Something Postmodern - Draft 1


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Assignment 1: Something Post-ModernCourtney Buabeng


its references to Greek mythology

fallen and wounded angel

to be inspired by the work of Madonna and David Bowie, in its "cosmic pansexual playfulness"



• One of Virginia's most famous feminist novels is called A Room of One's own. It was first published in 1929. There are many themes in this book but two that stand out are: women's limited access to education and the history of female writers. In Virginia's opinion there are two things needed for a woman to write; a woman must have money and a room of her own for her to be able to write. Around this time Virginia lived in a patriarchal society (basically meaning men were the bosses!) and women had to rely on men. So Virginia believed if women had financial freedom then they will have freedom to write. Also she stated that it was impossible for a woman to a room of her own unless their parents were rich or of high status. Virginia examines previous female writes of history. This included Jane Austen, Bronte sisters, Anne Finch and many more. She took particular interest in scholar and feminist, Jane Ellen Harrison.

• Other well known books by Virginia Woolf include: Mrs Dalloway, To the lighthouse, The waves and one of her last books On a Being Ill


“I want to write Novel’s about Silence,

the things people don’t say.”

“Some people go to priests; others to

poetry; I to my friends.”

“Humour is the first of the gifts to perish in a

foreign tongue.”

“I was in a queer mood, thinking myself very old: but now I am a woman again-as

I always am when I write.”

“A masterpiece…is something said once and for all, stated, finished, so that it’s there

complete in the mind.”

“Why are women…so much more interesting to men than men are to


**“The connection between dress and war is not far to seek: your finest clothes are those you

wear as soldiers.”

“He’s like an express train running through a tunnel-one

shriek, sparks, smoke and


“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his

mind is written large in his works.”


•Through her writing, whether it be her novels or her journalism etc, she strived to bring women into the “public sphere” by getting them involved with politics and giving women more of a voice in the male dominated society.

•Her thesis is that “A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.”

•She was defending women against the accusations that work done by female writers were not good enough.

•She justified the right of women to be independent and attempted to improve their intellectual activity in general, in order for them to be independent.


•Through her writing, whether it be her novels or her journalism etc, she strived to bring women into the “public sphere” by getting them involved with politics and giving women more of a voice in the male dominated society.

•Her thesis is that “A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.”

•She was defending women against the accusations that work done by female writers were not good enough.

•She justified the right of women to be independent and attempted to improve their intellectual activity in general, in order for them to be independent.