Songs From a Quest to Peace Volume 4


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  • 8/10/2019 Songs From a Quest to Peace Volume 4



    Songs from aQuest to PeaceVolume 4

    Copyright 2014 by Kings of Peace, written by Goss Lindsey

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be sold for profit. This publication may

    be freely distributed in electronic format only. For permission or other requests, write to

    the publisher,

  • 8/10/2019 Songs From a Quest to Peace Volume 4




    the coalition of Christ ...................................................................................................... 3

    body's purpose .................................................................................................................. 6

    on sickness and health ................................................................................................... 10

    the denominator of gratitude ....................................................................................... 12

    dreams replaced .............................................................................................................. 14

    and of the earth and of freedom .................................................................................. 16

    march of the confused ................................................................................................... 18

    the song remains the same, yet we sing ...................................................................... 19

    from the depths .............................................................................................................. 20

    i fear notta ........................................................................................................................ 21

    to see a system (and what it stands for) ...................................................................... 23

    when love shone ............................................................................................................. 25

  • 8/10/2019 Songs From a Quest to Peace Volume 4



    the coalition of Christ

    we have come to crumble

    the house of fear

    ruling the hearts and mindsof man

    in a way we could be said

    to be an enemy

    and an infiltrator

    least of which a rebel

    but we do not seek power

    nor want your goldyet in this renewal what is old will be burned

    to the ground so it may be renewed

    unto peace

    we will not use fire

    nor does anger control our heart

    and come we do

    in growing numbers

    in Christ are we shrouded

    among multitudes we carry but one goal

    we would be clear

    as to our purpose

    for it would be the will of Love itself

    which is that of our Father

    it is shared by all who wish

    to walk among us and be of itboth newcomers and long timers

    all are greeted equally as brothers

    for nothing less would be true

    we did not expect to be accepted

    for to one in fear

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    a house of fear is believed

    to be better than no house at all

    our victory is certain

    for the will of our Father is oursand we have come

    to set the captives free

    we are those who save time

    and shorten the seeming days one lives

    in a petty house of fear

    our deaths are not deaths but renewals

    our dreams are not dreams but facts

    and if you have read this thus far

    this was meant for you

    unto Christ who remains the strongest and most loving

    among with whom we walk

    both those learning what they are still babies

    and those beginning to shine

    none are left

    and all our crucial to our goal

    do not mistake your importance to us

    for every change was made by the final straw

    that broke the camel's back

    seek in your mind the highest of high

    of Love you may enter

    for we do not need the things of man

    to listen

    as we stand not apart

    but together as One

    look closely at your brother

    and what you are to him

    when you see him shake at night afraid of his body's end

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    and scrape daily in fear only to pay for his roof

    and too the mirror may tell you the same

    would you set him free

    and would you set yourself freefreedom comes with a price

    and the payment would be the release of fear

    the burning of our old home of fear

    renewed unto Christ

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    body's purpose

    a body can be used

    to teach one of two things

    and in its teaching so restswhat it reinforces to be true

    by itself it could be seen as a tool

    no more or less than a shovel

    lying within the garden

    and too, like a tool

    it does not use itself

    but must be used

    attempting judgment on whether it

    kills needlessly or tills soil for nourishment

    could also be seen simply as describing

    the facts of how it is used

    usage of a body will teach

    that it is separate

    from all of thingsor that it is a part

    of all things

    constructed even with small windows

    that would perceive even another brother

    as different than the exact thing it is.

    walled with fear

    did the body die and often never learn

    as his brother was his first lesson

    for without seeing his own heart

    his own pain and his own dream

    in only one brother,

    how could he recognize all people

    are like him

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    and without dissolving even this layer

    his eyes cannot see all of life experiencing itself

    as too he would be

    nor can his eyes cannot see past time itselffor while he believes he is afraid

    of the separate dark shadow

    underneath he trembles the mad dream is true

    and he is alone

    but all dreams are proven

    to seem correct

    both sane and insane perception is gifted

    with proof

    as dreams dictate reality

    healing and pain always remain

    a thought away

    but a thought can seem far

    when one carries a system of beliefs

    echoing madness

    enter love

    first entered merely by possibility

    a brave face willing to stare long enough inside

    through the fear until just when they could not look anymore

    and they met the darkness within in shudder

    they saw not a monster anymore

    but a scared child lost in time

    standing in the corner of a dark room alone

    with a broken heart

    if one knows this child they know of love

    for they could not be angry anymore

    and hate what they once feared

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    if one knows this child they too know their brother

    and their hands reach to heal

    only to heal

    but a mad child lost in darkness cannot see healingfor their own tears and anger of abandonment

    will not let their eyes see

    they do not know they were abandoned by a hopeless idea

    a hopeless world lost in hopeless time

    that was never their real Home

    for love would nor could abandon what

    was born from it thus remains in it

    and so the body used for proving separation, remains alone

    an ego thriving to be special

    losing these things to a misguided belief

    feels like death itself

    fingers cling to mad dreams falling through

    a dark sky

    when all one can feel are scraps of nightfall

    the body is for survival alone

    and misguided by a little mind teaching fear

    as it is directed by fear itself

    I am not alone

    and countless we sing

    our names are not needed to be known by man

    nor our words needed to profit by coin

    with tears we tell you truly

    every word of love we could ever give to you

    was given equally freely to us

    and gladly did we see it and hold it in our hearts

    and blessed did we share it with our body

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    for that is the purpose of our body

    used primarily as a tool intended to heal

    as one that feels the cries of another

    and when they are ready we will enter the room they cry alone inand we will give them a song

    Amen would we find you

    and we know this because once we were alone and afraid

    and when we were ready

    we too were found

    Amen, and in Christ

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    on sickness and health

    what can we find man has created

    that has not begun in the mind

    in the form of an idea

    an uncontrolled mind is like an loose water hose

    twisting and flooding the ground around

    a pointed mind is like adding a nozzle

    to water one plant at a time

    a man's ability to create

    is not related to the will of his heart

    and better he learns not the power welluntil his heart is loving

    the reality of a thought

    is minimalized by many

    thought it stands as the prerequisite

    for all man's potential creations

    when one says health begins in the mind

    it would stand true as do all things

    every action has an equal and opposite reaction

    and what would make a thought less than an action

    though unseen

    the exact amount of healing or harm thoughts create

    can only be guessed in some ways

    as their impact cannot directly be measured

    by human instruments

    would we need to know how much

    once we realize they are change itself?

    thoughts of love's alignment are natural and heal

    for the nature of the universe is one of order

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    and reason,

    yet built on the footing of love

    thus reversing the makings of disease

    thoughts of fear, anger, judgmentcreate quantum particles we name

    new disease after new disease after

    chasing for a new cure made by a pill

    may we learn to control our thoughts

    and use them to grow wings

    and give them equally


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    the denominator of gratitude

    in every human enters a moment

    in which they cannot but yield

    and tears of joy would fallin that we experienced the most solid truth

    of who we are

    of love did we stand firmly

    not one more layer did we wrestle upon in our being

    and of gratitude did we weep

    as nothing in this place of safety

    could ever be lost

    if home was but a memory

    remembrance, blessed be our return

    for not one of us if even as a child

    was locked in forgetfulness in all of our days

    I am thankful for so many things

    for today I have my arms

    and they are wonderful to use

    though I rarely consider being without

    I am thankful today I drank clean water

    and was nourished with food from the sun

    and earth

    so many things I could speak of

    but among the threads of webbing around my eyes

    lies one that withstands all of time

    yet still it can be known

    most blessed is the gift of life itself

    sustaining all of form, change, and even time

    resting beyond every word I have ever known

    all I have is who I am

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    from love was I born

    and to love would I remain

    through the loss of all things, and may come the day

    I have no arms and no clean watereven do these benefits sustain

    and of certainty this body will end

    mere trifles placed beside that which is forever

    yet can feel so vast in these days

    some may point and call this a mere hope

    and their belief is welcome

    but I cannot change what I see

    as clearly as I can see the words here I write

    in a blessed moment of perfect stillness

    the denominator of gratitude

    would not be held but given

    for its gift is from life itself

    and in its giving hails its receiving

    would we not fear a world that rests hungry

    from mouths that would feed upon more than would be theirs

    and turn a brother against a brother

    trembling in fear of both what lies next door

    and too within

    our deepest gratitude cannot but deny

    any vision born of fear

    as gratitude offers vision

    of the place from which

    we may call Home forever if we choose


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    dreams replaced

    like crops harvested

    and soil tilled

    a brief pause beforethe new cycle

    how many things must a man grow

    before it is truly seen first what appeared

    came from the soil beneath

    coupled with the rains and the sun

    and how many more things still

    before even before this it beganas a thought in his mind

    yet again that was driven by his intent

    which resides in his heart

    bold dreams we would carry

    lifted by forces we do not understand

    yet we are the originator

    of temporary shapes

    thus could be definedas a creator

    yet would we pause to consider

    we create nothing

    but only change its form

    from earth to space shuttles

    was all just combinations of what

    already was there

    could we find

    what remains

    when our dreams are replaced one million times

    and again

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    could we see

    what did not nor cannot change

    blessed do we walk

    gifted by the very blessing all of life would share

    conscious and alive again for the moment

    but a moment is all we have ever known

    even when our memory of yesterday is faded

    and vision of tomorrow is blocked

    let that be enough

    and may our dreams be shared

    like words spilling into the endless ocean

    where all can drink and be sustained


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    and of the earth and of freedom

    and of the ground did we rise

    and from those seeds melded by the sun

    did we sustain these bodies

    and of the ground did we return

    sustaining the soil as it once

    made our bones hard and limbs strong

    tomorrow was once seen before

    like yesterday was remembered without pause

    these are the stories of my people, little one

    gather close let me tell

    freedom is love

    for neither would attempt to own

    what cannot be owned

    when a man's heart becomes dark

    he forgets many things

    until no longer does he remember

    who he once was

    he would believe many crazy things

    things that will make no sense when I speak of them

    to you my children

    his darkness replaces love with fear

    and all eyes see only a reflection of themselves

    and so he will become afraid of his brothers

    and attempt to take their freedoms

    he will become mad and believe

    even that he can own the land and trees

    he lives within

    and with enough gold the whole earth and even the moon

    could be claimed as his own

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    little ones, when we hear the big drum beat

    like our hearts alive with one thousand buffalo storming

    across the plains

    he hears no such thing

    this man will mock other creations and hate them

    and they too he will attempt to make

    his slaves

    men such as these can take many things

    but they can only take things that someday

    our very eyes can see cannot be held

    remember always little ones,

    no man can take away the ways of our people

    for that lives in the place of forever

    where we can still hear even when some cannot

    and this is why we remain free


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    march of the confused

    many of a kind of a species gatheroften because they are afraid

    and are stronger together

    for what cause, I would askdo we cluster together forand for what differencesdo we fight about

    boys do not wake updreaming to kill in a foreign land

    men are boughtby the currencies allowed to dictatethe grand improvisationof those with the most gold

    we are allowed to lay down and succumbto a lie

    we are allowed to remain ignorantof what things are done with the goldboth taken and spent by our fingers

    this is not a judgmentbut a simple view of what aloneis taken from me and spentby another

    when beliefs become thick over our eyeswe cannot seeand possibly seeing correctlyhas more to do with unlearningthan we know

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    the song remains the same, yet we sing

    words upon wordsspilling into air

    penetrating all things are the wordscarried by the thoughtssome that were our finest

    let me not judge a flaga man, a book, or one wordbut by the eye of truthfor one who speaks nine true thingsdoes not mean the tenth would be equalas is the nature if imperfection in man

    and so I must look in the mirrorand see my own eyesfor a moment to ask what truth is to meand it is so simpleand it is so clear in this moment

    does it set free?does it love and refuse to hate,even when one spills nothing but darkness?does it remind a brother of their finest thoughts

    that would only heal and bring peace?

    and with my ears would I listento words of love regardless of the face speaking themfilling the air and void around me from the only thing I know thatcan never be destroyed

    that which we are fromborn of and held safe withinyes this would be my truth

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    from the depths

    you cannot know this poemnor could I write these words

    when the sun shines strongly from our heartand wrinkles of the world fade into the distance

    if we could explain our strugglethe specifics and seemingly different circumstancesfrom which we sufferthese lines would never end


    this is a cry and it is a callif there is only one thing I would carryand only one thing I would never loseit would be my simple will to arisefrom the depths

    sometimes I wait as seconds tickand then minutes and then long daysI wait to see the sun of my own heartbrightly shining through

    healing is instantaneousyet why can that moment seem so farpeace is a place forever open to returnyet how can it seem so distant

    no this world has not beaten meit has only brought me down for a momentI could feel shameor guiltinstead I will wait

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    I fear nottaI fear notta manstanding tall or in shadowcoming from the darkness

    deception and dishonest

    I fear notta manlemme set this straighttake what you canthatwontbe enoughit will never be enough

    watch you wonderhow we still stand

    one questionif you listenas a bringer of the lightshining strong

    we've been questionedall along

    bury me and my little voiceput me in a small coffinif the cost was to give another

    vocally often

    hold my hand if you need oneI would stand here and bleed sontaking punches for all its worthtaking their attention for all I canso you can grow like a treetowards the sun

    and who wouldntat thatit is how we always win

    every time every placemy friendagain and again

    I fear notta becausegiven the choiceI would take this small dose of strength
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    freely give it ...rejoice

    I fear nottasomehow someway

    tick tock tick tockI will stand in the way

    of darkness and liesI can feel your criesbut my gift is not meit is standingfor you

    shine on

    shine onnever let gothese songs of freedommay we holdmay we flow


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    to see a system (and what it stands for)

    names of lands raising colored flagscompanyslogos passed around on small

    pieces of paper like fake smiles

    I do not care what you say you stand for

    a system of insanity bred by man and beyondhungers at it looks across the oceanand dreams only of more power and control

    it thirsts on the blood of manas the beast grows, toodoes its hunger for more

    may freedom allow us to join these systemsmay wisdom awaken us to know what it is

    we are joining

    no, I will carry no bannerno religion no name no country no titlenot as a rebelbut as one who does not trust mankind

    I do not care what titles a human holdsnor what background or power they held and hold

    a system in my eyes burns the hearts of good menwho know not of another wayfor they do not see what they enter willingly into

    I fight no systemand allow for it to eat and feed

    yet it may not feed on mefor I do not stand for it asI would not feed on anotherso I may be stronger in the eyes of darknessand the world

    I seek to be stronger in the eyes

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    of the source that gives lifenot takes lifeas a light bringernot a thief of will

    and when the sun setsthose who seek to crush the competitionso normal in todaysbusinessin the back of their dreams they twist and scatterfor as they would so gladly take the life of anotherand leave them homeless and wantingthey too have subjected themselves to the laws not of lovebut of the darknessand remain to be stalked by their owndark shadow

    love is an instant of recognitionreversing the mad dream

    to see a system requires such a simple lens:does it offer healing and freedomor must it feed and grow for moredoes it remain free and ask for nothingor does it require binding and payment of some form

    many have spokenand only the eyes behind our eyes can divulgeas words and pretty colored dreams can lie

    may we simply seethat which is truly healing and would giveand that which is only harms both earth and man

    willing only to take

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    when love shone

    have you walked to the edge of a cityand seen the great buildings colored like the sky

    while the ships on the harbor are marveled atand a homeless man with a thin catdraws your attention most of all

    have you seen all of the people driving and walking so quicklyon phones and trying to keep pace with somethingyou do not and never really will understandin a silly game we too appear to play as if it is all we know

    has a sorrow broken you so deeplyyou cannot explain with wordsbecause so many do not understand whyyou are crying inside

    to some feeling away from Homein a strange place in a strange landis what is missed in a waychasm splits and can breed numbness

    when something is not understoodand people continue to fightand people continue to be herded willinglygladly taking and giving freedom without a thought

    have you heard yourlittle voice dancing and singing in the midst peepingnot shelved away in fear but smilingeven in the storm

    yes there is a pointwhere love shone through

    as we were broken by sorrowwe were sheltered by loveand memory alone holds us safely

    when we awaken at nightwe see tomorrow the same as todayand the end of this body so quickly

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    and we know the haunting feelingthat we will wish we had loved more

    we take out our pens and we writewe carry our dreams and through them

    we determine to shine againof what we carry in our heart

    we know we will never see what many dowhen we look at a harborthe things men have madeand will never be able to justify a systemthat would not represent what we are

    our will here has been chosen and gladly

    we continue to loveeven when picking the pieces of ourselvesoff of the hard cold street

    carried only by the hopethere is one more, even only one moreready to come home and willto love
