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Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011



Syllabus | Summer Training 2019

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011

About Softpro

Softpro is among one of the fastest growing IT companies of North India dealing in

multiple domains namely Software Development, Industrial Automation and having

subsidiaries in Food Processing Sector. Softpro is also a popular name in Education

Sector where we cater the needs of IT professionals, engineering graduates and

Diploma Holders with latest technology training on Frameworks, Web Development,

Java & Mobile Application Development, Programming Languages and many more.

Softpro Consultants believe in the theory of "LEARN WITH FUN". The Journey of every

individual enrolling for any training program in Softpro starts from Beginner to Expert


About Course

Java has proven to be an evergreen technology, which means since ages it has proven to

be versatile, secure, robust and simple. Coded in such a rich language as Java, Android

technology has proven to be the most popular and widely grown technologies of the

world. With majority of the people using Android devices there is always need of

creative Android Developers in the IT Industry. Keeping the need of the students and

the job scope on this technology the course has been designed for Summer Training

2019. This course will not only result in the trainee getting full fleshed knowledge on

the technology but also single- handed application development.

Softpro provides the Trainees with training from Industry Experts; people who have

been into Software Engineering since years will take regular lectures and guide the

trainees to develop their mini or major projects/ applications on the technology.

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011


Lecture 1:- Introduction of Web Technology

Why Website is used for Business.

Website and Web Application.

What is HTML, HTML Documents, Basic structure of an HTML document, creating an HTML

document, Mark up Tags, Heading-Paragraphs, Line Breaks, HTML Tags.

Lecture 2:- Introduction to elements of HTML, Working with Text, Working with Lists, Tables and Frames,

Working with Hyperlinks, Images and Multimedia, Working with Forms and controls, Super

Script Tag, Sub Script Tag, Span Tag, Character Entities.

Lecture 3:-

About Div Tag, Concept of CSS, Creating Style Sheet, CSS Properties, Types of CSS, CSS

Styling(Background, Text Format, Controlling Fonts), Working with block elements and objects,

Working with Lists and Tables, CSS Selectors, Box Model(Introduction, Border properties,

Padding Properties, Margin properties), CSS Advanced(Grouping, Dimens ion, Display,

Positioning, Floating, Align, Pseudo class, Navigation Bar, Image Sprites, Attribute sector), CSS

Color, Creating page Layout and Site Designs.

Lecture 4:- Creating menus in a website, Creating the whole Web Site, Saving the site, Working on the

website, Creating web site structure, Creating Titles for web pages.

Lecture 5:-

Discuss various CSS - 3 Properties.

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011


Lecture 6:-

Learning Objective: -

Not to be confused with Java, JavaScript allows you to build interactive websites. JavaScript has become an essential web technology along with HTML and CSS, as most browsers implement JavaScript. Thus, you must learn JavaScript if you want to get into web development, and you must learn it well if you're planning on being a front-end developer or on using JavaScript for backend development.

Furthermore, JavaScript usage has now extended to mobile app development, desktop app development, and game development. All in all, it has exploded in popularity and is now a very

useful skill to learn.

Explain separation of concerns and identify the three layers of the web. Use operators, variables, arrays, control structures, functions and objects in JavaScript.

Map HTML using the DOM - Document Object Model. Identify popular JavaScript Libraries. Create dynamic styles. Create animation on a web page. Use regular expressions for form validation. Debug using firebug. Create an XMLHttpRequest Object

Introduction to client side scripting

Difference between Client side scripting and Server side Scripting

What is Java Script?

1. Pop ups:

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011




2. Taking input:

Through prompt()

Through input box

3. Output:

Using alert()



4. Variables & arrays in JavaScript:

Using var keyword

var array_name=new Array(size)

Lecture 7:- 1. Functions and Events

Using functionkeyword

Calling JavaScript functions on HTML events.

.addEventListener(‘event’, ‘function_name ’)

2. DOM Traversal using:




innerHTML,innerText&value properties

Lecture 8:- 1. Manipulating CSS through JavaScript

document.getElementById(‘id’ ) style

2. Form validation & pattern.

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011


Lecture 9:-

Learning Objective:-

The objective of the course is to present an introduction to database management systems,

with an emphasis on how to organize, maintain and retrieve - efficiently, and effectively -

information from a DBMS

Database Session

1. DBMS (Database Management System )

The Database Management System is a kind of software which is used to manage

database.DBMS provides facility to create, access & manipulate database.

Ex: Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MS-Access

2. SQL (Structured Query Language)

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is the language of database. Iyt provides set

of commands to perform database operations.

3. SQL Commands

Based on database operations SQL Commands are divided into 4 parts

DDL (Data Definition Language)

DML (Data Manipulation Language)

DCL (Data Control Language)

TCL (Transaction Control language)

Lecture 10:- 1. Concept of keys

i. Primary Key

ii. Foreign Key

2. Union Operation

3. Join Operation


5. Select Operations

6. Where Clause

7. Use of check Constraints

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011

Lecture – 11

Learning Objectives: - In this module, you will learn about Java programming

language, A comparison between Java and .Net technology. About JDK, JRE and JVM.

Features of Java, Installation of JDK, and path settings of java compiler. Inputs in java

using Scanner and BufferedReader.


Java, An Introduction

Market value of java

Java vs. .Net

Execution scenario of java


Java Keywords, a tour

Technologies depends on java

Applications, which can be developed by using java

Installation of JDK

Path settings of java compiler

Java program structure

First java program

Taking inputs in java using Scanner/ BufferedReader

Decision controls in java.

Lecture – 12

Learning Objectives:- In this module you will learn about java loop controls and

concept of array in java.


Loop controls in java

Requirements of loop controls.

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011

While loop

For loop

Nested for loop

Do – while loop

For each loop

Array in Java

Necessity of array

Array declaration

Array Initialization

Taking input from user for an array

Lecture – 13

Learning Objectives:- In this module your learn about string manipulation in java.

you will learn about String and StringBuilder class. In this module you will also learn

about user defined function.


Concept of String in java

String vs. StringBuilder class in java

Use of toUpperCase(), toLowerCase(), length(), equals(), equalsIgnoreCase()

function of String class.

Use of contains(), indexOf(), replace() and trim() functions of String class.

What is function in java?

Types of functions in java.

Static and non static functions in java.

Recursion in Java

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011

Lecture – 14

Learning Objectives:- The goal of this lecture to understand OOPS concepts. The

concept of class and objects. How to create object with reference variable? How to create

anonymous object. The concept of constructor and garbage collection.


Object Oriented Programming System concepts.





The concept of concrete class.

Access specifiers (private, protected and public)

Types of variables in Java (static, instance, local and parameters)

Creation of object.

When we use anonymous object?

The concept of constructors

Why constructors?

Types of constructors in java.

Implementation of class and constructor in java

Lecture – 15

Learning Objectives: - The goal of this module to learn to concept of Inheritance and

Polymorphism. Why do we use inheritance? What are advantages of Inheritance? Types

of Inheritance in Java. Detailed description of Polymorphism etc.


Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011

Concept of Inheritance

Syntax of Inheritance

Types of Inheritance

Why Multiple Inheritance is not supported in Java?

Example Applications on Inheritance.

Concept of Polymorphism

Types of Polymorphism

Method Overloading

Method Overriding

Advantage of Method Overloading

Advantage of Method Overriding

Difference between method overloading and method overriding

Lecture – 16

Learning Objectives:- In this module you will learn the concept of Interface, abstract

class and concrete class. This module also describes the concept of exception and

exception handling.


Concept of Interface

Why we use interface?

Advantages of using interface.

Concept of Abstract class.

Why we use abstract class?

Advantages of using abstract class.

Interface, Abstract class and concrete class a discussion.

What is Exception?

Types of exceptions in Java.

Exception handling in Java

Exception handling methodology in Java

How to generate user defined exceptions?

Difference between throw and throws.

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011

Lecture -17

Learning Objectives:- In this module you learn the concept of package in java. How to

create user-defined package in java? What is multithreading? Use of multithreading in

real time project. How to create thread by extending Thread class? How to create thread

by implementing Runnable interface?


What is package?

How to create a package?

Import user defined package.

Advantage of package.

What is Multithreading?

Real time use of multithreading.

Multithreading vs. Multitasking

Creation of thread by extending Thread class.

Creation of thread by implementing Runnable interface.

How to handle InterupptedException (Checked Exception)

Lecture – 18

Learning Objectives:- In this session you will learn about java collection framework

(Phase -1).


What is java collection?

Java Collection Architecture.

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011


Generic Vs. Non-generic ArrayList

Creation of ArrayList.

Traversal of ArrayList using for each –loop.

Traversal of ArrayList elements using Iterator


Creation of LinkedList

ArrayList Vs. LinkedList

Creation of ArrayList of user defined objects.

Lecture – 19

Learning Objectives:- In this module you will learn about ListIterator, HashSet,

LinkedHashSet, TreeSet and HashMap.


Concept of ListIterator

Difference between Iterator and ListIterator

Concept of HashSet

Concept of LinkedHashSet

Difference between HashSet and LinkedHashSet

Concept of TreeSet

Concept of HashMap

Lecture – 20 (Android)

Learning Objectives:- In this module you will learn about android, android versions,

android features. Installation of android studio.

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011


Overview of Android

Java Editions and comparison with Android

Android Apps – Design, Vendor, Behavioral Classification

Android Architecture Overview

Android Architecture

Application Frameworks

Android Libraries

Android Runtime

Setup of Android Development Environment

Installation of Android studio 3

Lecture – 21

Learning Objectives:- In this module you will learn android app development.


What is activity?

Layout files (.XML files)

Android Manifest File

Activity life cycle.

Android Application Design

Your first android application

Work with Button, EditText, ImageView

Lecture – 22

Learning Objectives:- In this module you will learn about Linear layout, Spinner,

AutoComplete TextView, TextView and VideoView.

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011


Work with LinearLayout and use its properties





Lecture – 23

Learning Objectives:- In this session you will learn about the use of ListView and



Use of ListView

What are the advantages of ListView?

Creation of custom ListView

Use of SimpleAdapter to bind ListView with ArrayList.

Use of ArrayList with HashMap collection.

Lecture – 24

Learning Objectives:- In this module you will learn about SQLite database.


What is SQLite database?

Database – Package

Database – Creation

Database – Insertion

Database – Fetching

Database – Helper class

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011

Lecture – 25

Learning Objectives:- In this module you will learn about Intents and Dialogs.


What is Intent?

Types of Intents.

Usage of explicit Intent.

Usage of implicit Intent.

Difference between explicit and implicit Intent.

Alert Dialog

Dialog Fragment

List Dialog

Single Choice List Dialog

Lecture -26

Learning Objectives:- In this module you will learn about JDBC in Android. In this

module we create a online database using MySql and perform, create, read, update and

delete operations.


Introduction to JDBC

JDBC architecture

java.sql Package

Connection, Statement, ResultSet

Prepared Statement

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011

Callable Statement

Scrollable and Updatable ResultSet

Batch Updates

Lecture – 27

Learning Objectives:- In this module you will learn how to interact with web services

using Volley library.


Overview of Volley library.

Advantages of Volley over JDBC.

Send a simple request

Set up RequestQueue

Make a standard request

Implement custom request

Lecture – 28

Learning Objectives:- In this module you will learn about material designing.


Android Material Design

What is material ?

Material properties

Material Styling / Animations

Material Patterns


Overview of Android Resources

Creating Resources

Using Resources

Softpro Summer Training 2019 Syllabus Android Helpline: 7080812070, 7080102011

Drawable Resources

Animation Resources

Lecture – 29-30

Learning Objectives:- In this lecture you will learn about camera module.


Use of Camera

How to access camera?

How to display image in image view by taking from camera.

How to access image from gallery and display it into image view.

How to upload camera image to server using Volley.