SOLDIERS F OF ORTUNE - · 2018. 4. 28. · 4th Edict: Engaging the Force 23 5th...


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Matt JamesMatt James





CREDITSCREDITSDesign: Matt JamesEditing: Neal HebertCover Art: Malcolm McClintonInterior Art: Joe SlucherCartography: Crystal FrazierLayout: Stephen Wark

Soldiers of Fortune© 2011 Open Design LLCAll Rights Reserved. Reproduction of this book in any manner without express permission from the publisher is prohibited.


Th is book references the game rules and systems of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 4th Edition by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Th is should not be viewed as a challenge to that game’s trademark status.

Open Design, Kobold Quarterly, and the Open Design logo are trademarks of Open Design LLC. Dungeons & Dragons is a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.






Religion 6Defense 6Patriotism 7Necessity 7Conquest 7Other Game Systems 8Plot Hooks 9What is a Soldier of Fortune? 10

2. Warfare in Midgard 11Sovereigns of Steel: Dwarves and Goblins 12Lords of the Fey: Eladrin, Elves, Gnomes 12Fierce Mercenaries: Dragonborn & Tiefl ings 12Heirs of Industry: Humans, Half-breeds, Drow 13Th e Fewer Folk: Devas, Halfl ings, Gearforged 13Skill Challenges 13

3. Midgard Stratagems 201st Edict: Calculations of War 212nd Edict: Th e Challenge of War 223rd Edict: Positioning 224th Edict: Engaging the Force 235th Edict: Th e Army on the March 236th Edict: Areas of Resistance 247th Edict: Five Situations of War 24Legendary Generals 25

4. New Powers andParagon Paths 27

Party Synergy 28New Th eme: Mercenary 28New Feats & Powers 28Paragon Paths 35

Soldier of Fortune 35Veteran of War 36Spellscourge Mercenary 37Sacrosanct Legionnaire 38

5. Spoils of War 39Magical Items 40Standards, Guidons and Tradition 41Rituals and Martial Practices 44

6. Th e Battle of Sanguine-Crag Pass 48

Background 49Adventure Synopsis 49How to Run the Best Possible Game 50S1: Clear Th e Path 51S2: Preparations of War 52S3: Make Th em Pay 54S4: Lord of War 54

7. Monsters, Minions, and Templates 56

NPC Templates 57Bold Commander 57Deadly Partisan 57Devoted Bodyguard 57Inspiring Sergeant 58Jittery Conscript 58Necrolord 58Patrol Captain 59Quartermaster 59Reckless Commander 59Saboteur 60Scouts 60Shock Trooper 60

Minions of the Battlefi eld 61Minion Aura 61Minion Horde 61

New Monsters 62Dwarf 62Elf 62Gearforged 63Goblin 64

Mercenaries 65Grand Duchy of Dornig 66Cindass 67Th e Ironcrags 69Th e August and Republican City of Valera 71Triolo 73Th e Storm Court 75

Siege Engines 78Ballista 78Cannon 79Trebuchet 79





Welcome to Soldiers of Fortune! Th e following pages detail the social, economic, patriotic, and oft en lucrative reasons why characters are drawn

to the dangerous profession of being a mercenary. Th is book also details why people are driven to take such diffi cult and dangerous jobs and why they do it for variable pay—willing to risk life and limb for another—or simply some extra coins in their purse. In the end, this sourcebook can give you a new perspective on the life of a mercenary and its trials and tribulations. And certainly you will fi nd new and exciting options to further defi ne your character and bolster them with powers and abilities.

Mercenary companies, or private armies, are a vital and important part of any military operation and oft en attract a full spectrum of participants seeking the spoils of war. Many people consider soldiering a solemn and diffi cult profession, one where the comforts of a common life are left far behind. Even more are unaware of the professional side of such a life, whereby (for example) earls and dukes earned their titles by raising free companies of warriors to serve as part of a larger force—or for the valiant eff orts that distinguished them from all others with acts of chivalry and honor. In Soldiers of Fortune we will include expanded rules for raising your own army and the benefi ts thereof, including title, social rank, and even large-scale combat. Th ough many of the rules found within are story-based, DMs will fi nd plenty of help offi ciating how to run an elaborate and exciting campaign of war.

In the real world, many prominent fi gures in history rose to the nobility based on their ability to raise private armies on their own and lead them to glorious victory. Very seldom can any kingdom or empire sustain a very large force by itself; many oft en employ the free armies of their nobles to fi ght in distant lands. Politically speaking, it was just as advantageous to the nobles as it was to the king or emperor they served.

Wolfgang BaurOctober, 2010

INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONWhen Wolfgang Baur fi rst contacted me about

doing a project for him, I was elated. I had become fascinated like so many others with

Kobold Quarterly and his Open Design projects. I also knew of Wolfgang’s work with TSR back in the 90s and have long been a fanboy of his work—yes, I said fanboy. When he asked me to do a sourcebook on a subject with which I am very familiar, namely soldierly topics related to mercenaries, I was ecstatic! One of the few things I truly enjoy (almost as much as gaming itself) is military lore and all things associated with the culture and traditions thereof.

Speaking as a retired soldier (medically retired from wounds received in combat, May 2005), some of the greatest moments of my life have been while serving in uniform (not to mention most exciting!). Because of the military, I have met life-long friends, gained an appreciation for dedication, and have earned skills and principles that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Th ese things are intangible and if I can even spark a bit of it in others through my writing and game design I will have lived a great life.

Being a soldier is one of the most rewarding and life-enriching professions out there. I compare it to work as a police offi cer, fi refi ghter, or fi rst-response EMT—the men and women of these professions are willing to sacrifi ce time (and sometimes their own lives) to serve others. I believe there is something very special about those who answer the call to serve. In contrast, this type of commitment is not for everyone and I always make a point to tell others to not feel degraded by a calling they themselves would never do. Everyone has a purpose in life, and I feel mine was to serve in the military so that another would not have to.

I hope you enjoy this sourcebook half as much as I did writing it, and that you fi nd ways to include the contents in your own adventures, characters, and campaigns. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me on the Kobold forums or at my website, Keep an open mind when reading this book and know that while many things are infl uenced by the real world, Midgard (the world of the Free City of Zobeck) is a fantastic world of mystery and adventure, of war and peace, of victory and defeat.

Matt JamesOctober, 2010

HOW TO USE THIS BOOKSoldiers of Fortune provides many new ways to customize your character. Take from this book what you feel will improve your character and game-play experience; discard the things that won’t. As with any product in the gaming world, you are encouraged to adapt and change anything you feel necessary and to discuss these changes with the other players and storyteller. Use the fl uff provided as a means of inspiration to create a diverse and truly awesome character to maximize your enjoyment.





CHAPTER 1GOING TO WARGOING TO WARWarfare has permeated history since the fi rst mortals ever drew breath. Whether it is a matter of pride, fi ghting over a warm place to sleep, or simple boredom, war has existed in all forms and will continue to exist until the end of time. Even the gods of Midgard conduct war, bickering over notions far more confusing than any common mortal cares to understand. Most oft en, though, religion, money, defense, patriotism, necessity, and pure conquest have been more than enough reason to raise an army, march vast distances, and lay waste to another culture. Men go to war over the dirt of another man and will sacrifi ce all for his ideals and understandings to secure their victory.Below are some common reasons the diverse cultures of Midgard raise arms and go to war. Th is list is not all-inclusive, but hopefully storytellers can use them to help shape their own campaigns and storylines. Players are a smart and cunning group of individuals, and they will appreciate the undertones of plot devices you use to help describe your environment. Going to war for the sake of war is not only dull, it is robbing your gaming patrons of an easily added rich experience. Take the extra time to defi ne these parameters, and you will make your story a success.






Religion is one of the primary reasons people disagree, and has oft en been the occasion for the grandest battles. Hundreds of thousands of poor sods have marched off to war in the name of a deity they have never met, let alone experienced in any fashion. Th is is not to say it is any less important—I would not want my own patron, Perun, striking me down as I scribe these words. Nonetheless, religion is one of the most poignant reasons a man will don his armor, march countless miles, and kill scores of men he has never met.

-Sir Tamas AldorHis Majesty’s 2nd Royal Calvary

Kingdom of Corremel

Religion is possibly the single greatest reason two opposing forces go to war. Unlike any other form of social interaction, religion is a hotbed for heated

discussion, and those discussions escalate into sharp blows and persecution. Midgard is no diff erent. With various diverse and thriving societies, religion matters in many political aff airs and is the catalyst for wars. Even the gods themselves understand this and use it as tool in their own machinations.

Using religion in your own campaign to develop the seeds of war should take a good bit of planning and forethought. You must decide how infl uential the gods will be in your world and how frequently they directly interact with their followers. Some storytellers keep the gods in the background, choosing to use their high-priests and churches to act for the faiths’ respective gods within the game world. Others choose to make the gods more active and more prominent.

Decide how you wish to present them before you start such a story-arch. Having a full grasp on divine infl uence in your campaign will help to create a smooth story session aft er session. Additionally, a little forethought can prevent continuity issues how the world works. It is easy to say because the gods deem it so, but your players will appreciate and notice the extra eff ort you take to make the world appear more logical.


Level 1-10: Marena—goddess of winter, lust, sickness, and death—has started a divine war with Perun, god of lightning, to create an era of manipulation as she toils with her husband, Mavros (the true god of war). Her zealous followers have begun a political campaign to pit the followers of Perun against the other gods of Midgard. As heroes of the realm, your must fi nd the leader of this treachery and bring them to justice.

Level 11-20: Something has gone terribly wrong. Th e fall harvest has come far too late and the crops are yielding much less than what is needed. People will soon starve and are already looking for answers. Harvest-priests and renowned druids have lost their connect to Porevit and Yarila. What could be causing such a debacle?

Level 21-30: Marena has enslaved Porevit and Yarila and is using them against all gods that do not rally to the cause of their holy war against Perun and his zealous ways. Who will stop the Red Goddess Marena and free the world?


Th is one be easy, lad. It’s quite easy to go to war when you have no other choice. Sometimes you just have to defend what you have, lest it be destroyed and you need restart once more. Defense is one of the more important aspects of war and it’s been the start of many arguments over the centuries. You could fetch quite a fi ne amount of coin if you master the art of defense and employ tactics that hinder and grind down his foes. So I’m going to teach you a few things.

-Ivan Gora GromaAxe-Warden of the Ironcrags

Defense is probably too expansive a word, but it does match the various military maxims of why people go to war. It is also the reason why mercenaries and

free armies earn so much for their services. Some societies foreswear war in favor of a higher standard of life without senseless death. It is here that their weakness lies. Other enterprising organizations—or even nations—take advantage of this and use it to their own benefi t. Mercenaries are paid ten-fold for their services to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Some societies simply wish to keep a low profi le. If they were to hire mercenaries for defense, they could still give the impression that their own military forces are small in comparison—something many adversaries may be drawn into believing. Seeming incapable of defending one’s home may just be the perfect strategy to draw one’s enemies in, and sometimes the strongest defense is a capable off ense. Mercenaries fi t nicely into these strategies and are always in consideration of a commanding general.


Level 1-10: A river village is being raided by a group of goblins called the Skinned. With limited coin and supply, you have been contracted to help build the village’s defenses. What actions will you take to help protect the innocent villagers?

Level 11-20: Th e Goblin-King Erkresh has been invading various towns and villages to provide food for his starving population. As Erkresh’s army draws ever closer to your home kingdoms, you have been contracted to help rally against the invading goblinoid army.

Level 21-30: Dorshex, a demonic power, has been pressuring the goblin races of Midgard to provoke them into action. You have been contracted by a divine emissary to take immediate action to stop the madness. Will you answer the call of the divine?


