Songs beginning with B


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8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 121

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 221


Down down deeper and down Down down deeper and down

Down down deeper and down Get down deeper and down


I have all the ways you see

GTo keep you guessing stop your messing with me


D (D7) GAgain again again again again again again get deeper and down


Down down deeper and down Down down deeper and down

Down down deeper and down Get down deeper and down


I have found out you see



D (D7) G

Again again again again again again again get deeper and down

GDown down deeper and down Down down deeper and down

Down down deeper and down Get down deeper and down Repeat with slow fade

Then back into Bad Moon Rising - 1st Verse Then Chorus x2

D7 C G

Theres a bad moon on the rise Down down deeper and down

D7 C G

Theres a bad moon on the rise Down down deeper and down


Theres a bad moon on the rise Down down deeper and down

Bad Moon R isingDown Down Pag e 2

Revised 201109

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 321

983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983122983157983150 991251 983127983145983150983143983155

983118983106 983113983142 983161983151983157 983140983151983150991257983156 983159983137983150983156 983156983151 983140983151 983156983144983141 983142983137983150983139983161 983139983144983151983154983140983155 983152983148983137983145983150 983151983150983141983155 983159983145983156983144983151983157983156 983150983157983149983138983141983154983155 983159983145983148983148 983138983141 983142983145983150983141

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983105 983108 983111983149983094 983108 983111983149983094 983108 983111983149983094

983116983145983147983141 983161983151983157 983149983137983149983137 983129983151983157 983149983137983149983137983161983151983157

983105983149 983108 983105983149 983108 983105983149

983105983149 983108 983105983149 983108

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983107 983108 983107 983108 983107 983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983107 983110983149983137983146983095

983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983107

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983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983109983149

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983111 983107 983109983149 983107 983105983149

983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150983084 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150983084

983110 983107 983110 983110983149983137983146983095

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983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983107

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983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983109983149

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983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983107

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983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983109983149

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983111 983107 983109983149 983107 983105983149

983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150

983110 983107 983110 983110983149983137983146983095

983105983150983140 983156983144983141 983139983151983157983150983156983161 983146983157983140983143983141 983159983144983151 983144983141983148983140 983137 983143983154983157983140983143983141 983159983145983148983148 983155983141983137983154983139983144 983142983151983154983141983158983141983154 983149983151983154983141 983142983151983154 983156983144983141

983107 983109983149 983111 983107

983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 421

The Beard Snood(Harry Bird and Christophe Capewell)

Intro Dm A7 | Dm A7

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my beard-i-oDm A7Stopped hair from falling in the bakers dough

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my beard-i-oDm A7 Dm A7 DmWhilst my beard did grow

ChorusDm A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm

lay lay lay lay

A7 Dm A7The beard snood sat on my lsquotash-i-oDm A7Stopped hair from falling in the pistachios

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my tash-i-oDm A7 Dm A7 DmWhilst my lsquotash did grow

Choruslay lay lay lay

A7 Dm A7The beard snood sat on my sidies-oDm A7Stopped hair from falling in the bridies-o

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my sidies-oDm A7 Dm A7 Dm

Whilst my sidies did grow

Choruslay lay lay lay(the beard snood)lay lay lay lay(protects the food)lay lay lay lay(from hairy intruders)lay lay laylay


8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 521

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

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8142019 Songs beginning with B

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983106983141983140 983137983150983140 983106983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983117983137983150 991251 983117983137983140983150983141983155983155

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983154983141991257983155 983137 983149983137983150 983113 983147983150983151983159983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983105983156 983148983141983137983155983156 983113 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983161983141983137983154983155 983137983143983151983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983140983145983140983150991257983156 983154983141983137983148983148983161 983149983145983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983151983149983141 983154983151983157983150983140 983137983148983148 983156983144983141 983156983145983149983141983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983119983142 983139983151983157983154983155983141 983144983141 983144983137983140 983156983151 983138983141 983142983141983140983084983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983144983137983140 983156983151 983143983145983158983141 983144983145983149 983137 983138983141983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983147983145983152 983151983150 983149983161 983155983151983142983137983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983161 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983137983148983148 983144983145983149 983137 983148983151983137983142983141983154983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983144983137983140 983150983151 983155983144983137983149983141983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983159983137983155 983137 983149983137983155983156983141983154 983137983156 983144983145983155 983143983137983149983141983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983155983144983145983154983147983141983140 983144983145983155 983144983137983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983159983137983155 983156983144983141 983138983141983140 983137983150983140 983138983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983149983137983150983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983127983151983137983144 991270983086983086 983144983141 983159983137983155 983156983144983141 983138983141983140 983137983150983140 983138983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983149983137983150991270991270983160 983148983151983156983155

8142019 Songs beginning with B

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983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983127983137983154983155 991251 983106983145983148983148983161 983106983154983137983143983143

983117983151983155983156983148983161 983156983159983151 983155983156983154983157983149983155 983152983141983154 983139983144983151983154983140 983080983141983160983139983141983152983156 983082983081

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983159983137983155 983137 983149983145983150983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983140983151983139983147983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983154983137983145983148983159983137983161983149983137983150 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983113 983154983137983145983155983141983140 983137 983142983137983149983145983148983161 983145983150 983156983145983149983141983155 983151983142 983137983157983155983156983141983154983145983156983161983084 983159983145983156983144 983155983159983141983137983156 983137983156 983156983144983141 983142983151983157983150983140983154983161983084 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

983113 983152983137983145983140 983156983144983141 983157983150983145983151983150 983137983150983140 983137983155 983156983145983149983141983155 983143983151983156 983144983137983154983140983141983154 983113 983148983151983151983147983141983140 983156983151 983156983144983141 983143983151983158983141983154983150983149983141983150983156 983156983151 983144983141983148983152 983156983144983141 983159983151983154983147983145983150983143 983149983137983150983086

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

983105983150983140 983156983144983141983161 983138983154983151983157983143983144983156 983152983154983151983155983152983141983154983145983156983161 983140983151983159983150 983137983156 983156983144983141 983137983154983149983151983157983154983161983084 983127983141991257983154983141 983137983154983149983145983150983143 983142983151983154 983152983141983137983139983141 983149983161 983138983151983161983155983084

983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086


983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983147983141983152983156 983156983144983141 983142983137983145983156983144 983137983150983140 983113 983147983141983152983156 983158983151983156983145983150983143983084 983118983151983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983145983154983151983150 983142983145983155983156 983138983157983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983144983141983148983152983145983150983143 983144983137983150983140983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983110983151983154 983156983144983141983145983154983155 983145983155 983137 983148983137983150983140 983159983145983156983144 983137 983159983137983148983148 983137983154983151983157983150983140 983145983156983084 983105983150983140 983149983145983150983141 983145983155 983137 983142983137983145983156983144 983145983150 983149983161 983142983141983148983148983151983159 983149983137983150983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

983124983144983141983145983154983155 983145983155 983137 983148983137983150983140 983151983142 983144983151983152983141 983137983150983140 983143983148983151983154983161983084 983117983145983150983141 983145983155 983156983144983141 983143983154983141983141983150 983142983145983141983148983140 983137983150983140 983156983144983141 983142983137983139983156983151983154983161 983142983148983151983151983154983086

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

983124983144983141983145983154983155 983137983154983141 983156983144983141 983155983147983145983141983155 983137983148983148 983140983137983154983147 983159983145983156983144 983138983151983149983138983141983154983155983084 983105983150983140 983149983145983150983141 983145983155 983156983144983141 983152983141983137983139983141 983159983141 983147983150983141983159983084

983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086


983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983107983137983148983148 983157983152 983156983144983141 983139983154983137983142983156983155983149983141983150983084 983106983154983145983150983143 983149983141 983156983144983141 983140983154983137983157983143983144983156983155983149983141983150983084 983106983157983145983148983140 983149983141 983137 983152983137983156983144 983142983154983151983149 983139983154983137983140983148983141 983156983151 983143983154983137983158983141983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983105983150983140 983113991257983148983148 983143983145983158983141 983149983161 983139983151983150983155983141983150983156 983156983151 983137983150983161 983143983151983158983141983154983150983149983141983150983156 983156983144983137983156 983140983151983141983155 983150983151983156 983140983141983150983161 983137 983149983137983150 983137 983148983145983158983145983150983143 983159983137983143983141983086

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

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8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 921

983106983145983147983151 991251 983120983141983156983141983154 983111983137983138983154983145983141983148983119983154983145983143983145983150983137983148 983137983156983098 98314498315698315698315298309898315998315998315998316198315198315798315698315798313898314198313998315198314998315998313798315698313998314498310398315898310139831509831399831269831619831609831219831229831599830950

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983105 983108

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983119983144 983151983144 983151983144 983141983156983139983086 983156983151 983142983137983140983141983086



8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1021

Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I think of you I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue

G Em F

Itrsquos no problem of mine but itrsquos a problem I find living a life that I canrsquot leave behind

F G Em FTherersquos no sense in telling me the wisdom of a fool wonrsquot set you free

F G Em F

But thatrsquos the way that it goes and itrsquos what nobody knows and every day my confusion grows

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em FI feel fine and I feel good I feel like I never should

G Em F

Whenever I get this way I just donrsquot know what to say Why canrsquot we be ourselves like we were yesterday

F G Em F

Irsquom not sure what this could mean I donrsquot think yoursquore what you seem

G Em F

I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else then Irsquod never see just what wersquore meant to be

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1121

983106983148983145983155983156983141983154 983113983150 983124983144983141 983123983157983150 983126983145983151983148983141983150983156 983110983141983149983149983141983155

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983124983144983141983150 983125983147983141 1 983137983155 983137983138983151983158983141 983125983147983141 2 A|-232 -2-32 -232-E|3--- 3-3-- 3---3

983125983147983141 3 A|-575 -5-75 -575-

E|7--- 7-7-- 7---7

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983128 2

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1221

983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983106983151983152 983124983144983141 983122983137983149983151983150983141983155

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8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1321

Uke 1 F C D G C D

Uke 2 E1 1 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - -

C0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

G- - 0 0 2 2 2 2 ndash - 0 0 2 2 2 2

Uke 3 A555555555 3 5 - 888888888 10 5 -

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 221


Down down deeper and down Down down deeper and down

Down down deeper and down Get down deeper and down


I have all the ways you see

GTo keep you guessing stop your messing with me


D (D7) GAgain again again again again again again get deeper and down


Down down deeper and down Down down deeper and down

Down down deeper and down Get down deeper and down


I have found out you see



D (D7) G

Again again again again again again again get deeper and down

GDown down deeper and down Down down deeper and down

Down down deeper and down Get down deeper and down Repeat with slow fade

Then back into Bad Moon Rising - 1st Verse Then Chorus x2

D7 C G

Theres a bad moon on the rise Down down deeper and down

D7 C G

Theres a bad moon on the rise Down down deeper and down


Theres a bad moon on the rise Down down deeper and down

Bad Moon R isingDown Down Pag e 2

Revised 201109

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 321

983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983122983157983150 991251 983127983145983150983143983155

983118983106 983113983142 983161983151983157 983140983151983150991257983156 983159983137983150983156 983156983151 983140983151 983156983144983141 983142983137983150983139983161 983139983144983151983154983140983155 983152983148983137983145983150 983151983150983141983155 983159983145983156983144983151983157983156 983150983157983149983138983141983154983155 983159983145983148983148 983138983141 983142983145983150983141

983138983157983156 983161983151983157 983108983119 983150983141983141983140 983156983151 983151983138983155983141983154983158983141 983156983144983141 983149983145983150983151983154983149983137983146983151983154 983138983145983156)

983108 983111983094 983108983149983137983146983097 983111983094983123983156983157983139983147 983145983150983155983145983140983141 983156983144983141983155983141 983142983151983157983154 983159983137983148983148983155 983155983141983150983156 983145983150983155983145983140983141 983142983151983154 983141983158983141983154983118983141983158983141983154 983155983141983141983145983150983143 983150983151983085983151983150983141 983150983145983139983141 983137983143983137983145983150

983105 983108 983111983149983094 983108 983111983149983094 983108 983111983149983094

983116983145983147983141 983161983151983157 983149983137983149983137 983129983151983157 983149983137983149983137983161983151983157

983105983149 983108 983105983149 983108 983105983149

983105983149 983108 983105983149 983108

983113983142 983113 983141983158983141983154 983143983141983156 983151983157983156 983151983142 983144983141983154983141 983156983144983151983157983143983144983156 983151983142 983143983145983158983145983150983143 983145983156 983137983148983148 983137983159983137983161 983156983151 983137 983154983141983143983145983155983156983141983154983141983140 983139983144983137983154983145983156983161 983137983148983148 983113 983150983141983141983140 983145983155 983137 983152983145983150983156 983137 983140983137983161


983113983142 983113 983141983158983141983154 983143983141983156 983151983157983156 983151983142 983144983141983154983141 983113983142 983159983141 983141983158983141983154 983143983141983156 983151983157983156 983151983142 983144983141983154983141

983107 983108 983107 983108 983107 983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983107 983110983149983137983146983095

983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983107

983127983141983148983148 983156983144983141 983154983137983145983150 983141983160983152983148983151983140983141983140 983159983145983156983144 983137 983149983145983143983144983156983161 983139983154983137983155983144 983137983155 983159983141 983142983141983148983148 983145983150983156983151 983156983144983141 983155983157983150

983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983109983149

983105983150983140 983156983144983141 983142983145983154983155983156 983151983150983141 983155983137983145983140 983156983151 983156983144983141 983155983141983139983151983150983140 983151983150983141 983156983144983141983154983141 991260983113 983144983151983152983141 983161983151983157991257983154983141 983144983137983158983145983150983143 983142983157983150991261

983111 983107 983109983149 983107 983105983149

983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150983084 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150983084

983110 983107 983110 983110983149983137983146983095

983105983150983140 983156983144983141 983146983137983145983148983141983154 983149983137983150 983137983150983140 983123983137983145983148983151983154 983123983137983149 983159983141983154983141 983155983141983137983154983139983144983145983150983143 983141983158983141983154983161983151983150983141 983142983151983154 983156983144983141


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983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983107

983127983141983148983148 983156983144983141 983157983150983140983141983154983156983137983147983141983154 983140983154983141983159 983137 983144983141983137983158983161 983155983145983143983144 983155983141983141983145983150983143 983150983151983085983151983150983141 983141983148983155983141 983144983137983140 983139983151983149983141

983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983109983149

983105983150983140 983137 983138983141983148983148 983159983137983155 983154983145983150983143983145983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983141 983158983145983148983148983137983143983141 983155983153983157983137983154983141 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983154983137983138983138983145983156983155 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150

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983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983107

983127983141983148983148 983156983144983141 983150983145983143983144983156 983159983137983155 983142983137983148983148983145983150983143 983137983155 983156983144983141 983140983141983155983141983154983156 983159983151983154983148983140 983138983141983143983137983150 983156983151 983155983141983156983156983148983141 983140983151983159983150

983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983109983149

983113983150 983156983144983141 983156983151983159983150 983156983144983141983161991257983154983141 983155983141983137983154983139983144983145983150983143 983142983151983154 983157983155 983141983158983141983154983161983159983144983141983154983141 983138983157983156 983159983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983159983145983148983148 983138983141 983142983151983157983150983140

983111 983107 983109983149 983107 983105983149

983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150

983110 983107 983110 983110983149983137983146983095

983105983150983140 983156983144983141 983139983151983157983150983156983161 983146983157983140983143983141 983159983144983151 983144983141983148983140 983137 983143983154983157983140983143983141 983159983145983148983148 983155983141983137983154983139983144 983142983151983154983141983158983141983154 983149983151983154983141 983142983151983154 983156983144983141

983107 983109983149 983111 983107

983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 421

The Beard Snood(Harry Bird and Christophe Capewell)

Intro Dm A7 | Dm A7

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my beard-i-oDm A7Stopped hair from falling in the bakers dough

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my beard-i-oDm A7 Dm A7 DmWhilst my beard did grow

ChorusDm A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm

lay lay lay lay

A7 Dm A7The beard snood sat on my lsquotash-i-oDm A7Stopped hair from falling in the pistachios

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my tash-i-oDm A7 Dm A7 DmWhilst my lsquotash did grow

Choruslay lay lay lay

A7 Dm A7The beard snood sat on my sidies-oDm A7Stopped hair from falling in the bridies-o

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my sidies-oDm A7 Dm A7 Dm

Whilst my sidies did grow

Choruslay lay lay lay(the beard snood)lay lay lay lay(protects the food)lay lay lay lay(from hairy intruders)lay lay laylay


8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 521

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 621

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 721

983106983141983140 983137983150983140 983106983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983117983137983150 991251 983117983137983140983150983141983155983155

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983154983141991257983155 983137 983149983137983150 983113 983147983150983151983159983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983105983156 983148983141983137983155983156 983113 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983161983141983137983154983155 983137983143983151983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983140983145983140983150991257983156 983154983141983137983148983148983161 983149983145983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983151983149983141 983154983151983157983150983140 983137983148983148 983156983144983141 983156983145983149983141983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983119983142 983139983151983157983154983155983141 983144983141 983144983137983140 983156983151 983138983141 983142983141983140983084983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983144983137983140 983156983151 983143983145983158983141 983144983145983149 983137 983138983141983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983147983145983152 983151983150 983149983161 983155983151983142983137983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983161 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983137983148983148 983144983145983149 983137 983148983151983137983142983141983154983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983144983137983140 983150983151 983155983144983137983149983141983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983159983137983155 983137 983149983137983155983156983141983154 983137983156 983144983145983155 983143983137983149983141983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983155983144983145983154983147983141983140 983144983145983155 983144983137983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983159983137983155 983156983144983141 983138983141983140 983137983150983140 983138983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983149983137983150983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983127983151983137983144 991270983086983086 983144983141 983159983137983155 983156983144983141 983138983141983140 983137983150983140 983138983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983149983137983150991270991270983160 983148983151983156983155

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 821

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983127983137983154983155 991251 983106983145983148983148983161 983106983154983137983143983143

983117983151983155983156983148983161 983156983159983151 983155983156983154983157983149983155 983152983141983154 983139983144983151983154983140 983080983141983160983139983141983152983156 983082983081

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983159983137983155 983137 983149983145983150983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983140983151983139983147983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983154983137983145983148983159983137983161983149983137983150 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983113 983154983137983145983155983141983140 983137 983142983137983149983145983148983161 983145983150 983156983145983149983141983155 983151983142 983137983157983155983156983141983154983145983156983161983084 983159983145983156983144 983155983159983141983137983156 983137983156 983156983144983141 983142983151983157983150983140983154983161983084 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

983113 983152983137983145983140 983156983144983141 983157983150983145983151983150 983137983150983140 983137983155 983156983145983149983141983155 983143983151983156 983144983137983154983140983141983154 983113 983148983151983151983147983141983140 983156983151 983156983144983141 983143983151983158983141983154983150983149983141983150983156 983156983151 983144983141983148983152 983156983144983141 983159983151983154983147983145983150983143 983149983137983150983086

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

983105983150983140 983156983144983141983161 983138983154983151983157983143983144983156 983152983154983151983155983152983141983154983145983156983161 983140983151983159983150 983137983156 983156983144983141 983137983154983149983151983157983154983161983084 983127983141991257983154983141 983137983154983149983145983150983143 983142983151983154 983152983141983137983139983141 983149983161 983138983151983161983155983084

983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086


983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983147983141983152983156 983156983144983141 983142983137983145983156983144 983137983150983140 983113 983147983141983152983156 983158983151983156983145983150983143983084 983118983151983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983145983154983151983150 983142983145983155983156 983138983157983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983144983141983148983152983145983150983143 983144983137983150983140983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983110983151983154 983156983144983141983145983154983155 983145983155 983137 983148983137983150983140 983159983145983156983144 983137 983159983137983148983148 983137983154983151983157983150983140 983145983156983084 983105983150983140 983149983145983150983141 983145983155 983137 983142983137983145983156983144 983145983150 983149983161 983142983141983148983148983151983159 983149983137983150983084

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

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983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983123983159983141983141983156 983149983151983140983141983154983137983156983145983151983150983084 983156983144983141 983144983141983137983154983156 983151983142 983156983144983145983155 983150983137983156983145983151983150983084 983108983141983155983141983154983156 983157983155 983150983151983156983084 983159983141 983137983154983141 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

8142019 Songs beginning with B

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983106983145983147983151 991251 983120983141983156983141983154 983111983137983138983154983145983141983148983119983154983145983143983145983150983137983148 983137983156983098 98314498315698315698315298309898315998315998315998316198315198315798315698315798313898314198313998315198314998315998313798315698313998314498310398315898310139831509831399831269831619831609831219831229831599830950

983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983158983137983149983152 983137983155 983154983141983153983157983145983154983141983140 983142983151983154 983145983150983156983154983151

983105 983108

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983105 983108983113983156 983159983137983155 983138983157983155983145983150983141983155983155 983137983155 983157983155983157983137983148 983145983150 983152983151983148983145983139983141 983154983151983151983149 9830941983097

983105 983108 983105 983108

983119983144 983106983145983147983151983084 983106983145983147983151983084 983138983141983139983137983157983155983141 983106983145983147983151983086 983119983144 983106983145983147983151983084 983106983145983147983151983084 983138983141983139983137983157983155983141 983106983145983147983151983086

983111 983106983149 983105

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983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164

983105 983108

983127983144983141983150 983113 983156983154983161 983156983151 983155983148983141983141983152 983137983156 983150983145983143983144983156 983113 983139983137983150 983151983150983148983161 983140983154983141983137983149 983145983150 983154983141983140

983105 983108

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164

983105 983108

983129983151983157 983139983137983150 983138983148983151983159 983151983157983156 983137 983139983137983150983140983148983141 983138983157983156 983161983151983157 983139983137983150991257983156 983138983148983151983159 983151983157983156 983137 983142983145983154983141

983105 983108

983119983150983139983141 983156983144983141 983142983148983137983149983141983155 983138983141983143983145983150 983156983151 983139983137983156983139983144 983156983144983141 983159983145983150983140 983159983145983148983148 983138983148983151983159 983145983156 983144983145983143983144983141983154

983105 983108 983105 983108

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983111 983106983149 983105

983129983145983144983148983137 983149983151983146983137983084 983161983145983144983148983137 983149983151983146983137 983124983144983141 983149983137983150 983145983155 983140983141983137983140983084 983156983144983141 983149983137983150 983145983155 983140983141983137983140983086

983105 983108 983105 983108

983105983150983140 983156983144983141 983141983161983141983155 983151983142 983156983144983141 983159983151983154983148983140 983137983154983141 983159983137983156983139983144983145983150983143 983150983151983159 983159983137983156983139983144983145983150983143 983150983151983159983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164

983119983144 983151983144 983151983144 983141983156983139983086 983156983151 983142983137983140983141983086



8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1021

Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I think of you I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue

G Em F

Itrsquos no problem of mine but itrsquos a problem I find living a life that I canrsquot leave behind

F G Em FTherersquos no sense in telling me the wisdom of a fool wonrsquot set you free

F G Em F

But thatrsquos the way that it goes and itrsquos what nobody knows and every day my confusion grows

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em FI feel fine and I feel good I feel like I never should

G Em F

Whenever I get this way I just donrsquot know what to say Why canrsquot we be ourselves like we were yesterday

F G Em F

Irsquom not sure what this could mean I donrsquot think yoursquore what you seem

G Em F

I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else then Irsquod never see just what wersquore meant to be

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1121

983106983148983145983155983156983141983154 983113983150 983124983144983141 983123983157983150 983126983145983151983148983141983150983156 983110983141983149983149983141983155

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983125983147983141 3 A|-575 -5-75 -575-

E|7--- 7-7-- 7---7

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983128 2

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1221

983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983106983151983152 983124983144983141 983122983137983149983151983150983141983155

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983131983105983133 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1321

Uke 1 F C D G C D

Uke 2 E1 1 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - -

C0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

G- - 0 0 2 2 2 2 ndash - 0 0 2 2 2 2

Uke 3 A555555555 3 5 - 888888888 10 5 -

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 321

983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983122983157983150 991251 983127983145983150983143983155

983118983106 983113983142 983161983151983157 983140983151983150991257983156 983159983137983150983156 983156983151 983140983151 983156983144983141 983142983137983150983139983161 983139983144983151983154983140983155 983152983148983137983145983150 983151983150983141983155 983159983145983156983144983151983157983156 983150983157983149983138983141983154983155 983159983145983148983148 983138983141 983142983145983150983141

983138983157983156 983161983151983157 983108983119 983150983141983141983140 983156983151 983151983138983155983141983154983158983141 983156983144983141 983149983145983150983151983154983149983137983146983151983154 983138983145983156)

983108 983111983094 983108983149983137983146983097 983111983094983123983156983157983139983147 983145983150983155983145983140983141 983156983144983141983155983141 983142983151983157983154 983159983137983148983148983155 983155983141983150983156 983145983150983155983145983140983141 983142983151983154 983141983158983141983154983118983141983158983141983154 983155983141983141983145983150983143 983150983151983085983151983150983141 983150983145983139983141 983137983143983137983145983150

983105 983108 983111983149983094 983108 983111983149983094 983108 983111983149983094

983116983145983147983141 983161983151983157 983149983137983149983137 983129983151983157 983149983137983149983137983161983151983157

983105983149 983108 983105983149 983108 983105983149

983105983149 983108 983105983149 983108

983113983142 983113 983141983158983141983154 983143983141983156 983151983157983156 983151983142 983144983141983154983141 983156983144983151983157983143983144983156 983151983142 983143983145983158983145983150983143 983145983156 983137983148983148 983137983159983137983161 983156983151 983137 983154983141983143983145983155983156983141983154983141983140 983139983144983137983154983145983156983161 983137983148983148 983113 983150983141983141983140 983145983155 983137 983152983145983150983156 983137 983140983137983161


983113983142 983113 983141983158983141983154 983143983141983156 983151983157983156 983151983142 983144983141983154983141 983113983142 983159983141 983141983158983141983154 983143983141983156 983151983157983156 983151983142 983144983141983154983141

983107 983108 983107 983108 983107 983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983107 983110983149983137983146983095

983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983107

983127983141983148983148 983156983144983141 983154983137983145983150 983141983160983152983148983151983140983141983140 983159983145983156983144 983137 983149983145983143983144983156983161 983139983154983137983155983144 983137983155 983159983141 983142983141983148983148 983145983150983156983151 983156983144983141 983155983157983150

983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983109983149

983105983150983140 983156983144983141 983142983145983154983155983156 983151983150983141 983155983137983145983140 983156983151 983156983144983141 983155983141983139983151983150983140 983151983150983141 983156983144983141983154983141 991260983113 983144983151983152983141 983161983151983157991257983154983141 983144983137983158983145983150983143 983142983157983150991261

983111 983107 983109983149 983107 983105983149

983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150983084 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150983084

983110 983107 983110 983110983149983137983146983095

983105983150983140 983156983144983141 983146983137983145983148983141983154 983149983137983150 983137983150983140 983123983137983145983148983151983154 983123983137983149 983159983141983154983141 983155983141983137983154983139983144983145983150983143 983141983158983141983154983161983151983150983141 983142983151983154 983156983144983141


983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150983084 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150983084 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150983084 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150983084

983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983107

983127983141983148983148 983156983144983141 983157983150983140983141983154983156983137983147983141983154 983140983154983141983159 983137 983144983141983137983158983161 983155983145983143983144 983155983141983141983145983150983143 983150983151983085983151983150983141 983141983148983155983141 983144983137983140 983139983151983149983141

983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983109983149

983105983150983140 983137 983138983141983148983148 983159983137983155 983154983145983150983143983145983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983141 983158983145983148983148983137983143983141 983155983153983157983137983154983141 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983154983137983138983138983145983156983155 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150

983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150983086983086983086983086983080983154983141983152983141983137983156 983139983144983151983154983157983155983081

983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983107

983127983141983148983148 983156983144983141 983150983145983143983144983156 983159983137983155 983142983137983148983148983145983150983143 983137983155 983156983144983141 983140983141983155983141983154983156 983159983151983154983148983140 983138983141983143983137983150 983156983151 983155983141983156983156983148983141 983140983151983159983150

983107 983110983149983137983146983095 983109983149

983113983150 983156983144983141 983156983151983159983150 983156983144983141983161991257983154983141 983155983141983137983154983139983144983145983150983143 983142983151983154 983157983155 983141983158983141983154983161983159983144983141983154983141 983138983157983156 983159983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983159983145983148983148 983138983141 983142983151983157983150983140

983111 983107 983109983149 983107 983105983149

983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150

983110 983107 983110 983110983149983137983146983095

983105983150983140 983156983144983141 983139983151983157983150983156983161 983146983157983140983143983141 983159983144983151 983144983141983148983140 983137 983143983154983157983140983143983141 983159983145983148983148 983155983141983137983154983139983144 983142983151983154983141983158983141983154 983149983151983154983141 983142983151983154 983156983144983141

983107 983109983149 983111 983107

983106983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150 983138983137983150983140 983151983150 983156983144983141 983154983157983150

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 421

The Beard Snood(Harry Bird and Christophe Capewell)

Intro Dm A7 | Dm A7

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my beard-i-oDm A7Stopped hair from falling in the bakers dough

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my beard-i-oDm A7 Dm A7 DmWhilst my beard did grow

ChorusDm A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm

lay lay lay lay

A7 Dm A7The beard snood sat on my lsquotash-i-oDm A7Stopped hair from falling in the pistachios

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my tash-i-oDm A7 Dm A7 DmWhilst my lsquotash did grow

Choruslay lay lay lay

A7 Dm A7The beard snood sat on my sidies-oDm A7Stopped hair from falling in the bridies-o

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my sidies-oDm A7 Dm A7 Dm

Whilst my sidies did grow

Choruslay lay lay lay(the beard snood)lay lay lay lay(protects the food)lay lay lay lay(from hairy intruders)lay lay laylay


8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 521

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 621

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 721

983106983141983140 983137983150983140 983106983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983117983137983150 991251 983117983137983140983150983141983155983155

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983154983141991257983155 983137 983149983137983150 983113 983147983150983151983159983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983105983156 983148983141983137983155983156 983113 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983161983141983137983154983155 983137983143983151983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983140983145983140983150991257983156 983154983141983137983148983148983161 983149983145983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983151983149983141 983154983151983157983150983140 983137983148983148 983156983144983141 983156983145983149983141983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983119983142 983139983151983157983154983155983141 983144983141 983144983137983140 983156983151 983138983141 983142983141983140983084983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983144983137983140 983156983151 983143983145983158983141 983144983145983149 983137 983138983141983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983147983145983152 983151983150 983149983161 983155983151983142983137983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983161 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983137983148983148 983144983145983149 983137 983148983151983137983142983141983154983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983144983137983140 983150983151 983155983144983137983149983141983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983159983137983155 983137 983149983137983155983156983141983154 983137983156 983144983145983155 983143983137983149983141983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983155983144983145983154983147983141983140 983144983145983155 983144983137983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983159983137983155 983156983144983141 983138983141983140 983137983150983140 983138983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983149983137983150983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983127983151983137983144 991270983086983086 983144983141 983159983137983155 983156983144983141 983138983141983140 983137983150983140 983138983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983149983137983150991270991270983160 983148983151983156983155

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 821

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983127983137983154983155 991251 983106983145983148983148983161 983106983154983137983143983143

983117983151983155983156983148983161 983156983159983151 983155983156983154983157983149983155 983152983141983154 983139983144983151983154983140 983080983141983160983139983141983152983156 983082983081

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983159983137983155 983137 983149983145983150983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983140983151983139983147983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983154983137983145983148983159983137983161983149983137983150 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983113 983154983137983145983155983141983140 983137 983142983137983149983145983148983161 983145983150 983156983145983149983141983155 983151983142 983137983157983155983156983141983154983145983156983161983084 983159983145983156983144 983155983159983141983137983156 983137983156 983156983144983141 983142983151983157983150983140983154983161983084 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

983113 983152983137983145983140 983156983144983141 983157983150983145983151983150 983137983150983140 983137983155 983156983145983149983141983155 983143983151983156 983144983137983154983140983141983154 983113 983148983151983151983147983141983140 983156983151 983156983144983141 983143983151983158983141983154983150983149983141983150983156 983156983151 983144983141983148983152 983156983144983141 983159983151983154983147983145983150983143 983149983137983150983086

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

983105983150983140 983156983144983141983161 983138983154983151983157983143983144983156 983152983154983151983155983152983141983154983145983156983161 983140983151983159983150 983137983156 983156983144983141 983137983154983149983151983157983154983161983084 983127983141991257983154983141 983137983154983149983145983150983143 983142983151983154 983152983141983137983139983141 983149983161 983138983151983161983155983084

983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086


983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983147983141983152983156 983156983144983141 983142983137983145983156983144 983137983150983140 983113 983147983141983152983156 983158983151983156983145983150983143983084 983118983151983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983145983154983151983150 983142983145983155983156 983138983157983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983144983141983148983152983145983150983143 983144983137983150983140983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983110983151983154 983156983144983141983145983154983155 983145983155 983137 983148983137983150983140 983159983145983156983144 983137 983159983137983148983148 983137983154983151983157983150983140 983145983156983084 983105983150983140 983149983145983150983141 983145983155 983137 983142983137983145983156983144 983145983150 983149983161 983142983141983148983148983151983159 983149983137983150983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

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8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 921

983106983145983147983151 991251 983120983141983156983141983154 983111983137983138983154983145983141983148983119983154983145983143983145983150983137983148 983137983156983098 98314498315698315698315298309898315998315998315998316198315198315798315698315798313898314198313998315198314998315998313798315698313998314498310398315898310139831509831399831269831619831609831219831229831599830950

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983105 983108

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983119983144 983151983144 983151983144 983141983156983139983086 983156983151 983142983137983140983141983086



8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1021

Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I think of you I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue

G Em F

Itrsquos no problem of mine but itrsquos a problem I find living a life that I canrsquot leave behind

F G Em FTherersquos no sense in telling me the wisdom of a fool wonrsquot set you free

F G Em F

But thatrsquos the way that it goes and itrsquos what nobody knows and every day my confusion grows

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em FI feel fine and I feel good I feel like I never should

G Em F

Whenever I get this way I just donrsquot know what to say Why canrsquot we be ourselves like we were yesterday

F G Em F

Irsquom not sure what this could mean I donrsquot think yoursquore what you seem

G Em F

I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else then Irsquod never see just what wersquore meant to be

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1121

983106983148983145983155983156983141983154 983113983150 983124983144983141 983123983157983150 983126983145983151983148983141983150983156 983110983141983149983149983141983155

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983124983144983141983150 983125983147983141 1 983137983155 983137983138983151983158983141 983125983147983141 2 A|-232 -2-32 -232-E|3--- 3-3-- 3---3

983125983147983141 3 A|-575 -5-75 -575-

E|7--- 7-7-- 7---7

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983128 2

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1221

983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983106983151983152 983124983144983141 983122983137983149983151983150983141983155

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983120983157983148983131983105983133983155983137983156983145983150983143 983156983151 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983138983141983137983156 983131983108983133 983124983144983141 9831319831097983133 983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983131983105983133 983106983151983152 983131983108983133 983131983105983133983131983108983133 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983131983105983133 983155983144983151983151983156983141983149 983145983150 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983150983151983159 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983108983133 983127983144983137983156 983156983144983141983161 983159983137983150983156 983113 983140983151983150983156 983147983150983151983159

983124983144983141983161983154983141 9831319831067983133 983137983148983148 983154983141983158983158983141983140 983157983152 983137983150983140 983131983108983133 983154983141983137983140983161 983156983151 9831319831097983133 983143983151

983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983142983151983154983149983145983150983143 983145983150 983137 983155983156983154983137983145983143983144983156 983148983145983150983141 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983143983151983145983150983143 983156983144983154983151983157983143983144 983137 983156983145983143983144983156 983159983145983150983140 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983124983144983141 983131983105983133 983147983145983140983155 983137983154983141 983148983151983155983145983150983143 983156983144983141983145983154 983149983145983150983140983155 983131983108983133 983124983144983141 9831319831097983133 983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983131983105983133 983106983151983152 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983105983133 983124983144983141983161983154983141 983152983145983148983145983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983155983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983143983141983150983141983154983137983156983145983150983143 983155983156983141983137983149 983144983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983120983157983148983131983105983133983155983137983156983145983150983143 983156983151 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983138983141983137983156 983131983108983133 983124983144983141 9831319831097983133 983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983131983105983133 983106983151983152 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983108983133 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983131983105983133 983155983144983151983151983156983141983149 983145983150 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983150983151983159 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983108983133 983127983144983137983156 983156983144983141983161 983159983137983150983156 983113 983140983151983150983156 983147983150983151983159

983124983144983141983161983154983141 9831319831067983133 983137983148983148 983154983141983158983158983141983140 983157983152 983137983150983140 983131983108983133 983154983141983137983140983161 983156983151 9831319831097983133 983143983151

983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983142983151983154983149983145983150983143 983145983150 983137 983155983156983154983137983145983143983144983156 983148983145983150983141 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983143983151983145983150983143 983156983144983154983151983157983143983144 983137 983156983145983143983144983156 983159983145983150983140 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983124983144983141 983131983105983133 983147983145983140983155 983137983154983141 983148983151983155983145983150983143 983156983144983141983145983154 983149983145983150983140983155 983131983108983133 983124983144983141 9831319831097983133 983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983131983105983133 983106983151983152 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983105983133 983124983144983141983161983154983141 983152983145983148983145983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983155983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983143983141983150983141983154983137983156983145983150983143 983155983156983141983137983149 983144983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983120983157983148983131983105983133983155983137983156983145983150983143 983156983151 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983138983141983137983156 983131983108983133 983124983144983141 9831319831097983133 983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983131983105983133 983106983151983152 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983105983133 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1321

Uke 1 F C D G C D

Uke 2 E1 1 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - -

C0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

G- - 0 0 2 2 2 2 ndash - 0 0 2 2 2 2

Uke 3 A555555555 3 5 - 888888888 10 5 -

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 421

The Beard Snood(Harry Bird and Christophe Capewell)

Intro Dm A7 | Dm A7

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my beard-i-oDm A7Stopped hair from falling in the bakers dough

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my beard-i-oDm A7 Dm A7 DmWhilst my beard did grow

ChorusDm A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm

lay lay lay lay

A7 Dm A7The beard snood sat on my lsquotash-i-oDm A7Stopped hair from falling in the pistachios

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my tash-i-oDm A7 Dm A7 DmWhilst my lsquotash did grow

Choruslay lay lay lay

A7 Dm A7The beard snood sat on my sidies-oDm A7Stopped hair from falling in the bridies-o

Dm A7The beard snood sat on my sidies-oDm A7 Dm A7 Dm

Whilst my sidies did grow

Choruslay lay lay lay(the beard snood)lay lay lay lay(protects the food)lay lay lay lay(from hairy intruders)lay lay laylay


8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 521

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 621

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 721

983106983141983140 983137983150983140 983106983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983117983137983150 991251 983117983137983140983150983141983155983155

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983154983141991257983155 983137 983149983137983150 983113 983147983150983151983159983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983105983156 983148983141983137983155983156 983113 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983161983141983137983154983155 983137983143983151983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983140983145983140983150991257983156 983154983141983137983148983148983161 983149983145983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983151983149983141 983154983151983157983150983140 983137983148983148 983156983144983141 983156983145983149983141983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983119983142 983139983151983157983154983155983141 983144983141 983144983137983140 983156983151 983138983141 983142983141983140983084983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983144983137983140 983156983151 983143983145983158983141 983144983145983149 983137 983138983141983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983147983145983152 983151983150 983149983161 983155983151983142983137983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983161 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983137983148983148 983144983145983149 983137 983148983151983137983142983141983154983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983144983137983140 983150983151 983155983144983137983149983141983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983159983137983155 983137 983149983137983155983156983141983154 983137983156 983144983145983155 983143983137983149983141983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983155983144983145983154983147983141983140 983144983145983155 983144983137983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983159983137983155 983156983144983141 983138983141983140 983137983150983140 983138983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983149983137983150983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983127983151983137983144 991270983086983086 983144983141 983159983137983155 983156983144983141 983138983141983140 983137983150983140 983138983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983149983137983150991270991270983160 983148983151983156983155

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 821

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983127983137983154983155 991251 983106983145983148983148983161 983106983154983137983143983143

983117983151983155983156983148983161 983156983159983151 983155983156983154983157983149983155 983152983141983154 983139983144983151983154983140 983080983141983160983139983141983152983156 983082983081

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983159983137983155 983137 983149983145983150983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983140983151983139983147983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983154983137983145983148983159983137983161983149983137983150 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

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983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

983113 983152983137983145983140 983156983144983141 983157983150983145983151983150 983137983150983140 983137983155 983156983145983149983141983155 983143983151983156 983144983137983154983140983141983154 983113 983148983151983151983147983141983140 983156983151 983156983144983141 983143983151983158983141983154983150983149983141983150983156 983156983151 983144983141983148983152 983156983144983141 983159983151983154983147983145983150983143 983149983137983150983086

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983147983141983152983156 983156983144983141 983142983137983145983156983144 983137983150983140 983113 983147983141983152983156 983158983151983156983145983150983143983084 983118983151983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983145983154983151983150 983142983145983155983156 983138983157983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983144983141983148983152983145983150983143 983144983137983150983140983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

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8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 921

983106983145983147983151 991251 983120983141983156983141983154 983111983137983138983154983145983141983148983119983154983145983143983145983150983137983148 983137983156983098 98314498315698315698315298309898315998315998315998316198315198315798315698315798313898314198313998315198314998315998313798315698313998314498310398315898310139831509831399831269831619831609831219831229831599830950

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983105 983108

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983105 983108

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983105 983108

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983119983144 983151983144 983151983144 983141983156983139983086 983156983151 983142983137983140983141983086



8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1021

Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I think of you I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue

G Em F

Itrsquos no problem of mine but itrsquos a problem I find living a life that I canrsquot leave behind

F G Em FTherersquos no sense in telling me the wisdom of a fool wonrsquot set you free

F G Em F

But thatrsquos the way that it goes and itrsquos what nobody knows and every day my confusion grows

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em FI feel fine and I feel good I feel like I never should

G Em F

Whenever I get this way I just donrsquot know what to say Why canrsquot we be ourselves like we were yesterday

F G Em F

Irsquom not sure what this could mean I donrsquot think yoursquore what you seem

G Em F

I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else then Irsquod never see just what wersquore meant to be

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1121

983106983148983145983155983156983141983154 983113983150 983124983144983141 983123983157983150 983126983145983151983148983141983150983156 983110983141983149983149983141983155

983112983141983137983154 983156983144983145983155 983155983151983150983143 983137983156 9831449831569831569831529831599831599831599831619831519831579831569831579831389831419831399831519831499831599831379831569831399831449831039831589831019831519831399831219831419831201983125983119983159983155983155 (983152983148983137983161 983137983148983151983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983145983155 983147983141983161)

983110983154983151983149 983122983145983139983144983137983154983140 983111991257983155 983125983147983157983148983141983148983141 983123983151983150983143983138983151983151983147 983159983159983159983155983139983151983154983152983141983160983157983147983141983139983151983149

983113983150983156983154983151 983125983147983141 1 Low G|0454 04054 04540 983160 2

983124983144983141983150 983125983147983141 1 983137983155 983137983138983151983158983141 983125983147983141 2 A|-232 -2-32 -232-E|3--- 3-3-- 3---3

983125983147983141 3 A|-575 -5-75 -575-

E|7--- 7-7-- 7---7

983126983141983154983155983141 983089 (983116983151983159 983111 983157983147983141 983139983151983150983156983145983150983157983141983155 983145983150983156983154983151 983154983145983142983142 983157983150983140983141983154)

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983128 2

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1221

983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983106983151983152 983124983144983141 983122983137983149983151983150983141983155

983112983141983137983154 983156983144983145983155 983155983151983150983143 983137983156983098 9831449831569831569831529830989831599831599831599831619831519831579831569831579831389831419831399831519831499831599831379831569831399831449831039831589831019831509831489831249831449831359831154983150884amp983142983141983137983156983157983154983141983101983154983141983148983137983156983141983140 (983152983148983137983161 983137983148983151983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983145983155 983147983141983161)

983110983154983151983149983098 983122983145983139983144983137983154983140 983111991257983155 983125983147983157983148983141983148983141 983123983151983150983143983138983151983151983147 983159983159983159983155983139983151983154983152983141983160983150983141983156983157983147983141983144983156983149

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983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983143983141983150983141983154983137983156983145983150983143 983155983156983141983137983149 983144983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

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983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983142983151983154983149983145983150983143 983145983150 983137 983155983156983154983137983145983143983144983156 983148983145983150983141 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

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983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983143983141983150983141983154983137983156983145983150983143 983155983156983141983137983149 983144983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983120983157983148983131983105983133983155983137983156983145983150983143 983156983151 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983138983141983137983156 983131983108983133 983124983144983141 9831319831097983133 983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983131983105983133 983106983151983152 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983105983133 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1321

Uke 1 F C D G C D

Uke 2 E1 1 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - -

C0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

G- - 0 0 2 2 2 2 ndash - 0 0 2 2 2 2

Uke 3 A555555555 3 5 - 888888888 10 5 -

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 521

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 621

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 721

983106983141983140 983137983150983140 983106983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983117983137983150 991251 983117983137983140983150983141983155983155

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983154983141991257983155 983137 983149983137983150 983113 983147983150983151983159983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983105983156 983148983141983137983155983156 983113 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983161983141983137983154983155 983137983143983151983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983140983145983140983150991257983156 983154983141983137983148983148983161 983149983145983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983151983149983141 983154983151983157983150983140 983137983148983148 983156983144983141 983156983145983149983141983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983119983142 983139983151983157983154983155983141 983144983141 983144983137983140 983156983151 983138983141 983142983141983140983084983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983144983137983140 983156983151 983143983145983158983141 983144983145983149 983137 983138983141983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983147983145983152 983151983150 983149983161 983155983151983142983137983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983161 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983137983148983148 983144983145983149 983137 983148983151983137983142983141983154983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983144983137983140 983150983151 983155983144983137983149983141983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

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983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983155983144983145983154983147983141983140 983144983145983155 983144983137983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

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983107 983110 983105983149 983110

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8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 821

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983127983137983154983155 991251 983106983145983148983148983161 983106983154983137983143983143

983117983151983155983156983148983161 983156983159983151 983155983156983154983157983149983155 983152983141983154 983139983144983151983154983140 983080983141983160983139983141983152983156 983082983081

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983159983137983155 983137 983149983145983150983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983140983151983139983147983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983154983137983145983148983159983137983161983149983137983150 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983113 983154983137983145983155983141983140 983137 983142983137983149983145983148983161 983145983150 983156983145983149983141983155 983151983142 983137983157983155983156983141983154983145983156983161983084 983159983145983156983144 983155983159983141983137983156 983137983156 983156983144983141 983142983151983157983150983140983154983161983084 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

983113 983152983137983145983140 983156983144983141 983157983150983145983151983150 983137983150983140 983137983155 983156983145983149983141983155 983143983151983156 983144983137983154983140983141983154 983113 983148983151983151983147983141983140 983156983151 983156983144983141 983143983151983158983141983154983150983149983141983150983156 983156983151 983144983141983148983152 983156983144983141 983159983151983154983147983145983150983143 983149983137983150983086

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

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983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086


983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983147983141983152983156 983156983144983141 983142983137983145983156983144 983137983150983140 983113 983147983141983152983156 983158983151983156983145983150983143983084 983118983151983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983145983154983151983150 983142983145983155983156 983138983157983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983144983141983148983152983145983150983143 983144983137983150983140983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

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983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983123983159983141983141983156 983149983151983140983141983154983137983156983145983151983150983084 983156983144983141 983144983141983137983154983156 983151983142 983156983144983145983155 983150983137983156983145983151983150983084 983108983141983155983141983154983156 983157983155 983150983151983156983084 983159983141 983137983154983141 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 921

983106983145983147983151 991251 983120983141983156983141983154 983111983137983138983154983145983141983148983119983154983145983143983145983150983137983148 983137983156983098 98314498315698315698315298309898315998315998315998316198315198315798315698315798313898314198313998315198314998315998313798315698313998314498310398315898310139831509831399831269831619831609831219831229831599830950

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983105 983108

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983111 983106983149 983105

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983105 983108

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983105 983108

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983105 983108

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983105 983108

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983119983144 983151983144 983151983144 983141983156983139983086 983156983151 983142983137983140983141983086



8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1021

Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I think of you I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue

G Em F

Itrsquos no problem of mine but itrsquos a problem I find living a life that I canrsquot leave behind

F G Em FTherersquos no sense in telling me the wisdom of a fool wonrsquot set you free

F G Em F

But thatrsquos the way that it goes and itrsquos what nobody knows and every day my confusion grows

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em FI feel fine and I feel good I feel like I never should

G Em F

Whenever I get this way I just donrsquot know what to say Why canrsquot we be ourselves like we were yesterday

F G Em F

Irsquom not sure what this could mean I donrsquot think yoursquore what you seem

G Em F

I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else then Irsquod never see just what wersquore meant to be

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1121

983106983148983145983155983156983141983154 983113983150 983124983144983141 983123983157983150 983126983145983151983148983141983150983156 983110983141983149983149983141983155

983112983141983137983154 983156983144983145983155 983155983151983150983143 983137983156 9831449831569831569831529831599831599831599831619831519831579831569831579831389831419831399831519831499831599831379831569831399831449831039831589831019831519831399831219831419831201983125983119983159983155983155 (983152983148983137983161 983137983148983151983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983145983155 983147983141983161)

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983124983144983141983150 983125983147983141 1 983137983155 983137983138983151983158983141 983125983147983141 2 A|-232 -2-32 -232-E|3--- 3-3-- 3---3

983125983147983141 3 A|-575 -5-75 -575-

E|7--- 7-7-- 7---7

983126983141983154983155983141 983089 (983116983151983159 983111 983157983147983141 983139983151983150983156983145983150983157983141983155 983145983150983156983154983151 983154983145983142983142 983157983150983140983141983154)

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983131983111983133 983106983151983140983161 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983138983141983131983111983133983137983156983155 983113 983155983156983137983145983150 983149983161 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983155983144983141983131983111983133983141983156983155

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983128 2

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1221

983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983106983151983152 983124983144983141 983122983137983149983151983150983141983155

983112983141983137983154 983156983144983145983155 983155983151983150983143 983137983156983098 9831449831569831569831529830989831599831599831599831619831519831579831569831579831389831419831399831519831499831599831379831569831399831449831039831589831019831509831489831249831449831359831154983150884amp983142983141983137983156983157983154983141983101983154983141983148983137983156983141983140 (983152983148983137983161 983137983148983151983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983145983155 983147983141983161)

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983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983143983141983150983141983154983137983156983145983150983143 983155983156983141983137983149 983144983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983120983157983148983131983105983133983155983137983156983145983150983143 983156983151 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983138983141983137983156 983131983108983133 983124983144983141 9831319831097983133 983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983131983105983133 983106983151983152 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983105983133 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1321

Uke 1 F C D G C D

Uke 2 E1 1 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - -

C0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

G- - 0 0 2 2 2 2 ndash - 0 0 2 2 2 2

Uke 3 A555555555 3 5 - 888888888 10 5 -

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 621

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 721

983106983141983140 983137983150983140 983106983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983117983137983150 991251 983117983137983140983150983141983155983155

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983154983141991257983155 983137 983149983137983150 983113 983147983150983151983159983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983105983156 983148983141983137983155983156 983113 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983161983141983137983154983155 983137983143983151983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983140983145983140983150991257983156 983154983141983137983148983148983161 983149983145983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983151983149983141 983154983151983157983150983140 983137983148983148 983156983144983141 983156983145983149983141983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983119983142 983139983151983157983154983155983141 983144983141 983144983137983140 983156983151 983138983141 983142983141983140983084983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983144983137983140 983156983151 983143983145983158983141 983144983145983149 983137 983138983141983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983147983145983152 983151983150 983149983161 983155983151983142983137983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983161 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983137983148983148 983144983145983149 983137 983148983151983137983142983141983154983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983144983137983140 983150983151 983155983144983137983149983141983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983159983137983155 983137 983149983137983155983156983141983154 983137983156 983144983145983155 983143983137983149983141983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983155983144983145983154983147983141983140 983144983145983155 983144983137983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983159983137983155 983156983144983141 983138983141983140 983137983150983140 983138983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983149983137983150983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983127983151983137983144 991270983086983086 983144983141 983159983137983155 983156983144983141 983138983141983140 983137983150983140 983138983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983149983137983150991270991270983160 983148983151983156983155

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 821

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983127983137983154983155 991251 983106983145983148983148983161 983106983154983137983143983143

983117983151983155983156983148983161 983156983159983151 983155983156983154983157983149983155 983152983141983154 983139983144983151983154983140 983080983141983160983139983141983152983156 983082983081

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983159983137983155 983137 983149983145983150983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983140983151983139983147983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983154983137983145983148983159983137983161983149983137983150 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983113 983154983137983145983155983141983140 983137 983142983137983149983145983148983161 983145983150 983156983145983149983141983155 983151983142 983137983157983155983156983141983154983145983156983161983084 983159983145983156983144 983155983159983141983137983156 983137983156 983156983144983141 983142983151983157983150983140983154983161983084 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

983113 983152983137983145983140 983156983144983141 983157983150983145983151983150 983137983150983140 983137983155 983156983145983149983141983155 983143983151983156 983144983137983154983140983141983154 983113 983148983151983151983147983141983140 983156983151 983156983144983141 983143983151983158983141983154983150983149983141983150983156 983156983151 983144983141983148983152 983156983144983141 983159983151983154983147983145983150983143 983149983137983150983086

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

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983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086


983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983147983141983152983156 983156983144983141 983142983137983145983156983144 983137983150983140 983113 983147983141983152983156 983158983151983156983145983150983143983084 983118983151983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983145983154983151983150 983142983145983155983156 983138983157983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983144983141983148983152983145983150983143 983144983137983150983140983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983110983151983154 983156983144983141983145983154983155 983145983155 983137 983148983137983150983140 983159983145983156983144 983137 983159983137983148983148 983137983154983151983157983150983140 983145983156983084 983105983150983140 983149983145983150983141 983145983155 983137 983142983137983145983156983144 983145983150 983149983161 983142983141983148983148983151983159 983149983137983150983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

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983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983123983159983141983141983156 983149983151983140983141983154983137983156983145983151983150983084 983156983144983141 983144983141983137983154983156 983151983142 983156983144983145983155 983150983137983156983145983151983150983084 983108983141983155983141983154983156 983157983155 983150983151983156983084 983159983141 983137983154983141 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 921

983106983145983147983151 991251 983120983141983156983141983154 983111983137983138983154983145983141983148983119983154983145983143983145983150983137983148 983137983156983098 98314498315698315698315298309898315998315998315998316198315198315798315698315798313898314198313998315198314998315998313798315698313998314498310398315898310139831509831399831269831619831609831219831229831599830950

983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983158983137983149983152 983137983155 983154983141983153983157983145983154983141983140 983142983151983154 983145983150983156983154983151

983105 983108

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983111 983106983149 983105

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983105 983108

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983105 983108

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983105 983108

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983105 983108

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983111 983106983149 983105

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983119983144 983151983144 983151983144 983141983156983139983086 983156983151 983142983137983140983141983086



8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1021

Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I think of you I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue

G Em F

Itrsquos no problem of mine but itrsquos a problem I find living a life that I canrsquot leave behind

F G Em FTherersquos no sense in telling me the wisdom of a fool wonrsquot set you free

F G Em F

But thatrsquos the way that it goes and itrsquos what nobody knows and every day my confusion grows

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em FI feel fine and I feel good I feel like I never should

G Em F

Whenever I get this way I just donrsquot know what to say Why canrsquot we be ourselves like we were yesterday

F G Em F

Irsquom not sure what this could mean I donrsquot think yoursquore what you seem

G Em F

I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else then Irsquod never see just what wersquore meant to be

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1121

983106983148983145983155983156983141983154 983113983150 983124983144983141 983123983157983150 983126983145983151983148983141983150983156 983110983141983149983149983141983155

983112983141983137983154 983156983144983145983155 983155983151983150983143 983137983156 9831449831569831569831529831599831599831599831619831519831579831569831579831389831419831399831519831499831599831379831569831399831449831039831589831019831519831399831219831419831201983125983119983159983155983155 (983152983148983137983161 983137983148983151983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983145983155 983147983141983161)

983110983154983151983149 983122983145983139983144983137983154983140 983111991257983155 983125983147983157983148983141983148983141 983123983151983150983143983138983151983151983147 983159983159983159983155983139983151983154983152983141983160983157983147983141983139983151983149

983113983150983156983154983151 983125983147983141 1 Low G|0454 04054 04540 983160 2

983124983144983141983150 983125983147983141 1 983137983155 983137983138983151983158983141 983125983147983141 2 A|-232 -2-32 -232-E|3--- 3-3-- 3---3

983125983147983141 3 A|-575 -5-75 -575-

E|7--- 7-7-- 7---7

983126983141983154983155983141 983089 (983116983151983159 983111 983157983147983141 983139983151983150983156983145983150983157983141983155 983145983150983156983154983151 983154983145983142983142 983157983150983140983141983154)

983131983111983133 983127983144983141983150 983113983149 983137 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983159983137983148983147983131983111983133983145983150 983113 983155983156983154983157983156 983149983161 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983155983156983157983131983111983133983142983142

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983131983111983133 983106983151983140983161 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983138983141983131983111983133983137983156983155 983113 983155983156983137983145983150 983149983161 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983155983144983141983131983111983133983141983156983155

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983128 2

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1221

983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983106983151983152 983124983144983141 983122983137983149983151983150983141983155

983112983141983137983154 983156983144983145983155 983155983151983150983143 983137983156983098 9831449831569831569831529830989831599831599831599831619831519831579831569831579831389831419831399831519831499831599831379831569831399831449831039831589831019831509831489831249831449831359831154983150884amp983142983141983137983156983157983154983141983101983154983141983148983137983156983141983140 (983152983148983137983161 983137983148983151983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983145983155 983147983141983161)

983110983154983151983149983098 983122983145983139983144983137983154983140 983111991257983155 983125983147983157983148983141983148983141 983123983151983150983143983138983151983151983147 983159983159983159983155983139983151983154983152983141983160983150983141983156983157983147983141983144983156983149

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8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1321

Uke 1 F C D G C D

Uke 2 E1 1 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - -

C0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

G- - 0 0 2 2 2 2 ndash - 0 0 2 2 2 2

Uke 3 A555555555 3 5 - 888888888 10 5 -

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 721

983106983141983140 983137983150983140 983106983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983117983137983150 991251 983117983137983140983150983141983155983155

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983154983141991257983155 983137 983149983137983150 983113 983147983150983151983159983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983105983156 983148983141983137983155983156 983113 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983161983141983137983154983155 983137983143983151983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983140983145983140983150991257983156 983154983141983137983148983148983161 983149983145983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983151983149983141 983154983151983157983150983140 983137983148983148 983156983144983141 983156983145983149983141983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983119983142 983139983151983157983154983155983141 983144983141 983144983137983140 983156983151 983138983141 983142983141983140983084983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983113 983144983137983140 983156983151 983143983145983158983141 983144983145983149 983137 983138983141983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983147983145983152 983151983150 983149983161 983155983151983142983137983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983124983144983141983161 983157983155983141983140 983156983151 983139983137983148983148 983144983145983149 983137 983148983151983137983142983141983154983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110 983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983144983137983140 983150983151 983155983144983137983149983141983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983159983137983155 983137 983149983137983155983156983141983154 983137983156 983144983145983155 983143983137983149983141983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983150983141983158983141983154 983155983144983145983154983147983141983140 983144983145983155 983144983137983150983140983084

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983112983141 983159983137983155 983156983144983141 983138983141983140 983137983150983140 983138983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983149983137983150983086

983107 983110 983105983149 983110

983127983151983137983144 991270983086983086 983144983141 983159983137983155 983156983144983141 983138983141983140 983137983150983140 983138983154983141983137983147983142983137983155983156 983149983137983150991270991270983160 983148983151983156983155

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 821

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983127983137983154983155 991251 983106983145983148983148983161 983106983154983137983143983143

983117983151983155983156983148983161 983156983159983151 983155983156983154983157983149983155 983152983141983154 983139983144983151983154983140 983080983141983160983139983141983152983156 983082983081

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983159983137983155 983137 983149983145983150983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983140983151983139983147983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983154983137983145983148983159983137983161983149983137983150 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983113 983154983137983145983155983141983140 983137 983142983137983149983145983148983161 983145983150 983156983145983149983141983155 983151983142 983137983157983155983156983141983154983145983156983161983084 983159983145983156983144 983155983159983141983137983156 983137983156 983156983144983141 983142983151983157983150983140983154983161983084 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

983113 983152983137983145983140 983156983144983141 983157983150983145983151983150 983137983150983140 983137983155 983156983145983149983141983155 983143983151983156 983144983137983154983140983141983154 983113 983148983151983151983147983141983140 983156983151 983156983144983141 983143983151983158983141983154983150983149983141983150983156 983156983151 983144983141983148983152 983156983144983141 983159983151983154983147983145983150983143 983149983137983150983086

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

983105983150983140 983156983144983141983161 983138983154983151983157983143983144983156 983152983154983151983155983152983141983154983145983156983161 983140983151983159983150 983137983156 983156983144983141 983137983154983149983151983157983154983161983084 983127983141991257983154983141 983137983154983149983145983150983143 983142983151983154 983152983141983137983139983141 983149983161 983138983151983161983155983084

983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086


983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983147983141983152983156 983156983144983141 983142983137983145983156983144 983137983150983140 983113 983147983141983152983156 983158983151983156983145983150983143983084 983118983151983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983145983154983151983150 983142983145983155983156 983138983157983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983144983141983148983152983145983150983143 983144983137983150983140983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983110983151983154 983156983144983141983145983154983155 983145983155 983137 983148983137983150983140 983159983145983156983144 983137 983159983137983148983148 983137983154983151983157983150983140 983145983156983084 983105983150983140 983149983145983150983141 983145983155 983137 983142983137983145983156983144 983145983150 983149983161 983142983141983148983148983151983159 983149983137983150983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

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983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

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983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983123983159983141983141983156 983149983151983140983141983154983137983156983145983151983150983084 983156983144983141 983144983141983137983154983156 983151983142 983156983144983145983155 983150983137983156983145983151983150983084 983108983141983155983141983154983156 983157983155 983150983151983156983084 983159983141 983137983154983141 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 921

983106983145983147983151 991251 983120983141983156983141983154 983111983137983138983154983145983141983148983119983154983145983143983145983150983137983148 983137983156983098 98314498315698315698315298309898315998315998315998316198315198315798315698315798313898314198313998315198314998315998313798315698313998314498310398315898310139831509831399831269831619831609831219831229831599830950

983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983158983137983149983152 983137983155 983154983141983153983157983145983154983141983140 983142983151983154 983145983150983156983154983151

983105 983108

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983105 983108983113983156 983159983137983155 983138983157983155983145983150983141983155983155 983137983155 983157983155983157983137983148 983145983150 983152983151983148983145983139983141 983154983151983151983149 9830941983097

983105 983108 983105 983108

983119983144 983106983145983147983151983084 983106983145983147983151983084 983138983141983139983137983157983155983141 983106983145983147983151983086 983119983144 983106983145983147983151983084 983106983145983147983151983084 983138983141983139983137983157983155983141 983106983145983147983151983086

983111 983106983149 983105

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983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164

983105 983108

983127983144983141983150 983113 983156983154983161 983156983151 983155983148983141983141983152 983137983156 983150983145983143983144983156 983113 983139983137983150 983151983150983148983161 983140983154983141983137983149 983145983150 983154983141983140

983105 983108

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983111 983106983149 983105 983129983145983144983148983137 983149983151983146983137983084 983161983145983144983148983137 983149983151983146983137 983124983144983141 983149983137983150 983145983155 983140983141983137983140983084 983156983144983141 983149983137983150 983145983155 983140983141983137983140983086

983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164

983105 983108

983129983151983157 983139983137983150 983138983148983151983159 983151983157983156 983137 983139983137983150983140983148983141 983138983157983156 983161983151983157 983139983137983150991257983156 983138983148983151983159 983151983157983156 983137 983142983145983154983141

983105 983108

983119983150983139983141 983156983144983141 983142983148983137983149983141983155 983138983141983143983145983150 983156983151 983139983137983156983139983144 983156983144983141 983159983145983150983140 983159983145983148983148 983138983148983151983159 983145983156 983144983145983143983144983141983154

983105 983108 983105 983108

983119983144 983106983145983147983151983084 983106983145983147983151983084 983138983141983139983137983157983155983141 983106983145983147983151983086 983119983144 983106983145983147983151983084 983106983145983147983151983084 983138983141983139983137983157983155983141 983106983145983147983151983086

983111 983106983149 983105

983129983145983144983148983137 983149983151983146983137983084 983161983145983144983148983137 983149983151983146983137 983124983144983141 983149983137983150 983145983155 983140983141983137983140983084 983156983144983141 983149983137983150 983145983155 983140983141983137983140983086

983105 983108 983105 983108

983105983150983140 983156983144983141 983141983161983141983155 983151983142 983156983144983141 983159983151983154983148983140 983137983154983141 983159983137983156983139983144983145983150983143 983150983151983159 983159983137983156983139983144983145983150983143 983150983151983159983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164

983119983144 983151983144 983151983144 983141983156983139983086 983156983151 983142983137983140983141983086



8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1021

Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I think of you I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue

G Em F

Itrsquos no problem of mine but itrsquos a problem I find living a life that I canrsquot leave behind

F G Em FTherersquos no sense in telling me the wisdom of a fool wonrsquot set you free

F G Em F

But thatrsquos the way that it goes and itrsquos what nobody knows and every day my confusion grows

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em FI feel fine and I feel good I feel like I never should

G Em F

Whenever I get this way I just donrsquot know what to say Why canrsquot we be ourselves like we were yesterday

F G Em F

Irsquom not sure what this could mean I donrsquot think yoursquore what you seem

G Em F

I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else then Irsquod never see just what wersquore meant to be

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1121

983106983148983145983155983156983141983154 983113983150 983124983144983141 983123983157983150 983126983145983151983148983141983150983156 983110983141983149983149983141983155

983112983141983137983154 983156983144983145983155 983155983151983150983143 983137983156 9831449831569831569831529831599831599831599831619831519831579831569831579831389831419831399831519831499831599831379831569831399831449831039831589831019831519831399831219831419831201983125983119983159983155983155 (983152983148983137983161 983137983148983151983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983145983155 983147983141983161)

983110983154983151983149 983122983145983139983144983137983154983140 983111991257983155 983125983147983157983148983141983148983141 983123983151983150983143983138983151983151983147 983159983159983159983155983139983151983154983152983141983160983157983147983141983139983151983149

983113983150983156983154983151 983125983147983141 1 Low G|0454 04054 04540 983160 2

983124983144983141983150 983125983147983141 1 983137983155 983137983138983151983158983141 983125983147983141 2 A|-232 -2-32 -232-E|3--- 3-3-- 3---3

983125983147983141 3 A|-575 -5-75 -575-

E|7--- 7-7-- 7---7

983126983141983154983155983141 983089 (983116983151983159 983111 983157983147983141 983139983151983150983156983145983150983157983141983155 983145983150983156983154983151 983154983145983142983142 983157983150983140983141983154)

983131983111983133 983127983144983141983150 983113983149 983137 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983159983137983148983147983131983111983133983145983150 983113 983155983156983154983157983156 983149983161 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983155983156983157983131983111983133983142983142

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983128 2

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1221

983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983106983151983152 983124983144983141 983122983137983149983151983150983141983155

983112983141983137983154 983156983144983145983155 983155983151983150983143 983137983156983098 9831449831569831569831529830989831599831599831599831619831519831579831569831579831389831419831399831519831499831599831379831569831399831449831039831589831019831509831489831249831449831359831154983150884amp983142983141983137983156983157983154983141983101983154983141983148983137983156983141983140 (983152983148983137983161 983137983148983151983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983145983155 983147983141983161)

983110983154983151983149983098 983122983145983139983144983137983154983140 983111991257983155 983125983147983157983148983141983148983141 983123983151983150983143983138983151983151983147 983159983159983159983155983139983151983154983152983141983160983150983141983156983157983147983141983144983156983149

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8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1321

Uke 1 F C D G C D

Uke 2 E1 1 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - -

C0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

G- - 0 0 2 2 2 2 ndash - 0 0 2 2 2 2

Uke 3 A555555555 3 5 - 888888888 10 5 -

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 821

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983127983137983154983155 991251 983106983145983148983148983161 983106983154983137983143983143

983117983151983155983156983148983161 983156983159983151 983155983156983154983157983149983155 983152983141983154 983139983144983151983154983140 983080983141983160983139983141983152983156 983082983081

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983159983137983155 983137 983149983145983150983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983140983151983139983147983141983154983084 983113 983159983137983155 983137 983154983137983145983148983159983137983161983149983137983150 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983113 983154983137983145983155983141983140 983137 983142983137983149983145983148983161 983145983150 983156983145983149983141983155 983151983142 983137983157983155983156983141983154983145983156983161983084 983159983145983156983144 983155983159983141983137983156 983137983156 983156983144983141 983142983151983157983150983140983154983161983084 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

983113 983152983137983145983140 983156983144983141 983157983150983145983151983150 983137983150983140 983137983155 983156983145983149983141983155 983143983151983156 983144983137983154983140983141983154 983113 983148983151983151983147983141983140 983156983151 983156983144983141 983143983151983158983141983154983150983149983141983150983156 983156983151 983144983141983148983152 983156983144983141 983159983151983154983147983145983150983143 983149983137983150983086

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

983105983150983140 983156983144983141983161 983138983154983151983157983143983144983156 983152983154983151983155983152983141983154983145983156983161 983140983151983159983150 983137983156 983156983144983141 983137983154983149983151983157983154983161983084 983127983141991257983154983141 983137983154983149983145983150983143 983142983151983154 983152983141983137983139983141 983149983161 983138983151983161983155983084

983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086


983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983113 983147983141983152983156 983156983144983141 983142983137983145983156983144 983137983150983140 983113 983147983141983152983156 983158983151983156983145983150983143983084 983118983151983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983145983154983151983150 983142983145983155983156 983138983157983156 983142983151983154 983156983144983141 983144983141983148983152983145983150983143 983144983137983150983140983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983110983151983154 983156983144983141983145983154983155 983145983155 983137 983148983137983150983140 983159983145983156983144 983137 983159983137983148983148 983137983154983151983157983150983140 983145983156983084 983105983150983140 983149983145983150983141 983145983155 983137 983142983137983145983156983144 983145983150 983149983161 983142983141983148983148983151983159 983149983137983150983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105983082 983118983119 983107983112983119983122983108983073 983105983082

983124983144983141983145983154983155 983145983155 983137 983148983137983150983140 983151983142 983144983151983152983141 983137983150983140 983143983148983151983154983161983084 983117983145983150983141 983145983155 983156983144983141 983143983154983141983141983150 983142983145983141983148983140 983137983150983140 983156983144983141 983142983137983139983156983151983154983161 983142983148983151983151983154983086

983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149

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983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983106983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086


983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111 983105

983107983137983148983148 983157983152 983156983144983141 983139983154983137983142983156983155983149983141983150983084 983106983154983145983150983143 983149983141 983156983144983141 983140983154983137983157983143983144983156983155983149983141983150983084 983106983157983145983148983140 983149983141 983137 983152983137983156983144 983142983154983151983149 983139983154983137983140983148983141 983156983151 983143983154983137983158983141983084

983105 983106983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108

983105983150983140 983113991257983148983148 983143983145983158983141 983149983161 983139983151983150983155983141983150983156 983156983151 983137983150983161 983143983151983158983141983154983150983149983141983150983156 983156983144983137983156 983140983151983141983155 983150983151983156 983140983141983150983161 983137 983149983137983150 983137 983148983145983158983145983150983143 983159983137983143983141983086

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983108 983109983149 983111 983108 983105 983106983149 983111983082 983105983082 983108 983111 983111 983111 983108

983123983159983141983141983156 983149983151983140983141983154983137983156983145983151983150983084 983156983144983141 983144983141983137983154983156 983151983142 983156983144983145983155 983150983137983156983145983151983150983084 983108983141983155983141983154983156 983157983155 983150983151983156983084 983159983141 983137983154983141 983138983141983156983159983141983141983150 983156983144983141 983159983137983154983155983086

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 921

983106983145983147983151 991251 983120983141983156983141983154 983111983137983138983154983145983141983148983119983154983145983143983145983150983137983148 983137983156983098 98314498315698315698315298309898315998315998315998316198315198315798315698315798313898314198313998315198314998315998313798315698313998314498310398315898310139831509831399831269831619831609831219831229831599830950

983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983158983137983149983152 983137983155 983154983141983153983157983145983154983141983140 983142983151983154 983145983150983156983154983151

983105 983108

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983105 983108983113983156 983159983137983155 983138983157983155983145983150983141983155983155 983137983155 983157983155983157983137983148 983145983150 983152983151983148983145983139983141 983154983151983151983149 9830941983097

983105 983108 983105 983108

983119983144 983106983145983147983151983084 983106983145983147983151983084 983138983141983139983137983157983155983141 983106983145983147983151983086 983119983144 983106983145983147983151983084 983106983145983147983151983084 983138983141983139983137983157983155983141 983106983145983147983151983086

983111 983106983149 983105

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983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164

983105 983108

983127983144983141983150 983113 983156983154983161 983156983151 983155983148983141983141983152 983137983156 983150983145983143983144983156 983113 983139983137983150 983151983150983148983161 983140983154983141983137983149 983145983150 983154983141983140

983105 983108

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983105 983108 983105 983108

983119983144 983106983145983147983151983084 983106983145983147983151983084 983138983141983139983137983157983155983141 983106983145983147983151983086 983119983144 983106983145983147983151983084 983106983145983147983151983084 983138983141983139983137983157983155983141 983106983145983147983151983086

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983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164

983105 983108

983129983151983157 983139983137983150 983138983148983151983159 983151983157983156 983137 983139983137983150983140983148983141 983138983157983156 983161983151983157 983139983137983150991257983156 983138983148983151983159 983151983157983156 983137 983142983145983154983141

983105 983108

983119983150983139983141 983156983144983141 983142983148983137983149983141983155 983138983141983143983145983150 983156983151 983139983137983156983139983144 983156983144983141 983159983145983150983140 983159983145983148983148 983138983148983151983159 983145983156 983144983145983143983144983141983154

983105 983108 983105 983108

983119983144 983106983145983147983151983084 983106983145983147983151983084 983138983141983139983137983157983155983141 983106983145983147983151983086 983119983144 983106983145983147983151983084 983106983145983147983151983084 983138983141983139983137983157983155983141 983106983145983147983151983086

983111 983106983149 983105

983129983145983144983148983137 983149983151983146983137983084 983161983145983144983148983137 983149983151983146983137 983124983144983141 983149983137983150 983145983155 983140983141983137983140983084 983156983144983141 983149983137983150 983145983155 983140983141983137983140983086

983105 983108 983105 983108

983105983150983140 983156983144983141 983141983161983141983155 983151983142 983156983144983141 983159983151983154983148983140 983137983154983141 983159983137983156983139983144983145983150983143 983150983151983159 983159983137983156983139983144983145983150983143 983150983151983159983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087 983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164 983108 983087 983087 983087983164

983119983144 983151983144 983151983144 983141983156983139983086 983156983151 983142983137983140983141983086



8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1021

Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I think of you I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue

G Em F

Itrsquos no problem of mine but itrsquos a problem I find living a life that I canrsquot leave behind

F G Em FTherersquos no sense in telling me the wisdom of a fool wonrsquot set you free

F G Em F

But thatrsquos the way that it goes and itrsquos what nobody knows and every day my confusion grows

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em FI feel fine and I feel good I feel like I never should

G Em F

Whenever I get this way I just donrsquot know what to say Why canrsquot we be ourselves like we were yesterday

F G Em F

Irsquom not sure what this could mean I donrsquot think yoursquore what you seem

G Em F

I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else then Irsquod never see just what wersquore meant to be

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1121

983106983148983145983155983156983141983154 983113983150 983124983144983141 983123983157983150 983126983145983151983148983141983150983156 983110983141983149983149983141983155

983112983141983137983154 983156983144983145983155 983155983151983150983143 983137983156 9831449831569831569831529831599831599831599831619831519831579831569831579831389831419831399831519831499831599831379831569831399831449831039831589831019831519831399831219831419831201983125983119983159983155983155 (983152983148983137983161 983137983148983151983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983145983155 983147983141983161)

983110983154983151983149 983122983145983139983144983137983154983140 983111991257983155 983125983147983157983148983141983148983141 983123983151983150983143983138983151983151983147 983159983159983159983155983139983151983154983152983141983160983157983147983141983139983151983149

983113983150983156983154983151 983125983147983141 1 Low G|0454 04054 04540 983160 2

983124983144983141983150 983125983147983141 1 983137983155 983137983138983151983158983141 983125983147983141 2 A|-232 -2-32 -232-E|3--- 3-3-- 3---3

983125983147983141 3 A|-575 -5-75 -575-

E|7--- 7-7-- 7---7

983126983141983154983155983141 983089 (983116983151983159 983111 983157983147983141 983139983151983150983156983145983150983157983141983155 983145983150983156983154983151 983154983145983142983142 983157983150983140983141983154)

983131983111983133 983127983144983141983150 983113983149 983137 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983159983137983148983147983131983111983133983145983150 983113 983155983156983154983157983156 983149983161 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983155983156983157983131983111983133983142983142

983131983111983133 983124983144983141983150 983113983149 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983155983151 983131983111983133 983155983156983154983157983150983143 983151983157983156983113983149 983131983111983133 983144983145983143983144 983137983155 983137 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983147983145983131983111983133983156983141 983113 983146983157983155983156 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983149983145983131983111983133983143983144983156

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983131983111983133 983106983151983140983161 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983138983141983131983111983133983137983156983155 983113 983155983156983137983145983150 983149983161 9831319831119831559831579831554983133 983155983144983141983131983111983133983141983156983155

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983128 2

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1221

983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983106983151983152 983124983144983141 983122983137983149983151983150983141983155

983112983141983137983154 983156983144983145983155 983155983151983150983143 983137983156983098 9831449831569831569831529830989831599831599831599831619831519831579831569831579831389831419831399831519831499831599831379831569831399831449831039831589831019831509831489831249831449831359831154983150884amp983142983141983137983156983157983154983141983101983154983141983148983137983156983141983140 (983152983148983137983161 983137983148983151983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983145983155 983147983141983161)

983110983154983151983149983098 983122983145983139983144983137983154983140 983111991257983155 983125983147983157983148983141983148983141 983123983151983150983143983138983151983151983147 983159983159983159983155983139983151983154983152983141983160983150983141983156983157983147983141983144983156983149

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983124983144983141 983131983105983133 983147983145983140983155 983137983154983141 983148983151983155983145983150983143 983156983144983141983145983154 983149983145983150983140983155 983131983108983133 983124983144983141 9831319831097983133 983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983131983105983133 983106983151983152 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

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983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983143983141983150983141983154983137983156983145983150983143 983155983156983141983137983149 983144983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983120983157983148983131983105983133983155983137983156983145983150983143 983156983151 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983138983141983137983156 983131983108983133 983124983144983141 9831319831097983133 983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983131983105983133 983106983151983152 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983105983133 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1321

Uke 1 F C D G C D

Uke 2 E1 1 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - -

C0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

G- - 0 0 2 2 2 2 ndash - 0 0 2 2 2 2

Uke 3 A555555555 3 5 - 888888888 10 5 -

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 921

983106983145983147983151 991251 983120983141983156983141983154 983111983137983138983154983145983141983148983119983154983145983143983145983150983137983148 983137983156983098 98314498315698315698315298309898315998315998315998316198315198315798315698315798313898314198313998315198314998315998313798315698313998314498310398315898310139831509831399831269831619831609831219831229831599830950

983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983105 983087 983087 983087983164 983158983137983149983152 983137983155 983154983141983153983157983145983154983141983140 983142983151983154 983145983150983156983154983151

983105 983108

983123983141983152983156983141983149983138983141983154 991257983095983095 983120983151983154983156 983109983148983145983162983137983138983141983156983144 983159983141983137983156983144983141983154 983142983145983150983141

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983105 983108 983105 983108

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983105 983108

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8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1021

Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I think of you I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue

G Em F

Itrsquos no problem of mine but itrsquos a problem I find living a life that I canrsquot leave behind

F G Em FTherersquos no sense in telling me the wisdom of a fool wonrsquot set you free

F G Em F

But thatrsquos the way that it goes and itrsquos what nobody knows and every day my confusion grows

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em FI feel fine and I feel good I feel like I never should

G Em F

Whenever I get this way I just donrsquot know what to say Why canrsquot we be ourselves like we were yesterday

F G Em F

Irsquom not sure what this could mean I donrsquot think yoursquore what you seem

G Em F

I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else then Irsquod never see just what wersquore meant to be

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1121

983106983148983145983155983156983141983154 983113983150 983124983144983141 983123983157983150 983126983145983151983148983141983150983156 983110983141983149983149983141983155

983112983141983137983154 983156983144983145983155 983155983151983150983143 983137983156 9831449831569831569831529831599831599831599831619831519831579831569831579831389831419831399831519831499831599831379831569831399831449831039831589831019831519831399831219831419831201983125983119983159983155983155 (983152983148983137983161 983137983148983151983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983145983155 983147983141983161)

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983124983144983141983150 983125983147983141 1 983137983155 983137983138983151983158983141 983125983147983141 2 A|-232 -2-32 -232-E|3--- 3-3-- 3---3

983125983147983141 3 A|-575 -5-75 -575-

E|7--- 7-7-- 7---7

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983128 2

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1221

983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983106983151983152 983124983144983141 983122983137983149983151983150983141983155

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8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1321

Uke 1 F C D G C D

Uke 2 E1 1 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - -

C0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

G- - 0 0 2 2 2 2 ndash - 0 0 2 2 2 2

Uke 3 A555555555 3 5 - 888888888 10 5 -

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1021

Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I think of you I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue

G Em F

Itrsquos no problem of mine but itrsquos a problem I find living a life that I canrsquot leave behind

F G Em FTherersquos no sense in telling me the wisdom of a fool wonrsquot set you free

F G Em F

But thatrsquos the way that it goes and itrsquos what nobody knows and every day my confusion grows

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em FI feel fine and I feel good I feel like I never should

G Em F

Whenever I get this way I just donrsquot know what to say Why canrsquot we be ourselves like we were yesterday

F G Em F

Irsquom not sure what this could mean I donrsquot think yoursquore what you seem

G Em F

I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else then Irsquod never see just what wersquore meant to be

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

Fmaj7 G Em F

Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

G Em F

Irsquo m waiting for that final moment you say the words that I canrsquo t say

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1121

983106983148983145983155983156983141983154 983113983150 983124983144983141 983123983157983150 983126983145983151983148983141983150983156 983110983141983149983149983141983155

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983113983150983156983154983151 983125983147983141 1 Low G|0454 04054 04540 983160 2

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983125983147983141 3 A|-575 -5-75 -575-

E|7--- 7-7-- 7---7

983126983141983154983155983141 983089 (983116983151983159 983111 983157983147983141 983139983151983150983156983145983150983157983141983155 983145983150983156983154983151 983154983145983142983142 983157983150983140983141983154)

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983128 2

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1221

983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983106983151983152 983124983144983141 983122983137983149983151983150983141983155

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983131983108983133 983127983144983137983156 983156983144983141983161 983159983137983150983156 983113 983140983151983150983156 983147983150983151983159

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8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1321

Uke 1 F C D G C D

Uke 2 E1 1 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - -

C0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

G- - 0 0 2 2 2 2 ndash - 0 0 2 2 2 2

Uke 3 A555555555 3 5 - 888888888 10 5 -

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1121

983106983148983145983155983156983141983154 983113983150 983124983144983141 983123983157983150 983126983145983151983148983141983150983156 983110983141983149983149983141983155

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983113983150983156983154983151 983125983147983141 1 Low G|0454 04054 04540 983160 2

983124983144983141983150 983125983147983141 1 983137983155 983137983138983151983158983141 983125983147983141 2 A|-232 -2-32 -232-E|3--- 3-3-- 3---3

983125983147983141 3 A|-575 -5-75 -575-

E|7--- 7-7-- 7---7

983126983141983154983155983141 983089 (983116983151983159 983111 983157983147983141 983139983151983150983156983145983150983157983141983155 983145983150983156983154983151 983154983145983142983142 983157983150983140983141983154)

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983128 2

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1221

983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983106983151983152 983124983144983141 983122983137983149983151983150983141983155

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8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1321

Uke 1 F C D G C D

Uke 2 E1 1 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - -

C0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

G- - 0 0 2 2 2 2 ndash - 0 0 2 2 2 2

Uke 3 A555555555 3 5 - 888888888 10 5 -

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1221

983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983106983151983152 983124983144983141 983122983137983149983151983150983141983155

983112983141983137983154 983156983144983145983155 983155983151983150983143 983137983156983098 9831449831569831569831529830989831599831599831599831619831519831579831569831579831389831419831399831519831499831599831379831569831399831449831039831589831019831509831489831249831449831359831154983150884amp983142983141983137983156983157983154983141983101983154983141983148983137983156983141983140 (983152983148983137983161 983137983148983151983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983145983155 983147983141983161)

983110983154983151983149983098 983122983145983139983144983137983154983140 983111991257983155 983125983147983157983148983141983148983141 983123983151983150983143983138983151983151983147 983159983159983159983155983139983151983154983152983141983160983150983141983156983157983147983141983144983156983149

983131983105983133 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133 983131983105983133 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133 983131983105983133 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133 983131983105983133 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

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983131983105983133 983124983144983141983161983154983141 983142983151983154983149983145983150983143 983145983150 983137 983155983156983154983137983145983143983144983156 983148983145983150983141 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

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983131983105983133 983124983144983141983161983154983141 983152983145983148983145983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983155983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983143983141983150983141983154983137983156983145983150983143 983155983156983141983137983149 983144983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983120983157983148983131983105983133983155983137983156983145983150983143 983156983151 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983138983141983137983156 983131983108983133 983124983144983141 9831319831097983133 983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983131983105983133 983106983151983152 983131983108983133 983131983105983133983131983108983133 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983131983105983133 983155983144983151983151983156983141983149 983145983150 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983150983151983159 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983108983133 983127983144983137983156 983156983144983141983161 983159983137983150983156 983113 983140983151983150983156 983147983150983151983159

983124983144983141983161983154983141 9831319831067983133 983137983148983148 983154983141983158983158983141983140 983157983152 983137983150983140 983131983108983133 983154983141983137983140983161 983156983151 9831319831097983133 983143983151

983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983142983151983154983149983145983150983143 983145983150 983137 983155983156983154983137983145983143983144983156 983148983145983150983141 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983143983151983145983150983143 983156983144983154983151983157983143983144 983137 983156983145983143983144983156 983159983145983150983140 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983124983144983141 983131983105983133 983147983145983140983155 983137983154983141 983148983151983155983145983150983143 983156983144983141983145983154 983149983145983150983140983155 983131983108983133 983124983144983141 9831319831097983133 983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983131983105983133 983106983151983152 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983105983133 983124983144983141983161983154983141 983152983145983148983145983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983155983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983143983141983150983141983154983137983156983145983150983143 983155983156983141983137983149 983144983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983120983157983148983131983105983133983155983137983156983145983150983143 983156983151 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983138983141983137983156 983131983108983133 983124983144983141 9831319831097983133 983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983131983105983133 983106983151983152 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983108983133 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983131983105983133 983155983144983151983151983156983141983149 983145983150 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983150983151983159 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983108983133 983127983144983137983156 983156983144983141983161 983159983137983150983156 983113 983140983151983150983156 983147983150983151983159

983124983144983141983161983154983141 9831319831067983133 983137983148983148 983154983141983158983158983141983140 983157983152 983137983150983140 983131983108983133 983154983141983137983140983161 983156983151 9831319831097983133 983143983151

983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983142983151983154983149983145983150983143 983145983150 983137 983155983156983154983137983145983143983144983156 983148983145983150983141 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983143983151983145983150983143 983156983144983154983151983157983143983144 983137 983156983145983143983144983156 983159983145983150983140 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

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983131983105983133 983124983144983141983161983154983141 983152983145983148983145983150983143 983145983150 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983155983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983124983144983141983161983154983141 983131983105983133 983143983141983150983141983154983137983156983145983150983143 983155983156983141983137983149 983144983141983137983156 983131983108983133 9831319831097983133

983120983157983148983131983105983133983155983137983156983145983150983143 983156983151 983156983144983141 983138983137983139983147 983138983141983137983156 983131983108983133 983124983144983141 9831319831097983133 983106983148983145983156983162983147983154983145983141983143 983131983105983133 983106983151983152 983131983108983133 983131983105983133

983131983105983133 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151 983112983141983161 983144983151 983148983141983156983155 983143983151

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1321

Uke 1 F C D G C D

Uke 2 E1 1 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - -

C0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

G- - 0 0 2 2 2 2 ndash - 0 0 2 2 2 2

Uke 3 A555555555 3 5 - 888888888 10 5 -

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1321

Uke 1 F C D G C D

Uke 2 E1 1 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - -

C0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

G- - 0 0 2 2 2 2 ndash - 0 0 2 2 2 2

Uke 3 A555555555 3 5 - 888888888 10 5 -

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1421

Bohemian Like You ndash The Dandy Warhols




Yoursquove got a great car yeah whatrsquos wrong with it today I used to have one too maybe Irsquoll come and have a look


I really love your hairdo yeah Irsquom glad you like mine too See wersquore looking pretty cool look at ya


So what do you do Oh yeah I wait tables too No I havenrsquot heard your band lsquocause you guys are pretty new


But if you dig on vegan food well come over to my work Irsquoll have lsquoem cook you something that you really love



lsquo Cause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquo m feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A stop

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

( A C G D

Whorsquos that guy just hanging at your pad Hersquos looking kind of bummed yeah you broke up thatrsquos too bad

A C G D) A

I guess itrsquos fair if he always pays the rent and he doesn rsquot get bent about sleeping on the couch when Irsquom there


lsquoCause I like you Yeah I like you and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you


Yeah I like you yeah I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo


Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh


Irsquom getting wise and Irsquom feeling so bohemian like you itrsquos you that I want so please


Just a casual casual easy thing Is it It is for me


And I like you yeah I like you and I like you I like you I like you I like you


I like you I like you I like you and I feel wa-hoo whooo

C G D A C G D A A A A A(stop)

Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh Oh-oh-ooh

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1521

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1621


D G D G When youre weary feeling small

G D G D G D When ears are in your eyes I will ry hem all

D Asus$ A A D DampA D(((Im on your sie))) When imes ge rough

G E A An friens us +an))) e))) foun


D D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer)))I will lay me own

D D G A D Bm G A D GLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will lay me own

D G D G When youre own an ou When youre on he sree

G D G D G D When e2en3ing falls so har I will +omfor you

D Asus$ A A D DampA D

Ill a1e your 4ar))) When ar1ness +omesG E A

An 4ain is all))) a))) roun RE5EAT -ORU

D G D Gail on sil2er girl ail on y

G D G D G D6our ime has +ome o shine All your reams are on heir wayD Asus$ A A D DampA Dee how hey shine))) When you nee a frien

G E AIm sailing righ))) e))) hinD D G A D Bm G 0 BmLi1e a rige o2er roule waer I will ease your min(slow down and get all grandiose here)

D D G A D Bm

Li1e a rige o2er roule waer

G A Bm)))) G))) Asus$))) DI will ease your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin7

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1721

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1821


G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your smile Bring me laughter all the whileG7 C Am

In this world where we live there should be more happiness

A7 D7 stop

So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Make me happy through the years Never bring me any tearsG7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Bring me sunshine in your eyes Bring me rainbows from the skiesG7 C Am

Lifes too short to be spent having anything but fun

A7 D7 stop

We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams

G Am D7 Am D7 G

Be light-hearted all day long Keep me singing happy songs

G7 C

Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above

Am D7 G

Bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love

G7AmG A7D7 C

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 1921

Boulevard of Broken Dreams ndash Green Day


Em G | D A | Em G | D A |

Em G D A

I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known

Em G D A Em G | D A |

Donrsquot know where it goes but it

rsquos home to me and I walk alone

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone


C G D Em C G D Em

My shadow rsquo s the only one that walks beside me my shallow heart rsquo s the only thing that rsquo s beating

C G D Em C G B

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me till then I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

Ah ah ah ah

Em G D A

Irsquom walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

Em G D A Em G | D A |

On the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone

Em G D A

Read between the lines of whatrsquos fed up and everythingrsquos alright

Em G D A

Check my vital signs and know Irsquom still alive and I walk alone

Em G D A Em G D A

I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


C G | D Em |C G | D Em | C G |D Em | C G | B |

Em G D A

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams

Em G D A

Where the city sleeps and Irsquom the only one and I walk alone

Repeat Chorus


Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | Em C | D A | G Eb | G Eb stop ||

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2021

Beat It ndash Michael Jackson


Em | D | Em | D | Em | D | Em | D |

Em D Em D

They told him donrsquot you ever come around here Donrsquot wanna see your face you better disappear

C D Em DThe firersquos in their eyes and their words are really clear so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You better run you better do what you can Donrsquot wanna see no blood donrsquot be a macho man

C D Em D

You wanna be tough better do what you can so beat itbut you wanna be bad


Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat it No-one wants to be defeated

Em D Em D

Show lsquo em how funky strong is your fight it doesnrsquo t matter whorsquo s wrong or right

Em D Em D

Just beat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat itbeat it beat itbeat itOOH

Em D Em D

Theyrsquore out to get you better leave while you can donrsquot wanna be a boy you wanna be a man

C D Em D

You wanna stay alive better do what you can so beat itjust beat it

Em D Em D

You have to show them that yoursquore really not scared yoursquore playing with your life this ainrsquot no truth or dare

C D Em D

Theyrsquoll kick you then theyrsquoll beat you the theyrsquoll tell you itrsquos fair so beat itbut you wanna be bad

Repeat chorus

Em | D | Em | D | C | D | Em | D |

Repeat chorus twice then stop on Em

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I

8142019 Songs beginning with B

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullsongs-beginning-with-b 2121

983106983145983148983148983145983141 983114983141983137983150 991251 983117983145983139983144983137983141983148 983114983137983139983147983155983151983150



She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said donrsquot mind but what do you mean I am the one

Em Am Em

Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

EmShe told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene

Am Em

Then evrsquory head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

And mother always told me be careful who you love

C B7

And be careful what you do lsquocause the lie becomes the truth hey

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

Em Am For forty days and forty nights law was on her side But who can stand when she`s in demand her schemes and plans

Em Am C B7 Em

`Cause we danced on the floor in the round So take my strong advice Just remember to always think twice


She told my baby we danced till three and she looked at me


Then showed a photo My baby cried His eyes were like mine


Can we dance on the floor in the round

C Em C Em

People always told me be careful what you do And donrsquot go around breaking young girls hearts

C Em

But you came and stood right by me just a smell of sweet perfumeC B7

This happened much too soon She called me to her room heyhellip

Em Am Em

Billie Jean is not my lover shes just a girl who claims that I am the one but the kid is not my son

Am Em

She says I am the one but the kid is not my son

e a C I
