comments. “Of course, folks love David’s classical tenor voice and Wes’s smooth, clear tone. Now, after adding Adam’s passion and heartfelt delivery, and Todd’s rich, deep voice, which is unlike any other voice in gospel music, we have reached a whole new dimension as a group.” Gaither continues, “This interesting, multi-dimension sound still remains true to quality that people have come to expect from the Gaither Vocal Band. This particular blend of strengths is exciting. Not only are new songs and sounds being born, some old songs (like “Peace In the Valley”) are coming to life as never before.” GVB fans welcomed newcomers Adam Crabb and Todd Suttles with open arms as did the Gaither family. Gaither appreciates the talent they bring, but also their likeability. “It sure makes life enjoyable on the bus when everyone has a positive, humble disposition,” Bill explains. “For example, some of our crew members nearly passed out when they saw Adam roll up his sleeves and start pushing boxes with them during load-out the other day. Seeing these young men serving one another and serving the folks that come out to see us is a very special experience.”




The GVB has produced many award-winning albums with chart topping songs, but there is something special about their latest release, SOMETIMES IT TAKES A MOUNTAIN. Gaither says he’s excited about this album for many reasons, but one is because it offers a lot of heart. “You can have great songs and great voices and still miss the mark on a recording if there is no heart,” he shares. “This is the best recording the world has heard from the Gaither Vocal Band in years.” Careful planning and input from everyone was considered during the song selection process. “We all vote,” Gaither comments. “I create a master list and if anyone has heard a song they would like to add, they are encouraged to do that. Then I will try to find some common denominators and think through what we want to say through this new album as a whole.” Gaither continues, “I lean on David {Phelps} a great deal for his incredible arrangements, and our producer, Ben Isaacs, is instrumental in creating a final product that stays true to the sound and feel that brought the Vocal Band to the party.” The new collection offers songs written by the finest writers of our day including Bill and Gloria Gaither, Mosie Lister, Michael W. Smith, Gerald Crabb, Reba Rambo-McGuire and Dony McGuire and more. The first single to radio, “Sometimes It Takes A Mountain,” features Adam Crabb. “I knew right away this was a special song,” Gaither says. “It shakes the very foundation of all of us controlling types who think we have everything under control. I believe this song has an important message to which many folks out there can relate.” “The Message” has always been Bill Gaither’s top priority and it is still what drives him to continue. “When we first started writing songs, we were asking ourselves, ‘What isn’t being said that needs to be said?’” Gaither explains. “That is still a question I come back to again and again when deciding what messages the world needs to hear at this particular point in time.”The music of the Gaither The music of the Gaither Vocal Band has touched countless lives. And there isn’t enough space on the page to list all of their honors and accolades. When asked what he would like to say specifically to our readers at Southern Gospel Update, Gaither didn’t mention their accomplishments, he only expressed a grateful heart: “Thank you to everyone out there who supports what we are doing. I so appreciate the folks who trust me to fill vacancies with great new voices. The incredible outpouring of kindness from those who keep listening to the music and keep coming out to concerts is how we can tell that what what we are doing is meeting a need and relevant. Words can’t express how much I appreciate your trust.”

The influence and legacy of the Happy Goodmans

Howard Goodman, the leader of the musical family The Happy Goodmans, had already made a name for them by the time WWII had started. It was hard times and the United States had gas rationing that forced the family to find jobs and stop most of the singing for a while. Howard, who had lovingly been referred to as “Happy,” found a place in Valdosta, GA at my daddy’s Church of God. He preached and played the piano and once in a while some of the other family members rode the bus in to be a part of the music ministry with him. I was thirteen months old when he volunteered to baby-sit me while my mama and daddy were at the hospital giving birth to my baby sister Linda. For the rest of our lives, we were close, and I enjoyed kidding that I had known Howard longer than Vestal, who would come into his life a little later. Years later I happened to be sitting beside him at Christ Church for the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the ending of WWII with Lee Greenwood singing his patriotic songs. Later, at lunch, he told me the story of where we were 50 years ago when a man in Valdosta, GA came running into the church with the news the war had ended. I was sitting on the platform with Howard just two years of age. Daddy called out to Howard “Let’s go get gas.” I was there for that first tank of gas that put the Happy Goodman’s back on the road. Those were amazing days. Many of those years Howard and Vestal pastored a church in Madisonville, KY. Even with touring they managed to get back to church on Sunday mornings. My sisters Sharon, Linda and I enjoyed singing at the Goodman Homecomings. Most of the time it was Goodman family members singing in the successful group. But, once in a while, they brought along the younger generation and even introduced the young Michael English to their audiences where he credits this time with teaching him so much more about singing. We’ve missed Howard and Vestal deeply since their passing. Their friend Johnny Minick teamed with them during their great days while they traveled with Bill Gaither’s Homecoming Tour. Recently Johnny Minick along with Rusty’s daughter Tanya and her very talented husband Michael Sykes formed Goodman Revival. Bill Gaither is excited to have Goodman’s back out touring, and so are we.

TRIBUTE QUARTETTribute Quartet was formed in 2006 by lead vocalist Gary Casto and baritone/pianist Josh Singletary. The group found stability with the additions of tenor vocalist Riley Harrison Clark in 2010 and bass singer Anthony Davis in 2011. With this lineup, Tribute has risen to become one of the top tier quartets in southern gospel .

Tribute has been on a roll lately. The group has accomplished some major goals in the past year. Aside from being featured at many of the industry’s major events and concerts, Tribute had their first chart topping radio single with “Good News From Jerusalem.” Tribute also signed a recording contract with Nashville’s DaDaywind Records. Their freshman release with the label, JOURNEY OF HOPE has been garnering rave reviews among both fans and industry leaders since its release this summer.

Casto says that Tribute is still following the same formula they always have in regards to their recording process. “I’m from the old school; if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” he says. Producer Roger Talley returned to the control room to once again guide Tribute through this recording, as he has on their past three projects.

There is something for everyone on this album, from familiar songs like “I Remember The Day” and “I Could Sing About Heaven” to powerful ballads like “I Am A Soldier” and “I Will Rise.” Casto explains, “This project features songs that will appeal to a younger crowd, and songs that will appeal to the age demographic of people we sing to every night. There is a theme of hope woven throughout the whole album, so we feel like someone who’s never heard us before could say that our songs minister to them.”

Great talent and great songs can only take a group so far. Tribute Quartet soars when it comes to personality! They guys seem to be full of humor and they don’t hold back when it comes to singing with passion and emotion. There is no doubt these men love the music, each other, the Lord and people! The joy and love ofof Christ radiates from each of their faces as they minister on and off stage.

The guys look forward to cruising in February, teaching at the Steve Hurst School of music in July and singing in many churches, events and conventions all throughout 2015. Keep up with Tribute at

BY BRIAN FUSONon a roll...

The Happy Goodman Family’s name is highly revered in southern gospel music like none other. Known for sharing the good news of Jesus with an enthusiastic zeal and contagious joy, the Goodman legacy reaches back to the 1940’s. In the early years, the Goodmans were labeled “happy” due to their choosing joy over circumstances and meager lifestyle. Over the years, the Goodmans grew in popularity making television appearances, releasing hit songs and winning awards. A lot of the family has now crossed to Glory, but the Lord has seen fit to resurrect the spirit of the Happy Goodman Family through the launching of “Goodman Revival.” A few months ago, Rusty’s daughter, Tanya Goodman Sykes, along with her husband, award-winning producer, Michael Sykes worked up a special to sing in church along with former Happy Goodman Family member, Johnny Minick. The song from that morning ended up on YouTube which created a demand for more! “There was a groundswell of interest for us to do something to revisit this music that we grew up with that was so much a part of our heritage,” Tanya says. Invitations to perform started rolling in as did the suggestions to make a record. Flowing with what God was doing, Tanya, Michael and Johnny chose an assortment songs that had touched each of their lives and also songs that would pay homage to the Goodman legacy. The collection is called, Songs In The Key of Happy

“There were definitely emotional moments during the recording,” Tanya says. “All three of us have been touched by my family in different ways. We have great memories and experiences that we’ve shared, and capturing that was really special.”

Working in the studio with Michael Sykes was fun and challenging. “Michael has a unique


Singing Happy!

“There were definitely emotional moments during the recording,” Tanya says. “All three of us have been touched by my family in different ways. We have great memories and experiences that we’ve shared, and capturing that was really special.” Working in the studio with Michael Sykes was fun and challenging. “Michael has a unique way of getting you to do things you don’t normally do,” Minick says. “I feel like we brought the best out in each other.” Goodman Revival also recorded a DVD at Gaither’s Studio. “We were in the same room where all three of us had been part of tapings over the years. So just to be in that place recalling the spirit there was exciting. It was also fun to have Russ Taff join us,” Tanya says. “He tore the house down!” Goodman Revival says they’re not sure what the future holds. “God opened the door for us to do this,” Minick explains, “So we’re going to keep taking it one day at a time.” Tanya continues, “We are proud of the legacy we share, but we are not trying to re-create anything. We want to honor the Goodman legacy and the investment they made in us and at the same time do something a little bit different. We want to be true to the gifts God has placed in us and use them with the same passion and enthusiasm my family had.”

Johnny Minick, Tanya Goodman Sykes, Michael Sykes

I attended this Pentecostal church out in the country. I wasn’t saved at the time, but they would have revivals and I would go because of all the pretty girls. They also had this preacher I really enjoyed hearing because he would preach the gospel in love and compassion. On the last night of the revival, he came back, put his hand on my shoulder and said, ‘Buck, you need the Lord.’ I said, ‘Brother Jimmy, I believe you know what you’re talking about,’ and then I headed for that altar. I don’t tell everybody what kind of experience they have to have, but I can tell you what kind I had. There were saints of God that gathered around me in love and prayed for me. I had this marvelous experience with Jesus Christ at the altar that night that has kept me for 60 years and it is still good today. I knew when I got up that still good today. I knew when I got up that God had saved me. When you really get Christ in your heart people don’t have to run around cleaning you up or straightening you out because that Holy Spirit within you will rise up and will lead and guide you into all truth. I can say for 60 years He has been leading me and guiding me into the truth of the Gospel. The truth of the Gospel is that Jesus Christ so loved you and so loved me that He gave Himself. He became my holiness, my righteousness, and He became my goodness. All I have to do is accept what He has done for me.


How You Can Help:

Brianna Rackley, the 16 year old daughter of Tim Rackley - Old Paths Quartet - and his wife Scarlett, became very ill in late July 2014. She has been diagnosed with a kidney disease called Nephronophthisis. She is currently on dialysis and will need a kidney transplant.

“Bre,” as her family and friends lovingly call her, is a sophomore at South Paulding High School. She likes school and is active in her youth group and praise band at Beulah Baptist Church in Douglasville, GA. Some might say she is a “social butterfly.”

HHer family and friends are working with the Children’s Organ Transplant Association to raise funds to help cover transplant-related expenses.

100% of funds raised are used for expenses and all donations made to COTA are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

• Make a check payable to COTA with “In honor of Team Brianna R.” in the memo line and mail to: Team Brianna R. 2501 W. COTA Drive Bloomington, IN 47403

• Credit Card donations can be made at or calling the COTA office at 800-366-2682.

•• Cash can be turned into a money order and treated exactly like a check.

The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) is a 501c3 charity.100% of funds raised help COTA families with their transplant-related expenses.

More info: 800-366-2682
