Software Development in the Cloud


DESCRIPTION Software Development in the Cloud. Free Training Course for Software Engineers. Svetlin Nakov. Telerik Software Academy. Manager Technical Training. Table of Contents. About Telerik Academy Cloud Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Software Development in the

CloudFree Training Course for Software Engineers

Svetlin Nakov

Telerik Software

Manager Technical Training

Table of Contents About Telerik Academy Cloud Development About the Course Course Curriculum The Trainers Team Course Schedule Assessment Certification and Awards Recommended Books 2

About Telerik & Telerik


About Telerik What Telerik does?

Leading vendor of ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight, WPF, Window Phone 7 and ASP.NET MVC components, ORM, Reporting, and CMS solutions and Visual Studio plugins

Headquartered in Bulgaria With offices in USA, Germany,

Australia, India More than 500 employees – mostly

developers Employer #1 in Bulgaria for 2010 Microsoft Gold Certified Partner


About Telerik Academy Telerik Academy is an initiative Telerik for training of young software engineers Software Academy

.NET Essentials, QA Academy, Dev-Support

Student Courses School Academy Algo Academy Kids Academy Contests and other

free initiatives5

Software AcademyC#


QA Academy

.NET Essentials

Developer Support

Job at Telerik

University Courses

School Academy

Kids Academy

Academy at a Glance


Algo Academy

Another Job

Courses for Students @ Telerik AcademyHigh-Quality Code

(starting 5 March)Mobile Development(starting October)

Free Courses for Students


Web Applicationswith ASP.NET MVC (starting October)

Cloud Development(starting 14 March)

Web Design with HTML5

(starting 13 and 15 March)

Windows 8 Development

(starting October)

What is Cloud and Cloud


Cloud Software DevelopmentC#






What is Cloud? Cloud ≈ multiple hardware machines combine their computing power and resources Share them between multiple

applications To save costs and use resources

more efficiently Public clouds

Provide computing resources on demand Publicly in Internet Paid or free of charge (to some limit)

Amazon AWS, Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace, PHPFog, Heroku, AppHarbor


Cloud Computing Models

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Virtual machines in the cloud on

demand Users install the OS and software

they need Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform, services and APIs for developers

E.g. Java + JBoss + JSF + JPA + MongoDB or JavaScript + Node.js + MongoDB + RabbitMQ

Software as a Service (SaaS) Hosted application on demand (e.g.



What is Cloud Development?

Cloud software development Design and develop an application

for the cloud Especially for the public PaaS cloud

platforms Typical steps in cloud software development Choose a development stack of

technologies Choose a cloud platform + services Design the application for the cloud Develop the application using the

cloud APIs Deploy and run the application in

the cloud


About the Cloud Dev Course

"Software Development in the Cloud" course Fundamental principles and practices

for building applications for the public cloud platforms

The developer's perspective What shall we learn?

Develop / host applications in the cloud Specific build & deployment

Consume cloud services E.g. non-relational DBs

Consume cloud APIs


The Cloud Development Course

The cloud development course is fundamental Not bound to specific cloud platform

like GAE, Azure or Heroku Focus on cloud development concepts Designing applications for the cloud Cloud databases (non-relational

databases) Building back-end in the cloud Building business logic for the cloud Building front-end for the cloud


Requirements to the Students

Computer programming skills One of the following languages:

C#, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, Perl, JavaScript

Web technologies basics HTML + CSS + JavaScript + AJAX

Databases SQL + some database system (e.g.

MySQL) English language

All training materials are in English14

Programming Languages

The Cloud Development course is language-independent and platform-independent You could use Java / C# / PHP / Ruby

/ Python You could use GAE / Amazon /

Azure / PHP Fog / Heroku / Engineyard / AppHarbor / other cloud

You will need to learn working with non-relational (NoSQL / cloud) databases

You will need to develop and deploy a practical project: back-end (NoSQL DB) + business tier (REST services) + front-end (HTML5)


Registration for the Course

All students should register for the course at:

Registration is important! Registration allows the trainers

contact you regarding the course projects, exams, etc.

Registered students are assigned to work on one of the course projects

On the course Web site you can findall the materials, videos, homework, etc.


Course Curriculum

Curriculum1. Course Overview: Curriculum, Trainers,

Projects, Exams, Certificates. Cloud Technologies and Cloud Software Development Overview (14.03.2012)

2. Overview of the Public Cloud Infrastructures, Platforms and Services. Architectures for Cloud Applications (21.03.2012)

3. Google App Engine (GAE): Architecture, Services and Pricing. Development and Deployment of GAE Application – Live Demo (28.03.2012)

4. Amazon Web Services (AWS): Architecture, Services and Pricing. Development and Deployment of Application for AWS – Live Demo (4.04.2012)


Curriculum (2)5. Windows Azure: Architecture, Services

and Pricing. Development and Deployment of Application for Azure – Live Demo (11.04.2012)

6. AppHarbor: Architecture, Services and Pricing. Development and Deployment of Application for App Harbor – Live Demo (18.04.2012)

7. PHP Fog: Architecture, Services and Pricing. Development and Deployment of Application for PHP Fog – Live Demo (25.04.2012)

8. Non-relational (NoSQL) Cloud Databases: Amazon SimpleDB, App Engine Datastore, Azure Tables, Cloudant, MongoDB and Redis (2.05.2012)


Curriculum (3)9. Relational Databases in Cloud

Environment: Amazon RDB and SQL Azure (9.05.2012)

10. Cloud Storage for Large Objects and Files: Amazon S3, App Engine Blobstore, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blobs (16.05.2012)

11. Other Cloud Services: Queues (Amazon SQS, Google Task Queues, Azure Queues), Notifications (Amazon SNS, Windows Push Notifications), Email, CDN (Content Delivery Networks) (23.05.2012)

12. Business Logic in the Cloud: Creating REST Services with Cloud Back-End and Deployment in the Cloud (30.05.2012)


Curriculum (4)13. Creating a Cloud Application (Back-

End, Business Services, Front-End – Live Demo (6.06.2012)

14. Test Covering All Studied Topics (13.06.2012)

15. Consulting about the Practical Projects (20.06.2012)

16. Final Exam – Live Defense (??.07.2012)


Trainers Team

Trainers Team Svetlin Nakov, PhD

Manager Technical Training Telerik Corporation

21 years software development experience

Author of 6 books Speaker of hundreds of

events E-mail: svetlin.nakov [at] Web site:


Trainers Team (2) Nikolay Kostov

Technical Trainer Telerik Corporation Telerik Academy

3rd year student in FMI E-mail: nikolay.kostov [at] Web site:


Trainers Team (3) Doncho Minkov

Technical Trainer Telerik Corporation Telerik Academy

4th year student in FMI E-mail: doncho.minkov [at] Web site:


Trainers Team (4) Ilian Iliev

Software engineer,Telerik Corporation,

Email: ilian [at] Blog:


Trainers Team (5) Danail Alexiev

Technical Trainer SoftAcad

Software Consultant Axway

4 years of software development experience

Co-author of "Intro Java" book Speaker at several events for

developers E-mail: danail.alexiev [at]


Trainers Team (6) Nikolay Tomitov

Co-CEO & Technical Trainer SoftAcad

Software Developer Next Generation Payments (part of

MoneyBookers) 5 years of software development

experience Speaker at several technical events E-mail: nikolay.tomitov [at]


Trainers Team (7) George Georgiev

Technical Trainer Telerik Corporation Telerik Academy

1st year student in FMI Winner in the National IT Olympiad

(2011) 3D graphics and game

programming expert E-mail: georgi.georgiev [at]


Trainers Team (8) Emil Tabakov

Team Lead Telerik Corporation

9 years of software development experience

Winner in the National IT Olympiad (2004)

E-mail: emil.tabakov [at]

Twitter: @anthares 30

Course Schedule

Course Schedule Telerik Academy

Every Wednesday, 19:00-22:00,Telerik Academy Hall

Start: 14th March 2012 Wedding Mall, 2nd floor Capacity: 250 places Located in: Mladost 1A,

Alexander Malinov Blvd. 3132

AssessmentExams and Grades

Assessment Homework 0 … 20 score

Most topics will have homework Test 0 … 20 score

40 questions (theory) Practical Project 0 … 60 score

Real-world cloud application Cloud DB (back end)

+ REST Service (business logic)+ HTML5 (front-end)


Sample Practical Projects

Project #1 Cloud Chat (with users and

channels) NoSQL DB + REST services + HTML5

front-end Project #2

Cloud Calendar with Notifications NoSQL DB + REST services + HTML5

front-end Project #3

Encrypted Notepad in the Cloud NoSQL DB + REST services + HTML5



Certification and Awards

Certification and Awards

Best students will get certification and awards

Certificate of achievement Up to 10% of the students will get a

certificate Issued by Telerik Software Academy Signed by the trainers team

Awards Remarkable results Top 5-10 students 37


Recommended Books

Contact Us If you have any questions you can contact us:

You can discuss the course in our forum:

Other students may help you You may help other students We will answer you, too


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Course Overview

Free Trainings @ Telerik Academy

“Cloud Development" course @ Telerik Academy

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